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Hospitality - Assignments

Assignment Brief & Feedback Form

Learner’s Name

Course Title Frankfinn Advance Certificate Course in Aviation, Hospitality, Travel &
Customer Service

Assessor’s Name

Internal Verifier Name

Unit Number and Title Unit 4, Hospitality– Food And Beverage Operations

Assignment Title

Outcome Number(s) and Unit 4:

Statement(s) LO1- Know how to provide effective food and beverage operations
LO2- Explore and define a range of menu courses and types
LO3- Investigate the provision of food and catering for flight kitchen operations
LO4 - Demonstrate the techniques for the preparation and serving of beverages
Date Set Hand In Date

Learner Declaration
I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Learner’s Date

Instruction Your assignment will not be accepted if it does not

contain the list of source details of the text
material referred to and the details of the people
in accomplishing this project and the tasks
Purpose/Aims  Exhibit the ability to organize and explain how different types of outlets meet
the needs of different guests
 Demonstrate a range of operational skills for specific activities
 Compare the components of different types of meals.
 Devise a classical menu
 Consider and explain methods of cooking different types of food.
 Explain the importance of health and safety procedures for flight catering
 Produce a flow chart for a flight kitchen, explaining the meal planning process.
 Exhibit knowledge on preparation and serving beverages to an accepted standard
Hospitality - Assignments

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION
1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions
2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

TIMELINE: You can take up to One week to submit the Assignments

Question 1. Describe how different outlets (any 2 outlets) meet the needs of different types of guests. Present your findings
in a document not exceeding 10-15 sentences. You can get the required information online. (PASS)
Hospitality - Assignments

Question 2. Write about a three-course table d’hôte menu card (lunch/dinner) based on the classical menu sequence and
with brief descriptions of the components and method of cooking which go into the making of these dishes.
Also, describe a table d’hôte cover set up for the menu planned and demonstrate the service process for the meal.
What factors must be considered while planning a menu?
Write the same in the space below. (PASS)

Question 3. Describe the sequence of events that take place in a flight kitchen prior to uplifting of meals for a flight. (You can
also write the steps in a numbered sequence). Analyse the importance of various health and safety standards which are
strictly followed during the process. Share your findings below - not exceeding 10- 15 sentences.
Today the term “convenience foods” is widely used in the catering industry. What are they?
Hospitality - Assignments

Question 4. Describe the service standards for any one alcoholic beverage and one non- alcoholic beverage by mentioning
the name of the correct glass ware in which it should be served and writing down stepwise the right method of serving these
beverages along with accompaniments and garnishes.
Name 2 cocktails and 2 mocktails (if juices or carbonated beverages are chosen) or 2 types of non-alcoholic beverages based
on the student’s choice in the task above and also write the recipe/ explain the types. (PASS)

Question 5. Choose any one of the following themes and plan a dinner for two keeping in mind the ambience and the
suitability of the menu. Valentine’s Day / Christmas / Diwali / New Year.
Apply your knowledge of classical menu sequence and plan a three-course menu listing in detail the ‘mise-en-place’ (cutlery,
crockery, glassware, linen, table set-up, ambience, entertainment etc.) which you intend to do. Give evidence of research
done. (MERIT)
Hospitality - Assignments

Question 6. With reference to the above event, do a market research (online) to investigate the preferences of guests for
dining at the specific theme dinner offered by you. Based on your findings, analyses as to what improvements you would like to
incorporate for a more successful event in future. Write your research below. (DISTINCTION)

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