Case Study

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ENGI 53809 Case Study 1

Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

Case Study 1

1. Use the web to research the OSI reference model, showing the different tasks each layer is responsible for, and
listing examples of protocols related to each layer along with the services governed by each protocol
2. Draw a diagram of your home network showing all of the connection types (Ethernet, WiFi, Cable/Fiber Optic…),
and including the different types of devices connected to it
3. Visit and test your Internet connection speed. Add a screenshot of the result to your Case Study
report, then list all of the fields (numbers) in your internet speed test result along with your own definition of
each field
4. Add the references you used in your research in a separate REFERENCES section
5. Submit your case study report to the related dropbox under ASSESSMENTS section of the course page


Unsatisfactory (0- Satisfactory (40-60%) Good (80%) Excellent (100%)


Requirements • Completed less • Completed 50-60% • Completed 70-90% • Requirements were

are met than 50% of the of the requirements of the requirements met and exceeded
50% .

Research and • No signs of good • Some signs of • good research was • Proper research was
solution research were seen research were seen done and references done, extensive list
Standards in your report in your report of references


Clarity and • The report is not • The report is • The report is • The report is
writeup clear enough to readable but missing readable, the writeup excellent, with clear
readers proper formatting is good signs of exceptional
10% OR contains efforts
language errors

Delivery • Not delivered in • Delivered on time, • Completed most of • Completed between

correct format in proper format the requirements 90-100% of the
10% • Late (subtract 10% • Some details can be • Delivered on time requirements.
per day) improved • Delivered on time,
and in correct format

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