Sydney Lees - My One

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Sydney Lees

Period G

Social Media is not so Socially Beneficial

It seems that everyone is so involved with how cool technology is, and what
new social media devices are coming out, that there is not a lot of talk about the
negative influences of social media. Once something new like a trend or theme is
brought to sight; it becomes old and you’ll need something or someone “new”. By
discovering cool, it forces “cool” to move on. Social Media can sometimes seem
like just a new thing. Social media tools are woven into many young people’s
day-to-day lives. Young people are in conversation and communication with their
peer groups using a wide variety of different media and media devices every day.
Companies can spend millions of dollars on branding to make something look cool,
but if the product isn’t good, it isn’t good. In the same retrospect, if a customer has
bad service it won’t matter how the product was branded. Companies still need to
have a solid product or service and be able to stand by that with or without social
media. Companies still need to have a solid product or service and be able to
stand by that with or without social media. Teenagers tend to think that such types
of addictions are ‘cool’ as their icons engage in such addictions. In addition, social
media portrays a lot of violence that amuse teenagers.

According to Los Angeles Magazine, “Crying selfies and crying videos have
become a trend among Gen Z social media users and influencers.” This has a major
impact on how the followers think of normalizing crying on social media for
everyone to see. According to the American Psychological Association, 9 out of 10
Gen Z kids relate to feeling physical symptoms when stressed. However, this has
been normalized and gone too far in the aspect of crying becoming a trend. Some
kids think that the crying shows that you are brave and “empowering” towards
other people. According to this article, many teens agree that people who have
mental health issues are receiving medical care for it. Sometimes crying on social
media is a good thing if you are going to try and show others that it's okay to not
be okay, no matter the situation. However it can be bad when you are using social
media and crying to get fame and make people have pity on you.

Overall social media can be used in many different ways. These include
helping out others who need support emotionally and physically with their self
esteem. It could also include giving resources to go to when you need help.
However, when you use a social platform, your goal should be to make other
people feel good about themselves, it should not be putting pictures of yourself
crying to gain popularity and pity. At the end of the day, if you are posting pictures
of yourself in a bad place,use it to raise awareness for something instead of using
it for the opposite reasons. Everyone can do this no matter who you are, famous or
not. You need to focus on being yourself and making yourself and other people
feel safe and happy.

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