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Electronic Circuits for CpE Lab

1st Try

2nd Try 3rd Try


In this laboratory activity that we were to create, we were tasked to create a circuit of a
Security Alarm in Tinkercad. On my first try, I have observed that the circuit didn’t work
although the components were connected properly such as the resistors, wires, battery into the
breadboard, etc. I also checked the values of the resistors to make sure and with the hope for it to
work, but it did not. For my second try which is to connect the positive of the battery into the
negative terminal of the breadboard and vice versa for the negative of the battery, the circuit
worked as it created a sound (same as the circuit of our professor) though the wires were not
properly connected. But as for my observation, as I simulate it, the speaker automatically created
a sound though I haven’t pushed the pushbutton which served as the switch. Moreover, on my
last try which is to reverse the connections of those components which were connected to the
power rails of the breadboard, the circuit also worked, or the speaker also made a sound.

So, for my conclusion, I can say that the voltage coming from the battery directly flow
unto the transistors since they can also act as switch and the voltage was also greater than 0.7, so
that the speaker automatically created a sound. However, the main task of this activity which is
to create a security alarm wasn’t accomplished since we have to push the switch (pushbutton)
first to make it work.

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