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Set goals & build motivation to achieve them - SMARTI and WOOP


SMARTI target setting

Specific What exactly do I want to achieve?

What are the reasons for this?
Who is involved?
Measurable What are the success criteria for the goal?
How can I tell that I have achieved the goal?
Attractive Why is the goal worthwhile for me?
What is my "why" behind it?
Realistic Why is the goal worthwhile for me?
What is my "why" behind it?
Can I achieve the goal on my own?
Can I achieve it under the opposing framework conditions
(time, budget, etc.)?
What do I need to achieve the goal?
Time boxed By when will I have reached the goal?
What are the next steps?
Integrated What customer benefit does the goal provide?
What contribution does it make to the company's goals?

Goal formulation & review

- Write down the goal
- Positive formulation (without a "not", "no", etc.)
- The goal relates to you
- Formulated as if it had already been achieved ("I have...", "have become...")

My Goal:

Break down into subgoals / milestones, if applicable.

WOOP-Methode (Wish – Outcome – Obstacle – Plan)

Step 1: Wish / Goal:

Step 2: Outcome

What I see, hear and feel when I reach my goal:

I see:


I hear:


I feel:


Step 3: Obstacles
Obstacles that may occur:
Step 4: Plan
What I do to successfully overcome the obstacles:

If (obstacle)…,

then i will (action to overcome obstacle)…

 Repeat sentence (aloud if necessary) and let it take effect

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Oettingen
Andre Ottlik

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