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Hassan Ibrahim Mohamed-----------------SGF/****/14

Advisor: Dr.

MAY, 2023

LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................1


Climate Variables and Remote Sensing.......................................................................................1

Climate Change Monitoring.........................................................................................................1

Extreme Weather Events..............................................................................................................1

Theoretical Review......................................................................................................................2

Empirical Review:........................................................................................................................3

Debates and Gaps:........................................................................................................................3

Data Resolution and Spatial Coverage:....................................................................................3

Data Fusion and Integration.....................................................................................................4


1.1. Introduction

Remote sensing has emerged as a powerful tool for monitoring and detecting climate-related
parameters and changes over large spatial areas. This literature review explores the existing
knowledge on the application of remote sensing in climate detection, highlighting key themes,
debates, and gaps in the field.

1.2. Climate Variables and Remote Sensing

Remote sensing provides the means to monitor various climate variables, including temperature,
precipitation, vegetation, land cover, sea surface temperature, and atmospheric parameters.
Satellite sensors capture electromagnetic radiation from the Earth's surface and atmosphere,
enabling the estimation and analysis of these variables at different spatial and temporal scales
(Allen et al., 2018; Kumar et al., 2019).

1.3. Climate Change Monitoring

Remote sensing plays a crucial role in monitoring climate change and its impacts. It enables the
detection of long-term trends, spatial patterns, and anomalies in climate-related parameters.
Remote sensing data can be used to assess changes in glaciers, sea ice extent, vegetation
phenology, and land surface temperature, providing valuable insights into the impacts of climate
change (Li et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2019).

1.4. Extreme Weather Events

Remote sensing techniques contribute to the detection and monitoring of extreme weather
events, such as hurricanes, droughts, floods, and heat waves. Satellite observations, combined
with advanced image processing and analysis algorithms, allow for the identification and
tracking of these events, enabling timely response and disaster management (Cohen et al., 2018;
Hao et al., 2017).

1.5. Climate Modeling and Validation

Remote sensing data are widely used for climate modeling and validation purposes. Satellite
observations provide valuable input data for climate models, helping to improve their accuracy
and reliability. Additionally, remote sensing data serve as a crucial source for validating climate
model outputs, enhancing our understanding of climate processes and improving model
performance (Wu et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2018).

1.6. Theoretical Review

Remote Sensing Techniques: Theoretical frameworks in remote sensing for climate detection
encompass the principles and methodologies of different remote sensing techniques. These
include passive sensors (e.g., multispectral and hyper spectral imaging) and active sensors (e.g.,
radar and lidar) that capture and measure electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted by the
Earth's surface and atmosphere. Theoretical understanding of these techniques guides the
selection of appropriate sensors and data processing methods for climate-related variables
(Bhatta et al., 2016; Jensen, 2016).

Radioactive Transfer Models: Theoretical frameworks based on radioactive transfer models

provide the foundation for quantitatively relating the measured electromagnetic radiation to
climate variables. These models simulate the interaction of radiation with the atmosphere, land
surface, and vegetation, allowing for the estimation of key climate parameters such as surface
temperature, vegetation indices, and atmospheric properties (Li et al., 2014; Sobrino et al.,

Climate Indices and Algorithms: Theoretical frameworks encompassing climate indices and
algorithms are essential for deriving meaningful information from remote sensing data. These
indices and algorithms combine multiple remote sensing variables to compute climate-related
parameters such as temperature anomalies, vegetation health indices, and precipitation estimates.
Theoretical understanding of these indices and algorithms enables the interpretation and analysis
of remote sensing data in the context of climate detection (Tucker et al., 2005; Wang et al.,

1.7. Empirical Review:

Empirical studies in the field of remote sensing-based climate detection provide practical
evidence of the application of remote sensing data and methods for monitoring and analyzing
climate-related parameters. Key empirical findings include:

Temperature Monitoring: Empirical studies have demonstrated the capability of remote sensing
to monitor surface temperature at different spatial and temporal scales. These studies have used
thermal infrared data to estimate land surface temperature and analyze spatial patterns and
temporal trends, providing insights into climate change impacts on temperature (Jin et al., 2016;
Zhang et al., 2020).

Vegetation Dynamics: Remote sensing data have been extensively used to monitor vegetation
dynamics and assess climate-induced changes. Empirical studies have shown the potential of
vegetation indices derived from remote sensing data to capture vegetation phenology, greenness,
and productivity, enabling the detection of climate-related variations and trends (Peng et al.,
2019; Zhang et al., 2018).

Precipitation Estimation: Remote sensing-based precipitation estimation has been explored as an

alternative to traditional ground-based measurements. Empirical studies have examined the use
of passive microwave sensors and radar data to estimate precipitation at different spatial and
temporal scales. These studies have demonstrated the potential of remote sensing in providing
valuable precipitation information for climate studies and hydrological modeling (Kidd et al.,
2017; Liu et al., 2019).

1.8. Debates and Gaps:

1.8.1. Data Resolution and Spatial Coverage:

One of the ongoing debates in remote sensing-based climate detection is the trade-off between
data resolution and spatial coverage. Some climate-related variables require high-resolution data
to capture localized changes accurately. However, obtaining high-resolution data over large areas
may be challenging due to limitations in sensor capabilities and data acquisition costs (Feng et
al., 2019; Jin et al., 2016).

1.8.2. Data Fusion and Integration

Integrating data from multiple sensors and platforms remains a challenge in remote sensing-
based climate detection. Combining data from different sources, such as satellites, aerial
platforms, and ground-based sensors, can provide comprehensive and accurate information.
However, issues related to data compatibility, calibration, and harmonization need to be
addressed for effective data fusion and integration (Gao et al., 2019; Wan et al., 2017).

1.8.3. Uncertainty and Validation

Quantifying and addressing uncertainty in remote sensing-based climate detection is an ongoing

research topic. Remote sensing data, like any other observational data, are subject to various
uncertainties arising from sensor characteristics, atmospheric conditions, and data processing
algorithms. Developing robust uncertainty estimation methods and validation techniques is
essential for ensuring the reliability and accuracy of climate detection results (Wang et al., 2021;
Zhang et al., 2019).

This literature review highlights the application of remote sensing in climate detection,
emphasizing its role in monitoring climate variables, detecting climate change, assessing extreme
weather events, and supporting climate modeling efforts. However, ongoing debates and gaps in
the field, such as data resolution, data fusion, and uncertainty estimation, require further research
and development to enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of remote sensing-based climate
detection methods.

Data Limitations and Integration: Despite the advancements in remote sensing technology, data
limitations and challenges persist. Issues such as cloud cover, atmospheric interference, and
limited temporal resolution pose challenges in acquiring continuous and high-quality data for
climate detection. Further research is needed to address these limitations and develop effective
methods for integrating remote sensing data with ground-based observations and climate models
(Wang et al., 2021; Weng et al., 2012).


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Jensen, J. R. (2016). Remote sensing of the environment: An Earth resource perspective.


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117, 109-124.

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