Usman Topics SLA and Service Catalog Demo Date 8 March Addition of Variable Set, Record Producer 9march23

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SLA (Service Level Agreement)

A set of agreements between a service provider and customer that defines the scope, quality and
speed of the services being provided.

Why do we use SLA in ServiceNow?

Configure an SLA to define a set amount of time for a task to reach a certain condition.
It ensures that incidents are closed or resolved according to the expectations set for customers.

Use Case:
Create an SLA which will apply on Priority 1 (critical) incident.


Demo Incident SLA Form

New Incident

When state is new then Result is Stage is in Progress

When state is on-hold then Result is Stage is paused

Stage is paused

When state is resolved then Result is Stage is completed

Stage is Complete
What is Service Catalog?
 Catalog to provide users with Self Service options.
 Portal where users can request different services provided by different business unit in the
 Used to support request management.

Service Catalog Management Terms and Roles:

Execution Plans: Define how something gets delivered. For example, a PDA could go through
procurement/activation/and installation of the desktop software.
Execution Plan Tasks: Plan tasks represent a step in the Execution Plan, are associated with a
Fulfillment Group, and have an approximate duration.
Fulfillment Groups: Fulfillment Groups work execution tasks. For example, one group can activate a
cell phone while a different group installs the desktop software.
Tickets: Tickets represent work done by Fulfillment Groups as part of an Execution Plan.

There are different roles in Service Catalog to manage Service Catalog.
 Admin
 Catalog Admin
 Catalog Manager
 Catalog Editor
What are we going to learn?
What is Catalog?
Setting up a Catalog
Catalog Form
Multiple Catalogs
What is Catalog?
 Catalog is a page where user can see different services for different categories and request
those items.
 Section to onboard different items for request.
 Multiple service Catalogs enable your organization to offer different sets of services to
different teams within the organization, such as IT services, human resources, and facilities
Catalog Item:
 Catalog Item is good or service available to order from the service catalog.
 Items can be hardware request, software request and installation, mobile, laptop office
 Items can also have pricing
 User input variables and workflow are added to catalog items
Types of Catalog Items:
 Record Produces
 Order Guides
 Content Item
 Catalog Item
What are Variables?
 Service Catalog variables capture and pass on information about choices a customer makes
when ordering a catalog item.
 Variables are user input or information displayed to the user for the catalog item
Create Variables:
Service Catalog Variable Attributes:
Attributes transform the behavior of the variable

Applicable on List Collector

Applicable on Lookup Select Box and Select Box

Max length applies on single text or wide single line text

Max Unit only applies on Duration

No Filter will apply on list collector variable

This attribute is applicable on Reference type of variables

This is also applicable on reference type of variable

if you want to display the auto complete record in type of sorting

This is also applicable on Reference field if u want to specify the name of the JavaScript class
This is applicable for Lookup multiple choice, lookup select box and list collector

Additional Configuration of Variables:

How to configure a default width for service catalog variables

How to define a regular expression for a variable:
How to create on Validation
How to create a service request item in ServiceNow
Service Catalog Item form fields:

Catalog item name: Demo need access card

 Requested for (Reference field)

 Joining date (Date field)
 Department (Select Box)
 Employee details (Multiline Text)


Create New

Now create Variables:

From here we can add variables

Create UI Policy
Create Client Scripting:

Attached Workflow


Picture is also attached

Then Pricing

Now go to service catalog

Click on Software

Under Software Category our item is shown

After clicking on Demo Need Access Card information is displayed

Order Guide in ServiceNow
Order Guide is a feature of the Service Catalog that allows users to create customized collections of
items or services that can be ordered together as a package.
Order Guides provide a convenient way for users to request multiple items or services together,
saving time and reducing errors that might occur if each item was ordered separately.

Navigation for Order Guide

Now I have created 4 variables

Then I have created 8 Rule Base

Variable Set:
Variable set is a collection of variables which is reusable and we can use variable set in multiple
catalog items and order guides.
Use Case: will create variable set with the requirement mentioned below. Below functionality
need to be implemented:
1. Fields value will get auto populated with logged in user details, when catalog form gets
2. Fields value such as Email and Phone will get change when user change the requester name.
Variable Set:
Name: Requester details
Variable (Field name to be implemented):
Requester (type: reference, logged in user will get populated)
Phone (type: single line text)
Email (type: single line text)
Will perform testing to validate the implementation and understand how that we can use the
variable set in multiple catalog item and the benefit of variable set.

After clicking on Single-row variable set

Now on Variable Tab we will create variables

Fill the form

Second Variable
3rd Variable

Now we create Catalog Client Script

Create New

Form Appears
Now we will fill the form

Creating another client script

How to use a variable set in a single catalog item

Create New

Now Save

After saving in related list click on edit carriable set under variable set section
Now select Requester Details Variable Set and Save

Now Click on Try it button:

Record Producer:
A Record Producers is a form within Service Catalog which used to generate a task record or a data
record. We create a Record Producer for tables and database views that are in the same scope as
the record producer.
Record producers are a great piece of ServiceNow functionality that allows for the creation of
records in any table via the standard Service Catalogue interface.
Use Case (creating a record producer for table);
Create problem using Record Producer.

Click on New
Also Create a Script

Now we will create variables under variable section

Add Catalog

Add Category

After clicking on Record Producer Incident:

Fill the Form

In Incident Form incident appears

When we open it.

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