Can Could

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You You
He can He can’t
She could drive. She couldn’t drive.
It It
We We
They They
Yes, No,
you you you
Can he he can. he can’t.
Could she drive? she could. she couldn’t.
it it it
we we we
they they they

⚫ Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above box.

1. I go to the party last night because I was sick.

2. A: Noel cook Italian food? B: Yes, he .
3. My sister swim last year, but now she .
4. They go shopping yesterday because the store was closed.
5. A: you read when you were four years old? B: Yes, I .
6. Ellie ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.
7. I’m very tired, so I go out to the park to play.

8. A: you see the moon last night? B: No, I .

9. When I talk to you about the company report?
10. Most dinosaurs walked on land, but some fly or even swim.
11. Excuse me, I hear you right now. The music is too loud.
12. I drive a truck when I was only sixteen years old.
13. Douglas hit the tree because he stop his car.
14. How many hot dogs you eat at one time?
15. I read without my reading glasses. Where are they?

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