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What the Heck Am I listening to?

Sydney Lees
My Two
Stunt Report


There are so many songs and genres out there, who create new types of music that
attract all different types of people, and age groups around the world. There are plenty of
stars from our generation, but some people our age love the 70’s, 80s or 90s music.
Maybe there is a certain band or singer that they can’t stop listening to.

I have always been a big fan of artists like Blondie, ABBA, Taylor Swift,
Madonna and more, so this week I decided to try a new type of music that I would
probably never listen to if I wasn’t writing this. A fellow student, Camila Tabora,
introduced me to this type of music this week. I wanted to try new songs and report how I
felt about them, and try something different so maybe others go outside of their comfort
zone and listen to not-so intriguing songs.

Some of my favorites from the album created by Camila include, SpellBound by

Siouuzie and the Banshees, Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana and Policy of Truth by
Depeche Mode. I did not necessarily find this in my area of music, but I enjoyed each of
these songs for their own reasons. SpellBound is a song that relates to a baby in a cradle
with spinning toys which is a type of symbolism that I found to be a bit creepy when it
talks about “cracking through the walls” because it relates to ideas being forced into
babies and sets them up when they are older. This song contained some intense thoughts
about the thoughts and feelings of babies. The soft voice in this song makes the setting of
this song easy to identify and picture. Heart Shaped Box was enjoyable due to the fact
that it has a deep hidden meaning behind it. When I listened to this, I didn’t really grasp
the meaning of the song until I listened to it again. It turns out that this guy met a woman
and he did not expect her to be so intimidating when on the outside, she appeared to be
sweet and innocent on the outside. I found this message to be powerful because in the
real world, we don’t see that side of reality that often and I thought the lyrics were
brillant when he described the woman who he “loved”. He uses “pisces' ' in the song to
symbolize how a certain astrology sign impacted his view on this woman. The word
usage in this song was clever. Lastly, I enjoyed Policy of Truth because it also has a deep
message about paying the price for not taking advice and saying that it is too late to
change your mind. They use a tone in the voice and music that is not harsh but creates a
vivid image of the purpose behind the song. “It’s too late to change events. It’s time to
face the consequences.” This part of the song strongly suggests that when you make any
type of decision, there will always be some consequences.

Overall, listening to this type of music surprised me in a good way and showed me
how different genres of music can still carry strong and impactful lyrics and messages.

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