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Catalogul Bibliotecii Alternative contine materiale din:

- Colectia generala a B.A. (carti pe diverse teme)

- Mobilobiblioteca FIA (carti, fanzine, jurnale/reviste, filme si alte materiale)
- Colectia SVR (carti, reviste, filme)

Colectia generala
***materialele recent adaugate sunt marcate cu albastru
COTA titlu autor numar/an limba
Anarhism. Miscari Sociale. Actiune Directa
AMSAD 001 Nowtopia Carlsson Chris 2008 EN
AMSAD 002 The Politics of Identity - Class, Culture, Social Aronowitz Stanley 1992 EN
AMSAD 003 La Cafenea - discutand despre revolutie si anarhie Malatesta Errico
AMSAD 004 L'ordre moins le pouvoir - Histoire et actualite de Baillargeon Normand 2004 FR
AMSAD 005 New Winds. A Spirit Filled Revolution New Winds EN
AMSAD 006 Violence and Anarchism. A Polemic Ed. Vernon Richards 1993 EN
AMSAD 007 Rules for Radicals Alinsky Saul 1989 EN
AMSAD 008 Reveille for Radicals Alinsky Saul 1989 EN
AMSAD 009 Rebellion from the Roots. Indian Uprising in Chiapas Ross John
AMSAD 010 Carlo Rosselli - Eretic Socialist si Exilat Antifascist Pugliese Stanislao 2003 RO
AMSAD 011 Dusmanul Declarat Genet Jean 2004 RO
AMSAD 012 La Joie de la Revolution Knabb Ken 2008 FR
AMSAD 013 Expect Resistance - A field Manual Crimethink EN
AMSAD 014 Direct Action - Memoirs of an urban guerrilla Hansen Ann 2002 En
AMSAD 015 From Riot to Insurrection Bonanno Alfredo 1990 En
AMSAD 016 Horizontalism - Voices of Popular Power in Argentina Sitrin Marina 2006 EN

AMSAD 017 Anarchism and other Essays Goldman Emma EN

AMSAD 018 Anarchism. A very Short Introduction. Ward Colin 2004 EN
AMSAD 019 Anarhismul Crowder George 1997 RO
AMSAD 020 Dumnezeu si Statul Bakunin, Mihail 2008 RO
AMSAD 021 Anarchy is Order Pepe 2004 EN
AMSAD 022 To Remember Spain Bookchin Murray EN
AMSAD 023 Anarchy. From Theory to Practice Guerin Daniel EN
AMSAD 024 Days of War, Nights of Love Crimethink EN
AMSAD 025 Squat the world. Toata lumea pe strazi. Texte si Federatia Anarhista 2009 RO
Communicate din timpul Revoltei din Grecia
AMSAD 026 Anarhism contemporan si noi forme de actiune Federatia Anarhista 2008 RO
AMSAD 027 Insurectia care vine Comitetul Invizibil 2009 RO
AMSAD 028 Istoria Anarhismului Jean Preposiet 2006 RO
AMSAD 029 Principles, propositions and discussions for land and Anarchy is Oder 2006 EN
AMSAD 030 Evasion crimethink 2000 EN
AMSAD 031 Recipes for disaster. An anarchist cookbook crimethink 2005 EN
AMSAD 032 Everybody talks about the weather…We don't. Meinhof Ulrike 2008 EN
AMSAD 033 Civil Disobedience and Other Essays Thoreau Henry David 1993 EN
AMSAD 034 Abolirea muncii Bob black RO
AMSAD 035 Revolutia Ferala Feral Faun RO
AMSAD 036 Tensiunea Anarhista Alfredo Bomano RO
AMSAD 037 Living My Life Emma Goldman 2006 EN
AMSAD 038 Amintirile Unui Razvratit Piotr Kropotkin 1969 RO
AMSAD 039 Libertate, Egalitate, Suroritate si Fraternitate Goldman Emma 2010 RO
AMSAD 040 Sparking a Worldwide energy revolution. AbramskyKolya 2010, AK EN
AMSAD 041 The Subversion of Politics. European Autonomous Social Katsiaficas Georgy 1997, AK EN
Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life Press
AMSAD 042 Brochure Syndicaliste no. 15: Discussion avec Bakounine Frank Mintz, coord 2006 FR
ANTROPO 001 Humanity - An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Peoples James / Bailey 1991 EN
ANTROPO 002 Bury Me Standing - The Gypsies and Their Journey Fonseca Isabela 1995 EN
ANTROPO 003 Possibilities - Essays on Hierarchy, Rebellion and Graeber David 2007 EN
ANTROPO 004 The Red Indians - Aboriginal People's Struggles in Kulchyski Peter 2007 EN
ANTROPO 005 Taranii Wolf Eric 1998 RO
ANTROPO 006 Anthropology of Rural and Urban Development Dafinger Andreas 2009 EN
ANTROPO 007 Future Primitive. And other essays Zerzan John 1994 EN
ANTROPO 008 Participant Observation. A guide for fieldworkers. Dewalt Kathleen & 2002 EN
ANTROPO 009 Mituri si Simboluri in Arta si Civilizatia Indiana Zimmer Heinrich 2007 RO
ANTROPO 010 Anthropologie Politique Riviere Claude FR
ANTROPO 011 Postcolonialism si Postcomunism VOL 1 2001 EN/F
ANTROPO 012 Imaginar Cultural VOL 2 2001 R/RO
ANTROPO 013 Imaginar Social VOL 3 2001 R/RO
ANTROPO 014 Restrictii si Cenzura VOL 4 2001 R/RO
ANTROPO 015 Geografii Simbolice VOL 5 2001 R/RO
ANTROPO 016 Les Imaginaires Europeens VOL 6 2001 R/RO
Arta R/RO
ART 001 Kombinat album RO
ART 002 World Press Photo 2008 album 2008 ES
ART 003 Vector revista 04/2007
ART 004 Despre noi si ceilalti H.ARTA 2006 RO/E
ART 005 The Wonderful World of Doomsday Graphics / Shaved Vukmirovic Nenad / 2005 EN
Women Tomasevic Andrea
ART 006 Interventii 3 Asociatia Oberliht 2008 RO/E
ART 007 Rahova Uranus Fanzine Ofensiva Generozitatii 2006 RO
ART 008 Era Punk. Mitologii Subiective Big Joan 2003 RO
ART 009 Postmodernism Ex-Comunism Perjovschi Dan 2007 RO
ART 010 Dialetics of Subjection #4 Chisa Aneta Mona, 2007 RO
Tkacova Lucia
ART 011 In numele Artei: pentru o arheologie a modernitatii de Duve Thierry 2001 RO
ART 012 Camera Luminoasa. Insemnari despre Fotografie. Barthes Roland 2009 RO
ART 013 Recucerirea Politicului. Economia Culturii in Babias Marius 2007 RO
Societatea Capitalista.
ART 014 Nasterea Culturii Pop Babias Marius 2009 RO
ART 015 Contemporary Art Archive. Center for Art Analysis Perjovschi Lia 2007 EN
ART 016 Estetica Relationala. Postproductie. Bourriaud Nicolas 2007 RO
ART 017 Tacerea Mieilor. The silence of the Lambs. Cantor Mircea 2007 RO
ART 018 Hegemonia in Campul Artei Marchart Oliver 2009 RO
ART 019 Subiectivitatea Marfa. O povestire teoretica. Babias Marius 2004 RO
ART 020 European Influenza Bienala Venetia 2005 2007 RO
ART 021 Spatiul Public Bucuresti / Public Art Bucharest 2008 RO
ART 022 H.ARTA 2008 RO
ART 023 Jurnalul Moscovit Benjamin Walter 2008 RO
ART 024 Iluminari Benjamin Walter 2002 RO
ART 025 Nostalgia Antichitatii si Cultul Masinilor. Istoria Bredekamp Horst 2007 RO
cabinetului de curiozitati si viitorul istoriei artei.
ART 026 Mediafax Foto 2007 2007 RO
ART 027 Portretele Bucurestiului 2008 RO
ART 028 Povestea Marului - in cuvinte si imagini Echipa Editurii TACT 2008 RO
ART 029 Street Marking in Hungary 2009 EN/H
ART 030 As the world burns Jansem Derrick 2007 EN
ART 031 Kastello – Palate ale Romilor in Romania Igloo 2008 RO-
ART 032 Kotti Shop Zine Kottishop DE
ART 033 Urma Revoltei. Arta si Politica Istoriei in Noul Berlin Babias Marius 2006 RO
BELETR 001 Seven Red Sundays - The Celebrated Novel of Sender J. Ramon 1990 EN
Revolutionary Spain
BELETR 002 Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury Ray 1995 FR
BELETR 003 A Clergyman's Daughter Orwell George 1975 EN
BELETR 004 Gone Tomorrow Indiana Garry 1993 EN
BELETR 005 Suffled. How it Gush. A North American Anarchist in Meckfessel Shon 2006 EN
the Balkans
BELETR 006 Haymarket Duberman Martin 2003 EN
BELETR 007 Baieti de gasca Lungu Dan 2005 RO
BELETR 008 Orasul Faulkner William RO
BELETR 009 Conjuratia Imbecililor John Kennedy Toole 2005 RO
BELETR 010 Rolul familiei mele in revolutia mondiala Cosic Bora 2008 RO
BELETR 011 Jurnal Stoica Sorin 2006 RO
BELETR 012 Solaris Lem Stanislav 1974 RO
BELETR 013 Tunelul Sabato Ernesto 2004 RO
BELETR 014 Aleea Soarelui Brussig Thomas 2003 RO
BELETR 015 Sex&Perestroika Cheianu Constantin 2010 RO
BELETR 016 Nascut in URSS Ernu Vasile 2006 RO
BELETR 017 Anul Mortii lui Ricardo Reis Saramago Jose 2003 RO
BELETR 018 Inima de caine Bulgakov Mihail 2002 RO
BELETR 019 Cartile profetice. Cei patru ZOA. Blake William 1998 RO
BELETR 020 De veghe in lanul de secara Salinger J. D. 2005 RO
BELETR 021 Inmormantarea vesela Ulitkaia Ludmila 2005 RO
BELETR 022 Ghidul Lenesului Hodgkinson Tom 2004 RO
BELETR 023 ARH2+ Esinencu Nicoleta 2007 RO
BELETR 024 BONG Vakulovski Alexandru 2007 RO
BELETR 025 Pizdet Vakulovski Alexandru 2002 RO
BELETR 026 Monologurile Vaginului Ensler Eva 2003 RO
BELETR 027 Supravietuitor Palahniuk Chuck 2009 RO
BELETR 028 Cantec de leagan Palahniuk Chuck 2007 RO
BELETR 029 Joaca Preferata / Frumosii invinsi Cohen Leonard 2008 RO
BELETR 030 Zgomotul Alb DeLillo Don 2007 RO
BELETR 031 Anormalii Goebel Joey 2008 RO
BELETR 032 Palatul chelfanelii Bruckner Pascal 2005 RO
BELETR 033 De ce fierge copilul in mamaliga Veteranyi Aglaya 2003 RO
BELETR 034 Ultimii Eretici ai Imperiului Ernu Vasile 2009 RO
BELETR 035 Povestiri vesele Hasek Jaroslav 1988 RO
BELETR 036 Brighton Rock Greene Graham 2006 RO
BELETR 037 Eseu despre luciditate Saramago Jose 2008 RO
BELETR 038 The god of small things Arundhati, Roy 1997 EN
BELETR 038 Dumnezeul lucrurilor marunte Arundhati, Roy 2004 RO
BELETR 039 Ultima gara Parini, Jay 2009 RO
BELETR 040 The rebel's dark laughter Filippi Bruno 2009 EN
BELETR 041 The grapes of Wrath Steinbeck John 1967 EN
BELETR 042 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling J.K. 1998 EN
BELETR 043 Narcis si Guga-de-Aur Hesse Hermann 2001 RO
BELETR 044 Un om care doarme Perec Georges 2004 RO
BELETR 045 De Duzina Bukowski Charles 2003 RO
BELETR 046 Amantul doamnei Chatterley Lawrence D.H. 2001 RO
BELETR 047 Pururi Tanar Infasurat in Pixeli Cartarescu Mircea 2004 RO
BELETR 048 Noi Zamiatin Efgheni 2007 RO
BELETR 049 Orlando Virginia Wolf 1968 RO
BELETR 050 Narziss si Goldmund Hesse Hermann 1968 RO
BELETR 051 O Moarte Usoara Simone de Beauvoir 1972 RO
BELETR 052 Psycho Bloch Robert 1995 RO
BELETR 053 Jurnalul erotic al unei adolescente de 16 ani Melissa P. 2007 RO
BELETR 054 Misterioasa disparitie a tinerei marchize de Loria Jose Donoso 2008 RO
BELETR 055 199 000 lei Frederic Beigbeder 2006 RO
BELETR 056 Mascarada Moravia Alberto 2008 RO
BELETR 057 Gradini/Jardins Flamand Dinu 2005 RO,
BELETR 058 L'Appel de la Foret London Jack 1997 FR
BELETR 059 Le Royaume du Dragon D'or Allende Isabel 2003 FR
BELETR 060 Little Brother Doctorow Cory 2008 EN
BELETR 061 Catilinarele Nothomb Amelie 2006 RO
BELETR 062 Imparatul Mustelor Golding William 1969 RO
BELETR 063 Aventurile lui Huckleberry Finn Twain Mark RO
BELETR 064 O limba comuna Stoica Sorin 2005 RO
BELETR 065 Zgomotul si Furia Faulkner William 2003 RO
BELETR 066 A Boy on Horseback Steffens Lincoln EN
BELETR 067 La Agatat Gordimer Nadine 2008 RO
BELETR 068 Out of the Way! Socialism's Coming! Nesin Aziz 2001 EN
BELETR 069 Oliver Twist Dickens Charles 1994 EN
BELETR 070 Ratacit in Casa Oglinzilor Barth John 2007 RO
BELETR 071 Cutia Neagra Amos OZ 2006 RO
BELETR 072 Anglia, Anglia Barnes Julian 2007 RO
BELETR 073 Welcome to the Monkey House Vonnegut Kurt 1998 EN
BELETR 074 A good man is hard to find O'Connor Flannery EN
BELETR 075 Lord of the Flies Golding William EN
BELETR 076 Alice in Tara Minunilor, Alice in Tara din Oglinda Caroll Lewis 2007 RO
BELETR 077 The Rum Diary Thompson Hunter 1998 EN
BELETR 078 Russen Disko Kaminer Vladimir 2005 RO
BELETR 079 Iubita mea, Sputnik Murakami Haruki 2004 RO
BELETR 080 Journal De Un Tueur Sentimental Sepulveda Luis 1998 FR
BELETR 081 Jurnalul unui Batran Nebun Taniyaki Junichiro 2007 RO
BELETR 082 Carmen Merimee Prosper 1965 RO
BELETR 083 The heart is a lonely hunter McCullers Carson 2008 EN
BELETR 084 Das Liebesleben der Hyane Bukowski Charles 2004 DE
BELETR 085 Scarabeul de Aur Edgar Allan Poe 2003 RO
BELETR 086 Micul Print Antoine de Saint 2009 RO
BELETR 087 Le Petit Prince Antoine de Saint
Exupery 1999 FR
BELETR 088 20 espaces pour ton aparition Brebent Agnes 2009 FR
BELETR 089 Ma numesc Salma Faqir Fadia 2008 RO
BELETR 090 Wolfy and the Strudelbakers Zvi Jagendorf 2001 EN
BELETR 091 Pianista Jelinek Elfriede 2004 RO
BELETR 092 The Well of Loneliness Radclzff Hall 1928 EN
BELETR 093 Jurnalul unui om dezamagit Barbellion W.N.P. 2008 RO
BELETR 094 Pana la lasarea serii Yoshiyuki Junnosuke 2008 RO
BELETR 095 Henry si June. Din Jurnalul Dragostei Anais Nin 2008 RO
BELETR 096 Nemurirea Kundera Milan 2002 RO
BELETR 097 Aventuri Birmane Christophe Ono-Dit_Biot 2009 RO
BELETR 098 Regele se Inclina si Ucide Muller Herta 2005 RO
BELETR 099 Animalul inimii Muller Herta 2006 RO
BELETR 101 Accidentul Sebastian M. 1962 RO
BELETR 102 Minunata lume noua. Reintoarcere la minunata lume Huxley Aldous 2003 RO
BELETR 103 Iguana Vazquez-Figueroa 2007 RO
BELETR 104 Raiul Gainilor Lungu Dan 2007 RO
BELETR 105 Mortii Incomozi Subcomandante 2009 RO
BELETR 106 Scrieri Alese Marcos,
Poe, EdgarPaco Ignacio
Allan 1968 RO
Taibo II
BELETR 107 Scrisoare deschisa oricui 1930-1935 Istrati Panait 2005 RO
BELETR 108 Scapare de condei 1906-1916 Istrati Panait 2004 RO
BELETR 109 Viata lui Adrian Zografi Istrati Panait 1983 RO
BELETR 110 Nerantula Istrati Panait 1984
BELETR 111 Domnitza de Snagov Istrati Panait 1968 FR
BELETR 112 Prezentarea Haiducilor / Domnita din Snagov Istrati Panait 1969 RO
BELETR 113 Scrieri postume si fragmente Kafka Franz 1998 RO
BELETR 114 O mie noua sute opt zeci si patru Orwell George 1991 RO
BELETR 115 Omagiul Cataloniei Orwell George 1997 RO
BELETR 116 Zile birmaneze Orwell George 2003 RO
BELETR 117 Chira Chiralina / Mos Anghel Istrati Panait 1969 RO
BELETR 118 Pygmalion Shaw Baernard 1961 EN
BELETR 119 Saint Joan Shaw Baernard 1948 EN
BELETR 120 Toti oamenii sunt muritori Simone De Beauvoir 2008 RO
BELETR 121 The Devil's Dictionary Bierce Ambrose 1996 EN
BELETR 122 Mormintele din Atuan Le Guin Ursula 2008 RO
BELETR 123 Lumea lui Rocannon Le Guin Ursula 2006 RO
BELETR 124 Mana Stanga a intunericului Le Guin Ursula 1994 RO
BELETR 125 Castelul Kafka Franz 1966 RO
BELETR 126 Orient, occident Rushdie Salman 1994 RO
BELETR 127 In mers de rac Grass Gunter 2002 RO
BELETR 128 Cartea Viselor Kerouac Jack 1960 RO
BELETR 129 Frankenstein Shelley Mary 2009 RO
BELETR 130 Arta de a nu scrie un roman Jerome K. Jerome 1987 RO
COLONIAL 001 Ambitii Imperiale Chomsky Noam 2005 RO
COLONIAL 002 Humanitarian Imperialism - Using Human Rights to Bricmont Jean 2006 EN
Vision. Illuminating War and Class on the Neo- Lee Butch / Rover Red 1993 EN
Colonial Terrain
COLONIAL 004 La Paix Blanche. Introduction a l'ethnocide Jaulin Robert 1970 FR
COLONIAL 005 The Question of Palestine Said Edward 1992 EN
COLONIAL 006 The New Intifada - Resisting Israel's Apartheid Ed. Carey Roane 2001 EN
COLONIAL 007 CAIStudies Center for Anti- No 2/ 2004 EN
Imperialist Studies
COLONIAL 008 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance Arm The Spirit 2002 EN
COLONIAL 009 The Missing Peace. Truth and Justice in EN
COLONIAL 010 Hegemonie sau Supravietuire Chomsky Noam 2003 RO
COLONIAL 011 State Esuate Chomsky Noam 2007 RO
COLONIAL 012 Seeds of Hate. How America's flawed Middle East Pintak Lawrence 2003 EN
policy ignited the jihad
COLONIAL 013 De Memoire indienne Ushte Tahca, Erdoes FR
COLONIAL 014 The Wretched of the Earth Fanon Frantz EN
COLONIAL 015 Freedom Next Time Pilger John 2006 EN
COLONIAL 016 Culture and Imperialism Said Edward 1993 EN
COLONIAL 017 Noul Imperialism Harvey David 2004 Ro
Ecologie, Drepturile Animalelor.

ECOANIM 001 The Greening of Africa. Braking through in the battle Harrison Paul 1990 EN
for land and food
ECOANIM 002 Flaming Arrows Coronado Rod EN
ECOANIM 003 Do or Die. Voices from the Ecological Resistance Nr 10/2003 EN

ECOANIM 004 Animal Ingredients Eg Smith Collective 1997 EN

ECOANIM 005 Free the Animals - The story of the Animal Liberation Newkirk Ingrid 2000 EN
ECOANIM 006 Pamantul e Bolnav - ce sanse avem sa supravietuim Reeves Hubert / 2005 RO
Frederic Lenoir
ECOANIM 007 Originile animale ale culturii Dominique Nestel 2004 RO
ECOANIM 008 Slaughter of the innocent Ruesch Hans 2003 EN
ECOANIM 009 Conservation for Survival. An ecological Strategy Curry-Lindahl Kai EN
ECOANIM 010 Consumer's Guide to the Protection of the Environment Helliman Jonathan 1974 EN
EDU 001 Deschooling Society Illich Ivan 1971 EN
EDU 002 Praxis - The root of liberation education EN
EDU 003 Tabor EN
EDU 004 An Introduction to Kendo Lidstone R.A. 1964 EN
EDU 005 The Principles and Practice of Aikido Yamada Senta 1966 EN
EDU 006 No more prisons Upski Wimsatt 2004 EN
EDU 007 Despre Universitate WilliamGerard
Granel 2002 RO
EDU 008 Priveste-ma asa cum sunt. Cuvinte si imagini ale Carmen Gheorghe si 2010 RO/E
femeilor rome H.Arta N
EDU 009 Dropping Out EN
EDU 010 Ce pot face daca sunt discriminat ? Apador CH. (comit 2009 RO
EDU 011 Elibereaza-te de prejudecati. Ghid pentru elevii de Agentia de Monit. a 2008 RO
liceu privind discriminarea. Presei
EDU 012 Elibereaza-te de prejudecati. Raport de cercetare Agentia de Monit. a 2008 RO
EDU 013 Education for Critical Consciousness Freire Paulo 2008 EN
EDU 014 Teaching Community. A Pedagogy of Hope. Hooks Bell 2003 EN
FILO 001 Comparem. Politica la viitor. Bailly Jean- 2002 RO
Christophe, Nancy
FILO 002 Homo Sacer. Puterea suverana si viata nuda. Jean-Luc
Agamben Giorgio 2006 RO
FILO 003 Catre cel cazut pe ganduri Tamas G.M. 2004 RO
FILO 004 In Aceeasi Barca Sloterdijk Peter 2002 RO
FILO 005 Comunitatea Absenta Nancy Jean-Luc 2005 RO
FILO 006 Uzuri ale filosofiei Mihali Ciprian 2006 RO
FILO 007 Starea de Exceptie. (Homo Sacer II,1) Agamben Giorgio 2008 RO
FILO 008 Viata si Umbra Ei. Intemeierea Existentiala A Ilea T. Laura 2007 RO
FILO 009 Cunoasterii.
Kant Dupa Duchamp de Duve Thierry 2003 RO
FILO 010 Experienta libertatii Nancy Jean-Luc 2003 RO
FILO 011 In cautarea simplitatii: o poetica Bohringer Hannes 2001 RO
FILO 012 Conversatii pe Malul Raului Nispos Vajda Mihaly 2010 RO
FILO 013 Tratative Deleuze Gilles 2005 RO
FILO 014 Conditia Postmoderna Lyotard Jean-Francois 2003 RO
FILO 015 Filosoofia ca Gen Literar Codoban Aurel 2005 RO
FILO 016 Paroxistul Indiferent Baudrillard Jean 2001 RO
FILO 017 Anarhia Sensului. O fenomenologie a timpului cotidian Mihali Ciprian 2001 RO

FILO 018 (EX)POZITII Derrida Jacques 2001 RO

FILO 019 Manifest pentru filosofie Badiou Alain 2008 RO
FILO 020 Topologia Aurei si alte eseuri Groys Boris 2007 RO
FILO 021 Securitate, teritoriu, populatie Foucault Michael 2009 RO
FILO 022 Nasterea biopoliticii Foucault Michael 2007 RO
FILO 023 Puterea Psihiatrica Foucault Michael 2006 RO
FILO 024 "Trebuie sa aparam societatea" Foucault Michael 2009 RO
FILO 025 Simulacre si Simulare Baudrillard Jean 2008 RO
FILO 026 Stalin - Opera de Arta Totala. Cultura Scindata din Groys Boris 2007 RO
Uniunea Sovietica.
FILO 027 Etica Autenticitatii Taylor Charles 2006 RO
FILO 028 Conditia Umana Arendt Hannah 2007 RO
FILO 029 Biopolitica si medicina sociala Foucault Michael 2003 RO
FILO 030 Individul Impotriva Statului Spencer Herbert 2002 RO
FILO 031 Ce este autoritatea? Bochenski J. M. 2006 RO
FILO 032 Sur la Nature Humaine Chomsky Noam / 2006 FR
Foucault Michel
FILO 033 Principele Machiavelli 1995 RO
FILO 034 Frumusetea ca senzatie fizica Borges Jorge Luis RO
FILO 035 The Art of Living Ghandi M.K. 1961 EN
FILO 036 Ce que Ghandi a vraiement dit Herbert Jean 1974 FR
FILO 038 Despre Gramatologie Derrida Jacques 2009 RO
FILO 039 Sfantul Pavel. Intemeierea Universalismului. Badiou Alain 2008 RO
FILO 040 Timpul care ramane. Un comentariu al epistolei de Agamben Giorgio 2009 RO
catre romani.
FILO 041 Eurotaoism. Contributii la o critica a cineticii politice Sloterdijk Peter 2004 RO

FILO 042 Secolul Badiou Alain 2010 RO

FILO 043 Ce este un autor? Studii si Conferinte. Foucault Michael 2004 RO
FILO 044 Fenomenologia Spiritului Hegel 2000 RO
FILO 045 Retori, Simulacre, Imposturi Siulea Ciprian 2003 RO
FILO 046 Deconstruictia Politicii Derrida Jacques 2005 RO
FILO 047 Studii despre Iubire Ortega y Gasset 2006 RO
FILO 048 Discursul Filosofic al Modernitatii Habermas J. 2000 RO
GENDER 001 Sociologia Transexualismului Radulescu Sorin / 1999 RO
Zolei A.
GENDER 002 Revolution From Within Steinem Gloria 1993 EN
GENDER 003 Feminism and Anthropology Moore Henrietta 1988 EN
GENDER 004 Are you talking to me? Discussions on Knowledge H.arta / Morawek 2008 EN
Production, Gender Politics and Feminist Strategies Katharina
GENDER 005 The Second Sex Simone De Beauvoir 1989 EN
GENDER 006 Din Istoria Feminismului Romanesc Mihailescu Stefania 2006 RO
GENDER 007 Homosexuality. A Natural History Mondimore Francisc 1996 EN
GENDER 008 I never knew I had a chance Corey Gerald 1986 EN
GENDER 009 Gehandelte Frauen Geisler Alexandra 2005 DE
GENDER 010 Feminisme. Recapituland concepte si afirmand noi H.arta / Morawek 2010 EN/R
pozitii. Katharina O
GENDER 011 The women's history of the world Miles Rosalin 1989 EN
GENDER 012 Respectul pentru Femei Kofman Sarah 2002 RO
GENDER 013 Privilege, Power and Difference Johnson Allan EN
GENDER 014 Bodies Mercurio Jed 2003 EN
GENDER 015 Feminist Social Thought: A Reader 1997 EN
GENDER 016 Feminism and the Mastery of Nature Plumwood Val 1993 EN
GENDER 017 Reweaving the World. The Emergence of Ecofeminism Diamond Irene and 1990 EN
Feman Orenstein
GENDER 018 States of Conflict. Gender, Violence and Conflict Jacobs Susie 2000 EN
GENDER 019 The Fall of the Imam Nawal El Saadawi 1994 EN
GENDER 020 The live and loves of a she devil Weldon Fay EN
GENDER 021 A Masque of Femininity Tseelon Efrat EN
GENDER 022 The whole woman Greer Germaine 1999 EN
GENDER 023 When Heaven and Earth changed places Le Ly Hayslip 1990 EN
GENDER 024 The Female Eunuch Greer Germaine 1991 EN
GENDER 025 The Feminist Critique of Language Cameron Deborah 1990 EN
GENDER 026 A Life in Radical Politics Davis Mary 1999 EN
GENDER 027 The Reader Nawal El Saadawi 1997 EN
GENDER 028 Remembered Rapture. A rapture at work. Hooks Bell 1999 EN
GENDER 029 Women in Middle Eastern History Keddie Nikki and 1991 EN
Baron Beth
GENDER 030 The Gender Knot. Unraveling our Patriarchal Legacy Johnson Allan 1997 EN

GENDER 031 Gender and Identity. Theories from and/or on Southern Blagojevic Jelisaveta 2006 EN
GENDER 032 Ladies of Influence Williams Susan 2000 EN
GENDER 033 Reading Lolita in Teheran Azar Nafisi 2003 EN
GENDER 034 Ethnicity, Gender and the Subversion of Nationalism Wilson Fiona 1999 EN
GENDER 035 Hot Flushes, Cold Science. A History of the Modern Louise Foxcroft 2009 EN
GENDER 036 Menopause.
The Rights and Wrongs of Women. J. Mitchell, A. Oakley. 1976 EN
GENDER 037 Another Love Galgocyi Erzsebet 2007 EN
GENDER 038 Orientarea Sexuala. Ghid Introductiv. Accept 2010 RO
GENDER 039 Whipping Girl. A transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Serano Julia 2007 EN
Scapegoating of Feminity
GENDER 040 Gandurile unei lesbiene Toader Alexandra 2009 RO
GLOBAL 001 Global Issues editor Jackson Robert 1995/1996 EN
GLOBAL 002 Profit over People. Neoliberalism and Global Order Chomsky Noam 1999 EN
GLOBAL 003 La Mondialisation de la Pauvrete Chossudovsky Michael 1997 FR
GLOBAL 004 No Logo. Tirania Marcilor Klein Naomi 2006 RO
GLOBAL 005 The silent takeover. Global capitalism and the death of Heritz Noreena 2001 EN
GLOBAL 006 Critique of Commodity Aesthetics Haug W,F. 1986 EN
GLOBAL 007 Faurirea Lumii a Treia Love Joseph 2003 RO
GLOBAL 008 Corporatiile Conduc Lumea Korten David C. 1995 RO
GLOBAL 009 Marea Cotitura. De la imperiu la comunitatea terestra. Korten David C. 2007 RO

GLOBAL 010 Doctrina Socului. Nasterea capitalismului Dezastrelor Klein Naomi 2008 RO

GLOBL 011 Crisis in the Global Economy. Financial markets, social (ed) Fumagalli. A , 2010 EN
struggles and the new political scenarios. Mezzadra .S
GlOBAL 012 Spaces of Global Capitalism. Towards a theory of uneven Harvey David 2006 EN
geographical development.
GLOBAL 013 Finance Capital. A Study on the Latest Phase of Capitalist Hilferding Rudolf 1981 EN
IST 001 O istorie a piratilor Cawthorne Nigel 2003 RO
IST 002 Truth is a difficult concept: Inside the Scott Inquiry Norton-Taylor Richard 1995 RO
IST 003 Baricadele Parisului Rosenzweig D. 1971 RO
IST 004 Mutiny on the Amistad. Jones Howard 1987 EN
IST 005 Istoria Secreta a Petrolului De Launay Jacques / 1989 RO
Charlier Jean-Michel
IST 006 Auschwitz. A history. Steincacher Sybille 2004 EN
IST 007 Secolul extremelor Hobsbawm Eric 1994 RO
IST 010 Ce ramane din Auschwitz. Arhiva si Martorul. Agamben Giorgio 2006 RO
IST 011 Islamul. O scurta istorie. Armstrong Karen 2002 RO
IST 012 Perspective Culturale si Politice Asupra Evenimentelor Chelariu Bogdan 2009 RO
din '68 Alexandru
IST 013 A new society. Reflections for today's world. Che Guevara 1991 EN
IST 014 Cum am devenit huligan Sebastian M. 2006 RO
IST 015 Letters from Bucharest 1944-1946 Eric Tappe EN
IST 016 The Making of English Working Class Thompson. E.P 1963 EN
IST 017 The Second Crusade. Extending the Frontiers of Phillips Jonathan 2007 EN
IST 018 Europa si populatiile fara istorie Wolf Eric 2001 RO
IST 019 Istorie si Mit in Constiinta Romaneasca Boia Lucian 2005 RO
IST 020 Pentru o Istorie a Imaginarului Boia Lucian 2000 RO
LEGAL 001 Ghid juridic pentru ziaristi. Agentia de Monit. a 2009 RO
LEGAL 002 Jurisprudenta internationala in materia libertatii de Agentia de Monit. a 2008 RO
exprimare. Presei
LEGAL 003 Legea privind liberul acces la infdormatii de interes Comitetul Helsinki RO
LEGAL 004 Drepturi aici, acolo si pretutindeni Accept 2010 RO
LEGAL 005 No'iuni de Drept si Terminologie Juridica Eremia Mihail 2004 RO
MEDIA 001 Mass Media, Mit si Ritual - O perspectiva Coman Mihai 2003 RO
MEDIA 002 Refractions - Les anarchists et Internet Nr.10/2003 FR

MEDIA 003 Revolutia Romana Televizata - Contributii la Istoria Coord. Tinchindeleanu 2009 RO
Culturala a Mediilor Ovidiu, Petrovszky
Propagande, Medias et Democratie Chomsky Noam / 2006 FR
McChesney Robert
MEDIA 005 Mind Abuse. Media Violence in an information age. Dyson Rose A. 2000 EN
MEDIA 006 Manufacturing Consent. The Political Economy of the Herman Edward / 1994 EN
Mass Media Chomsky Noam
MEDIA 007 Guide to open content licences Liang Lawrence 2004 EN
MEDIA 008 Comunicarea Construieste Realitatea. Aurel Cordoban Nadasan Timotei 2009 RO
la 60 de ani.
MEDIA 009 Telecapitalismul. Evul Media 2005-2009 Ghiu Bogdan 2009 RO
MEDIA 010 Escape Velocity Dery Mark 1996 EN
MEDIA 011 Ura si intoleranta in spatiul virtual Agentia de Monit. a 2006 RO
MEDIA 012 Un om a muscat o stire. (raport de analiza a stirilor Agentia de Monit. a 2007 RO
tv). Presei
MEDIA 013 Minoritati si discriminare in agenda presei Agentia de Monit. a 2007 RO
MEDIA 014 Ziaristi Batuti. Ziaristi Amenintati. Bot Malin 2004 RO

Migratie, Refugiati
MIGRATIE 001 Feu au centre de retention. Des Sans-Papiers Libertalia 2008 FR
MIGRATIE 002 Global Apartheid. Refugees, Racism, and the New Richmond Anthony 1994 EN
World Order
MIGRATIE 003 Refugees. Perspectives on the Experience of Forced Alastair Ager 1999 EN
MIGRATIE 004 Borderlands. La Frontera - The New Mestiza Anzaldua Gloria 1999 EN
MIGRATIE 005 Vorbeste cu noi - Studiu privind conditiile de munca ARCA, GID, PRO 2009 RO
ale muncitorilor straini in Romania Women
MIGRATIE 006 Migration Process in Central and Easter Europe Ed. Canek Marek 2006 EN
MIGRATIE 007 Migrants, Refugees and Human Rights Netwerk Migration in 2006 EN
MIGRATIE 008 Locuirea Temporara in Strainatate OSF 2006 RO
MIGRATIE 009 Deportation is freedom. The orwellian world of Steve Cohen (no one is 2006 EN
immigration controls. illegal UK)
MIGRATIE 010 Europe's murderous borderous Migreurop EN
MIGRATIE 011 Romanii din Italia - intre respingere si acceptare Caritas 2010 RO/
MIGRATIE 012 Visegrad Moves. On Migration in Central Europe Multiculturni Centrum 2007 EN
MIGRATIE 013 Migration Flows in Southeast Europe. A Compedium of Group 484 2007 EN
National Perspectives
MIGRATIE 014 Situatia Copiilor Ramasi fara Ingrijire Parinteasca in Unicef 2006 RO
Urma Migratiei (Republica Moldova)
MIGRATIE 015 Migrants, Refugees and Human Rights Netwerk Migration 2006 RO
MIGRATIE 016 Let's Speak. A study about work conditions for the ARCA, GID, PRO 2009 EN
foreign workers in Romania Women
MIGRATIE 017 Precarious Labour. Legal and Policy Frameworks at SOLIDAR 2010 EN
the EU level
MIGRATIE 018 Crearea de locuri de munca decente pentru lucratorii SOLIDAR 2010 RO
MIGRATIE 019 Bienvenue en Roumanie! Guide d'information pour les ONG 2009 FR
citoyens des Etats tiers
MIGRATIE 020 Welcome to Romania! Information guide for third country ONG 2009 EN
MIGRATIE 021 citizens.
Mic ghid privind recunoasterea diplomelor si a calificarilor ONG 2010 RO
profesionale pentru persoanele cu o forma de protectie in
Miscari muncitoresti
MUNCA 001 Lupta mea pentru sindicate libere in Romania Paraschiv Vasile 2005 RO
MUNCA 002 The American Labor Movement Litwack Lean 1962 EN
MUNCA 003 Worktime and Industrialization. An International Cross Gary 1988 EN
MUNCA 004 Etica Muncii la Romanii de Azi Heintz Monica 2005 RO
MUNCA 005 Sharing the Work, Sparing The Planet Hayden Anders 1999 EN
MUNCA 006 Colectie de texte dosar RO

MUNCA 007 The anarchist collectives : workers' self-management Dolgoff Sam 1974 EN
in the spanish revolution 1936-1939.
MUNCA 008 Trading Away our Jobs. How Free trade threatens War on Want 2010 EN
emplyment around the world
MUNCA 009 A Bitter Cup. The exploitation of tea workers in India War on Want 2010 EN
and Kenya supplying British Supermarkets
MUNCA 010 Fashion Victims II. How UK clothing retailers are War on Want 2010 EN
keeping workers in poverty
MUNCA 011 Decent Work and Fair Globalizatio: A Guide to Policy UN 2010 EN
MUNCA 012 Social Dialogue – a tool to promote and defend decent work Solidar 2010 EN
and quality jobs in Europe
MUNCA 013 War on Want. Annual Review 2010. War on Want 2010 EN
MUNCA 014 Romania Postsocialista. Munca, Trupul si Cultura Clasei Kideckel David 2010 RO
Represiune, Prizonieri Politici
REPRES 001 Prison Writings - My life is my sun dance Peltier Leonard 1999 EN
REPRES 002 No Surrender - writings from an anti-imperialist Gilbert David 2004 EN
political prisoner
REPRES 003 State Repression - A guide for Activists Serge Victor 2005 EN
REPRES 004 How Nonviolence Protects The State Gelderloos Peter 2007 EN
REPRES 005 Incognito - Experiences that defy identification EN
REPRES 006 Psychological Survival. The Experience of Long Term Cohen Stanley and 1972 EN
Imprisonment Taylor Laurie
REPRES 007 Maximum Security. Inside Stories from the World's Ferrington Karen 2007 EN
Toughest Prisons
REV.AS.B01 - B13 Revista Balkon, anul 1999, nr 1 - anul 2002. nr 13 Editura Idea 1999 - 2002 RO
REV.AS.I 01 - I 18 Revista Arta si Societate Editura Idea 2003 - 2009 RO
Sociologie, Economie
SOCIO 001 Thursday's Child. A Romanian Adoption Story Cullen Adrienne 1991 EN
SOCIO 002 Separation. Anxiety and Anger Bowlby John 1991 EN
SOCIO 003 Neam, popor sau natiune? Despre identitatile politice Neumann Victor 2005 RO
SOCIO 004 Antropologia Structurala Levi-Strauss Carl 1978 RO
SOCIO 005 Schita pentru o autoanaliza Bourdieu Pierre 2004 RO
SOCIO 006 Manifestul Partidului Comunist Marx, Karl 2006 RO
SOCIO 007 In Praise of SLOW - How a worldwide movement is Honore Carl 2004 EN
challenging the cult of speed
SOCIO 008 Empire Hardt Michael, Negri 2001 EN
SOCIO 009 La Societe du Spectacle Debord Guy 2007 FR
SOCIO 010 Traite de savoir-vivre a l'usage des jeunes generations Vaneigem Raoul 1992 FR

SOCIO 011 Haber oder Sein Fromm Erich 2000 DE

SOCIO 112 Sociology - a new approach Haralambos M / Smith 1990 EN
SOCIO 113 Subiectivitatea-Marfa. O povestire teoretica. Babias Marius 2004 RO
SOCIO 114 Societatea Spectacolului. Comentarii la societatea Debord Guy 2001 RO
SOCIO 115 Revolta Maselor Ortega Y Gasset Jose 2002 RO
SOCIO 016 Contemporary Soviet Governement. Churchward . L.G 1975 EN
SOCIO 017 Scena Puterii Ballandier Georges 2000 RO
SOCIO 018 Comunitatea Bauman Zygmunt 2001 RO
SOCIO 019 Capitalul, vol. 1, Partea I, Cartea a 3-a Marx, karl 1953 RO
SOCIO 020 Capitalul, vol. 1, Cartea I Marx, karl 1947 RO
SOCIA 021 Capitalul, vol.II, Cartea II Marx, karl 1951 RO
SOCIO 022 Economia Bunurilor Simbolice Bourdieu Pierre 1986 RO
SOCIO 023 Dark Ghetto. Dilemas of Social Power Clark, Kenneth 1967 EN
SOCIO 024 The Great Transformation Polanyi, Karl 1944 EN
SOCIO 025 Introduction to marxist economic theory Mandel, Ernest 2009 EN
SOCIO 026 Melancolia Democratiei Bruckner Pascal 1996 RO
SOCIO 027 Wege aus einer kranken Gesellschaft Fromm Erich 1991 DE
SOCIO 028 Utopica. Studii Asupra Imagionarului Social Antohi Sorin 2005 RO
SOCIO 029 Abundenta Saracilor Guidieri Remo 2008 RO
SOCIO 030 Post-Scriptumul Comunist Groys Boris 2009 RO
SOCIO 031 Genealogii ale Postcomunismului Coord. Sarbu T. si 2009 RO
Polgar Alexandru
SOCIO 032 Adio Diferentei. Eseu asupra modernitatii tarzi. Karnoouh Claude 2001 RO
SOCIO 033 Mizeria Prosperitatii Bruckner Pascal 2002 RO
SOCIO 034 Racialized Boundaries Anthias Floya 1996 EN
SOCIO 035 Sisters of the Road.The Autobiography of Boxcar Ben Reitman 2002 EN
SOCIO 036 Paths towards democracy. The working class and elites Ruth Berrins Collier 1999 EN
in Western Europe and South America.
SOCIO 037 Imperiul Semnelor Barthes Roland 2007 RO
SOCIO 038 Mitul si Omul Caillois Roger 2000 RO
SOCIO 039 Come Closer. Inclusion and Exclusion of Roma in SPER 2008 RO
Present Day Romanian Society
SOCIO 040 Romii. Povesti de viata. Voicu Malina, Tufis 2008 RO
SOCIO 041 The making of social policy in Britain. From the Poor Jones Kathleen 2000 EN
Law to New Labour
SOCIO 042 Economic Change in Eastern Europe Since 1918 Aldcroft Derek 1995 EN
SOCIO 043 Nation Uber Alles. Processes of Redefinition and (ed) Michal Vasecka 2008 EN
Reconstruction of the Term Nation in Central Europe
SOCIO 044 Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany Brubaker Rogers 1992 EN
SOCIO 045 To be a European Muslim Ramadan Tariq 1999 EN
SOCIO 046 Urban Outcasts. A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Wacquant Loic 2008 EN
SOCIO 047 Punishing the Poor.The Neoliberal Governement of Social Wacquant Loic 2010 EN
SOCIO 048 The Citizen and the Alien. A dilemmas of contemporary Bosniak Linda 2006 EN
SOCIO 049 Covering Islam. How the Medai and the Experts determine Said Edward 1981 EN
how we see the rest of the World
SOCIO 050 Masses, Classes, Ideas. Studies on politics and philosophy Balibar Etienne 1994 EN
before and after Marx
SOCIO 051 Etica Protestanta si Spiritul Capitalismului Weber Max 2007 RO
SOCIO 052 Originile Totalitarismului Arendt Hannah 2006 RO
SOCIO 053 Psihologia Multimilor Gustave Le Bon 1990 RO
SOCIO 054 Propaganda politica Domenach Jean-Marie 2004 RO
URBAN 001 Sodoma si Gomora (viata la oras) colectie texte 2008 RO
URBAN 002 The Weekenders. Adventures in Calcutta colectie texte. (editor 2004 EN
andrew o'hagan)
URBAN 003 Orasul Transparent - limite si locuire in Bucuresti Ghenciulescu Stefan 2008 RO/E
URBAN 004 Invisible Cities Calvino Italo 1997 EN
URBAN 005 Dublu Tratat de Urbanologie Ioan Augustin, Mihali 2009 RO
URBAN 006 KHORA Augustin Ioan 1999 RO
URBAN 007 Altfel de spatii Mihali Ciprian 2001 RO
VIDEO 001 Food For Life. Vegetarianism - a dietary revolution Viva EN
VIDEO 002 Animals' Angels Animals' Angels DE
VIDEO 003 Chew on This. Reasons to go vegetarian. Peta EN
VIDEO 004 Behind The Mask - ALF ALF EN
VIDEO 005 Precarious Lives Joanne Richardson EN/R
VIDEO 006 Young, Female, Precarious D Media and Ak EN
VIDEO 007 Tewo or three things about activism Joanne Richardson EN/R
VIDEO 008 Illegal Leben DE
VIDEO 009 Earthlings EN
VIDEO 010 Kein Bock auf Nazis
Carti Mobilobiblioteca FIA
COTA titlu autor numar/ limba continut, alte # ex.
an detalii
FIA.ADA.01 The Sexual Politics of Meat, A Feminist- Adams, Carol J. en Continuum, 1999
Vegetarian Critical Theory
FIA.ALL.01 Army of None. Strategies to Counter Allison, Aimee and en Seven Stories
Military Recruitment, End War, and Build Solnit, David Press, 2007
a Better World
FIA.ANO.01 A woman in Berlin Anonymous en Virago, 2005
FIA.ANZ.01 Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Anzaldua, Gloria en/es 1987
FIA.ANZ.02 Making Face, Making Soul. Haciendo Anzaldua, Gloria, ed. en/spaniola 1990
caras. Creative and Critical Perspectives
by Feminists of Colour
FIA.ANZ.03 Interviews/Entrevistas Anzaldua, Gloria E. en/es Routledge, 2000
FIA.ADA.01 Eichmann la Ierusalim. Raport asupra Arendt, Hannah ro Humanitas, 2007
banalitatii raului
FIA.BER.01 Ways of Seeing Berger, John en BBC and Penguin,
FIA.BOC.01 Femeile si societatea civila: ghid al Bocioc, Florentina, ro
organizatiilor neguvernamentale din coord.
FIA.BOC.02 Femeia in istoria Europei. Din evul mediu Bock, Gisela ro Polirom, 2002
pana in zilele noastre
FIA.BOE.01 Too Much Future, Punk in der DDR Boehlke, Michael & en/de SUBstitut, 2007
Gericke, Henryk
FIA.BRA.01 Femei, cuvinte si imagine. Perspective Bradeanu, Adina, ro Polirom, 2002
feministe Dragomir, Otilia
(coord.), Roventa-
Frumusani, Daniela,
Surugiu, Romina
FIA.BRI.01 The Voltairine de Claire Reader Brigati, A.J., ed. en 2004
FIA.BUC.01 Eugenie si modernizare Bucur, Maria ro Polirom, 2005
FIA.BUT.01 Gender Trouble Butler, Judith Routledge, 1990
FIA.CAM.01 My Country is The Whole World.An Cambridge Women's en 1984
Anthology of Women's Work on Peace Peace Collective
and War
FIA.CAN.01 Moving the Mountain. Women Working Cantarow, Ellen en 1980
for Social Change
FIA.CAR.01 Girl Power. Young Women Speak Out. Carlip, Hillary en 1995
Personal Writtings from Teenage Girls
FIA.CES.01 Farame, Cioburi, Aschii Dintr-o Curte a Cesereanu, Ruxandra ro LIMES, 2004
Miracolelor & Co
FIA.CES.02 Comunism si represiune in Romania. Cesereanu, Ruxandra ro Polirom, 2006
Istoria tematica a unui fratricid national
FIA.CES.03 Naravuri romanesti. Texte de atitudine Cesereanu, Ruxandra ro Polirom, 2007
FIA.CIS.01 Loose Woman Cisneros, Sandra en Vintage, 1994
FIA.COC.01 From Where We Stand: War, Women's Cockburn, Cynthia en Zed Books, 2007
Activism and Feminist Analysis
FIA.CRE.01 Urasc "realismul" politic Cretu, Gabriela ro Lumen, 2009
FIA.CUR.01 Inegalitatea de gen: violenta invizibila.
Curic, Ina, Vaetisi, ro Eikon, 2001 2
FIA.DAV.01 Women, Race and Class Davis, Angela en 1981
FIA.DEL.01 Sex Work, Writings by Women in the Sex Delacoste, Frederique 2nd en Cleis Press, 1987,
Industry & Alexander, Priscilla edition 1988
FIA.DUR.01 Reading Arundhati Roy's The God of Durix, Carole et Jean- en Editions
Small Things Pierre, ed. Universitaire de
Dijon, 2002
FIA.DWO.01 Intercourse Dworkin, Andrea en 1987
FIA.DWO.02 Woman Hating Dworkin, Andrea en 1974
FIA.EDU.01 Toward a Global Autonomous University. The Edu-factory en Autonomedia,
Cognitive Labor, The Production of Collective 2009
Knowledge, and Exodus from the
Education Factory
FIA.FED.01 Caliban and the Witch. Women, The Federici, Silvia en Autonomedia,
Body and Primitive Accumulation 2004
FIA.FOU.01 Istoria sexualitatii: preocuparea de sine Foucault, Michel vol. 3 ro Univers, 2004
FIA.FRE.01 Pedagogy of the Oppressed Freire, Paulo en 2009, 30 de ani de
la prima editie
FIA.GAM.01 The Female Gaze. Women as Viewers of Gamman, Lorraine, en Real Comet Press,
Popular Culture Marshment, Margaret 1989
FIA.GHE.01 Tovarase de drum: Experienta feminina Gheo, Radu Pavel, ro 2008
in comunism Lungu, Dan, coord.
FIA.GHE.02 Priveste-ma asa cum sunt. Cuvinte si Gheorge, Carmen / ro/rom/en 2010
imagini ale femeilor rome h.arta
FIA.GOL.01 Libertate, egalitate, suroritate si Emma Goldman ro 2010
fraternitate! (culegere de texte anarhiste)
FIA.GRU.01 biONGrafie: AnA - Istoria traita a unui Grunberg, Laura, ro Polirom, 2008, Iasi
ONG de femei coord.
FIA.GRU.02 Cartea neagra a egalitatii de sanse Grunberg, Laura, ro Editura AnA, 2006
FIA.GRU.03 Gen si Activism. Integrare versus Grunberg, Laura, ro Editura AnA, 2004,
separare. Pentru un activism prietenos la coord. Buc.
FIA.GRU.04 Gen si integrare Grunberg, Laura, n, AnA, 2002
FIA.HAR.02 Feminisme: recapituland concepte si h.arta, coord. ro/en Erste/Kultur
afirmand noi pozitii/Feminisms: Kontact, Timisoara,
Reviewing Concepts and Affirming New 2010
FIA.HAR.01 Are you talking to me? Discussions on h.arta, Morawek, en 2008
knowledge production, gender politics Katharina, coord.
and feminist strategies
FIA.HAR.03 Sistah Vegan. Black female vegans Harper, A. Breeze, en Lantern Books,
speak on food, identity, health, and coord. 2010
FIA.HOO.01 ain't I a woman, black women and hooks, bell en South End Press,
feminism 1981
FIA.HOO.01 Feminist Theory from Margin to Center hooks, bell en South End Press,
1984, 200
FIA.HOR.01 Women who changed the world Horton, Rosalind & en Quercus, 2006
Simmons, Sally
FIA.INC.01 The Color of Violence: Incite! Anthology Incite! Women Of South End Press,
Color Against Violence 2006
FIA.INC.02 The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Incite! Women Of South End Press,
Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex Color Against Violence 2007

FIA.KEL.01 Gen, globalizare si democratizare Kelly, Rita Mae, Bayes, ro Polirom, 2004
Jane M., Hawkesworth,
Mary E., Young,
FIA.KIL.01 Can't Buy My Love. How Advertising Kilbourne, Jean en 1999
Changes the Way We Think and Feel
FIA.KIN.01 A Small Place Kincaid, Jamaica en Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, 1988
FIA.LER.01 The Creation of Patriarchy Lerner, Gerda en 1986
FIA.LIG.01 The Conquest of Violence. An Essay on Ligt, Bart de en 1989, prima editie
War and Revolution in 1937
FIA.MAL.01 La cafenea: discutand despre revolutie si Malatesta, Errico ro 2007
FIA.MAM.01 Women and Russia. Feminist Writings Mamonova, Tatyana, en 1984
from the Soviet Union ed.
FIA.MIR.01 Dincolo de ingeri si de draci - etica in Miroiu, Mihaela ro Polirom, 2007
politica romaneasca
FIA.MIR.02 Nepretuitele femei - publicistica feminista Miroiu, Mihaela ro Polirom, 2006

FIA.MOR.01 The Bluest Eye Morrison, Toni en Vintage, 1970

FIA.POP.02 Politica sexelor Popescu, Liliana ro 2004
FIA.POP.01 Gen si politica. Femeile din romania in Popescu, Liliana, ro Ana, 1999
viata publica coord.
FIA.PRI.01 Copilul vegetarian Pridie, Elena ro Advent, 2007
FIA.RHY.01 Wide Sargasso Sea Rhys, Jean en Norton, 1966
FIA.ROY.01 An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire Roy, Arundhati en South End Press,
FIA.ROY.02 Power Politics Roy, Arundhati en South End Press,
FIA.ROY.03 Public Power in the Age of Empire Roy, Arundhati en x/
FIA.SEA.01 The Penguin Atlas of Women in the Seager, Joni en 2009, a patra editie
FIA.SHI.01 Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, Shiva, Vandana en South End Press,
and Peace 2005
FIA.SIN.01 we owe you nothing, punk planet: the Sinker, Daniel, ed. en Akashic Books,
collected interviews 2001
FIA.SON.01 Styles of Radical Will Sontag, Susan Picador, 2002
FIA.SPE.01 DIY: The Rise Of Low-Fi Culture Spencer, Amy en 2005
FIA.STE.01 Dilema de gen a educatiei Stefanescu, Doina- ro Polirom, 2003
FIA.STO.01 Stitch 'n Bitch, The Knitter's Handbook Stoller, Debbie en Workman, 2003
FIA.STO.02 Stitch 'n Bitch Nation Stoller, Debbie en Workman, 2004
FIA.TOK.01 What is Remembered Toklas, Alice B. en 1963
FIA.TOR.01 Making A Killing Torres, Bob en 2007
FIA.TRA.01 Norms at Work: Challenging Homophobia TRACE (Lena en TRACE, 2007
and Heteronormativity Martinsson et al.)
FIA.TRA.02 Open Up Your Own Workplace: TRACE (Sofia en TRACE, 2007
Challenging Homophobia and Alsterhag)
FIA.WAL.01 Anything We Love Can Be Saved, A Walker, Alice en Ballantine Books,
Writer's Activism 1998
FIA.WOL.01 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Wollstonecraft, Mary en Dover, 1996
FIA.WOO.01 A Room of One's Own Woolf, Virgina en HBJ, 1989
FIA.WOO.02 Three Guineas Woolf, Virgina en HBJ, 1966
FIA.WOO.03 Women and Writing Woolf, Virgina en Harvest/HBJ, 1979
FIA.ZIN.01 A People's History of the United States Zinn, Howard en Univers, 2003
FIA.YUV.01 Gen si natiune Yuval-Davis, Nira en Univers, 2003
Fanzine FIA
titlu autor numar/an limba continut, alte detalii # ex.

Abolishing the borders from below ABB collective #26, october 2006 en Inside Romania, etc.

akció! hu Budapest zine, special edition on

Allergic Mary Kraft issue 1, may 2002 en

Anarha-feminist zine Lovekills Special issue#0 en

barefoot and in the kitchen of our own ashley vol. 1 en

accord - vegan recipes for you from me
barefoot and in the kitchen of our own ashley vol. 2 en
accord - vegan recipes for you from me
barefoot and in the kitchen of our own ashley vol. 3 en
accord - vegan recipes for you from me
Bitch - feminist response to pop culture no. 28, spring 2005 en

Bitch - feminist response to pop culture no. 30, fall 2005 en

Bitch - feminist response to pop culture no. 29, summer 2005 en "truth and consequences"

Bitch - feminist response to pop culture no. 31, winter 2006 en 10 anniversary issue
Bitch - feminist response to pop culture no. 34, winter 2007 en GREEN issue
bondage up yours - experiences of female M. Liptrot en 2
punks in the nineteen nineties
bunnies on strike #1 en

bunnies on strike #2 en the one issue made in a rushy

bunnies on strike minizine #3 en

Bunnies on strike talking spoken-word zine #1 en

BUST feb./march 2006 en

BUST dec./jan. 2008 en

BUST feb./march 2008 en Music issue
BUST june/july 2005 en
Ca rend sourde 1999 fr prix libre
Ca rend sourde #2, 2001 fr prix libre
Can't hear me scream 2007 en
Clamor Issue 33.5, Fall 2005 en 5 years of interviews

Clit Rocket issue 5, spring 2006 en

Curve, the best selling lesbian magazine vol. 11#5, Aug. 2001 en
De la misere sexiste en milieu anarchiste, fr compilation de textes ecrits par des
ou pave de plus dans l'anar femmes et des hommes
ENTER? en about Queeruption IV

erinyen anarcha-feminist inky erinyen collective #2 en

erika + laura-marie magazine #35 en
erika + laura-marie magazine #36 en "a sustained effort to make myself
known" limited edition
Experiences of Womyn/Institutionalized Nr 3/2002 en
andit anarchy
be Known zabalaza books en
Feminismo e liberazione animale it Carol J. Adams
gederfucker disidentification dis-ease en
Hip Mama. reviving the lost arts of knitting, #36 en The domestic issue
curry-making and political protest - the
parenting zine
Il pleut de gouines #5 fr
Il pleut de gouines #6 fr
Il pleut de gouines #7 fr
It's not just boys' fun #4 en "silence=death"
It's not just boys' fun #3 en "some wounds never heal"
It's the queer revolutionary disco! nr. 8 en Free pink dollar inside! (Radical
politics. Middle class complacency.
Funny comics. Angry ranting.
revolutionary disco.)

Jane. Documents from Chicago's firestarter press 2004 en

Clandestine Abortion Service 1968-1973
Kidda: self-defense 1 grafic
Kidda: self-defense 2 grafic
la chorizita: la plastica e fantastica it disegni sul tema della riduzione dei
rischi sessuali per le donne, le
lesbiche, le bi e tutte le altre
Ladyfest Berlin 2004 de with CD
Ladyfest Romania zine lf-ro collective nr. 2 ro/en
Ladyfest Romania zine lf-ro collective nr. 1 ro/en with CD 4
Ladyfest Stockholm 2005 5/11/2005 en dieselverkstaden

ladyfest vienna 7,8,9 october 2005 en platform of

feminist/queer/transgender cultures
Ladyfest Vienna 2006 en Stolen-Aquired-Gratis-Free-Silent, 3
zine on "stolen things"
Ladyfest Vienna 2006 de Stolen-Aquired-Gratis-Free-Silent, 2
zine on "stolen things"
ladyfest vienna programm und mehr ladyfest vienna de

ladyfest vienna playbill and more ladyfest vienna en 2

L'autodidatta (e altre angosce) Federica Del it scrito e disegnato da…
Let's forget everything we learned about en
being a girl - Bloodsisters of the world, unite!
And take over
Let's Talk About Consent, Baby The Down There en
Health Collective
letters forged by the daugther putting on her miss sabeena shah en
scarf in a masjid parking lot
Libre de sa battre! Autodefense pour fr cette brochure est la traduction de
femmes quelques textes extraits de la
compilation CD + livret "FREE TO
FIGHT" poarue chez Candy Ass

lo stupro cos'e? it

lockdown - prison, repression and gender en

lovekills #1 ro
lovekills #9 ro
lovekills #10 ro
lovekills #14 ro
lovekills manifesto ro 2
make/shift - feminisms in motion fall/winter 2007- en
2008, no. 2
make/shift - feminisms in motion spring/summer 2008, en 2
make/shift - feminisms in motion no. 3
spring/summer 2009, en
no. 5
Margit - una stricia semi-comica Federica Del I it
Margit - una stricia semi-comica Federica Del II it
Medusa - anti-lookism info zine Proposto august 2006 de
Musta Maija Fuel Collective #1 2010 en anarchafeminist zine with a queer
Not Lady-Like Nina riotgrrrl en LadyFest Berlin 2005 travel journal
On the road to healing: a booklet for men en planting seeds press, austin, tx
against sexism
Ovaryaction will save us from the brain #38 en Oslo's queer'n'free (but not cheap)
eaters monthly (or so) zine
Pieces of Self - Anarchy, Gender, and Other Wildflower, ed. 2005 en published by Quiver Distrib. &
Thoughts Press, reprinted by neanderthal
Pour en Finir Avec le Genre et Que Creve le Information for Action fr
Patriarcat Tome 3
profondo rosso: info pratiche per viversi it
bene le mestruazioni
Prologue: reclaiming Europe from a new 1st ed., spring 2005 en
feminist perspective: theory, activism,

Punk planet #68, July and August en

Punk planet #69, September and en
October 2005
rahova uranus fanzine ro
Riotgrrrlbelgium & beyond! Presents #5 en
Riotgrrrlbelgium & beyond! Presents Flapper #6 en
rock out! Ideas on booking diy shows Ariel Clemenzi en
sexyouquality, challenging the culture of Godhaven Ink en
Silicon Valley Percent for Art en a booklet about the public art
currently out there

Sista's Speak Up The Books 4 2005 en selected interviews, refflections

Prisoners Crew, and writings from the women of the
Cincinnati Ohio Black Panther Party on their
experiences with patriarchy,
sexism and imprisonment and
Revolutionary Struggle

Sistren. Testi di Femministe e Lesbiche it w/ patch

Societe da migrazione
pro-viol forzata
et notion de e schiavitu
consentement fr
Supercheri 1 the hot pink European Pravda for
Textes de garcons sur le sexisme et Information for Action fr
l'homophobie et que creve le patriarcat tome
The best of Shebytches issue 1 en
The Camp Disco Zine 2007 en "with our e-drums we covered
bryan adams, but the harder stuff"
The Invisibility of Women Prisoners' Vikky Law en
The Period Conspiracy. Who's Out to Hurt Chlam Media Press en
You - and HOW (or before you buy
tampons, read this.)
The Rag Issue #1, autumn en a magazine produced by a diverse
2006 group of anarcha-feminist women
in Dublin
there is no happy here #1
Thoughts about community support around jamiesays@ en
intimate violence
Ton corps est un champ de bataille Aline fr
Transgender Liberation Leslie Feinberg en
unmarked categories and the question of erinyen collective en
power (some anarcha-feminist notes) berlin
Venus zine fall 2005 en
Venus zine spring 2006 en
Venus zine winter 2007 en
Venus zine fall 2008 en
violence against women erinyen collective en
we are the bytches issue 2 en
What it means to be a bytch issue 3 en
Women's news - Ireland's feminist magazine Issue 161, dec.-jan. en Discrimination and sexism in the
2007 arts.
Women's news - Ireland's feminist magazine Issue 160, sept.-oct. en Trafficking: 21st century slavery
Women's Self Defense Ariel Clemenzi #2, 2003 en Stories and Strategies of Survival
Zero to Anarchist in 1.2 Seconds Anthony Rayson in 2008 en
interviu cu Lee
500 Bonnes raisons d'en finir avec le 2006 fr merci au Fees du logis, magazine
patriarcat lesbien et feministe, et a ses
Jurnale/reviste/rapoarte FIA
titlu autor numar/an limba continut, alte detalii # ex.

Adbusters Adbusters may/june 2006 en "A life and death in

feminism", etc.
AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 1/2 ianuarie ro/en
AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 4, aprilie ro/en Feminism si teologie
AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 5, mai 1999 ro/en Femeile si comunitatea

AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 6, 1999 ro/en Maternitatea. Mituri si
AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 7, martie, ro/en Gen si tranzitie.
2000 Experienta unui
deceniu de feminism
AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 8, august ro/en Femeile si corpurile lor

AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 9, decembrie ro/en De la Beijing la New
2000 York. Bilant cincinal

AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 10, 2001 ro/en Femeile si “muncile” lor

AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 11 ro/en Umorul. La femei, cu
femei, despre femei
AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr 12 ro/en Integrarea europeana
AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr. 13 ro/en Maturitatea

AnaLize - revista de studii feministe AnA SAF nr 14 ro/en Integrare versus

Cazul mariajelor timpurii in Nicoleta Bitu ro Raport Romani Criss si
comunitatile de romi din Romania: si Crina Unicef, Bucuresti, 2009
Drepturile copilului sunt negociabile? Morteanu,

Elibereaza-te de prejudecati: ghid Agentia de ro

privind rasismul pentru elevii de liceu Monitorizare a
Ms. Winter 2009

off our backs 2009, vol 38, nr en Women's Visions for

1 Peace
Other Worlds Beverly Bell Vol. 1, June en Who Says You Can't
and the Other 2009 Change the World?
Worlds Just Economies and
Collaborative Societies on an Unjust
Revista Amare Rromnia SATRA/ASTR Martie 2005 ro
Revista de securitate comunitara nr. 5/2002 ro Violenta domestica
Spread. Illuminating the Sex Industry 2001/ vol 4, nr. en
Filme FIA
titlu autor numar/an limba continut, alte detalii # ex.

A street angel with a Pauline Boudry en + fr subt. 2006, 36 min Travelogue

cowboy mouth from the tour of the queer
feminist Berlin group Rhthym
King & Her Friends

Afro-Punk James Spooner en 2004, 66 min

Behind the Labels: Witness
Garment Workers on
U.S. Saipan
Born in Flames Lizzie Borden en 1983, 80 min

Bought & Sold: A en Witness

documentary about the
international trade in
CLITFest 2004: The en 2005, Primal Tek
Documentary Productions
Commonplaces of Dmedia ro/en 2008; ''In Transit” (30 min),
Transition “Precarious Lives” (43 min),
“Two or Three Things About
Activism” (73 min)
Don’t Need You, The Kerry Koch en 2006, 40 min
Herstory of Riot Grrrl
Flying: Confessions of Jennifer Fox en 2006
a Free Woman
Grrlyshow Kara Harold en 2000, 18 min

Hot and Bothered Becky Goldberg en 2003, 37 min

-feminist pornography

If Hope Were Enough en Witness

Ladyfest Grenoble Severine R., LF fr + ro subt. 2007
Leah Meyerhoff: Leah Meyerhoff en
"eternal flame", "team
queen", "twitch"

Mami Hajni Bessenyei ro 2006

si Nita Mocanu
Market This!: Queer en Paper Tiger TV, 2003
Radicals Respond To
Gay Assimilation
Pilula Civica Trust for Civil en
Society in
Central &
Eastern Europe

Sisters in Law Kim Longinotto, pidgin en + 2005, Cameroon/UK, 104

Florence Ayisi en subt. min

"Europlex" Ursula Biemann en

Ursula Biemann: Ursula Biemann en
“Performing the Border”
Ursula Biemann: Ursula Biemann en
“Remote sensing"
"Writing Desire" Ursula Biemann en
Vivian Wenli Lin: Vivian Wenli Lin en
"Barely Audible", "The
Art of Hollering"
War Zone Maggie en 1998, 30 min
Diverse alte materiale FIA
titlu autor numar/an limba continut, alte detalii # ex.

Pliant ACCEPT - LGBT Accept ro

Pliant "Drepturi aici, acolo si pretudineni" Accept ro
Pliant Simboluri LGBT Accept ro
Minighid antidiscriminare Accept ro
Raspunsuri la intrebari legate de Accept ro
orientarea sexuala si homosexualitate
8 martie Ziua Internationala a Femeii Lovekills ro 19

25 noiembrie Ziua Internationala de lupta Lovekills ro 5

pentru eliminarea violentei asupra femeii
AnA en pliant
AnA ro pliant

Consensus Decision Making: Tips on how SPF!RG en pliant

to make your meetings run more
effectively using non-hierarchical

DIY: Making a Trash Can Stove straz en 3

European WomenLesbian Gathering en pliant

erinyen anarcha-feminist collective/berlin en flyer

feminism reloaded stickere 9

Grassroots: Anrchism and Community Lorenzo Komboa Irwin en cd cu texte
Hack-fem-east de program/revista festival, Hack-fem-
east Frauen,
Technologie&Netzwerke in
Osteuropa, 10 mai-22 juni 2008

Humour works - Bratislava-Sarajevo- misc

In ce fel actiunile noastre influenteaza ro brosura 9 noiembrie
vietile celor din jur?
In fond suntem toti la fel… ro pliant, anti-racist action 3

One Dimensional Life in the Three en articol

Dimensional World
Ladyfest Berlin 2007 afis

Ladyfest Berlin 2007 stickere

Ladyfest Romania 2007 stickere 3

Ladyfest Romania 2007 ro program

Ladyfest Romania 2007 en program

Ladyfest Rotterdam 2006 program

Lupta pentru libertate individuala: ce este ro 3

discriminarea sexuala
The struggle for individual freedom en 6

NORMALITATE: Nu, multumim ro 2

open geodata: information wants to be en
Out of Action, Emotional First Aid Out of Action en brosura
Podrozniczki/die Pendlerinnen/Travellers Eleonore de Montesquiou pl/de/ en

Reartikulacija march 2008 sl/en

Sex, rad i drustvo may 2007 sr projekat na temu seksualnog rada i
Sarbatorim 16 ani de 16 zile contra lf-ro collective ro brosura despre activism contra 5
violentei impotriva femeilor violentei de gen, 2006
Stop sexist pornography phoolan-devi-kollektiv en flyer
TOOLBOX: useful guide to free euromovements. info en
knowledge, self organization etc
Materiale SVR
COTA titlu autor numar/an limba
SVR.ARD.01 Alimentatia in armonie cu natura Ardeleanu, Mihaela, Muntenia, 2009 ro
Ardeleanu, Vasile
SVR.FOE.01 Eating Animals Foer, Jonathan Safran Little, Brown & en
SVR.BER.01 Famous Vegetarians & Their Favorite Recipes Berry, Rynn Phythagorean en
Publishers, 1999
SVR.CAM.01 Studiul China. Cel mai complet studiu asupra nutritiei Campbell, Colin T. Advent, 2007 ro
SVR.EVU.01 Utopia Today - Reality Tomorrow. A Vegetarian World European Vegetarian EVU Vegi-Verlag, en
Union (EVU) 2006
SVR.GUN.01 Hrana vie. O speranta pentru fiecare Gunther, Ernst Venus, 2002 ro
SVR.LAP.01 Diet for a Small Planet Lappe, Frances Moore Random House, 1991 en
SVR.MCK.01 Hrana vie pentru sanatate. 12 superalimente pentru intarirea McKeith, Gillian Curtea Veche, 2006 ro
SVR.PAV.01 Raising Vegan Children in a Non-Vegan World. A Complete Pavlina, Erin VegFamily, 2003 en
Guide for Parents
SVR.PRI.01 Copilul vegetarian. Perspectiva optima pentru sanatatea Pridie, Elena Advent, 2007 ro
SVR.PRI.02 Gospodina eficienta. Sfaturi practice si retete culinare Pridie, Elena 2006 ro
sanatoase pentru oameni grabiti
SVR.ROB.01 The Food Revolution. How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Robbins, John Conari Press, 2001 en
Life and Our World
SVR.ROB.02 Your Vegetarian Pregnancy. A Month-by-Month Guide to Roberts, Holly Fireside, 2003 en
Health and Nutrition
SVR.SOR.01 The Raw Revolution Diet Soria, Cherie, David, Book Publishing, 2008 en
Brenda, Melina, Vesanto
SVR.SPE.01 The Heretic's Feast. A History of Vegetarianism Spencer, Colin University Press of en
New England, 1995
SVR.STE.01 The Vegan Sourcebook Stepaniak, Joanne Lowell House, 1998 en
SVR.TOR.01 Vegan Freak. Being vegan in a non-vegan world Torres, Bob, Torres, Jenna Tofu Hound Press, en
SVR.VOR.01 Arta de a fi lacto-vegetarian Vornicescu, Marius Bo-Yang, 2010 ro
SVR.WAL.01 Plant Based Nutrition and Health Walsh, Stephen The Vegan Society, en
SVR.YNT.01 New Vegetarian Baby Yntema, Sharon, Beard, McBooks Press, 2000 en
Christine H.
Reviste, brosuri
barefoot and in the kitchen of our own accord - vegan recipes ashley vol. 1 en
for you from me
Consecintele ecologice ale consumului de carne EVU ro
Ecological Consequences of Meat Consumption EVU en
The Veggie Trekker (A Request for vegetarian diet in 68n Curtis, Tom and Maria 2005
different languages)
Vegan Passport Rodger, George The Vegan Society,
Vegetarian Journal. Health Ecology Ethics vol. xxiv. No. 3 en
Vegetarian Starter Kit PETA en
Vegetarian Times September 2005 en
"Vegetarienii" - Editie de colectie Jurnalul National 18 aprilie 2005 ro
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 1/2005 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 2/2005 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 1/2006 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 2/2006 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 1/2007 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 1/2008 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 2/2008 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 1/2009 en
European Vegetarian, Journal of the EVU EVU Issue 2/2008 en
Choose Life - Go Veggie Animal Aid en
Devour the Earth en
Eat This! Animal Aid en
Farm Animals & Us: Teaching Resources for Schools, Compassion in World 2007 en
Colleges & Universities Farming
Not in My Name/The Viva! 10 Viva! 2005 en
Truth or Dairy The Vegan Society 1994 en

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