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Term paper 01

Government or you?
Today, the role of government in making significant changes is often debated. In my opinion,
both the government and individuals play an important role in development society. Working
hard and being persistent are key to success.

The government has immense power to enact change with access to resources and the ability
to implement policies, can bring about large-scale changes that will affect society. For example,
implementing laws and regulations that can improve access to education, healthcare, and
necessities. In addition, they can invest in research and development to discover new
technologies that can significantly improve people's quality life.

However, individuals can also have a profound impact on society. Each person has the power to
create positive change in their community and inspiring others to do the same. For example, for
years social movements have been led by ordinary people, these same movements have
achieved significant results to date, such as women's rights. Marching to achieve what we want
can be difficult, but it is necessary to succeed. Currently, people can raise awareness about
social issues through social networks and other digital platforms creating great movements and
being heard.

However, individuals can also have a profound impact on society. Each person has the power to
create positive change in their community and inspiring others to do the same. For example, for
years social movements have been led by ordinary people, these same movements have
managed to obtain significant results to date, going out to march, it was possible to enforce the
rights of women, animals, among others. Marching to achieve what we want can be difficult, but
it is necessary to succeed. Currently, people can raise awareness about social issues through
social media and other digital platforms creating great movements and being heard.

In conclusion, I believe that both the government and individuals have a role to play in creating
significant changes in society. While governments have the resources and authority to
implement large-scale changes, individuals can also make a significant impact by creating
positive changes in their communities, participating in initiatives aimed at improving their
communities, such as volunteering, donating. We need to work very hard to achieve it.

In conclusion, we have to work very hard to achieve that we want. I believe that both
government and individuals have a role to play in creating meaningful change in society. While
governments have the resources and authority to implement large-scale change, people can
also make a significant impact by creating positive change in their communities, engaging in
initiatives such as volunteering and donating. The combined effort of both the government and
individuals that can lead to a positive and lasting impact on society."

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