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Dependences of the Vacancy Concentration and the Self-Diffusion Coefficient

on the Size and Shape of a Nanocrystal

Article  in  Nanotechnologies in Russia · July 2017

DOI: 10.1134/S1995078017040140


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1 author:

Mahach Magomedov
Daghestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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ISSN 1995-0780, Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2017, Vol. 12, Nos. 7–8, pp. 416–425. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017.
Original Russian Text © M.N. Magomedov, 2017, published in Rossiiskie Nanotekhnologii, 2017, Vol. 12, Nos. 7–8.

Dependences of the Vacancy Concentration

and the Self-Diffusion Coefficient on the Size
and Shape of a Nanocrystal
M. N. Magomedov
Institute for Geothermal Research, Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, 367030 Russia
Received September 8, 2016; accepted for publication June 21, 2017

Abstract—Based on the generalized Rectangular Parallelepiped (RP) model of a nanocrystal, an expression

for the Helmholtz free energy is derived and the equation of state for the nanocrystal, which contains both
lattice vacancies and delocalized (diffusing) atoms, is calculated. The dependences of the probability of for-
mation vacancies (φv) and the probability of delocalization of an atom (xd) on the size and shape of a nano-
crystal at different temperatures (T) and pressures (P) are studied. The calculations are performed for the
BCC lattice of iron under the condition of isothermal compression of a nanocrystal along the isotherms at
300 and 1000 K. The size dependences are studied at the atmospheric pressure (P = 1 bar) and at P = 100 kbar.
It is shown that the isothermal–isobaric growth of a nanocrystal at the atmospheric pressure and T = 300 K
gives a lower number of vacancies per atom in a nanocrystal in comparison with a macroscopic crystal, but
dispersing the latter at T = 1000 K increases the probability of formation of vacancies. Upon reducing the size
of a nanocrystal, the probability of delocalization of an atom (the same as the self-diffusion coefficient)
increases at any pressure and temperature. The φv/xd ratio decreases with a decrease in the size of a nanocrys-
tal and the out-of-vacancy self-diffusion is observed at the size at which the number of delocalized atoms is
larger than the number of vacant sites in the nanocrystal lattice. When the shape of a nanocrystal deviates
from the most optimal shape (from the cubic shape in the case of the RP model), the size dependences of the
nanocrystal lattice properties become stronger.

DOI: 10.1134/S1995078017040140

INTRODUCTION where αshape is a parameter which depends on the

In view of the absence of a statistical theory for a shape of a nanocrystal and which is usually deter-
nanocrystal of a simple one-component substance, it mined from the size dependence of the melting tem-
is still not entirely clear how changes the activation perature, since the Tm(dia) function is most easily
parameters such as the vacancy formation probability (and, therefore, most accurately) measured in the
and the fraction of delocalized (diffusing) atoms upon experiments.
an isobaric decrease in the size of a nanocrystal. In The dependences expressed in Eq. (1) raises many
approaches to this task known to date (e.g., see [1–4]), questions, one of which is the issue concerning the
the correlations of the specific binding energy of a constancy of interatomic distances upon a decrease in
nanocrystal (Ec), the Debye temperature (Θ), and the size and the corresponding increase in surface pres-
melting temperature (Tm) with the activation process sure. In addition, the question arose about the correct-
energy, namely, with either the vacancy formation ness of Eq. (1) when the size decreases along the high-
energy (Ev) or the self-diffusion energy (Ed), are used. pressure isobar because of the nanostructurization of a
Assuming that the interatomic distance, the crystal macroscopic crystal under high compressive. How-
structure, and the surface shape do not change upon a ever, the main question is why do metallic nanocrys-
decrease in the diameter (dia) of a nanocrystal, the tals produced in the experiments have faintly defective
following heuristic dependences are used [1–4]: stable crystal structures [5]? According to the criterion
given by Eq. (1), nanocrystals should be more appre-
Ec (dia) ⎡Θ(dia)⎤ T (dia) ciably activated by vacancies than macroscopic crys-
=⎢ ⎥ = m tals [1–3], which should lead to the instability of their
Ec (∞) ⎣ Θ(∞) ⎦ Tm(∞) (1) structures.
E (dia) Ed (dia) α
= v = = 1 − shape , The issue concerning the dependence of the activa-
Ev (∞) Ed (∞) dia tion parameters of a nanocrystal on the size and shape


of its surface under different isobaric and isothermal 1/3

6v (φ = 0)⎤
⎛ 6k V ⎞
conditions is addressed in the present studies on the co = ⎜ p ⎟ = ⎡ a v , (6)
basis of a three-phase statistical model of simple sub- ⎝ πN ⎠ ⎢
⎣ π ⎥⎦
stances, which has been proposed in our earlier studies where c = co(1 – φv)1/3 is the distance between the cen-
[6–8]. ters of adjacent cells, kp is the packing coefficient of
the structure comprised of (N + Nv) spherical cells,
THREE-PHASE MODEL and co is the distance between the centers of adjacent
OF SIMPLE SUBSTANCES cells in the original (not relaxed into the state activated
by vacancies) vacancy-free (at Nv = 0) system (labeled
Let us assume that a macrosystem forms a lattice with the index “o”).
structure comprised of N + Nv spherical cells of the Reckoning that the center of a delocalized atom
same volume, among which Nv cells are vacant and N can migrate all over the system volume and the center
cells are occupied by identical spherically symmetric of a localized atom only within the cell in which it is
atoms, each with a mass equal to m. Let the system localized, the following expression for the specific (per
have a volume of V and a temperature of T; moreover, atom) Helmholtz free energy of a macroscopic system
no restrictions are imposed on the values of the spe- (in which N → ∞ and V → ∞ at N/V = const) was
cific volume (v = V/N) and T. Among N atoms, only obtained [6–8]:
some of the atoms (N – Nd) are localized in cells, while
the others (Nd) are delocalized; i.e., they can migrate fH = fi + fs + fw + fd. (7)
all over the volume V. Furthermore, a localized atom Here, fi is the specific free energy of the translational
can become delocalized when excited and vice versa. motion of delocalized atoms, which is equal to
Let atoms interact through the Mie–Lennard–
Jones potential: ⎡⎛ ⎞ 3/2
V ⎤,
fi = − xd kBT ⎢⎜ T ⎟ ⎥ (8)
⎡ r b r ⎤
⎣⎢⎝ Ad ⎠ V0 ⎦⎥
ϕ(r ) = D ⎢a ⎛⎜ o ⎞⎟ − b ⎛⎜ o ⎞⎟ ⎥ , (2)
(b − a) ⎣ ⎝ r ⎠ ⎝r⎠ ⎦ where
where D and ro are the depth and coordinate of the 2/3
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
Ad = ⎜ 2π ⎟ ⎜ N ⎟ and V0 = N ⎜ π ⎟ ro3 .
potential minimum and b > a > 1 are the parameters.
If the lattice contains Nv vacancies uniformly dis- ⎝ mkB ⎠ ⎝ eV0 ⎠ ⎝ 6k p ⎠
tributed over the volume, then the first coordination Here,  is the Planck constant, e = 2.718, and xd is the
number (i.e., the number of the nearest neighbor fraction of delocalized atoms, i.e., the probability that
atoms) is equal to an atom has a kinetic energy higher than atom-delo-
calization energy Ed [6, 8, 11, 12], expressed as follows:
kn = = kn (1 − φv ),
(3) ∞
N + Nv N 2
xd = d = 1/2 ∫
t exp(−t )dt .
where kno is the number of cells (both occupied and N π Ed /(kBT )
vacant) closest to the given atom; i.e., this is the first The second summand in Eq. (7) is the specific free
coordination number at Nv = 0, and φv is the probabil- energy of the static interaction of all atoms with each
ity of a vacancy creature in the lattice of a simple sub- other, which takes the following form when the “inter-
stance [6, 9, 10]: action of only the nearest neighbors” approximation is
∞ applied:
Nv 2
φv = = ∫
N + N v π1/2 (E /k T )1/2
exp( −t 2 )dt, (4) ⎛ko ⎞
f s = ⎜ n ⎟ (1 − φv )DU o(R) , (10)
v B
where kB is the Boltzmann constant and Ev is the where R = ro/c is the relative linear density of a crystal,
energy of creation of a vacant site in the lattice.
The system volume is equal to the sum of volumes U o(R) = 1 (aR b − bR a )
(va) per one cell (either occupied or vacant), the shape (b − a)
of which is considered spherical with taking into and
account the lattice structure:
v ro ⎡ V0 ⎤
V = π (N + N v )c3 = a N , R= = .
6k p k p (1 − φv ) c ⎢⎣V (1 − φv )⎥⎦
va = π c = V k p (1 − φv ) ,
(5) The third summand in Eq. (7) is the specific free
6 N energy of vibrational motion of localized atoms



according to the Einstein crystal model (ΘE is the Ein- Here, Θ is the Debye temperature, which is connected
stein temperature): with the Einstein temperature by the following rela-

{ }
Θ Θ tionship: Θ = (4/3)ΘE [15]. The Θ function is
fw = 3(1 − xd )kBT 0.5 E + ln ⎡1 − exp ⎛⎜ − E ⎞⎤
⎟ . (11) expressed as follows [6, 13, 14]:
T ⎢
⎣ ⎝ T ⎠⎦⎥
The fd member is the free energy of dynamic inter- ⎡ ⎛ 8D ⎞ ⎤

action of delocalized atoms due to displacement from Θ = Awξ ⎢−1 + ⎜1 + 2⎟ ⎥, (18)

the centers of cells during migration throughout the ⎢⎣ ⎝ kB Awξ ⎠ ⎥⎦
volume. Within the “interaction of only the nearest where
neighbors” approximation, the following expression
was obtained for this function [6–8]: 5k ab(b + 1) ⎛ ro ⎞
ξ = 9o , Aw = K R n ⎜ ⎟ , and
xd kn (1 − φv )abD
kn 144(b − a) ⎝ c ⎠
fd =
2(b − a) KR =  2 .
⎧ ⎡l (b, ξ p )⎤ ⎡l (a, ξ p )⎤⎫ kBro m
× ⎨R b ⎢ 3 ⎥ − Ra ⎢ 3 ⎬,
⎩ ⎣ b ⎦ ⎣ a ⎥⎦⎭ It has been shown that such definitions of the Ev,
where Ed, and ΘE functions allow one to achieve a good
k −2 k −2 agreement of the calculated results with the experi-
(1 + t ) − (1 − t )
l3(k, t ) = −1 mental data. Moreover, the use of the Ev, Ed, and
2(k − 2)t(1 − t 2 )k −2 ΘE functions included in Eq. (7) in the form of
and (13) Eqs. (14)–(19) leads both to the fulfillment of the
0.5 Third Principle of thermodynamics in the “strong”
ξp = < 0.5. formulation of Max Planck and to the consistency of
31/2 k1/3
p the thermal and caloric equations of state for a macro-
The Ev, E d, and ΘE functions included in scopic system. It has also been shown that the function
Eqs. (3)–(12) were defined for a macroscopic system given by Eq. (7) transforms into the expressions for a
in [6, 9–14]. The energy of formation of a vacancy in gas (at xd = 1) or crystal (at xd = 0) fully considering
the structure of a simple substance is defined as fol- “communal entropy.” Let us note that reckoning the
lows [6, 9, 10]: “communal entropy” in the approaches developed by
EL other authors towards the creation of a three-phase
Ev = , (14) model remains problematic [16, 17].
1 + xd [(CD E L /kBT ) − 1]
ck Θ Θ
E L = mo ⎛⎜ o B Eo ⎞⎟ ⋅ f y ⎛⎜ Eo ⎞⎟ , CD = 2/3 , WITH VACANCIES
kn ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ T ⎠ 3k p Previously we developed the Rectangular Paral-
[1 − exp(− yw )] lelepiped (RP) model of a nanocrystal without vacan-
f y ( yw ) = 2 . (15) cies or the delocalized atoms [6, 18, 19]. A number of
yw [1 + exp(− yw )]
new results that still cannot be obtained in the com-
The index “o” in the co and ΘEo functions means puter models (like the Monte Carlo or molecular
that the functions are calculated for the original (not dynamics models) were obtained within this RP
been relaxed into the state activated by vacancies) model. For example, we have obtained the tempera-
vacancy-free virtual lattice (at φv = 0). ture dependences of the surface energy and surface
The following expression was obtained for the pressure, the construction of which in computer mod-
delocalization energy of an atom [6, 11, 12]: els is problematic.
2 Let us extend the formalism from Eqs. (3)–(19) to
⎛c k Θ ⎞
Ed = ⎛⎜ 3 2 ⎞⎟ ⋅ m ⋅ ⎜⎜ o B1/3Eo ⎟⎟ ⋅ f y ( ywo ) the case of a nanocrystal comprised of N + Nv =
⎝ 8π ⎠ ⎝ k p ⎠
(16) N/(1 – φv) identical cells, among which Nv vacant cells
= Ed1 ⋅ f y ( ywo ) = Cld ⋅ E L, are uniformly distributed over the nanocrystal volume.
Like in [6, 18, 19], we assume that a nanocrystal with
where the free surface takes the shape of a rectangular paral-
o lelepiped with a square base and is limited by faces of
= ⎛⎜ 9 2 ⎞⎟ CD
Cld = the (100) type with the Gibbs geometric surface. The
2π k p
2 2/3
⎝ 8π ⎠ cells form a crystalline structure with the packing
and (17) coefficient equal to kp. The value f = Nps/Npo =
o o
⎛ 3cokBΘo ⎞ .
N ps / N po is the shape parameter, which is determined
Ed1 = Ed ( f y ( ywo ) = 1) = 3m2/3 ⎜ ⎟
8k p ⎝ 4π ⎠ o
by the ratio of the number N ps of atoms (or the number



Nps = N ps /(1 – φv)1/3 of cells) on the side edge to the The shape function Zs( f ) = (1 + 2f )/(3f 2/3) reaches
o o
the minimum value equal to one at f = 1, i.e., for a
number N po of atoms (or the number Npo = N po /(1 – cubic shape. For platelike ( f < 1) or rodlike ( f > 1)
φv) of cells) on the edge of the square base. For a
shapes, the shape function value is greater than one;
rodlike shape, f > 1; for a cube, f = 1; and, for a plate- i.e., Zs( f ≠ 1) > 1. Therefore, the kn( f )* function at any
like shape, f < 1. N + Nv value has a maximum at f = 1, i.e., for the most
The number of cells and atoms in a nanocrystal of energetically stable cubic shape of a rectangular paral-
a specific shape (at given f ) is equal to lelepiped.
The volume and surface area are expressed as fol-
N 3po (N 3po )3 o 3
(N po ) lows within the generalized RP(vac) model:
N + Nv = f = f , N = f , (20)
α α(1 − φv ) α V = (N po ) fc /(1 − φv )
o 2 3

where α = π/(6kp) is the structure parameter. = (N + N v )αc3 = (N po

o 3
) fco3,
It is obvious that shape parameter f may vary (25)
Σ = 6c α s[(N + N v )α] Z s ( f )
2 2/3
within the following limits:
= 6co α s (N α) Z s ( f ),
2 2/3
2 (N + N v )α
≤ f ≤ , (21) where αs is the coefficient that takes into account the
[(N + N v )α/2]1/2
8 packing density of atoms on the face (i.e., on the Gibbs
where the left value refers to a plate and the right value geometric surface) of a nanocrystal (αs ≅ α2/3). It is
to a rod of two cells in thickness. easy to see that the nanocrystal volume depends on the
The limitation of a system by the surface will give system shape only through the dependence of the co
rise to the breakage of bonds in the boundary. There- value or c = co(1 – φv)1/3 on the size and shape of a
fore, if the “interaction of only the nearest neighbors” nanocrystal.
approximation is used, then the mean 〈kn〉 value (aver- The cubic shape can be achieved only when there is
aged over the entire nanosystem) of the coordination a certain number of cells from which a cube can be
number, which will depend on both the size and shape o 3
built, namely, (N + Nv)cub = (N po ) /[α(1 – φv)], where
of a nanosystem, should be taken rather than the first o
coordination number (kn). Furthermore, the system N po = 2, 3, 4, … . When the number of cells is “non-
structure is believed to be unchanged; i.e., kp = const. cubic,” i.e., N + Nv ≠ (N + Nv)cub, the parallelepiped
This model of a nanocrystal in the form of a rectangu- may have either a platelike or rodlike shape upon ful-
lar parallelepiped, whose shape can be varied using the filling the following inequality:
shape parameter f, is called here the RP(vac) model. kn((N + Nv)cub ± 1)* < kn(N + Nv)cub*.
Within the RP(vac) model, the variation of the Therefore, the isomorphic (i.e., calculated at f =
normalized mean value of the first coordination num- const) kn(N + Nv) dependence monotonically
ber upon the variation of N + Nv and f is described by decreases at N + Nv → Nmin = 8/[α(1 – φv)], but the
the following expression [6, 18, 19]: overall kn(N + Nv) dependence has an oscillating shape
1/3 with the maxima at the kn(N + Nv)cub points corre-
〈kn(N + N v , f )〉 ⎛ ⎞
= 1 − Z s( f ) ⎜ α
kn* = ⎟
sponding to nanocrystals with a cubic shape and with
kn(∞) ⎝ N + Nv ⎠ the minima at such N + Nv ≠ (N + Nv)cub values from
(22) which only a rod can be built. Considering that many
⎛ α2 ⎞
= 1 − Z s ( f ) ⎜ (1 − φv ) ⎟ , properties of a nanocrystal are determined namely by
⎝N ⎠ the kn(N) value, the dependence of these properties
where kn(∞) is the first coordination number (i.e., the from the N value should also have an oscillating shape.
number of occupied cells nearest to the given atom) Thus, the use of Eq. (24), along with the formalism
expressed as follows for a macroscopic crystal: given by Eqs. (3)–(19) at kp = const allows one to
obtain the dependences of the Helmholtz free energy
kno(∞)N both on the size (on the number N of atoms) and shape
kn(∞) = = kn (∞) ⋅ (1 − φv ).
(23) of a nanocrystal at given values of the temperature and
N + Nv
specific volume, v = V/N, for the nanocrystal with the
Therefore, the dependence of the first coordina- free Gibbs geometric surface.
tion number on N + Nv and f takes the following form:
⎡ ⎛ 2
⎞ ⎤ (24)
= kno(∞) ⋅ (1 − φv ) ⎢1 − Z s ( f ) ⋅ ⎜ α (1 − φv ) ⎟ ⎥. Let us take an iron crystal (m(Fe) = 55.847 a.m.u.)
⎢⎣ ⎝N ⎠ ⎥⎦ having a body-centered cubic (BCC) structure with



the parameters kno (∞) = 8 and kp = 0.6802 for the cal- P, kbar bcc-Fe
culations. The parameters of the Mie–Lennard– 300
Jones paired interatomic potential given by Eq. (2) for
250 macro
the BCC iron lattice were determined and tested in the
calculation of the properties of a macroscopic crystal 200
in [20]. They are as follows:
ro = 2.4775 × 10–10 m, D/kB = 12576.7 K, 150 nano
a = 2.95, and b = 8.26. (26) T = 1000 K
We have compared the thermodynamic parameters
calculated by the method used in the present studies 50
with the experimental assessments and with the results T = 300 K
of computer simulations in [6, 8, 9, 11] both for the 0
formation process of electrically neutral vacancies and
for the process of self-diffusion of atoms in a BCC iron −50
macrocrystal. 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05
It should be noted that the size characteristics of
properties of a BCC iron nanocrystal were studied in
[19] within the RP model of the ideal nanocrystal, Fig. 1. (Color online) Isomorphic–isomeric dependences
which did not contain lattice vacancies or atoms capa- of the pressure on the normalized volume in a cubic
BCC-Fe nanocrystal; the solid lines are obtained for a
ble of migrating all over the volume. The size proper- macroscopic crystal and the dotted lines for a nanocrystal
ties of a BCC iron nanocrystal in the present studies at N = 665; the two lower lines are isotherms obtained at
are calculated for the generalized RP(vac) model, T = 300 K and the two upper lines are isotherms obtained
which takes into account the presence of both vacan- at T = 1000 K.
cies and delocalized atoms in the structure.
Based on Eq. (26), the model parameters at v/vo = A lower increase in the pressure upon the transition
(co/ro)3 = 1 are as follows: from a macroscopic to a nanoscopic crystal points to a
decrease in the elasticity modulus, B = –V(∂P/∂V)T,
vo = [π/(6kp)] ro3 = 7.0494 cm3/mol, KR = 0.1415 K, for the nanocrystal, as has already been shown by
Aw(1) = 1.6703 K, Xw(1) = 4.605 × 10–3, other methods in [19, 21].
ΘE(1) = 306.055 K, Θ(1) = 408.073 K, As is seen from Fig. 1, the P(v/vo) dependences for
γ(1) = 1.702, and q(1) = 7.874 × 10–3, a nanocrystal and macrocrystal intersect at a certain
where, in accordance with Eq. (18), the first (γ) and value of the relative volume (v/vo)0. Thus, the surface
second (q) Grünaisen parameters, as well as the Xw pressure (Psf(v) = P(v)macro – P(v)nano) equals zero
function characterizing the role of quantum effects, (Psf(v/vo)0 = 0) at (v/vo)0. The surface pressure com-
are equal to presses (Psf > 0) a nanocrystal at v/vo < (v/vo)0 and

( )
stretches (Psf < 0) it at v/vo > (v/vo)0. The (v/vo)0 value
γ = − ∂ ln Θ = b + 2 , decreases both upon an isomorphic–isomeric
∂ ln V T 6(1 + X w )

( )
increase in the temperature T and upon an isomor-
∂ ln γ X (1 + 2 X w ) Aξ
q= =γ w , Xw = w . (27) phic–isothermal decrease in the N value, as well as
∂ ln V T (1 + X w ) Θ upon the isomeric–isothermal deviation of the nano-
The calculations were performed for the two iso- crystal shape from the most optimal shape (the cubic
therms: at a low (T/Θ < 1) temperature of T = 300 K shape for the RP models). As also follows from Fig. 1,
and at a high (T/Θ > 1) temperature of T = 1000 K. the pressure in a nanocrystal passes through the zero
The isomorphic–isomeric (at constant f and N val- value at a v/vo value that is larger than in a macrocrystal.
ues) dependences of the pressure on the normalized The isomorphic–isomeric baric dependences are
volume (v/vo) in a cubic ( f = 1) BCC-Fe nanocrystal shown in Fig. 2a for the logarithm of the vacancy for-
are shown in Fig. 1. In [20], the P(v/vo, T) dependence mation probability and in Fig. 2b for the vacancy for-
calculated in such a way has been compared with the mation thermodynamic potential (or Gibbs free
experimental data for a BCC-Fe macroscopic crystal; energy), gv = – kBT ln(φv) (gv in eV). The solid lines
therefore, we do not repeat this again. The solid lines show the data for a macroscopic crystal (at N = 1.3 ×
in Fig. 1 are obtained for a macrocrystal at Npo = 106, 1018) and the dotted lines for a cube-shaped nanocrys-
i.e., at N = 1.3 × 1018, and the dashed lines for a nano- tal (at N = 665 and f = 1). As is seen from Fig. 2, the
crystal at N = 665, i.e., at Npo = 8. The lower two lines baric dependences of the log(φv) and gv values for a
are isotherms obtained at T = 300 K, and the upper macrocrystal and a nanocrystal intersect at low pres-
two lines are isotherms obtained at T = 1000 K. sures. The isotherms obtained at T = 300 K (lower



log φv gv, eV
(a) 2.0 (b)

−20 T = 1000 K
1.9 T = 1000 K
macro nano
−40 nano
1.8 macro
T = 300 K
−60 nano
T = 300 K
−80 1.6
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 −20 0 20 40 60
P, kbar P, kbar

Fig. 2. (Color online) Isomorphic–isomeric baric dependences (a) of the decimal logarithm of the formation probability of a
vacancy and (b) of the thermodynamic formation potential of a vacancy.

lines) intersect at the point with Pv = –20.07 kbar, surface of a nanocrystal with the Gibbs geometrical
log(φv) = –26.993, and gv = 1.605 eV, i.e., when a crys- surface.
tal is stretched in every direction. The isotherms As follows from Fig. 3, an isothermal–isobaric
obtained at T = 1000 K (upper lines) intersect at the increase in the N value at the atmospheric pressure
point with Pv = 53.43 kbar, log(φv) = –9.72, and gv = gives rise to an increase in the φv(N) function at T =
1.928 eV, i.e., in the state of a hydrostatically com- 300 K and to its decrease at the T = 1000 K function.
pressed crystal. If P < Pv, then φv(N) > φv(N = ∞), and That is, a small nanocrystal contains fewer vacancies
φv(N) < φv(N = ∞) at P > Pv. This means that the per atom at T = 300 K in comparison with a macro-
vacancy formation probability upon an isothermal crystal. However, dispersing a macrocrystal at T =
increase in the pressure decreases in a nanocrystal 1000 K leads to an increase in the vacancy-formation
more appreciably than in a macrocrystal and the probability. Under the condition of the isothermal–
vacancy formation probability in a nanocrystal at isobaric growth of a nanocrystal at a pressure of
P > Pv becomes lower than in a macrocrystal. The Pv 100 kbar, the φv(N) increases upon an increase in the
value increases with an increase in the temperature N value at both 300 and 1000 K. That is, a small nano-
and transits from the area of stretching (where Pv < 0) crystal grown at 100 kbar contains fewer vacancies per
to the area of compression. It also follows from the atom in comparison with a macrocrystal at both T =
gv(P) dependence that the vacancy formation volume, 300 and 1000 K. Therefore, more perfect nanocrystals
vv = (∂gv/∂P)T, increases upon a decrease in the size of are formed either at low pressures and low tempera-
a nanocrystal. tures or at high static pressures and any temperatures.
As is seen from the left diagram in Fig. 3, a certain
The isothermal–isomorphic dependences of the temperature should exist at P = 1 bar within the range
logarithm of the vacancy formation probability on the 300 K < Tnv < 1000 K, at which the φv(N) function
number of atoms (N) in a cubic BCC-Fe nanocrystal does not depend on the N value. As follows from
are shown in Fig. 3. The dependences obtained at the Fig. 3, the Tnv value increases with an increase in the
atmospheric pressure (P = 1 bar) are shown (Fig. 3a) pressure value, and the following inequality is satisfied
and obtained at P = 100 kbar (Fig. 3b). The line with at 100 kbar: Tnv > 1000 K.
cubes is an isotherm obtained at T = 300 K and the
line with circles is an isotherm obtained at T = 1000 K. The calculations showed that the isothermal-iso-
The symbols on the isomorphs (here and hereinafter) morphic dependences of the delocalization probabil-
indicate the positions of the permissible values for the ity of an atom (xd) and of the self-diffusion coefficient
o 3 (Df ∼ xd) monotonically decrease upon an increase in
number of atoms, specifically, N = f ⋅ (N po ) /α in a the pressure. Furthermore, as is seen from Fig. 4a, the
cubic-shaped nanocrystal (i.e., at f = 1 and N po = 2, 3, log(xd) dependences (the same as the log Df [cm2/s]
4, …) at the uniform (i.e., equilibrium) distribution of dependences) for a macrocrystal (at N = 1.3 × 1018, the
vacancies and migrating atoms over the volume and solid lines) and a cubic-shaped nanocrystal (at N = 665



log φv P = 1 bar log φv P = 100 kbar

−31.5 −10.4
−27.95 (a) (b)
−8.3 T = 1000 K
−28.00 −8.4 −10.5
T = 300 K −32.5
−28.05 −8.5 −33.0 −10.6
−28.10 bcc-Fe
−8.6 −33.5
T = 300 K −10.7
−28.15 T = 1000 K −8.7 −34.0
−34.5 −10.8
−28.20 −8.8
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
log N log N

Fig. 3. (Color online) Isomorphic–isothermal dependences of the logarithm of the formation probability of a vacancy on the
number of atoms (N) in a cubic BCC-Fe nanocrystal; the dependences obtained at the atmospheric pressure (P = 1 bar) are
shown on the left and at P = 100 kbar on the right; the line with cubes designates an isotherm obtained at T = 300 K and the line
with circles an isotherm obtained at T = 1000 K.

log xd bcc-Fe gd, eV

0 3.8 T = 1000 K
(a) (b)
−20 3.6
−40 3.4

−60 T = 1000 K nano 3.2 T = 300 K

macro 3.0 macro
−100 nano
T = 300 K 2.4
−140 nano
macro 2.2
0 2000 4000 6000 0 100 200 300 400
P, kbar P, kbar

Fig. 4. (Color online) Isomorphic–isomeric baric dependences of the (a) logxd and (b) gd functions; the solid lines show the
results for a macroscopic crystal and the dotted lines for a cube-shaped nanocrystal.

and f = 1, the dotted lines) do intersect within the ture. This is consistent with the results obtained by
studied range of pressures. The two lower lines in the other authors [4, 22, 23].
Fig. 4a correspond to isotherms obtained at 300 K and
the two upper lines to isotherms obtained at 1000 K. However, as is seen form Fig. 4b, the baric depen-
Figure 4b shows the baric dependences of the thermo- dences of the thermodynamic potential of delocaliza-
dynamic potential (or the Gibbs free energy) of delo- tion of an atom intersect in the case of isotherms
calization of an atom, which is expressed as follows: obtained at 300 and 1000 K. For a macrocrystal, the
gd = – kBT ln(xd), in eV. In the right diagram, the solid gd(P) isotherms intersect in the following point: Pt =
and dotted lines are isotherms obtained at 300 K and 124.02 kbar and gd = 2.888 eV; for a nanocrystal, they
the dashed and dashed–dotted lines are isotherms intersect in the point with Pt = 173.77 kbar and gd =
obtained at 1000 K for macroscopic and nanoscopic 2.818 eV. That is, the gd(T) function decreases upon
crystals, respectively. As is seen from Fig. 4, the frac- isobaric heating at low pressures (P < Pt), and it
tion of delocalized atoms increases with a decrease in increases with an increase in the temperature at high
the size of a nanocrystal at any pressure or tempera- pressures (P > Pt). This means that the atom delocal-



log xd P = 1 bar log xd P = 100 kbar

(a) (b)
T = 1000 K −10 T = 1000 K
−20 −25
−25 −30

−30 −35

−35 −40
T = 300 K T = 300 K
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
log N log N

Fig. 5. (Color online) Isomorphic–isothermal dependences of the logarithm of the delocalization probability of an atom on the
number of atoms (N) in a cubic BCC-Fe nanocrystal; the dependences obtained at the atmospheric pressure P = (a) 1 bar,
(b) 100 kbar. The line with cubes corresponds to an isotherm obtained at T = 300 K and the line with circles to an isotherm
obtained at T = 1000 K.

log(φv /xd) bcc-Fe gm, eV

(a) 2.0 (b)
50 T = 300 K macro T = 1000 K

40 1.5 macro
T = 300 K
30 nano

T = 1000 K 1.0
20 macro

0 2000 4000 6000 0 500 1000 1500 2000

P, kbar P, kbar

Fig. 6. (Color online) Baric dependences of the (a) log(φv/xd) and (b) gm = kBTln(φv/xd) functions; the solid lines show the cal-
culation results for a BCC-Fe macroscopic crystal and the dotted lines for a cubic-shaped nanocrystal (at N = 665 and f = 1).

ization entropy, sd = – (∂gd/∂T)P, is positive at P < Pt line with cubes corresponds to an isotherm obtained at
and negative (sd < 0) at P > Pt. Moreover, the Pt(N) T = 300 K and the line with circles to an isotherm
value increases with an isomorphic decrease in the size obtained at T = 1000 K. As is seen from Fig. 5, the
of a nanocrystal. It also follows from the gd(P) depen- delocalization probability of an atom (the same as the
dence that the self-diffusion volume, vd = (∂gv/∂P)T, self-diffusion coefficient) increases upon a decrease in
increases with an increase in the temperature for both the size of a crystal under any P–T conditions.
macroscopic and nanoscopic crystals.
In Fig. 6, the baric dependences of the log(φv/xd)
The isomorphic–isothermal dependences of the function (Fig. 6a) and of the thermodynamic potential
logarithm of the delocalization probability of an atom (or the Gibbs free energy), gm = gd – gv = kBTln(φv/xd),
on the number of atoms (N) in a BCC-Fe nanocrystal of the migration of an atom (Fig. 6b) are shown. The
are shown in Fig. 5. Figure 5a shows the dependences solid lines are obtained for a macrocrystal (at N =
obtained at the atmospheric pressure (P = 1 bar), and 1.3 × 1018) and the dotted lines for a cubic-shaped
Fig. 5b shows the dependences at P = 100 kbar. The nanocrystal (at N = 665 and f = 1). As is seen from



log(φv /xd) P = 1 bar log(φv /xd) P = 100 kbar

12 (a) 14 (b)
10 T = 300 K 12 T = 300 K
8 10
8 bcc-Fe
T = 1000 K 2 T = 1000 K
0 0
−2 −2
−4 −4
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
log N log N

Fig. 7. (Color online) Isomorphic–isothermal dependences of the logarithm of the ratio of the formation probability of a vacancy
to the delocalization probability of an atom on the number of atoms (N) in a cubic BCC-Fe nanocrystal; the dependencies
obtained at the atmospheric pressure P = (a) 1 bar and (b) 100 kbar; the line with cubes corresponds to an isotherm obtained at
300 K and the line with circles to an isotherm obtained at 1000 K.

Fig. 6, the lower the temperature is, the stronger the CONCLUSIONS
increase in the log(φv/xd) function is upon an increase
in the pressure and the more appreciable its decrease It is shown that the formation probability of vacan-
is with a decrease in the size of a nanocrystal. The cies (φv) decreases more appreciably in a nanocrystal
baric gm(P) dependences corresponding to isotherms than in a macrocrystal upon an isothermal increase in
obtained T = 300 and 1000 K intersect at the point the pressure, and the φv function for a nanocrystal
with Pm = 874.2 kbar and gm = 1.554 eV for a macro- comprised of N atoms at a certain pressure P > Pv(N)
crystal and at the point with Pm = 1228.2 kbar and gm = becomes smaller than for a macroscopic crystal. The
1.329 eV for a nanocrystal. That is, the gm function Pv(N) value increases upon an increase in the tem-
decreases upon the isobaric heating at P < Pm and perature and transits from the area of stretching (in
increases with an increase in the temperature at which Pv < 0) into the area of compression. The
P > Pm. This means that the migration entropy, sm = vacancy formation volume increases upon a decrease
–(∂gm/∂T)P, is positive at P < Pm but negative at P > Pm. in the size of a nanocrystal.
The Pm value increases upon an isomorphic decrease Under the condition of the isothermal–isobaric
in the size of a nanocrystal. As is seen from the gm(P) growth of a nanocrystal at P = 1 bar, the φv(N) func-
dependence, the migration volume, vm = (∂gm/∂P)T, tion increases upon an increase in the number of
increases upon an increase in the temperature or upon atoms (N) at 300 K and the φv(N) function decreases
a decrease in the size of a nanocrytsal. with an increase in the N value along the isotherm at
The isomorphic–isothermal dependences of the 1000 K. That is, a nanocrystal contains fewer vacan-
log(φv/xd) function on the number of atoms (N) in a cies per atom at P = 1 bar and T = 300 K than a mac-
cubic BCC-Fe nanocrystal are shown in Fig. 7. Fig- roscopic crystal. However, dispersing a macrocrystal
ure 7a shows the dependencies obtained at P = 1 bar at P = 1 bar and T = 1000 K increases the formation
and Fig. 7b at P = 100 kbar. The line with cubes corre- probability of a vacancy. Under the condition of the
sponds to an isotherm obtained at 300 K and the line isothermal–isobaric growth of a nanocrystal at a pres-
with circles to an isotherm obtained at 1000 K. As is sure of 100 kbar, the φv(N) function increases with an
seen from Fig. 7, the out-of-vacancy self-diffusion [6], increase in the N value at both 300 and 1000 K. That
in which the number of diffusing atoms is greater than is, a nanocrystal obtained at 100 kbar contains fewer
the number of vacant sites in the nanocrystal lattice, vacancies per atom at both 300 and 1000 K in compar-
i.e., xd > φv and gm < 0, is observed at a certain size (Nsd) ison with a macroscopic crystal. Therefore, a certain
of a nanocrystal, which increases upon an increase in temperature should exist at P = 1 bar within the range
the temperature (Nsd = 19–21 at T = 300 K and Nsd = 300 K < Tnv < 1000 K, at which the φv(N) function does
37–49 at T = 1000 K). It is easy to realize that the out- not depend on the N number. With an increase in the
of-vacancy self-diffusion is a consequence of enhanc- pressure value, the Tnv value increases and at 100 kbar
ing the role of surface effects over bulk effects. reaches the value Tnv > 1000 K.



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