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Abu Dhabi Polytechnic

Information Security Engineering Technology Department

Lab 6

NCS 341-351

MS Windows Server Security OCT II_B

Student Name :

Student ID :

From the CompTIA account complete the following Labs:
1. Assisted Lab: Deploying a Linux Application Server
2. Assisted Lab: Configuring RAID Storage in Linux

Task 1. This activity is designed to test your understanding of and ability
to apply content examples in the following CompTIA Server+ objectives:
a. 2.1 Given a scenario, install server operating systems.
b. 2.2 Given a scenario, configure servers to use network
infrastructure services.
c. 2.3 Given a scenario, configure and maintain server functions and
Task 2. This activity is designed to test your understanding of and ability
to apply content examples in the following CompTIA Server+ objectives:
a. 1.2 Given a scenario, deploy and manage storage.
b. 2.3 Given a scenario, configure and maintain server functions and

Task 1. Server deployments are most often automated using tools such as
Ansible and Chef. It is worth knowing how to use manual setup programs and
package managers, however, not least because it helps you to understand how
such tasks can be scripted.
To complete this lab, use the setup disc to deploy Ubuntu Server and install a
Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) application stack ready for
Task 2. To Linux offers excellent support for configuring software RAID and
can be integrated into a Windows domain environment and configured as a file
server using the Samba package. Samba implements Windows' Server
Message Block file sharing protocol so there is no need for additional client
software or protocols.
The SMB10 Linux server has been joined to the 515support domain already.
To complete this lab, configure RAID storage using the mdadm tool and then
create a logical volume using Logical Volume Manager (LVM). Format and
mount the volume and then configure it as an SMB share.

Required Resources
CompTIA Server+ Student Account

After completing the above tasks provide
a. two screenshots (Task Complete Percentage and Grade Score) for each
task including your account on in.
b. one screenshot for all the tasks, including your account on it
find examples below:

Assessment will be based on the percentage and grade score of all the tasks
specified in the Tasks rubric.

 CompTIA Labs, CertMaster Labs

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