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What would happen without Daylight Savings? What would be the changes?

Sydney Lees

What would happen with Daylight Savings? Throughout the world, countries and

continents go by different time zones” which are either hours ahead or hours behind certain

countries. For example, right now it is 8:53 am in the Eastern Time Zone, while in California it is

3 hours behind so it would be 5:53 am there. However, Daylight Savings has started to become

questioned by many states in the US. The only two states who don’t turn their clocks forward or

back are Arizona and Hawaii. Many people believe that by eliminating daylight savings, that

there would be many positive impacts in people's lives. What are the impacts if we eliminate

daylight savings?

One of the major impacts of eliminating daylights would be health changes. According to

the Readers Digest, by eliminating daylight savings, it would prevent people from having cardiac

rhythm in their hearts. Another impact would be that it would reduce the impact of heart issues,

if we didn’t switch back clocks twice a year it could cause an AMI (acute myocardial infarction).

Even though there is no direct research that supports this, it seems to be a pattern. Another

impact includes reduced risks of strokes. According to Reader's Digest, there has been an

increase in hospitalizations for strokes days after DST. Additionally, there are reports that it

would save businesses money by not having to adjust to the different times during DST. By

eliminating Daylight Savings, it would save America about $430 million a year. Also, it would

help by decreasing the amount of fatal car crashes that would happen if DST was removed.

However, there are some aspects of everyday life that would have negative impacts if

DST was removed. An example of this would be that people who practice certain religious

activities in the morning, partially at sunrise, would have an impact on people's traveling to work
and other duties to fulfill in the morning. According to Rabbi Moshe Davis of Brith Sholom, “If

DST is removed, it will be almost impossible for these religious people in some parts of the

country to attend prayer services in the morning and then get to work on time.” This just extends

the idea that by eliminating Daylight Savings for these people would have a negative impact.

Adding to the positive impacts, there would be a decrease in crime rates. This is because

of the extended daylight hour at the end of the day partially before sunset, which would result in

a 27% decrease in overall crime rates. However, during the time where we turn our clocks

backwards which would result in a slight increase in crime by 3%.

There have also been proposed bills in these states to eliminate daylight savings:

Alabama, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Montana,

Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The other current

states have still not proposed daylight savings removal.

Overall, certain aspects of everyday life will have positive effects, as well as positive

effects and some negative. However, by eliminating Daylight Savings, there would be tons of

more positive impacts that would benefit us, by helping eliminate certain health issues, as well as

businesses saving millions of dollars.


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