m1 Post Task (Felix)

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I hereby certify, upon my honor that the essay I submitted is an original work; this means that the
research and writing presented in this output is substantially my own. I have duly verified and
acknowledge all citations of previous research, published or unpublished, in my work. Any use
of AI in my writing (if applicable) falls within the scope of acceptable use as specified in the
syllabus of this course, and is explained in greater detail below:



DATE: 5/27/2023

✔ I did not use an AI text generator or any other AI tools in the process of writing my
I used an AI text generator or any other AI tools in the process of writing my essay for any of
the following purposes (checked are those that apply )
To improve the language of my composition, and help me make choices regarding suitable use of
diction, grammar, tone and linguistic competencies

❑ To develop conciseness, precision and clarity in my writing

❑ To create samples of academic writing that I could use as models of my own


❑ To brainstorm ideas and creative prompts

❑ To form a sense of the usual ways in on how issues are perceived, so that I
am informed of various perspectives about my topic.

❑ To generate guide questions or outlines that can help improve the structure of
my writing

❑ To gather feedback on my drafts, as well as suggestions for revisions

❑ Other:
Felix, Carmela Jahn Marie C. May 27, 2023
DENT 3D Prof. Galero

M1: Post Task: Writing and Delivering a Speech

This subsection provides you with the ultimate assessment of your understanding of the lessons
under this module. You are now prompted to accomplish the following activity:

Write a four-paragraph speech about any social issue that has a direct, deep impact on your
life. You may explore topics on education, poverty, mental health, personal aspirations, etc.
Afterward, take a video of yourself reading the speech you have written. Be sure to observe
the elements of expository writing.

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S0-n-6VJU9l0UcbtP9KuWbNGvifFWqEA/view?usp=share_link

The Cold Fate of Animals

The only dangerous breed is humans. It is a phrase that has circulated the media with
the death of the two bulldogs, Marsha and Millions. The actions of the Metropolitan
Police in the United Kingdom sparked anger and rage when they shot the two dogs
who did not show aggression. The event exemplifies the continuous animal cruelty and
discrimination towards animals, specifically bulldogs.

Animals have served as companions to humans for centuries. They have provided them
with emotional and physical support. In some cases, they provide aid for those who are
disabled. They also ensure the safety of individuals in detecting dangerous objects like
drugs or bombs. Infertile couples would resort to adopting or caring for dogs as a
substitute for children. Dogs have provided individuals with everything they could give
and trust them fully. They lower their guard around their owner or their families because
they know they are protected. They know that they are home.

Despite this, some individuals still don't understand the meaning behind a dog's
relationship with their owner. They would assume that they would attack or become
savages at any minute. It is often assumed that breeds like bulldogs, rottweilers,
Dobermans, or any breed that seems like a threat. The death of bulldog Marshall, a
three-year-old bulldog, and Millions, a puppy protecting their owner at the very end,
wounded everyone who knew their story. People yearn for justice for the cruelty they
have experienced. Animal cruelty is a continuous crime that individuals execute by
inflicting pain or causing the death of an animal. An animal's fate is highly dependent
on its surroundings, for it could die through what they eat or what individuals have done
to them. Those who die of old age are gifted to have a peaceful parting. The police
dictated Marshal and Million's fate, and their owner, who was held at gunpoint, could
not do anything.

As an animal lover, until this day, I find it difficult to watch the whole video of the
dreadful event. There are no words to justify how individuals mistreat animals or dogs
because they deserve all the care they can receive. CareElite, a blogger about
sustainability, environmental protection, a natural-conscious life, and personal
development, states, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by how its animals are treated." An individual's action greatly reflects how they are as
a citizen, human being, and person.

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