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Balneo Research Journal DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12680/balneo.2013.1052 Vol.4, No.

3, September 2013




National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, Bucharest, Romania¹;

The Permanent Commission on Speleotherapy (PCS) / Commission permanente de spéléothérapie (CPS) - UIS²
Corresponding author: simionca_iuri@yahoo.com

Key words: speleotherapy, speleotherapy status, speleotherapy development

Speleotherapy (ST) is a relatively the last twenty years ST occupies an

new method of complementary medicine, important place in salt mines mines and
although, as is well known ancient tribes carst caves with different parameters:
appreciated isolation in underwater caves, Wieliczka, Poland; Solotvino / Slatina,
salt or karst caves, or possessing various Ukraine; Bad Bleiberg, Austria; Klutert
ores and was officially recognized in the Hohl, Germany; Zlate Hory and Cisarska
years 1950-1960 in Germany Cave, Czech Republic; Bystrianska
(K.Spannagel, 1961) and Poland (M. Jaskyna, Slovakia; Tapolca Seehohle,
Skulimowski, 1965). Professor Hungary; "Unirea" Salt Mine - Slănic
Mieczyslaw Skulimowski has granted of Prahova, Romania and will occupy a
speleotherapy in "Wieliczka" Salt Mine, significant place the Turda Salt Mine,
the name of subterraneotherapy, soon to be Cacica, Tg. Ocna, and Praid salt mines
also called the Skulimowski method. from Romania (Iu.Simionca et al., 2006,
Number of speleotherapeutic centers 2009).
and speleotherapy symposiums has Is of scientific and practical interest
increased considerably (H.Trimmel, 1994). formation in world of new directions in the
Speleotherapy in the underground now is treatment of the most common and severe
an effective therapeutic method for the allergic diseases - asthma, namely the use
treatment of obstructive respiratory tract of underground environmental factors in
diseases, especially of patients with order to reduce human outcome of the
bronchial asthma (BA), the upward and action of environmental allergy. In this
effective practice in Central and Eastern context, the use of salt mines and caves as
Europe, but also in the West: Austria, natural therapeutic factors - also known as
Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Russia, speleotherapy, is a special scientific
Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary etc. interest, a perspective direction in the areas
In the World, known about 60 of health and environment.
underground salt and other mines, carst Today speleotherapy is known as the
caves used for ST or are under therapy of patients with various diseases in
experimental study to evaluate the the underground salt mines and caves
possibility to be used for speleotherapy, possessing natural therapeutic factors
including: Germany, Hungary, Czech (Iu.Simionca et al., 1998, 2005, 2006,
Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia, 2009).
Ukraine, Romania and other countries. In Analysis of the speleotherapy domain
salt mines with 9-24 °C temperature status allowed to establish that use saline
operating 15 speleotherapy centers, 34 in or cave underground natural environmental
karst caves with 9-18 °C, and 4 centers in factors which own curative properties for
thermal caves with temperatures higher prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of
than 24 C (Iu. Simionca et al., 2005). In patients with certain diseases, often

Balneo Research Journal DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12680/balneo.2013.1052 Vol.4, No.3, September 2013

chronic and severe (asthma, post burn Significant experience in treating

complications) represents a potential patients, especially children, is obtained in
solution to optimize health services and karst caves of Czech Republic and
increase quality of life. Slovakia. The most significant center in the
In order to evaluate speleotherapy Czech Republic is the resort “Golden
centers and the development of Mountain”, where 2,000 patients are
speleotherapy in Central and Eastern treated annually. The health resort is
Europe, in the years 2010 - 2012 by board comfortable for accommodation and
members of international Permanent treatment of patients. It has a stable and
Commission on Speleothjerapy (PCS) favorable microclimate in the mine, where
were vizited: gold and other polymetals mined.
• Moravia Children's Specialized In recent years another important
Health Care Center, Children's Sanatorium center in the Czech Republic - Children’s
with Speleotherapy, Ostrov u Macochy, Health Center - “Island in Macocha” loses
Czech Republic; its importance . It has all the possibilities
• Sanatorium Edel, Children's of accommodation, treatment of children,
Sanatorium with Speleotherapy, Zlate but due to organizational problems this
Hory , Czech Republic; treatment facility is not working at full
• Regional Allergic Hospital with capacity, which causes considerable
underground section of speleotherapy in concern in the medical community.
Salt Mine N8, Solotvino, Ukraine; Another speleotherapy center is in
• Republikan (Ukrainian) Slovakia - Bistra cave near Banska
Allergologic Hospital, with underground Bystrica.
section of speleotherapy in Salt Mine N8, In Poland is the oldest in Europe
Solotvino, Ukraine; speleotherapy center in salt mines -
• Scientific-Medical Centre and Wieliczka.
Clinic "Rehabilitation" (Halotherapy Speleotherapy (subteranneotherapy)
Centre) Health Ministry of Ukraine, center in Wieliczka is the main medical
Uzhgorod, Ukraine; center in Europe in terms of
• Speleotherapy Center in Bistra cave accommodation, the effectiveness of
near Banska Bystrica, Slovakia; treatment and the number of treated
patients. Wieliczka experience should
• Turda Salt Mine Complex with Salt
transferred to another salt mine in Poland -
mines Ghizela, Rudolf, Terezia and
Bohnya, which also has room for
underground sections destinated for
development of speleotherapy.
speleotherapy, Cluj county, Romania;
Good development of speleotherapy
• Praid salt Mine with underground
is obtained in Belarus, where thanks to the
sections for agrement and tourism,
government in Solihorsk, where a new
Harghita county, Romania;
underground department at the potash
• Respublikanskaia bolnitsa mines has been built recently and a new
speleolecheniya in Solegorsk Salt mine
building of Republican speleotherapeutic
Complex with two underground
clinic was built which enables to increase
speleotherapeutic sections, Solegorsk,
the number of treated patients in two times.
Belarus Republik.
Significant losses in 2009-2010 in
The results were presented at the
speleotherapy was flooded salt mines in
XIVth International Symposium of
Solotvino (Ukraine), where there was the
Speleotherapy-UIS, 2012, Turda, Romania
world’s largest underground mine
(Jaroslav Chonka, Iuri Simionca, Pavel
department number 9 where 4-5 thousand
Slavik, 2012). To mention the following
patients were treated annually.

Balneo Research Journal DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12680/balneo.2013.1052 Vol.4, No.3, September 2013

Although at the availability of funds human patients with bronchial asthma,

and desire the work of Solotvino salt mines chronic bronchitis and other pathology, for
and speleotherapy can be resumed. organizing with Romanian Salt Company a
However, the most promising system of speleotherapeutic centers in salt
development of speleotherapy in salt mines mines (“Unirea”- Slanic Prahova, Turda,
is Romania, which is located at 3 centers, Cacica, Dej, Praid, Tg.Ocna, Rm. Valcea
which can perform speleotherapy in classic salt mines).
form. The results of the bioclimatic The new directions is speleotherapy
studies, the pollution evaluation, studies on in carst caves which possess curative
the microorganisms in the salt mines from properties. Are of use interest in the
Cacica, Slănic Prahova, Praid, Tg. Ocna speleotherapeutic purposes the Carst Cave
and Turda in the years 1970-2004 revealed Fundata – Rasnov, Brasov, where results
that some of these mines could be used for of the first studies are promising (Iu.
medical purposes and tourism. Were Simionca et al., 2012)
proposed the solutions for reduction of the
anthropic pollution effect (Grant CNCSIS,
For the moment, in Romania the
speleotherapy is used for asthma patients,
chronic bronchitis and correction effect
whose immunopathological changes – the
new perspective for speleotherapy, in
Slănic Prahova „Unirea” Salt Mine - the
subject of a multidisciplinary medical and
environmental study (VIASAN Project No.
441, Life and Health – 2004-2006).
Another realized RDI project Figure 1. Foto 1 - 4. Recreational and
(Nr.2550, FC:42120/2008-2011) is treatment area in Salt Mina « Unirea »,
„Complex of medical-biological study of Slănic Prahova, Romania (Proiect No. 441
potential therapeutic factors related to salt VIASAN Romania, 2004 – 2007)
mines and karst environments for effective
use in health and balneo-turism;
development and modelling solutions of
these factors". A particular interest
represents new location of Cacica Salt
Mine and Ocna Dej Salt Mine.
One promising for medical use is
Turda Salt Mine, adapted for tourists and
for sick people (PHARE Project, finalized
in 2009). Studies results (Proiects /
Financing Contract 310/2010 and
600/2011 – 2012) indicated the specific
speleotherapeutic effect. Now in Romania,
in the various national scientific research
projects, coordinated by MSR II, Dr. Iuri Figure 2. Photo 5-8. Photo by C. Zup.
Simionca, an intensive examination of "Procedure of speleotherapy in
these salt mines speleotherapeutic „Underground experimental speleo-
potential, inclusive the influence of therapeutic sections" in Gallery 1 designed
underground microclimate on laboratory for speleotherapy and recreation, Cacica
animals with induced pathology and on salt Mine ("Old salt Mine"), Suceava

Balneo Research Journal DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12680/balneo.2013.1052 Vol.4, No.3, September 2013

At the conference was attended

various experts in speleotherapy,
pulmonology and alergology, salt mines
activity and caves tourism, including 12
participants from Ukraine and Czech
Republic - representatives of speleotherapy
centers among which Former President
PCS/CPS-UIS Dr., MUDr. Pavel Slavik
and Vice President PCS/CPS-UIS Dr.,
M.D. Jarosla Chonka.
Conference summaries are published
in the abstract book, printed in Publishing
House “Casa cartii de stiinta”, Cluj-
Figure 3. Photo 9-12. „Underground Napoca – recognized by National Council
speleotherapeutic sections" and sections of Scientific Research in Higher Education
for recreation in salt mines Ghizela, Rudolf and with title and description CIP of
a-b and Therezia – Salt Mine Complex National Library , Romania (Iu.Simionca
Turda, Cluj County, Romania et al., 2012)
In the last 12 years occurred various
In 2011, October 06 – 08, in Turda scientific meetings in the field, including:
city, Cluj county, Romania, was organized The XI International Symposium of
“The First Romanian Conference on Speleotherapy, Zlate Hory, EDEL - Czech
Speleotherapy” (with international Republic, 1999; The National Congress of
participation), dedicated to the project Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,
entitled Complex medico – biological Techirghiol, Romania, 2001, with section
study for innovative use of potential of speleotherapy and other National
therapeutic salt mines and cave Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation
environmental factors in health resorts and Medicine, Romania, during 2001 – 2010
balneoclimatic tourism; their modeling years; The 14 th International Congress of
solutions” (National RDI-2 Plan, Project Speleology, UIS, Athens, Kalamos, 2005
42120/2008-2011, Project Manager – MSR with section of speleotherapy; International
II, Dr. Iuri Simionca) and for development Symposium of allergologists - "30 years of
of Speleotherapy in Romania Speleotherapy in Ukrainian Allergological
(National Institute for Rehabilitation Hospital" Solotvino - Ukraine, 2006;
Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology, National Conference of Balneology with
from Bucharest). The conference was section of speleotherapy, Sovata, Romania,
organized under the aegis of: 2009 - 2012 (being promoted and sustained
Executive Unit for Financing the results of multidisciplinary scientific
Higher Education, the Research, and exploratory research from Romania in
Development and Innovation the field - studies, experiments and
(UEFISCDI) under the authority of research projects.
Ministry of Education, Research, Youth
and Sports;
The Permanent Commission on Spe
leotherapy (PCS/CPS) –UIS;
Academy of Medical Sciences
of Romania, Bucharest.

Balneo Research Journal DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12680/balneo.2013.1052 Vol.4, No.3, September 2013

Since 1969 year were achieved 13 At the closing session of the XIV th
editions of "The International Symposium International Symposium on
of Speleotherapy" and other editions of Speleotherapy, 2012 (Turda, Romania)
seminars and conferences in the field, noted that lectures and communications
organized of Permanent Commission of (including poster) had a high scientific
Speleotherapy – UIS in Austria, Germany, level, bringing the current results of the
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, latest research in speleo and halotherapy
Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Italy and other field (from studies of underground karst
countries, including „The XIII th and salt mine environment, of engineering
International Symposium on protection and biomedical experimental
Speleotherapy, Czech Republic, Blansko, studies on laboratory animals and to
2008”. clinical, cellular and molecular
The XIV International Symposium of immunology, hematology, biochemistry,
Speleotherapy (XIV ISS-UIS), organized physiology and others) made in various
by the Permanent Commission on countries, including Romania.
Speleotherapy (PCS) / Commission Were discussed problems and
permanente de spéléothérapie (CPS) - potential development priorities in the
Department of Research / Département de field.
la recherché scientifique - UIS, in the The participants of the XIV th
town of Turda, Cluj County, International Symposium on Speleotherapy
Transylvania, Romania, in 4 to 6 October of the PCS / CPS-UIS, they are
2012 (Decision of the Permanent representatives of the Academy of
Commission on Speleotherapy - UIS, Scientists from Romania and the Academy
Working Committee Meeting, 27 – 28 of Medical Sciences of Romania,
March 2012, Ostrov u Macochy, Brno, professors, associate professors and
Czech Republic - Wieliczka, Krakow, university lecturers from different
Poland). countries, including Romania; directors of
research institutes in the public and private

Balneo Research Journal DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12680/balneo.2013.1052 Vol.4, No.3, September 2013

sectors, researchers of different degrees, mine tourism and medical balneoclimatic

doctors in sciences (doctors, biologists, tourism or speleotherapy (after human
chemists, engineers, speleologists, impact);
geologists and other specialists) both from adequate measures for preserving /
Romania and from other countries; restoring the specific underground
representatives of some state institutions environmental factors;
from Romania, business and industry from the necessity of approaching and
different countries and of Romania, launching at national level of researches on
discussed the current status of methodologies regarding speleotherapy,
speleotherapy in caves and mines, as well related to the presence and the quality of
as halotherapy - descending method of underground therapeutic factors and to the
speleotherapy in salt mines. medical history of the patients (age,
The analysis of the current status in disease status, previous medication,
the field (Iu. Simionca et al., 2005, 2006, especially the hormonal therapy).
2009, J.Chonka, Iu. Simionca, P. Slavik, These issues could build up a
2012) showed the existence of a series of development program of speleotherapy and
fundamental issues – potential descending methods used in medical
development priorities in the field of purposes, for balneoclimatic tourism, caves
speleotherapy in caves or mines and of or salt minestourism over a period of
halotherapy: several years, which would involve
the enhanced interest of a large increasing the quality of human life.
category of persons in different countries
(preponderant in Europe) for medical and References:
touristic services in original and specific 1. Chonka J., Simionca Iu.,
locations with therapeutic natural factors, Slavik P. The development of
such as those from some caves or salt speleotherapy in Eastern Europe (2012).
mines and chambers with artificial INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF
underground salt mine environment or SPELEOTHERAPY. International
microclimate (halotherapy method Symposium (14; 2012; Turda). The XIVth
descending from speleotherapy in salt International Symposium of Speleotherapy
mines); : Abstracts : ed. A XIV-a, Turda, 2012. –
lack of technical and medical Cluj-Napoca : Casa Cartii de Stiinta, 2012,
standards for use in medical / 74 p (p.13-14)
speleotherapeutic and of balneoclimatic 2. Iu. Simionca, M.Hoteteu,
tourism some caves and mines (mainly - O.Mera, N.Grudnicki, C.Munteanu, H.
salt mines, and other mines) and for Lazarescu, L.Enache, D.Cinteza, R.Calin.,
halotherapy - the surface rooms with salt D.Ciotaru, G.Stoian, G.Maiorescu -
mine underground artificial environment or CONFERINTA NATIONALA DE
underground salt mine microclimate; SPELEOTERAPIE CU PARTICIPARE
need for monitoring standards of INTERNATIONALA – REZUMATELE
geomechanical stability of the underground COMUNICARILOR STIINTIFICE.
spaces in caves and mines which possesses Studiu complex medico-biologic in
speleotherapeutic factors and used for vederea utilizarii innovative a factorilor
medical purposes. balneoclimatic tourism terapeutici de mediu din saline si pestera in
or speleo- and salt mine tourism; sanatate si turism balneoclimatic, solutii de
lack of monitoring standards for modelare a acestora : conferinta nationala :
curative properties of some caves and Turda, octombrie 2011 / coord.: cercetator
mines (including salt mines), assessing stiintific principal II, Dr. Iuri Simionca.-
their stability and therapeutic effectiveness, Cluj-Napoca : Casa Cartii de Stiinta, 2012,
particularly after using for cave or salt 73 p. ISBN 978-606-17-0091-2

Balneo Research Journal DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12680/balneo.2013.1052 Vol.4, No.3, September 2013

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