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Obesity is a disorder characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat, which poses a significant
health risk to individuals. It is diagnosed and classified based on the body mass index (BMI), which
takes into account an individual's weight in kilograms and height in meters. A BMI value between
25kg/m2 and 30kg/m2 is considered overweight, while a value above 30kg/m2 indicates obesity. The
prevalence of obesity has been on the rise globally and is associated with numerous chronic
diseases, including diabetes, metabolic disorders, cancers, and cardiovascular conditions (Inoue et
al., 2018).

Research has revealed that obesity is a multifaceted problem influenced by various lifestyle factors.
Low levels of physical activity and poor dietary habits, such as overeating, have been identified as
key contributors to obesity (Wharton et al., 2020). In 2017, obesity was recognized as one of the
leading risk factors for premature deaths worldwide, accounting for 4.7 million reported deaths
(source). Moreover, the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that by 2030, approximately 30%
of global deaths could be attributed to lifestyle-related diseases (source). Hence, timely
identification of the predisposing factors and promoting behavior change are crucial for preventing
obesity and its associated health risks. Additionally, obesity can lead to reduced physical capability,
contributing to frailty among older individuals.

However, while the global burden of obesity has been widely studied, there is a need for more
localized research to understand the prevalence and factors associated with obesity in specific
populations. This research proposal aims to investigate the prevalence of obesity and its associated
factors among adults aged 30 to 55 years in Migori Town, Kenya. By focusing on this specific age
group and geographical area, the study seeks to provide valuable insights into the local context and
contribute to the development of targeted interventions and preventive strategies.

The primary objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To determine the prevalence of obesity among adults aged 30 to 55 years in Migori Town, Kenya.

2. To identify the lifestyle factors, including physical activity levels and dietary habits, associated with
obesity in the study population.

3. To explore the socio-demographic factors that may contribute to obesity among adults in Migori

4. To assess the awareness and knowledge of the health risks associated with obesity among the
study participants.

5. To provide recommendations for effective preventive measures and interventions to address

obesity in the local population.

The prevalence of obesity has shown a significant increase globally since 1975, with developing
nations facing the dual challenge of malnutrition and rising obesity rates. It is crucial to address this
issue as obesity-related mortality rates surpass those of under-nutrition. Effectively managing
obesity requires substantial investment in terms of time, resources, and preventive measures.
Therefore, understanding the risk factors associated with obesity and developing preventive
mechanisms is of paramount importance. This study aims to contribute to this understanding and
provide valuable insights for combating obesity.

Obesity affects individuals of various ages, both in developed and developing countries, thereby
increasing the overall disease burden worldwide. Immediate action is necessary to tackle this
escalating problem. A study conducted in Kenya reported a prevalence of over 60% in urban areas,
while rural areas accounted for approximately 19.5% (Rahma S. Mkuu, 2018). However, limited
research has been conducted in Migori to provide clear evidence regarding the prevalence of obesity
among adults, despite its increasing trend. Therefore, this study seeks to fill this knowledge gap by
examining the risk factors and associated factors of obesity in Migori Town, Kenya, with the ultimate
goal of alleviating its burden on the local population.

By conducting this study, several significant contributions can be made. Firstly, it will generate local
data specific to Migori Town, which can be utilized to inform targeted interventions and policy
decisions. This data will be valuable to local health authorities, policymakers, and healthcare
practitioners in designing and implementing effective preventive strategies to combat obesity in the
area. Additionally, the findings of this study can contribute to the existing body of knowledge on
obesity in Kenya, particularly in the context of urban areas, thus filling the research gap.

Furthermore, understanding the risk factors associated with obesity in Migori Town will enable the
development of community-based interventions that address the local context and cater to the
specific needs of the adult population. Such interventions may focus on promoting physical activity,
improving dietary habits, raising awareness about the health risks of obesity, and providing
resources for behavior change. By implementing these interventions, the study aims to contribute to
the reduction of obesity prevalence rates and improve the overall health and well-being of the adult
population in Migori Town.


Obesity is a prevalent global health concern characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat in the
body, resulting from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, leading to adverse
health outcomes (WHO). Body mass index (BMI), calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height
in meters squared, is widely used to classify individuals as underweight, overweight, or obese based
on universally accepted thresholds (Inoue et al., 2018). In 2015, the global prevalence of obesity
reached alarming levels, with 619.8 million obese adults worldwide (WHO). By 2016, 39% of adults
were classified as overweight, and 11% of men and 15% of women were classified as obese (WHO).
These numbers have continued to rise at an alarming rate. Obesity contributes significantly to the
global disease burden, resulting in approximately 300,000 deaths annually. The economic impact is
substantial, with the United States alone spending over $117 billion on mitigating obesity-related
health effects (Stein & Colditz, 2004).

In developing countries, including Kenya, the prevalence of obesity is also on the rise, posing a
double burden of malnutrition. According to a study conducted in Kenya in 2015, the prevalence of
obesity was reported to be 4.3% among men and 13.7% among women (Global obesity 2015).
Regional studies consistently indicate a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity among women
compared to men, with rates of 43.4% for women and 34% for men reported in one study. Being
overweight and obese in Kenya increases the risk of high blood glucose levels and blood pressure
(Rahma S. Mkuu et al., 2018).

Elevated BMI is a known risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular
conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, and cancers. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, in
particular, rank among the top ten causes of death globally (WHO, 2018). Several factors contribute
to the increase in BMI, including unhealthy dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, socioeconomic status,
family size, psychosocial factors, environmental factors, genetic predisposition, and medical
conditions (Obirikorang et al., 2017; Tapera et al., 2017). Furthermore, the current trends predict
that by 2025, an estimated 3 billion adults worldwide will be overweight, with up to 200 million
severely affected by obesity. Adults are particularly at risk due to various factors such as dietary
patterns, reduced physical activity, altered sleep patterns, genetic predisposition, and medication

Given the increasing prevalence and the associated health risks, addressing obesity has become a
critical public health priority. The proposed study aims to contribute to this effort by investigating
the prevalence of obesity and its associated factors among adults aged 30 to 55 years in Migori
Town, Kenya. By focusing on this specific age group and geographical area, the study will generate
valuable local data to inform targeted interventions and policy decisions. The findings will be
instrumental for local health authorities, policymakers, and healthcare practitioners in designing and
implementing effective preventive strategies to combat obesity and improve the overall health and
well-being of the adult population in Migori Town.

By understanding the specific risk factors and associated factors prevalent in Migori Town, the study
aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on obesity and provide evidence-based
recommendations for tailored interventions. This research endeavor will not only shed light on the
local context but also pave the way for future research and contribute to the global understanding of
obesity. Ultimately, it is hoped that this study will assist in reducing the burden of obesity and its
associated health complications in Migori Town and serve as a foundation for promoting healthier
lifestyles and well-being in the community.


4.1 Main Objective

The main objective of this study is to determine the factors contributing to obesity among adults
aged 30 to 55 years in Migori town, Kenya.

4.2 Specific Objectives

1. To determine the impact of psychosocial factors on obesity among adults in Migori town.

- What is the relationship between psychosocial factors (such as stress, emotional well-being, and
social support) and obesity among adults in Migori town?

- How do psychosocial factors influence eating behaviors and physical activity levels among adults
in Migori town?

2. To assess the relationship between dietary patterns and obesity in Migori town.

- What are the dietary patterns commonly observed among adults in Migori town?
- How do dietary patterns contribute to obesity among adults in Migori town?

- Are there specific food groups or eating behaviors associated with a higher risk of obesity among
adults in Migori town?

3. To assess the socioeconomic factors affecting the prevalence of obesity among adults in Migori

- What is the socioeconomic profile of adults affected by obesity in Migori town?

- How do socioeconomic factors, such as income, education, and occupation, influence the
prevalence of obesity among adults in Migori town?

- Are there disparities in obesity prevalence based on socioeconomic status in Migori town?

Research Questions

1. What is the impact of psychosocial factors on obesity among adults in Migori town?

2. How does dietary patterns relate to obesity in Migori town?

3. What socioeconomic factors contribute to the prevalence of obesity among adults in Migori

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