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Submitted By:- (Group 6) Vipul Gupta Pankaj Sharma Aditya Gupta Satender Singh (Section- E)

ORGANIZATION PROFILE Dalda is a brand of hydrogenated vegetable oil popular in South Asia. Hindustan Lever Limited wanted to brand it, the trader, who still retained a commercial connection with the product, said it had to be named after his company. HLL wanted to include the letter 'L' in it for Lever (of the Unilever group), and thus was born one of the longest-living brands in India. Dalda, which came to be synonymous with the Vanaspati (hydrogenated vegetable fat) genre, was recently extended to a range of edible oils. Hindustan Lever has since sold the brand. Bunge Limited now owns Dalda, offering new variants of Dalda in India. Bunge being the largest manufacturer of bottled oils in the world has now extended the Dalda brand name to its range of refined and filtered oils in India. Bunge Limited (formerly Bunge International) is a Bermudan food conglomerate with its headquarters in White Plains, New York. As well as being a leading global soybean exporter it is also involved in food processing, grain trading, and fertilizer. It competes with Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q1. What were the different types of teams in which employees worked? Ans. In Bunge Limited employees worked in 2types of teams:1. Interdependent Team In these type of teams no single task can be completed alone or without the co-operation of the team mates. In these type of teams people are specialized in performing a particular task. In these teams the success of every individual is directly related to the success of the whole team. 2. Self-managed Teams In these type of teams a manager acts as the team leader and is responsible for defining the goals, methods, and functioning of the team. The manager is responsible for providing instruction, conducting communication, developing plans, giving orders, and disciplining and rewarding employees, and making decisions by virtue of his or her position. In this organisational model, the manager delegates specific responsibility and decision-making authority to the team itself.

Q2. Who is the leader? Ans. Mr. Shivan Gandhi is the leader of the North India as a Regional Area Manager. He sits in headquarter situated in Bulandsher Industrial Area, near Ghaziabad.

Q3. What was his leadership style? Was it functional or dysfunctional for the success of organization? Ans. Participative or democratic style The democratic leadership style favours decision-making by the group. Such a leader gives instructions after consulting the group. They can win the cooperation of their group and can motivate them effectively and positively. The decisions of the democratic leader are not unilateral as with the autocrat because they arise from consultation with the group members and participation by them. It was functional for the organization because making decision after consulting the team member improved efficiency and also it motivated them to think for the better future of the organization.

Q4. What led you to choose the particular organization for the project work? What method of decision-making did you use? Ans. We chose the consensus decision making method to choose our organization. This method tries to avoid "winners" and "losers". Consensus requires that a majority approve a given course of action, but that the minority agree to go along with the course of action. In other words, if the minority opposes the course of action, consensus requires that the course of action be modified to remove objectionable features.

Q5. Were there any free-riders in the group? How did you involve them in the group project? Ans. No, there were no free-riders in our group. Everyone contribute their best in completion of this project as well as in making decisions.

Q6. What group processes did you observe within your group members? Ans. The phrase "group process" refers to the understanding of the behaviour of people in groups, such as task groups, that are trying to solve a problem or make a decision. The different group processes we encountered were that we oriented first to discuss what needs to be done in the project. Secondly we organised and interpreted the work need to be done by the members. Thirdly we gathered information related to the project and finally we decided to make the project with the gathered information.

Q7. What roles were allotted to members of group and how? Ans. We all sat together and divided our work and all of us gathered the required information and then we collectively answered all the questions discussing with everyone in the group.

Q8. What was the leadership style of the group leader? Ans. Our group leader was Vipul Gupta. He was having participative and democratic style of leadership. He takes all the decisions concerning with the group members and then reaching the final decision. He had taken advice and feedback from each and every member of the group before implementing.

Q9. Did you work in a group or a team? Ans. We all worked as a group because we have to reach a desired goal by discussing and by dividing the work. we all were interdependent on each other. We also interacted informally when required as opposite to teams in which interactions are generally formal. We all sat together discussed about the project and then deligated the work and then finally discussed to implement those ideas and information collected by all the members of the group.

Q10. Did you experience any kind of conflict amongst your team members? How did you tackle it?

Ans. We did not have any conflicts between our group members. Our group was cohesive in nature. We all were interdependent on each other and came to any decision very quickly because we were to achieve a common goal as we were thinking to achieve that goal only. Our leader also made this sure to intact the group and make all of us work effectively and he also tried to implement any new ideas and suggestions given by all the group members.

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