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The objective of the study is to examine the causes and impact of sleep deprivation on
medical students. The study will aim to investigate the extent to which medical students are
affected by sleep deprivation and the potential factors contributing to it. To achieve this
objective, the study will involve a sample of 200 medical students, who will be selected from
various medical schools in the area.

The data will be collected through surveys and questionnaires that will be distributed to the
participants. The questionnaires will include questions on the participants' sleep habits, such
as their sleep patterns, duration of sleep, and any difficulties they face when trying to sleep.
The surveys will also include questions about the students' daily activities, such as mobile
phone usage, social media usage, and study habits, which could potentially contribute to sleep

Once the data is collected, it will be analyzed using a software application that will assist in
analyzing the data more accurately and quickly. The software application will provide an
overview of the data collected, which will help to identify any patterns or trends in the data.

To ensure that ethical considerations are met, the study will protect the privacy and personal
data of the participants. The participants will be assured that their information will be kept
confidential and that it will only be used for research purposes. Additionally, the participants
will be given the option to withdraw from the study at any time if they wish to do so.

Based on the expected outcomes, the study will conclude that the usage of mobile phones and
late-night study contribute to sleep deprivation among medical students. The findings of the
study will provide valuable information on the potential causes and impact of sleep
deprivation on medical students, which can be used to develop interventions and strategies to
help students manage their sleep habits better.

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