Opinion Paragraph PDF

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Opinion paragraph

is a paragraph that contains your opinion/thoughts about something that is used to persuade readers
to support it.

In opinion /persuasive writing, a writer takes a position FOR or AGAINST an issue and writes to
convince the reader to believe or do something.

Step1: Write your opinion in the topic sentence clearly

Opinions are statements that come from a person’s beliefs/thoughts about something.

Step2: Supporting sentences = Explain each reason in logical order

When you write an opinion paragraph, you can write about something in your mind, but it will give a
stronger reason for people to believe it if you add some facts that will support your opinion.

Step 3: Use facts to support each reason

Step4: Finish your paragraph with a concluding sentence at the end

• The entire paragraph should focus on one single idea.

• The supporting details should explain the main idea.
Unity • The concluding sentence should end the paragraph with the same

• Establishing a relationship between the ideas presented in a

Coherence • Sentences within a paragraph need to connect to each other and
work together asa whole.

• A paragraph is well-developed.
• If all the sentences clearly and sufficiently support the main idea,
Completeness then your paragraph is complete.
• If thereare not enough sentences or enough information about the
main idea, then the paragraph is incomplete.

Wrong : Remove
the space

Wrong : Remove
the space

Topic Sentence :
In my opinion, I prefer ….
State your opinion

I enjoy …..
I think …. is the best.
I would rather …… than …
The best ….. is ……
I think ……. is …..
I feel …..

The first reason,…………
First of all, …………….
To start,………….
One reason……….
To begin with…………

Provide reasons

The next………..
The second
Another reason is
In addition,
The last,
The final reason,
The most important Use these linkers
Sentence :
Restate your opinion

All in all,
As you can see,
In conclusion,
To sum it up,
To summarize
sentence 1
Examples of an opinion paragraph:
Topic Teenagers should be allowed to get their license at 16 years old. The first reason for this is

Detail /Fact/
because my teenagers work and need to get to and from their jobs. For example, parents may not
always be able to drive their children to work. When 16-year-olds can drive, they are able to drive
themselves to work and not worry about how they will get there. The second reason why this is a good
idea is because it gives parents a break from driving and reduces their stress. Specifically, when parents
have multiple children in different afterschool activities, the teen can share the driving responsibilities
by taking over the driving duty for one of the younger siblings. This greatly helps the parents who may
not be able to be in two places at the same time for pick up or drop off. The last reason is that being
able to drive at 16 fosters independence and responsibility. For instance, the teenager is now able to
go places on their own and do things for themselves, such as going to the store in order to buy school
supplies or get new shoes. In sum, it is clearly advantageous to many when teens are able to drive at
the age of 16, that is, as long as they are responsible and abide by the rules of the road.


In my opinion, students should wear school uniforms. First, students in uniforms are all dressed in the
same way so everyone is equal. For example, students who have expensive brand-name clothes dress
in the same uniform as students who cannot afford such clothes. Second, school uniforms look neat
and tidy. For example, the boys dress in properly fitted suits and the girls wear skirts of a reasonable
length. Third, uniforms help to encourage school pride because the students wear the school emblem
on their uniform. For instance, a boy who wears his school uniform in public must be on his best
behavior because he represents his school. In conclusion, school uniforms help to make all students
look the same, appear tidy, and show school pride.

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