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Título: Going to a restaurant and Supermarket

Autor: Ana Nelly Barba Velasquez

AÑO: 2022


Asignatura: Idiomas

Grupo: G

Docente: lic. Stefanía Melissa Ortega Guzman

Periodo académico: 2º SEMESTRE


Did you understand the text? (2)

2) What did Paul and Sandra order to drink?

1) What kind of restaurant did Paul and
Sandra go to? a) soda for Paul and beer for Sandra
a) a fast food restaurant b) water for Paul and orange juice for
b) a steak restaurant
c) beer for Paul and water for Sandra
c) a pizza restaurant
d) beer for Paul and orange juice for
d) an Italian restaurant

3) What kind of steaks did Paul and Sandra

4) What was wrong with Sandra's order?
a) two eight-ounce steaks a) she got coleslaw when she wanted
green beans
b) two twenty-ounce steaks
b) she got green beans when she
c) two twelve-ounce steaks
wanted corn
d) two eighteen-ounce steaks
c) she got mashed potatoes when
she wanted green beans
d) she got green beans when she
wanted a salad
Did you understand the text? (4)

2) Which item did Martha buy 5 pounds of in

1) What item did Martha pick up on sale in
the meat and dairy section?
the fruits and vegetables section?
a) Five pounds of meat
a) Six apples
b) Five pounds of fish
b) Three bananas
c) Five pounds of cheese
c) Four mushrooms
d) Five pounds of milk
d) Two bags of salad

3) How much bread did Martha get while she

4) What item did Martha have to go back for
was shopping at the grocery store?
at the end of her shopping trip?
a) Two loaves of bread
a) one dozen eggs
b) One loaf of bread
b) a bag of cherries
c) Four loaves of bread
c) a block of cheese
d) Three loaves of bread
d) one container of salt

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