CVS Diuretics

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Q.No:01. A mild hypertensive lady during her treatment developed ototoxicity. Which of
the following drug is responsible for that?
a. Atenolol.
b. Chlorothiazide.
c. Diltiazem.
d. Furosemide.(T)
e. Prazosin
(Katzung 12th edition chapter 11, page 174)

Q.NO:01. Which antihypertensive agent does not act centrally?

a. Clonidine.
b. Guanabenz.
c. Guanfacine.
d. Methyldopa.
e. Propranolol. (T)

Q.No:01. A 65 year old hypertensive male, diagnosed as a case of benign-prostatic

hypertrophy (BPH). Which one of the following drug is suitable to get therapeutic
benefit for both clinical conditions?
a. Methyldopa.
b. Phenoxybenzamine.
c. Phentolamine.
d. Terazosin.(T)
e. Verapamil.

Q.No:02. Most common side effect seen after 1st dose of Prazosin is:
a. Edema.
b. Postural Hypotension. (T)
c. Retention of salt.
d. Retention of water.
e. Tachycardia.

Q.No:03. A cardiologist prescribed a drug to a hypertension patient. One hour after taking
initial dose patient become extensively hypotensive and went into syncope, the
causative agent could be:
a. Atenolol.
b. Propranolol.
c. Prazosin. (T)
d. Methyldopa.
e. Verapamil.

Q.No:04. Which one of the following alpha receptor antagonist is irreversibly acting drug
used in pheochromocytoma:
a. Doxazosin.
b. Prazosin.
c. Phentolamine.
d. Phenoxybenzamine. (T)
e. Yohimbine.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 10, page 154)

Q.No:05. Which one of the following drug causes precipitous fall in blood pressure on
initially administration
a. Prazosin, (T)
b. Nifedipine
c. Atenolol
d. Verapamil
e. Hydrochlorothiazide

Q.No:01. Use of Propranolol should be avoided in Hypertension patient with co-existing.

a. Angina pectoris.
b. Branchial Asthma. (T)
c. Glaucoma.
d. Migraine.
e. Myocardial infarction.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 10, page 158)

Q.No:02. Preferred Beta blocker in hypertensive asthmatic patient is:

a. Atenolol. (T)
b. Carvedilol.
c. Labetalol.
d. Pindolol.
e. Propranolol.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 10, page 158)

Q.No:03. The patient had also prescribed propranolol to prevent episodes of angina. Which
of the following side effects of sublingual nitroglycerine also prevented by this
beta blocker:
a. Dizziness.
b. Edema.
c. Methemoglobinemia
d. Reflex tachycardia. (T)
e. Throbbing headache.

( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 207)

Q.06: Which one β blocker is cardio selective?

a. Propranolol.
b. Timolol.
c. Nadolol.
d. Metoprolol
e. Pindolol.

Q.No:05. Mechanism of action of atenolol is:

a. ACE inhibitors.
b. Angiotensin receptor blockers.
c. α blockers.
d. Diuretic.
e. β blockers.

Q.No:01. From the following drugs used for the treatment of CCF, which drug not
possesses positive inotropic effect?
a. Digoxin.
b. Dobutamine.
c. Milrinone.
d. Nitrates. (T)
e. Ouabain.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 220)

Q.No:02. The aim of treating ischemic heart disease with nitrate is to:
a. Decrease blood pressure.
b. Decrease heart rate.
c. Decrease force of cardiac contraction.
d. Dilate capacitance venules and arterioles. (T)
e. Inhibit calcium influx.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 197)

Q.No:03. Identify a vasodilator, which has same chemical structure of Thiazide diuretic but
no diuretic properties?
a. Diazoxide.(T)
b. Fenoldopam.
c. Hydralazine.
d. Minoxidil.
e. Sodium nitroprusside.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 11, page 182)

Q.No:04. Which of the following drugs belong to the group of the direct vasodilators used
in the treatment of Congestive Cardiac failure?
a. Digoxin.
b. Furosemide.
c. Metoprolol.
d. Quinapril.
e. Sodium nitroprusside.(T)
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 223)

Q.No:05. Which antihypertensive group of drugs is not sympathoplegic in nature?

a. Adrenergic neurone blockers
b. Alpha blockers
c. Beta blockers.
d. Ganglion blockers
e. Vasodilators. (T)
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 219)
Q.No:06. A 70 year old patient is successfully treated for exercise induced angina, now- a-
days he is complaining for being awakened at night with chest pain, which of the following drug
is more suitable to prevent that complain ? (nocturnal angina):

a. Amyl nitrite
b. Esmolol.
c. Hydralazine.
d. Nitroglycerine sublingual.
e. Nitroglycerine transdermal.(T)
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 201)

Q.No:07. Which antihypertensive drug is not Sympathoplegics in nature?

a. Acebutolol.
b. Doxazosin.
c. Guanethidine.
d. Hexamethonium.
e. Sodium nitroprusside.(T)

Q8. Which of the following drugs used in hypertension is associated with

tachycardia and fluid retention and increased hair growth:

a) Captopril.
b) Guanethidine.
c) Minoxidil.(T)
d) Prazosin.
e) Propranolol.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 11, page 181)

Q.09: Following adverse effects can occur with the use of organic nitrates for the
treatment of Angina pectoris, except:
a. Throbbing Haedache.
b. Flushing.
c. Methemoglobinemic.
d. Tolerance.
e. Rashes.
Q.08: Mechanism of action of Hydralazine is:
a. Stimulation of calcium channels.
b. Nitric oxide release.
c. Block vascular calcium channels.
d. Open K channels.
e. Activate D1 receptors.

Q.No:09. Emergency route of administration of Nitroglycrin:

a. Rectal.
b. Subcutaneous.
c. Oral.
d. Sublingual.
e. Intrathecal.

Q.No:01. Selective the more suitable drug from following agents for 56 years old
hypertensive male with 110 beats/ min?
a. Amlodipine.
b. Captopril.
c. Nifedipine.
d. Prazosin.
e. Verapamil. (T)
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 11, page 183)

Q.No:02. From following which calcium channel blocker has more potent effect on cerebral
blood vessels:
a. Amlodipine.
b. Diltiazem.
c. Felodipine.
d. Nicardipine. (T)
e. Nifedipine.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 204)

Q.No:03. Which of the following calcium channel blocker has more cardiac effect?
a. Amlodipine.
b. Felodipine.
c. Nicardipine.
d. Nifedipine.
e. Verapamil. (T)
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 203)

Q.No:04. Constipation is side effect of which of the following calcium channel blocker:
a. Amlodipine.
b. Diltiazem.
c. Felodipine.
d. Nifedipine.
e. Verapamil. (T)
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 204)

Q.No:05. Which of the following agent has action on cardiac as well as vascular calcium
a. Diltiazem.(T)
b. Felodipine.
c. Isradipine
d. Nicardipine.
e. Nifedipine.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 204)
Q.No:06. Nifedipine is:
a. Monohydropyridine derivative.
b. Dihydropyridine derivative.(T)
c. Non-Dihydropyridine derivative.
d. Tetrahydropyridine derivative.
e. Hexahydropyridine derivative.

Q.No:07. Diltiazem effects by:

a. Slowing AV conduction.
b. Increasing the rate of firing of the sinus node pacemaker.
c. Reduces heart rate.
d. It can relieve coronary artery spasm.
e. Decrease blood pressure.
Q.No:01. From following drugs which blocks the angiotensin receptor?
a. Captopril.
b. Enalapril.
c. Fosinopril.
d. Lisinopril.
e. Valsartan. (T)
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 219)

Q.No:02. The major biological features of angiotensin II are mediated through:

a. Angiotensin converting enzyme.
b. AT-I receptor. (T)
c. AT-II receptor.
d. AT-IV receptor.
e. Renin.

Q.No:03. A hypertension patient during treatment developed dry cough, it means he is on:
a. Captopril. (T)
b. Losartan.
c. Minoxidil.
d. Nifedipine.
e. Thiazide.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 223)

Q.No:04: Which one of the following drug does not require activation in the body for its
therapeutic effect?
a. Captopril. (T)
b. Enalapril.
c. Fosinopril.
d. Quinapril.
e. Ramipril.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 11, page 184)
Q.No:05. Which of the following drug is non-prodrug?
a. Captopril.(T)
b. Enalapril.
c. Fosinopril.
d. Moexipril.
e. Ramipril.

Q.No:06. Which of the following group of drugs is used for diabetes, recurrent stroke, heart
failure, previous myocardial infarction and chronic renal failure;
a. Diuretics.
b. Calcium channel blockers.
c. Beta blockers.
d. ACE inhibitors.(T)
e. Alpha blockers.
Q.No:07. Which of the following is renin inhibitor approved for hypertension ?
a. Aliskiren.(T)
b. Captopril
c. Lisinopril
d. Nebivolol
e. Nesiritide.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 219)

Q.07: Which one of the following is not indication of Captopril?

a. Hypertension.
b. CCF.
c. Cardiac arrhythmia.
d. MI.
e. Diabetic Nephropathy.

Q.No:10. Commonest side effect of ACE inhibitor:

a. Nausea.
b. Dry cough.
c. Hypokalemia.
d. Hypothermia.
e. Hypertension.

Q.No:01. From following which anti arrhythmic agent also used for epilepsy:
a. Adenosine.
b. Lidocaine.
c. Phenytoin.(T)
d. Propranolol
e. Verapamil.

Q.08: According to Vaughan Williams classification of Anti-arrhythmic agents,

Amiodarone include in the class:
a. I.
b. II.
c. III.
d. IV.
e. V or miscellaneous.

Q.10: Anti-arrhythmic drug, propafenone belong to the class of:

a. IA.
b. IB.
c. IC.
d. II.
e. III.

Q.No:08. Following is K+ channel blocker:

a. Disopyramide.
b. Lidocaine.
c. Sotalol.
d. Esmolol.
e. Dilfiazem.

Q.No:01. Which of the following agent not used in the treatment of angina pectoris?
a. Atenolol.
b. Diltiazem.
c. Frusemide. (T)
d. Isosorbide.
e. Ticlopidine.

Q.No:02. Beta blockers reduce the anginal pain by decreasing:

a. Cardiac output
b. Cardiac oxygen demand. (T)
c. Blood pressure.
d. Force of cardiac contraction.
e. Heart rate.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 205)

Q.No:03. The aim of treating angina with nitrates is:

a. Dilate arterioles
b. Dilate veins and arteries (T)
c. Inhibit action potential
d. Inhibit Na entry into cells.
e. Prevent ischemia and necrosis

( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 12, page 197)

Q.No:04. A 45 years old male brought to cardiac emergency with complain of rapid and
severe left chest pain. For This patient cardiologist must avoid the use of?
a. Aspirin.
b. Atenolol.
c. Epinephrine.(T)
d. Nifedipine.
e. Nitroglycerine

Q.07: Among new antianginal drugs which one is direct metabolic modulator
a. Ranolazine.
b. Ivabradine.
c. Nicorandil.
d. Fasudil.
e. Detanonoate.
Q.05: Which type of hypertension drug with is not given in variant angina?
a. β blockers.
b. C channel blockers.
c. Vasodilators.
d. ACE inhibitors.
e. Nitrites.

Q.No:01. Phosphodiesterase enzyme is inhibited by:

a. Digoxin.
b. Dobutamine.
c. Dopamine.
d. Milrinone.(T)
e. Nesiritide.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 218)

Q.No:02. From the following drugs for the treatment of CCF, which drug not possesses
positive inotropic effect?
a. Digoxin.
b. Dobutamine.
c. Milrinone.
d. Nitrates. (T)
e. Ouabain.
( Katzung 12th edition, chapter 13, page 219)

Q.No:03: During treating congestive cardiac failure, which agent also shows action as
a. Digitalis.(T)
b. Dobutamine.
c. Dopamine.
d. Inamrinone.
e. Nitroglycerine.
( Katzung 13th edition, chapter 13, page 216)

Q.No:04. Digitalis toxicity can be reduced by:

a. Hypercalcemia.
b. Hyperkalemia. (T)
c. Hypomagnesemia.
d. Hypothyroidism.
e. Verapamil.
( Katzung 13th edition, chapter 13, page 221)

Q.No:05. Which inotropic agent inhibits phosphodiesterase enzyme?

a. Digoxin.
b. Dobutamine.
c. Dopamine.
d. Milrinone. (T)
e. Ouabain.

( Katzung 13th edition, chapter 13, page 218)

Q.No:06. Which of the following agent increase the concentration of the Digitalis?
a. Atropine.
b. Digoxin specific FAB antibody.
c. Lignocaine.
d. Phenytoin.
e. Verapamil. (T)

Q.No:07. Which one the following agent shows negative chronotropic effect during the
treatment of congestive cardiac failure?
a. Digitalis. (T)
b. Dobutamine.
c. Dopamine.
d. Inamrinone.
e. Nitroglycerine.

Q.No:08. Which one of the following drug act on Na+K+ ATPase pump in the treatment of
Congestive Cardiac Failure?
a. Digoxin. (T)
b. Furosemide.
c. Metoprolol.
d. Quinapril.
e. Nitroprusside.

Q.No:09. Digitals has action as:

a. Positive chronotropic.
b. Positive dromotropic.
c. Positive inotropic.
d. Negative chronotropic. (T)
e. Negative inotropic.

Q.No:10. From following which is the inotropic agent used for the treatment of heart
a. Sodium nitroprusside.
b. Amrinone. (T)
c. Isosorbide dinitrate.
d. Metolazone
e. Spironolactone.

Q.No:11. The toxicity of Digoxin increased when it used in combination with

a. Antibiotics (T)
b. Analgesics
c. Antipyretics
d. Antacids
e. ACE-inhibitors.
Q.No:12. The toxicity of Digoxin increased when it used in combination with Verapamil,
due to!
a. Displacement of digoxin from plasma protein binding (T)
b. Decreased excretion of digoxin
c. Enzyme inhibition
d. Idiosyncrasy
e. Synergism.

Q13: What is the main use of Digoxin?

a. CHF. (T)
b. Renal failure.
c. Hepatitis.
d. CNS depression.
e. Myeloproliferative diseases.

Q.09: β1 agonist that has been most widely used in patients with heart failure is:
a. Epinephrine.
b. Dobutamine.
c. Ephedrine.
d. Terbutamine.
e. Modafinil.

Q.No:07. Following is not adverse effect of Digoxin:

a. Nausea.
b. Headache.
c. ↑ force of contraction of myocardium.
d. Arrhythmia.
e. Vomiting.

Q.No:01. A mild hypertension lady during treatment developed ototoxicity. Which of the
following drug is responsible for that?


Q.NO:01. Which antihypertensive agent does not act centrally?


Q.No:01. A 65 year old hypertensive male, diagnosed as a case of benign-prostatic

hypertrophy (BPH). Which one of the following drug is suitable to get therapeutic
benefit for both clinical conditions?
Q.No:02. Most common side effect seen after 1st dose of Prazosin is:
Q.No:03. A cardiologist prescribed a drug to a hypertension patient. One hour after taking
initial dose patient become extensively hypotensive and went into syncope, the
causative agent could be:
Q.No:04. Which one of the following alpha receptor antagonist is irreversibly acting drug
used in pheochromocytoma:
Q.No:05. Which one of the following drug causes precipitous fall in blood pressure on
initially administration


Q.No:01. Use of Propranolol should be avoided in Hypertension patient with co-existing.

Q.No:02. Preferred Beta blocker in hypertensive asthmatic patient is:
Q.No:03. The patient had also prescribed propranolol to prevent episodes of angina. Which
of the following side effects of sublingual nitroglycerine also prevented by this
beta blocker:


Q.No:01. From the following drugs for the treatment of CCF, which drug not possesses
positive inotropic effect?
Q.No:02. The aim of treating ischemic heart disease with nitrate is to:
Q.No:03. Identify a vasodilator, which has same chemical structure of Thiazide but no
diuretic properties?
Q.No:04. Which of the following drugs belong to the group of the direct vasodilators used
in the treatment of Congestive Cardiac failure?
Q.No:05. Which antihypertensive group of drugs is not sympathoplegic in nature?
Q.No:06. A 70 year old patient is successfully treated for exercise induced angina, now a
days he is complaining for being awakened at night with chest pain, which of the
following drug is used in preventing this patients nocturnal angina:


Q.No:01. Which of the following antihypertensive agent is suitable for 56 years old
hypertensive male with 110 beats/ min:
Q.No:02. From following which calcium channel blocker has more potent effect on cerebral
blood vessels:
Q.No:03. Which of the following calcium channel blocker has more cardiac effect?
Q.No:04. Constipation is side effect of which of the following calcium channel blocker:
Q.No:05. Which of the following agent has action on cardiac as well as vascular calcium
Q.No:06. Nifedipine is:
Q.No:07. Diltiazem effects by:


Q.No:01. From following drugs which blocks the angiotensin receptor?
Q.No:02. The major biological features of angiotensin II are mediated through:
Q.No:03. A hypertension patient during treatment developed dry cough, it means that he is
Q.No:04: Which one of the following drug does not require activation in the body for its
therapeutic effect?
Q.No:05. Which of the following drug is non-prodrug?
Q.No:06. Which of the following drug is used for diabetes, recurrent stroke, heart failure,
previous myocardial infarction and chronic renal failure;

Q.No:01. From following which anti arrhythmic agent also used for epilepsy:


Q.No:01. Which of the following agent not used in the treatment of angina pectoris?
Q.No:02. Beta blockers reduce the anginal pain by decreasing:
Q.No:03. The aim of treating angina with nitrates is:
Q.No:04. A 45 years old male brought to cardiac emergency with complain of rapid and
severe left chest pain. For This patient cardiologist must avoid the use of?
Q.No:01. Phosphodiesterase enzyme is inhibited by:
Q.No:02. From the following drugs for the treatment of CCF, which drug not possesses
positive inotropic effect?
Q.No:03: During treating congestive cardiac failure, which agent also shows action as
Q.No:04. Digitalis toxicity can be reduced by:
Q.No:05. Which inotropic agent inhibits phosphodiesterase enzyme?
Q.No:06. Which of the following agent, not used for the treatment of Digitalis Toxicity?
Q.No:07. Which one the following agent shows negative chronotropic effect during the
treatment of congestive cardiac failure?
Q.No:08. Which one of the following drug act on Na+K+ ATPase pump in the treatment of
Congestive Cardiac Failure?
Q.No:09. Digitals has action as:
Q.No:10. From following which is the inotropic agent used for the treatment of heart
Q.No:11. The toxicity of Digoxin increased when it used in combination with
Q.No:12. The toxicity of Digoxin increased when it used in combination with Verapamil,
due to!

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