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Services Offered by Admission and Registration Section

How to apply for transfer if coming from other UP units (Transfer 1) How to apply for transfer if coming from another school/university (Transfer 2) How to get a University Admission Slip How to enroll as a non-regular student How to enroll as Freshman (Manual Registration) Computerized Freshman Registration How to shift to another program within the College (Shiftee 1)/ to a College within UPD (Shiftee 2) How to cross enroll How to file for Leave of Absence (LOA) How to apply for re-admission after Leave of Absence (LOA) How to apply for re-admission after more than a year of Absence Without Leave (AWOL) How to apply for re-admission after a year or less than a year of AWOL How to file for a UP Diliman (UPD) Photo ID How to file for a University Student Clearance How to pay school fees through billing How to apply for a change of matriculation How to drop a subject How to make a refund of fees Answers to Questions APPLY FOR TRANSFER IF COMING FROM OTHER UP UNITS (TRANSFER 1) 1. Get an application form from the college offering your intended program and fill it out. 2. Submit to the college the accomplished application form together with your True Copy of Grades for evaluation purposes. 3. If accepted, get a Notice of Acceptance from the accepting college and present it to your home unit to secure a student clearance, permit to transfer and official transcript of record. 4. Submit the student clearance and permit to transfer to the accepting college and get a College Admission Slip. 5. Go to ARS-OUR and submit the College Admission Slip, NSO Birth Certificate, two passport size photos, OTR (if you have it already), and fill out two (2) Student Directory forms for the issuance of a University Admission Slip. (If OTR is not submitted, get a request for OTR to be given to your home unit.) 6. Submit the University Admission Slip to your college for registration. ^ back to Top HOW TO APPLY FOR TRANSFER IF COMING FROM ANOTHER

SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY (TRANSFER 2) NOTES : * UP Diliman accepts transfer students from other schools every first semester only. * Deadline for filing application for local transferees is on the last working day of April. * Deadling for filing application for foreign applicants is on February 15. Steps: 1. Fill out a transfer application form and pay application fee of P100 for Filipino, P150 for resident foreigner, and US $20 for non-resident foreigner, at the OUR Cashier or UP Cashier's Office near PNB. 2. Submit accomplished application form, application fee receipt, two (2) recent photos size 2"x 2", NSO Birth Certificate, and a true copy of grades (original & 3 Xerox copies) for evaluation purposes. 3. Foreign applicants whose medium of instruction in their previous school is NOT English should take and pass TOEFL with a score of 500 if paper-based, 173 if computer-based, or 61 if Internet-based exam. 4. Follow-up of computation of GWA is around the first week of May (for local transferees) and the end of February (for foreign applicants). 5. Follow-up of results from colleges is on the 3rd week of May (for local applicants) and the end of March (for foreign applicants). 6. If accepted, get an Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Credential from your previous school (for local transferees). 7. For accepted foreign applicants, ARS-OUR will issue an Acceptance Letter needed to get a student visa for the issuance of a Study Permit from ISP. 8. Submit the following documents to ARS-OUR to get a University Admission Slip: o Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Credential o NSO Birth Certificate (original & photocopy) o Two (2) passport size photos o Student Directory ( 2 copies) o OTR from previous school (If not yet available, get a request slip for your OTR from ARS, to be given to your former school.) 9. Proceed to the UP Health Service for medical exam. 10. Submit your medical result & University Admission Slip to your college for registration. ^ back to Top HOW TO GET A UNIVERSITY ADMISSION SLIP 1. 1. Submit the following to ARS-Admission These are the basic documents new students are required to submit : 1. a. college admission slip 2. b. official transcript of records 3. Note : For new graduate students, transcripts submitted to the college for evaluation must be signed by the College Secretary at the back of each page.

4. c. accomplished Student Directory (2 copies) 5. d. 2 recent photos (2x2) 6. e. study permit from the International Students Program (ISP), if foreigner 7. f. if married female, photocopy of Marriage Contract (Original to be presented for verification) 8. g. official TOEFL results if applicable (score of 500 if paper-based, score of 173 if computer-based, score of 61 if IBT - for foreign students whose medium of instruction in their previous school is NOT ENGLISH) 2. 2. Submit the University Admission Slip to your College to get your registration materials . ^ back to Top HOW TO ENROLL AS A NON-REGULAR STUDENT 1. A . NON-DEGREE STUDENT (TO TAKE GRADUATE COURSES FOR CREDIT) 1. 1. Apply directly to the college offering the subjects you intend to take . 2. 2. Present OTR and TOEFL results (if foreign and if medium of instruction in previous school is NOT in ENGLISH) . 3. 3. If accepted, get your College Admission Slip (CAS). 4. 4. Proceed to International Student's Program (ISP) for your STUDY PERMIT (if foreign). 5. 5. Submit Study Permit, CAS, TOEFL, OTR, SD to OURAdmission to get your University Admission Slip. 6. Note : STUDY PERMIT and TOEFL are for foreign students only 7. 6. Submit University Admission Slip to your College to get your registration materials. 2. B. NON-DEGREE STUDENT (TO TAKE UNDERGRADUATE COURSE FOR CREDIT) / SPECIAL STUDENTS (TO TAKE COURSE WITHOUT CREDIT) 1. 1. Apply at ARS-Admission. 2. 2. Fill out application form and pay application fee of P100 for local and US$20 for foreign students (Foreign Students should first get their Study Permit) . 3. 3. Submit your OTR (for non-degree only), SD and Study Permit (if foreign) to OUR-Admission to get your University Admission Slip and registration materials . 4. 4. Proceed to the different colleges for enlistment . 5. 5. Fill out Form 5 after enlistment. 6. 6. Have it signed and checked by the adviser and proceed to assessment and payment . ^ back to Top HOW TO ENROLL AS FRESHMAN (MANUAL REGISTRATION)

1. 1. Submit the following documents to ARS-Admission to secure your University Admission Slip : 1. a. Fourth Year High School Card (Form 138) 2. b. Secondary Permanent Record (if no Form 137, please ask for an official request to get your Form 137) 3. c. Student Directory (2 copies) 4. d. Notice of Admission 5. e. Medical Certificate 6. f. 2 recent photos (2x2) 7. g. Study Permit from ISP (if foreign student) 8. h. TOEFL result, if applicable 2. 2. Proceed to your College and get your registration materials. ^ back to Top COMPUTERIZED FRESHMAN REGISTRATION 1. A : Confirmation of Decision to Enroll 1. * You may confirm in person, via Internet, mail, fax, telephone or telegram. However, you are strongly encouraged to confirm online. 2. B : Pre-enlistment 1. * You have to pre-enlist to have a better chance of getting the subjects and schedule of your choice. This is done online (via Internet) and involves choosing the subjects you want to enroll in and the corresponding time schedule . 3. C : Enrollment 1. * Enrollment is done at the UP Diliman Campus. This includes payment of your matriculation fees. You are encouraged to enroll during the advance registration period to have a better chance of getting the subjects and schedule of your choice. 2. 4. Note : Specific instructions are included in the UPCAT enclosures / instructions sent to all UPCAT Qualifiers to UP Diliman. ^ back to Top HOW TO SHIFT TO ANOTHER PROGRAM WITHIN THE COLLEGE (SHIFTEE 1) / TO A COLLEGE WITHIN UP DILIMAN (SHIFTEE 2) 1 . Apply for shifting at the College offering your intended course or if in the same college, at the department concerned . 2 . If accepted, get your college admission slip (in the case of Shiftee 2). 3 . Submit your College Admission Slip to ARS-Admission to get your University Admission Slip.

Note : Shiftee 1 are no longer required to get a UAS. The College is supposed to send the names of their students who shifted to another program within their college. ^ back to Top

HOW TO CROSS-ENROLL From UP Units Outside UP Diliman : 1. Get a Request to Cross-Register (color-coded per CU) signed by your Dean and University Registrar and have it approved by the University Registrar of UP Diliman. 2. Proceed to ARS-Admission for the issuance of your Form 5A (Preliminary Registration) . 3. Go to the colleges for enlistment in approved courses. 4. After enlistment, go back to ARS-Admission to get your Form 5. 5. Accomplish your Form 5 and have it signed by the assigned Admission personnel . 6. Proceed for assessment and payment of your fees. From Other Schools : 1. Submit the following to ARS-Admission to get your University Admission Slip : 1. a. Permit to Cross-Enroll from your school 2. b. One (1) copy of student directory and accomplished application form 3. c. 2 recent photos (2x2) 4. d. official receipt of application fee paid (P100 for Filipino, P150 for resident alien or US$20 for non-resident alien 5. e. Study Permit from ISP (if foreign student) 2. Get your Form 5A . 3. Proceed to the colleges for enlistment in approved courses. 4. After enlistment, go back to ARS-Admission to get your Form 5. 5. Accomplish your Form 5 and have it signed by the assigned Admission personnel. 6. Proceed for assessment and payment of your fees. From UP Diliman to a School Outside UP System 1. Get a Request to Cross-Register (yellow form for UP Diliman) and have it signed by your Dean. 2. Have the form approved by the University Registrar and by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA) / Chancellor. ^ back to Top

HOW TO FILE FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE (LOA) When to file : For those not enrolled : last day of late registration For those enrolled : refer to academic calendar Length of time allowed for LOA : before 3/4 of the total number of hours prescribed for the course has elapsed What to do : 1 . Get the Leave of Absence (LOA) form from your College Secretary. 2 . Fill out the form completely. If you are not currently enrolled, write NOT ENROLLED in the space provided for the subjects enrolled. 3 . If you are enrolled, indicate all your subjects, signed by your respective instructors with the class standing indicated .

4 . Be sure that the form has been signed by your College Secretary or the Dean and have a letter signed by your parents / guardian giving their consent . 5 . Pay the fee of P150.00 at the UP Cashier's Office . 6 . Submit the accomplished form together with your official receipt to ARS Assessment on or before the deadline. ^ back to Top HOW TO APPLY FOR RE-ADMISSION AFTER LEAVE OF ABSENCE (LOA) 1 . Write to your College about your intention to be readmitted after LOA . 2 . Fill out the Form "RETURNED FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE (LOA)". 3 . Have it signed by your College Secretary for Undergraduate students or the Program Adviser and College Secretary for Graduate Students . 4 . Submit it to the OUR for notation by the University Registrar and for records purposes . 5 . Submit the other copies to your college and proceed with th registration. ^ back to Top HOW TO APPLY FOR RE-ADMISSION AFTER MORE THAN A YEAR OF AWOL 1 . Write a letter of request addressed to the Chancellor through channels (Chairman, Dean/Director, University Registrar, VCAA) indicating your request to be re-admitted to the same college or to another college in the campus. Have the letter endorsed by the College. 2 . Check with the college for the decision of the Chancellor . 3 . If the request for re-admission is approved, get a College Admission Slip and proceed to ARS-Admission for the University Re-admission slip . 4 . Submit the University re-admission slip to your College and proceed with the registration . ^ back to Top HOW TO APPLY FOR RE-ADMISSION AFTER A YEAR or LESS THAN A YEAR OF AWOL 1 . Go to your College for re-admission and issuance of the college readmission slip. 2 . Submit it to ARS-Admission for the issuance of the University Admission Slip. 3 . Proceed with the registration. ^ back to Top HOW TO FILE FOR A UP DILIMAN (UPD) PHOTO ID Who are entitled to have a UPD Photo ID? ~ Regular students of UPD, UP Extension Program in Pampanga and UP Extension Program in Olangapo who are officially enrolled ~ Official registration (UP Form 5) for the current semester must be presented

~ Cross-registrants from other UP units and from other Philippine Colleges should use their respective school / unit IDs together with their UP Form 5. To use the library facilities, they should make arrangements with their respective college libraries ~ Faculty members and employees with current UP appointment When can one apply for a Photo-ID? ~ Processing of Photo-ID of incoming freshmen starts one week before the start of regular registration. Processing for other students starts one week after the last day for late registration of every semester and ends on the last day of final examinations ~ Processing of Faculty/Employee Photo-ID is anytime during office hours, 8:00am-12:00nn; 1:00pm-4:00pm, Monday-Friday. However, those who were not able to come on their scheduled date and time will be re-scheduled on a first come, first served basis What are the procedures for getting a Photo-ID? Student 1 . During registration period, secure an appointment slip by representing to the ID personnel the following : 1. ~ official receipt of Photo-ID fee of P130 2. ~ original copy of current UP Form 5 3. ~ one 2"x2" recently-taken photograph 4. ~ properly accomplished OUR Form 21 (Personal Data Sheet for Students) 2. Proceed to your respective college library for your temporary library card. 3. Report for photo-ID card processing on the date and time you specified on your appointment slip. Bring with you your current UP Form 5 and Photo-ID fee receipt. 4. Proceed to your respective college library for validation and ID sticker . Faculty / Employee : 1 . Submit to the ID personnel a properly accomplished Application for Identification Card together with a recent 2"x2" picture. This form is issued by the Human Resources Development Office (HRDO) to all Diliman Offices. 2. For non-permanent faculty/employee applying for Photo-ID for the second time, submit one photocopy of your current appointment papers, the original copy to be presented for verification . Note : ID of non-permanent faculty and employees will be valid only for the duration covered by their appointment. How to Request for Correction of Name : If your records in the University are not under your legal name based on your birth certificate, you may apply for a correction of your name. However, only currently enrolled students may request for the correction of their name in any University record or document, subject to the submission of the following supporting documents to justify the change of name, as follows :

~ photocopy of birth certificate issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO), the original copy to be presented for verification; ~ affidavit by the student explaining the discrepancy; ~ affidavit of two(2) disinterested persons supporting the request; ~ if change of name is due to marriage, photocopy of marriage contract issued by NSO, original copy to be presented for verification Get your copy of the notice regarding your corrected name. The University Library, University Health Service and your college will also be furnished copies of the notice. Note : Former UP Students who have either graduated or transferred to another school and who have been issued their transcript of records and/or diploma under the name they used at the time of admission into the University will not be allowed to change their name in their school records. Instead, they should attach supporting documents to prove that the name indicated in their school records and their supporting documents refers to one and the same person. ^ back to Top HOW TO FILE FOR A UNIVERSITY STUDENT CLEARANCE 1. 1. Accomplish the application for clearance form (UP Form 241) available at the One-Stop Student Clearance Center (OSCC) center. 2. 2. If you have graduated, pay your graduation fee (P300) at the Cashier of the OUR and present your receipt to any OSCC staff for recording. If you have paid but have lost your receipt, request for a duplicate copy from the UP Accounting Office. 3. 3. File your application for clearance form with any staff of the OSCC for processing. 4. 4. Follow-up after seven (7) working days from the date of filing. It is very important to inquire about the status of your application for clearance to enable you to settle accountabilities, if any, or submit the needed entrance credentials. This will facilitate processing of your clearance. During the peak period ( from March to July, or after graduation, and before the scheduled board/bar examination) expect a longer processing time due to heavy volume of requests. 1. a. If your records are in order, you may personally claim your approved clearance from the OSCC counter or send your representative who should present an authorization letter. 2. b. If you have any accountabilities (e.g.,unpaid accounts, incomplete entrance credentials, unreturned books) you must first : 1. ~ Get your pending clearance form at the OSCC counter 2. ~ Settle your accountabilities with the office/s concerned 3. ~ Return your clearance form to the OSCC together with the official receipt / certification or any proof that you have already settled your accountabilities or submitted the entrance credential you lack for re-processing of your

clearance 4. ~ Come back after one(1) day to claim your clearance 3. Important : Application for a university student clearance is not the same as application for a transcript of records/honorable dismissal/diploma With your approved clearance, proceed to the Transcript Section and Records Section,OUR, if you are applying for your Transcript of Records and Honorable Dismissal respectively. Present the same clearance to your college to claim diploma. ^ back to Top HOW TO PAY SCHOOL FEES THROUGH BILLING 1. 1 . If your sending agency (e.g. Bank of Tokyo, Sumitomo Corporation, GSIS, etc.) is to be billed through the Office of Scholarships and Student Services (OSSS), go to Room 302, Vinzon's Hall : 1. a. Have your Form 5 approved by OSSS. The name of the scholarship and the privilege (e.g. tuition only, all school fees) should be indicated in the Scholarship Box on the Form and initiated by the OSSS personnel 2. b. Submit your Form5 to ARS-Billing. If your Scholarship privilege covers all school fees, your Form 5 will be stamped REGISTERED. If you are paying part of the assesed fee (e.g. student fund, fine), follow item 3 below 2. 2 . If your sending agency is to be billed through the OUR 1. a. Submit the certificate of Authority to Bill from your sending agency everytime you enroll 2. b. Submit your Form 5 to ARS-Billing for stamping of REGISTERED If you are paying part of the assessed fee (e.g. student fund, fine), proceed to the payment area and pay the necessary fees. ^ back to Top HOW TO FILE FOR A CHANGE OF MATRICULATION Change of Matriculation is allowed for the following reasons : ~ ill-advised (e.g., subject not required in one's curriculum) ~ lack of prerequisite ~ conflict of schedule (the time has been changed and the new schedule conflicts with one's other subjects) ~ class dissolved Change of Matriculation should be done during the registration period, not later than the last day of late registration What to do : 1 . Get your change of matriculation form from your College Secretary. 2 . Fill out the form completely ( one form per subject to be cancelled and/or replaced, to be added ).

3 . Be sure that the subject you are adding or the subject you are cancelling has been validated and/or cancelled by the college concerned. 4 . Be sure that your form has been signed by your Adviser, College Secretary, Dean/Director and University Registrar. 5 . Proceed to ARS-Assessment. 6 . Pay the fee at the UP Cashier's Office. 7. Indicate the official receipt number (OR#), the amount paid and the date of payment in the form. 8. Submit fully accomplished form together with your receipt to ARSAssessment for stamping on or before the deadline set in the academic calendar. Note : Your change of matriculation will not be considered valid unless you have paid the required fee and duly filed the form. Forms submitted after the deadline, even if the fee has been paid will not be accepted. Get the student's copy and submit the instructor's copy to your Instructor. Leave the Dean's copy and Registrar's copy with the OUR. ^ back to Top

HOW TO DROP A SUBJECT When to do : Dropping a course may be done before 3/4 of the hours prescribed for the semester/term has elapsed Last day for Dropping : refer to Academic Calendar What to do : 1. Get the dropping form from your college. 2. Fill out the form completely including the reason for dropping. Have it signed by your instructor who should indicate your class standing. Have your College Secretary or Dean sign the form. 3. Pay the dropping fee of ten pesos per unit (P10.00) at the UP Cashier's Office. 4. Indicate the OR#, amount paid and the date of payment on the dropping form. 5. Submit fully accomplished dropping form, together with your receipt to ARSAssessment for stamping on or before the deadline set in the academic calendar .

~ Forms submitted after the deadline,even if the fee has been paid, will not be accepted . ~ Get the student's copy and submit the instructor's copy to your instructor. ~ Leave the Dean's copy and Registrar's copy with the OUR. ^ back to Top HOW TO MAKE A REFUND OF FEES Who are entitled to a refund? In general, students who have paid their matriculation fees and who withdraw their registration within the prescribed period and for justifiable reasons are entitled to a refund of their matriculation fees, except entrance and registration fees

Specifically, refunds are granted in the following cases: ~ When a student cancels his/her enrollment in a subject because : 1. a. he/she has not satisfied the prerequisite of the subject; or 2. b. he/she has been ill-advised (e.g. the subject is not required in one's curriculum); or 3. c. the class has been dissolved; or 4. d. the time has been changed and the new schedule conflicts with one's other subjects ~ When a schedule has been changed and the new schedule conflicts with one's other subjects ~ When, for a valid reason, a student applies for a leave of absence not later than the fourth week from the opening of classes. ~ When a student who, after he/she has paid his/her matriculation fees, applies for any of the following enrollment privileges : 1. a. Barangay Scholar/Sangguniang Kabataan 2. b. UP Faculty/Employee 3. c. Child of UP Faculty/Employee 4. When and how much refund is granted? * Refund is granted in accordance with the following : Before the opening of classes - 100% Within one week from the opening of classes - 80% Within the second, third, and fourth weeek from the opening of classes - 50 % After the fourth week - NO REFUND Freshmen who withdraw from UPD to enroll in other UP units will be refunded all fees, including registration fees. What are the documents to be submitted? The following should be submitted to the assigned personnel of the ARSAssessment at the time of filing : 1. General 1. a. original copy of the UP Form 5 with imprint of UPD Cashier's cash register/official receipt of payment attached 2. 3. In case you lose your Form 5, secure an affidavit of loss of the original Form 5 indicating the semester and academic year and the statement "I have not claimed any refund based on this Form 5". Pay P20 as certification fee at the Cashier at OUR and apply for a certified true copy of the Registrar's Copy of your Form 5 at the Records Management & Appraisal Section (RMAS), OUR 4. 5. b. properly accomplished application for refund 6. c. properly accomplished change of matriculation/dropping/LOA fee 7. d. official receipt of payment of change of matriculation/dropping/LOA

fee 8. certificationfrom the College Secretary in case of dissolved class or conflict of time due to change of schedule

2. Specific 1. a. for UP Faculty/Employee : 1. ~ properly accomplished Application for Privelege to Study at Reduced Fees with the inclusive period of appointment indicated (the form may be secure from HRDO) b. for dependents of UP Faculty/Employee: 2. ~ properly accomplished Certification of Eligibility for Tuition Privilege together with true copy of grades from previous semester (the form may be secured from HRDO) 2. c. for Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) / Barangay Scholars 1. ~certification from the Department of Local Government, City Mayor or Municipal Mayor stating 2. c.1 the position and effectivity of appointment as SK/Barangay Official 3. c.2 the period covered for the services rendered 4. 5. ~ photocopy of birth certificate of the student (original copy to be presented for authentication purposes) 6. ~ affidavit executed by the Barangay Official indicating the number of his children enjoying the privilege as Barangay Scholar in a State University 3. d. for dependents of Barangay Officials 1. ~certification from the Department of Local Government, City Mayor or Municipal Mayor stating 2. > the position and effectivity of appointment as Barangay Official; and 3. > the period covered for the services rendered 4. 5. ~ photocopy of birth certificate of the student (original copy to be presented for authentication purposes); and 6. ~ affidavit executed by the Barangay Official indicating the number of his children enjoying the privilege as Barangay Scholar in a State University 7. ~ income tax return of parents (should not exceed P72,000) 8. ~ true copy of grades (TCG) during the previous semester (must maintain at least a passing grade in all subjects enrolled in during the semester and must finish the course within the prescribed course duration) What are the steps involved? 1. Submit your accomplished application for refund and the necessary documents (refer to preceding general and specific requirements) and official receipt of payment to ARS-Assessment.

2. If you have availed yourself of a student loan, your papers will be forwarded to the Student Load Board, Office of the Student Affairs, Vinzons Hall for computation. The amount of refund for cases like this is applied against the student loan. 3. After your application is processed at the OUR, your papers are forwarded to the Accounting Office and then to the Cashier's Office for the preparation of the check. 4. Claim your check at the UP Cashier's Office. ^ back to Top

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Copyright 2006 EDP Section, Office of the University Registrar


Certificate in Building Technology Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Bachelor of Science in Architecture Master of Architecture Master of Tropical Landscape Architecture CAL Department of Art Studies Bachelor of Arts (Art Studies) Master of Arts (Art Studies) Department of English & Comparative Literature Bachelor of Arts (Comparative Literature) Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) Master of Arts (Comparative Literature) Master of Arts (Creative Writing) Master of Arts (English Studies) Doctor of Philosophy (Comparative Literature) Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Writing) Doctor of Philosophy (English Studies) Department of European Languages Bachelor of Arts (European Languages) Master of Arts (French Language) Master of Arts (German) Master of Arts (Spanish) Doctor of Philosophy (Hispanic Literature) Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas

Sertipiko sa Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino Bachelor of Arts (Araling Pilipino) Bachelor of Arts (Filipino) Bachelor of Arts (Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino) Master of Arts (Araling Pilipino) Master of Arts (Filipino) Doctor of Philosophy (Filipino) Department of Speech Communication & Theatre Arts Certificate in Theatre Arts Bachelor of Arts (Speech Communication) Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Arts) Master of Arts (Speech Communication) Master of Arts (Theatre Arts) ASIAN CENTER Master in Philippine Studies Master in Asian Studies Master of Arts in Asian Studies Master of Arts in Philippine Studies2 Doctor of Philosophy (Philippine Studies) a AIT Bachelor of Science in Tourism CBA Department of Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Department of Business Administration & Accountancy

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Accountancy Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Finance Master of Science in Management Doctor of Philosophy (Business Administration) SE Bachelor of Science in Business Economics Bachelor of Science in Economics Master in Development Economics Master of Arts (Economics) Doctor of Philosophy (Economics) EDUC Bachelor of Elementary Education Bachelor of Secondary Education Master of Arts in Education Doctor of Philosophy in Education ENGG Department of Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Master of Science in Civil Engineering Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering) Department of Chemical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Doctor of Engineering (Chemical Engineering) Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering)

Department of Computer Science Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Master of Science in Computer Science Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Communications Engineering Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Doctor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Department of Geodetic Engineering Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering Diploma in Remote Sensing Master of Science in Geomatics Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Diploma in Industrial Engineering

a This is a Tri-College Program offered by the College of Arts and Letters, Asian Center and College of Social Science and Philosophy3 Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Department of Mining, Metallurgical, & Materials Engineering Bachelor of Science in Materials Engineering Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering Master of Science (Materials Science & Engineering) b Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Doctor of Philosophy (Materials Science & Engineering) c Energy Engineering Program Master of Science in Energy Engineering Doctor of Philosophy (Energy Engineering) Environmental Engineering Program Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering) CFA Department of Studio Arts Certificate in Fine Arts (Painting) Certificate in Fine Arts (Sculpture) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture) Department of Theory Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art Education) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art History)

Department of Visual Communication Certificate in Fine Arts (Industrial Design) Certificate in Fine Arts (Visual Communication) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Industrial Design) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Communication) CFA Graduate Program Master of Fine Arts CHE Department of Clothing, Textiles & Interior Design Bachelor of Science in Interior Design c Bachelor of Science in Clothing Technology Master of Interior Design Department of Family Life & Child Development Bachelor of Science in Family Life & Child Development Diploma in Early Childhood Development Master of Family Life & Child Development Department of Food Science & Nutrition Bachelor of Science in Community Nutrition Bachelor of Science in Food Technology Master of Food Service Administration PUP

Transferring Students
For students who are currently enrolled in other PUP branch or another school, and would like to pursue their academic studies in PUP.

Transferring from a PUP Branch A student seeking transfer from a PUP branch to PUP Manila may be admitted depending on the availability of slots. Also, the student must: 1. Have finished at least thirty (30) academic units in one (1) year from any branch; 2. Have a general average of at least 2.0 or its equivalent and no failed, dropped, withdrawn, incomplete grade in any academic subject; and 3. Meet all other requirements for admission into the University.

Transferring from Another School A student seeking transfer from another school/university to PUP, may be admitted, subject to: The availability of slots; and The approval of the University President or a duly authorized representative.

Also, the student must: 1. Have finished at least thirty (30) academic units in the university or school he/she came from; and 2. Earn at least more than fifty percent (50%) of academic units in the University in order to graduate.

Accreditation of Subjects The subjects taken by a transferee from another school, which may be considered as reasonable equivalents of subjects in the University curriculum shall be given credit, subject to validation and approval by the Dean/Director concerned, and the University Registrar

Documents to Submit A transferring student must, in addition to paying the Admission Fee, submit the following documents to the Admissions Office: 1. Transfer credential or honorable dismissal; 2. Transcript of Records (with a general average of a least 2.0 or its equivalent and with no failing grades/dropped or withdrawn and incomplete subjects); 3. Certification of good moral character issued by the former dean or guidance counselor of the applicant's previous school or university; 4. Application letter stating, among other things, the reason for the transfer; and 5. Copy of the description of subjects and course taken from other school duly certified by the University Registrar.

Admission Certificate The transferring student will be issued by the ARO the corresponding admission certificate to be used for enrollment purposes.

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