ECON 1580 Discussion Assignment Unit 6

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The gross national product (GNP) is computed by adding government spending, individual

consumer spending, private domestic investments, net exports, and income earned by citizens
overseas to the home economy, while omitting income from foreign residents.

1. Compute net foreign investment.Net foreign investment = Bond Purchases +Earnings

on foreign investments - Foreign earningson Amagre investment
= 200 + 75 - 25 = 250 billion G
I added Bond purchases and earnings on foreign investments and subtracted foreign earnings
by using the formula
2. Compute net exports.
Net exports = Exports - Imports
= 50 - 150
= -100 billion G

3. Compute GDP. GDP = Consumption + Government purchases + Investment +

Net exports
= 350 + 200 + 100 – 100
= 550 billion G
4. Compute GNP.GNP = GDP + Net factor earnings from abroad
= 550 + (75 - 25)
= 600 billion G
Business Standard (2021) WHAT IS GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) Retrieve from

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