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Syllabus for 6th semester mids +finals

1) Advertising & Sales Management : Product , Price , place , promotion, physical evidence ,
process, people, how to sell your product in global market , market sustainability & personal

2) Qur’an : Surah Shooraa , Namal , qasaas , ankaboot , room , luqman , assajdah , ahzaab , Saba ,
faatir , yaseen , saffaat , suaad (translation & main points)

3) Research Methods : Chapter 1 – Research Paradigm & philosophical assumptions, chapter 2 –

research objectives & levels of theory, chapter 3 – Research strategy & design , chapter 4 –
selecting population, sampling methods & sample size & chapter 5 – Questionnaire development

4) Psychology : introduction to psychology , social influence , attitude , group process & leadership
& stress ( first two are important for long & others for short )

5) Auditing : •ISQC framework •audit/auditor/auditing •qualities of auditor •appointment removal

& fee of auditor •qualification & disqualification of auditor •Casual vacancy •rights & duties of
auditor • audit of cost accounts •penalties for non compliance with provisions by companies and
auditors • Agreeing the terms of audit engagement • planning of audit • Materiality in planning
& performance of audit • audit evidence • subsequent events • internal audit • going concern.
•audit report • Glossary – assurance engagement, reasonable assurance, limited assurance ,
assurance engagement risk , audit documentation , & Pg 75-79 ( glossary page )

6) Financial Management : Chapter 1-role of managerial finance ( theory ) chapter 2-the financial
market environment (theory ) chapter 3-cost of capital ( theory + numericals : ST9-1 & problems
4 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ) chapter 4 – capital budgeting techniques ( Theory ) chapter
5 – capital budgeting cash flows ( theory + numericals : ST11-2 & problems 7-14 & 17-21 & 23-29
excluding IRR ) Chapter 6 – Leverage & Capital Structure ( theory+ numericals : ST13-1 &
problems 3-17 )

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