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End-User Guide

Equipment Management
2022 R2
Contents | 2

Overview of Equipment Management Processes....................................................................................... 5
Managing Service Templates................................................................................................................... 8
Service Templates..............................................................................................................................................8
To Create a Service Template........................................................................................................................... 8
Managing Manufacturers....................................................................................................................... 10
Manufacturers.................................................................................................................................................. 10
To Add a Manufacturer.................................................................................................................................... 10
To Add a Manufacturer Model.........................................................................................................................11
Managing Equipment............................................................................................................................ 13
Equipment Types............................................................................................................................................. 13
Resource Equipment....................................................................................................................................... 14
Item Classes for Equipment and Components.............................................................................................. 15
Target Equipment............................................................................................................................................ 16
Model Equipment............................................................................................................................................ 18
Equipment Inquiries........................................................................................................................................ 20
To Add an Equipment Type.............................................................................................................................21
To Add Equipment........................................................................................................................................... 22
To Create an Item Class for Model Equipment.............................................................................................. 23
To Create an Item Class for Components.......................................................................................................24
To Create an Item Class for Consumable Items............................................................................................. 26
To Create an Item Class for Non-Equipment Entities or Items That Are Part of Equipment........................ 27
To Add Model Equipment................................................................................................................................29
To Create Equipment for Sold Items.............................................................................................................. 30
To Add a Model Equipment Sale to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales Order..................................... 31
To Add a Sale of Optional Components to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales Order..........................32
To Add Upgraded Components to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales Order.......................................33
To Add Replacement Target Equipment to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales Order......................... 34
To Replace Components in Target Equipment.............................................................................................. 35
Managing Service Contracts.................................................................................................................. 37
Service Contracts: General Information......................................................................................................... 37
Service Contracts: Billing Type Setup.............................................................................................................39
Service Contracts: To Create and Process a Service Contract Billed at the Time of Service........................42
Service Contracts: To Create a Service Contract Billed at the End of the Period......................................... 45
Contents | 3

Service Contracts with End-Period Billing: To Bill a Period with Overage Usage.........................................49
Service Contracts with End-Period Billing: To Process a Billing Period with No Appointments..................53
Service Contracts: To Create and Process a Service Contract with Beginning-Period Fixed Billing............ 55
Service Contracts: To Run Billing for the Contract with Beginning-Period Fixed Billing..............................59
Service Contracts: Renewal of a Service Contract......................................................................................... 61
Service Contracts: To Renew a Service Contract........................................................................................... 63
Service Contracts: Copying a Service Contract..............................................................................................66
Service Contracts: To Copy a Service Contract.............................................................................................. 67
Service Contracts: Related Inquiry Forms......................................................................................................70
To Activate the Next Period for the End-Period Billing Contracts................................................................. 71
Service Contracts: Status Update................................................................................................................... 72
Service Contracts: Activation, Cancellation, and Suspension of a Contract................................................ 72
Equipment Management Use Cases........................................................................................................ 75
Selling Model Equipment................................................................................................................................ 75
Selling a Model Equipment Entity and Optional Component.......................................................................78
Selling an Optional Component of Target Equipment.................................................................................. 81
Upgrading a Default Component of Model Equipment to Be Sold...............................................................84
Replacing Target Equipment...........................................................................................................................87
Replacing a Component of Target Equipment...............................................................................................90
Selling a Stock Item that Does Not Require Record in Equipment Management.........................................93
Reports............................................................................................................................................................. 97
Report Form............................................................................................................................................ 97
Form Toolbar..................................................................................................................................................103
Table Toolbar................................................................................................................................................. 110
Copyright | 4


© 2022 Acumatica, Inc.


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Soware Version: 2022 R2

Last Updated: 01/29/2023
Overview of Equipment Management Processes | 5

Overview of Equipment Management Processes

By using the equipment management functionality, you can maintain and track information about the equipment
that your company uses to provide services or for which your company provides services. For frequently
maintained equipment, you can create service contracts in which you can add schedules of customer visits and set
the specific billing period for the customer. With the integration between the equipment management functionality
and the service management functionality of Acumatica ERP, you can process service orders and appointments
related to contracts of equipment maintenance.
You use equipment management functionality to perform a variety of procedures related to managing equipment,
which are briefly described in the following sections of this topic.

Interaction of the Equipment Management Functionality with Other Functional Areas

From the Equipment Management module, you can generate service orders or appointments in the Service
Management module according to schedules of service contracts or create them on-the-fly for service contracts
with the End-Period Plus billing type.
If a customer post pays for the contracts services, you generate billing documents in an appropriate module
depending on the settings of the Service Management module. The following options are available:
• Generating documents in the Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable module (only if the documents are
generated for service order or appointment)
• Generating documents in the Sales Orders module
The documents are further processed in the respective modules and post financial transactions to the General
Ledger module. In the following figure, you can see the flow of documents from the Equipment Management
module for the post-paid contracts.
Overview of Equipment Management Processes | 6

Figure: The equipment management document flow (At Time of Service billing type)

If a customer pays for the contracts services according to the End-Period Plus billing type, you generate billing
documents in an appropriate module depending on the settings of the Equipment Management module.
The generating of documents in the following modules is available: Accounts Receivable or Sales Orders. The
documents are further processed in the respective modules and post financial transactions to the General Ledger
module. In the following figure, you can see the flow of documents from the Equipment Management module for
the contracts with the predefined billing.
Overview of Equipment Management Processes | 7

Managing and Tracking Equipment

You can enter, maintain, and track information on the equipment that is involved in the service delivery process. In
Acumatica ERP, equipment is divided into two major categories, resource equipment and target equipment, based
on how the equipment is related to the service. Resource equipment is a resource of your company that is used
to perform services, while target equipment is serviced by your company. In the system, you can easily track the
resource equipment used during appointments, keep information and arrange appointments for maintenance of
target equipment.
In Acumatica ERP, you can track the serial numbers of equipment aer it is sold. You can track the warranties,
upgrades, and all other pertinent information for the equipment by using its serial number. You can also track
the service history for the equipment, including every part that has been added to it. The system also supports
tracking multiple serial numbers for the same equipment and tracking serial numbers for different components. An
unlimited number of serial numbers can be tracked.
For details, see Managing Equipment.

Processing Service Contracts

In Acumatica ERP, you can create service contracts with the following types of billing:
• At Time of Service: The service contract billing is performed aer each appointment based on what was done
during the appointment.
• End-Period Plus: The service contract billing is performed at the end of the contract period based on what is
covered by the contract plus overage items.
• Beginning-Period Fixed: The service contract billing is performed at the beginning of the billing period based
on what is covered by the contract. The overage items used in appointments during the period are not
• Beginning-Period Plus: The service contract billing is performed at the beginning of the billing period. The
overage items used in appointments during the period are also billed.
With the equipment management functionality, you can create and manage multiple schedules of equipment
service delivery for each customer. By using schedules, you generate service orders or appointments.

Other Processes
• Managing service templates, as described in Managing Service Templates
• Managing manufacturers, as described in Manufacturers
Managing Service Templates | 8

Managing Service Templates

Acumatica ERP provides you with functionality that helps you manage the services for which equipment is used
or sold when you process customers' orders. You can create service templates that group services that are usually
provided together for the contracts, to speed the entry of services in service contracts.
This chapter describes the service templates, as well as the process of adding service templates to the system.

Service Templates

A service template is a set of services and inventory items that is used to create service contract schedules. Using
service templates helps to reduce the time that would be spent entering the service data into the contract when the
appropriate user creates the schedule.
In this topic, you will read about creating service templates in the system and adding them to a contract schedule.

Creating a Service Template

You can create a service template on the Service Templates (FS204900) form. On this form, you enter the identifier
of the template, the description, the service order type, and you add the services (and any stock items) that will be
used with this template. For details, see To Create a Service Template.
You can use the service templates when you schedule service contracts on the Service Contract Schedules
(FS305100) form.

Adding Service Templates to a Schedule

To speed up the process of adding services and inventory items to the service contract schedule, on the Details tab
of the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form, you add an appropriate service template by selecting Service
Template in the Line Type column and selecting the service template in the Service Template ID column.
On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you can view the services, service templates, and inventory items that
were added to the schedules of a particular contract on the Services and Details tabs. You can also view the prices
of the services and the stock items of the contract on the Service Prices and Inventory Item Prices tabs of the
Service Contracts form, respectively.

To Create a Service Template

You use the Service Templates (FS204900) form to create a service template in the system. For details on service
templates, see Service Templates.

Before You Proceed

Before you begin creating a service template, make sure that the necessary types of equipment-related service
orders have been created on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form and services for the orders have been created
on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.

To Create a Service Template

1. Open the Service Templates (FS204900) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
Managing Service Templates | 9

3. In the Service Template ID box, enter the identifier of the service template.
4. In the Description box, enter a brief description of the service template.
5. In the Service Order Type box, select the service order type related to the services of the template.
6. On the Details tab, do the following for each service you want to add to the template:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Service ID column, select the service you want to add.
c. In the Quantity column, change the quantity of service items (which is 1 by default) if necessary.
7. Optional: On the Details tab, perform the following steps for each stock item you need to add:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Inventory ID column, select the stock item you want to add.
c. In the Quantity column, check the quantity of stock items and change it if necessary. By default, 1 is
8. Click Save.

Notes About the Procedure

The notes in this section describe the nuances of the UI elements available on the form, such as when an element is
required and when it is not, and when the system fills in settings by default. This section can include other notes.
You can add items on the Details tab only if the Sales Orders option is selected in the Generated Billing
Documents box on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form for the selected service order type.
The necessary stock items have to be created on the Stock Items (IN202500) form in order to be added on this tab.
Managing Manufacturers | 10

Managing Manufacturers
In Acumatica ERP, you can maintain information about manufacturers and the equipment that they produce
(referred to as manufacturer models). The information about manufacturers includes addresses and contacts. The
information about manufacturer models includes the model names and the equipment type.
This chapter describes how to manage manufacturers and their models.


In Acumatica ERP, you can enter and maintain information about manufacturers and the equipment that they
produce. Once you create a manufacturer in the system, you can specify it for any piece of equipment that is added
to the system. Also, for any piece of equipment, you can specify the related manufacturer model. The details
specified for manufacturers and their models are used for informational purposes only; no specific functionality in
the system is associated with this information.
In this topic, you will read about how manufacturers are created and assigned to equipment in the system.

Adding Manufacturers
When you create equipment in the system, you can select any manufacturer defined in the system. You define a
manufacturer that produces equipment on the Manufacturers (FS204400) form. When you define the manufacturer,
you specify its address and main contact information, such as the identifier of the contact person, the contact's
email address, and the contact's phone and fax numbers. For details on how to add a manufacturer, see To Add a

You can assign manufacturers to new and existing equipment. For each manufacturer, you can also add its model
information to the system.

Adding Manufacturer Models

A manufacturer model is equipment that is produced by a specific manufacturer. In Acumatica ERP, you can add
a manufacturer model on the Manufacturer Models (FS204800) form. On this form, you specify the manufacturer,
the identifier of the model, and its description. You can also assign to the model an equipment type defined in the
system. For details on how to add a manufacturer model to the system, see To Add a Manufacturer Model.
Aer you have entered the model, you can assign it to appropriate equipment.

Assigning a Manufacturer and Model to Equipment

You assign a manufacturer and its model to equipment in the Manufacturer Info section on the General Info tab
of the Equipment (FS205000) form. You select the manufacturer of the equipment in the Manufacturer box, and you
associate the manufacturer model with the equipment in the Manufacturing Model box. You can also specify the
year when the equipment was produced in the Manufacturing Year box.

To Add a Manufacturer

You use the Manufacturers (FS204400) form to add a manufacturer to the system. For details on manufacturers, see
Managing Manufacturers | 11

To Add a Manufacturer
1. Open the Manufacturers (FS204400) form.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without
periods). For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.

3. In the Manufacturer ID box, type the identifier of the manufacturer.
4. In the Description box, type a brief description of the manufacturer.
5. Optional: In the Contact box, select the identifier of the contact person or department.
6. Optional: In the Main Contact section of the Manufacturer Details tab, specify the main contact
information of the manufacturer by doing the following:
a. In the Company Name box, specify the business name of the contact’s company.
b. In the Attention box, specify the attention line as it is used in your company's business letters if
necessary. The attention line is used to direct a letter to the proper person if the letter is not addressed
to any specific person. The attention line may contain something like Purchase Orders Department or To
whom it may concern.
c. In the Email box, specify the email address of the main contact.
d. In the Web box, specify the main contact's website address.
e. In the Phone 1 box, check the phone number type, change it if necessary, and specify the default phone
number of the main contact.
f. In the Phone 2 box, check the phone number type, change it if necessary, and specify an additional
phone number of the main contact.
g. In the Fax box, check the phone number type, change it if necessary, and specify the fax number of the
main contact.
7. In the Main Address section, specify the main address of the manufacturer by doing the following:
a. Optional: In the Address Line 1 box, specify the manufacturer's address.
b. Optional: In the Address Line 2 box, specify the remainder of the address if there was not enough space
in the Address Line 1 box.
c. Optional: In the City box, specify the manufacturer's city.
d. In the Country box, specify the manufacturer's country.
e. Optional: In the State box, specify the manufacturer's state.
f. Optional: In the Postal Code box, specify the manufacturer's postal code.
8. Click Save.

To Add a Manufacturer Model

You use the Manufacturer Models (FS204800) form to add a manufacturer model to the system. For details on
manufacturer models, see Manufacturers.
Managing Manufacturers | 12

Before You Proceed

Before you begin creating a manufacturer model, make sure that the necessary manufacturer has been created on
the Manufacturers (FS204400) form.

To Add a Manufacturer Model

1. Open the Manufacturer Models (FS204800) form.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without
periods). For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

2. On the form toolbar, click Add Row.

3. In the Manufacturer Model box, select the identifier of the manufacturer that makes this particular model.
4. In the Model ID box, type the identifier of the manufacturer model.
5. In the Description box, type a brief description of the manufacturer model.
6. Optional: In the Equipment Type box, select the equipment type associated with the model.
7. Click Save.
Managing Equipment | 13

Managing Equipment
In Acumatica ERP, you can maintain all the necessary information about the equipment that your company uses
to perform services and equipment for which service is needed. You can enter the information about each piece of
equipment, such as its serial number, registration information, manufacturing information, purchase information,
components and warranty information, owner, and location.
This chapter describes how to manage equipment in the system.

Equipment Types

In Acumatica ERP, you can enter equipment types, which are categories that are used for grouping equipment and
associating a group of equipment with a service. You create equipment types, specify the appropriate type for each
resource or target equipment, and assign equipment types to services. These steps ensure that the right equipment
will later be selected to perform these services.
In this topic, you will read about how equipment types are created and assigned to services in the system.

Creating Equipment Types

Equipment types structure the data in the system and make it easier to select the right equipment for performing
services. Equipment of one equipment type is used for similar types of work. For instance, if your company
provides installation services, you might create the first equipment type for all drills of the company and the
second equipment type for screwdrivers. You create equipment types on the Equipment Types (FS200800) form.
If you need to specify properties for the equipment of the type beyond those tracked by predefined settings,
you can add a list of attributes for the equipment type. When equipment of the equipment type is created in the
system, the user specifies the values of these attributes.
Once you have created the equipment types, you can assign them to the appropriate resource or target
equipmentю You can also specify an equipment type for a manufacturer model.

Setting Up Attributes for Equipment Type

To give users the ability to specify additional properties (that is, attributes) that your organization wants to track for
equipment of a particular type, you list those attributes and their settings on the Attributes tab of the Equipment
Types (FS200800) form. The active attributes you define for the equipment type are listed for equipment of this type
on the Attributes tab of the Equipment (FS205000) form.

On this tab, you can select attributes only if they have already been defined in the system. If you need
an attribute that is not defined in the system, you can use the Attributes (CS205000) form to create the
attribute. Then you will be able to select the new attribute for any equipment type.

You can specify whether each attribute of the equipment type is required. When creating a piece of equipment
of the type, a user must specify values for all the required attributes. Also, you can specify default values for any
attributes of the type; users can overwrite these values for a particular piece of equipment.
You can deactivate an obsolete attribute for equipment of a particular type by clearing the Active check box on this
tab. If you do, the deactivated attribute will no longer be displayed for the equipment of the type, but all attribute
values that have already been specified for existing equipment will still be stored in the database. If you re-activate
the attribute, its values (where specified) will become visible in the system again.
Managing Equipment | 14

However, if it is not necessary to preserve the data related to an obsolete attribute, you can deactivate the
attribute and then delete it by using the Delete Row button on the table toolbar. In this case, the attribute will be
permanently deleted from the type and all attribute values will be deleted from the database.

Assigning Equipment Types to Services

You can specify which types of resource equipment are needed for each service. Services are defined in the
system as non-stock items of the Service type on the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form. You assign the appropriate
equipment types to the service on the Resource Equipment Types tab of this form.

Resource Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, you can enter and keep information about resource equipment. Resource equipment is a
physical resource of your company that staff members use to perform services. You specify the appropriate
equipment type for each resource equipment to ensure that the right equipment will later be selected to perform
these services.
In this topic, you will read about how resource equipment is added to the system, and how this equipment is
assigned to appointments.

Adding Resource Equipment

You add each specific entity of resource equipment (for example, a specific screwdriver or drill) that will be used
to perform services on the Equipment (FS205000) form. In the Summary area of the form, you define this item as a
resource equipment by selecting the Resource Equipment check box, select the equipment type, and specify that
your company owns the equipment by selecting the Company option button (under Owner).
To maintain the relevant details of each equipment entity you add to the system, you can record additional
information, such as general, manufacturing, and purchase information. For details on manufacturing information,
see Manufacturers.
Also Acumatica ERP includes the Equipment (EP208000) form, which is generally used to specify equipment that can
be used for projects. For any equipment that has been added to your system by using this form, you can make it
available for use with the field services functionality by clicking Extend to SM Equipment on the form toolbar and
then specifying the necessary information on the Equipment form in the Equipment Management functional area,
which the system brings up.
You can view information about equipment in the system on multiple forms. For details, see Equipment Inquiries.

Specification of Attributes
To give users the ability to specify additional information for a piece of equipment so that your company can track
this information, attributes have to be defined for the related equipment type on the Equipment Types (FS200800)
When you create a piece of equipment on the Equipment (FS300100) form and select its equipment type, the system
populates the Attributes tab with the attributes (and any default values) defined for the equipment type on the
Equipment Types form. You can specify or modify equipment attribute values in the Values column. If the Required
check box is selected for an attribute, the value has to be specified before you save the new equipment you are
Also on the Attributes tab of the Equipment (FS300100) form are the Image set of elements, which you can use to
attach an image of the piece of equipment.
Managing Equipment | 15

Assigning Resource Equipment to Appointments

You can assign the necessary resource equipment to the appointments of a service order on the Service Orders
(FS300100) form or to a particular appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form. You use the Resource
Equipment tab of either form to assign the resource equipment. On this tab, for each equipment entity you want to
add, you add a row and select the necessary equipment entity from the list in the Equipment ID column.

Item Classes for Equipment and Components

In Acumatica ERP, if you use the equipment management functionality to keep track of stock items and their parts
aer they are sold, you need to create appropriate item classes. Item classes, which are created and maintained on
the Item Classes (IN201000) form, are used to group stock or non-stock items with similar properties and to provide
default settings for new items.
In this topic, you will read about the equipment and component item classes that you can create in the system.

Part or Other Inventory Item Class

You create an item class of the Part or Other Inventory type in one of the following situations:
• You need to create an item class of this type for stock items that are not related to equipment entities and
should not be tracked in the Equipment Management functional area.
• Your company has stock items that can be sold as parts of equipment entities and can be covered as a part
of the equipment entity warranty. For example, suppose that a vehicle purchased by a customer is defined
in the system as target equipment under warranty. You want to register that a sale of a spark plug for this
vehicle is covered by the vehicle warranty. You have to create at least one item class of the Part or Other
Inventory equipment type and assign an item class of this type to the spark plug stock item.
To create this type of item class on the Item Classes (IN201000) form, you select the Part or Other Inventory option
button under Equipment Item Class in the Equipment Management section on the Service Management tab.

Model Equipment Item Class

You create at least one model equipment item class if aer stock items are sold, you want to track them (and
their components if necessary) for preventive maintenance or warranty handling. When you create this item
class, to specify that it is a model equipment item class, you select the Model Equipment option button under
Equipment Item Class in the Equipment Management section on the Service Management tab of the Item
Classes (IN201000) form.

If you need to track the components of model equipment and perform actions (such as selling and replacing) upon
these components, you should first create at least one component item class (for details, see the next section of
this topic). In the table on the Service Management tab of the Item Classes form for the model equipment item
class, you then specify these components and assign them component item classes. You also specify the default
quantity of each component and whether it is optional. Then when a stock item is created on the Stock Items
(IN202500) form and the model equipment class is selected, the system fills in the components in the table on the
Service Management tab.

You can create model equipment with components only if components have been specified for its
item class.

For instructions on how to create a model equipment item class, see To Create an Item Class for Model Equipment.
Managing Equipment | 16

Component Item Class

You create at least one component item class if a stock item, defined as a model equipment in the system, has
components that you want to keep track of for preventive maintenance or warranty handling. Each component
that you need to track and perform actions upon (that is, selling and replacing them) has to be defined on the
Stock Items (IN202500) form as a stock item assigned to a component item class. You define each component item
class on the Item Classes (IN201000) form. To specify that the item class is a component item class, you select the
Component option button under Equipment Item Class in the Equipment Management section on the Service
Management tab.

You need to associate a component with a stock item only if you will need to reflect in the system
selling and replacing components.

For instructions on how to create a component item class, see To Create an Item Class for Components.

Consumable Item Class

You create at least one consumable item class for items that are sold as parts of equipment entities but are not
under a warranty. To specify that the item class is a consumable item class, you select the Consumable option
button under Equipment Item Class in the Equipment Management section on the Service Management tab of
the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
For example, a vehicle is a customer's target equipment under warranty. You want to register in the system an oil
change for the vehicle. To do this, you have to assign an item class of the Consumable equipment type to the stock
item representing the oil.
For instructions on how to create a consumable item class, see To Create an Item Class for Consumable Items.

Target Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, you can enter and maintain information about target equipment. Target equipment is
equipment that needs to be serviced at the customer site or at your company. You can enter this equipment into
the system manually, or it can be created automatically when a stock item that is model equipment (that is, a stock
item intended to be tracked by your company aer its sale) is sold by your company.
A piece of target equipment may have components. A component is a part of an equipment entity that can have a
warranty and a serial number that are independent of the related equipment entity.
If your company sells equipment that it expects to service later, you should define at least one item class to be
assigned to stock items that will become equipment. You should also define any components of the stock item in
the item class.
In this topic, you will read about how to add target equipment to the system, how to create target equipment for
sold stock items, how to define components and warranties, and how to assign target equipment to services.

Adding Target Equipment

You add each specific entity of target equipment to the system to track all the equipment for which your company
provides services. You can add it manually in one of the following ways:
• If the equipment is not already defined in your system, you enter this new equipment on the Equipment
(FS205000) form.
• If the equipment was already defined on the Equipment (EP208000) form (Organization) and used for
projects, you can click Extend to SM Equipment on the form toolbar to add this equipment to the
Equipment Management functional area. The system brings up the Equipment form in the Equipment
Managing Equipment | 17

Management functional area with the relevant information filled in, and you can add or change any
information and save your changes.
If your company routinely sells a stock item that your company personnel then service, you can configure the
system to automatically create the target equipment entity when an invoice is released for a sales order that
includes the stock item.

Creating Target Equipment for Sold Items

For target equipment that your company sells as stock items and that you want to track in the system aer its
sale, you have to define the stock items as model equipment. If a stock item defined as model equipment is added
to a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and the Selling Target Equipment action is selected in the
Equipment Action column for this model equipment, when an invoice related to the sales order is released, the
system converts the entity of model equipment to an entity of target equipment.
To convert to target equipment a stock item that was not defined as model equipment and was sold, you do the
1. On the Stock Items (IN202500) form, select the stock item and assign a model equipment item class to it in
the Item Classes box.
2. On the Create Equipment for Sold Items (FS500900) form, create target equipment entity to be tracked in the
Equipment Management functional area for the stock item.

Regardless of when the stock item was converted to target equipment, it may have components; that is, you may
have specified components for the item class on the Service Management tab of the Item Classes form. In this
case, aer you convert the stock items to target equipment, for each piece of equipment created, you should
specify the details of its components on the Component and Warranties tab of the Equipment (FS205000) form.

Defining Components and Their Warranties

You can keep details on the components of each piece of target equipment and their warranties. To add
components to a piece of target equipment, in the Model box on the General Info tab of the Equipment (FS205000)
form, select the identifier of the model equipment (that is, the inventory ID of the stock item that is defined as
model equipment) related to this piece of target equipment. The system adds to the piece of equipment the
components that have been assigned to the model equipment on the Service Management tab of the Stock Items
(IN202500) form.
You can view the components that are defined in the system and their warranty information on the Component
Summary (FS400700) form.

Specification of Attributes
To give users the ability to specify additional information for a piece of equipment so that your company can track
this information, attributes have to be defined for the related equipment type on the Equipment Types (FS200800)
When you create a piece of equipment on the Equipment (FS300100) form and select its equipment type, the system
populates the Attributes tab with the attributes (and any default values) defined for the equipment type on the
Equipment Types form. You can specify or modify equipment attribute values in the Values column. If the Required
check box is selected for an attribute, the value has to be specified before you save the new equipment you are
Also on the Attributes tab of the Equipment (FS300100) form are the Image set of elements, which you can use to
attach an image of the piece of equipment.
Managing Equipment | 18

Assigning Target Equipment and Components to Services

You can assign the necessary target equipment to the services of a service order on the Service Orders (FS300100)
form or to the services of an appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form. On the Details tab of either form,
in the in the Target Equipment ID column of the row for each service that is performed on equipment, you select
the identifier of the target equipment entity from the list.
You can also assign target equipment to a schedule of a service contract in the Equipment ID column on the
Details tab of the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form. Aer you have done this, when you generate service
orders or appointments for the contract, the service orders will already contain the target equipment assigned to
the schedule of the applicable contract. Similarly, you can assign components to schedules.
Also, while viewing a piece of target equipment on the Equipment (FS205000) form, you can schedule an
appointment for servicing the equipment by using the Schedule Appointments menu.

Performing Actions on Target Equipment

Aer you have created target equipment in the system, while you are working with a sales order, service order, or
appointment, you can easily register the following actions if they are performed upon particular target equipment
• Selling an optional component of target equipment
• Replacing target equipment
• Replacing components of target equipment

Model Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, you can keep track of a stock item aer it has been sold to a customer. To do that, you create a
model equipment entity that is based on the stock item. A piece of model equipment is a stock item that can be sold
to a customer and tracked by your company aer it is sold. When an invoice is released, the system automatically
converts it into target equipment that you can track. You can also keep track of the details of the components of
model equipment, such as the serial numbers of these components.
In this topic, you will read about adding a model equipment entity, defining the components of the model
equipment, selling the model equipment, and performing additional actions on the equipment.

Understanding the Process of Model Equipment Creation

To create a model equipment entity in the system, you perform the following steps:
1. If you want to track the components of the model equipment entity in the system, you create at least one
item class for components on the Item Classes (IN201000) form. For details on component item classes, see
Component Item Class.
2. You create an item class for model equipment on the Item Classes form. If the model equipment has
components, you have to specify them in the item class and assign them a component item class. For
details on model equipment item classes, see Model Equipment Item Class.
3. If your company is going to register the selling and replacing of components in the system while employees
work with either service orders or sales orders, you create stock items for the components of this model
equipment entity on the Stock Items (IN202500) form. For details on selling and replacing components, see
the component-related topics in the Equipment Management Use Cases chapter.
4. You create the model equipment entity on the Stock Items form.
Managing Equipment | 19

Creating Model Equipment

You create a model equipment entity on the Stock Items (IN202500) form. For each entity of model equipment, you
specify its identifier and description, and select a model equipment item class.

You can also convert an already-defined stock item to model equipment. To do this, navigate to the
Stock Items form, select the needed stock item, and then select a model equipment item class for it.

When you select the class for the stock item, the system fills in the default settings (along with any components)
that have been specified for the class and selects the Model Equipment check box on the Service Management
tab of the Stock Items form, which defines the stock item as model equipment. You then specify the manufacturer
of the equipment in the Manufacturer box (for details, see Manufacturers) and save your changes to the stock item
that is defined as model equipment.
For instructions on how to add model equipment, see To Add Model Equipment.

Defining an Equipment Type for Model Equipment

While you are creating a stock item that is defined as model equipment, you can specify a type related to the
equipment in the Equipment Type box on the Service Management tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) form.
When the system converts the model equipment to target equipment from the sale of the stock item, if the
attributes specified for the selected equipment type are the same as those that are defined for the stock item, these
attributes are copied to the Equipment (FS205000) form. If the attributes defined for the stock item are not the same
as the attributes specified for the selected equipment type, when the system creates the target equipment from the
sale of the stock item, the attributes of only the type are copied to the form.
For example, suppose that the LAPTOP equipment type has the attributes COLOR and OFFICELOCATION. Also, the
LAPTOP1 stock item is defined as model equipment with the LAPTOP equipment type, and this stock item has the
following attributes:
• INDUSTRY, with the IT value
• COLOR, which has the BLACK value
• VENDORCONTRACT, with the CIN001 value
When a LAPTOP1 item is sold through a sales order, the system identifies that both the stock item and the
equipment type have the COLOR attribute and creates a piece of equipment with the COLOR attribute with the
BLACK value and the OFFICELOCATION attribute without a value. (The user can fill in the OFFICELOCATION value and
change the COLOR value, if needed, for the piece of equipment.) The INDUSTRY and VENDORCONTRACT attributes
are not used because they have not been specified for the LAPTOP equipment type.

Defining Components and Warranties

If components are defined for a model equipment item class on the Item Classes (IN201000) form, the system adds
the components with the default settings when you create a model equipment entity on the Stock Items (IN202500)
form and select this item class. In the Components table of the Service Management tab, you can view the details
of the components and change them if necessary.

You can add only components that are defined for the model equipment item class.

If you are going to perform sales or replacement of these components and track them in the system, stock items
should be created in the system for them. If stock items have been created for any of the components listed for a
model equipment entity, you select the default inventory identifier of each such component in the Inventory ID
column in the Components table.
Managing Equipment | 20

On this tab, you can also specify the warranty period provided for the model equipment in the Equipment General
Warranty section, and for its components in the table. Based on the information provided in this section, the
system calculates the warranty period for target equipment that is created for this model equipment. Depending
on the setting in the Equipment Settings section of the Equipment Management Preferences (FS100300) form, the
system uses an installation date or the sales date to calculate the warranty period.

Selling Model Equipment

When you sell model equipment, you create a sales order that includes the equipment being sold for (with the
Selling Model Equipment action selected) on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. You then process
the sales order, as described in Processing Sales of Stock Items.
When you release the invoice for the sales order, the system creates a target equipment entity on the Equipment
(FS205000) form with the customer location assigned based on the customer location that was assigned to the
model equipment on the Stock Items (IN202500) form. For details on target equipment, see Target Equipment.
Alternatively, you can reflect a sell of a piece of model equipment in an appointment or service order on the
Appointments (FS30.02.00) or Service Orders (FS300100) form, respectively. If you use these forms, you can schedule
the installation of the equipment along with the sale.

Performing Actions on Model Equipment

Aer you have created target equipment in the system, while you are working with a sales order, service order,
or appointment, you can easily register the following actions being performed upon particular target equipment
• Selling a piece for model equipment (for details, see Selling Model Equipment)
• Selling model equipment and optional component for it (for details, see Selling a Model Equipment Entity
and Optional Component)
• Selling a model equipment with a replaced default component (as described in Upgrading a Default
Component of Model Equipment to Be Sold)

Equipment Inquiries

In Acumatica ERP, you can easily view the needed details of the equipment that your company services and the
appointments in which the equipment was involved.
In this topic, you will read about viewing equipment details and equipment appointments.

Viewing Equipment-Related Stock Items

On the Model Equipment and Component Summary (FS400400) form, you can view the list of all the stock items
defined in the system as model equipment or components. You can filter the list by item class ID.

Viewing Equipment Details

On the Equipment Summary (FS400200) form, you can view the list of all equipment added to the system and its
general information, such as type, description, serial number, owner information, model, and installation date. You
can filter the list by equipment type, customer (for equipment owned by customers rather than your company),
customer location, and model (stock item ID).
To view the details of a particular equipment entity, you can click its equipment number in the Equipment Nbr.
column. The system navigates to the Equipment (FS205000) form.
Managing Equipment | 21

Viewing Component Details

On the Component Summary (FS400700) form, you can view the list of all components related to target equipment
in your system You can filter the list by equipment entity, customer (for equipment owned by customers rather than
your company), customer location, and model (stock item ID).
To view the details of the equipment related to a particular component, you can click the equipment number in the
Equipment Nbr. column. The system navigates to the Equipment (FS205000) form.

Viewing Equipment Appointments

On the Appointment Details (FS400500) form, you can filter the list of appointments by the particular equipment that
was used during the appointments. You can go directly to this form and filter the list as needed, or you can invoke
this form on the Equipment (FS205000) form to view the history of the selected equipment as follows:
• On the form toolbar, on the More menu (under Inquiries), click Resource Equipment History if the selected
equipment is resource equipment.
• On the form toolbar, on the More menu (under Inquiries), click Target Equipment History if the selected
equipment is target equipment.

To Add an Equipment Type

You use the Equipment Types (FS200800) form to add an equipment type to the system. For details on equipment
types, see Equipment Types.

To Add a Equipment Type

1. Open the Equipment Types (FS200800) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.
3. In the Equipment Type box of the Summary area, enter the identifier of the equipment type.
4. In the Description box, enter a brief description of the equipment type.
5. Optional: On the Attributes tab, for each attribute you want to add, perform the following steps:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Attribute ID column, select an attribute that defines a special characteristic of equipment of this
c. Optional: In the Sort Order column, specify the order of the attribute, which will be used for sorting
attributes in reports.
d. If the attribute value must be specified for all pieces of equipment of the type, select the Required check
e. Optional: In the Default Value column, select the value to be inserted for the attribute by default.
6. Click Save.

Aer you have added the needed equipment types to the system, you can assign equipment types to services and
create the equipment of your company.
Managing Equipment | 22

To Add Equipment

You add equipment on the Equipment (FS205000) form.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods).
For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

Before You Proceed

Before you start, make sure that the necessary equipment types are created on the Equipment Types (FS200800)

To Add Equipment
1. Open the Equipment (FS205000) form.

To open the form for creating a new record, type the form ID in the Search box, and on the
Search form, point at the form title and click New right of the title.

2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record.

3. In the Equipment Type box, select the type of the equipment you are creating.
4. Do the following:
• If the equipment is owned by your company and used to perform services, select the Resource
Equipment check box.
• If the equipment needs to be serviced by your company, select the Target Equipment check box.
• If the equipment is owned and used by your company but currently it needs to be serviced by your
company, select both check boxes.
5. If needed, in the Serial Nbr. box, enter the serial number of the equipment.
6. If needed, in the Description box, enter a brief description of the equipment.
7. Under Owner, do one of the following:
• If your company is an owner of the equipment, select Company.
• If a customer is an owner of the equipment, select Customer and specify the customer in the Customer
8. If the equipment is placed at your company location, under Location, do the following:
• In the Branch box, select the branch where the equipment is placed.
• Check the Branch Location box, and change it if needed.
9. If the equipment is placed at customer location, under Location, do the following:
• In the Customer box, select the customer at whose location the equipment is placed.
• Check the Location box, and change it if needed.
10.On the form toolbar, click Save.
Managing Equipment | 23

To Create an Item Class for Model Equipment

Model equipment is a stock item that is tracked aer it is sold as target equipment. You create an item class for
model equipment on the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
For details on item classes, see Item Classes for Equipment and Components.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods).
For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

Before You Proceed

Before you start creating item classes, make sure that the necessary units of measure have been created on the
Units of Measure (CS203100) form. If you want to specify different values for the unit conversions, make sure that
the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
If you are creating an item class for equipment with components (and you are going to sell or replace these
components), make sure that the component item class has been created in the system. For instructions on how to
create a component item class, see To Create an Item Class for Components.

To Create an Item Class for Model Equipment

1. Open the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
2. In the Class ID box, enter the identifier to be used for the item class.
3. Optional: In the Description box, enter a brief description of the item class.
4. On the General tab, in the General Settings section, perform the following instructions:
• Make sure the Stock Item check box is selected.
• Optional: In the Tax Category box, select the tax category to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Posting Class box, select the posting class to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Lot/Serial Class box, select the lot/serial class you want to be used for items of this
• Optional: In the Price Class box, select the price class to be assigned to new items of this service class.
• Optional: In the Default Warehouse box, select the warehouse that is generally used for receiving and
issuing the items of this item class. The selected warehouse will be assigned to new items of this item
class by default.
• In the Availability Calculation Rule box, select the availability calculation rule to be used for calculating
the availability of inventory items of this item class.
5. On the General tab, in the Units of Measure section, do the following:
• In the Base Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default base unit for items of the item
• In the Sales Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default sales unit for items of the item
• In the Purchase Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default purchase unit for items of
the item class.
6. On the Service Management tab, in the Equipment Management section, do the following:
Managing Equipment | 24

a. Under Equipment Class, select the Model Equipment option button.

b. Optional: In the Equipment Type box, select the type related to the target equipment to which this stock
item is converted aer sale.
c. If you need to keep track of the serial numbers and warranty information of equipment components, in
the table, add components by doing the following for each component:
a. Click Add Row.
b. In the Component ID column, type the identifier you want to assign to the component.
c. Optional: If the component is optional for this model equipment entity, in the Optional column,
select the check box.
d. In the Quantity column, specify the quantity of the component of a stock item of this class.
e. Optional: In the Description column, type a brief description of the component.
f. In the Item Class ID column, select the item class related to the component.
7. Click Save on form toolbar.

Notes About the Procedure

The notes in this section describe the nuances of the UI elements available on the form, such as when an element is
required and when it is not, and when the system fills in settings by default. This section can include other notes.
Note the following about the General section of the form:
• Tax categories, which can be selected in the Tax Category box, are defined on the Tax Categories (TX205500)
• Posting classes, which can be selected in the Posting Class box, are defined on the Posting Classes
(IN206000) form.
• The Lot/Serial Class box is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features (CS100000) form. Lot and serial classes are defined on the Lot/Serial Classes(IN207000)
• Item price classes, which can be selected in the Price Class box, are defined on the Item Price Classes
(IN209000) form.
• The Default Warehouse box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Warehouses are defined on the Warehouses (IN204000) form.
• The Availability Calculation Rule box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Availability calculation rules are defined on the Availability Calculation Rules
(IN201500) form.
Note the following about the Unit of Measure section of the form: If the Multiple Units of Measure feature is
disabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, if a unit of measure is selected for any of the boxes, it will be
automatically selected for the rest of boxes.

To Create an Item Class for Components

A component is a part of a equipment entity that can have a warranty and a serial number. You create an item class
for components of equipment entities on the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
For details on item classes, see Item Classes for Equipment and Components.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods).
For more information about search capabilities, see Search.
Managing Equipment | 25

Before You Proceed

Before you start creating item classes, make sure that the necessary units of measure have been created on the
Units of Measure (CS203100) form. If you want to specify different values for the unit conversions, make sure that
the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

To Create an Item Class for Components

1. Open the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
2. In the Class ID box, enter the identifier to be used for the item class.
3. Optional: In the Description box, enter a brief description of the item class.
4. On the General tab, in the General Settings section, perform the following instructions:
• Make sure the Stock Item check box is selected.
• Optional: In the Tax Category box, select the tax category to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Posting Class box, select the posting class to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Lot/Serial Class box, select the lot/serial class you want to be used for items of this
• Optional: In the Price Class box, select the price class to be assigned to new items of this service class.
• Optional: In the Default Warehouse box, select the warehouse that is generally used for receiving and
issuing the items of this item class. The selected warehouse will be assigned to new items of this item
class by default.
• In the Availability Calculation Rule box, select the availability calculation rule to be used for calculating
the availability of inventory items of this item class.
5. On the General tab, in the Unit of Measure section, do the following:
• In the Base Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default base unit for items of the item
• In the Sales Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default sales unit for items of the item
• In the Purchase Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default purchase unit for items of
the item class.
6. On the Service Management tab, in the Equipment Management section, under Equipment Class, select
the Component option button.
7. Click Save on form toolbar.

Notes About the Procedure

The notes in this section describe the nuances of the UI elements available on the form, such as when an element is
required and when it is not, and when the system fills in settings by default. This section can include other notes.
Note the following about the General section of the form:
• Tax categories, which can be selected in the Tax Category box, are defined on the Tax Categories (TX205500)
• Posting classes, which can be selected in the Posting Class box, are defined on the Posting Classes
(IN206000) form.
Managing Equipment | 26

• The Lot/Serial Class box is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features (CS100000) form. Lot and serial classes are defined on the Lot/Serial Classes(IN207000)
• Item price classes, which can be selected in the Price Class box, are defined on the Item Price Classes
(IN209000) form.
• The Default Warehouse box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Warehouses are defined on the Warehouses (IN204000) form.
• The Availability Calculation Rule box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Availability calculation rules are defined on the Availability Calculation Rules
(IN201500) form.
Note the following about the Unit of Measure section of the form: If the Multiple Units of Measure feature is
disabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, if a unit of measure is selected for any of the boxes, it will be
automatically selected for the rest of boxes.

To Create an Item Class for Consumable Items

A consumable item is an item that is sold as a part of an equipment entity and is not under a warranty. You create
an item class for these items on the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
For details on item classes, see Item Classes for Equipment and Components.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods).
For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

Before You Proceed

Before you start creating item classes, make sure that the necessary units of measure have been created on the
Units of Measure (CS203100) form. If you want to specify different values for the unit conversions, make sure that
the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

To Create an Item Class for Consumable Items

1. Open the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
2. In the Class ID box, enter the identifier to be used for the item class.
3. Optional: In the Description box, enter a brief description of the item class.
4. On the General tab, in the General Settings section, perform the following instructions:
• Make sure the Stock Item check box is selected.
• Optional: In the Tax Category box, select the tax category to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Posting Class box, select the posting class to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Lot/Serial Class box, select the lot/serial class you want to be used for items of this
• Optional: In the Price Class box, select the price class to be assigned to new items of this service class.
• Optional: In the Default Warehouse box, select the warehouse that is generally used for receiving and
issuing the items of this item class. The selected warehouse will be assigned to new items of this item
class by default.
• In the Availability Calculation Rule box, select the availability calculation rule to be used for calculating
the availability of inventory items of this item class.
Managing Equipment | 27

5. On the General tab, in the Unit of Measure section, do the following:

• In the Base Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default base unit for items of the item
• In the Sales Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default sales unit for items of the item
• In the Purchase Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default purchase unit for items of
the item class.
6. On the Service Management tab, in the Equipment Management section, under Equipment Class, select
the Consumable option button.
7. Click Save on form toolbar.

Notes About the Procedure

The notes in this section describe the nuances of the UI elements available on the form, such as when an element is
required and when it is not, and when the system fills in settings by default. This section can include other notes.
Note the following about the General section of the form:
• Tax categories, which can be selected in the Tax Category box, are defined on the Tax Categories (TX205500)
• Posting classes, which can be selected in the Posting Class box, are defined on the Posting Classes
(IN206000) form.
• The Lot/Serial Class box is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features (CS100000) form. Lot and serial classes are defined on the Lot/Serial Classes(IN207000)
• Item price classes, which can be selected in the Price Class box, are defined on the Item Price Classes
(IN209000) form.
• The Default Warehouse box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Warehouses are defined on the Warehouses (IN204000) form.
• The Availability Calculation Rule box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Availability calculation rules are defined on the Availability Calculation Rules
(IN201500) form.
Note the following about the Unit of Measure section of the form: If the Multiple Units of Measure feature is
disabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, if a unit of measure is selected for any of the boxes, it will be
automatically selected for the rest of boxes.

To Create an Item Class for Non-Equipment Entities or Items That Are Part of

When the Equipment Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, you have
to create item classes for stock items that are not tracked in the Equipment Management module, as described
in the procedure below. You also create item classes for parts of equipment that can be sold under a warranty of
equipment. You create an item class for these stock items on the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
For details on item classes, see Item Classes for Equipment and Components.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods).
For more information about search capabilities, see Search.
Managing Equipment | 28

Before You Proceed

Before you start creating item classes, make sure that the necessary units of measure have been created on the
Units of Measure (CS203100) form. If you want to specify different values for the unit conversions, make sure that
the Multiple Units of Measure feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

To Create an Item Class for Non-Equipment Entities or Items That Are Part of Equipment.
1. Open the Item Classes (IN201000) form.
2. In the Class ID box, enter the identifier to be used for the item class.
3. Optional: In the Description box, enter a brief description of the item class.
4. On the General tab, in the General Settings section, perform the following instructions:
• Make sure the Stock Item check box is selected.
• Optional: In the Tax Category box, select the tax category to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Posting Class box, select the posting class to be assigned by default to new items of this
item class.
• Optional: In the Lot/Serial Class box, select the lot/serial class you want to be used for items of this
• Optional: In the Price Class box, select the price class to be assigned to new items of this service class.
• Optional: In the Default Warehouse box, select the warehouse that is generally used for receiving and
issuing the items of this item class. The selected warehouse will be assigned to new items of this item
class by default.
• In the Availability Calculation Rule box, select the availability calculation rule to be used for calculating
the availability of inventory items of this item class.
5. On the General tab, in the Unit of Measure section, do the following:
• In the Base Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default base unit for items of the item
• In the Sales Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default sales unit for items of the item
• In the Purchase Unit box, select the unit of measure to be used as the default purchase unit for items of
the item class.
6. On the Service Management tab, in the Equipment Management section, under Equipment Class, make
sure the Part or Other Inventory option button is selected.
7. Click Save on form toolbar.

Notes About the Procedure

The notes in this section describe the nuances of the UI elements available on the form, such as when an element is
required and when it is not, and when the system fills in settings by default. This section can include other notes.
Note the following about the General section of the form:
• Tax categories, which can be selected in the Tax Category box, are defined on the Tax Categories (TX205500)
• Posting classes, which can be selected in the Posting Class box, are defined on the Posting Classes
(IN206000) form.
Managing Equipment | 29

• The Lot/Serial Class box is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features (CS100000) form. Lot and serial classes are defined on the Lot/Serial Classes(IN207000)
• Item price classes, which can be selected in the Price Class box, are defined on the Item Price Classes
(IN209000) form.
• The Default Warehouse box is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Warehouses are defined on the Warehouses (IN204000) form.
• The Availability Calculation Rule box is available only if the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/
Disable Features form. Availability calculation rules are defined on the Availability Calculation Rules
(IN201500) form.
Note the following about the Unit of Measure section of the form: If the Multiple Units of Measure feature is
disabled on the Enable/Disable Features form, if a unit of measure is selected for any of the boxes, it will be
automatically selected for the rest of boxes.

To Add Model Equipment

You create an entity of model equipment on the Stock Items (IN202500) form.

Before You Proceed

Before you start adding model equipment, make sure that the necessary item class has been created on the Item
Classes (IN201000) form. For details, see To Create an Item Class for Model Equipment.

Also, ensure that the necessary manufacturer has been created on the Manufacturers (FS204400) form. For
instructions, see To Add a Manufacturer.

To open any form, you can navigate to it or search for it (by its name or by its form ID without periods).
For more information about search capabilities, see Search.

To Add a Model Equipment Entity

1. Open the Stock Items (IN202500) form.
2. In the Inventory ID box, type the identifier to be used for the equipment entity.
3. Optional: In the Description box, enter a brief description of the equipment entity.
4. On the General tab, in the Item Class box, select the item class related to the equipment.

The system automatically fills in the Tax Category, Posting Class, and Lot/Serial Class boxes
if their values have been specified for the selected item class. If any of these values have not
been specified for the item class, you have to specify them for the stock item.

5. On the Service Management tab, in the Manufacturer box, select the manufacturer of this model
equipment entity.
6. If attributes that define special properties have been defined for the type of target equipment, in the
Equipment Type box, specify the type that is related to the target equipment.
7. Optional: In the Equipment General Warranty section of the tab, do the following:
• If your company provides a warranty for this item, in the Company Warranty boxes, select the time
period for which the warranty is valid.
• If the vendor provides a warranty for this item, in the Vendor Warranty boxes, select the time period for
which the warranty is valid.
Managing Equipment | 30

8. If the model equipment entity has components, check the details of the component components, and
change them if necessary.
9. Optional: In the Components table of the tab, specify the warranty information for each component as
• If the serial number of the component does not need to be tracked, in the Requires Serial column, clear
the check box
• If your company provides a warranty for the component, do the following:
a. In the Company Warranty column, specify the number of days, months, or years during which your
company provides the warranty to a customer for this component.
b. In the Company Warranty Type column, select the time period during which your company provides
the warranty to a customer for this component, which can be one of the following: Day(s), Month(s), or
• If the vendor of the component provides the warranty for it, do the following:
a. In the Vendor Warranty column, specify the number of days, months, or years during which the
vendor provides the warranty to a customer for this component.
b. In the Vendor Warranty Type column, select the time period during which the vendor provides the
warranty to a customer for this component, which can be one of the following: Day(s), Month(s), or
c. In the Vendor ID column, specify the vendor.
10.Click Save.

To Create Equipment for Sold Items

You use the Create Equipment for Sold Items (FS500900) form to create equipment for sold stock items in the
system. For details, see Target Equipment.

Before You Proceed

Before you start creating equipment, make sure that an item class with the Model Equipment Item Class check
box enabled on the Item Classes (IN201000) form is assigned on the Stock Items (IN202500) form to the stock items
for which you want to create equipment.

To Create Equipment for Sold Items

1. Open the Create Equipment for Sold Items (FS500900) form.
2. Optional: In the Selection area of the form, do the following:
• If you want to view (and possibly create equipment for) the sold stock items of a particular class, in the
Item Class ID box, select the item class.
• If you want to view (and possibly create equipment for) the stock items that were sold aer a certain
date, in the Sold Aer box, specify the date.
3. Do one of the following:
• To create equipment for all listed stock items, click Process All on the form toolbar.
• To create equipment for only some of the listed stock items, select the unlabeled check box for each
stock item for which you want to create equipment, and on the form toolbar, click Process.
Managing Equipment | 31

To Add a Model Equipment Sale to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales Order

You can add model equipment to be sold within a service order on one of the following forms:
• Service Orders (FS300100): You add the model equipment being sold directly to the service order.
• Appointments (FS300200): You add the model equipment being sold to the appointment, and the equipment
is automatically added to the service order.
You can also add model equipment to be sold within a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

Before You Proceed

Before you start, make sure that the necessary model equipment entities have been created on the Stock Items
(IN202500) form.

To Add a Model Equipment Sale to a Service Order or Appointment

1. Navigate to the needed form by doing one of the following:
• To add model equipment being sold directly to the service order, open the Service Orders (FS300100)
• To add model equipment being sold to the appointment, open the Appointments (FS300200) form.
2. In the Service Order Type box, select the service order type related to the service order or appointment.
3. In the Service Order Nbr. or Appointment Nbr. box (depending on the form you are using), select the
reference number of the needed service order or appointment.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each model equipment entity being sold as part of the service order:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Line Type column, make sure that Inventory Item is selected.
c. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is the model equipment being
d. In the Equipment Action column, select Selling Model Equipment.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

The Ref. Nbr. numbers in the table on the Details tab are assigned automatically and cannot be

To Add a Model Equipment Sale to a Sales Order

1. Open the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
2. In the Order Type box, select the order type related to the sales order.
3. In the Order Nbr. box, select the reference number of the needed sales order.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each model equipment entity being sold as part of the sales order:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is the model equipment being
c. In the Equipment Action column, select Selling Model Equipment.
Managing Equipment | 32

5. Click Save on the form toolbar.

To Add a Sale of Optional Components to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales


You can add the sale of optional components within a service order on one of the following forms:
• Service Orders (FS300100): You add the sale of optional components directly to the service order.
• Appointments (FS300200): You add the sale of optional components to the appointment, and the sale is
automatically added to the service order.
You can also add the sale of optional components within a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

To Add a Sale of Optional Components to a Service Order or Appointment

1. Navigate to the needed form by doing one of the following:
• To add optional components directly to the service order, open the Service Orders (FS300100) form.
• To add optional components to the appointment, open the Appointments (FS300200) form.
2. In the Service Order Type box, select the service order type related to the service order or appointment.
3. In the Service Order Nbr. or Appointment Nbr. box (depending on the form you are using), select the
reference number of the needed service order or appointment.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each optional component being sold as part of the service order:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Line Type column, make sure that Inventory Item is selected.
c. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is associated with the component.
d. In the Equipment Action column, select Selling Optional Component.
e. If the component is being added to a piece of target equipment, in the Target Equipment ID column,
select the identifier of the target equipment.
f. If the component is being added to a piece of model equipment that is being sold within the same
service order or appointment, in the Model Equipment Ref. Nbr. column, select the line reference
number of the model equipment.
g. In the Component ID column, select the identifier of the component specified in the model equipment.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

To Add a Sale of Optional Components to a Sales Order

1. Open the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
2. In the Order Type box, select the order type related to the sales order.
3. In the Order Nbr. box, select the reference number of the needed sales order.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each component being sold as part of the sales order:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is associated with the component.
c. In the Equipment Action column, select Selling Optional Component.
d. If the component is being added to a piece of target equipment, in the Target Equipment ID column,
select the identifier of the target equipment.
Managing Equipment | 33

e. If the component is being added to a piece of model equipment that is being sold within the same
sales order, in the Model Equipment Line Nbr. column, select the line reference number of the model
f. In the Component ID column, select the identifier of the component specified in the model equipment.
5. Click Save on the form toolbar.

To Add Upgraded Components to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales Order

You can add components (upgraded components) that replace the default components of the model equipment
being sold within a service order on one of the following forms:
• Service Orders (FS300100): You add the upgraded components directly to the service order.
• Appointments (FS300200): You add the upgraded components to the appointment, and the components are
automatically added to the service order.
You can also add upgraded components within a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

Before You Proceed

Before you start, make sure that the necessary components have been created on the Stock Items (IN202500)
form. The model equipment entities for which you want to upgrade components have to be already added to
the sales order, service order, or appointment. For details, see To Add a Model Equipment Sale to a Service Order,
Appointment, or Sales Order.

To Add Upgraded Components to a Service Order or Appointment

1. Navigate to the needed form by doing one of the following:
• To add upgraded components directly to the service order, open the Service Orders (FS300100) form.
• To add upgraded components to the appointment, open the Appointments (FS300200) form.
2. In the Service Order Type box, select the service order type related to the service order or appointment.
3. In the Service Order Nbr. or Appointment Nbr. box (depending on the form you are using), select the
reference number of the needed service order or appointment.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each component being replaced (upgraded):
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Line Type column, make sure that Inventory Item is selected.
c. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is associated with the component
being upgraded.
d. In the Equipment Action column, select Upgrading Component.
e. In the Model Equipment Ref. Nbr. column, select the line reference number in the service order or
appointment of the model equipment in which you want to upgrade a component.
f. In the Component ID column, select the identifier of the component being upgraded specified in the
model equipment.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

The Ref. Nbr. numbers in the table on the Details tab are assigned automatically and cannot be
Managing Equipment | 34

To Add Upgraded Components to a Sales Order

1. Open the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
2. In the Order Type box, select the order type related to the sales order.
3. In the Order Nbr. box, select the reference number of the needed sales order.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each upgraded component being sold as part of the sales order:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is associated with the component
being upgraded.
c. In the Equipment Action column, select Upgrading Component.
d. In the Model Equipment Line Nbr. column, select the line reference number in the service order or
appointment of the model equipment in which you want to upgrade a component.
e. In the Component ID column, select the identifier of the component being upgraded specified in the
model equipment.
5. Click Save on the form toolbar.

To Add Replacement Target Equipment to a Service Order, Appointment, or Sales


You can reflect the replacement of target equipment in a service order on one of the following forms:
• Service Orders (FS300100): You add the replacement target equipment directly to the service order.
• Appointments (FS300200): You add the replacement target equipment to the appointment, and the
equipment is automatically added to the service order.
You can also add replacement target equipment within a sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

Before You Proceed

Before you start, make sure that the necessary model equipment entities have been created on the Stock Items
(IN202500) form.

To Add Replaced Target Equipment to a Service Order or Appointment

1. Navigate to the needed form by doing one of the following:
• To add replacement target equipment directly to the service order, open the Service Orders (FS300100)
• To add replacement target equipment to the appointment, open the Appointments (FS300200) form.
2. In the Service Order Type box, select the service order type related to the service order or appointment.
3. In the Service Order Nbr. or Appointment Nbr. box (depending on the form you are using), select the
reference number of the needed service order or appointment.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each piece of target equipment that is being replaced:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Line Type column, make sure that Inventory Item is selected.
Managing Equipment | 35

c. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is the new model equipment
replacing the target equipment.
d. In the Equipment Action column, select Replacing Target Equipment.
e. In the Target Equipment ID column, select the piece of target equipment that is being replaced.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

The Ref. Nbr. numbers in the table on the Details tab are assigned automatically and cannot be

To Add Replaced Target Equipment to a Sales Order

1. Open the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
2. In the Order Type box, select the order type related to the sales order.
3. In the Order Nbr. box, select the reference number of the needed sales order.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each replaced target equipment as part of the sales order:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is the new model equipment
replacing the target equipment.
c. In the Equipment Action column, select Replacing Target Equipment.
d. In the Target Equipment ID column, select the piece of target equipment that is being replaced.
5. Click Save on the form toolbar.

To Replace Components in Target Equipment

You can reflect that components were replaced as part of a service order by adding components on one of the
following forms:
• Service Orders (FS300100): You add the components directly to the service order.
• Appointments (FS300200): You add the components to the appointment, and the components are
automatically added to the service order.
You can also register the replacement of the component on the Equipment (FS205000) form.

Before You Proceed

Before you start, make sure that the necessary components have been created on the Stock Items (IN202500) form.

To Replace Components Within a Service Order or Appointment

1. Navigate to the needed form by doing one of the following:
• To add replacement components to the service order, open the Service Orders (FS300100) form.
• To add replacement components to the appointment, open the Appointments (FS300200) form.
2. In the Service Order Type box, select the service order type related to the service order or appointment.
3. In the Service Order Nbr. or Appointment Nbr. box (depending on the form you are using), select the
reference number of the needed service order or appointment.
4. On the Details tab, do the following for each component you want to replace:
Managing Equipment | 36

a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.

b. In the Line Type column, make sure that Inventory Item is selected.
c. In the Inventory ID column, select the identifier of the stock item that is a replacement component.
d. In the Equipment Action column, select Replacing Component.
e. In the Target Equipment ID column, select the target equipment whose component is being replaced.
f. In the Component Ref. Nbr. column, select the line reference number of the equipment component to
be replaced in the target equipment.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

The Ref. Nbr. numbers in the table on the Details tab are assigned automatically and cannot be

To Replace Components on the Equipment Form

1. Open the Equipment (FS205000) form.
2. In the Equipment Nbr. box, select the equipment entity whose components are being replaced.
3. On the Components and Warranties tab, click the line with the component is being replaced.
4. Click Replace Component on the table toolbar.
5. In the Replace Component dialog box, which opens, do the following:
a. In the Installation Date box, select the installation date of the new component of the target equipment.
b. In the Sales Date box, select the sales date of the new component of the target equipment.
c. In the Component ID box, make sure that the identifier of the replacement component is selected.
d. In the Inventory ID column, select the stock item of the component that replaces the selected
e. Click Replace Component.
6. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 for each component you want to replace.

The system changes the status of the replaced components to Disposed on the Equipment (FS205000)
form. The system also specifies the line reference number of the replacement component in the
Component Replaced column for the line with the replaced component.
Managing Service Contracts | 37

Managing Service Contracts

The topics of this chapter describe how to process service contracts with different billing options.

Service Contracts: General Information

In Acumatica ERP, you can create and process the contracts for the services requested by your company's
customers. A service contract is a document that contains information about the customer, the services to be
provided, and the schedule or schedules determining when your service staff will perform these services. You
can use service contracts for creating appointment schedules for a piece of target equipment, and generating
appointments on a periodic basis.
In Acumatica ERP, you can create service contracts with different billing options that you set up depending on the
company's needs.

Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn how to create and process a service contract by doing the following:
• Creating a service contract in Acumatica ERP
• Activating a service contract
• Creating a schedule for the service contract
• Generating appointments according to the schedule
• Processing an appointment associated with a service contract

Applicable Scenarios
You create a service contract when a customer requires services to be performed on a periodical basis on a
customer's place.

Processing Workflow
In general, the processing of a service contract consists of the following steps:
1. Creating the service contract: On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, a service manager enters the
service contract.
2. Creating at least one schedule: By using the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form, the service
manager creates a schedule (or multiple schedules) for the delivery of the services covered by the contract.
3. Activating the service contract: The service manager activates the service contract, so that service orders or
appointments can be generated for the contract schedules.
4. Generating the service orders or appointments: The service manager generates service orders or
appointments, which can then be processed.
5. Generating and processing billing documents: An accountant approves the service orders or appointments
of the service contract for the generation of billing documents. The accountant then generates billing
documents for the service documents and processes them in the system.
6. Suspending the contract (optional): If it is necessary to pause the service delivery and billing for the contract
temporarily, the service manager can suspend the contract.
Managing Service Contracts | 38

7. Canceling the contact (optional): If the service manager has activated the contract but the services for
the contract will no longer be provided for some reason, the contract can be canceled. This step can be
performed before or aer your company has started to provide services according to the contract.

The following diagram illustrates the processing of a service contract.

Figure: Service contract process workflow

Managing Service Contracts | 39

Service Contracts: Billing Type Setup

In Acumatica ERP, you can create service contracts with different billing types. When you create a service contract,
you specify the billing type that corresponds to your company needs. In this topic, you will learn in more details
about available billing types.
In the following sections of this topic, these capabilities are described in detail for service contracts created on the
Service Contracts form. The capabilities work similarly for a route service contract created on the Route Service
Contracts form.

Service Contracts Billed at the Time of Service

You can create service contracts to be billed at the time of service, and perform the contract billing based on what
was done in appointments when each particular appointment took place, or based on what was estimated in the
service order. For this type of a service contract, on the Summary tab of the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you
select At Time of Service in the Billing Type box.
When creating a service contract, you define either appointments or service orders will be generated for the service
contract. In the Schedule Generation Type box of the Summary tab on the Service Contracts form, you specify one
of the following options:
• Appointments. You select this option if you know the date and time when the visit to a customer should
occur. Aer the system generates an appointment, the date and time can be changed.
• Service Orders. You select this option if you do not know the exact date and time when the visit to a
customer should happen but you know the time frame. Aer the service order is generated, you define the
date and time when the visit will occur according to the employees availability, and the confirmation from
the customer.
Then you define which prices will be used for the items specified in the service contract. In the Take Prices From
box on the Summary tab of the Service Contracts form, you specify one of the following options:
• Contract. When you select this option, the system copies the rows from the Details tab of the Service
Contract Schedules form to the Prices tab of the Service Contracts form. On this tab, you can manually
specify the price for each item in the contract, and save your changes to the contract.
• Regular Price. When you select this option, the system uses the prices according to the rules of automatic
price selection, that is the prices specified form a service or inventory item in the Default Price box of the
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) or Stock Items (IN202500) form, or in the price list on the Sales Prices (AR202000)
form at the date when an appointment or a service order is created.

The prices agreed by the service contract will only be applied to the line items added to the Details
tab on the Service Contract Schedules form. If an additional item is added manually to the service
order or appointment when it has been already generated, the system will use the price selected
according to the standard rules of automatic price selection.

On the Schedules tab, you create a schedule for generating appointments or service orders. On the table toolbar,
you click Add Schedule, the system opens the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form. On the Details tab of
this form, you specify the services or inventory items (or both) to be included in the appointments or services, and
on the Recurrence tab, you set up schedule settings. Then, you save the schedule and close the form. The system
returns you on the Service Contracts form, and adds a line with the created schedule on the Schedules tab.
Then you click Activate on the More menu to assign the service contract the Active status.
Managing Service Contracts | 40

Service Contracts Billed at the End of the Period

You can create and process service contracts that are billed at the end of the billing period. This billing type
assumes that at the end of the billing period, for the service contract, you generate an invoice, which includes a
fixed price for a service or services (for example, for a fixed number of hours or visits) specified in the contract plus
an amount for an overage number of hours, visits, or materials that has been added to the service document (an
appointment or service order) during the billing period but has not been covered by the service contract.
For this type of a service contract, on the Summary tab of the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you select End-
Period Plus in the Billing Type box, and in the Billing Type Settings section, specify the billing period (Week,
Month, Quarter, Half a Year, or Year) in the Period box.
On the Services per Period tab of the Service Contracts form, you add a line for each service to be provided during
each billing period. In each line, you select a service or non-stock item. For each item, you specify the quantity in
the Value column, and the price that is paid for the specified quantity of the items in the Recurring Item Price
column. You also specify the price to be used when the specified quantity has been exceeded during the period in
the Overage Item Price column.
On the Schedules tab, you create a schedule for generating appointments or service orders. On the table toolbar,
you click Add Schedule, the system opens the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form. On the Details tab
of this form, you specify the services or inventory items (or both) to be included in the appointments or service
orders, and on the Recurrence tab, you set up schedule settings. Then, you save the schedule and close the form.
The system returns you on the Service Contracts form, and adds a line with the created schedule on the Schedules
Besides appointments and service orders generated from a schedule or schedules, a service order or an
appointment can also be created on the fly, and assigned to the service contract.
At the end of each billing period, you generate an invoice for a service contract. The invoice includes a fixed number
of hours or visits at a price predefined in the service contract. If the number of hours or visits defined in the service
contract has been exceeded during the billing period, the price that has been specified for overage items is applied.
The items that are not covered by the service contract but have been used in appointments or service orders during
the billing period are also included in the invoice generated at the end of the period.

Service Contracts with Beginning-Period Fixed Billing

You can create and manage service contracts with fixed billing at the beginning of the billing period. This billing
type assumes that at the beginning of the billing period, for a service contract, you generate an invoice that
includes a fixed price specified in the contract. This fixed price covers all services and inventory items listed in the
contract, and provided to the customer during the billing period. If any additional services or materials are used
in appointments (that is, are added to service documents) during the billing period, these items are not billed—
once you have run billing for an appointment or a service order, the generated invoice will have a zero total amount
specified. For this type of a service contract, on the Summary tab of the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you
select Beginning-Period Fixed in the Billing Type box, and specify the billing period (Week, Month, Quarter, Half a
Year, or Year) in the Period box. On the Services per Period tab of the form, for each service to be provided during
each period, you add an item (for example, a non-stock item that represents a contract deposit) and specify the
flat-rate price that has to be paid at the beginning of each billing period.
On the Schedules tab, you create a schedule for generating appointments or service orders. On the table toolbar,
you click Add Schedule, the system opens the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form. On the Details tab
of this form, you specify the services or inventory items (or both) to be included in the appointments or service
orders, and on the Recurrence tab, you set up schedule settings. Then, you save the schedule and close the form.
The system returns you on the Service Contracts form, and adds a line with the created schedule on the Schedules
Note that for a service contract with the Beginning-Period Fixed billing type, you can either generate appointments
or service orders based on a schedule, or create a service document (appointment or service order) on the fly, and
Managing Service Contracts | 41

associate it with the service contract by specifying the service contract reference number in the Service Contract
box on the Summary area of the Appointments (FS300200) or Service Orders (FS300100) form.
You can set up the deferral of the invoice amount by specifying the code in the Deferral Code column so that aer
the service contract invoice has been released, the system creates a deferral schedule.
At the beginning of each billing period, on the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form, you generate an invoice
that contains the fixed contract price.
When you run billing for a service order or an appointment during the billing period, the system generates an
invoice with the total amount set to zero because the items specified in the service order or appointment linked to
the service contract are covered by the contract price.
On occasion, a service may be needed that is not covered by the fixed contract price. If this happens, you can edit
the appointment or service order by clearing the Free Item check box in the needed detail line on the Details tab of
the Appointments (FS300200) or Service Orders (FS300100) form, so that the system updates the total amount of the
appointment (and thus updates the related billing document).

Service Contracts with Beginning-Period Plus Billing

You can create and manage service contracts with fixed billing at the beginning of the billing period for the items
specified in the service contract only. This billing type assumes that at the beginning of the billing period, for a
service contract, you generate an invoice, which includes a fixed price specified in the contract. This fixed price
covers all services and inventory items listed in the contract, and provided to the customer during the billing
period. If any additional items (those that are not included in the service contract) have been used in appointments
(that is, have been added to the service document) during the billing period, these items are billed separately.
For this type of a service contract, on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you specify the Beginning-Period Plus
option in the Billing Type box. On the Services per Period tab, you add an item (for example, a non-stock item that
represents a contract deposit), and specify its flat-rate price that have to be paid at the beginning of each billing
period. On the Billing Type Settings section of the Summary tab, you specify the length of the billing period.
On the Schedules tab, you create a schedule for generating appointments or service orders. On the table toolbar,
you click Add Schedule, the system opens the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form. On the Details tab
of this form, you specify the services or inventory items (or both) to be included in the appointments or service
orders, and on the Recurrence tab, you set up schedule settings. Then, you save the schedule and close the form.
The system returns you on the Service Contracts form, and adds a line with the created schedule on the Schedules
For a service contract with the Beginning-Period Plus billing type, you can either generate appointments or service
orders based on a schedule, or create a service document (appointment or service order) on the fly, and associate
it with the service contract by specifying the service contract reference number in the Service Contract box on the
Summary area of the Appointments (FS300200) or Service Orders (FS300100) form. Note that if you need certain
predefined services to occur periodically, on the Service Contract Schedules, create a schedule or schedules, and on
the Details tab, add these services, and in the detail lines, specify None in the Billing Rule column.
You can set up the deferral of the invoice amount by specifying the code in the Deferral Code column so that aer
the service contract invoice has been released, the system creates a deferral schedule.
At the beginning of the billing period, on the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form, you generate an invoice
that contains the fixed contract price. During the billing period, for an appointment or a service order (depending
on the option specified in the Schedule Generation Type box on the Service Contracts box), you generate
additional billing document.
Managing Service Contracts | 42

Service Contracts: To Create and Process a Service Contract Billed at the Time of

In this activity, you will learn how to create a service contract to be billed at the time of service based on what was
done at each appointment related to the service contract.

This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings
have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of
the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Suppose that the GoodFood One Restaurant customer requires appointments on Mondays and Fridays of each
week for one year, starting next week. The service to be performed is the cleaning of the customer's equipment.
The customer is willing to sign a contract. The service manager of Service and Equipment Sales Center (Maia Davis)
needs to create a service contract in Acumatica ERP, and create a schedule of appointments, which will allow to
generate appointments for each upcoming week. Acting as the service manager, you need to create a contract,
create a schedule for the appointment generation, activate the contract, and generate the appointments for the
first two weeks.

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Equipment Management feature (under Service
Management) has been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured to generate
sales orders to bill customers for provided services. That is, the Sales Orders option has been selected
under Generated Billing Documents in the Billing Settings section. Also in this section, the IN sales order
type has been selected as the Order Type for Invoice so that the processing of sales orders does not require
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant) customer has been
configured. The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
• On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the CLEANING non-stock item has been configured. For this item,
the Service is selected in the Type box on the General tab, and Time is selected in the Billing Rule box on
the Price/Cost tab.
• On the Equipment (FS205000) form, the FSE00007 (Commercial citrus juicer with a production rate of 1.5 litres
per minute) target equipment has been defined.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in
Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
• On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch
location has been specified for Maia Davis.
Managing Service Contracts | 43

Process Overview
In this activity, you will create a service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, create an appointment
schedule on the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form, and then activate the contract on the Service
Contracts form. You will then generate appointments for the contract on the Generate from Service Contracts
(FS500300) form.

System Preparation
Before you start creating a service contract, do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as the service manager by using the davis username and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, click the Business
Date menu button, and select the 1/30/2023 date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process
all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company.

Step 1: Creating the Service Contract

To create the service contract billed at the time of service for the GoodFood One Restaurant, do the following:
1. Open the Service Contracts (FS305700) form.
2. Click Add New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the following settings in the Summary area:
• Customer: GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant)
• Description: Cleaning Contract
3. On the Summary tab, in the Contract Settings section, specify the following settings for the contract:
• Start Date: 1/30/2023
• Expiration Type: Expiring
• Duration: 1 Year
• Schedule Generation Type: Appointments
4. In the Billing Type box of the Billing Settings section, make sure At Time of Service is selected. This setting
means the service contract will be billed aer an appointment generated for it has taken place, based on
what was done during the appointment.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.

Step 2: Creating an Appointment Schedule and Activating the Contract

Add a schedule to the service contract and activate the contract as follows:
1. While you are still viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the Schedules
tab, click Add Schedule.
The Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form opens in a pop-up window.
2. In the Summary area, in the Service Order Type box, make sure MRO is selected.
3. In the Scheduled Start Time box, select 9:00 AM.
4. On the Details tab, add a row and specify the following settings in the row:
• Inventory ID: CLEANING
Managing Service Contracts | 44

• Target Equipment ID: FSE00007

5. On the Recurrence tab, under Frequency Settings, select Weekly, and do the following in the Weekly
Settings section:
• Leave Every 1 Week(s).
• Select the Monday and Friday check boxes. Clear Sunday.
• Leave the check boxes cleared for the remaining days of the week.
6. Save your changes, and close the pop-up window.
The system has created the schedule and added it to Schedules tab of the Service Contracts form.
7. On the Service Contracts form (to which you returned when you closed the window with the Service Contract
Schedules form), on the More menu, click Activate.
The system changes the status of the contract from Dra to Active.

Step 3: Generating Appointments from the Contract

To generate the appointments from the service contract, do the following:
1. Open the Generate from Service Contracts (FS500300) form.
2. In the Summary area, specify the following settings:
• Customer: GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant)
• Generate Up To: 2/13/2023
3. In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the schedule you have created in the previous
step, and on the form toolbar, click Process.
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
4. Aer the processing has successfully completed, in the Processing pop-up window, click Close.

The appointments have been generated for the service contract until 2/13/2023.

Step 4: Reviewing the Appointments Generated for the Service Contract

Review the appointments that have been generated for the service contract as follows:
1. On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, in the Service Contract ID box, select the service contract you
created in Step 1.
2. On the More menu (under Inquiries), click Appointment History.
3. On the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form, which opens, clear the Staff Member box.
4. In the To Scheduled Date box, select 2/13/2023.
The list of appointments generated for the selected service contract is displayed in the table.
Managing Service Contracts | 45

Figure: The appointments generated for the service contract

5. Click the appointment reference number in the Appointment Nbr. column, the system opens the
Appointments (FS300200) form. On the Details tab, review that the system has added the line from the Detail
tab of the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form. On the Other tab, review the reference numbers of
the source service contract and source schedule are specified.

Service Contracts: To Create a Service Contract Billed at the End of the Period

In this activity, you will learn how to create a service contract that is billed at the end of each billing period for the
services and inventory items (if any) specified in the contract plus for an overage number of services (or inventory
items) that has been added to the service document (appointment or service order) during the billing period but
was not covered by the service contract. You will also learn how to create a schedule for this service contract, and to
generate appointments from the schedule.

This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings
have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of
the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Suppose that the HM's Bakery and Cafe customer has agreed to enter into a contract with Equipment and Service
Center one hour of cleaning a juicer every week. The contract states that one hour of service is paid every week
at a price of $70; for overage cleaning services (that can occasionally be required), a price of $85 per hour should
be paid. The customer will pay at the end of each week according to the prices that are defined in the contract.
The appointment schedule needs to be specified for the contract, and appointment for the next week should be
generated. You will perform the needed actions in the system, acting as service manager Maia Davis.

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Service Management and Equipment Management
features have been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured to generate
sales orders to bill customers for provided services. That is, the Sales Orders option has been selected
under Generated Billing Documents in the Billing Settings section. Also in this section, the IN sales order
type has been selected as the Order Type for Invoice so that the processing of sales orders does not require
Managing Service Contracts | 46

• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe) customer has been configured.
The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in
Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
• On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch
location has been specified for Maia Davis.
• On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the CLEANING non-stock item has been configured. For this item,
the Service is selected in the Type box on the General tab, and Time is selected in the Billing Rule box on
the Price/Cost tab.
• On the Equipment (FS205000) form, the FSE00006 (Commercial citrus juicer with a production rate of 1.5 liters
per minute) target equipment has been defined.

Process Overview
You will create a service contract with the End-Period Plus billing type on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form. In
the service contract, you will specify the services to be provided during each billing period, as well as the prices for
the items covered by the contract and for the overage items. Then on the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100)
form, you will create a contract schedule that includes the services to be provided in appointments. Finally, you will
generate an appointment according to the schedule by using the Generate from Service Contracts (FS500300) form.

System Preparation
To prepare the system for this activity to be performed, do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as a service manager by using the davis username, and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, click the Business
Date menu button, and select the 1/30/2023 date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process
all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, ensure the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company is selected.

Step 1: Creating the Service Contract with End-Period Billing

To create the service contract with end-period billing for HM's Bakery and Cafe, do the following:
1. Open the Service Contracts (FS305700) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record, and specify the following settings in the Summary area:
• Customer: HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe)
• Description: Cleaning Contract
3. On the Summary tab, in the Contract Settings section, specify the following settings for the contract:
• Start Date: 1/30/2023
• Expiration Type: Expiring
• Duration: 1 Year
• Schedule Generation Type: Appointments
Managing Service Contracts | 47

4. In the Billing Type box of the Billing Settings section, select End-Period Plus.
5. In the Period box of the Billing Type Settings section, select Week.
6. On the form toolbar, click Save.
7. On the Services per Period tab, add a row, and specify the following settings in the added row:
• Inventory ID: CLEANING
• Target Equipment ID: FS00006
• Value: 1h 00m
• Recurring Item Price: 70
• Overage Item Price: 85
8. On the form toolbar, click Save.
9. On the More menu (under Processing), click Activate.
The first billing period (1/30/2023 - 02/05/2023) has been activated during contract activation, as the
following screenshot shows.

Figure: The service contract

Now you can schedule appointments, or create appointments on the fly.

Step 2: Creating a Contract Schedule and Generating Appointments from the Schedule
Now you will add a schedule for the service contract and generate the first two appointments of that schedule. Do
the following:
1. While you are still viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the Schedules
tab, click Add Schedule.
The Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form opens.
2. In the Summary area, do the following:
• In the Service Order Type box, ensure MRO is selected.
• In the Scheduled Start Time box, select 9:00 AM.
3. On the Details tab, add a row and specify the following settings in the row:
• Line Type: Service
• Inventory ID: CLEANING
• Target Equipment ID: FSE00006
4. On the Recurrence tab, under Frequency Settings, select Weekly, and do the following in the Weekly
Settings section:
Managing Service Contracts | 48

• Specify Every 1 Weeks.

• Select the Monday check box.
• Leave the check boxes cleared for the remaining days of the week.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.
6. On the form toolbar, click Generate from Service Contracts.
The Generate from Service Contracts (FS500300) form opens.
7. In the Generate Up To box of the Summary area, select 2/6/2023.
8. In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the schedule you have created in the previous
step, and on the form toolbar, click Process.
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
9. Aer the processing has successfully completed (see the following screenshot), in the Processing pop-up
window, click Close.

Figure: The Processing pop-up window

10.On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the Services Per Period tab, notice that the Scheduled
Period Value is now 1 h 00 m. It means that 1 hour of services has been scheduled for the selected billing

Step 3: Reviewing Generated Appointments

Review appointments generated from the schedule on the previous step in the following way:
1. Open the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form.
2. In the Customer box of the Selection area, select HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe).
3. In the Service Contract ID box, select the service contract that you have created in Step 1.
4. In the From Scheduled Date box, select 1/30/2023.
5. In the To Scheduled Date box, select 2/6/2023.
Managing Service Contracts | 49

6. Clear the Staff Member box to review appointments for all staff members.
The form displays an appointment generated from the service contract. Notice, the appointment generated
for the active billing period has the Not Started status (see the following screenshot).

Figure: The appointments generated from contract schedule

Service Contracts with End-Period Billing: To Bill a Period with Overage Usage

In this activity, you will learn how to process a billing period for a service contract with the end-period billing when
appointments with overage items are involved.

This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings
have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of
the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Suppose that the HM's Bakery and Cafe customer wants the service personnel at Equipment and Service Center
to come to clean the juicer twice during the first billing period (January 30, 2023 through February 5, 2023): one
appointment has been generated automatically from the contract schedule (on January 31, 2023), and another one
will be generated on the fly by the service manager (Maia Davis). The staff member (Alberto Jimenez) will complete
both appointments, and the accountant (Yona Jones) will generate an invoice for the billing period.

For simplicity, in this activity, you will perform the needed actions in the system acting as a service

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Service Management and Equipment Management
features have been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
Managing Service Contracts | 50

• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe) customer has been configured.
The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
• On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured.
• On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the CLEANING non-stock item has been configured. For this item,
the Service is selected in the Type box on the General tab, and Time is selected in the Billing Rule box on
the Price/Cost tab.
• On the Equipment (FS205000) form, the FSE00006 (Commercial citrus juicer with a production rate of 1.5 liters
per minute) target equipment has been defined.
• On the Equipment Management Preferences (FS100300) form, the AR Documents option button has been
selected under Generated Billing Documents, and the Automatically Update Upcoming Period check box
has been selected.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in
Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
• On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch
location has been specified for Maia Davis.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000004 (Alberto Jimenez) has been configured, and the Staff
Member in Service Management check box has been selected for him, so you can assign this employee to
perform services.
• A service contract has been created according to Service Contracts: To Create a Service Contract Billed at the
End of the Period.

Process Overview
In this activity, you will create an appointment (for the additional cleaning described in the story) on the
Appointments (FS300200) form for a service contract with end-period billing; the appointment will include a service
that exceeds the time specified in the contract for the billing period. You will then process the appointment and
generate an invoice for the hour of service that exceeds the time specified in the contract.

System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as a service manager by using the davis username, and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, click the Business
Date menu button, and select the 1/30/2023 date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process
all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company.

Step 1: Creating an Appointment for Additional Services

To create an appointment for the services that exceed those specified in the contract for a billing period, do the
1. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, create a new appointment, and specify the following settings in the
Summary area:
• Service Order Type: MRO
• Customer: HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe)
• Scheduled Start Date: 2/4/2023.
• Service Contract: FCT00000001
Managing Service Contracts | 51

The Contract Period box appears with the 01/30/2022 - 02/05/2022 billing period filled in because the
appointment scheduled start date is in the range of this contract billing period.
2. On the Settings tab (Scheduled Date and Time section), in the Scheduled Start Date box, select 9:00 AM.
3. On the Details tab, add a row, and specify the following settings in the added row:
• Inventory ID: CLEANING
• Target Equipment ID: FSE00006
4. On the form toolbar, click Save.
5. In the row for the CLEANING service on the Details tab, notice that the Service Contract Item check box is
selected, indicating that this service is related to the service contract. Also notice that the Billable check box
is selected.
6. On the Staff tab, click Add Row on the table toolbar, and in the row, specify EP00000004 (Alberto Jimenez) as
the Staff Member.
7. On the form toolbar, click Save.
8. On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, select the contract for which you created the appointment, and
on the Services Per Period tab, notice that the Scheduled Period Value is now 2 h 00 m. It means that 2
hours of services have been scheduled for the first billing period for the selected service contract. The first
appointment for 1 h 00 m has been generated automatically from the contract schedule, and the second
appointment for 1 h 00 m has been created by the service manager on the fly.

Step 2: Completing and Closing the Appointment Generated from the Contract Schedule
An appointment has already been generated for the first cleaning of the juicer for HM's Bakery and Cafe during the
first billing period of the service contract (January 30, 2023 through February 5, 2023); this cleaning will be done at
the scheduled time 1/31/2023 by Alberto Jimenez. On behalf of Alberto, you will perform the actions of this step,
completing and closing this appointment. Do the following:
1. Open the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form.
2. In the Selection area, do the following:
• In the Customer box, select HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe).
• In the Service Contract ID box, select FCT00000001.
• In the From Scheduled Date box, select 1/30/2023.
• In the To Scheduled Date box, select 2/5/2023.
• Clear the Staff Member box to review appointments for all staff members.
The form displays the appointments for the selected service contract and customer.
3. In the Appointment Nbr. column, click the link of the appointment scheduled for 1/31/2023.
The appointment opens on the Appointments (FS300200) form.
4. On the Details tab, for the CLEANING service, notice that the Service Contract Item check box is selected,
the Covered Quantity is set to 1.00, and the Billable Quantity is set to 0.00, indicating that this service is
covered by the service contract.
5. On the Staff tab, click Add Row, and in the row, specify EP00000004 (Alberto Jimenez) as the Staff Member.
6. On the form toolbar, click Start.
7. On the Settings tab, in the Actual Date and Time section, specify the start and end times to be the same as
the scheduled ones. Select the Finished check box.
8. On the form toolbar, click Complete.
9. On the form toolbar, click Close.
10.Close the Appointments form.
Managing Service Contracts | 52

11.On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, select the contract which appointment you have completed, and
on the Services Per Period tab, notice that the Scheduled Period Value is now 1 h 00 m. It means that 1
hour of services is now scheduled. The Remaining Period Value is 0 h 00 m, and the Used Period Value is 1
h 00 m.

Step 3: Completing and Closing the Appointment with an Overage Item

In this step, on behalf of Alberto Jimenez, you will perform the actions related to completing and closing the
appointment that Maia Davis created on the fly in Step 1 of this activity. Do the following:
1. Return to the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form, and in the Appointment Nbr. column, click the link of
the appointment which you created in Step 1 (the appointment scheduled for 2/4/2023).
The appointment opens on the Appointments (FS300200) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Start.
3. On the Details tab, in the row with the CLEANING service, notice that now the Covered Quantity is set
to 0.00, the Overage Quantity is set to 1.00, and the Billable Quantity is set to 1.00, indicating that the
quantity of the item exceeds the quantity that is covered by the service contract. Notice that the Billable
Amount is set to 85$. The system has taken this price from the Overage Unit Price box of the Services per
Period tab of the Service Contracts (FS305700) form.
4. On the Settings tab, in the Actual Date and Time section, specify the start and end times to be the same as
the scheduled ones. Select the Finished check box.
5. On the form toolbar, click Complete.
6. On the form toolbar, click Close.
7. On the Service Contracts form, select the contract which appointment you have completed, and on the
Services Per Period tab, notice that the Used Period Value is now 2 h 00 m. It means that 2 hours of
services have been used in the selected billing period.

Step 4: Generating a Billing Document for the First Billing Period

You will perform the actions of this step on behalf of Yona Jones. To generate a billing document for the first billing
period, do the following:
1. Open the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form.
2. In the Billing Customer box of the Selection area, select HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe).
3. In the Up to Date box, select 2/5/2023.
4. In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the created service contract.
5. On the form toolbar, click Process.
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
6. Aer the processing has successfully completed, click the Processed card.
The system displays the processed record in the table of the pop-up window.
7. Click the link in the Batch Nbr. column.
The Service Contract Billing Batches (FS306100) form opens with the details of the batch.
8. Click the link in the Document Nbr. column.
The Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form opens, and you can review the generated invoice. Notice that two
lines are in the invoice, as the following screenshot shows: for the service covered by the contract, and for
the overage item.
Managing Service Contracts | 53

Figure: The invoice for the first billing period of the service contract

9. On the form toolbar, click Release.

10.On the Service Contracts form, select the contract. On the Billing Documents tab, review the reference
number of the invoice. On the Service Per Period tab, in the Billing Period box, click the lookup icon.
Review that the status of the 01/30/2023 - 02/05/2023 period is Invoiced, and the next billing period
(02/06/2023 - 02/12/2023) is now active.

Service Contracts with End-Period Billing: To Process a Billing Period with No


In this activity, you will learn how to generate an invoice for the billing period of a service contract with the end-
period billing if no appointments took place in this period.

Suppose that the second billing period (February 6, 2023 through February 12, 2023) of the contract with the HM's
Bakery and Cafe customer has passed. No appointments have been scheduled because it was canceled by the
customer. The accountant of Service Equipment and Sales Center (Yona Jones) is generating an invoice for the
second billing period. Acting as Yona Jones, you will perform the needed actions in the system.

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Service Management and Equipment Management
features have been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe) customer has been configured.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in
Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
Managing Service Contracts | 54

• On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch
location has been specified for Maia Davis.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, the EP00000012 - Yona Jones employee has been configured.
• A service contract has been created according to Service Contracts: To Create a Service Contract Billed at the
End of the Period. For the service contract, the schedule has been created, and two appointments have been
generated (for the next two weeks) according to the schedule. Then the appointment for 2/7/2023 has been

Process Overview
In this activity, you will specify the start and end date of the billing period and generate an invoice for the service
contract by using the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form.

System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as an accountant by using the jones username, and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, click the Business
Date menu button, and select the 2/13/2023 date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process
all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company.

Step 1: Reviewing Appointments For the Second Billing Period

To review an appointment generated for the second billing period of the service contract, do the following:
1. Open the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form.
2. In the Customer box of the Selection area, select HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe).
3. In the Service Contract ID box, select FCT00000002.
4. In the From Scheduled Date box, select 2/6/2023.
5. In the To Scheduled Date box, select 2/12/2023.
6. Make sure the Staff Member box is cleared.
Notice that only an appointment with Canceled status is in the list. It was generated according to contract
schedule, but later it was canceled.

Step 2: Generating a Billing Document for the Second Billing Period

To generate a billing document for the second billing period, do the following:
1. Open the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form.
2. In the Billing Customer box of the Selection area, select HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe).
3. In the Up To Date box, select 02/12/2023.
4. In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the service contract.
5. On the form toolbar, click Process.
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
6. Aer the processing has successfully completed, click the Processed card.
Managing Service Contracts | 55

The system displays a table in the dialog box with the processed record.
7. Click the link in the Batch Nbr. column in the row with the processed record.
The Service Contract Billing Batches (FS306100) form opens with the details of the selected batch.
8. In the table of this form, click the link in the Document Nbr. column.
The Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form opens, and you can review the generated invoice. The invoice
includes the item that has been covered by the contract, as the following screenshot shows. It means that
even if there are no appointments in the period, the contract item is billed.

Figure: The invoice for the second billing period of the service contract

9. On the form toolbar, click Remove Hold, and then Release.

10.On the Service Contracts form, select the contract. On the Billing Documents tab, review the reference
number of the invoice. On the Service Per Period tab, in the Billing Period box, click the lookup icon.
Review that the status of the 02/06/2023 - 02/12/2023 period is Invoiced, and the next billing period is
automatically created and set as Active.

Service Contracts: To Create and Process a Service Contract with Beginning-Period

Fixed Billing

In this activity, you will learn how to create a service contract with fixed billing at the beginning of the period, and
you will generate appointments for the service contract.

This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings
have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of
the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Suppose that the GoodFood One Restaurant customer has decided to sign an annual maintenance contract with
Equipment and Service Center for a fixed price that will be billed at the beginning of each billing period. The
contract will cover the full assistance during the contract period. The list of services covered by the service contract
has been agreed upon. It includes the cleaning of a customer's equipment twice a week on Monday and Friday,
and the training for the new employees once a month. The service manager Maia Davis needs to create a service
contract with fixed billing at the beginning of each month, and to add schedules for generation of appointments.
Managing Service Contracts | 56

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Equipment Management feature (under Service
Management) has been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured to generate
sales orders to bill customers for provided services. That is, the Sales Orders option has been selected
under Generated Billing Documents in the Billing Settings section. Also in this section, the IN sales order
type has been selected as the Order Type for Invoice so that the processing of sales orders does not require
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant) customer has been
configured. The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
• On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the CLEANING and TRAINING non-stock items have been
configured. For the items, the Service is selected in the Type box on the General tab, and Time is selected in
the Billing Rule box on the Price/Cost tab.
• On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the DEPOSIT non-stock item has been configured.
• On the Equipment (FS205000) form, the FSE00007 (Commercial citrus juicer with a production rate of 1.5 litres
per minute) target equipment has been defined.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in
Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
• On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch
location has been specified for Maia Davis.

Process Overview
In this activity, you will create the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form. Then you will create
two schedules for appointment generation on the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form, and activate the
contract on the Service Contracts form. You will then generate a billing document for the first billing period on
the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form. Finally, you will review the scheduled appointments on the
Appointment Summary (FS400100) form.

System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as a service manager by using the davis username, and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, click the Business
Date menu button, and select the 1/30/2023 date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process
all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company.
Managing Service Contracts | 57

Step 1: Creating the Service Contract with Fixed Billing at the Beginning of the Period
To create the service contract with fixed billing at the beginning of the contract period for the GoodFood One
Restaurant, do the following:
1. On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, add a new record, and specify the following settings in the
Summary area:

To open the form for creating a new record, type the form ID in the Search box, and on the
Search form, point at the form title and click New right of the title.

• Customer: GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant)

• Description: Maintenance Contract
2. On the Summary tab, in the Contract Settings section, specify the following settings for the contract:
• Start Date: 1/30/2023
• Expiration Type: Expiring
• Duration: 1 Year
• Schedule Generation Type: Appointments
3. In the Billing Type box of the Billing Settings section, select Beginning-Period Fixed.
4. In the Period of the Billing Type Settings section, make sure Month is selected.
5. On the Services per Period tab, add a row, and specify the following settings in the added row:
• Inventory ID: DEPOSIT
• Recurring Item Price: 150
6. On the form toolbar, click Save.
7. On the More menu (under Processing), click Activate.
The system changes the status of the contract from Dra to Active.

The first billing period for the contract is 1/30/2023—2/27/2023

Step 2: Creating an Appointment Schedule for the Cleaning Service and Generating
To add a schedule for the cleaning service to the contract, and generate an appointment for the first billing period,
do the following:
1. While you are still viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the Schedules
tab, click Add Schedule.
The Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form opens.
2. In the Summary area, do the following:
• In the Service Order Type box, ensure MRO is selected.
• In the Scheduled Start Time box, select 9:00 AM.
3. On the Details tab, add a row and specify the following settings in the row:
• Inventory ID: CLEANING
• Target Equipment ID: FSE00007
4. On the Recurrence tab, under Frequency Settings, select Weekly, and do the following in the Weekly
Settings section:
• Leave Every 1 Weeks.
Managing Service Contracts | 58

• Select the Monday and Friday check boxes. Clear Sunday.

• Leave the check boxes cleared for the remaining days of the week.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.
The system has created a schedule and added it to the Schedules tab of the Service Contracts form.
6. On the form toolbar, click Generate from Service Contracts.
The Generate from Service Contracts (FS500300) form opens.
7. In the Customer ID box of the Summary area, select GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant).
8. In the Generate Up To box, select 2/27/2023.
9. In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the schedule you have created, and on the form
toolbar, click Process.
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
10.Aer the processing has successfully completed, in the Processing pop-up window, click Close.
11.Close the Generate from Service Contracts form and the Service Contract Schedules form.

Step 3: Creating an Appointment Schedule for the Training Service and Generating an
To add a schedule for the training service to the contract, and generate an appointment for the first billing period,
do the following:
1. While you are viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the Schedules tab,
click Add Schedule.
The Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form opens.
2. In the Summary area, do the following:
• In the Service Order Type box, ensure MRO is selected.
• In the Scheduled Start Time box, select 9:00 AM.
3. On the Details tab, add a row and specify the following settings in the row:
• Inventory ID: TRAINING
• Estimated Duration: 1 h 30 m
4. On the Recurrence tab, under Frequency Settings, select Monthly, and do the following in the Monthly
Settings section:
• Select Every 1 Month.
• In the Fixed Day of Week, leave First Monday.
It means that an appointment is to be generated for the first Monday of each month.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.
The system has created a schedule and added it to the Schedules tab of the Service Contracts form.
6. On the form toolbar, click Generate from Service Contracts.
The Generate from Service Contracts (FS500300) form opens.
7. In the Customer ID box of the Summary area, select GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant).
8. In the Generate Up To box, select 2/27/2023.
9. In the table, select the unlabeled check box in the row with the schedule you have created, and on the form
toolbar, click Process.
The system opens the Processing pop-up window, in which you can see the status of the process.
10.Aer the processing has successfully completed, in the Processing pop-up window, click Close.
Managing Service Contracts | 59

11.Close the Generate from Service Contracts form and the Service Contract Schedules form.

Step 4: Reviewing Generated Appointments

To review generated appointments, do the following:
1. On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form (to which you returned), on the More menu (under Inquiries),
click Appointment History.
2. On the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form, which opens, in the Selection area, specify the following
• Staff Member: Clear
• To Scheduled Date: 2/27/2023
The list of appointments generated for the selected service contract is shown in the table. The appointment
for the training service is generated for 2/7/2023 (the first Monday of the February). The appointments
for the cleaning services are generated to be performed each week on Monday and Friday during the
billing period (1/30/2023—2/27/2023). Open the first appointment by clicking its reference number in the
Appointment Nbr. column. The Appointments (FS300200) form opens. In the appointment document, notice
that the CLEANING service is added on the Details tab, and the Free Item check box is selected, indicating
that this service is covered by the service contract. Notice that in the Summary area, the appointment total
is set to zero.

Service Contracts: To Run Billing for the Contract with Beginning-Period Fixed

The following activity will walk you through the process of generating an invoice for the first billing period of a
service contract that is billed at the beginning of the contract period.

This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings
have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of
the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Suppose that the GoodFood One Restaurant customer has signed an annual maintenance contract with SweetLife
Service Equipment and Sales Center. The contract amount covers the list of services that were discussed in
advance and included in the written agreement with the customer. The service contract has been already created
in Acumatica ERP, and an invoice needs to be generated at the beginning of the first month of the contract period.
Acting as the accountant (Yona Jones), you will generate an invoice for the first billing period and perform the
needed actions in the system.

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Equipment Management feature (under Service
Management) has been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured to generate
sales orders to bill customers for provided services. That is, the Sales Orders option has been selected
under Generated Billing Documents in the Billing Settings section. Also in this section, the IN sales order
Managing Service Contracts | 60

type has been selected as the Order Type for Invoice so that the processing of sales orders does not require
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant) customer has been
configured. The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
• On the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, the CLEANING non-stock item has been configured. For the item,
the Service is selected in the Type box on the General tab, and Time is selected in the Billing Rule box on
the Price/Cost tab.
• On the Equipment (FS205000) form, the FSE00007 (Commercial citrus juicer with a production rate of 1.5 litres
per minute) target equipment has been defined.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in
Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
• On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch
location has been specified for Maia Davis.
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, the EP00000012 - Yona Jones employee has been configured.

Process Overview
In this activity, to generate a billing document for a service contract for the first billing period, you will select
the contract on the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form and initiate the process. Then on the Billing
Documents tab of the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you will view the generated invoice.

System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as an accountant by using the jones username, and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, click the Business
Date menu button, and select the 1/30/2023 date. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process
all documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, select the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company.

Step 1: Running the Service Contract Billing

To run the service contract billing at the beginning of the contract period, do the following:
1. On the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form, in the Billing Customer box, select GOODFOOD
(GoodFood One Restaurant).
2. In the Up to Date box of the Summary area, select 1/30/2023.
3. Select the unlabeled check box next to the service contract to be billed.
4. On the form toolbar, click Process. In the Processing dialog box, click Close once the process is finished.

The billing document has been generated for the first billing period of the service contract.
Managing Service Contracts | 61

Step 2: Viewing the Contract Billing Document

To confirm that the generated billing document is listed for the service contract, do the following:
1. Open the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form.
2. On the Billing Documents tab, confirm that the generated invoice for the first billing period of the contract
is listed.
3. Click the invoice number in the Reference Nbr. column. The Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form opens.
Review the invoice total balance in the Summary area, which is equal to 150.00. It is the fixed price specified
in the service contract to be paid in each billing period for the services covered by the contract.

Step 3: To Run Billing for the First Appointment of the Billing Period
In this instruction, you will run billing for the first appointment of the billing period, and review generated billing
documents. Do the following:
1. Return to the Appointment Summary (FS400100) form, and in the Appointment Nbr. column, click the link of
the first appointment in the list (the appointment scheduled for 1/31/2023).
The appointment opens on the Appointments (FS300200) form.
2. On the form toolbar, click Start.
3. On the Details tab, in the row with the CLEANING service, notice that the Free Item check box is selected.
4. On the Settings tab, in the Actual Date and Time section, specify the start and end times to be the same as
the scheduled ones. Select the Finished check box.
5. On the form toolbar, click Complete. (You perform this action on behalf of a staff member.)
6. On the form toolbar, click Close. (You perform this action and the following action on behalf of an
7. On the form toolbar, click Run Billing.
8. On the form toolbar of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form that has opened, click Prepare Invoice, and then
click Release.
Close Sales Orders form.
9. Return to the Appointments (FS300200) form.
10.On the Billing Documents tab, review the invoices related to an appointment. There is an invoice that
contains the service contract fixed price and generated for a contract at the beginning of the billing period,
and there are billing documents (sales order and SO invoice) generated for an appointment. Click the
reference number of the SO Invoice. On the Invoices (SO303000) form that opens, in the Summary area,
review that the total of the invoice is set to zero.

Service Contracts: Renewal of a Service Contract

In this topic you will learn how to create and process a renewable service contract.
In the following sections of this topic, the capability is described in detail for service contracts created on the
Service Contracts form. The capability work similarly for a route service contract created on the Route Service
Contracts form.
Managing Service Contracts | 62

Creation of a Renewable Service Contract

You create a renewable service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form. When creating a service contract,
on the Summary tab of the Service Contracts form, you select the Renewable option in the Expiration Type box.
Once Renewable is selected, the Duration box appears on the current form. In this box, you specify the time period
until the next expiration date. Once you save and activate the service contract, the system inserts the date in the
Expiration Date box, which is calculated according to the period specified in the Duration box.

Renewal of a Service Contract

You can renew a service contract with the Active status before or aer its expiration date. On the More menu of the
Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you click the Renew command (under Processing). This command is available
when a renewable service contract—one with Renewable selected in the Expiration Type box in the Contract
Settings section—has been activated.
When you renew a service contract, its expiration date is moved forward by the specified duration. A renewed
service contract keeps the settings of the original contract, including the schedules that have been generated.
When you click Renew,the system determines the contract renewal date based on the contract expiration date. The
new renewal date is the day aer the previous expiration date. The system inserts this date in the Renewal Date
box and updates the date in the Expiration Date box based on the period specified in the Duration box.

Figure: Renewal and expiration dates

A service contract can be renewed multiple times. Each time you click Renew, the system moves the renewal and
expiration dates forward by the amount of time specified in the Duration box.
You can renew multiple service contracts at once by using the Process Service Contracts (FS501200) form. In the
Action box of the Selection area, select Renew, then in the list of contracts, select service contracts to be renewed,
and on the form toolbar, click Process All.
Managing Service Contracts | 63

Service Contracts: To Renew a Service Contract

The following activity will walk you through the process of renewing a service contract.

This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings
have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of
the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Suppose that SweetLife Fruits & Jams company has signed in a service contract with GoodFood One Restaurant
customer. The customer wants to be able to prolong the contract for one year aer the contract expiration date.
Acting as the service manager of Service and Equipment Sales Center (Maia Davis), you need to create a renewable
service contract, then renew the contract, and then manually update the status of the service contract to Expired.

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Service Management and Equipment Management
features have been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant) customer has been
configured. The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
• On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured to generate
sales orders to bill customers for provided services. That is, the Sales Orders option has been selected
under Generated Billing Documents in the Billing Settings section. Also in this section, the IN sales order
type has been selected as the Order Type for Invoice so that the processing of sales orders does not require
• On the Employees (EP203000) form, EP00000040 (Maia Davis) has been configured, and the Staff Member in
Service Management check box has been selected on the General Info tab.
• On the User Profile (SM203010) form, the SWEETEQUIP default branch, and WEST BRIGHTON default branch
location has been specified for Maia Davis.

Process Overview
On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you will create a renewable service contract. Then, on the same form,
you will renew the service contract so that its expiration date will be moved forward by the duration specified in
the Duration box, and its start date will be modified. Once it is done, you will update the service contract status by
using the Process Service Contracts (FS501200) form.
Managing Service Contracts | 64

System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as a service manager by using the davis username and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure that the
business date in your system is set to 1/30/2023. If a different date is displayed, click the Business Date menu
button, and select 1/30/2023 on the calendar. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process all
documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, ensure the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company is selected.

Step 1: Creating a Renewable Service Contract

To create a renewable service contract, do the following:
1. Open the Service Contracts (FS305700) form.
2. Click Add New Record on the form toolbar, and specify the following settings in the Summary area:
• Customer: GOODFOOD (GoodFood One Restaurant)
• Description: Maintenance Contract
3. On the Summary tab, in the Contract Settings section, specify the following settings for the contract:
• Start Date: 1/30/2023
• Expiration Type: Renewable
• Duration: 1 Year
• Schedule Generation Type: Appointments
4. In the Billing Settings section, in the Billing Type box, make sure At Time of Service is selected. This setting
means the service contract will be billed aer each appointment has taken place, based on what was done
during the appointment.
5. In the Billing Type Settings section, leave the Regular Price in the Take Prices From box. It means that the
system will use the price of a service or an inventory item specified in the Default Price box on the Non-
Stock Items (IN202000) or Stock Items (IN202500) form, or in the price list on the Sales Prices (AR202000)
6. On the form toolbar, click Save.
7. On the More menu, click Activate. The system has inserted 1/30/2023 in the Effective From Date box of the
Summary area.

Step 2: Renewing the Service Contract

Assume that one year passed, the contract expiration date has come, and you, acting as a service manager, is
renewing a service contract.
1. While you are still viewing the service contract, on the More menu, click Renew.
The system has updated the dates in the Renewal Date and Expiration Date boxes. The system has
inserted 1/30/2024 in the Renewal Date—this is the day aer the previous expiration date, and 1/29/2024
in the Expiration Date box—this is the date calculated based on the new renewal date and the period
specified in the Duration box.
2. On the History tab, review the list of actions that have been performed with the service contract (see the
following screenshot).
Managing Service Contracts | 65

Figure: The History tab on the Service Contracts form

Step 3: Updating the Status of the Service Contract to Expired

Once two years passed, the customer does not want to prolong the service contract so that you need to mark the
contract status as Expired in the system. In the Summary area of the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, review that
the upcoming status of the contract is Expired. To update the status of the contract manually, do the following:
1. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, set the business date
to 1/29/2024—this is the contract expiration date.
2. Open the Process Service Contracts (FS501200) form.
3. In the Action box of the Selection area, select Update to Incoming Status.
4. In the table select the unlabeled check box next to the contract to be updated, and click Process on the
form toolbar.
5. Open the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, and in the Service Contract ID box, select the contract that
you have updated.
In the Summary are, review the status of the contract has changed to Expired.
6. Go to the History tab, and review that the Expire action has been performed to the service contract on
1/29/2024. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, review
the business date that you have changed to be able to update the status of the service contract (see the
following screenshot).
Managing Service Contracts | 66

Figure: The history of actions performed to the service contract

Service Contracts: Copying a Service Contract

A service contract can be copied. You may need to copy a service contract when a customer is due for renewal but
some settings of the existing contract should be changed, or you just need another service contract with the similar
In the following sections of this topic, the capability is described in detail for service contracts created on the
Service Contracts form. The capability work similarly for a route service contract created on the Route Service
Contracts form.

Copying a Service Contract

You copy a service contract by clicking Copy on the More menu on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form (or on the
Route Service Contracts (FS300800) form). Once you click Copy, the Copy Contract dialog box opens. In the dialog
box, you specify the start date of the new service contract and of any schedules that have been generated for the
service contract.
When you copy a service contract, the system creates a new contract with the Dra status with most of the same
settings (and similar generated schedules) as those specified in the original service contract. In the copied service
contract, you can modify the following settings (even if the service contract has schedules associated with it):
Customer, Location, Billing Customer, Billing Location, Project, Start Date, Expiration Type, and Expiration
On the History tab of the Service Contracts form, you can review which actions have been performed for the
contract and when, as well as view the reference numbers of the original service contract and schedule.

When you change the contract start date or end date (or both), the schedule start date or end date (or
both) are updated accordingly if the contract start date is equal to the schedule start date, and the
contract end date is equal to the schedule end date. If the contract start date differs from the start
date of the schedule, or the contract end date differs from the contract end date, you should ensure
that the new contract start date is not later than the schedule start date, and the contract end date is
not earlier than the schedule end date.
Managing Service Contracts | 67

Service Contracts: To Copy a Service Contract

The following activity will walk you through the process of copying a service contract.

This activity is based on the U100 dataset. If you are using another dataset, or if any system settings
have been changed in U100, these changes can affect the workflow of the activity and the results of
the processing. To avoid any issues, restore the U100 dataset to its initial state.

Suppose that HM's Bakery and Cafe customer has opened a new office in a new location, and wants to create a
service contract for a new location with similar conditions as those specified in the existing service contract. Acting
as the service manager (Maia Davis) of the Service and Equipment Sales Center branch, you need to make a copy
of the service contract. In the copied contract, you need to update the start and end dates, the customer location,
and schedule frequency settings. Then you will generate and send the forecast quote report to the customer for
approve, and aer the customer approves the changes, you will activate the new service contract.

Configuration Overview
In the U100 dataset, the following configuration tasks have been performed to prepare the system for this activity
to be performed:
• On the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the Service Management and Equipment Management
features have been enabled.
• On the Branch Locations (FS202500) form, the WEST BRIGHTON branch location has been configured.
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the following settings have been specified for the AP AP billing cycle:
• Run Billing For: Appointments
• Group Billing Documents By: Appointments
Based on these billing cycle settings, a separate billing document is generated for each appointment; this
document presents the details of each service of the appointment.
• On the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the MRO service order type has been configured to generate
sales orders to bill customers for provided services. That is, the Sales Orders option has been selected
under Generated Billing Documents in the Billing Settings section. Also in this section, the IN sales order
type has been selected as the Order Type for Invoice so that the processing of sales orders does not require
• On the Customers (AR303000) form, the HMBAKERY (HM's Bakery and Cafe) customer has been configured.
The AP AP billing cycle has been specified for a customer on the Billing tab.
• On the Customer Locations (AR303020) form, the MAIN2 location has been configured.
• On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, the FCT00000001 contract has been created.

Process Overview
On the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, you will copy a service contract. In the copied service contract, on the
Service Contracts form, you will change the customer location, and on the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100)
form, you will change the schedule settings. Then, on the Service Contracts form, you will generate a forecast
report, and send it to customer for approve. We assume that a customer has approved the new service contract, so
that on the Service Contracts form, you will activate the contract.
Managing Service Contracts | 68

System Preparation
Do the following:
1. Launch the Acumatica ERP website, and sign in to a company with the U100 dataset preloaded. You should
sign in as service manager by using the davis username and the 123 password.
2. In the info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, make sure that the
business date in your system is set to 1/30/2023. If a different date is displayed, click the Business Date menu
button, and select 1/30/2023 on the calendar. For simplicity, in this activity, you will create and process all
documents in the system on this business date.
3. On the Company and Branch Selection menu, also on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, ensure the
Service and Equipment Sales Center branch under the SweetLife Fruits & Jams company is selected.

Step 1: Copying a Service Contract

To copy a service contract, do the following:
1. Open the Service Contracts (FS305700) form.
2. In the Service Contract ID box, select the service contract to be copied: FCT00000004
3. On the More menu (under Other), click Copy.
4. In the Copy dialog box that opens, specify the start date for the new service contract 02/01/2023, and click
The system has opened a new service contract with the Dra status assigned. The system copied
the settings of the original service contract including the summary information (such as a customer,
description, and project), the schedule generated for the contract added on the Schedules tab, and the
service included in the contract on the Services per Period tab.

Step 2: Modifying the Settings in the Copied Service Contract

The customer has asked to specify a new location in the service contract, and to change the frequency settings of
the schedule. Do the following:
1. While you are viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, in the Summary area,
in the Location box, select MAIN2.
2. On the Schedules tab, click the reference number of the schedule in the Schedule ID column.
3. On the Service Contract Schedules (FS305100) form that opens, on the Recurrence tab, clear Monday check
box, and select Tuesday and Friday.
4. On the form toolbar, click Save, and close the Service Contract Schedules form.

Step 3: Generating and Emailing a Forecast Report

Before activating the new service contract, you want to send a service contract quote report to the customer to get
approve for the contract terms. To generate a forecast report, and email it to the customer, do the following:
1. While you are viewing the service contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, on the More menu,
click Forecast & Print Quote.
The Contract Quote dialog box opens.
2. In the dialog box, specify the start and end dates for the quote report as 2/2/2023 for the start date, and
1/2/2024 for the end date, and click OK.
Managing Service Contracts | 69

The system has generated and opened the quote report in the printed view (as the following screenshot

Figure: Service Contract Quote report

3. Return to the Service Contracts form, and on the More menu, click Email Report.
4. Click Activities at the right top corner of the Service Contracts form. In the Tasks & Activities dialog box
that opens, click the link, and review the email sent to the customer.
The copy of the service contract quote has been attached to the email, and sent to the customer.

If you have made any changes in the contract aer generating the quote, you need to use
the Forecast & Print Quote command once again before emailing the quote report to the

Step 4: Activating a Service Contract

Once the customer has approved the new service contract, you activate the contract. Do the following:
1. Return to the Service Contracts (FS305700) form and in the Service Contract ID box, select the new service
contract. Notice that it has the Dra status assigned.
2. On the More menu, click Activate.
The contract status has changed to Active.
Managing Service Contracts | 70

Service Contracts: Related Inquiry Forms

In the following sections, you can find details about the inquiry forms you may want to review to gather
information about processing the service contracts.

If you do not see a particular report or form that is described, you may have signed in to the system
with a user account that does not have access rights to the report or form. Contact your system
administrator to obtain access to any needed reports or forms.

Searching for a Billing Document

On the Service Contract Billing Batches (FS306100) form, you can find the list of billing documents generated for the
service contracts with the following billing options: End-Period Plus, Beginning-Period Plus and Beginning-Period
Fixed. These options are specified in the Billing Type box on the Summary tab of the Service Contracts (FS305700)
or Route Service Contracts (FS300800) form.

Reviewing Appointments Generated from a Service Contract

To review the appointments that have been generated for a particular service contract, on the Service Contracts
(FS305700) form, on the More menu (under Inquiries), click Appointment History. The Appointment Summary
(FS400100) form opens with the appointments generated for the selected service contract.
You can also open the Appointment Summary form directly. In the Selection area of the form, specify a customer, a
service contract, and other needed selection criteria. As a result, the system displays the list of appointments (if
any) in the table below.

Reviewing Service Orders Generated from a Service Contract

To review the service orders that have been generated for a particular service contract, on the Service Contracts
(FS305700) form, on the More menu (under Inquiries), click Service Order History. The Service Order History
(FS400300) form opens with the service orders generated for the selected service contract.
You can also open the Service Order History form directly. In the Selection area of the form, specify a customer, a
service contract, and other needed selection criteria. As a result, the system displays the list of service orders (if
any) in the table below.

Generating a Service Contract Quote

You can prepare the service contract quote report, which contains the forecast data related to the service contract
by clicking Forecast & Print Quote on the More menu on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form (or on the Route
Service Contracts (FS300800) form). Once you have clicked the command, the system opens a dialog box in which
you specify the start and end date for forecasting. Then the system generates the Service Contract Quote report, and
opens it in a print-friendly form.
The quote report shows the expected quantity of visits that should occur during the forecast contract duration, the
price for each scheduled visit, the total price of all forecast visits, and the expected number of billing documents
to be generated during the contract duration. (Depending on the billing type specified for the service contract,
some of these settings may not be shown in the report.) Note that the taxes and discounts are not considered in the
quote report.
Managing Service Contracts | 71

Emailing a Service Contract Quote

You can email the service contract quote report to the customer by clicking Email Quote on the More menu on the
Service Contracts form (or on the Route Service Contracts (FS300800) form).

The Email Quote command is available if the selected service contract has at least one service
contract quote report generated.

You can also email the service contract quote report by clicking Send on the toolbar of the printable report form.
The quote report can be emailed immediately aer generation or at any later time.

For service contracts with billing type settings other than the At Time of Service billing type and the
Contract option selected in the Take Prices From box on the Summary tab of the Service Contracts
(Route Service Contracts) form, for the quote report, the system uses the prices specified on the Stock
Items (IN202500) or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, in the Default Price box of the Price/Cost tab.
Thus, the prices in the quote reports may vary during the contract duration.

Viewing Customer's Contract Schedules

On the More menu (under Inquiries) of the Customers (AR303000) form, click Contract Schedule Summary. The
Contract Schedule Summary (FS401100) form opens. On this form, you can view the list of contract schedules
registered in the system for a selected customer.

To Activate the Next Period for the End-Period Billing Contracts

You can activate the next billing period for a contract billed at the end of the billing period.

To Activate the Next Period for a Particular Contract

1. Open the Service Contracts (FS305700) form.
2. In the Service Contract ID box of the Summary area, select the contract for which you want to activate the
3. On the Services per Period tab, make sure that Modify Upcoming Billing Period is selected in the Actions
4. On the table toolbar, click Activate Period.

Now you can generate a billing document for the activated period.

To Activate the Next Period for Multiple Contracts

1. Open the Process Service Contracts (FS501200) form.
2. In the Action box of the Summary area, select Activate Upcoming Billing Period.
3. Optional: In the Branch box, select the branch whose employees provide the services of the service
contracts whose billing period you want to activate.
4. Optional: In the Branch Location box, select the branch location of the service contracts whose billing
period you want to activate.
5. Optional: In the Customer box, select the customer for which services are performed in the service
contracts whose billing period you want to activate.
Managing Service Contracts | 72

6. Optional: In the Contract Nbr. box, select the service contract related to the service contracts whose billing
period you want to activate.
7. Do one of the following:
• Click Process All to activate the next period for all the listed service contracts.
• Select the unlabeled check box in the row of each service contract whose billing period you want to
activate. Click Process.

You can configure the system to automatically activate the period when a billing document
is generated on the Run Service Contract Billing (FS501300) form. To do this, you select the
Automatically Activate Upcoming Period check box on the Equipment Management Preferences
(FS100300) form.

Service Contracts: Status Update

In Acumatica ERP, the system does not change the current status of a service contract when the effective date
has arrived. You can update the status manually on or aer the date or use an automation schedule to update the
contract status on this date.
If you know the particular date in the future when a service contract is going to be canceled, or suspended, you can
specify the cancellation or suspension date on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, so the future status will be
shown in the Upcoming Status box of the Summary area. Then, on or aer the effective date, you can update the
contract's status on the Process Service Contracts (FS501200) form so that the system automatically changes the
status of the contract. If the contract has an expiration date, when you are entering the service contract into the
system, the system specifies Expired as the upcoming status on that date.

Updating a Status Manually

To change the current status of a service contract (or multiple service contracts) to upcoming (whose effective date
came) of one or multiple service contracts, you use the Process Service Contracts (FS501200) form. On this form,
you select the Update Upcoming Status option in the Action box of the form; you then specify the selection criteria
to display the necessary service contract (or multiple contracts) in the table and process the contract or contracts.
The system updates the statuses of the processed contracts.
Acumatica ERP provides an automation schedule to automatically invoke this action, as the section below explains.

Updating the Status by Automation Schedule

To cause the system automatically invoke the Update Upcoming Status action on the Process Service Contracts
(FS501200) form for contracts in the system, the Update Service Contract Status automation schedule has been
created on the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form. To use this schedule, you should ensure that this schedule
is active in the system (that is, make sure the Active check box is selected for the schedule on the Automation
Schedules form). This schedule runs daily, and you can modify this schedule if necessary.

Service Contracts: Activation, Cancellation, and Suspension of a Contract

In Acumatica ERP, you can activate, cancel, or suspend a service contract.

Managing Service Contracts | 73

Activating a Service Contract with the Dra Status

When you create a service contract in the system, the contract is automatically assigned the Dra status. When
you finish entering the necessary information for the contract, you should activate the contract so that you can
generate service orders, appointments, or invoices for it.
You activate the contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form by clicking Activate on the More menu (under
Processing). The system changes the status of the service contract to Active.

Activating a Service Contract with the Suspended Status

Contracts with the Suspended status can be activated again starting on a particular date (whether or not it is the
current date). To activate a suspended service contract, you open the necessary contract on the Service Contracts
(FS305700) form and click Activate on the More menu (under Processing). The system opens the Activation
Contract dialog box, in which you specify the starting date when the contract has to be activated.
If schedules have been generated for the service contract, you can view them in the table of the Activation
Contract dialog box. You can change the date of the service orders or appointments to be generated when the
contract is active. To do so, for each schedule, you select the check box in the Change Recurrence column. You
then specify the date since which the service orders or appointments will be generated according to the schedule
for the active contract in the Effective Recurrence Start Date column. The system recalculates the Next Execution
If the activation date is later than the current date, when you click OK to close the dialog box and return to
the form, the Upcoming Status box contains Active (indicating that the service contract will be active) and the
Effective Until Date box contains the activation date (indicating that the current status of Suspended is effective
until the activation date.

Canceling a Service Contract

In Acumatica ERP, if for some reason the services will no longer be provided for the customer, you can cancel the
service contract if it has the Active or Suspended status. When you cancel the service contract, the system deletes
any documents that were generated for the dates that are the same as or later than the cancellation date.
To cancel a service contract, you open the necessary contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, and on the
More menu, click Cancel. The system opens the Terminate Contract dialog box, where you specify the date since
which the contract has to be canceled.
If this date is later than the current date, when you click OK in the dialog box to close it and return to the form, the
system inserts Canceled in the Upcoming Status box (to indicate that the contract will be canceled) and inserts the
cancellation date in the Effective Until Date box (to indicate that the current status is effective until this date). If
the cancellation date is the same as the current date, when you click OK in the dialog box, the system assigns the
Canceled status to the service contract.

A contract with the Canceled status is read-only and cannot be deleted.

Suspending a Service Contract

In Acumatica ERP, you can suspend an active contract so that it is no longer active during the time it is suspended.
When you suspend the contract, the system deletes any documents that were generated on the suspension date or
the dates that are aer it. You cannot generate service orders, appointments, or invoices from contracts with the
Suspended status. The suspended contract can then be activated again or canceled.
To suspend the contract, you open the necessary contract on the Service Contracts (FS305700) form, and on the
More menu, click Suspend. The system opens the Suspend Contract dialog box, where you specify the date since
which the contract has to be suspended.
Managing Service Contracts | 74

If this date is later than the current date, when you click OK in the dialog box to close the dialog box and return to
the form, the system inserts Suspended into the Upcoming Status box and the suspension date into the Effective
Until Date box (indicating that the current status is effective until the suspension date). If the suspension date is
the same as the current date, when you click OK in the dialog box, the system assigns the Suspended status to the
service contract.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 75

Equipment Management Use Cases

With the equipment management functionality, you can perform equipment-related actions while you are working
with sales orders, service orders, or appointments.
In this chapter, you will read about some possible use cases of registering sales and replacements of equipment
or components in the equipment management functional area, as well as selling stock items without creating or
modifying records in the equipment management functional area.

Selling Model Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, while you are working with a sales order, service order, or appointment on the applicable form,
you can easily register the sale of model equipment entities.
For the use case considered in this topic, suppose that the customer has requested a model equipment entity,
along with installation services from your company. A service manager of your company then receives the request
and enters it into Acumatica ERP. Further processing is then performed by the scheduler, the assigned staff
members, and the accountant who prepares invoices for the customer and processes them in the system.
In this topic, you will read about the steps involved in processing the service order along with the sale of the target

Applying the System Settings of the Use Case

In this example, settings are applied in the system as follows:
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the billing cycle assigned to the customer is configured to generate
billing documents and group them by appointment (that is, in the Summary area, the Appointments option
button is selected under both Run Billing For and Group Billing Documents By).
• For the service order type, on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the applicable
service order type is configured as follows:
• In the Billing Settings section, the option button to create sales orders (Sales Orders under Generated
Billing Documents) is selected.
• In the General Settings section, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed
check box is selected, so that service orders of the type are completed automatically when their
appointments are completed. Also, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Closed
check box is selected, meaning that service orders of the type are closed automatically when their
appointments are closed.
In the diagram below, you can see the entire process of selling model equipment within a service order.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 76
Equipment Management Use Cases | 77

In the following sections, you will read about each step of the process.

Entering an Order
When a service manager receives a customer request, he or she enters a service order by using the Service Orders
(FS300100) form (see 1 in the diagram above). In the service order, the service manager specifies the customer from
which the request has been received, the branch and branch location where the services are delivered, the services
that should be performed. For instructions on how to create a service order, see Service Order Processing (One
Appointment): To Create and Process a Service Order with One Appointment.

In addition, on the Inventory Item tab of this form, the service manager adds a model equipment entity that is
sold. For the model equipment entity, the service manager selects Selling Model Equipment in the Equipment
Action column.

Creating Appointments
Aer the service order has been created in the system, a scheduler of your company (that is, a person who
is responsible for planning the appointments) uses the Calendar Board (FS300300) form to schedule the
appointments (2 in the diagram above) that are needed to perform the services requested by the customer.
When the scheduler selects a staff member to attend an appointment, he or she takes into consideration the work
schedule of the staff member and filters the displayed staff members by the skills and licenses needed to perform
the service and the service area where the services are provided. The scheduler checks the information on each
appointment and enters additional information, such as the resource equipment used to perform the services and
the stock items purchased by the customer along with the service. (The system assigns the Not Started status to the
created appointments.)

Attending an Appointment
The staff member who is assigned to an appointment looks through his or her upcoming appointments on the
Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, identifies which appointment he or she has to attend currently, and goes
to the location where the service has to be performed, which usually is the customer location). When the staff
member starts to perform the service, he or she starts the appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form (3 in
the diagram above). The appointment is assigned the In Process status.
While the services are being performed, the staff member adds the information on services (such as statuses,
quantities, and extra stock items that were used) to the appointment on the Appointments form. When the services
are done, the staff member checks the details of the appointment. When everything is correct and complete, the
staff member completes the appointment (4), which gives it the Completed status.
When all appointments of a particular service order are completed, the system assigns the service order the
Completed status.

Processing Invoices
Further processing of the service order is performed by an accountant. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, the
accountant opens the completed appointment and verifies quantities and prices. When all information is verified
and the appointments are ready for invoicing, the accountant closes the appointments and the service order (5).
(The appointments and service order get the Closed status.)
The accountant generates a sales order document with the Open status by using the Run Appointment Billing
(FS500100) form (6 in the diagram above).
The accountant then prepares the invoice (7) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and processes and
releases the invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form (8).
Equipment Management Use Cases | 78

When the invoice related to the service order is released, the sold model equipment converts to a target
equipment, and the system adds a record for the new target equipment entity with the Active status on the
Equipment (FS205000) form.

Selling a Model Equipment Entity and Optional Component

In Acumatica ERP, while you are working with a sales order, service order, or appointment on the applicable form,
you can easily register the sale of model equipment entities and optional components of it.
For the use case considered in this topic, suppose that the customer has requested a model equipment entity
and an optional component for it, along with installation services from your company. A service manager of your
company receives the request and enters it into Acumatica ERP. Further processing is then performed by the
scheduler, the assigned staff members, and the accountant who prepares invoices for the customer and processes
them in the system.
In this topic, you will read about the steps involved in processing the service order that includes the sale of model
equipment and its optional component.

Applying the System Settings of the Use Case

In this example, settings are applied in the system as follows:
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the billing cycle assigned to the customer is configured to generate
billing documents and group them by appointment (that is, in the Summary area, the Appointments option
button is selected under both Run Billing For and Group Billing Documents By).
• For the service order type, on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the applicable
service order type is configured as follows:
• In the Billing Settings section, the option button to create sales orders (Sales Orders under Generated
Billing Documents) is selected.
• In the General Settings section, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed
check box is selected, so that service orders of the type are completed automatically when their
appointments are completed. Also, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Closed
check box is selected, meaning that service orders of the type are closed automatically when their
appointments are closed.
In the diagram below, you can see the entire process of selling model equipment and its optional component
within a service order.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 79
Equipment Management Use Cases | 80

In the following sections, you will read about each step of the process.

Entering an Order
When a service manager receives a customer request, he or she enters a service order by using the Service Orders
(FS300100) form (see 1 in the diagram above). In the service order, the service manager specifies the customer from
which the request has been received, the branch and branch location where the services are delivered, the services
that should be performed.
In addition, on the Inventory Item tab of this form, the service manager adds the model equipment entity and the
optional component to be sold as follows:
1. For the model equipment entity, the service manager selects Selling Model Equipment in the Equipment
Action column.
2. For the optional component, the service manager selects Selling Optional Component in the Equipment
Action column, specifies the related model equipment in the Model Equipment Line Nbr. column, and
selects the identifier of the equipment component in the Component ID column.

Creating Appointments
Aer the service order has been created in the system, a scheduler of your company (that is, a person who
is responsible for planning the appointments) uses the Calendar Board (FS300300) form to schedule the
appointments (2 in the diagram above) that are needed to perform the services requested by the customer.
When the scheduler selects a staff member to attend an appointment, he or she takes into consideration the work
schedule of the staff member and filters the displayed staff members by the skills and licenses needed to perform
the service and the service area where the services are provided. The scheduler checks the information on each
appointment and enters additional information, such as the resource equipment used to perform the services and
the stock items purchased by the customer along with the service. (The system assigns the Not Started status to the
created appointments.)

Attending an Appointment
The staff member who is assigned to an appointment looks through his or her upcoming appointments on the
Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, identifies which appointment he or she has to attend currently, and goes
to the location where the service has to be performed, which usually is the customer location). When the staff
member starts to perform the service, he or she starts the appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form (3 in
the diagram above). The appointment is assigned the In Process status.
While the services are being performed, the staff member adds the information on services (such as statuses,
quantities, and extra stock items that were used) to the appointment on the Appointments form. When the services
are done, the staff member checks the details of the appointment. When everything is correct and complete, the
staff member completes the appointment (4), which gives it the Completed status.
When all appointments of a particular service order are completed, the system assigns the service order the
Completed status.

Processing Invoices
Further processing of the service order is performed by an accountant. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, the
accountant opens the completed appointment and verifies quantities and prices. When all information is verified
and the appointments are ready for invoicing, the accountant closes the appointments and the service order (5).
(The appointments and service order get the Closed status.)
The accountant generates a sales order document with the Open status by using the Run Appointment Billing
(FS500100) form (6 in the diagram above).
Equipment Management Use Cases | 81

The accountant then prepares the invoice (7) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and processes and
releases the invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form (8).
When the invoice related to the service order is released, the system automatically adds a record for the new target
equipment entity with the Active status on the Equipment (FS205000) form, including an optional component of the
Active status on the Components and Warranties tab.

Selling an Optional Component of Target Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, while you are working with a sales order, service order, or appointment on the applicable form,
you can easily register a sale of an optional component of target equipment.
For the use case considered in this topic, suppose that the customer has requested that an optional component
of target equipment (which the company already has) be installed at the customer site, along with installation
services from your company. A service manager of your company receives the request and enters it into Acumatica
ERP. Further processing is then performed by the scheduler, the assigned staff members, and the accountant who
prepares invoices for the customer and processes them in the system.
In this topic, you will read about the steps involved in processing the service order that includes the sale of an
optional component of target equipment.

Applying the System Settings of the Use Case

In this example, settings are applied in the system as follows:
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the billing cycle assigned to the customer is configured to generate
billing documents and group them by appointment (that is, in the Summary area, the Appointments option
button is selected under both Run Billing For and Group Billing Documents By).
• For the service order type, on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the applicable
service order type is configured as follows:
• In the Billing Settings section, the option button to create sales orders (Sales Orders under Generated
Billing Documents) is selected.
• In the General Settings section, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed
check box is selected, so that service orders of the type are completed automatically when their
appointments are completed. Also, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Closed
check box is selected, meaning that service orders of the type are closed automatically when their
appointments are closed.
In the diagram below, you can see the entire process of selling an optional component of target equipment within a
service order.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 82

Figure: Selling an optional component of target equipment within a service order

Equipment Management Use Cases | 83

In the following sections, you will read about each step of the process.

Entering an Order
When a service manager receives a customer request, he or she enters a service order by using the Service Orders
(FS300100) form (see 1 in the diagram above). In the service order, the service manager specifies the customer from
which the request has been received, the branch and branch location where the services are delivered, the services
that should be performed.
In addition, on the Inventory Item tab of this form, the service manager adds the optional component to be sold.
For the optional component, the service manager selects Selling Optional Component in the Equipment Action
column, specifies the related target equipment in the Target Equipment ID column, and selects the identifier of
the equipment component in the Component ID column.

Creating Appointments
Aer the service order has been created in the system, a scheduler of your company (that is, a person who
is responsible for planning the appointments) uses the Calendar Board (FS300300) form to schedule the
appointments (2 in the diagram above) that are needed to perform the services requested by the customer.
When the scheduler selects a staff member to attend an appointment, he or she takes into consideration the work
schedule of the staff member and filters the displayed staff members by the skills and licenses needed to perform
the service and the service area where the services are provided. The scheduler checks the information on each
appointment and enters additional information, such as the resource equipment used to perform the services and
the stock items purchased by the customer along with the service. (The system assigns the Not Started status to the
created appointments.)

Attending an Appointment
The staff member who is assigned to an appointment looks through his or her upcoming appointments on the
Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, identifies which appointment he or she has to attend currently, and goes
to the location where the service has to be performed, which usually is the customer location). When the staff
member starts to perform the service, he or she starts the appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form (3 in
the diagram above). The appointment is assigned the In Process status.
While the services are being performed, the staff member adds the information on services (such as statuses,
quantities, and extra stock items that were used) to the appointment on the Appointments form. When the services
are done, the staff member checks the details of the appointment. When everything is correct and complete, the
staff member completes the appointment (4), which gives it the Completed status.
When all appointments of a particular service order are completed, the system assigns the service order the
Completed status.

Processing Invoices
Further processing of the service order is performed by an accountant. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, the
accountant opens the completed appointment and verifies quantities and prices. When all information is verified
and the appointments are ready for invoicing, the accountant closes the appointments and the service order (5).
(The appointments and service order get the Closed status.)
The accountant generates a sales order document with the Open status by using the Run Appointment Billing
(FS500100) form (6 in the diagram above).
The accountant then prepares the invoice (7) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and processes and
releases the invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form (8).
Equipment Management Use Cases | 84

When the invoices related to the service order is released, the system automatically adds a component with the
Active status to the target equipment record on the Components and Warranties tab of the Equipment (FS205000)

Upgrading a Default Component of Model Equipment to Be Sold

In Acumatica ERP, while you are working with a sales order, service order, or appointment on the applicable form,
you can easily register the sale of model equipment and replacement of a default component in it.
For the use case considered in this topic, suppose that the customer has requested a model equipment entity and
a replacement of one of the default components of this equipment entity, along with installation services from
your company. A service manager of your company receives the request and enters it into Acumatica ERP. Further
processing is then performed by the scheduler, the assigned staff members, and the accountant who prepares
invoices for the customer and processes them in the system.
In this topic, you will read about the steps involved in processing the service order that includes the sale of model
equipment and the upgrade of its default component.

Applying the System Settings of the Use Case

In this example, settings are applied in the system as follows:
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the billing cycle assigned to the customer is configured to generate
billing documents and group them by appointment (that is, in the Summary area, the Appointments option
button is selected under both Run Billing For and Group Billing Documents By).
• For the service order type, on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the applicable
service order type is configured as follows:
• In the Billing Settings section, the option button to create sales orders (Sales Orders under Generated
Billing Documents) is selected.
• In the General Settings section, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed
check box is selected, so that service orders of the type are completed automatically when their
appointments are completed. Also, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Closed
check box is selected, meaning that service orders of the type are closed automatically when their
appointments are closed.
In the diagram below, you can see the entire process of selling a piece of model equipment and upgrading a default
component of model equipment within a service order.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 85

Figure: Selling model equipment and upgrading a default component within a service order

In the following sections, you will read about each step of the process.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 86

Entering an Order
When a service manager receives a customer request, he or she enters a service order by using the Service Orders
(FS300100) form (see 1 in the diagram above). In the service order, the service manager specifies the customer from
which the request has been received, the branch and branch location where the services are delivered, the services
that should be performed.
In addition, on the Inventory Item tab of this form, the service manager adds the model equipment entity and the
component to be sold as follows:
1. For the model equipment entity, the service manager selects Selling Model Equipment in the Equipment
Action column.
2. For the component, the service manager selects Upgrading Component in the Equipment Action column,
specifies the related model equipment in the Model Equipment Line Nbr. column, and selects the identifier
of the equipment component in the Component ID column.

Creating Appointments
Aer the service order has been created in the system, a scheduler of your company (that is, a person who
is responsible for planning the appointments) uses the Calendar Board (FS300300) form to schedule the
appointments (2 in the diagram above) that are needed to perform the services requested by the customer.
When the scheduler selects a staff member to attend an appointment, he or she takes into consideration the work
schedule of the staff member and filters the displayed staff members by the skills and licenses needed to perform
the service and the service area where the services are provided. The scheduler checks the information on each
appointment and enters additional information, such as the resource equipment used to perform the services and
the stock items purchased by the customer along with the service. (The system assigns the Not Started status to the
created appointments.)

Attending an Appointment
The staff member who is assigned to an appointment looks through his or her upcoming appointments on the
Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, identifies which appointment he or she has to attend currently, and goes
to the location where the service has to be performed, which usually is the customer location). When the staff
member starts to perform the service, he or she starts the appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form (3 in
the diagram above). The appointment is assigned the In Process status.
While the services are being performed, the staff member adds the information on services (such as statuses,
quantities, and extra stock items that were used) to the appointment on the Appointments form. When the services
are done, the staff member checks the details of the appointment. When everything is correct and complete, the
staff member completes the appointment (4), which gives it the Completed status.
When all appointments of a particular service order are completed, the system assigns the service order the
Completed status.

Processing Invoices
Further processing of the service order is performed by an accountant. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, the
accountant opens the completed appointment and verifies quantities and prices. When all information is verified
and the appointments are ready for invoicing, the accountant closes the appointments and the service order (5).
(The appointments and service order get the Closed status.)
The accountant generates a sales order document with the Open status by using the Run Appointment Billing
(FS500100) form (6 in the diagram above).
Equipment Management Use Cases | 87

The accountant then prepares the invoice (7) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and processes and
releases the invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form (8).
When the invoice related to the service order is released, the system adds a record for the new target equipment
entity with the Active status on the Equipment (FS205000) form, including a new component of the Active status on
the Components and Warranties tab.

Replacing Target Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, while you are working with a sales order, service order, or appointment on the applicable form,
you can easily register the replacement of an existing target equipment entity with a new entity.
For the use case considered in this topic, suppose that the customer has requested a new equipment entity to
replace an old one, along with replacement services from your company. A service manager of your company
receives the request and enters it into Acumatica ERP. Further processing is then performed by the scheduler, the
assigned staff members, and the accountant who prepares invoices for the customer and processes them in the
In this topic, you will read about the steps involved in processing the service order and replacing the target

Applying the System Settings of the Use Case

In this example, settings are applied in the system as follows:
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the billing cycle assigned to the customer is configured to generate
billing documents and group them by appointment (that is, in the Summary area, the Appointments option
button is selected under both Run Billing For and Group Billing Documents By).
• For the service order type, on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the applicable
service order type is configured as follows:
• In the Billing Settings section, the option button to create sales orders (Sales Orders under Generated
Billing Documents) is selected.
• In the General Settings section, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed
check box is selected, so that service orders of the type are completed automatically when their
appointments are completed. Also, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Closed
check box is selected, meaning that service orders of the type are closed automatically when their
appointments are closed.
In the diagram below, you can see the entire process of replacing target equipment within a service order.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 88
Equipment Management Use Cases | 89

In the following sections, you will read about each step of the process.

Entering an Order
When a service manager receives a customer request for replacement of target equipment, he or she enters a
service order by using the Service Orders (FS300100) form (see 1 in the diagram above). In the service order, the
service manager specifies the customer from which the request has been received, the branch and branch location
where the services are delivered, the services that should be performed.
In addition, on the Inventory Item tab of this form, the service manager adds a model equipment entity that
will replace the old target equipment entity. To specify that the replacement is being performed, for the model
equipment entity, the service manager selects Replacing Target Equipment in the Equipment Action column and
specifies the target equipment entity to be replaced in the Target Equipment ID column.

Creating Appointments
Aer the service order has been created in the system, a scheduler of your company (that is, a person who
is responsible for planning the appointments) uses the Calendar Board (FS300300) form to schedule the
appointments (2 in the diagram above) that are needed to perform the services requested by the customer.
When the scheduler selects a staff member to attend an appointment, he or she takes into consideration the work
schedule of the staff member and filters the displayed staff members by the skills and licenses needed to perform
the service and the service area where the services are provided. The scheduler checks the information on each
appointment and enters additional information, such as the resource equipment used to perform the services and
the stock items purchased by the customer along with the service. (The system assigns the Not Started status to the
created appointments.)

Attending an Appointment
The staff member who is assigned to an appointment looks through his or her upcoming appointments on the
Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, identifies which appointment he or she has to attend currently, and goes
to the location where the service has to be performed, which usually is the customer location). When the staff
member starts to perform the service, he or she starts the appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form (3 in
the diagram above). The appointment is assigned the In Process status.
While the services are being performed, the staff member adds the information on services (such as statuses,
quantities, and extra stock items that were used) to the appointment on the Appointments form. When the services
are done, the staff member checks the details of the appointment. When everything is correct and complete, the
staff member completes the appointment (4), which gives it the Completed status.
When all appointments of a particular service order are completed, the system assigns the service order the
Completed status.

Processing Invoices
Further processing of the service order is performed by an accountant. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, the
accountant opens the completed appointment and verifies quantities and prices. When all information is verified
and the appointments are ready for invoicing, the accountant closes the appointments and the service order (5).
(The appointments and service order get the Closed status.)
The accountant generates a sales order document with the Open status by using the Run Appointment Billing
(FS500100) form (6 in the diagram above).
The accountant then prepares the invoice (7) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and processes and
releases the invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form (8).
Equipment Management Use Cases | 90

When the invoice related to the service order is released, the system adds a record for the new target equipment
entity on the Equipment (FS205000) form and changes the status of replaced target equipment entity to Disposed on
the same form.

Replacing a Component of Target Equipment

In Acumatica ERP, while you are working with a sales order, service order, or appointment on the applicable form,
you can register the replacement of components of target equipment with new components.
For the use case considered in this topic, suppose that the customer has requested a new component to replace an
old one in the existing target equipment, along with replacement services from your company. A service manager
of your company receives the request and enters it into Acumatica ERP. Further processing is then performed
by the scheduler, the assigned staff members, and the accountant who prepares invoices for the customer and
processes them in the system.
In this topic, you will read about the steps involved in processing the service order and replacing the component.

Applying the System Settings of the Use Case

In this example, settings are applied in the system as follows:
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the billing cycle assigned to the customer is configured to generate
billing documents and group them by appointment (that is, in the Summary area, the Appointments option
button is selected under both Run Billing For and Group Billing Documents By).
• For the service order type, on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the applicable
service order type is configured as follows:
• In the Billing Settings section, the option button to create sales orders (Sales Orders under Generated
Billing Documents) is selected.
• In the General Settings section, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed
check box is selected, so that service orders of the type are completed automatically when their
appointments are completed. Also, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Closed
check box is selected, meaning that service orders of the type are closed automatically when their
appointments are closed.
In the diagram below, you can see the entire process of replacing a component of target equipment within a service
Equipment Management Use Cases | 91

Figure: Replacing a component of target equipment

Equipment Management Use Cases | 92

In the following sections, you will read about each step of the process.

Entering an Order
When a service manager receives a customer request for replacement of target equipment, he or she enters a
service order by using the Service Orders (FS300100) form (see 1 in the diagram above). In the service order, the
service manager specifies the customer from which the request has been received, the branch and branch location
where the services are delivered, the services that should be performed.
In addition, on the Inventory Item tab of this form, the service manager adds a component that will replace
the old component. To specify that the replacement is performed, for the new component, the service manager
selects Replacing Component in the Equipment Action column, specifies the target equipment entity in which the
component has to be replaced in the Target Equipment ID column, and specifies the component to be replaced in
the Component Ref. Nbr. column.

Creating Appointments
Aer the service order has been created in the system, a scheduler of your company (that is, a person who
is responsible for planning the appointments) uses the Calendar Board (FS300300) form to schedule the
appointments (2 in the diagram above) that are needed to perform the services requested by the customer.
When the scheduler selects a staff member to attend an appointment, he or she takes into consideration the work
schedule of the staff member and filters the displayed staff members by the skills and licenses needed to perform
the service and the service area where the services are provided. The scheduler checks the information on each
appointment and enters additional information, such as the resource equipment used to perform the services and
the stock items purchased by the customer along with the service. (The system assigns the Not Started status to the
created appointments.)

Attending an Appointment
The staff member who is assigned to an appointment looks through his or her upcoming appointments on the
Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, identifies which appointment he or she has to attend currently, and goes
to the location where the service has to be performed, which usually is the customer location). When the staff
member starts to perform the service, he or she starts the appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form (3 in
the diagram above). The appointment is assigned the In Process status.
While the services are being performed, the staff member adds the information on services (such as statuses,
quantities, and extra stock items that were used) to the appointment on the Appointments form. When the services
are done, the staff member checks the details of the appointment. When everything is correct and complete, the
staff member completes the appointment (4), which gives it the Completed status.
When all appointments of a particular service order are completed, the system assigns the service order the
Completed status.

Processing Invoices
Further processing of the service order is performed by an accountant. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, the
accountant opens the completed appointment and verifies quantities and prices. When all information is verified
and the appointments are ready for invoicing, the accountant closes the appointments and the service order (5).
(The appointments and service order get the Closed status.)
The accountant generates a sales order document with the Open status by using the Run Appointment Billing
(FS500100) form (6 in the diagram above).
The accountant then prepares the invoice (7) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and processes and
releases the invoice on the Invoices (SO303000) form (8).
Equipment Management Use Cases | 93

When the invoice related to the service order is released, the system modifies a record for the target equipment
entity on the Equipment (FS205000) form. That is, the system changes the status of replaced component to Disposed
and adds a record for a new component on the Components and Warranties tab.

Selling a Stock Item that Does Not Require Record in Equipment Management

In Acumatica ERP, while employees are working with a sales order, service order, or appointment on the applicable
form, they can reflect the sales of stock items without creating or modifying records in the equipment management
functional area.
For the use case to be considered in this topic, suppose that the customer has requested additional component of
a target equipment. Your company is not going to keep record of the sold component in the system. The request is
received and entered into Acumatica ERP by a service manager of your company. Further processing of a service
order is then performed by the scheduler, the assigned staff members, and the accountant who prepares invoices
for the customer and processes them in the system.
In this topic, you will read about the steps involved in the processing of the service order that includes the sale of
stock item that do not require recording in the system.

Applying the System Settings of the Use Case

In this example, settings are applied in the system as follows:
• On the Billing Cycles (FS206000) form, the billing cycle assigned to the customer is configured to generate
billing documents and group them by appointment (that is, in the Summary area, the Appointments option
button is selected under both Run Billing For and Group Billing Documents By).
• For the service order type, on the General tab of the Service Order Types (FS202300) form, the applicable
service order type is configured as follows:
• In the Billing Settings section, the option button to create sales orders (Sales Orders under Generated
Billing Documents) is selected.
• In the General Settings section, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Completed
check box is selected, so that service orders of the type are completed automatically when their
appointments are completed. Also, the Complete Service Order When Its Appointments Are Closed
check box is selected, meaning that service orders of the type are closed automatically when their
appointments are closed.
In the diagram below, you can see the entire process of replacing target equipment within a service order.
Equipment Management Use Cases | 94

Figure: Selling a stock item that do not require recording in Equipment Management
Equipment Management Use Cases | 95

In the following sections, you will read about each step of the process

Entering an Order
When a service manager receives a customer request, he or she enters a service order by using the Service Orders
(FS300100) form (see 1 in the diagram above). In the service order, the service manager specifies the customer from
which the request has been received, the branch and branch location where the services are delivered, and the
services that should be performed.
The service manager adds the stock item to be sold on the Details tab of this form and selects N/A in the
Equipment Action column.
In addition, the service manager adds the optional component to be sold on the Details tab. For the component,
the service manager selects N/A in the Equipment Action column, specifies the related target equipment in the
Target Equipment ID column, and selects the identifier of the equipment component in the Component ID

Creating Appointments
Aer the service order has been created in the system, a scheduler of your company (that is, a person who
is responsible for planning the appointments) uses the Calendar Board (FS300300) form to schedule the
appointments (2 in the diagram above) that are needed to perform the services requested by the customer.
When the scheduler selects a staff member to attend an appointment, he or she takes into consideration the work
schedule of the staff member and filters the displayed staff members by the skills and licenses needed to perform
the service and the service area where the services are provided. The scheduler checks the information on each
appointment and enters additional information, such as the resource equipment used to perform the services and
the stock items purchased by the customer along with the service. (The system assigns the Not Started status to the
created appointments.)

Attending an Appointment
The staff member who is assigned to an appointment looks through his or her upcoming appointments on the
Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) form, identifies which appointment he or she has to attend currently, and goes
to the location where the service has to be performed, which usually is the customer location). When the staff
member starts to perform the service, he or she starts the appointment on the Appointments (FS300200) form (3 in
the diagram above). The appointment is assigned the In Process status.
While the services are being performed, the staff member adds the information on services (such as statuses,
quantities, and extra stock items that were used) to the appointment on the Appointments form. When the services
are done, the staff member checks the details of the appointment. When everything is correct and complete, the
staff member completes the appointment (4), which gives it the Completed status.
When all appointments of a particular service order are completed, the system assigns the service order the
Completed status.

Processing Invoices
Further processing of the service order is performed by an accountant. On the Appointments (FS300200) form, the
accountant opens the completed appointment and verifies quantities and prices. When all information is verified
and the appointments are ready for invoicing, the accountant closes the appointments and the service order (5).
(The appointments and service order get the Closed status.)
The accountant generates a sales order document with the Open status by using the Run Appointment Billing
(FS500100) form (6 in the diagram above).
The accountant then prepares the invoice (7) by using the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, and processes and
releases it on the Invoices (SO303000) form (8).
Equipment Management Use Cases | 96

When the invoice related to the service order is released, the system does not add any records on the Equipment
(FS205000) form.
Appendix | 97

The appendix provides some reference information relevant for this document. The additional information in this
section is a useful source for readers who need some reference material that is related to system forms and tables,
as well as running reports.
In this section:
• Reports
• Form Toolbar
• Table Toolbar
• Glossary


In addition to offering a comprehensive collection of reports, Acumatica ERP gives you a high degree of control over
each report.
On a typical report form, described in Report Form, you can adjust the report settings to meet your specific
informational needs. You can specify sorting and filtering options and select the data by using report-specific
settings—such as financial period, ledger, and account—and configure additional processing settings for each
report. The settings can be saved as a report template for later use. For details, see To Run a Report and To Create a
Report Template.

Aer you run a report, the prepared report appears on your screen. You can print the report, export the report to a
file, or send the report by email.
This chapter describes a typical report form and the main tasks related to using reports.

In This Chapter
• Report Form
• To Run a Report
• To Modify a Filter on a Report Form
• To Create a Report Template

Report Form

Before you run a report, you set a variety of parameters on the report form. You can select a template or manually
make selections that affect the information collected. Also, you can specify appropriate settings to print or email
the finished report.
The following screenshot shows a typical report form.
Appendix | 98

Figure: Parameters View of Report Form

1. Report Form Toolbar

2. Template Area
3. Details Area

Report Form Toolbar

The following table lists the buttons of the report form toolbar when you are configuring a report.

Button Description

Cancel Clears any changes you have made and restores default settings.

Run Report Initiates data collection for the report and displays the generated report.

Save Template Gives you the ability to save the currently selected report as a template with all the select-
ed settings.

Remove Tem- Removes the previously saved template.

This button is available only when you select a template.

Schedule Tem- Opens the Select Schedule Name Dialog Box dialog box, which you can use to schedule re-
plate port processing.
This button is available only when you select a template.

Table: Select Schedule Name Dialog Box

Element Description

Schedule The schedule for report processing. Select an existing schedule, or leave the box blank
and click OK to open the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form to create a new sched-
ule for running the report. For more information on scheduling, see Automated Process-
ing: General Information in the Acumatica ERP System Administration Guide.
Appendix | 99

Element Description

Merge Reports A check box that indicates (if selected) that this report will be merged with the other re-
ports selected for merging into one net report when processed.

You can check the reports that will be merged when processed on the Send
Reports (SM205060) form.

Merging Order The number of the report in the net report.

Report Toolbar
The following table lists the buttons of the toolbar aer you run the configured report.

Buttons Icon Description

Parameters   Navigates back to the report form to let you change the report parameters.

Refresh   Refreshes the information displayed in the report (if any data changes were made).

Groups   Adds to the report a le pane where the report structure is shown. Click a report node
to highlight the pertinent data in the right pane.

View PDF / Displays the report as a PDF, or displays the report in HTML format. The available but-
View HTML ton depends on the current report view; if you're viewing a PDF, for instance, you will
see the View HTML button.

First   Displays the first page of the report.

Previous   Displays the previous page.

Next   Displays the next page.

Last   Displays the last page of the report.

Print   Opens the browser dialog box so you can print the report.
Appendix | 100

Buttons Icon Description

Send   Opens the Email Activity dialog box, which you use to send the report file (in the cho-
sen format) to the specified email address.

Export   Enables you to export the data in the chosen format (Excel or PDF).

Template Area
Use the elements in this area to select an existing template and then use the template, share it with other users, or
use it as your default report settings.
The Template area elements, which are available for all reports, are described in the following table.

Table: Template Area Elements

Element Description

Template The template to be used for the report. If any templates were created and saved, you can
select a template to use its settings for the report.

Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected template is marked as the default
one for you. A default template cannot be shared.

Shared A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected template is shared with other
users. A shared template cannot be marked as the default.

Locale A locale that you select to indicate to the system that the report should be prepared with
the data translated to the language associated with this locale. This box is displayed if
there are multiple active locales in the system. For details, see Locales and Languages.

Report Parameters Tab

The Report Parameters tab includes sections where you can specify the contents of the report depending on the
current report and vary in the following regards:
• How many elements and which elements are available on a particular report
• Whether elements contain default values
• Whether specific elements require values to be selected
• Whether elements may be le blank to let you display a broader range of data

Additional Sort and Filters Tab

The Additional Sort and Filter tab contains additional sorting and filtering conditions:
• Additional sorting conditions: Defines the sorting order. You can add a line, select one of the report-
specific properties, and select the Descending or Ascending sort order for the column.
• Additional filtering conditions: Defines the report filter. You can add a line, select one of the report-
specific properties, and define a condition and its value. The list of conditions include one-operand and
two-operand conditions. To create a more complicated logical expression, you can use brackets and logical
operations between brackets. For more information on creating filters, see Managing Advanced Filters. For
detailed procedures on using ad hoc filters, see Working with Reports: Process Activity.
Appendix | 101

Print and Email Settings Tab

If you plan to print the report or save the report as a PDF, select the appropriate settings in the Print Settings area.

Table: Print Settings Section

Element Description

Deleted Records Selects the visibility of the data deleted from the database.

Print All Pages Causes all pages of the report to be printed.

Print in PDF format Displays the report in PDF format.

Compress PDF file Indicates that the system will generate a compressed PDF.

Embed fonts in PDF file Indicates that the system will generate the PDF with fonts embedded.

If you plan to send the report as an email, in the Email Settings area, specify the format in which the report will be
sent, as well as the email subject, the recipients of copies of the report, and the email account of the recipient.

Table: Email Settings Section

Field Description

Format The format (HTML, PDF, or Excel) in which the report will be emailed.

Merge function for reports in Excel format is not supported. If you want to
merge a report with other reports and send an aggregated report by email,
you should select either the HTML or PDF format for the report.

Email Account The email address of the recipient.

CC An additional addressee to receive a carbon copy (CC) of the email.

BCC The email address of a person to receive a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the email; an address
entered in this box will be hidden from other recipients.

Subject The subject of the email.

Report Versions Tab

If the report has multiple versions, you can select one of them.
This tab displays the data only to users assigned with report designer user role.
Report versions are designed in the Report Designer. To activate editing report versions, give the user report
designer role.

Table: Report Versions Tab Toolbar

Button Description

Refresh Refreshes the list of report versions.

Appendix | 102

Button Description

Select Temporarily activates the selected report version.

Related Links
• To Run a Report
• To Create a Report Template
• Types of Filters
• Automation Schedule Statuses


Once you click Run Report, the prepared report appears on your screen. You can print the report, export the report
to a file, or send the report by email.
The prepared report is displayed in the report view of the report form. For more information about setting up the
report parameters and the parameters view of the report form, see Report Form.

Report Toolbar
The following table lists report toolbar buttons.

Buttons Icon Description

Parameters   Navigates back to the report form to let you change the report parameters.

Refresh   Refreshes the information displayed in the report (if any data changes were made).

Groups   Adds to the report a le pane where the report structure is shown. Click a report node
to highlight the pertinent data in the right pane.

View PDF / Displays the report as a PDF, or displays the report in HTML format. The available but-
View HTML ton depends on the current report view; if you're viewing a PDF, for instance, you will
see the View HTML button.

First   Displays the first page of the report.

Previous   Displays the previous page.

Appendix | 103

Buttons Icon Description

Next   Displays the next page.

Last   Displays the last page of the report.

Print   Opens the browser dialog box so you can print the report.

Send   Opens the Email Activity dialog box, which you use to send the report file (in the cho-
sen format) to the specified email address.

Export   Enables you to export the data in the chosen format (Excel or PDF).

Related Links
• Filters
• Report

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar, available on most forms, is located near the top of the form, under the form title (and subtitle, if
the form has one), as shown in the following screenshot.
The form toolbar includes the following:
• Standard buttons (see Item 1 in the following screenshot), with the particular set of buttons depending on
the specific form
• On some forms, form-specific buttons (Item 2)
• On some form, the More button (Item 3); clicking this button opens the More menu (Item 4), which contains
additional form-specific commands

Figure: The form toolbar and the More menu

Appendix | 104

You use the standard buttons on the form toolbar to navigate through entities that were created by using the
current form, insert or delete an entity, use the clipboard, save the data you have entered, or cancel your work on
the form.
A form toolbar on a particular form may include form-specific buttons in addition to standard buttons; it may also
(or instead) include commands on the More menu. These form-specific buttons and commands provide navigation
to related forms, invoke specific actions, and perform modifications or processing related to the functionality of the

Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

The following table lists the standard buttons of the form toolbar. A form toolbar may include some or all of these

Table: Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Discard Changes   Discards any unsaved changes made to the entity, and navigates to the list of
and Close records that is related to the current form.

If the system opened the current form in a pop-up window (from

a different form), this button is not displayed. To return to the
original form, click Close.

Save & Close   Saves the changes made to the entity, and navigates to the list of records that
is related to the current form.

Save   Saves the changes made to the entity.

Cancel   Depending on the context, does one of the following:

• Discards any unsaved changes you have made to entities and retrieves the
last saved version.
• Clears all changes and restores the default settings.

Add New Record   Clears any values you've specified on the form, restores any default values,
and initiates the creation of a new entity.

Delete   Deletes the currently selected entity, clears any values you have specified on
the form, and populates elements with the default values that the system in-
serts when a new entity is created.

You can delete an entity only if it is not linked with another enti-
Appendix | 105

Button Icon Description

Clipboard   Provides menu commands you can use to do the following:

• Copy: Copy the selected entity to the clipboard.
• Paste: Paste an entity or template from the clipboard.
• Save as Template: Create a template based on the selected entity.
• Import from XML: Import an entity or a template from an .xml file.
• Export to XML: Export the selected entity to an .xml file.
For more information on templates and copy-and-paste operations in
Acumatica ERP, see Using Forms. For more information on importing and ex-
porting .xml files, see Importing and Exporting Data to Excel and XML in the
Acumatica ERP User Guide.

Go to First Record   Displays the first entity (in the list of entities of the specific type) and its de-

Go to Previous   Displays the previous entity and its details.


Go to Next Record   Displays the next entity and its details.

Go to Last Record   Displays the last entity (in the list of entities of the specific type) and its de-

View Schedule   Gives you the ability to schedule the processing. For more information, see
Automated Processing: General Information.

Inquiry Form Toolbar Buttons

Acumatica ERP inquiry forms present data in a tabular format; they may also have selection criteria you can use
to filter the data in the table. Predefined inquiry forms are provided as part of Acumatica ERP out of the box, and
inquiry forms can be designed by a user with the appropriate access rights by using the Generic Inquiry tool (for
details, see Managing Generic Inquiries in the Acumatica ERP Reporting Tools Guide). A form toolbar of an inquiry
form contains both the standard form toolbar buttons (described in the table above) and the additional buttons
described below.

Button Icon Description

Refresh   Refreshes the inquiry data in the table.

Cancel   Clears all changes (including selection criteria that has been specified, if the
generic inquiry form has this criteria) and restores the default settings.
Appendix | 106

Button Icon Description

Add New Record   Initiates the creation of a new entity.

Edit   Opens the applicable data entry form with the selected record.

Fit to Screen   Expands the form to fit on the screen and adjusts the column widths propor-

Export to Excel   Exports the data to an Excel file. For more information, see Integration with Ex-
cel in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.

Filter Settings   Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to define a new filter.
After the filter has been created and saved, the corresponding tab appears on
the table. For more information about filtering, see Filters.

The More Menu and Form-Specific Buttons

If there are multiple form-specific commands on the form toolbar, they are displayed on a single menu—the More
menu—and listed under descriptive categories, which makes it easier to find the needed menu command. On the
More menu, you can easily define your favorite menu commands, which eases access to them.
On some forms, the system places a button (which is highlighted in green) on the form toolbar for the expected next
command, which represents the likely next step to be performed on the selected record. The following screenshot,
which shows the Cash Transactions (CA304000) form, illustrates an example of the form toolbar and the More menu,
which contains categories and menu commands.

Figure: The form toolbar of the Transactions form

The numbered items in the screenshot indicate the following:

1. A highlighted button for the expected next command, which represents the next logical step to be
performed on the record selected on the form
2. Another button for a command that is commonly performed on the form
3. The More button, which you click to open the More menu
Appendix | 107

4. The More menu with most form-specific menu commands and descriptive categories on it
5. The star icon, which is used to mark the individual user's favorite commands on the form
6. An unavailable command

Favorite Commands
Based on your role in the company and your job duties, you may use some commands more oen than others.
On the form toolbar, you can specify these commands as favorites. This will cause the system to duplicate the
commands as form toolbar buttons, easing access to them.
To add a command to the form toolbar as a button, you open the More menu, hover over the needed command,
and click the star icon when it appears. The yellow color of the star indicates that the command has been added
to your favorites, and a button for the command appears on the form toolbar immediately. The following example
shows two commands that have been added to the user's favorites on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form
and thus added as buttons on the form toolbar.

Figure: Favorite commands on the More menu and the corresponding toolbar buttons

Favorites are individual to each user account, specific to a particular form, and preserved across user sessions.

Highlighted Buttons and Commands

On some forms, the system applies predefined logic to commands for specific records. Based on this logic, the
system may place a button on the form toolbar, highlight it using some color, or do both of these things.
If a command is the expected next command (that is, the command that is most likely to be clicked for a record
with the current status), it is shown both on the form toolbar and on the More menu. The primary command on the
form toolbar is highlighted in green (see Item 1 in the following screenshot), and on the More menu, it is marked
with a green dot (Item 2). Below is an example of a cash transaction on the Cash Transactions (CA304000) form that
has the On Hold status (Item 3). Before you can process it, you need to remove it from hold. Because Remove Hold
is the next logical command, it is displayed as a button on the form toolbar and highlighted in green.
Appendix | 108

Figure: The highlighted command and the corresponding status

Unavailable Commands on the More Menu

By default, on the More menu, the system displays all commands that could be available for the form, based on the
system configuration. Some of these commands may be unavailable (that is, they are listed but cannot be clicked).
These are the commands that are not applicable to the record based on its current status or other factors.

The Responsive Form Toolbar and More Menu

The form toolbar and the More menu have a responsive layout, meaning that they dynamically adjust to different
screen sizes. When there is enough space, buttons for highlighted and favorite commands are displayed on the
form toolbar. When the screen size decreases, the system moves the commands off the form toolbar one by one but
keeps them on the More menu.
If there are multiple categories on the More menu, the categories and menu commands can be displayed in
multiple columns on the More menu, depending on the screen size and the number of categories. When the
screen size decreases, the system moves some categories and menu commands to the le to decrease the number
of columns, and in the screens of the smallest size, all categories are displayed in one column. Below are two
examples of the same menu in different screen sizes for a record on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
Appendix | 109

Figure: The form toolbar and More menu on a wide screen

Figure: The form toolbar and More menu on a narrow screen

Appendix | 110

Related Links
• Integration with Excel
• To Copy a Document Contents to a New Document
• To Create a Document with a Template

Table Toolbar

Each table on an Acumatica ERP form, tab, dialog box, or page has a table toolbar, which contains the buttons
you can use to work with the details or objects of the table. A toolbar, shown in the following screenshot, includes
buttons that are specific to the table, standard buttons that most table toolbars have, and the search box (for some
tables; for others, the search box is displayed in the filtering area).

Figure: Table toolbar

Standard Table Toolbar Buttons

The following table describes the standard table toolbar buttons. A table toolbar may include some or all of those
buttons. If a table toolbar includes table-specific buttons, they are described in the reference help topic.

Button Icon Description

Refresh   Refreshes the data in the table.

Switch Between   Controls how the elements are displayed: in a table (grid) with rows and columns;
Grid and Form or as separately arranged elements for one table row, with navigation tools you use
to move between row data.

Add Row   Appends a new row to the table so you can define a new detail or object. The new
row may contain some default values.

Delete Row   Deletes the selected row.

Appendix | 111

Button Icon Description

Move Row Up   Moves the selected row one position up.

Move Row Down   Moves the selected row one position down.

Fit to Screen   Adjusts the table to the screen width and makes the column width proportional.

Export to Excel   Exports the data in the table to an Excel file. For more information, see Integration
with Excel in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.

Filter Settings   Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to define a new advanced
filter. After you create and save the filter, the corresponding tab appears on the ta-
For more information about filtering, see Filters. For details on the Filter Settings
dialog box, see Filter Settings Dialog Box.

Load Records   Opens the File Upload dialog box, described in detail below, so you can locate and
from File upload a local file for import. You can use this option to import data from an Excel
spreadsheet (.xlsx) or .csv file. For the detailed procedure, see To Import Data
from a Local File to a Table.

Search   A box in which you can type a word, part of a word, or multiple words. As you type,
the system filters the contents of the table to display only rows that contain the
string you have typed in any column.

Download   Downloads the selected file.

File Upload Dialog Box

With the File Upload dialog box, you select a file of one of the supported formats (.csv or .xlsx) to import data
from the file.

Element Description

File Path The path to the file you want to upload.

To select the file, click Browse, and then find and select the file you want to upload.

The dialog box has the following button.

Upload Closes the dialog box and opens the Common Settings dialog box, where you specify the
import settings.
Appendix | 112

Common Settings Dialog Box

In the Common Settings dialog box, which opens if you click Upload in the File Upload dialog box, you specify the
import settings for a file that you has selected in the File Upload dialog box.

Element Description

Separator Chars The character that is used as the separator in the imported file.
By default, the comma is used as the separator. You specify the separator character if the
imported file uses any other separator.
This box appears only if you import data from a .csv file.

Null Value Optional. The value that is used to mark an empty column in the imported file. You speci-
fy the null value if the value in the imported file differs from the empty string.

Encoding The encoding that is used in the imported file.

This box appears only if you import data from a .csv file.

Culture The regional format that has been used to display the time, currency, and other measure-
ments in the imported file.

Mode The mode defining which rows of the uploaded file will be imported into the table. The
following options are available:
• Update Existing: The rows already present in the table will be updated, and the rows
not present in the table will be added.
• Bypass Existing: Only the new rows that are not present in the table will be imported.
The rows that are already present in the table will not be updated.
• Insert All Records: All the rows from the file will be imported into the table.

If you select this option, you may get duplicated rows because the sys-
tem won't check for duplicates when importing rows from the file.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

OK Closes the dialog box and opens the Columns dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Columns Dialog Box

In the Columns dialog box, which opens if you click OK in the Common Settings dialog box, you match the
columns in the imported file that you have selected in the File Upload dialog box to the columns in the Acumatica
ERP table to which you are importing data.

Element Description

Column Name The name of the column in the uploaded file.

Property Name The name of the corresponding column in the table in Acumatica ERP.
Appendix | 113

Element Description

The dialog box has the following buttons.

OK Closes the dialog box and imports the selected file.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Related Links
• Tables
• Integration with Excel
• To Import Data from a Local File to a Table

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