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End-User Guide

Interface Guide
2022 R2
Contents | 2

Acumatica ERP Interface Guide................................................................................................................6
Acumatica ERP User Interface................................................................................................................. 7
Basic Elements of the User Interface................................................................................................................7
Search............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Recently Viewed...............................................................................................................................................14
Company and Branch Selection Menu........................................................................................................... 16
Info Area........................................................................................................................................................... 18
Built-In Infotips................................................................................................................................................ 25
Main Menu........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Menu Editing Mode..........................................................................................................................................29
Workspaces...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Categories and Workspaces for Entities of Specific Forms.................................................................. 38
Welcome to Acumatica Page in Acumatica ERP............................................................................................ 40
Forms.................................................................................................................................................. 43
Parts of a Form.................................................................................................................................................43
Form Title Bar.................................................................................................................................................. 44
Form Toolbar....................................................................................................................................................51
Page Toolbar.................................................................................................................................................... 57
Formatting Toolbar..........................................................................................................................................61
Form Elements................................................................................................................................................. 69
Date Boxes...............................................................................................................................................70
Calendar Dialog Box............................................................................................................................... 70
Lookup Boxes..........................................................................................................................................71
Currency Boxes....................................................................................................................................... 73
Translations Dialog Box..........................................................................................................................73
Reminder Dialog Box..............................................................................................................................75
Using Forms..................................................................................................................................................... 76
To Open a Form by Using Acumatica ERP Navigation Options............................................................78
To Search for a Form.............................................................................................................................. 78
To Attach a File to a Record................................................................................................................... 78
To Attach a Note to a Record................................................................................................................. 79
To Attach a Pop-Up Note to a Record....................................................................................................79
Contents | 3

To Copy a Document Contents to a New Document............................................................................80

To Create a Document with a Template................................................................................................80
To Scan a File and Attach It to a Record............................................................................................... 81
Side Panels of Generic Inquiry Forms............................................................................................................ 81
Processing Pop-Up Window............................................................................................................................ 83
Tables.................................................................................................................................................. 87
Table Rows and Columns................................................................................................................................ 87
Table Toolbar................................................................................................................................................... 89
Table Footer..................................................................................................................................................... 93
Filtering Area.................................................................................................................................................... 94
Adjusting Table Layout.................................................................................................................................... 96
Default Table Layout and Accessibility..................................................................................................97
To Change the Default Configuration of a Table...................................................................................99
To Share a Column Configuration....................................................................................................... 100
To Hide or Display Table Columns.......................................................................................................100
To Adjust Column Widths.....................................................................................................................101
To Change the Order of Columns........................................................................................................ 102
Using Tables................................................................................................................................................... 103
To Filter the Data in a Table.................................................................................................................104
To Attach a File to a Record Detail.......................................................................................................105
To Attach a Note to a Record Detail.....................................................................................................106
To Import Data from a Local File to a Table........................................................................................106
To Scan a File and Attach It to a Record Detail................................................................................... 108
Calendar Boards and Maps.................................................................................................................. 109
Parts of a Calendar Board............................................................................................................................. 109
Service Order and Unassigned Appointments Pane....................................................................................110
Calendar Dashboards.................................................................................................................................... 112
Appointments on the Calendar Boards...............................................................................................117
Parts of a Map................................................................................................................................................ 120
Calendar and Map Elements......................................................................................................................... 123
Calendar Dialog Box............................................................................................................................. 123
Calendar Board and Map Tables..........................................................................................................124
Hide Button...........................................................................................................................................130
To Select a Date on a Calendar Board or Map by Using the Calendar Dialog Box.............................132
To Hide or Display Columns in a Table of a Calendar Board or Map................................................. 132
To Sort Table Rows Based on a Column............................................................................................. 133
Contents | 4

Color Picker Dialog Box................................................................................................................................. 133

Reports.............................................................................................................................................. 135
Report Form................................................................................................................................................... 135
The Company/Branch Box on Report Forms............................................................................................... 139
To Run a Report............................................................................................................................................. 140
To Configure a Filter on a Report Form........................................................................................................141
To Modify a Filter on a Report Form.............................................................................................................142
To Create a Report Template........................................................................................................................ 142
Searching in Acumatica ERP......................................................................................................................... 146
Search Form................................................................................................................................................... 147
To Start a Search............................................................................................................................................148
Filters................................................................................................................................................ 149
Types of Filters...............................................................................................................................................149
Saving of Filters for Future Use.....................................................................................................................153
To Save a Filter for Future Use.............................................................................................................154
To Modify Active Clauses for an Advanced Filter................................................................................ 155
To Modify a Saved Filter.......................................................................................................................156
To Share a Filter....................................................................................................................................156
To Delete a Filter...................................................................................................................................157
Examples of Advanced and Ad Hoc Filters................................................................................................... 157
Shortcut Keys..................................................................................................................................... 159
Glossary............................................................................................................................................. 163
Copyright | 5


© 2022 Acumatica, Inc.


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Soware Version: 2022 R2

Last Updated: 01/30/2023
Acumatica ERP Interface Guide | 6

Acumatica ERP Interface Guide

This guide provides an overview of the user interface and navigation options of the Acumatica ERP website,
and explains the ways users can personalize their working environment. Although Acumatica ERP webpages
have an intuitive point-and-click interface, you might require more information about certain elements of the
interface. Knowledge of the Acumatica ERP interface and navigation basics will help you perform various tasks
more efficiently.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 7

Acumatica ERP User Interface

In the user interface of Acumatica ERP, elements provide you with enhanced visualization and flexibility in
configuring the navigation items. The user interface makes your work in the system convenient and easy, and you
can configure it to better fit your working tasks.
This chapter describes the elements of the user interface.

In This Chapter
• Basic Elements of the User Interface
• Search
• Recently Viewed
• Company and Branch Selection Menu
• Info Area
• Help
• Main Menu
• Menu Editing Mode
• Workspaces
• Welcome to Acumatica Page in Acumatica ERP

Basic Elements of the User Interface

Every Acumatica ERP screen includes basic elements that users use for navigating the system, viewing and
managing data, and performing other basic functions. The following screenshot shows a typical Acumatica ERP
screen in the user interface with the basic elements that appear on it.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 8

Figure: Basic elements of the user interface

1. Home button
2. Search box
3. Recently Viewed button
4. Company and Branch Selection menu
5. Info area
6. Main menu (displayed as a panel)
7. Working area

Home Button
When you click the Home button, which has the Acumatica logo on it and is located in the top le corner of the top
pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, you are forwarded to the home page of your instance. You can specify a custom
home page that will be opened instead of the default home page. For details, see Managing Your Basic Working
Environment: Process Activity.

The Home button is displayed on the top pane only if the main menu panel is shown on the le side of the screen. If
the main menu is minimized, you see the Menu button instead of the Home button.

Search Box
By using the Search box on the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, you can search for a text string in menu
items, form titles, help topics, files, notes, and entities that have been created using system forms, such as vendors,
customers, prospects, employees, leads, and cases. Additionally, you can search for a form by its title and by its ID.
For details, see Search.

If a link to a form, report, or dashboard has not been added to any workspace, you cannot find this
form or report by using the Search box in the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 9

Recently Viewed Button

By using the Recently Viewed button, you can easily navigate to the records you have recently used (or viewed) if
you need to work with them again. The system stores up to 500 records that have been viewed. When you click the
Recently Viewed button, the system displays a workspace with the following lists: Record Types, Records, Favorite
Records. For details, see Recently Viewed.

Company and Branch Selection Menu

You can switch between companies and branches by clicking the Company and Branch Selection menu on the top
pane of the Acumatica ERP screen. When you click the Company and Branch Selection menu, you can view the list
of companies and their branches that you have access to. To switch to a particular company or branch, you click
the name of the company or branch. If you have more companies and branches than the system can display, you
can use the search box that is also a part of the Company and Branch Selection menu. For more information, see
Company and Branch Selection Menu.

Info Area
The info area, in the upper-right corner of the top pane of the Acumatica ERP screen, contains the menus and
buttons that you can use to sign out from the system, change the settings of your account, and change the business
date. For more information, see Info Area.

Main Menu
The main menu in Acumatica ERP contains the links to your favorites and workspaces (menus with links to forms
and reports). By default, the main menu is a panel located on the le side of the Acumatica ERP screen. You can
minimize the menu so that it is displayed as a button in the top le corner of the screen (instead of the Home
button). For details, see Main Menu.
When you click a workspace item on the main menu, the workspace menu opens. This menu contains the forms
and reports dedicated to a particular functional area. For details, see Workspaces.

Working Area
The working area, which is the large area on the right side of the screen, may display any of the following:
• Form: Acumatica ERP has forms of multiple types. For more information, see Forms.
• Report: A report is a type of a form specifically designed to organize data in a presentable format, as
described in Reports.
• Dashboard: A dashboard is a collection of widgets, displayed on a single page, that give you needed
information at a glance. For more information, see Designing Dashboard Contents.

Work with Acumatica ERP on Mobile Devices

If you use Acumatica ERP in a browser of a mobile device, the main menu becomes minimized. In the minimized
menu, you can see the icons and the titles of the links to workspaces. To open a workspace, you tap the needed link
on the main menu. On the workspace, you can open any entity provided there by doing one of the following:
• To open a form in the same window, tap the link.
• To open a form with the main menu and header available in a new tab, long-press the link and select Open
in new tab.
• To open only a form with no main menu or header available in a new tab, long-press the link and select
Open in new window.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 10

For maximum usability of the system on a mobile device, we recommend that you use the Acumatica
mobile app.

Related Links
• Info Area
• Search
• Main Menu
• Workspaces
• Forms
• Reports


Searching in Acumatica ERP gives you the ability to quickly open a form (or a record on a form), find a file, find
a help topic, or find a record in a recently viewed list of records. This topic contains information on performing
searches in the user interface of Acumatica ERP.

Search Workspace
To begin a search, you type a text string in the Search box. (You can use the Ctrl+Q keyboard shortcut to place the
cursor in the Search box.) The system opens the Search workspace in the working area, on top of the page (such
as a dashboard or a form) that was opened when you started your search. The workspace is shown in the following

Figure: Search workspace

1. Search filter tabs

2. Search results

You can look through the search results on the Search workspace and go back to the page you had opened before
you performed the search. For example, you can start to enter data on some Acumatica ERP form, search for some
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 11

information, and then go back to the form and continue to enter data because your previous changes have been

Search Filter Tabs

By default, the search in Acumatica ERP is performed in form and report names. You can switch to one of the search
filter tabs to change the scope of the search. The following tabs are available:
• Menu Items: On this tab, you can scan for specific forms or reports by name or ID.
• Transactions and Profiles: On this tab, you can look for specific system records, such as customers,
vendors, prospects, employee accounts, and notes attached to records.
• Help Topics: This tab lists search results in all guides and help topics. When you click a link to a Help topic,
the topic is opened in a separate tab of a browser. If you want to open the Help topic over the working area,
you should press Ctrl and click the link.
• Files: On this tab, you can view files attached to system records.
When you type a text string in the Search box and switch between the search filter tabs, your text string is
preserved, and search results are automatically displayed for this text string.

Search in the List of Recently Viewed Records

When you open the Recently Viewed workspace, you might see an enormous number of records, because the
system keeps up to 500 of the most recently viewed records in the Recently Viewed workspace. If you know
the key information about the record you are searching for—, like the name or the number of a record, or any
information from the record description—you can search for this record by using the standard Acumatica ERP
search functionality. If you perform this search when the Recently Viewed workspace is open, the search is
performed only among the records on this workspace. If this workspace is closed, then the system runs the system-
wide search and displays all records that correspond to the user search request.

Figure: Search in the list of the recently viewed records

Search Results
In Acumatica ERP, an intelligent search is implemented. The system performs a flexible search, considering all
possible forms of the text string that you have entered in the Search box, and then lists the search results from the
most relevant to the least relevant. For more information about turning on semantic search, see Enabling Semantic
Search for Microsoft SQL Server in the Acumatica ERP Installation Guide.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 12

If you have searched by entering the name of an Acumatica ERP entry form that has a substitute form,
the form name with a link to the substitute form (rather than the entry form) is displayed in the search
results, but the entry form is not. When you use the form ID to search for the entry form, the system
does not display a link to this entry form in the search results. You can open the entry form by using
the substitute form.

The system narrows the search results based on the access rights of the user who performs the search. If you don't
have permissive access rights to particular data (such as vendor accounts), these objects do not appear in the
search results, even though they match the search criteria. Your access rights to file attachments are determined by
your rights to the entities to which the files are attached.
If you are using an Acumatica ERP tenant with demo data you need to build search indexes to accelerate
searching in the system. For a procedure, see Search Indexes: General Information in the Acumatica ERP System
Administration Guide.

Search Tips
Keep the following tips in mind when you use the search capabilities in Acumatica ERP:
• To search for all possible forms of a particular word or phrase, you type it as is without any additional
characters. For example, if you type invoice in the Search box, the system displays all strings that contain
invoice, invoices, and invoiced.
• To search for an exact match of a particular word or phrase, you enclose it in quotation marks. For example,
if you type “Western Star Trucks” in the Search box, the system returns only the customer with this exact
• To search for a particular string everywhere in the system (in form names, help topics, system entities, and
files), you type the string in the Search box and then switch to each of the filtering tabs.

Usage of Online Help System in Search

The built-in Help is provided with the Acumatica ERP instance. Topics in the built-in Help are relevant to the version
of the Acumatica ERP instance in use and are not updated until the instance is updated.
Unlike built-in Help topics, online Help topics are regularly updated to the latest version of Acumatica ERP,
and online Help contains the newest topics. The search functionality in online Help also takes into account the
relevance of topics to the search term. If the system has been configured to use the online Help functionality, users
can get the most relevant search results from the Online Help Portal, which is the open source of Help topics.
By default, the online Help search functionality is not turned on. To turn it on, you select the Use Online Help
System check box on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form.

Currently, the online Help functionality is available for only Acumatica ERP instances in a public

When the Use Online Help System check box is selected on the Site Preferences (SM200505) form, the search
results for the Help topics are displayed as shown in the following screenshots.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 13

Figure: Interface of the Help Topics tab of the search results

Figure: The Open in new tab button

1. Topic preview box: This box displays a preview of the topic that the system has determined is the most
2. The Show Full Version button: The user can click this button at the bottom of the preview box to open the
whole topic in a preview box. If the user clicks the Show Full Version button, the preview box is enlarged
and the Open this article at Help Portal button appears, as shown in the second screenshot above.
3. Feedback section: The user can leave feedback by selecting Yes or No right of Was this helpful? in the
preview box of the topic.
4. Other topics: The system displays the other topics that are relevant to the search string.
5. The Open in new tab button: This button (shown in the second screenshot above) appears only if the user
has clicked the Show Full Version button in the preview box or the topic itself was short. When the user
clicks this button, the system navigates to the full version of the topic, opening the online Help in a new
browser tab.

Related Links
• Enabling Semantic Search for Microsoft SQL Server
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 14

Recently Viewed

In fast-growing companies, it is important to organize employees' work so that all the needed information is at
hand. This makes the work processes run smoothly and quickly. In Acumatica ERP, you can easily access the
recently viewed records because the system stores the records you have recently accessed.
The recently viewed functionality is specific to each individual user. The system keeps the last 500 records you have
interacted with and displays them in the Recently Viewed workspace, which appears when you click the Recently
Viewed button. The system stores only those records that have been created and opened on data entry forms. The
frequently viewed records are placed at the top of the list so that you can have easy access to them.

The Recently Viewed Button

To open the workspace showing your recently viewed records, you click the Recently Viewed button, which is
located right of the Search box, as shown in the following screenshot. Each time you click the button, the system
uses the data it has collected and refreshes the workspace to show the most recently used records.

Figure: The location of the Recently Viewed button

Clicking the button opens the Recently Viewed workspace (see the following screenshot), which is placed over the
working area of the screen.

Figure: The Recently Viewed workspace

This workspace includes the following lists:

• Record Types: This list can be used to filter records by their type. By default, the system displays all records
(the All record type). If needed, a user can select another record type to view records of only the selected
type in the Records and Favorite Records lists. Record types are predefined, and the system adds the
appropriate record types to the Recently Viewed workspace automatically each time a user opens the
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 15

• Records: This list displays the last 500 records the user has interacted with. If the user has selected a record
type other than All, the system filters the records and displays in this list only records of the selected record
• Favorite Records: This displays the records the user has marked as favorites for easy access to them,
regardless of when they were last accessed.

If a user changes a locale and opens the Recently Viewed workspace, Record Types, Records, and
Favorite Records will list localized content, including records with localized names from the locale
that the user has opened these records before.

Favorite Records
When a user works with specific records frequently, the user can add them to Favorite Records in the Recently
Viewed workspace. This won't remove them from the Records list; the record will be listed under both Records
and Favorite Records.
To add a record to the list of favorite records, in the Records list, the user should hover over the needed record, and
when the star icon appears, click the icon. The yellow color of the star indicates that the record has been added to
the list of favorites. (The user needs to refresh the workspace to reflect these changes.)

Figure: Display of the records in Favorite Records

Search for the Recently Viewed Records

You can utilize the standard Search functionality to search among the recently viewed records. When the Recently
Viewed workspace is open, the system runs the search only among the last 500 records you have interacted with. If
this workspace is closed, then the system runs the system-wide search and displays all records that correspond to
your search request.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 16

Figure: Search among the recently viewed records

Company and Branch Selection Menu

In Acumatica ERP, you can switch between the companies and branches defined in the instance by using the
Company and Branch Selection menu of the user interface. This menu contains the list of companies and branches
that you have access to.
By using this Company and Branch Selection menu, shown in the screenshot below, you can view the total number
of accessible companies and branches, and easily navigate to the needed one by clicking it. If the number of
accessible companies and branches exceeds the number that can be displayed on the Company and Branch
Selection menu, you can search for the needed company or branch in the Search box of this menu.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 17

Figure: Basic elements of the Company and Branch Selection menu

1. Company or branch name: Displays the name of the company or branch (or both) to which you are currently
signed in
2. Search box: Is used to search for a particular company or branch by its name, as described below
3. List of companies or branches (or both): Displays the list of the companies and their branches (if any) to
which you have access
4. Company and branches counter: Displays the total number of companies and the total number of branches
to which you have access

Switching Between Companies and Branches

To switch between the companies and branches that you have access to, you use the Company and Branch
Selection menu. You click the Company and Branch Selection menu on the top pane of any screen, and then click
the name of the company or branch to which you want to sign in.
If a company has multiple branches, you can switch to its branches only. The company name is unavailable for
selection in that case.
The selected company or branch is printed in blue and has a check mark le of its name.

Searching for a Company or a Branch

The Company and Branch Selection menu can display a limited number of companies and branches because of
size and design limitations. If you have access to multiple companies and branches but the Company and Branch
Selection menu doesn't display a company you want to access because of insufficient space in the menu, you can
search for the specific company or branch by its name.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 18

You search for a company or a branch by typing its name in the search box of the Company and Branch Selection
menu. The system initiates the matching process and displays the search results as soon as you begin typing in this
Related Links
• Basic Elements of the User Interface
• Info Area

Info Area

The info area, in the right corner of the top pane on the Acumatica ERP screen in the user interface, includes a
group of menus and buttons, as shown in the screenshot below. These menus and buttons communicate the status
of your user account in the system and provide access to certain settings.

Figure: Info area

1. Business Date menu button

2. Help button
3. User menu button

You can find more details about these items in the following sections.

Business Date and Time

By default, in Acumatica ERP, any user can change the business date by clicking the Business Date menu button
and then selecting the needed date. If the Secure Business Date feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form, only users with the BusinessDateOverride role assigned to them can change the business date.
The business date is the date that the system will insert by default on the records that you add to the system. By
default, the current date is set as the business date. If you set a different date as the business date, this date will be
used as the default date on Acumatica ERP forms and on documents that you create by using the forms. For details
on changing the business date, see To Change the Business Date in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.

Help Button
By clicking the Help button, you can open the Help menu, which overlaps with the working area. The content of this
menu depends on the item displayed in the working area when you click this button. For a detailed description of
Help capabilities in Acumatica ERP, see Help.

User Menu
The User menu button displays your first and last name, and the name of the tenant to which you signed in if
multiple tenants are configured in your Acumatica ERP instance. The following screenshot shows the items of the
User menu.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 19

Figure: Items of the User menu

The User menu includes the following sections:

1. Tenants
2. My Profile
3. Sign-In

The Tenants section of the User menu contains the list of tenants to which you can sign in if multiple tenants are
configured in your Acumatica ERP instance. The tenant you are currently signed in to is indicated with a check
mark. You can switch to a different tenant by clicking the tenant name. For more information on the configuration
of multiple tenants, see Tenants: General Information in the Acumatica ERP System Administration Guide.
The My Profile section contains your user name, your email address, and the My Profile button, which you click to
open the User Profile (SM203010) form. For more information about the settings of your profile, see Managing Your
Basic Working Environment in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.

The Sign-In section contains the date and time of your last sign-in to the system and the Sign Out button, which
you click to sign out of the system. For more information, see Accessing Acumatica ERP in the Acumatica ERP
Getting Started Guide.
Related Links
• Accessing Acumatica ERP
• Managing Your Basic Working Environment
• Tenants: General Information
• Help
• User Profile


In the user interface of Acumatica ERP, you can click the Help button ( ) to view Help information that is relevant
to your current work. The specific Help information you view depends on the item that is displayed in the working
area when you click this button, as follows:
• If the working area is displaying a form other than a data entry form or mass processing form, the Help
dashboard, which contains cards with descriptions of guides and links to them, is opened in a separate tab
of a browser. For details, see Help Dashboard.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 20

• If the working area is displaying an Acumatica ERP a data entry form, processing form, or maintenance form,
the Help menu specific to this form appears over the working area. The Help menu contains links to the
conceptual, procedural, and reference topics that are related to the form. For more information, see Form-
Specific Help Menu.
• If the working area is displaying a dashboard, the Help menu appears over the working area and displays
links to the conceptual, procedural, and reference topics that are related to dashboards. For more
information, see Form-Specific Help Menu.
• If the working area is displaying a report, the reference topic that describes this report is opened in a
separate tab of a browser.
The Help menu covers part of the working area. While viewing it, you can come back to the page that had been
displayed in the working area by clicking the Help button again. The Help dashboard is opened in a separate
browser tab, as are Help topics. If you want to open the Help dashboard and Help topics over the working area, you
should press Ctrl and click the Help button.

Help Dashboard
The Help dashboard (see the following screenshot) is the main navigation page of Acumatica ERP documentation.

Figure: Help dashboard

1. Topic View button

2. Help section title
3. Guide card
4. Close Help button

You click the Topic View button to switch from the Help dashboard to a Help topic. The Help topic that you last
viewed in the current session is displayed. If you haven't opened any Help topic yet, you see the list of Help guides
in the navigation pane.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 21

The guides in the Help section are organized in sections, based on the type of system user these guides are
developed for (for example, End User or Administrator), or based on the function these guides perform (for example,
Reference or Quick Guides).
A guide card is a card that contains a description of each guide. You click the guide card to open the guide.
You click the Close Help button to close the Help dashboard. The form, report, or dashboard that was displayed in
the working area before you opened Help becomes visible on the screen.

Mobile-Friendly User Interface of the Help Topics

In Acumatica ERP, Help topics are flexible and easy to read on mobile devices. The screenshot below displays an
example of a Help topic opened on a mobile device.

Figure: Help topic on a mobile device

The following items are shown in the screenshot:

1. Home button: Opens the Help dashboard, which has cards for the guides available on the Help Portal
2. Open/Hide button: Displays or hides the tree of topics available in the Help guide of the selected topic
3. Topic text: Is adjusted to the width of the screen of the device

When you open a Help topic on a mobile device, the system opens it with the topic tree closed by default. You can
click the Open/Hide button to open the tree of available topics.
If you click the Home button, the system navigates to the Help dashboard with the list of available guides. You can

then click the Back button ( ) to return to the topic that was last opened.
In the mobile view of the topic, the Help topic toolbar is not available.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 22

Text blocks are adjusted to the screen size automatically to fit the text to the screen, whereas the code blocks
remains as they are but a horizontal scroll bar appears for these blocks. If you rotate the screen, the system
automatically resizes the text blocks to fit them to the screen width.

Form-Specific Help Menu

A form-specific Help menu is opened when you click the Help ( ) button while viewing the majority of forms
(except for reports and generic inquiries that are not described in Help) and dashboards. In this menu, you can
see links to Help topics that are related to the form if a form is opened in the working area (see the following
screenshot) or to dashboards if a dashboard is opened in the working area. The menu pane partially overlaps the
working area.

Figure: Form-specific Help menu

Help Navigation Toolbar

By default, when you click a link in the form-specific Help menu, the Help topic or the Help dashboard opens in a
new tab of your browser. If you click the Acumatica News link in the Help Dashboard section of the form-specific
Help menu, the system opens the Welcome to Acumatica page in the current tab. For more information, see
Welcome to Acumatica Page in Acumatica ERP.

If you want to open the Help topic or the Help dashboard in the same tab of your browser, you press Ctrl and click
the needed link in the form-specific Help menu. You can navigate to different Help topics within a guide (item 2 in
the screenshot below or selecting the topic in the Help tree) or switch to another guide by clicking the Open Help
Dashboard button (item 1 in the screenshot below), and clicking the needed guide. If you want to return to the form
where you initiated the form-specific Help menu or the Help topic, you click the Help ( ) button. To return to
the form-specific Help menu, you click the Open Form-Specific Help menu button ( ; item 3 in the screenshot
below), which appears near the Close button.
When you open a Help topic, you can see the navigation toolbar, which has tools you can use to quickly switch
between Help topics and to close the Help topic you are viewing (see the following screenshot).
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 23

Figure: Help Navigation toolbar

1. Open Help Dashboard button

2. Path to the opened topic in the Help tree
3. Open Form-Specific Help menu button (appears only if you have opened the Help topic or the Help
dashboard by pressing Ctrl+click)
4. Close

You click the Open Help Dashboard button to open the Help dashboard (for example, if you want to switch to
another guide).
Each segment of the path to the opened topic is a link to the corresponding Help topic. By clicking the link, you can
open a parent topic on any level.
You click the Close button to close the current topic. The main menu becomes visible on the screen.

Search of Help Topics

You can search for information in Help in the following ways:
• By using the Help button: If you are working with a form or report and have questions related to the form
or report, you can click the Help button to open a form-specific Help menu with links to related topics (for a
form) or a reference topic (for a report).
• By using the Search box: If you want to find information that is not related to the form you are currently
working with, you can type a search string in the Search box, switch to the Help Topics search filter tab, and
find the necessary information in the search results.
• By using navigation in Help: If you want to read all information related to a particular functional area (for
example, what tools the system provides for cash management), you open the Help dashboard, open a
particular guide, and in the Help topic tree, click the title of the chapter you want to read.

View of a Help Topic

The following screenshot shows a view of an Acumatica ERP Help topic with the parts that appear on it.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 24

Figure: Help Topic View

1. Help topic toolbar

2. Help topic title
3. Topic table of contents (optional)
4. Edit button (available to users with sufficient access rights)
5. Back to Top button

By using the buttons on the Help topic toolbar, you can carry out the following common tasks:
• Locales: change the language of the topic.
• Print: print the topic.
• Export: export the topic to Word or as a plain text.
Large Help topics may include a table of contents, so you can navigate through the topic more easily. The table of
contents lists links to sections of the topic; you can click any link to navigate to that section. By default, the table
of contents is open. To minimize the table of contents or maximize it if it is closed, click Hide/Show on the table of
Acumatica ERP Help topics can be edited or reorganized by a user with sufficient access rights. To edit the entire
topic, you click the Edit Current Article button on the topic toolbar, which is available if you have sufficient access
rights. For more information about access rights, see Wiki Access Management. To edit a section in a Help topic, you
click the Edit button right of the section title. By default, this button is hidden, even for users with sufficient access
rights to edit the topic. If you have these access rights, to be able to view and click the Edit button, you point to the
section title.
When you scroll down in a large topic, you may want to easily return to the beginning of the topic. For this purpose,
you can click the Back to Top button, which is also right of each section title. By default, this button is hidden. It
appears when you point to the section title.
Related Links
• Wiki Overview
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 25

Built-In Infotips

Acumatica ERP offers context-sensitive Help infotips to give you an explanation of a UI element right on the spot.
An infotip is a small pop-up window that contains a description of the UI element you are hovering over.

Configuration of Displaying Infotips

You can select the way the system displays infotips by selecting the corresponding option in the Infotip Settings
box on the User Profile (SM203010) form, as shown in the following screenshot. By default, the Hover Over to Show
option is selected, which means that the system displays an infotip when you have hovered over the label of a UI
element for 1.5 seconds. If you instead select the Ctrl +Alt+Click to Show option in the Infotip Settings box and save
these changes, you can view an infotip by pressing Ctrl+Alt while clicking the label of the element.

Figure: Specification of the way to display infotips

Infotips can be turned off for an instance if an administrator changes the value of the wiki:tooltips:enabled
key to False in its web.config file.

Infotip Usage
When you initiate the display of an infotip, the system displays the first paragraph from the respective element
description and the More link in a pop-up window.
To learn more about the element, you can click More (see Item 1 in the following screenshot). To change the way
the system displays the infotips, you can click the gear icon (Item 2); the system opens the User Profile (SM203010)
form in a new browser tab.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 26

Figure: The infotip for the Transaction Date box

When you click More, the system hides the infotip and opens a pane that partially overlaps the working area of the
screen and contains the complete element's description, as the following screenshot shows.
At the bottom of the pane, there is a link to the complete reference topic for the form (see Item 2 in the following
screenshot). If you click the link, the system opens the corresponding reference topic in a new browser tab.
If you click the arrow in upper le corner of the pane (Item 1), the system opens the Help menu for the form with
the list of the links of the Help topics that contain information regarding the form functionality. For details about
the Help menu, see Help.

Figure: The element description is shown on the side panel

To close the pane (or the Help menu, if you have switched to the menu), you click anywhere on the form.
If the Customizer role is assigned to your user account, you can also view the description of the element in the
Description box of the Element Properties dialog box, as the following screenshot demonstrates. Also, the
Element Properties dialog box is shown instead of the pop-up window if the Ctrl+Alt+Click to Show option is
selected for you in the Infotip Settings box on the User Profile (SM203010) form.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 27

Figure: The Element Properties dialog box with the element's description

Infotip Limitations
Currently, infotips are not shown for the following elements:
• Captions of tabs on a form
• Elements on the form title bar, form toolbar, and table toolbar
• Form-specific commands displayed on the More menu
• Dialog boxes or elements within them
Also, infotips are not supported for Acumatica ERP forms that are inquiry forms, generic inquiry forms, report
forms, or ARM reports.

Main Menu

The main menu in the user interface of Acumatica ERP, shown in the following screenshot, includes the Favorites
menu item, the workspace menu items, the More Items menu item, the configuration menu, and the Collapse or
Expand button.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 28

Figure: Main menu

1. Favorites menu item

2. Workspace menu items
3. More Items menu item
4. Configuration menu
5. Collapse or Expand button

You click the Favorites menu item to view your favorite forms. You click this item to open the list of your favorites.
You click each of the workspace menu items to view the forms and reports of that workspace, which is a particular
functional area. If you need to open the current workspace (which is highlighted in the main menu), you can press
Alt+G. By default, the most commonly used workspaces are represented with menu items on the main menu; you
can add workspace menu items to the main menu or remove existing menu items. For details on workspaces, see

When you click the More Items menu item, a menu is opened with tiles, grouped by broader functional areas, that
represent all of the possible workspaces. You can pin any of these workspaces to the main menu by pointing to the
workspace tile and clicking the Pin ( ) button.
The configuration menu contains commands that you click to configure the location of the main menu and to edit
the menu items in the whole system (if you are signed in to an account with the Administrator role assigned). The
menu commands are listed in the following table. For details on configuring the location of the main menu, see
Learning About the Acumatica ERP UI in the Getting Started Guide.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 29

Table: Menu Commands of the Configuration Menu

Command Description

Collapse to Top Collapses the main menu panel and adds the Menu button in the top le corner of the
screen (instead of the Home button with the Acumatica logo). When the main menu is
collapsed, the work area expands to cover the area where the main menu had been.
This menu command is displayed only when the main menu panel is shown on the le
side of the screen.

Expand to Le Displays the expanded main menu panel on the le side of the screen.
This menu command is displayed only when the main menu is collapsed and the Menu
button is shown in the top le corner of the screen.

Edit Menu Switches the system to Menu Editing mode. In this mode, authorized users can customize
menu items for the whole system.
This menu command is displayed only to users with a role specified in the Menu Editor
Role box on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form.
For details, see Menu Editing Mode.

By clicking the Collapse button, you can collapse the main menu panel so that it displays only icons, and by clicking
the Expand button, you can expand the panel to the full width. By clicking these buttons, you can change the width
of the main menu pane when the menu is in both locations—expanded on the le and collapsed to the top.
Related Links
• Customizing the User Interface
• Learning About the Acumatica ERP UI
• Managing Your Basic Working Environment

Menu Editing Mode

In the user interface of Acumatica ERP, you open Menu Editing mode (see the following screenshot) by clicking
the Edit Menu menu command on the configuration menu of the main menu. The Edit Menu menu command is
available only to users with a role specified in the Menu Editor Role box on the Security Preferences (SM201060)
form. For details, see Customizing the User Interface.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 30

Figure: Menu Editing mode

The buttons that appear in Menu Editing mode are described in the following table.

Table: Buttons of Menu Editing mode

Button Description

Add Workspace Opens the Workspace Parameters Dialog Box with the boxes blank so you can specify
these parameters and add a workspace to the UI.

Add Menu Item Opens the Select Forms Dialog Box for the selected workspace.
The button is available when you first select a workspace in Menu Editing mode.

Add Tile Opens the Tile Parameters Dialog Box with the boxes blank so you can specify these para-
meters and add a tile to the selected workspace.
The button is available when you first select a workspace in Menu Editing mode.

Menu Settings Opens the Menu Settings menu.

Exit Menu Editing Saves your changes and exits Menu Editing mode.

Editing and Deletion of Menu Items

In Menu Editing mode, you can delete or edit the properties of the following items: workspace, category, form, and
tile. When you point at an item, the toolbar pops up with the Edit and Delete buttons (see the following screenshot,
which shows the toolbar for the workspace title).
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 31

Figure: Workspace pop-up toolbar

In the following tables, you can find descriptions of the pop-up toolbars for each item type.

Table: Workspace Pop-up Toolbar

Button Description

Edit Opens the Workspace Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the work-

Delete Deletes the workspace and the tiles that belong to the workspace from the system. The
forms that belong to the workspace remain in the system.

Table: Section Pop-up Toolbar

Button Description

Edit Opens the Category Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the catego-

Delete Deletes the category from the system. The menu items under this category are moved to
the Other category in each workspace.

Table: Form Pop-up Toolbar

Button Description

Edit Opens the Item Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the form or re-
port. Changes to the form or report parameters are visible in all the workspaces to which
the form or report belongs.

Delete Deletes the link to the form or report from the current workspace. The form or report re-
mains in the system.

Table: Tile Pop-up Toolbar

Button Description

Edit Opens the Tile Parameters Dialog Box, which displays the parameters of the tile.

Delete Deletes the tile from the system. You cannot restore the tile after it is deleted.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 32

Dialog Boxes of Menu Editing Mode

In this section, you will find descriptions of all dialog boxes that you can open by using the buttons of Menu Editing

Table: Workspace Parameters Dialog Box

In the Workspace Parameters dialog box, you can specify the parameters of a new workspace or edit the
parameters of an existing workspace. You can invoke this dialog box by clicking Add Workspace or by clicking the
Edit button on the workspace pop-up toolbar. This dialog box contains the elements described in the following

Element Description

Icon The icon that is displayed to the le of the workspace title. You can select an icon from
the predefined list.

Area The area under which the workspace is displayed on the More Items menu of the main
menu. You can select an area from the predefined list.

Title The title of the workspace. The title of the workspace should be unique among the work-
spaces in the system. If you type an existing title, the system displays a warning and does
not create or update the workspace.

The dialog box contains the following buttons.

OK Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes.

Table: Select Forms Dialog Box

In the Select Forms dialog box, you can select the forms, reports, and dashboards links to which are displayed in
the selected workspace. This dialog box contains a list of all forms, reports, and dashboards grouped by areas and
categories. To add a form, report or dashboard to the workspace, you select the check box to the le of its caption.
You can find a form, report, or dashboard by typing its title or ID in the Search box at the top of the dialog box.
In addition to the Search box and the listed forms, reports, and dashboards this dialog box contains (at the bottom
right of the dialog box) the buttons described in the following table.

Button Description

Add Adds to the workspace the forms, reports, or dashboards you have selected.

Add & Close Adds to the workspace the forms, reports, or dashboards you have selected and closes
the dialog box.

Close Closes the dialog box without adding the selected forms, reports, or dashboards to the

Table: Tile Parameters Dialog Box

In the Tile Parameters dialog box, you can specify the parameters of a new tile you are adding to the selected
workspace or edit the parameters of an existing tile in the workspace. The elements of this dialog box are described
in the following table.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 33

Element Description

Icon The icon that is displayed on the tile button. You can select an icon from the predefined

Title The title of the tile. The title of the tile should be unique among the tiles in the system. If
you type an existing title, the system displays a warning and does not create or update
the tile.

Form The Acumatica ERP form that is opened when a user clicks the tile. You can select a form
from the predefined list. When you are selecting a form, you can type the first characters
of the form ID or title, and the system filters the list by these characters.

Parameters The form-specific parameters of the address line that the system adds to the form link
when a user clicks the tile.

The dialog box contains the following buttons.

OK Saves your changes to the parameters of the tile and closes the dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes to the parameters of the tile.

Table: Menu Settings

In the Menu Settings menu, you can add a new category, edit parameters, or delete an existing category. You can
also reset the menu to the default state.
The menu contains only the specific buttons described in the following table.

Button Description

Reset to Default Resets the settings of the whole menu (the main menu items and the workspace items) to
Menu Settings the default settings.

Add Category Opens the Category Parameters Dialog Box with blank boxes.

Table: Category Parameters Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can specify the parameters of a new category or edit the parameters of an existing category.
You can invoke this dialog box by clicking Add Category in the Menu Settings menu or by clicking the Edit button
on the category pop-up toolbar. Elements of this dialog box are described in the following table.

Element Description

Title The title of the category. The title of the category should be unique within the categories
defined in the system. If you type an existing title, the system displays a warning and
does not create or update the category.

The dialog box contains the following buttons.

OK Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes.

Acumatica ERP User Interface | 34

Table: Item Parameters Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can edit the parameters of a link to a form or report. You can invoke this dialog box by
clicking the Edit button on the form title pop-up toolbar. Changes to the form or report parameters are visible in all
workspaces to which the item belongs. The elements of this dialog box are described in the following table.

Element Description

Category The category under which the form or report is displayed in the workspace.

Title The title of the form or report. You can specify a unique title, or you can specify a form or
report title that exists in the system because forms and reports are identified by their IDs,
not titles.

The dialog box contains the following buttons.

OK Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving your changes.

Related Links
• Customizing the User Interface


In the user interface of Acumatica ERP, a workspace is a menu that contains links to the forms and reports of a
particular functional area of the product. In the following screenshot, the basic elements of a workspace are shown.

Figure: Workspace elements

1. Workspace title bar

Acumatica ERP User Interface | 35

2. Tiles
3. Category
4. Links to forms and reports
5. Workspace footer

The system displays the list of forms and reports in a workspace in one of the following views:
• Quick Menu (default; shown in the screenshot above): In this view, the most commonly used forms and
reports are displayed.
• Full Menu: In this view, all forms and reports that have been added to the workspace are displayed.
On the workspace title bar, the system displays the view name. To toggle between these views, you can do any of
the following:
• Click the workspace title bar.
• On the workspace footer, click the Show Full Menu or Show Quick Menu button.
You can personalize the list of forms displayed in the quick menu of a workspace for you (that is, your user account)
when you switch to Configuration mode. The changes you make affect the current user session and all future
sessions. For details, see Learning About the Acumatica ERP UI in the Getting Started Guide.
A user with the role specified in the Menu Editor Role box on the Security Preferences (SM201060) form can use
Menu Editing mode to customize the user interface for all users in the system. For details on the user interface
elements of Menu Editing mode, see Menu Editing Mode. For more information about customizing the menu
elements in Acumatica ERP, see Customizing the User Interface in the System Administration Guide.

Workspace Title Bar

In the workspace title bar, you can find the workspace title, the view in which the list of workspace items are
displayed (Quick Menu or Full Items), and workspace title buttons (which are described in the following table).

Table: Workspace Title Bar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Pin   Pins the workspace to the main menu panel.

Unpin   Unpins the workspace from the main menu panel.

Workspace Configu-   Opens the workspace in Configuration mode. In this mode, you
ration can select the items (such as forms and reports) that are displayed
on the Quick Menu of the workspace.

Close Workspace   Closes the workspace and displays the page opened in the work-
ing area.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 36

Button Icon Description

Reset to Default   Resets the list of items you currently have displayed in the Quick
Menu of the workspace to the list of items that the system admin-
istrator configured for the Quick Menu.
This button appears only if you are viewing a menu in Configura-
tion mode.

Exit   Saves your changes and closes Configuration mode for the work-
space, returning you to the mode in which you were viewing the
This button appears only if you are viewing a menu in Configura-
tion mode.

A tile is a special button on a workspace that you click to open a form or report with predefined settings (or, for a
data entry form, with most settings blank so you can define a new entity). For example, by clicking a tile, you can
open the Vendors (AP303000) form with a particular vendor selected in the Vendor box.
Predefined workspaces contain tiles with the most popular actions and forms for the workspace. You can make a

tile your favorite by clicking ( ) in the lower right corner of the tile.
If your user account is assigned the Administrator role, you can manage the tiles in a workspace for all system users.
For details, see UI Navigation Options: Tiles and Links to Forms in a Workspace in the System Administration Guide.

In each workspace, categories are used to group items by type, which makes it easier for users to find needed
items. For example, the Transactions category contains forms you can use to process transactions. The system
provides a predefined group of categories.
If your user account is assigned the Administrator role, you can manage the groups of categories in the system. For
more information, see UI Navigation Options: Tiles and Links to Forms in a Workspace in the System Administration

Links to Forms and Reports

On a workspace, you can find links to different types of forms: data entry forms, inquiries, processing forms, report
forms, and substitute forms. You use a link on the workspace to open a particular form or report form that you want
to work with.
For some forms, you can initiate the creation of a new document or other entity. Usually these forms have
substitute forms. A substitute form has a list of records related to the form for which it is being substituted. For
substitute forms for data entry forms (on which you can initiate a new record), the + NEW button appears on
the workspace when you point at the name of the form; this button is not available for reports, inquiry forms, or
processing forms.
By using this button, you can open the entry form for creating a new entity directly from the workspace with just
one click.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 37

Figure: Appearance of the +New button

Workspace Footer
On the workspace footer, you can find one of the buttons (which are described in the following table) that you use
to toggle between the workspace views.

Table: Workspace Footer Buttons

Button Description

Show Full Menu Toggles the workspace to the Full Menu view. This button is displayed in the Quick
Menu view of workspace items.

Show Quick Menu Toggles the workspace to the Quick Menu view. This button is displayed in the Full
Menu view of workspace items.

Favorite Reports and Forms

In the workspace, you can add a form to your favorites by pointing to the form name and clicking to the le of

the form name. Forms that you have added to favorites are marked with .
Related Links
• Customizing the User Interface
• Learning About the Acumatica ERP UI
• Menu Editing Mode
• Vendors
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 38

Categories and Workspaces for Entities of Specific Forms

In Acumatica ERP, you can specify a category and the workspace you want to save a form or a report to. On the
forms below, you can create entities for which the separate links can be placed to the system. You can easily define
the workspace and category in which each entity created on these forms is organized:
• Application Resources (SM301010)
• Dashboards (SM208600)
• Generic Inquiry (SM208000)
• Pivot Tables (SM208010)
• Report Definitions (CS206000)
The needed workspace and category of a particular entity are specified in the Workspace and Category boxes of
the related forms.
Any application resource, dashboard, generic inquiry, pivot table, or ARM report is visible in the system (listed
on the Site Map (SM200520) form) when a user saves the new entity for the first time. When the site map title is
specified for a new entity created on one of these forms, the system inserts the default values in the Workspace
and Category boxes, thus causing the entity to be placed in the default workspace and category for the type of
entity. A user can either leave the default values or change them to the needed ones. The following table shows the
default values of these boxes on each of the forms where these entities are created.

Table: Default values of the Workspace and Category boxes for new entities

Form title Workspace Category

Application Resources Data Views Other

Dashboards Data Views Dashboards

Generic Inquiry Data Views Inquiries

Pivot Tables Data Views Pivot Tables

Report Definitions Report definitions of the GL type: Financial Statements


Report definitions of the PM type: Reports


For an existing entity, a user may override the values in the Workspace and Category boxes any time.

The Workspace and Category Boxes on the Application Resources Form

On the Application Resources (SM301010) form, which is shown below, the Workspace and Category boxes are
displayed in the Summary area.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 39

Figure: Location of the boxes on the Application Resources form

The Workspace and Category Boxes on the Dashboards Form

On the Dashboards (SM208600) form, the Workspace and Category boxes are displayed in the Summary area, as
shown in the following screenshot.

Figure: Location of the boxes on the Dashboards form

The Workspace and Category Boxes on the Generic Inquiry Form

On the Generic Inquiry (SM208000) form, the Workspace and Category boxes are displayed in the Summary area.
(See the following screenshot.)

Figure: Location of the boxes on the Generic Inquiry form

The Workspace and Category Boxes on the Pivot Tables Form

On the Pivot Tables (SM208010) form, which is shown in the following screenshot, the Workspace and Category
boxes are displayed in the Summary area.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 40

Figure: Location of the boxes on the Pivot Tables form

The Workspace and Category Boxes on the Report Definitions Form

On the Report Definitions (CS206000) form, the Workspace and Category boxes are displayed in the Site Map
section. (See the following screenshot.)

Figure: Location of the boxes on the Report Definitions form

Welcome to Acumatica Page in Acumatica ERP

In Acumatica ERP, the Welcome to Acumatica page is a built-in page that provides links to Acumatica external
resources, such as Acumatica announcements and news, the Customer Portal, the Developer Network website, and
the Acumatica educational resources.
You cannot modify any section of this page. When you click the links on the Welcome to Acumatica page, the
system opens a pop-up window in the same tab or a new tab in your browser with the page that corresponds to the

Welcome to Acumatica Elements

The Welcome to Acumatica page consists of five sections, as shown in the following screenshot.
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 41

Figure: Welcome to Acumatica Elements

1. New to Acumatica?: This section provides a set of external links to the Acumatica educational resources and
social networks. When you click the section link, the system opens a pop-up window with the following
three tabs:
• Get Extra Resources: This tab provides links to Acumatica documentation, such as job aids, user guides,
framework guides, API reference guides, and quick guides. You can download the job aids, which are
available in MS Word.
• Visit Acumatica Open University: This tab provides links to the pages with sets of courses available in
Acumatica Open University. Each set of courses is organized by the functional area to which the courses
belong in Acumatica ERP. Acumatica Open University is a free educational website available for any user.
On this site, you can find such training resources as training guides, files for training, training session
recordings, job aids, quick guides, and links to download Acumatica ERP and Acumatica Framework.
• Follow on Social Networks: This tab provides links to the Acumatica accounts on social networks.
2. Customer Portal: This section provides the link to the page where you can navigate directly to the Customer
Portal, or request access to portal if you do not have an Acumatica portal account yet.
3. Acumatica Development Platform: This section provides the link to the Acumatica Developer Network site.
This site has a great deal of information that can be useful for developers and other users as well.
4. Announcements: This section provides the links to the latest Acumatica announcements.
5. News: This section provides a feed of company news, which is regularly updated.

Access to the Welcome to Acumatica page

By default, the system displays the Welcome to Acumatica page as the Home page if you have no dashboards
configured in the system, an internet connection is available, and is accessible.
To open the Welcome to Acumatica page from other forms in the system, you can do one of the following:
Acumatica ERP User Interface | 42

• If no dashboards are configured in the system, no Home page is specified, and an internet connection is
available, click the Acumatica logo to navigate to the Home page.
• If you have configured dashboards or specified a different Home page in the system, in the Info area of
the system, click the Help button, and in the Help Dashboard section of the Help drop-down menu, click
Acumatica News, as it is shown on the screenshot below.

Figure: Access to the Welcome to Acumatica page from the Help drop-down menu

Related Links
• Basic Elements of the User Interface
• Info Area
Forms | 43

Acumatica ERP forms are the main interface elements used throughout the entire working cycle, from configuring
the system to entering and processing data, and then making reports or exporting data in various formats.
This chapter describes Acumatica ERP forms and their use in detail.

In This Chapter
• Parts of a Form
• Form Title Bar
• Form Toolbar
• Formatting Toolbar
• Form Elements
• Using Forms
• Side Panels of Generic Inquiry Forms
• Processing Pop-Up Window

Parts of a Form

An Acumatica ERP form consists of several basic parts. The form can include only one part or a combination of
parts, depending on the functionality and use of the form. The following screenshot shows a typical Acumatica ERP
screen with the parts of a form that appear on it.

Figure: Parts of a form

1. Form title bar

2. Form toolbar
3. Summary or selection area
4. Details area
Forms | 44

5. Form elements

Form Title Bar

The form title bar, which is present on each Acumatica ERP page, includes buttons for managing the form-related
information. You can use this bar to view the notes and files attached to form records, to navigate to the list of
records (if you are viewing a record on a data entry form or a class form), and to add the form to your favorites
(except for data entry forms), among other capabilities. For more information, see Form Title Bar.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar provides data navigation and processing buttons that apply to the entire form. You can use these
buttons to cancel or save changes you've made, insert or delete an object, or navigate through the objects created
while you use the form. For more information, see Form Toolbar.

Summary or Selection Area

The Summary or Selection area includes a collection of elements of different types, generally arranged in a column
or in multiple columns. This area may contain a summary of a document if a form contains a document or a variety
of selections you can make to determine the information in the details area.

Details Area
The details area contains the data of the object or entity.
On some forms, the details area contains a table. A table is an arrangement of similar objects or details displayed
with the same number of parameters. For more information, see Tables.
On other forms, the details area may contain a rich-text editor which includes a text area and a formatting toolbar.
For more information, see Formatting Toolbar.

Form Elements
Form elements are used to enter information or settings to be stored in the database, specify selection criteria for
presenting information on the form, or display relevant information on the form. For more information, see Form

Form Title Bar

The form title bar, located at the top of every Acumatica ERP form, includes general buttons you can use to manage
the related data of the form—such as attaching a file to the form and adding the form to your favorites. The form
title bar is slightly different depending on the type of form you are viewing:
• A data entry form or class creation form showing a single record (see the first screenshot below). This
form title bar is shown in the first screenshot below, and the numbered elements are noted below the
• Any other type of form, such as a processing form, configuration form, list of records, or other inquiry form.
The second screenshot below shows the form title bar for a list of records.

Figure: Form title bar of a data entry or class creation form

Forms | 45

Figure: Form title bar of another type of form

1. Form title button. For a data entry or class creation form, the form title is smaller than the subtitle, as you
can see in the first screenshot; you can click it to return to the list of records, which in the example above is
Journal Transactions (GL3010PL).
2. Form subtitle. This element is shown for only data entry or class forms to provide more information about
the specific record that is being viewed on the form specified as the form title.
3. Menu buttons. As the screenshots above show, various menu buttons appear on the right side of the form
title bar, depending on the particular form.
4. Add to Favorites button. Notice that this button is shown on the form title bar in only the second
screenshot above; it is not shown on data entry forms or forms used to create classes.

A form title bar on a particular form may include some or all of the standard buttons, which are described in more
detail in the next section.

Standard Form Title Bar Buttons

The following table lists the standard buttons that a form title bar might include.

Button Description

Form Title Shows the title of the current form.

If you are on a data entry form or a form used to create a class, you can click the form title
to navigate to the list of records of this type. For example, if you are viewing a particular
customer, you click this button to view the list of customers defined in the system, and if
you are viewing a particular customer class, you click this button to view the list of cus-
tomer classes defined in the system.
For all other forms, clicking the form title causes the system to refresh the form.

Form Subtitle For a data entry form or class form, shows the form subtitle, which represents the ID and
name, description, or additional information about the specific record.
For a new record, the system may display New Record as the subtitle. If the form boxes
used for creating a caption are populated when the form is opened, the system will dis-
play the limited record details. For example, if you initiate the creation of a AP bill on the
Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, the system will display Bill as the form subtitle be-
cause the required Type box is filled by default with the Bill option. If you change the val-
ue of the Type box to Credit Adj., the system will change the subtitle to Credit Adj.. How-
ever, if you initiate the creation of a task on the Task (CR306020) form, the system will dis-
play New Record in the form subtitle because all elements the system uses for creating a
caption are empty by default.

Add to Favorites Adds the form to your favorites. If you frequently work with the current form, you can add
it to your favorites for quicker access.
This button does not appear on the form title bar for data entry or class creation forms;
it appears for other types of forms, including lists of records, configuration forms, and in-
quiry forms.

Notes Gives you the ability to attach notes to records. For more information, see To Attach a
Note to a Record.
Forms | 46

Button Description

Activities Opens the Tasks and Activities Dialog Box dialog box, which gives you the ability to create
and manage form-related activities, such as tasks, events, emails, phone calls, and ap-

Files Opens the Files Dialog Box dialog box, which gives you the ability to attach files to the
form and manage the attached files.

Customization Provides access to the functionality that you can use to customize the Acumatica ERP in-
stance. For more information, see Customization Menu.

Tools Provides the following commands, which give you form-related information:
• Screen ID: Shows the ID of the current form.
• Get Link: Displays the link to the current form, which you can send to another user.
• Web Service: Navigates to the page with the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)
for the Screen-Based API access methods for the currently open Acumatica ERP form.
• DAC Schema Browser: Opens the DAC Schema Browser, which displays detailed infor-
mation about DACs and the relationships between DACs. If you are on a form that has a
primary view DAC, the DAC Schema Browser displays the primary view DAC of this form.
If you are on a form that does not have a primary view DAC, the DAC Schema Browser
opens with an empty page.
• Notifications: Opens the Notifications dialog box, which lists the notifications config-
ured for the form and provides options that you can use to configure notification tem-
plates that can be used as subscribers of business events. For details, see Using Busi-
ness Events in the Acumatica ERP System Administration Guide.
• Business Events: Opens the Business Events dialog box, which lists the business
events configured for the form and provides options that you can use to create and
send notifications about data changes on a data entry form. For details, see Using Busi-
ness Events in the Acumatica ERP System Administration Guide.
• Access Rights: Navigates to the Access Rights by Screen form where the form from
which you initiated the Access Rights command is open by default in the company
• Audit History: If the field level auditing of the form is turned on, then in a separate tab,
the system opens the Audit History page with the full history of changes of the form or
the record opened on the form. If the field level auditing is turned off, then the system
opens the Update History dialog box with the limited information about the form or
record creation and its last update.
• Share Column Configuration: Opens the Share Column Configurationdialog box,
which is described below. This item is visible for only users with the Administrator role.

This item is not displayed on dashboard pages, wiki pages, pivot tables,
or report forms.

• Trace: Opens the Trace page, where you can view recent operations performed by the
current user, all messages, SQL statements, exceptions logged in the system, informa-
tion about system performance, and logs that will be sent to Acumatica.
• Profiler: Opens the Profiler dialog box, in which you can turn on or turn off the Re-
quest Profiler and export the information about the latest requests in the current user's
session. For details about the Request Profiler, see System Health: Request Profiler.
Forms | 47

Button Description
• About: Opens the About Acumatica dialog box, which displays information about the
current version and build of the application and some copyright information.

Share Column Configuration Dialog Box

You can use the Share Column Configuration dialog box to set the current layout of a table on a particular form as
the default layout and to share the settings with multiple users. To open the dialog box in the Tools menu on the
form title bar you select Share Column Configuration.

This item is not displayed on dashboard pages, wiki pages, pivot tables, or report forms.

The Share Column Configuration dialog box contains two pages, which are described in detail below.

Table: Share Column Configuration Dialog Box: Page 1

On this page, in the list, you can select (by using the unlabeled check boxes) one table or multiple tables of the form
for which you want to set up defaults and share settings with users. In this list, you can see the tables for which you
have changed the column settings. You can select multiple tables if you want to specify the same sharing settings
for these tables. If the sharing settings you want to configure are table-specific, you can select one table at a time in
this dialog box and specify the settings for only the selected table.

Element Description

Included A check box that you select to make the system apply the current configuration of
columns to this table.

Table ID The identifier of the table on this form to which the current configuration of columns can
be applied.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

Cancel Cancels your changes and closes the dialog box.

Next Goes to the next page of the Share Column Configuration dialog box.

Table: Share Column Configuration Dialog Box: Page 2

On this page, you can specify settings that determine for which users this configuration is set as the default

Element Description

Set as the Default A check box that you select to set the current column configurations of the table or tables
you have selected on Page 1 as the default column configurations. With this check box se-
lected, the system applies the current column configuration for users of the system who
have the default table layout.
If you clear the check box, in the Users table, you can select the particular users for which
the system will apply the current layout of the table or tables.
Forms | 48

Element Description

Override Users' A check box that you select to replace the column configuration of the selected table or
Personal Configu- tables for users who have changed the default layout of the table or tables (that is, they
rations have a personalized configuration of the table or tables).
This box is selected and unavailable when you clear the Set as the Default check box;
with these settings, you apply the column configuration to only users selected in the
Users table, and the system always overrides any personalized column layouts the users
might have configured for the selected tables.

User Role The user role, which you can select to filter the list of users displayed in the Users table.
This box is available only when you clear the Set as the Default check box.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

Cancel Cancels your changes and closes the dialog box.

Prev Returns to the previous page of the dialog box without saving your changes.

Finish Saves your changes and closes the dialog box.

Table: Share Column Configuration Dialog Box: Page 2, Users Table

In this table, you can select the users to which you want to apply the current settings of columns in the selected
table or tables.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Included A check box that you select to indicate that the system should apply the current column
settings to the user.

Login Read-only. The login name of the user in the system.

Display Name Read-only. For the user specified in the Login column, the combination of the First Name
and Last Name on the Users (SM201010) form.

Email Read-only. The email address of the user.

Guest Account Read-only. A check box that indicates (if selected) that the user account is a guest ac-

Status Read-only. The current status of the user (Active, Online, Disabled, or Temporarily Locked).

Profiler Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to turn on the Request Profiler, which starts the logging of URL requests, SQL queries,
exceptions, and warnings and errors; you can also turn off the Request Profiler and export a ZIP archive with the log
Forms | 49

Element Description

Start Logging Causes the Request Profiler to start logging URL requests, SQL queries, exceptions, and
warnings and errors.

Stop and Export Causes the Request Profiler to return to the default monitoring and to export a ZIP
archive with the log files that contain information in JSON format about the performed
URL requests, SQL requests, and stack trace.

Profiler Opens the Request Profiler (SM205070) form.

Tasks and Activities Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to create tasks, emails, and activities, such as events, phone calls, and appointments,
associated with the particular record or to view and manage existing tasks, emails, and activities listed in a table.
Tasks, emails, and activities with the Canceled status are not shown in the table.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Add Task Opens the Task (CR306020) form so you can create a new task.

Add Event Opens the Event (CR306030) form so you can create a new event.

Add Email Opens the Email Activity (CR306015) form so you can create a new email.

Add Activity Provides menu commands that correspond to the list of activity types configured on the
Activity Types (CR102000) form. By clicking on a menu command, you open the Activity
(CR306010) form, which you use to create an activity of the corresponding type.

The table includes the following unlabeled columns.

Column Description

Activity Type An icon that indicates the type of the activity.

Start Date The start date of the activity.

The start date is shown in red font in the following cases:
• For an event that begins in less than an hour or whose start date has already passed,
regardless of the status of the event
• For a task whose due date matches the current date

Summary The description provided for the activity.

Forms | 50

Column Description

Duration The planned duration of the activity.

The duration is shown in red font in the following cases:
• For an event that begins in less than an hour or whose start date has already passed,
regardless of the status of the event
• For a task whose due date matches the current date

Files Dialog Box

You use this dialog box for uploading files and attaching them to records and record details.

Element Description

File Name The name of the selected file to be uploaded.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

Browse Opens the system dialog box you can use to look for the file to be uploaded.

Upload Uploads the selected file.

The dialog box has a table that displays all files that have been attached to the record or record detail for which
you have opened the dialog box.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Add Link Adds a link to a file that is stored in Acumatica ERP but attached to another record in the system
to the table. For more information on managing files in Acumatica ERP, see Attachments: File Up-
load and Attachment.

Remove Removes a link to a file from the table.


Scan Runs the scanning of a document.

This button is available only if the DeviceHub feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form and at least one scanner is configured in the DeviceHub application.

Upload Us- If you have a mobile device with the installed Acumatica mobile app, when clicking this button,
ing Mobile the system sends a push notification to the linked device. Opening this push notification on the
App mobile device, navigates you to the Attachments screen. On this screen, you can either upload
the existing files or take a photo of the needed entity. After you complete the upload on the mo-
bile app, the selected files will appear in the Acumatica ERP site.

The table contains the following columns.

File Name The name of the uploaded file.

Comment Any comment that has been provided related to the uploaded file.

Last Date The date when the uploaded file was last modified.
Forms | 51

Related Links
• Activity
• Personal Settings for Document Processing
• To Attach a Note to a Record
• To Attach a File to a Record
• System Health: Request Profiler

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar, available on most forms, is located near the top of the form, under the form title (and subtitle, if
the form has one), as shown in the following screenshot.
The form toolbar includes the following:
• Standard buttons (see Item 1 in the following screenshot), with the particular set of buttons depending on
the specific form
• On some forms, form-specific buttons (Item 2)
• On some form, the More button (Item 3); clicking this button opens the More menu (Item 4), which contains
additional form-specific commands

Figure: The form toolbar and the More menu

You use the standard buttons on the form toolbar to navigate through entities that were created by using the
current form, insert or delete an entity, use the clipboard, save the data you have entered, or cancel your work on
the form.
A form toolbar on a particular form may include form-specific buttons in addition to standard buttons; it may also
(or instead) include commands on the More menu. These form-specific buttons and commands provide navigation
to related forms, invoke specific actions, and perform modifications or processing related to the functionality of the

Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

The following table lists the standard buttons of the form toolbar. A form toolbar may include some or all of these
Forms | 52

Table: Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Discard Changes   Discards any unsaved changes made to the entity, and navigates to the list of
and Close records that is related to the current form.

If the system opened the current form in a pop-up window (from

a different form), this button is not displayed. To return to the
original form, click Close.

Save & Close   Saves the changes made to the entity, and navigates to the list of records that
is related to the current form.

Save   Saves the changes made to the entity.

Cancel   Depending on the context, does one of the following:

• Discards any unsaved changes you have made to entities and retrieves the
last saved version.
• Clears all changes and restores the default settings.

Add New Record   Clears any values you've specified on the form, restores any default values,
and initiates the creation of a new entity.

Delete   Deletes the currently selected entity, clears any values you have specified on
the form, and populates elements with the default values that the system in-
serts when a new entity is created.

You can delete an entity only if it is not linked with another enti-

Clipboard   Provides menu commands you can use to do the following:

• Copy: Copy the selected entity to the clipboard.
• Paste: Paste an entity or template from the clipboard.
• Save as Template: Create a template based on the selected entity.
• Import from XML: Import an entity or a template from an .xml file.
• Export to XML: Export the selected entity to an .xml file.
For more information on templates and copy-and-paste operations in
Acumatica ERP, see Using Forms. For more information on importing and ex-
porting .xml files, see Importing and Exporting Data to Excel and XML in the
Acumatica ERP User Guide.

Go to First Record   Displays the first entity (in the list of entities of the specific type) and its de-
Forms | 53

Button Icon Description

Go to Previous   Displays the previous entity and its details.


Go to Next Record   Displays the next entity and its details.

Go to Last Record   Displays the last entity (in the list of entities of the specific type) and its de-

View Schedule   Gives you the ability to schedule the processing. For more information, see
Automated Processing: General Information.

Inquiry Form Toolbar Buttons

Acumatica ERP inquiry forms present data in a tabular format; they may also have selection criteria you can use
to filter the data in the table. Predefined inquiry forms are provided as part of Acumatica ERP out of the box, and
inquiry forms can be designed by a user with the appropriate access rights by using the Generic Inquiry tool (for
details, see Managing Generic Inquiries in the Acumatica ERP Reporting Tools Guide). A form toolbar of an inquiry
form contains both the standard form toolbar buttons (described in the table above) and the additional buttons
described below.

Button Icon Description

Refresh   Refreshes the inquiry data in the table.

Cancel   Clears all changes (including selection criteria that has been specified, if the
generic inquiry form has this criteria) and restores the default settings.

Add New Record   Initiates the creation of a new entity.

Edit   Opens the applicable data entry form with the selected record.

Fit to Screen   Expands the form to fit on the screen and adjusts the column widths propor-

Export to Excel   Exports the data to an Excel file. For more information, see Integration with Ex-
cel in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.
Forms | 54

Button Icon Description

Filter Settings   Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to define a new filter.
After the filter has been created and saved, the corresponding tab appears on
the table. For more information about filtering, see Filters.

The More Menu and Form-Specific Buttons

If there are multiple form-specific commands on the form toolbar, they are displayed on a single menu—the More
menu—and listed under descriptive categories, which makes it easier to find the needed menu command. On the
More menu, you can easily define your favorite menu commands, which eases access to them.
On some forms, the system places a button (which is highlighted in green) on the form toolbar for the expected next
command, which represents the likely next step to be performed on the selected record. The following screenshot,
which shows the Cash Transactions (CA304000) form, illustrates an example of the form toolbar and the More menu,
which contains categories and menu commands.

Figure: The form toolbar of the Transactions form

The numbered items in the screenshot indicate the following:

1. A highlighted button for the expected next command, which represents the next logical step to be
performed on the record selected on the form
2. Another button for a command that is commonly performed on the form
3. The More button, which you click to open the More menu
4. The More menu with most form-specific menu commands and descriptive categories on it
5. The star icon, which is used to mark the individual user's favorite commands on the form
6. An unavailable command

Favorite Commands
Based on your role in the company and your job duties, you may use some commands more oen than others.
On the form toolbar, you can specify these commands as favorites. This will cause the system to duplicate the
commands as form toolbar buttons, easing access to them.
To add a command to the form toolbar as a button, you open the More menu, hover over the needed command,
and click the star icon when it appears. The yellow color of the star indicates that the command has been added
to your favorites, and a button for the command appears on the form toolbar immediately. The following example
shows two commands that have been added to the user's favorites on the Invoices and Memos (AR301000) form
and thus added as buttons on the form toolbar.
Forms | 55

Figure: Favorite commands on the More menu and the corresponding toolbar buttons

Favorites are individual to each user account, specific to a particular form, and preserved across user sessions.

Highlighted Buttons and Commands

On some forms, the system applies predefined logic to commands for specific records. Based on this logic, the
system may place a button on the form toolbar, highlight it using some color, or do both of these things.
If a command is the expected next command (that is, the command that is most likely to be clicked for a record
with the current status), it is shown both on the form toolbar and on the More menu. The primary command on the
form toolbar is highlighted in green (see Item 1 in the following screenshot), and on the More menu, it is marked
with a green dot (Item 2). Below is an example of a cash transaction on the Cash Transactions (CA304000) form that
has the On Hold status (Item 3). Before you can process it, you need to remove it from hold. Because Remove Hold
is the next logical command, it is displayed as a button on the form toolbar and highlighted in green.

Figure: The highlighted command and the corresponding status

Forms | 56

Unavailable Commands on the More Menu

By default, on the More menu, the system displays all commands that could be available for the form, based on the
system configuration. Some of these commands may be unavailable (that is, they are listed but cannot be clicked).
These are the commands that are not applicable to the record based on its current status or other factors.

The Responsive Form Toolbar and More Menu

The form toolbar and the More menu have a responsive layout, meaning that they dynamically adjust to different
screen sizes. When there is enough space, buttons for highlighted and favorite commands are displayed on the
form toolbar. When the screen size decreases, the system moves the commands off the form toolbar one by one but
keeps them on the More menu.
If there are multiple categories on the More menu, the categories and menu commands can be displayed in
multiple columns on the More menu, depending on the screen size and the number of categories. When the
screen size decreases, the system moves some categories and menu commands to the le to decrease the number
of columns, and in the screens of the smallest size, all categories are displayed in one column. Below are two
examples of the same menu in different screen sizes for a record on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.

Figure: The form toolbar and More menu on a wide screen

Forms | 57

Figure: The form toolbar and More menu on a narrow screen

Related Links
• Integration with Excel
• To Copy a Document Contents to a New Document
• To Create a Document with a Template

Page Toolbar

The page toolbar, which is available on the pages of the Customization Project Editor, is located near the top of the
page, under the page title, as shown in the following screenshot.
The page toolbar includes the following:
• Standard buttons (see Item 1 in the following screenshot), with the particular set of buttons depending on
the specific page
• On some pages, page-specific buttons (Item 2)
• On some pages, the More button (Item 3); clicking this button opens the More menu (Item 4), which contains
additional page-specific commands
Forms | 58

Figure: The page toolbar and the More menu

You use the standard buttons on the page toolbar to navigate through entities that were created by using the
current page, insert or delete an entity, use the clipboard, save the data you have entered, and cancel your work on
the page.
A page toolbar on a particular page may include page-specific buttons in addition to standard buttons; it may also
(or instead) include commands on the More menu. These page-specific buttons and commands give you the ability
to navigate to related pages, invoke specific actions, open dialog boxes, and perform modifications or processing
related to the functionality of the page.

Standard Page Toolbar Buttons

The following table lists the standard buttons of the page toolbar. A page toolbar may include some or all of these

Table: Standard Page Toolbar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Save   Saves the changes made to the entity.

Cancel   Depending on the context, does one of the following:

• Discards any unsaved changes you have made to entities and retrieves the
last saved version
• Clears all changes and restores the default settings

Add Row   Initiates the creation of a new entity

Forms | 59

Button Icon Description

Delete Row   Deletes the currently selected entity

Refresh   Refreshes the data in the table

Clipboard   Provides menu commands you can use to do the following:

• Copy: Copy the selected entity to the clipboard
• Paste: Paste an entity or template from the clipboard

Edit   Opens the currently selected entity on the applicable page so that you can
view its settings and modify it, if needed.

Fit to Screen   Expands the page to fit on the screen and adjusts the column widths propor-

Export to Excel   Exports the data to an Excel file. For more information, see Integration with Ex-
cel in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.

The More Menu and Page-Specific Buttons

If there are multiple page-specific commands on the page toolbar, they are displayed on a single menu—the More
menu—and listed under descriptive categories, which makes it easier to find the needed menu command. On the
More menu, you can easily define your favorite menu commands, which eases access to them.
On some pages, the system places a button (which is highlighted in green) on the page toolbar for the expected
next command, which represents the likely next step to be performed on the selected record. The following
screenshot, which shows the Workflow (Tree View) page for the Cases (CR306000) form, illustrates an example of
the page toolbar and the More menu, which contains categories and menu commands.
Forms | 60

Figure: The page toolbar of the Workflow page

The numbered items in the screenshot indicate the following:

1. A button for a command that is commonly performed on the page
2. The More button, which you click to open the More menu
3. The More menu with the page-specific menu commands and descriptive categories on it
4. The star icon, which is used to mark the individual user's favorite commands on the page
5. An unavailable command

Favorite Commands
Based on your role in the company and your job duties, you may use some commands more oen than others.
On the page toolbar, you can specify these commands as favorites. This will cause the system to duplicate the
commands as page toolbar buttons, easing access to them.
To add a command to the page toolbar as a button, you open the More menu, hover over the needed command,
and click the star icon when it appears. The yellow color of the star indicates that the command has been added
to your favorites, and a button for the command appears on the page toolbar immediately. The following example
shows a command that has been added to the user's favorites on the Actions page and thus added as a button on
the page toolbar.
Forms | 61

Figure: Favorite command on the More menu and the corresponding toolbar button

Favorites are individual to each user account, specific to a particular page, and preserved across user sessions.

Unavailable Commands on the More Menu

By default, on the More menu, the system displays all commands that could be available for the page, based on the
system configuration. Some of these commands may be unavailable (that is, they are listed but cannot be clicked).
These are the commands that are not applicable to the entity based on its current status or other factors.

The Responsive Page Toolbar and More Menu

The page toolbar and the More menu have a responsive layout, meaning that they dynamically adjust to different
screen sizes. When there is enough space, buttons for favorite commands are displayed on the page toolbar. When
the screen size decreases, the system moves the commands off the page toolbar one by one but keeps them on the
More menu.
If there are multiple categories on the More menu, the categories and menu commands can be displayed in
multiple columns on the More menu, depending on the screen size and the number of categories. When the screen
size decreases, the system moves some categories and menu commands to the le to decrease the number of
columns, and in the screens of the smallest size, all categories are displayed in one column.

Formatting Toolbar

Formatting is available on forms that have the rich-text editor. Generally, these forms have text areas that give the
user the ability to add detailed information about some Acumatica ERP entity that the user can create (for example,
a stock item or non-stock item). The formatting toolbar is located above the text area (see the screenshot below)
and may include standard and form-specific buttons.

Figure: Formatting Toolbar

Forms | 62

You use the standard buttons on the formatting toolbar to write and edit text, use the clipboard, and format the text
in the text area.

Standard Formatting Toolbar Buttons

The following table lists the standard buttons that a formatting toolbar might include.

Button Icon Description

Visual   Provides the following menu commands:

• Visual: Opens the editor view, where you can input and format the text.
• HTML: Opens the editor in HTML view, where you can input multiple HTML

We recommend that you use the Visual view to avoid mis-

prints in HTML tags.

• Plain text: Opens the plain text view, in which all the formatting is re-
moved. You can edit the text without formatting.
• Preview: Opens the preview mode, where you can view the content as it
will look.

Undo   Cancels the most recent changes you have made.

Redo   Restores the changes you canceled by clicking Undo.

Style   Applies the selected style to the text. The following styles are available: Para-
graph, Header1, Header2, Header3, Header4, Header5, Header6, Preformatted,
or Quote.

Bold   Marks the selected text in bold style.

Italic   Marks the selected text in italic style.

Underline   Marks the selected text as underlined. You can also use the following menu
commands in the drop-down list:
• Strike Through: Marks the selected text as strike through.
• Subscript: Marks the selected text as subscript.
• Superscript: Marks the selected text as superscript.

Font Color   Changes the color of the selected text to the color you click.

Text Highlight   Highlights the selected text in the color you click.
Forms | 63

Button Icon Description

Align Text Le   Aligns the selected text to the le with a ragged right margin. You can also use
the following menu commands in the drop-down list:
• Center: Centers the selected text.
• Align Text Right: Aligns the selected text to the right with a ragged le
• Justify: Aligns the selected text evenly between the le and right margins.

Numbered List   Starts a numbered list or converts the selected text to a numbered list.

Bulleted List   Starts a bulleted list or converts the selected text to a bulleted list.

Increase Indent   Moves the paragraph farther away from the margin.

Decrease Indent   Moves the paragraph closer to the margin.

Paste Text Mode   Switches the mode of pasting text from the clipboard. Select the button to re-
move formatting of the pasted text. Or clear the selection to keep formatting
of the pasted text.

Insert   Displays the toolbar that contains the following buttons:

• Image: Opens the Insert Image dialog box, which you can use to insert an
image into the text area. The dialog box is described in the Insert Image Dia-
log Box section of this topic.
• Link: Opens the Insert Link dialog box, which you can use to insert any
links into the text area. The dialog box is described in the Insert Link Dialog
Box section of this topic.
• Macros: Provides the following options:
• TOC: Inserts a table of contents, which contains all headers of the current
• Subarticles: Inserts a table of contents, which contains all the subarticles
linked to the current article.
• Info: Inserts an info box.
• Warning: Inserts a warning box.
• File list: Inserts a control that lists all the files attached to the article.
• Code: Opens the dialog box for inserting code.
• IFrame: Opens the dialog box for specifying the parameters for inserting
the frame.
• Placeholder: Inserts a placeholder in the text area that can be replaced with
the appropriate text. This button is available for templates only.
• Data Field: Provides the list of available data fields for selection. This but-
ton can be used to insert a field value in a notification related to a business
event. For details on the business events, see Using Business Events.
Forms | 64

Button Icon Description

• Previous Data Field: Provides the list of data fields whose previous values
can be inserted in the text area. This button can be used to insert a previ-
ous field value in a notification related to a business event. The system will
insert the placeholder with the PREV function, for example PREV((CR-
Case_status)). For details on the business events, see Using Business
• Template: Provides the list of notification templates that can be copied into
the text area.

Layout   Displays a toolbar that contains the following buttons:

• Create Section: Creates a section in the editing area.
• Remove Section: Removes the section that the cursor is pointing to.
• Section Up: Moves the section the cursor is pointing to one level up.
• Section Down: Moves the section the cursor is pointing to one level down.
• One Section: Changes the markup layout by uniting the selected section
into one section.
• Two Sections: Changes the markup layout by dividing the selected section
into two equal parts (sections).
• Le Bar: Changes the markup layout by dividing the selected section into
two parts. The le part is located closer to the le margin.
• Right Bar: Changes the markup layout by dividing the selected section into
two parts. The right part is located closer to the right margin.
• Three Sections: Changes the markup layout by dividing the selected sec-
tion into three equal parts (sections).
• Side Bars: Changes the markup layout by dividing the selected section into
three parts (sections) by creating side bars on the le and on the right.

Tables   Displays the toolbar that contains the following buttons:

• Create Table: Invokes the dialog box, where you can specify the number of
rows and columns and create the table.
• Insert Row Before Cursor: Inserts the row before the selected one.
• Insert Row After Cursor: Inserts the row after the selected one.
• Insert Column Before Cursor: Inserts the column before the selected one.
• Insert Column After Cursor: Inserts the column after the selected one.
• Delete Row: Deletes the selected row.
• Delete Column: Deletes the selected column.
• Del. Table: Deletes the selected table.
Forms | 65

Button Icon Description

Language Selector   Displays a link with a language name and the ISO code of an active system lo-
cale. In Acumatica ERP instances with multiple active locales, the system au-
tomatically determines this language by a translation that a user specified
in the text area (for example, a description of a stock item on the Stock Items
(IN202500) form) by using the algorithm described in The Order of the Lan-
guages in the Box.

You can click this link and select a language manually from the drop-down list.
If there is a translation of the text for the selected language in the Acumatica
ERP database, it will be displayed in the text area. If there is no translation of
the text for a required language in the Acumatica ERP database, you can enter
it in the text area.
A check mark near the language in the selector indicates that there is a trans-
lation of the text for the selected language in the Acumatica ERP database.

Delete   Deletes the text specified in the text area for the language selected in the lan-
guage selector.

Insert Image Dialog Box

You use this dialog box for inserting images into the text area. The navigation pane contains tabs that you can use
to insert an image from any of the following sources: your device, the system, or the web. Aer going to the tab that
represents the source of the image, you use the elements on the tab to select and insert the needed images.
The tabs of this dialog box are documented below. Some common elements are shown at the bottom of all the
tabs; you can find the descriptions of these elements aer the descriptions of the tabs and their tab-specific

Table: Insert Image Dialog Box: Attached Images Tab

By using the Attached Images tab, you can upload an image from your device and insert it into your text. The top
part of the tab has the following elements.

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following elements.

File The name of the file, which the system fills in when you select it.

Browse A button that you click to open a dialog box in which you can select the image file for up-

Upload A button that you click to upload the selected file.

In the work area of the tab, you can view all files that have been uploaded for the activity.

Table: Insert Image Dialog Box: Search Images Tab

By using the Search Images tab, you can search for an image among the images stored in the system and insert the
selected one. The top part of the tab has the following elements.
Forms | 66

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following elements.

Search An untitled box in which you can enter a search string.

Search A button that you can click to search the images stored in the system whose names have
the search string you specified in the Search box. The system displays the list of the files it
locates (if any) in the work area of the tab.

The work area of the tab shows all images that match the search string that you specified in the Search box.

Table: Insert Image Dialog Box: Image from the Web Tab
By using the Image from the Web tab, you can insert an image by entering its URL. The top part of this tab has the
following elements.

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following elements.

Enter Image URL The URL to the image.

Preview Image A button that you click to view a preview of the image in the work area of the tab.

The tab has a work area that shows the image if you have entered its URL and clicked Preview Image.

Table: Insert Image Dialog Box: Common Elements

All of the tabs of the dialog box have the following elements, which are located at the bottom of the dialog box.

Element Description

Caption The caption of the image. After you select an image to be inserted, you can type its cap-

Insert A button that you click to insert the image file into the text area and close the dialog box.

Cancel A button that you click to cancel the adding of the image and close the dialog box.

In the Acumatica ERP instance, all emails that have embedded images encoded by the base64
algorithm are processed in the following way (without affecting the display of the email):
1. The base64 attachment is extracted from the email.
2. The extracted attachment is saved as a file.
3. The file is attached to the email.
4. The link to the attached file is inserted into the email body.

Insert Link Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to insert links to forms, wiki articles, external websites, and files into the text area. You click
one of the tabs in the navigation pane on the le side of the dialog box, and then you use the elements on the tab
to add a link to the selected object into your text.
Forms | 67

The tabs of this dialog box are documented below. Some common elements are shown at the bottom of all the
tabs; you can find the descriptions of these elements aer the descriptions of the tabs and their tab-specific

Table: Insert Link Dialog Box: Attached Files Tab

By using the Attached Files tab, you can upload and attach files to the selected record, view the files that have
been attached, and paste a link to a file attached to the selected record into your text.

You can paste links only to files that have been uploaded to the system. For more information on
managing files in Acumatica ERP, see Attachments: File Maintenance.

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following elements.

File The name of the file to be attached, which the system fills in when you select it.

Browse A button that you click to open a dialog box in which you can select the file for uploading.

Upload A button that you click to upload the selected file.

The work area of the tab has a table that displays the files attached to the selected record.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table
contains the following columns.

Name The name of the uploaded file.

Size (kb) The size in kilobytes of the uploaded file.

Comment A comment that has been entered when the file was uploaded to the system.

Table: Insert Link Dialog Box: Search Files Tab

By using the Search Files tab, you can add a link to a file that is stored in Acumatica ERP but attached to another
record in the system.

You can paste links only to files that have been uploaded to the system. For more information on
managing files in Acumatica ERP, see Attachments: File Maintenance.

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following elements.

Search A box where you enter the search string before clicking the Search button.

Search A button that you click to search the files stored in the system that have the specified
search string in their name. The system displays the list of the files it finds (if any) in the
table below.

The work area of the tab has a table that shows the search result and displays all files stored in the system that
contain the search string in their name.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table
contains the following columns.
Forms | 68

Element Description

Name A name of the uploaded file.

Size (kb) The size in kilobytes of the uploaded file.

Comment A name of the uploaded file that contains the search string in its name.

Table: Insert Link Dialog Box: File from the Web Tab
By using the File from the Web tab, you can add a link to a file that is stored on the web.

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following element.

Enter file URL here The URL to the file, which you paste here. The system inserts the link to the file in the
work area.

The work area of the tab displays the link to the file that is located the web.

Table: Insert Link Dialog Box: Search Articles Tab

By using the Search Articles tab, you can insert a link to a wiki article that is available in the system.

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following elements.

Search A box where you enter the search string before clicking the Search button.

Search A button that you click to search the articles available in the system that have the speci-
fied search string in their title. The system displays the list of the articles it finds (if any) in
the table of the work area.

The work area of the tab has a table that initially displays all wiki articles available in the system. If you enter a
search string and click Search, the table shows all articles whose titles contain the search string.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table
contains the following columns.

Title The title of a topic in the online Help or an article in a custom wiki.

Title The title of the chapter (in the online Help or an article in a custom wiki) in which the top-
ic or article is located.

Created The date when the topic or article was created.

Table: Insert Link Dialog Box: Search Screens Tab

By using the Search Screens tab, you can add a link to an Acumatica ERP form.

Element Description

The top part of the tab has the following elements.

Forms | 69

Element Description

Search A box where you enter the search string before clicking the Search button.

Search A button that you click to search the screens that have the specified search string in their
name. The system displays the list of the screens it finds (if any) in the table below.

The work area of the tab has a table that initially displays all screens (forms) available in the system. If you enter
a search string and click Search, the table shows all screens whose names contain the search string.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table
contains the following columns.

Title The name of the form.

Screen ID The ID of the form.

Module The name of the functional area of the system to which the form belongs.

Table: Insert Link Dialog Box: Common Elements

All of the tabs of the dialog box have the following elements, which are located at the bottom of the dialog box.

Element Description

Insert Link The text of the link as it will be displayed in the text area. You can enter the text to repre-
sent the link in the text area.

Insert A button that you click to insert the link to the file into the text area and close the dialog

Cancel A button that you click to cancel the adding of the link and close the dialog box.

Related Links
• Parts of a Form

Form Elements

In Acumatica ERP, you use the form elements to enter data or settings, which the system stores in the database or
uses as criteria to select what is displayed on the form.

Types of Form Elements

Acumatica ERP supports the following types of form elements:
• Date box: You use a date box to type a date. For more information, see Date Boxes.
• Calendar: You use this dialog box to select a date in a calendar. For more information, see Calendar Dialog
• Lookup box: You use this box to select a value from a list of predefined values or from another information
table from the database. For more information, see Lookup Boxes
• Currency box: A currency box is a type of lookup box that provides additional controls for currency
manipulation. For more information, see Currency Boxes.
Forms | 70

• Check box: You select or clear a check box to turn on or turn off an option.
If a box is marked with asterisk (*), you must fill it in.

Unavailable Elements
When you enter data on the Acumatica ERP forms, you may notice that some elements are unavailable. Some
of these unavailable elements are info boxes: read-only boxes that contain system-generated values, such as
document statuses and total amounts. Other unavailable elements can be used only if a specific option is selected
in another element on this form or on another form.

Date Boxes

Date boxes are used to enter dates, as shown on the screenshot below.

Figure: Date box

To change any date, you can either type a specific date into the date box or select it by using the calendar dialog
box, which you access from the date box. For more information, see Calendar Dialog Box.
By default, the current business date is displayed in the info area in the top right corner of a form. For more
information, see Info Area.
Related Links
• To Select a Date by Using the Calendar
• To Change the Business Date

Calendar Dialog Box

The Calendar dialog box, which appears when you click the arrow in a date box, displays the calendar page for the
selected date, as shown in the screenshot below. You can use the Calendar dialog box to select a new date, which
will appear in the date box. For details, see To Select a Date by Using the Calendar.

Figure: Calendar

1. Current date
2. Selected date
Forms | 71

3. Selected month
4. Selected year
5. Previous month
6. Next month
7. Week number column

When you're defining a new object, entity, or record, the selected date by default is the business date specified in
Acumatica ERP. For details on changing the business date, see To Change the Business Date in the Acumatica ERP
Getting Started Guide.
Related Links
• To Select a Date by Using the Calendar

To Select a Date by Using the Calendar

To select a date in a date box by using the Calendar dialog box, do the following:
1. Click the arrow to the right of a date box to open the Calendar dialog box.
2. Browse calendar pages as follows:
• To change the year, click the selected year, and then click the year you want to view.
• To change the month, click the selected month, and then click the month you want to view.
• To view the page showing the previous month, click the Previous Month arrow.
• To view the page showing the next month, click the Next Month arrow.
3. Click on a day to select the date and close the dialog box.

The selected date is now displayed in the date box.

Related Links
• Calendar Dialog Box
• Date Boxes

Lookup Boxes

Acumatica ERP uses the following types of lookup boxes:

• Drop-down list: The currently selected option is shown in the box. Click the arrow to see the other options.
• Multi-select drop-down list: A type of drop-down list in which you can select one option or multiple options
at once. Click the arrow to view the available options, and then select the check boxes for the options you
want to select. The selected options are displayed in the box, separated by commas.
• Lookup table: This lookup box has a selector button that is indicated with a magnifier icon. Click the selector
button to open a lookup table that shows objects in the database and information about each object.
In some cases, a lookup box offers additional buttons. For example, on a variety of forms, you can click Edit ( ) to
the right of the Vendor box to open the Vendors (AP303000) form as a pop-up and create a vendor record on the fly.
The Acumatica ERP currency box is a type of lookup box that provides additional buttons for currency
manipulation. For more information, see Currency Boxes.
In the screenshot below, you can see an Acumatica ERP form with the types of lookup boxes called out.
Forms | 72

Figure: Lookup box

1. Lookup box with drop-down list

2. Lookup box with lookup table
3. Lookup table
4. Additional button: Edit
5. Currency box

Using Autocomplete
When you enter values into most lookup boxes with a lookup table, you can use autocomplete: You start typing in
the box, and the system displays in the lookup table the list of suggestions that include the string you have typed.

You can turn off autocomplete on the User Profile (SM203010) form.

For example, suppose you wanted to find a customer whose name is Nautilus Bar SABL. In the Customer box, you
might type bar, and the list of customers would be filtered down to include only the customers whose ID or name
include the string you typed, as shown in the screenshot below. Now you would press the Down Arrow key two
times to navigate to Nautilus Bar SABL and press Enter to select the customer.

Figure: Use of Autocomplete

Selecting a Value in the Lookup Box

To select a value in the lookup box, do one of the following:
• If you know the value, type it in the box and press Enter.
For example, on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form, to select a purchase order with the number 100, type
100 in the Order Nbr. box.
• Click the magnifier icon and select the value in the lookup table.

You can use filtering options to display only documents with specific properties. For more
information, see Filters.
Forms | 73

• If the box supports autocomplete, start typing the value, and then select the value in the table.

Related Links
• Form Elements
• Currency Boxes

Currency Boxes

An Acumatica ERP currency box is a special type of lookup box. It has a selector button (to bring up the currency
lookup table) and two additional controls to give you advanced functionality, as shown in the screenshot below.

Figure: Currency box

1. Currency Identifier box

2. Exchange Rate drop-down list
3. Currency Toggle button

Using Currency Toggle Button

For the documents with amounts in foreign currency, the Currency Toggle button switches the currency of the
amounts between the base currency and the selected foreign currency. The label on the Currency Toggle button
depends on the currently selected currency of the amount:
• View Base: The amount is displayed in the foreign currency; click the button to view the amount in the base
• View Cury: The amount is displayed in the base currency; click the button to view the amount in the foreign
The Currency Toggle button does not affect the documents with amounts in the base currency only.
Related Links
• Form Elements

Translations Dialog Box

The Translations dialog box is a localization tool that you use to provide multiple translations for text that users
enter in the text boxes of the system, as well as to view existing translations for the text. This dialog box is available
for multiple text boxes in the system; these text boxes are listed in Boxes that Have Multi-Language Support.
The Translations dialog box may contain one text box or multiple text boxes, with each box labeled with a
language name, where you can enter translations, as shown in the screenshot below. You enter a translation or
multiple translations, close the dialog box, and click Save on the form toolbar.
Forms | 74

Figure: Translations dialog box

1. Language labels
2. Text boxes for entering translations

You can invoke the dialog box by clicking the link with an ISO code of a language next to a text box. Additionally,
when you are editing a value in a cell (of a table) or a box that has multi-language support, you can click CTRL
+SHIFT+L to invoke the Translations dialog box.
The number of boxes in the Translations dialog box is defined by the number of languages that are used in
localization of user input. For details, see Locales and Languages.

The Order of the Languages in the Box

The order of the languages in the Translations dialog box depends on the locale you are currently logged in to. The
system displays the languages of the boxes in the Translations dialog box in the following order:
1. The language associated with a locale you are currently logged in to
2. The language marked as the default on the System Locales (SM200550) form
3. Alternative languages displayed in the sequence specified for them in the Sequence column on the System
Locales form

The ISO code whose language is displayed as the link depends on the following factors:
• Which locale you are currently logged in to
• Whether there is a translation for the language associated with the locale
• Whether there is a translation for the default language
The system determines which ISO code to display as follows:
1. If a translation is available for the language associated with the locale to which the user is currently logged
in, then the system does the following:
• Displays the translation in the text box that has multi-language support
• Displays the ISO code of the language as a link that you can click to invoke the Translations dialog box
2. If a translation for the locale language is not available, the system searches for a translation specified for
the language marked as the default on the System Locales form. If a translation for the default language is
available, the system does the following:
• Displays the default translation in the text box that has multi-language support
• Displays the ISO code of the default language as a link that you can click to invoke the Translations
dialog box
3. If a translation for the default language is not available, the system searches for a translation specified
for any language marked as an alternative on the System Locales form. If a translation for an alternative
language is available, the system does the following:
• Displays the alternative translation in the text box that has multi-language support
• Displays the ISO code of the corresponding alternative language as a link that you can click to invoke the
Translations dialog box
Forms | 75

4. If there are no available translations, the system does the following:

• Displays no value in the text box that has multi-language support
• Displays the ISO code of the language associated with the locale you are currently signed in with as a link
that you can click to invoke the Translations dialog box

Related Links
• Form Elements
• Locales and Languages
• Boxes that Have Multi-Language Support

Reminder Dialog Box

Starting at the time specified as the reminder time for a particular task or event, the Reminder dialog box will
appear automatically.

Figure: Reminder dialog box

By using the Reminder dialog box, you can do any of the following:
• Drill down to the selected task or event details
• Dismiss the selected task or event from the list
• Clear the list of tasks and events
• Postpone the reminder

In this table, you can see tasks and events for which you set the reminder.

Column Description

Summary The short description of the task or event for which you set the reminder. To view the de-
tails, click the summary to open the Task (CR306020) or Event (CR306030) form.

Start Date The start date and time of the task or event.

Dialog Box Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only form-specific buttons, which are listed below.
Forms | 76

Button Description

Snooze Postpones the reminder for the selected task or event for the time interval you select.

View Details Displays the details of the selected task or event.

Dismiss Removes the selected task or event from the list.

Dismiss All Removes all tasks and events from the list.

Using Forms

During the normal course of business, you use forms to add, delete, edit, and manage records, such as documents
or business accounts. You use form functionality to facilitate this process.

Navigating to a Form
To open a form, you either navigate to the form or search for it. You navigate to the form by clicking the appropriate
workspace item on the main menu of Acumatica ERP, and then clicking the form you want to view. For details on
searching for a form, see Searching in Acumatica ERP.

Attaching Files to Records

In Acumatica ERP, files can be attached to any record that Acumatica ERP keeps for the objects—such as invoices,
leads, customers, bills, sales orders, and batches of transactions—that users add by using data entry forms. You
can attach different files, such as images in various formats, scanned documents, and internal instructions for
You can attach files to the records on data entry forms. The value in parentheses to the right of the File menu on
the form title bar shows the number of files attached to the selected record.

Files can also be attached to record details. For more information, see To Attach a File to a Record

You can easily manage and track files and images attached to Acumatica ERP records and record details for various
purposes. For more information on managing attached files, see Managing External Storage for File Attachments in
the Acumatica ERP System Administration Guide and Working with Data Entry Forms and Importing and Exporting
Data to Excel and XML in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.

Attaching Notes to Records

In Acumatica ERP, you can attach text notes to any record that Acumatica ERP keeps for the objects—such as
invoices, opportunities, vendors, bills, purchase orders, and batches of transactions—that users add by using data
entry forms. You can use these notes to communicate key information about the record or record detail to other

Notes can also be attached to record details. For more information, see To Attach a Note to a Record
Forms | 77

Copying and Pasting

In Acumatica ERP, you can easily create a new document by copying and pasting an existing document of the same
type. This functionality can also be used to create new objects, such as vendor or customer classes, by copying
existing objects. For applicable forms, the copying and pasting options are offered on the Clipboard menu on the
form toolbar (shown in the screenshot below). For the detailed procedure, see To Copy a Document Contents to a
New Document.

For more information, see Copy-and-Paste Options and Document Templates in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started

Applying a Template
If templates have been added for a document you want to create, you can use a template to fill the elements for a
new document. You can see the available templates on the Clipboard menu on the form toolbar, as shown in the
screenshot below.

Figure: Document templates in the Clipboard menu

For the detailed procedure, see To Create a Document with a Template.

For more information, see Copy-and-Paste Options and Document Templates in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started

Importing from and Exporting to XML

In Acumatica ERP, some record types, such as generic inquiries and ARM reports, have a complex structure. You
may need to export data from these forms—for example, to transfer a generic inquiry to another instance. Then in
the other instance, you need to import this generic inquiry. You can import and export these records in XML format.
A form has XML export and import functionality when the Export as XML and Import from XML menu commands
are available if you click Clipboard on the form toolbar aer you select an entity. For example, navigate to the
Generic Inquiry (SM208000) form, select an inquiry, and notice that this menu command is available. For details, see
To Export Data to XML and To Import Data from XML.

Related Links
• Forms
• To Open a Form by Using Acumatica ERP Navigation Options
Forms | 78

• To Search for a Form

• To Attach a File to a Record
• To Attach a Note to a Record
• To Copy a Document Contents to a New Document
• To Create a Document with a Template

To Open a Form by Using Acumatica ERP Navigation Options

Generally, to open a form, you do the following:

1. In the main menu, select the workspace the form belongs to.
2. In the workspace, click on the form title.

To Search for a Form

To quickly open a form, you can search for it, as described in this topic.

To Search for a Form

1. Start typing the form title in the Search box near the top of the navigation pane.
The forms whose names contain the word you have typed are displayed in the bottom part of the Search
Suggestions list.
2. Click the form title to open the form.

To Attach a File to a Record

You can attach a file, such as a scanned document with a signature, to a record (that is, an entity or a document
created on a data entry form), as described in this topic.

To Attach a File to a Record

To attach a file to a record, use one of the following methods:
• Drag the file:
a. Open the form, and then select the record you want to attach the file to.
b. Open the folder or library where the file is located and drag it to the Summary area of the form.
• Use the Files dialog box:
a. Open the form, and then select the record you want to attach the file to.
b. On the form title bar, click Files.
c. In the Files dialog box, click Browse.
d. Select the file you want to attach, click Open, and then click Upload.
The system attaches the file to the record and increments the counter of files attached to the selected record.
Forms | 79

To Attach a Note to a Record

You can attach any text to a record (that is, entity or a document created on a data entry form), as described in this
topic. For example, you can add important information for your colleagues who works with this record.

To Attach a Note to a Record

1. Open the form, and then select the record you want to attach a note to.
2. On the form title bar, click Notes.
3. In the Enter Record Note dialog box, type the text of the note.
4. Click OK.
5. On the form title bar, verify that the icon color near the Notes button has changed from white to yellow.

You can read the note if you click Notes on the form title bar.

To Attach a Pop-Up Note to a Record

You can attach pop-up text messages to a record (that is, an entity or a document created on a data entry form), as
described in this topic. A pop-up message with a note about a customer, a vendor, or an inventory item will be then
displayed to users when they select the entity while creating documents in the system. For example, you can add
important information for your colleagues who works with this record.
The following entities support pop-up notes:
• Customer accounts on the Customers (AR303000) form
• Vendor accounts on the Vendors (AP303000) form
• Inventory items on the Stock Items (IN202500) and Non-Stock Items (IN202000) forms
• Business accounts on the Business Accounts (CR303000) form

To Attach a Note to a Record

1. Open the form, and then select the record you want to attach a note to.
2. On the form title bar, click Notes.
3. In the Enter Record Note dialog box, select Add Pop-Up Note check box. The system displays the Pop-Up
Note box.
4. In the Pop-Up Note box, type the text of the pop-up note.
5. Click OK.

When you create a document in the system with a record to which a pop-up note has been added earlier, the
system will display the note as pop-up window.
You can view pop-up notes added for customer accounts and inventory items when you create documents on the
following forms:
• Invoices and Memos (AR301000)
• Cash Sales (AR304000)
• Sales Orders (SO301000)
• Invoices (SO303000)
Forms | 80

• Service Orders (FS300100)

• Appointments (FS300200)
Pop-up notes added for vendor accounts will be displayed when you create documents on the following forms:
• Bills and Adjustments (AP301000)
• Purchase Orders (PO301000)
• Purchase Receipts (PO302000)
A pop-up note added for a business account will be displayed on the following forms for leads, opportunities,
contacts, and cases associated with the business account:
• Leads (CR301000)
• Opportunities (CR304000)
• Contacts (CR302000)
• Cases (CR306000)

To Copy a Document Contents to a New Document

In Acumatica ERP, you can create a record (a document, transaction, class, or profile) by coping and pasting
the contents of a record of the same type, as described in this topic. For more information about the creation
of records, see Working with Data Entry Forms: General Information and Copy-and-Paste Options and Document

If a record contains more than 1000 detail lines, only the first 1000 detail lines are copied to a new

To Copy a Document Contents to a New Document

1. On the appropriate form, open the record you want to copy.
2. On the Clipboard menu on the form toolbar, select Copy.
The contents of the record is copied to the clipboard.
3. On the form toolbar, click Add New Record to clear the elements for a new record.
4. On the Clipboard menu, select Paste.
The contents of the clipboard is pasted into the new record.
5. Edit the elements that have different values in the new record than those in the original record.
6. On the form toolbar, click Save to save the new record.

Now you can process the new record according to your company's workflow.

To Create a Document with a Template

You can create a record (a document, transaction, class, or profile) by using a previously created template, as
described in this topic. For more information about the creation of records, see Working with Data Entry Forms:
General Information and Copy-and-Paste Options and Document Templates.
Forms | 81

To Create a Document by Using a Template

1. On the appropriate form, click Add New Record to create a new record.
2. In the Clipboard menu, select the template from which you want to copy data.
The data from the template is pasted into your record.
3. Check that the record has the appropriate date, post period, and amounts. If required, make necessary
4. On the form toolbar, click Save.

Now you can process the new record according to your company's workflow.

To Scan a File and Attach It to a Record

In Acumatica ERP, you can scan a file and attach it to a record—that is, to an entity or a document created on a data
entry form. This topic describes the process of scanning and attaching the file.
This functionality is available only if the DeviceHub feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form and at least one scanner has been configured in the DeviceHub application.
For more information about configuring scanners in DeviceHub, see the topics of the Configuring
Hardware Devices in DeviceHub chapter.

To Scan a File and Attach It to a Record

1. Open the appropriate data entry form, and then select the record (that is, the entity or document) to which
you want to attach the file.
2. On the form title bar, click Files.
3. In the Files dialog box, which opens, click Scan.
4. In the Submit for Scanning dialog box, which opens, select a scanner in the Scanner box.
The system fills in the boxes of the dialog box with the default settings of the scanner. You can change these
settings, if needed.
5. On the toolbar of the dialog box, click Scan to initiate the scanning of the document. When the system
completes the scanning, the Submit for Scanning dialog box closes; the system returns you to the Files
dialog box, where a row with the name of the file with the scanned document appears in the table.
6. Click Upload. The system attaches the scanned document to the record.

Side Panels of Generic Inquiry Forms

In Acumatica ERP, you can view data on inquiries that have been created on the Generic Inquiry (SM208000) form;
these inquiry forms are similar to the standard inquiry forms provided in Acumatica ERP. An inquiry may include
related forms that are displayed as tabs on the side panel.

Side Panel Interface

Generic inquiry forms with included side panels can give users more opportunities to efficiently execute business
processes. By using the side panel of a generic inquiry, you can view the details of entities related to a record that
Forms | 82

is currently selected on the inquiry. These additional navigation options can help you quickly find the details you
need without navigating away from the list of records in the inquiry.
The screenshot below displays the elements of the side panel.

Figure: The interface of the side panel

1. Side panel
2. Side panel tab
3. Form title
4. Notes
5. Files
6. Maximize/Minimize button
7. Form area
8. Display/Hide button

Side Panel
The side panel is a navigation option you can use to drill down to relevant details about any record listed on the
inquiry form. By default, this panel is hidden and you can see only the Display button and the tabs defined for this
Forms | 83

To resize the side panel, you drag its le edge until the panel is the needed size.

Side Panel Tab

Either one form can be displayed on the side panel or the panel may have tabs with multiple forms. If the side panel
has tabs, you can navigate between them.
To view relevant information in a side panel tab, you select a record on the inquiry form and then click the needed
tab icon on the side panel. In the side panel, the system displays the form with the information related to the
selected record inside the side panel.
You can hover over the tab icon to see the name of the form used for this tab.

Form Title
This section of the side panel displays the title of the form you selected for a specific tab.

You use this button to add a note to the record selected in the inquiry results. When you click the button, the system
opens the Enter Record Note dialog box, where you can type the text of the note. Aer you have saved the note,
the background of the button is changed. The yellow color of the button indicates that the note has been added to
the selected record.

You use this button to attach a file or files to the selected record. When you click the button, the system opens the
Files dialog box, where you can attach a file or multiple files to the record and manage the attached files. Aer you
have attached the file or files, the background of the button is changed. The yellow color of the button indicates
that the file or files have been attached to the selected record.

Maximize/Minimize Button
You use this button to open the side panel to the width of the screen or to minimize it to the default size. To

maximize the side panel to the full width, you click the Maximize ( ) button. To return the screen to the default

size, you click the Minimize ( ) button.

Form Area
When you select the record from the inquiry form and open the tab on the side panel (if multiple tabs are defined
for the inquiry form), the system displays the details of the entity related to the record in the form area.

Display or Hide Button

You use these buttons to open or close the side panel of the inquiry. To open the side panel, you click the Display
( ) button, and to hide the panel, you click the Hide ( ) button.

Processing Pop-Up Window

In Acumatica ERP, each form designed for the mass processing of data records displays the Processing pop-up
window. This window provides the details of the process you are running in the system. The Processing pop-up
Forms | 84

window appears when you invoke the processing; you close the window manually. It consists of a process bar, tabs
with statuses, and a table with details, as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure: Major parts of the Processing pop-up window

1. Maximize/Minimize button: You use this button to enlarge the pop-up window to the size of the form from
which you invoked processing or to minimize the pop-up window if it has already been enlarged.
2. Progress area: You use this area to see the progress of the process you are running in the system. It contains
three measurements: the percentage of records that have been processed, the remaining time, and the
elapsed time.
3. Tabs area: You use these tabs to see the status of the records you are processing. This area contains tab tiles
and tab details.
4. Cancel Processing button: You click this button to stop the processing now.

Progress Area
When you run the processing of any data records (that is, documents or entities), you can see what percentage of
the data records have already been processed, how much time remains in the processing, and how much time has

Figure: Progress area

Forms | 85

1. Completed: Displays the percentage of records that have been processed.

2. Remaining: Displays the time remaining until the process finishes running. The remaining time is displayed
in the following time format: hh:mm:ss.
3. Elapsed: Displays the time that the process takes. The elapsed time is displayed in the following time
format: hh:mm:ss.

Tabs Area
You use this area to view the details of the process you are running. In the Tabs area, you can see the following tabs:
• Processed: Lists all the successfully processed records
• Errors: Lists all the records that were processed with errors
• Warnings: Lists all the records that were processed with warnings
• Remaining: Lists all the remaining records to be processed
• Total: Lists all the records included in the processing (those that have been processed successfully, those for
which warnings or errors have occurred, and those that need to be processed)
By default, these tabs are closed. You can expand each of these tabs to open the details of the processed
documents. In the following screenshot, the Processed tab is expanded (1), and the Errors tab is closed (2).

Figure: Status of the tabs

When you open any tab, the system displays a table with a list of processed records. The records in the lists of the
tabs may have links. If you click a link in the list, the system opens the related record on the appropriate form in a
new browser tab.

The Results of Processing and Cancellation

When the processing of the records finishes, the system displays the results of the processing, whether it has been
successful or unsuccessful. The following screenshot shows the Processing pop-up window when the processing
has been successful.

Figure: Processing pop-up window with successful results

The progress area informs you that the processing of the records has been completed and displays the time this
process has taken. If the overall process was successful but there are some errors or warnings in the records, the
Forms | 86

system displays the Process completed with errors or Process completed with warnings message, respectively. The
Tabs area sorts the records by statuses and provides details of these records.
While the system is preparing the records for processing or processing of the records, if an error occurs that is not
directly connected with any record, the system will stop the processing and display the following error: An error
occurred while initializing processing. Show error message. To find out why processing failed, you can click the Show
error message link in the error message. The system will display the error message, as illustrated in the following
screenshot. Error messages are unique to each process.

Figure: Processing pop-up window with an error

If you need to stop the processing of the records, you can click the Cancel Processing button. When you click this
button, the system opens the Confirmation dialog box, which asks you to confirm that you want to stop processing
the records. If you click Yes, the system will prevent the processing of the remaining records, and the Processing
pop-up window will have a similar appearance to that of the window displayed in the following screenshot.

Figure: Processing pop-up window aer the process has been canceled

Related Links
• Basic Elements of the User Interface
• Info Area
Tables | 87

On many Acumatica ERP forms, tabs, and dialog boxes, some or all of the data is arranged in tables, where each
row represents an object or detail (such as an account, an inventory item, a document row, or a journal entry) and
each column shows a parameter of the object or detail in the row.
A table can have the following elements:
• Table rows and columns (see Item 1 in the following screenshot)
• A table toolbar (2) with buttons you can click to invoke actions as you work with the objects or details in the
• A table footer (3) with buttons you can click to navigate between the pages of the table
• A filtering area (4), which you can use to filter the objects in the table

Figure: Table

In This Chapter
• Table Rows and Columns
• Table Toolbar
• Table Footer
• Filtering Area
• Adjusting Table Layout
• Using Tables

Table Rows and Columns

In tables on Acumatica ERP forms, tabs, or dialog boxes, each row represents an object or detail (such as an
account, an inventory item, a document row, or a journal entry) and each column shows a parameter of the object
or detail in the particular row.
Tables | 88

Shortcut Menu
Right-clicking within the rows of a table opens a shortcut menu. The commands you see in the menu, which
depend on the table you are working with, are mostly duplicates of actions on the table toolbar, but they offer you
easier access to them. The unique menu commands are described in the following table. For description of other
commands, see Table Toolbar.

Table: Shortcut Menu Commands

Option Description

Clear Column Filter Clears the simple filter that you have applied to the selected column.

Filter by This Cell Filters the data in the table by the value of the selected cell, causing only rows with this
Value value in this column to be displayed. For details, see To Filter the Data in a Table.

Column Configuration Dialog Box

You can use the Column Configuration dialog box to work with tables in ways that better suit your needs. By using
this dialog box, you can do the following:
• Change the visibility of the columns in the table
• Adjust the order of columns
• Restore the default table layout
• Save your changes to the table layout, including the quick filters and sorting you have applied to the table

To open the Column Configuration dialog box, you click the Column Configuration ( ) button (the lemost icon
among the column headers), shown in the screenshot below.

Figure: Column Configuration button

Element Description

Search for Available A box in which you can start typing, and the system displays the list of columns whose
Columns names contain the string you have typed in the Available Columns list.

Available Columns The columns that are hidden from the table.

Selected Columns The columns that are shown in the table.

Search for Selected A box in which you can start typing, and the system displays the list of columns whose
Columns names contain the string you have typed in the Selected Columns list.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

Tables | 89

Element Description

Add Column Moves the selected column to the Selected Columns list, causing it to be displayed on
the table.

Remove Column Moves the selected column to the Available Columns list, causing it to be hidden from
the table.

Move Up Moves the selected column up in the list (that is, to the le side of the table).

Move Down Moves the selected column down in the list (that is, to the right side of the table).

Reset to Default Loads the default table settings.

Delete Default Deletes the default configuration of the table columns created in the Share Column Con-
Configuration figuration dialog box. This button is visible to users with the Administrator role and is
available if a shared default configuration has been set previously.
For details on sharing column configuration, see Default Table Layout and Accessibility.

OK Applies your changes and closes the dialog box.

Cancel Discards all unsaved changes and closes the dialog box.

Related Links
• Adjusting Table Layout
• To Hide or Display Table Columns
• To Adjust Column Widths
• To Change the Order of Columns
• Table Toolbar

Table Toolbar

Each table on an Acumatica ERP form, tab, dialog box, or page has a table toolbar, which contains the buttons
you can use to work with the details or objects of the table. A toolbar, shown in the following screenshot, includes
buttons that are specific to the table, standard buttons that most table toolbars have, and the search box (for some
tables; for others, the search box is displayed in the filtering area).
Tables | 90

Figure: Table toolbar

Standard Table Toolbar Buttons

The following table describes the standard table toolbar buttons. A table toolbar may include some or all of those
buttons. If a table toolbar includes table-specific buttons, they are described in the reference help topic.

Button Icon Description

Refresh   Refreshes the data in the table.

Switch Between   Controls how the elements are displayed: in a table (grid) with rows and columns;
Grid and Form or as separately arranged elements for one table row, with navigation tools you use
to move between row data.

Add Row   Appends a new row to the table so you can define a new detail or object. The new
row may contain some default values.

Delete Row   Deletes the selected row.

Move Row Up   Moves the selected row one position up.

Move Row Down   Moves the selected row one position down.

Fit to Screen   Adjusts the table to the screen width and makes the column width proportional.
Tables | 91

Button Icon Description

Export to Excel   Exports the data in the table to an Excel file. For more information, see Integration
with Excel in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.

Filter Settings   Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to define a new advanced
filter. After you create and save the filter, the corresponding tab appears on the ta-
For more information about filtering, see Filters. For details on the Filter Settings
dialog box, see Filter Settings Dialog Box.

Load Records   Opens the File Upload dialog box, described in detail below, so you can locate and
from File upload a local file for import. You can use this option to import data from an Excel
spreadsheet (.xlsx) or .csv file. For the detailed procedure, see To Import Data
from a Local File to a Table.

Search   A box in which you can type a word, part of a word, or multiple words. As you type,
the system filters the contents of the table to display only rows that contain the
string you have typed in any column.

Download   Downloads the selected file.

File Upload Dialog Box

With the File Upload dialog box, you select a file of one of the supported formats (.csv or .xlsx) to import data
from the file.

Element Description

File Path The path to the file you want to upload.

To select the file, click Browse, and then find and select the file you want to upload.

The dialog box has the following button.

Upload Closes the dialog box and opens the Common Settings dialog box, where you specify the
import settings.

Common Settings Dialog Box

In the Common Settings dialog box, which opens if you click Upload in the File Upload dialog box, you specify the
import settings for a file that you has selected in the File Upload dialog box.
Tables | 92

Element Description

Separator Chars The character that is used as the separator in the imported file.
By default, the comma is used as the separator. You specify the separator character if the
imported file uses any other separator.
This box appears only if you import data from a .csv file.

Null Value Optional. The value that is used to mark an empty column in the imported file. You speci-
fy the null value if the value in the imported file differs from the empty string.

Encoding The encoding that is used in the imported file.

This box appears only if you import data from a .csv file.

Culture The regional format that has been used to display the time, currency, and other measure-
ments in the imported file.

Mode The mode defining which rows of the uploaded file will be imported into the table. The
following options are available:
• Update Existing: The rows already present in the table will be updated, and the rows
not present in the table will be added.
• Bypass Existing: Only the new rows that are not present in the table will be imported.
The rows that are already present in the table will not be updated.
• Insert All Records: All the rows from the file will be imported into the table.

If you select this option, you may get duplicated rows because the sys-
tem won't check for duplicates when importing rows from the file.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

OK Closes the dialog box and opens the Columns dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Columns Dialog Box

In the Columns dialog box, which opens if you click OK in the Common Settings dialog box, you match the
columns in the imported file that you have selected in the File Upload dialog box to the columns in the Acumatica
ERP table to which you are importing data.

Element Description

Column Name The name of the column in the uploaded file.

Property Name The name of the corresponding column in the table in Acumatica ERP.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

OK Closes the dialog box and imports the selected file.

Tables | 93

Element Description

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Related Links
• Tables
• Integration with Excel
• To Import Data from a Local File to a Table

Table Footer

A table on an Acumatica ERP form, tab, or dialog box can have a table footer, which contains buttons you can click
to navigate between the pages of the table. The toolbar footer displays navigation buttons if the table has too many
details or objects (that is, table rows) to fit on one page. For a generic inquiry form (such as a substitute form for a
data entry form), the table footer also displays the number of pages and the total number of records, as shown in
the following screenshot.

If a request to the database takes too much time and the system cannot calculate the number of
records for the generic inquiry before timeout (which is calculated based on settings of Microso SQL
Server; the default timeout setting is 6 seconds), the system displays a warning message, and the
table footer does not display the total number of records.

Figure: Table footer

Standard Navigation Elements of the Table Footer

If a particular table has too many details (table rows) to fit on one page, you use the elements on the footer to
browse the table pages.

Element Icon Description

Go to First Page   Displays the first page of the table.

Tables | 94

Element Icon Description

Go to Previous   Displays the previous page of the table.


x of y pages   The number of the currently selected page (in a box that can be edited) and the to-
tal number of pages of the table. You can type the number of the page in this box to
open the page with the entered number.
This box appears only on generic inquiry forms (such as substitutes for data entry

Go to Next Page   Displays the next page of the table.

Go to Last Page   Displays the last page of the table.

Related Links
• Tables

Filtering Area

A table on an Acumatica ERP form, tab, or dialog box can have a filtering area, which you can use to filter the
objects in the table. The filtering area, as shown in the following screenshot, can include filter tabs that are specific
to the table, quick filters that you can configure on the fly for the table, buttons that you use to edit, save, and
remove table filters, and the search box.

Figure: Filtering area

Tables | 95

Elements of the Filtering area

The following table describes the standard elements of the filtering area. A filtering area can include some or all of
those elements. If a filtering area includes table-specific filter tabs, they are described in the form reference help

Element Icon Description

Drag column   A box in the filtering area to which you can drag a table header to add a quick filter.
header here to Once you drop the table header there, a button with the quick filter appears. You
configure filter can filter the data in the table on the fly by specifying the value of the quick filter,
as described in Filtering and Sorting in Acumatica ERP: Process Activity in the Getting
Started Guide. You can add multiple quick filters to the filtering area by dragging ta-
ble headers to it.

Filter Settings   Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to define a new advanced
filter or edit an existing one. After you create and save the filter, the corresponding
tab appears on the table.
The button is highlighted if the records in the table are already filtered with an ad-
vanced filter.
For more information about advanced filters, see Types of Filters. For details on the
Filter Settings dialog box, see Filter Settings Dialog Box.

Save   Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, where you specify the name of the new filter
and save the filter.
This button is available if you have added at least one quick filter for the form.

... > Save As   Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, where you specify a new name for the cur-
rently displayed filter and save this filter with the new name.
This button is available if you have added at least one quick filter for the form.

... > Remove   Removes the tab with the filter from the form.
This button is available if the currently displayed filter was previously saved and
you have the rights to delete this filter. (You have the rights to delete a filter if the
filter is not shared or if the filter is shared and the user account under which you
are signed in has access to editing shared filters—that is, to the Filters (CS209010)

Search   A box in which you can type a word, a part of a word, or multiple words. As you
type, the system filters the contents of the table to display only rows that contain
the string you have typed in any column.

Filter Settings Dialog Box

In the Filter Settings dialog box, you specify the name of the filter configured in the filtering area and save the
filter. The dialog box opens when you click Save or Save As in the filtering area
Tables | 96

Element Description

Filter Name The name of the saved filter. This name is displayed as the name of the tab with the fil-
tered records on the form.

Shared Filter A check box that you select to share the saved filter. If the check box is cleared, the filter
will be visible only to you.
This check box is available only if you have access to editing shared filters—that is, to the
Filters (CS209010) form.

The system displays all shared quick filters on the Filters (CS209010) form.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

OK Closes the dialog box and opens a tab for the saved filter if the filter already exists or cre-
ates a for a newly saved filter.

Adjusting Table Layout

As you work, you may need to adjust layouts of tables to suite your needs; typical operations are discussed below.

Switching Between Form View and Grid View

On data entry forms, tables can be presented in the following views:
• Grid View: This is a standard tabular view, with all details arranged in a table and each row representing one
detail or document row, as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure: Table in grid view

• Form View: With the form view (shown in the following screenshot), you see a set of elements intended for
only one detail or document row, and you use the navigation buttons (in the lower le corner of the form) to
move from one row of the table to another.
Tables | 97

Figure: Table in form view

To switch between these two views, do the following:

• Click Switch Between Grid and Form ( ) on the table toolbar.

Changing the Table Layout

You can adjust any table to meet your information needs. Adjustments that you make to a table affect only your
user account and are not visible to other users.
You can fine-tune the table in the following ways:
• Hide or display columns, as described in To Hide or Display Table Columns
• Adjust the column width, as described in To Adjust Column Widths
• Change the order of columns, as described in To Change the Order of Columns
When you make any of these changes, the table will display them immediately, and the system will save them
The Column Configuration dialog box, which is used to adjust the table, is described in Column Configuration
Dialog Box.

If your user account is assigned the Administrator role you can set default column configuration for all users of the
system and configure table layouts for particular users, as described in Default Table Layout and Accessibility.
Related Links
• Default Table Layout and Accessibility
• To Hide or Display Table Columns
• To Adjust Column Widths
• To Change the Order of Columns
• Column Configuration Dialog Box

Default Table Layout and Accessibility

Your organization may have specific requirements for processing documents in Acumatica ERP, which can
be reflected in the table layout on particular forms. If your user account is assigned the Administrator role in
Tables | 98

Acumatica ERP, you can set the default column configuration for all users of the system or configure table layouts
for particular users, as described in this topic.

Setting and Changing the Default Table Layout

You can configure the required table layout (such as the order of columns and the set of columns to be displayed)
and set this configuration as the new default layout, while logged in to a user account that has the Administrator
role. Aer you have set the new default layout for a particular table, the system applies this layout to the following
• All new users added to the system aer you set the default layout
• All existing users who haven't changed the default layout
If users have personalized layouts of a particular table, you can override their table settings with these default

Setting the Visibility of the Table Columns

For each table of a data entry or mass processing form, you can define the visibility of the columns by using the
Column Configuration dialog box. In the Selected Columns list of this dialog box, the system displays the columns
that are visible on the table. These table columns may look like those in the following screenshot.

Figure: Visibility of the column cells

One of the following indicators (also shown in the previous screenshot) can be shown for each column:

: Indicates that the column is accessible through a keyboard (that is, a user can tab to the column).
This button is not visible by default and appears only when you point at the column name.

: Indicates that the column is not accessible through a keyboard. In this case, when a user attempts
to tab to the column by pressing the Tab key on the keyboard, the system instead skips the column (and any
others that are inaccessible through a keyboard) and goes to the next accessible column. If accessibility for a
column has been turned off, this button is visible by default and stays visible when you point at the column
To change the state of the accessibility of a column, in the Selected Columns list of the dialog box, you point at the

column name and click the or button.

Tables | 99

By default, changes in the column configuration are applied to the current user account. However, a user with
administrative access to the system can configure the column accessibility; this administrative user can then share
its configuration with specific users in the system or make it the default configuration for all users.

Configuring Table Layouts and Accessibility Settings for Particular Users

If particular users have specific requirements for the table layout and accessibility on a form, you can set up the
required configuration while logged in to a user account that has the Administrator role, and you can then apply
this configuration to these users only. These users will see this table configuration when they navigate to the form,
but other users will not. Users can change this default table configuration at any time. To configure the layout and
accessibility settings of a table or multiple tables on a form for particular users, you do the following:
1. You navigate to the form and configure the layout and accessibility settings required by users of the table or
tables on the form.
2. On the form title bar, you click Help > Share Column Configuration. The Share Column Configuration
dialog box is opened. (For a description of the dialog box, see Share Column Configuration Dialog Box.)
3. In the dialog box, you do the following:
a. On Page 1, you select the table or tables you have configured.
b. On Page 2, you clear the Set as the Default check box.
c. In the Users table of Page 2, you select the users to which you want to apply the table layout. If these
users are all assigned a particular role, in the User Role box, you can select this role to filter the list of
users in the list and then select the needed users.

Related Links
• Share Column Configuration Dialog Box

To Change the Default Configuration of a Table

If you have already set up a default configuration for one table or multiple tables on a form, you may later want to
change this default configuration. To do this, you first delete the previously configured default configuration and
then configure a new one.

The ability to change a default configuration of a table is available only to users with administrative
access to the system.

To Change the Default Configuration

Navigate to the form, and while viewing the table for which you want to change the default layout, click
to bring up the Column Configuration dialog box.
2. In the bottom of the dialog box, click Delete Default Configuration.
3. Configure the new table layout.
4. Define this layout as the default layout by using the Share Column Configuration Dialog Box.
Tables | 100

To Share a Column Configuration

You can configure a default layout of a table (or multiple tables) on a form and then define it as the default for other
users in the system by sharing the configuration.

The ability to share a column configuration is available only to users with administrative access to the

To Share a Column Configuration

1. Navigate to the form and configure the appropriate layout of the table or tables on the form.
2. On the form title bar, click Tools > Share Column Configuration. The Share Column Configuration dialog
box is opened. (For details about the dialog box, see Share Column Configuration Dialog Box.)
3. In the dialog box, do the following:
a. On Page 1, select the table or the tables for which you want to specify default settings.
b. On Page 2, do one of the following:
• Select the Set as the Default check box to make the table configuration or configurations the default
settings for all users. Also, for users who have set up their own column configurations for the table
or tables, if you want to replace their table layouts with the configuration you have defined as the
default, select the Override Users' Personal Configurations check box.
• Clear the Set as the Default check box and select users with whom you want to share the table
configuration or configurations. You can filter the list of users by selecting a role in the User Role box.
c. Click Finish to apply your changes.

To Hide or Display Table Columns

You can hide or display table columns according to your needs for information, as described in this topic.

To Display Hidden Table Columns

In the table, click the Column Configuration button ( ), the lemost icon among the column headers, to
open the Column Configuration dialog box (for reference, see Column Configuration Dialog Box).
2. To display a hidden column (or multiple hidden columns) in the table, do the following:
a. In the Available Columns list, select the column or columns to be added as follows:
• If you want to display just one hidden column and you see it in the list, click the column.
• If you know the name of the column you want to add but don't see it, start typing the column name in
the Available Columns search box, and the system will display a list of columns that include the string
you have typed. Click the column you want to display.
• To select multiple individual columns, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click each column that
you want to display.
• To select multiple columns that are adjacent to one another, press and hold the Shi key, and then
click the first and the last column of the block.
b. Click the Add Column to the Selected Columns List ( ) button.
Tables | 101

3. Click one of the following to apply the changes:

• Save to save the layout changes for the current session and future sessions.
• OK to change the layout for only the current session.

To Hide Table Columns

In the table, click the Column Configuration button ( ), the lemost icon among the column headers, to
open the Column Configuration dialog box.
2. To hide a column (or to hide multiple columns) from the table, do the following:
a. In the Selected Columns list, select the column or columns you want to hide as follows:
• If you want to hide just one hidden column and you see it in the list, click the column.
• If you know the name of the column you want to hide but don't see it, start typing the column name in
the Selected Columns search box, and the system will display a list of columns that include the string
you have typed. Click the column you want to hide.
• To select multiple individual columns, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click each column that
you want to select.
• To select multiple columns that are near each other, press and hold the Shi key, and then click the
first and the last column of the block.
b. Click Remove Column from the Selected Columns List ( ) button.
3. Click one of the following to apply the changes:
• Save to save the layout changes for the current session and future sessions.
• OK to change the layout for only the current session.

To Restore the Default Table Layout

Click the Column Configuration button ( ).
2. In the bottom le of the Column Configuration dialog box, click Reset to Default.

All the changes that you have previously made to the table layout will be reset.

To Adjust Column Widths

If not all columns fit in the screen and you must scroll to the right to view some of them, you can adjust the column
widths so that you can view all columns on the screen without scrolling. You might not see some column headers
in their entirety if their full text doesn't fit in the reduced column width, but making this adjustment will give you
the ability to view all the columns. You can adjust column widths automatically and manually, and you can restore
default widths, as described in this topic.

To Adjust the Column Width Automatically

• On the table toolbar, click Fit to Screen ( ). The column widths will be reduced proportionally so that the
whole table fits the screen.
This change is saved automatically by the system, that is, when you open the table in the future you will see this
Tables | 102

To Adjust the Column Width Manually

1. Move the pointer over the column split line (the line dividing two columns). When the pointer becomes a
double-headed arrow, drag the pointer le or right to move the line.
2. Repeat Step 1 for each column split line you want to move.

These changes are saved automatically by the system, that is, when you open the table in the future you will see
this change.

To Restore the Default Table Layout

Click the Column Configuration button ( ).
2. In the bottom le of the Column Configuration dialog box, click Reset to Default.

All the changes that you have previously made to the table layout will be reset.

To Change the Order of Columns

As you work, you might want to change the order of columns so that the information is grouped to better fit your
work and preferences. For example, you might want to make particular columns adjacent or move to the le the
columns you consider the most important.
To rearrange the layout of columns in a table, you can use one of the following ways, described in detail below:
• On the form, drag a column to a new position
• Use the Column Configuration dialog box

To Move Columns on the Form

1. Drag the column header to the desired position. Note the red arrows, which indicate the exact position
where you can drop the column between two other columns.
2. Repeat this step for each column you want to move.

These changes are saved automatically by the system, that is, when you open the table in the future you will see
this change.

To Move Columns by Using Column Configuration Dialog Box

In the table, click the Column Configuration button ( ) to open the Column Configuration dialog box.
2. To shi a column to the le in the table, do the following:
a. In the Selected Columns list, click the column you want to move.
b. Click the Move Up ( ) button to move the column one position to the le.
c. Repeat the previous substep until the column is in the appropriate place.
3. To shi a column to the right in the table, do the following:
a. In the Selected Columns list, select the column you want to move.
b. Click the Move Down ( ) button to move the column one position to the right.
Tables | 103

c. Repeat the previous substep until the column is in the appropriate place.
4. Click OK to save the layout changes.

To Restore the Default Table Layout

Click the Column Configuration button ( ).
2. In the bottom le of the Column Configuration dialog box, click Reset to Default.

All the changes that you have previously made to the table layout will be reset.

Using Tables

As you work, you may need to perform specific operations with tables; typical operations are discussed below.
For instructions on adjusting table layout, see Adjusting Table Layout.

Selecting Objects in the Table

Some forms have a Select column (with a check box as a header) that you can use to select objects from the table:
• To select particular objects, click the check box in the Selected column for each object.
• To select all objects displayed on the current page of the table, click the Selected check box in the column

Using Simple Filters and Sorting

You might find it helpful to narrow the range and rearrange the order of displayed objects before selecting
particular ones. You use the simple filters by selecting the appropriate options in the menu that appears when you
click any column header in any table in the system. You can find the detailed procedures in To Filter the Data in a

You can also use filters to add tabs with only the data you want to see. For more information, see Filters.

Attaching Files to Record Details

In Acumatica ERP, files can be attached to any detail of a record (that is, an object, entity, or document created by
using a form). A record detail is a particular row in the record that a user has added by using the data entry form.
You can attach different files, such as images in various formats, scanned documents, and internal instructions for

Files can also be attached to records. For more information, see To Attach a File to a Record.

You can easily manage and track files and images attached to Acumatica ERP records and record details for various
purposes. For more information on managing attached files, see Managing External Storage for File Attachments in
the Acumatica ERP System Administration Guide and Working with Data Entry Forms and Importing and Exporting
Data to Excel and XML in the Acumatica ERP Getting Started Guide.
Tables | 104

Attaching Notes to Record Details

In Acumatica ERP, a record is an object, entity, or document created by using a form. A record is a particular row
in the record, and you can attach text notes to any record detail. By using these notes, you can communicate key
information about the record detail to other users.

Notes can also be attached to records. For more information, see To Attach a Note to a Record Detail.

To Filter the Data in a Table

You quickly filter the data of any table in the system by using simple filters—that is, by selecting the appropriate
options in the menu that appears when you click the header of the column to which you want apply the filter. On
generic inquiry forms (such as substitutes for entry forms), you can filter data in tables by using quick filters—that
is, by dragging column headers to the filtering area of the table and specifying the filtering values.
In this topic, you will read about setting up filters based on table columns, clearing these filters, managing column
sorting, and filtering by a selected cell value.

Simple and quick filters cannot include complex filtering conditions (with multiple clauses connected
with Or operators and combined with parenthesis). If you need to use complex filtering conditions,
you create an advanced filter as described in Managing Advanced Filters.

To Set Up a Filter on Table Columns

1. Open the form with the table for which you want to set up a filter on table columns.
2. In the table, do one of the following:
• Click the header of the column whose values you want to filter.
• If the Drag column header here to configure filter box of the filtering area is available above the table
(which indicates that you are viewing a generic inquiry form), drag the header of the column whose
values you want to filter to this part of the filtering area and click the button that is added to the filtering
area once you drop the header there.
3. If you want to filter data in a column with a fixed set of options (such as Status), in the dialog box that has
opened, select the required values.
4. If you want to filter data in a column with unlimited number of values (such as Vendor), do the following:
• In the dialog box that has opened, select the filter condition from the list of available conditions. The
available conditions (such as Contains, Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Null, Is Not Null or Is Empty) depend
on the data type of the column.
• In the box at the bottom of the dialog box, type the filter value (if needed).
5. Click OK to apply the filter.

Now the table displays only the rows that satisfy the terms of the filter. The column header is highlighted and

displays the filter icon ( ). If the table is on a generic inquiry form, a button is added to the filtering area and
displays the column name and filtering value.
You can set up filters for any number of table columns. If you set up filters for multiple columns, the system displays
only the rows that satisfy the terms of all filters.
Tables | 105

To Filter Data by a Selected Cell Value

You can filter the data in a table on an inquiry or processing form by a value of any cell that you select as follows:
1. Open the form with the table for which you want to set up filtering by a cell value.
2. In the table, right-click the cell that contains the value by which you want to filter the data, and click Filter
by This Cell Value.

As a result, the table displays only the rows for which this column contains this value. The column header is

highlighted and displays the filter icon ( ). If the table is on a generic inquiry form, a button is added to the
filtering area and displays the column name and filtering value.

You can also apply this filter by clicking the required cell and pressing SHIFT+F.

To Clear a Filter
On the form with the table for which you want to clear a simple or quick filter, do one of the following:
• If there is a button with the filter in the filtering area, drag the button to the table.
• In the table, click the header of the column for which you want to clear the filter, and do one of the
• If you filtered data in a column with fixed set of options, click Select All and then click OK.
• If you filtered data in a column with unlimited number of values, click Clear Filter.

To Turn On Column Sorting

1. Open the form with the table for which you want to set up column sorting.
2. In the table, click the header of the column whose values you want to sort.
3. In the dialog box, select the sorting order—ascending (that is, A to Z for text, lowest to highest for numbers,
or newest to latest for dates) or descending (that is, Z to A for text, highest to lowest for numbers, or latest to
newest for dates).

The column header displays the ascending ( ) or descending ( ) sorting icon.

You can turn on sorting for only one column in a table at a time.

To Turn Off Column Sorting

On the form with the table for which you want to clear column sorting, do the following:
1. In the table, click the header of the column for which you want to clear sorting.
2. Click the sorting option you have previously clicked. The column sorting is now turned off.

To Attach a File to a Record Detail

You can attach a file in any format to a record detail (a detail row or line of the entity or document), as described in
this topic.
Tables | 106

To Attach a File to a Record Detail

1. Open the form, and select the record you want to attach the file to.
In the table, at the beginning of the appropriate detail row, click Files ( ) to open the Files dialog box.
3. In the Files dialog box, click Browse.
4. Select the file you want to attach, and click Open and then click Upload.
Verify that the Files ( ) button has changed to the File Attached ( ) button.

To Attach a Note to a Record Detail

You can attach a note to a record detail (a detail row or line of the entity or document), as described in this topic.
For example, you can leave a comment for your colleagues who will process the document with this detail later, as
described in this topic.

To Attach a Note to a Record Detail

1. Open the form, and then select the record that contains the detail you want to attach the note to.
In the table, at the beginning of the appropriate detail row, click Note ( ).
3. In the Enter Record Note dialog box, type the text of the note.
4. Click OK.
5. On the form toolbar, click Save.
Verify that the Attach Note button ( ) has changed to the Note Attached button ( ).

To read the note, open the form, select the record, click the record detail with the note attached, and click Note
Attached ( ).

To Import Data from a Local File to a Table

You can import data from an Excel spreadsheet or a CSV file to an Acumatica ERP table when you see the Load

Records from File ( ) button on the table toolbar.

Acumatica ERP uses the spreadsheet format introduced in Microso Office 2007, so if you use an
earlier version of Microso Office, you should install the appropriate plug-in.

For more information, see Table Toolbar and Integration with Excel.

To Import Data from a Local File

1. Open the appropriate form, and select the record to which you want to import data or add a new record.
On the table toolbar, click Load Records from File ( ).
Tables | 107

3. In the File Upload dialog box, click Choose File and select the file you want to import.
4. Click Upload to upload the file to the system.
Aer the file is uploaded, the Common Settings dialog box is opened.
5. To import an Excel spreadsheet, do the following in the Common Settings dialog box:
a. If an atypical null value is used in the uploaded file, specify the value in the Null Value box.
b. In the Culture box, select the region whose measurement settings have been used in the uploaded file.
c. In the Mode box, select the option that determines which data will be imported into the table:
• Update Existing: To update the rows that are already present in the table and add new rows that are
not present in the table.
• Bypass Existing: To import only new rows that were not present in the table. The existing rows will not
be updated.
• Insert All Records: To add all rows from the file to the table.

If you select this option, you may get duplicated rows because the system won't check
for duplicates when importing rows from the file.

d. Click OK.
6. To import a CSV file, do the following in the Common Settings dialog box:
a. If an atypical separator character is used in the uploaded file, specify it in the Separator Chars box.
b. If an atypical null value is used in the uploaded file, specify the value in the Null Value box.
c. Select the encoding of the uploaded file in the Encoding box.
d. In the Culture box, select the region whose measurement settings have been used in the uploaded file.
e. In the Mode box, select the option that determines which data will be imported into the table:
• Update Existing: To update the rows that are already present in the table and add new rows that are
not present in the table.
• Bypass Existing: To import only new rows that were not present in the table. The existing rows will not
be updated.
• Insert All Records: To add all rows from the file to the table.

With a CSV file, the uploaded file must contain only rows that have not already been
imported. If the system encounters a row that already exists in the table, the import
process will be terminated. To resolve the situation, click Cancel on the form toolbar,
and then try to import data in another mode.

f. Click OK.
7. In the Columns dialog box, match the columns of the imported file (displayed in the Column Name column)
to the columns in the Acumatica ERP table to which you want to import data (displayed in the Property
Name column).
8. Click OK to import data to the table.
9. Aer the data is successfully imported, click Save on the form toolbar.

Aer the data is imported and the document is saved, you can continue processing the document according to your
organization's workflow.
Tables | 108

To Scan a File and Attach It to a Record Detail

In Acumatica ERP, you can scan a file and attach it to a record detail—that is, to a detail row or line of a record (an
entity or a document) created on a data entry form. This topic describes the process of scanning and attaching the
This functionality is available only if the DeviceHub feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS100000) form and at least one scanner has been configured in the DeviceHub application.
For more information about configuring scanners in DeviceHub, see the topics of the Configuring
Hardware Devices in DeviceHub chapter.

To Scan a File and Attach It to a Record Detail

1. Open the appropriate data entry form, and select the record (that is, the entity or document) to which you
want to attach the file.
2. In the appropriate detail row of the table, at the beginning of the row, click the Files ( ) button.

3. In the Files dialog box, which opens, click Scan.

4. In the Submit for Scanning dialog box, which opens, select a scanner in the Scanner box.
The system fills in the boxes of the dialog box with the default settings of the scanner. You can change these
settings, if needed.
5. On the toolbar of the dialog box, click Scan to initiate the scanning of the document. When the system
completes the scanning, the Submit for Scanning dialog box closes; the system returns you to the Files
dialog box, where a row with the name of the file with the scanned document appears in the table.
6. Click Upload. The system attaches the scanned document to the record detail (that is, to the detail row of
the record).
Calendar Boards and Maps | 109

Calendar Boards and Maps

You can use Acumatica ERP calendar boards and maps when you work with the field services functionality.
The Acumatica ERP calendar board and map interface is described in detail in this chapter.

In This Chapter
• Parts of a Calendar Board
• Service Order and Unassigned Appointments Pane
• Calendar Dashboards
• Parts of a Map
• Calendar and Map Elements
• Color Picker Dialog Box

Parts of a Calendar Board

Each Acumatica ERP calendar board consists of several basic parts. The following screenshot shows a typical
Acumatica ERP form with the parts of a calendar board on it.

Figure: Parts of a calendar board

1. Form title bar

2. Service Orders and Unassigned Appointments pane
3. Dashboard pane
Calendar Boards and Maps | 110

Form Title Bar

This bar includes the title of the specific calendar board.

Service Order and Unassigned Appointment Pane

This pane contains the Service Orders and Unassigned Appointments tabs. You can drag any service order or
appointment from these tabs to the needed time slot on the calendar to schedule an appointment. For more
information, see Service Order and Unassigned Appointments Pane.

Dashboard Pane
This pane displays the events assigned to a specific staff member or to a specific room. The events can be
either appointments or working schedule rules (that is, the time area that indicates staff member's work times),
depending on the calendar board. For more information, see Calendar Dashboards.
Related Links
• Service Order and Unassigned Appointments Pane
• Calendar Dashboards
• Calendar and Map Elements
• Calendar Board
• Room Calendar Board
• Routes on Map
• Staff Appointments on Map
• Staff Calendar Board
• Staff Routes on Map

Service Order and Unassigned Appointments Pane

The Service Order and Unassigned Appointments pane (see the screenshot below) is located in the le part of each
calendar board. This pane contains the Service Orders and Unassigned Appointments tabs. These tabs consist
of tables that list unassigned service orders and appointments, any of which can be dragged to the calendar to
schedule the services included in the service order or appointment. For details on these tables, see Calendar Board
and Map Tables.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 111

Figure: Service Order and Unassigned Appointments pane

The pane can be hidden by clicking the Hide button (the arrow that is right of the pane). For details, see Hide Button.

Viewing Details
If you double-click a row with a service order or appointment, the system displays key details of the service order
(shown in the following screenshot) or appointment.

Figure: Service order details

Related Links
• Parts of a Calendar Board
• Calendar and Map Elements
• Calendar Board
• Room Calendar Board
• Staff Calendar Board
Calendar Boards and Maps | 112

Calendar Dashboards

On the calendar boards, the dashboards provide information in a calendar format where users can manage
appointments and staff members' schedules in time. The following screenshot of the Calendar Board (FS300300)
shows the main parts of a dashboard.

Figure: Dashboard pane

The dashboard on a calendar board includes the following parts:

1. Dashboard Title Bar: A bar that contains form-specific elements that you can use to filter the dashboard
2. Dashboard Toolbar: A bar above the dashboard content that contains standard and form-specific elements
that you can use to tailor the dashboard information
3. Horizontal Axis: A part of the dashboard that defines the horizontal attribute for the dashboard content
4. Vertical Axis: A part of the dashboard that defines the vertical attribute for the dashboard content
5. Dashboard Footer: A bar below the dashboard content that displays navigation buttons, the View Mode
button, and time resolution slider
6. Dashboard: The content of the dashboard, which consists of an interactive calendar you can work with to
schedule appointments, staff members, and rooms

Dashboard Title Bar

The dashboard title bar is located on the top of the dashboard. This bar can contain the Filter and Clear Filter
buttons, which are described in following the table.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 113

Button Icon Description

Filter   Opens the Staff Filters dialog box, which can be used to define a new filter. When
you apply the filter and exit the dialog box, the information on the dashboard is up-

Clear Filter   Clears the filter settings.

This button appears on the dashboard only if a filter has been applied to the dash-

Dashboard Toolbar
The dashboard toolbar is located in the upper part of the dashboard. The toolbar can contain standard and form-
specific elements. If a dashboard toolbar includes specific elements, they are described in the relevant form
reference topic.
The following table describes the standard dashboard buttons. A dashboard toolbar may include some or all of
these buttons.

Table: Standard Buttons

Button Icon Description

Previous Day or   Shows the dashboard the day before the date indicated on the Day button (if you
Date Range are viewing a day), a week before the date range indicated on the Date Range but-
ton (if you are viewing a week), or a month before the date range indicated on the
Date Range button (if you are viewing a month).

Date or Date   Displays a particular date of the dashboard if you are viewing a day, or a particular
Range date range if you are viewing a week or month on the calendar. To manually change
the date, click this button and change the date in the Calendar dialog box. For de-
tails, see Calendar Dialog Box.

Next Day or Date   Shows the dashboard the day after the date indicated on the Day button (if you
Range are viewing a day), a week after the date range indicated on the Date Range button
(if you are viewing a week), or a month after the date range indicated on the Date
Range button (if you are viewing a month).

Horizontal Axis
On the Calendar Board (FS300300) and Room Calendar Board (FS300700) forms, which have multiple view modes, in
the Vertical view mode, on the horizontal axis of the dashboard, staff members and rooms are shown, respectively.
In the Horizontal view mode, times are shown on the horizontal axis.

For the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms, you can set the default view mode that a
user sees upon opening a calendar in the View Mode box on the Calendars and Maps tab of the
Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form.

On the Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) and Staff Working Schedule Board (FS300500) forms, dates are shown on the
horizontal axis of the dashboard.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 114

Vertical Axis
On the Calendar Board (FS300300) and Room Calendar Board (FS300700) forms, which have multiple view modes, in
the Horizontal view mode, on the vertical axis of the dashboard, staff members and rooms are shown, respectively.
In the Vertical view mode, times are shown on the vertical axis.

For the Calendar Board and Room Calendar Board forms, you can set the default view mode that a
user sees upon opening a calendar in the View Mode box on the Calendars and Maps tab of the
Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form.

On the Staff Calendar Board (FS300400) and Staff Working Schedule Board (FS300500) forms, times are shown on the
vertical axis of the dashboard.

Dashboard Footer
The Calendar Board (FS300300) and Room Calendar Board (FS300700) forms have a dashboard footer. You use the
elements of the footer to browse the dashboard pages (if there are too many details to fit on one page), to change
the view mode of the dashboard, and to change the time intervals of the dashboard.

Table: Footer Elements

Element Icon Description

First Page   A button you click to display the first page of the dashboard details.

Previous Page   A button you click to display the previous page of the dashboard details.

Page N of M   A box that contains the current page (N) of the total pages of the dashboard details
(M). You can manually indicate the page to which you want to navigate by typing in
the N box.

Next Page   A button you click to display the next page of the dashboard details.

Last Page   A button you click to display the last page of the dashboard details.

Refresh   A button you click to refresh the dashboard content.

Calendar Boards and Maps | 115

Element Icon Description

Time Filter   An option that indicates which time filter (if any) is applied to the dashboard to lim-
it the days and times shown. You can change the option manually; the following op-
tions are available:
• Cleared Filter: No time filter is applied to the dashboard. That is, the dashboard
shows information for 24 hours of each day of the date range selected on the
dashboard toolbar.
• Working Time: The dashboard shows information from the start time to the end
time of working hours for each day of the date range selected on the dashboard
The start time and end time of working hours related to field services are speci-
fied in the Day Start Time and Day End Time boxes on the Calendars and Maps
tab of the Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form.
• Weekdays: The dashboard shows information for 24 hours from Mondays to Fri-
days for the date range selected on the dashboard toolbar.
• Working Time and Weekdays: The dashboard shows information for working
hours from Mondays to Fridays for the date range selected on the dashboard
The start time and end time of working hours related to field services are speci-
fied in the Day Start Time and Day End Time boxes on the Calendars and Maps
tab of the Service Management Preferences form.
• Booked Days: The dashboard shows the days to which at least one appointment
is assigned for the displayed staff members during the the date range selected
on the dashboard toolbar; for each day, it shows only the time interval to which
at least one appointment is assigned.
By default, the filter selected in the Time Filter box on the Calendars and Maps tab
of the Service Management Preferences form is selected.

Minus   A button that you click to reduce the time resolution on the calendar board. When
you click this button, the system increases the time interval of each time slot. For
instance, if each time slot represents a one-hour interval (such as 9:00 to 10:00) and
you click this button once, each time slot will represent a two-hour interval (such as
8:00 to 10:00).
This button appears on the dashboard only in the Horizontal view mode.

Time Resolution   A slider that you move to change the time resolution of the calendar board. When
you move the slider to the le, the system increases the time interval of each time
slot. When you move the slider to the right, the system reduces the time interval of
each time slot.
This slider appears on the dashboard only in the Horizontal view mode.

Plus   A button that you click to increase the time resolution on the calendar board. When
you click this button, the system reduces the time interval of each time slot. For in-
stance, if each time slot represents a one-hour interval (such as 9:00 to 10:00) and
you click this button once, each time slot will represent a 15-minute interval (such
as 10:00 to 10:15).
This button appears on the dashboard only in the Horizontal view mode.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 116

Element Icon Description

Horizontal View   Changes the orientation of the dashboard to horizontal.

This button is displayed on the dashboard in the Vertical view mode.

Vertical View   Changes the orientation of the dashboard to vertical.

This button is displayed on the dashboard in the Horizontal view mode.

Dashboard Content
On the dashboard you can see the appointments scheduled for the selected date or date range, the working hours,
and the current time. You can use this area to reschedule existing appointments or create new ones.

Figure: Dashboard Content

The dashboard content includes the following elements:

1. Blue guides: Horizontal or vertical (depending on the orientation of the dashboard) lines that represent the
start and end times of the working calendar selected in the Work Calendar box on the Calendars and Maps
tab of the Service Management Preferences (FS100100) form.
2. Green guide: A horizontal or vertical (depending on the orientation of the dashboard) line that indicates the
current time.
3. Staff working schedule: A series of boxes that represent the staff working schedule. The color of the box
depends on the availability. If the color is blue, the staff member is available; if the color is red, the staff
member is unavailable.
4. Appointment: A shaded box that represents a scheduled appointment and its time range. For details about
appointments, see Appointments on the Calendar Boards.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 117

5. Watch Icon: An icon that appears when you move the cursor through the dashboard and shows the time at
which cursor is pointing.

Related Links
• Appointments on the Calendar Boards
• Parts of a Calendar Board
• Calendar and Map Elements
• Calendar Board
• Room Calendar Board
• Staff Calendar Board

Appointments on the Calendar Boards

On a dashboard, you can view the existing appointments for a particular day in the selected time range (see the
screenshot below), as well as perform actions on appointments.

Figure: Appointments on the Calendar Board form

The color of an appointment box depends on the status of the appointment and the configuration of the calendar.
On the Calendar Preferences (FS100500) form, you can specify the background color and the color of the text to be
used for appointment boxes with specific statuses on calendar boards.
In the box that displays the appointment, key data fields are shown along with icons indicating the data. You can
modify the number of fields that will be displayed in the appointment boxes. You also can change the default order
of these fields in the box. Additionally, you can select any icon to be displayed next to each field in the box.
The key fields and default icons as summarized in the following table.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 118

Element Icon Description

SO Ref. Nbr.   The reference number of the service order associated with the appointment.

Customer Name   The name of the customer.

Contact Name   The name of the customer contact.

Customer Loca-   The location where the appointment takes place.


Room   The identifier of the room where the internal appointment takes place.

Contact   The customer's contact phone number.

First Service   The first service to be performed in the appointment.

Confirmed   The indicator that the appointment has been confirmed with the associated cus-

Not Confirmed   The indicator that the appointment has not been confirmed with the associated

Staff Members   The indicator that multiple staff members have been assigned to the appointment.

Status   The status of the appointment.

Workflow Stage   The workflow stage of the appointment.

Calendar Boards and Maps | 119

Element Icon Description

Trash   A button that you click to delete the appointment.

Warning   The indicator that the appointment has a warning. You can point at the icon to view

Appointment Actions
You can do the following on the dashboard:
• Create a new appointment
• Move an appointment
• Change the duration of an appointment
• Delete an appointment
You can also use the Appointment Actions menu to edit, clone, validate, or confirm a particular appointment. To
open the Appointment Actions menu for the appointment, you right-click the appointment. The menu appears
with the menu commands described in the following table.

Table: Appointment Menu Commands

Element Description

Edit Opens the Appointments (FS300200) form with the selected appointment, so you can
view its details and modify it.

Clone Opens the Clone Appointments (FS500201) form, where you can clone the selected ap-

Validate by Dispatch- Validates the selected appointment, or negates the validation of the selected appoint-
er/Clear Validation ment.

Confirm/Unconfirm Confirms the confirmation with the customer of the selected appointment, or re-
moves this confirmation.

Delete Deletes the appointment from the system.

Appointment Details
You can also view the details of a particular appointment by double-clicking the appointment. The appointment
details, shown in the following screenshot, appear right of the appointment.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 120

Figure: Appointment details

Related Links
• Parts of a Calendar Board
• Calendar Dashboards
• Color Picker Dialog Box
• Calendar Board
• Room Calendar Board
• Staff Calendar Board

Parts of a Map

An Acumatica ERP form with a map consists of several basic parts. The following screenshot shows a typical
Acumatica ERP form with the parts of a map on it.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 121

Figure: Parts of a map

1. Form title bar

2. Pane with appointments (Routes or Staff)
3. Map pane
4. Route Information pane
5. Appointment Information pane

Form Title Bar

This bar includes the title of the map.

Pane with Appointments

This pane displays the list of appointments for a particular branch and a particular day, grouped by the staff
member assigned to them or grouped by the route execution they are related to.

This pane is named either Staff or Routes, depending on the particular map form and its contents.

You can hide this pane by clicking on the arrow right of the pane. For details, see Hide Button.

Map Pane
The map pane contains the map area and the map toolbar. The map area displays the appointments of the selected
day on a Bing map, filtered by the staff member or the route execution selected on the Staff or Routes tab.
The map toolbar can contain standard and form-specific elements. If a map toolbar includes specific elements,
they are described in the relevant form reference topic. The following table describes the standard map buttons
that may be found on a particular map toolbar.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 122

Table: Standard Buttons

Button Icon Description

Appointments   Opens the Appointments (FS300200) form, where you can create a new appoint-
To create an appointment by using this button, a default service order type has
to be specified on the User Profile form or on the Service Management Preferences
(FS100100) form.

Previous Day or   Shows the map the day before the date indicated on the Day button (if you are
Date Range viewing a day), a week before the date range indicated on the Date Range button
(if you are viewing a week), or a month before the date range indicated on the Date
Range button (if you are viewing a month).

Date or Date   Displays the map for a particular date on the calendar. To manually change the
Range date, click this button and change the date in the Calendar dialog box.
For details, see Calendar Dialog Box.

Next Day or Date   Shows the map the day after the date indicated on the Day button (if you are view-
Range ing a day), a week after the date range indicated on the Date Range button (if you
are viewing a week), or a month after the date range indicated on the Date Range
button (if you are viewing a month).

Route Information Pane

On this pane, for the staff member or route execution you have selected in the pane with appointments (Staff or
Routes), you can view data about the route, such as the route duration, distance, and number of appointments.

The name of this pane is initially Route Information, and the pane contains no data. When you select
a staff member or route execution, the system changes the name of the pane to reflect its contents.

You can hide this pane by clicking on the arrow right of the pane. For details, see Hide Button.

Appointment Information Pane

On this pane, you can view data (such as appointment number, related customer, duration, and address) on each
appointment on the route of the staff member or route you have selected in the pane listing appointments (Staff or
Routes). You have to select a staff member or a route execution to view this data.

The name of this pane is initially Appointment Information, and the pane contains no data. When
you select a staff member or route, the system changes the name of the pane to reflect its contents.

Related Links
• Calendar and Map Elements
• Routes on Map
• Staff Appointments on Map
• Staff Routes on Map
Calendar Boards and Maps | 123

Calendar and Map Elements

You use the calendar and map elements to display elements or invoke actions on the calendar boards and maps.

Types of Calendar and Map Elements

The calendar boards and maps support the following types of elements:
• Calendar: You use the Calendar dialog box to select a date in a calendar. For more information, see Calendar
Dialog Box.
• Table: The data in the calendars and maps is arranged in tables, where each row represents an object or
detail, and each column shows a parameter of each object or detail. For more information, see Calendar
Board and Map Tables.
• Hide Button: You use this button to temporarily hide panes on the calendars and maps. For more
information, see Hide Button.

Calendar Dialog Box

The Calendar dialog box, which appears when you click a date on a calendar or map form, displays the calendar
page of the month of the selected date, as shown in the following screenshot. You can use the Calendar dialog box
to select the new date, which will appear under the Date or Date Range box. For details, see To Select a Date on a
Calendar Board or Map by Using the Calendar Dialog Box.

Figure: Calendar

1. Previous Month button

2. Selected Month and Year button
3. Next Month button
4. Current date
5. Selected date
6. Today button

If you click the Selected Month and Year button (see 3 in the screenshot above), the Month and Year dialog box
appears (see the screenshot below), in which you can select the month and the year for which information will be
displayed on the calendar or map.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 124

Figure: The Month and Year dialog box

1. Month area
2. Selected month
3. Previous year
4. Next year
5. Year area
6. Selected year
7. OK button
8. Cancel button

Related Links
• Parts of a Calendar Board
• Parts of a Map
• To Select a Date on a Calendar Board or Map by Using the Calendar Dialog Box
• Calendar Board
• Room Calendar Board
• Routes on Map
• Staff Appointments on Map
• Staff Calendar Board
• Staff Routes on Map

Calendar Board and Map Tables

Tabs and panes on the calendar boards and maps contain tables on the calendar boards and maps display relevant
objects or details in each row and a key setting of the object or detail in each column. The forms provide interaction
between the tables and the calendar or map (such as when a service order is dragged to the appropriate day and
time on the calendar).
The table toolbar may have elements (boxes and buttons) you can use to filter the information that is displayed in
the table. Also, the table footer may have navigation elements you can use if not all table rows can be viewed at the
same time.
The following screenshot show examples of tables and their toolbars. The le table shows a list of service orders
(which spans multiple pages, as the table footer illustrates), and the right lists routes.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 125

Figure: A table on a calendar and on a map

1. Table toolbar
2. Table
3. Footer

Calendar and Map Table Toolbars

A table toolbar, which contains standard elements and may contain elements specific to the table, is located above
the table.
See below for a description of the standard table toolbar element on forms with calendar boards.

Table: Standard Table Toolbar Elements (Forms with Calendars)

Button Icon Description

Search - A box in which you can type multiple words or a part of a word to direct the system
to search through the records in the table. As you type, the system filters the con-
tents of the table accordingly.

See below for descriptions of the standard table toolbar elements on forms with maps.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 126

Table: Standard Table Toolbar Elements (Forms with Maps)

Button Icon Description

Expand All Routes   A toggle button you click to turn on the expansion of all the routes listed in the ta-
ble for staff members (causing the button to be shaded). If you click the button
again, this expansion is turned off (and the button is no longer shaded).

Show All Appoint-   A toggle button you click to turn on the display of all appointments on the map, se-
ments lecting all the check boxes in the Route List column and causing the button to be
shaded. If you click the button again, the system clears all the check boxes in the
table so that all appointments are hidden on the map (and the button is no longer

Show All Appoint-   A toggle button you click to turn on the display of appointment information on
ments Info on the the map. The following information is shown: the identifier of the staff member as-
Map signed, and the number of the appointment. If you click the button again, this dis-
play of appointment information is turned off (and the button is no longer shaded).

Show Suggested   A toggle button you click to turn on the display of the routes suggested by Bing
Route on Map Maps for all staff members and appointments selected in the Staff pane. If the user
clicks the button again, the display of suggested routes is turned off.

Show All Devices   A toggle button you click to turn on the display of the most recent staff member lo-
on Map cations (that is, the Driver Location icons) on the map. If you click the button again,
this display of appointment information is turned off (and the button is no longer

Calendar and Map Table Footer

You use the elements of the table footer to browse the pages of the particular table, if there are too many table
rows to fit on one page.

Table: Footer Navigation Section Elements

Element Icon Description

First Page   Displays the first page of the table.

Previous Page   Displays the previous page of the table.

Page N of M - Indicates the current page (N) out of the total pages in the table (M). You can manu-
ally indicate the page by typing in the N box.

Next Page   Displays the next page of the table.

Calendar Boards and Maps | 127

Element Icon Description

Last Page   Displays the last page of the table.

Refresh   Refreshes the table content.

Modification of the Layout of Tables

To modify the table columns, you use the Column Configuration dialog box (see the screenshot below). You can
make the following changes:
• Hide or display columns in the table (for details, see To Hide or Display Columns in a Table of a Calendar
Board or Map)
• Sort records in a particular table (as described in To Sort Table Rows Based on a Column)
To open the Column Configuration dialog box, click the Column Configuration button (the arrow right of each
column), as shown in the following screenshot.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 128

Figure: The Column Configuration dialog box

1. Column Configuration button

2. Column Configuration dialog box

The elements in the Column Configuration dialog box are described below.

Element Description

Sort Ascending Sorts the records based on the values in this column: from the lowest value to the highest
Calendar Boards and Maps | 129

Element Description

Sort Descending Sorts the records based on the values in this column: from the highest value to the lowest

Columns Opens the list of the table columns, where selected check boxes indicate columns to be
displayed in the table.

In each table, you can also change the width and order of columns. To change the width, Move the pointer over
the column split line (the line dividing two columns). When the pointer becomes a double-headed arrow, drag the
pointer le or right to move the line. To change the order of the columns, drag the column header to the desired
position. Note the arrows that indicate the exact position where the column can be dropped (see the screenshot

Figure: Moving a column to another position in the table

Calendar Boards and Maps | 130

Related Links
• Parts of a Calendar Board
• Parts of a Map
• To Hide or Display Columns in a Table of a Calendar Board or Map
• To Sort Table Rows Based on a Column
• Calendar Board
• Room Calendar Board
• Routes on Map
• Staff Appointments on Map
• Staff Calendar Board
• Staff Routes on Map

Hide Button

You can hide the Service Order and Unassigned Appointment pane on calendar boards; on maps, you can hide
the pane listing appointments (Staff or Routes) and the pane with route information (initially named Route
To hide a pane on a calendar or map, you click the Hide button (that is, the arrow located right of the pane), shown
in the following screenshot.

Figure: The Hide button on a calendar

If the pane is hidden, the rectangle is displayed to the right from the pane (see the screenshot below). You can
make the system temporarily display the hidden pane by clicking the rectangle. The pane appears as shown in the
following screenshot. (If you click the rectangle again, the system removes this temporarily displayed pane.)
Calendar Boards and Maps | 131

Figure: The temporarily displayed pane

To display the pane on the calendar or map again, you click the arrow at the top of the rectangle or the arrow right
of the rectangle, as shown in the screenshot below.

Figure: To restore a pane in a calendar

On maps, similar button hides the Appointment Information pane, which is placed above the pane.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 132

Related Links
• Parts of a Calendar Board
• Parts of a Map
• Calendar Board
• Room Calendar Board
• Routes on Map
• Staff Appointments on Map
• Staff Calendar Board
• Staff Routes on Map

To Select a Date on a Calendar Board or Map by Using the Calendar Dialog Box

To select a date by using the Calendar dialog box, do the following:

1. Click the Calendar icon in the Date or Date Range box.
2. Browse calendar pages as follows:
• To change the month, the year, or both, do the following:
a. Click the Selected Month and Year button.
b. In the Month and Year dialog box, which appears, click the year for which you want to view
c. Click the year for which you want to view information.
d. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.
• To view the page for the previous month, click the Previous Month button.
• To view the page for the next month, click the Next Month button.
3. Click the day for which you want to view the information on the calendar or map.

To Hide or Display Columns in a Table of a Calendar Board or Map

You can hide or display table columns on a calendar board or map according to your needs for information, as
described in this topic.

To Hide Table Columns

1. In the table, click the Column Configuration menu button (the arrow at the right of any column).
2. Point at the Columns menu command. The list of available columns of the table appears.
3. In the list, clear the check boxes next to the names of the columns you want to hide.

To Display Hidden Table Columns

1. In the table, click the Column Configuration menu button (the arrow at the right of any column).
2. Point the cursor at the Columns menu command. The list of available columns of the table appears.
3. In the list, select the check boxes next to the names of the hidden columns you want to display.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 133

To Sort Table Rows Based on a Column

You can sort the records in a table on a calendar board or map according to your needs for information. You
can sort the records based on the values in any column in the table, in either ascending or descending order, as
described in this topic.

To Sort by a Table Column (in Ascending Order)

Do one of the following:
• In the table, click the Column Configuration button (the arrow right of the column header) of the column for
which you want to do the sorting. Click Sort Ascending.
• Click the column header either once or twice until the ascending order sign ( ) appears right of the column

Each time you click the column header, the system toggles between sorting by that column in
ascending order and sorting by the column in descending order.

To Sort by a Table Column (in Descending Order)

Do one of the following:
• In the table, click the Column Configuration button (the arrow right of the column header) of the column for
which you want to do the sorting. Click Sort Descending.
• Click the column header either once or twice until the descending order sign ( ) appears right of the
column name.

Color Picker Dialog Box

You use the Color Picker dialog box to specify, select, and save a color. The dialog box appears when you click and
open any color box in the Background Color or Text Color box on the Calendar Preferences (FS100500) form. This
dialog box displays the color page for the selected color, as shown in the screenshot below.
Calendar Boards and Maps | 134

Figure: Color Picker

1. Color Picker area: You can click in the necessary area to select the necessary color. The circle shows the
currently selected color.
2. Hue slider: You can move the slider to select the necessary hue of the color.
3. Saturation slider: You can move the slider to select the necessary saturation of the color.
4. Value slider: You can move the slider to select the necessary lightness or darkness of the color.
5. Alpha slider: You can move the slider to select the necessary transparency of the color.
6. Color Preview box: In the upper half of the box, you can view the currently selected color and compare it
with the previously selected color in the lower half of the box.
7. OK button: You click it to select the color and close the color picker.
8. Cancel button: You click it to close the color picker without making any changes.
9. Alpha value box: You can view or set the numeric value of transparency of the color.
10.Value value box: You can view or set the numeric value of lightness or darkness of the color.
11.Saturation slider: You can view or set the numeric value of saturation of the color.
12.Hue slider: You can view or set the numeric value of hue of the color.
13.Blue color box: You can view or set the numeric value of blue component of the color in RGB color format.
14.Green color box: You can view or set the numeric value of green component of the color in RGB color format.
15.Red color box: You can view or set the numeric value of red component of the color in RGB color format.
16.RGB color box: You can view or set the hexadecimal number of the color in RGB color format.

Related Links
• Appointments on the Calendar Boards
• Calendar Preferences
Reports | 135

In addition to offering a comprehensive collection of reports, Acumatica ERP gives you a high degree of control over
each report.
On a typical report form, described in Report Form, you can adjust the report settings to meet your specific
informational needs. You can specify sorting and filtering options and select the data by using report-specific
settings—such as financial period, ledger, and account—and configure additional processing settings for each
report. The settings can be saved as a report template for later use. For details, see To Run a Report and To Create a
Report Template.

Aer you run a report, the prepared report appears on your screen. You can print the report, export the report to a
file, or send the report by email.
This chapter describes a typical report form and the main tasks related to using reports.

In This Chapter
• Report Form
• To Run a Report
• To Modify a Filter on a Report Form
• To Create a Report Template

Report Form

Before you run a report, you set a variety of parameters on the report form. You can select a template or manually
make selections that affect the information collected. Also, you can specify appropriate settings to print or email
the finished report.
The following screenshot shows a typical report form.

Figure: Parameters View of Report Form

1. Report Form Toolbar

2. Template Area
3. Details Area
Reports | 136

Report Form Toolbar

The following table lists the buttons of the report form toolbar when you are configuring a report.

Button Description

Cancel Clears any changes you have made and restores default settings.

Run Report Initiates data collection for the report and displays the generated report.

Save Template Gives you the ability to save the currently selected report as a template with all the select-
ed settings.

Remove Tem- Removes the previously saved template.

This button is available only when you select a template.

Schedule Tem- Opens the Select Schedule Name Dialog Box dialog box, which you can use to schedule re-
plate port processing.
This button is available only when you select a template.

Table: Select Schedule Name Dialog Box

Element Description

Schedule The schedule for report processing. Select an existing schedule, or leave the box blank
and click OK to open the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form to create a new sched-
ule for running the report. For more information on scheduling, see Automated Process-
ing: General Information in the Acumatica ERP System Administration Guide.

Merge Reports A check box that indicates (if selected) that this report will be merged with the other re-
ports selected for merging into one net report when processed.

You can check the reports that will be merged when processed on the Send
Reports (SM205060) form.

Merging Order The number of the report in the net report.

Report Toolbar
The following table lists the buttons of the toolbar aer you run the configured report.

Buttons Icon Description

Parameters   Navigates back to the report form to let you change the report parameters.

Refresh   Refreshes the information displayed in the report (if any data changes were made).
Reports | 137

Buttons Icon Description

Groups   Adds to the report a le pane where the report structure is shown. Click a report node
to highlight the pertinent data in the right pane.

View PDF / Displays the report as a PDF, or displays the report in HTML format. The available but-
View HTML ton depends on the current report view; if you're viewing a PDF, for instance, you will
see the View HTML button.

First   Displays the first page of the report.

Previous   Displays the previous page.

Next   Displays the next page.

Last   Displays the last page of the report.

Print   Opens the browser dialog box so you can print the report.

Send   Opens the Email Activity dialog box, which you use to send the report file (in the cho-
sen format) to the specified email address.

Export   Enables you to export the data in the chosen format (Excel or PDF).

Template Area
Use the elements in this area to select an existing template and then use the template, share it with other users, or
use it as your default report settings.
The Template area elements, which are available for all reports, are described in the following table.

Table: Template Area Elements

Element Description

Template The template to be used for the report. If any templates were created and saved, you can
select a template to use its settings for the report.

Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected template is marked as the default
one for you. A default template cannot be shared.

Shared A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected template is shared with other
users. A shared template cannot be marked as the default.
Reports | 138

Element Description

Locale A locale that you select to indicate to the system that the report should be prepared with
the data translated to the language associated with this locale. This box is displayed if
there are multiple active locales in the system. For details, see Locales and Languages.

Report Parameters Tab

The Report Parameters tab includes sections where you can specify the contents of the report depending on the
current report and vary in the following regards:
• How many elements and which elements are available on a particular report
• Whether elements contain default values
• Whether specific elements require values to be selected
• Whether elements may be le blank to let you display a broader range of data

Additional Sort and Filters Tab

The Additional Sort and Filter tab contains additional sorting and filtering conditions:
• Additional sorting conditions: Defines the sorting order. You can add a line, select one of the report-
specific properties, and select the Descending or Ascending sort order for the column.
• Additional filtering conditions: Defines the report filter. You can add a line, select one of the report-
specific properties, and define a condition and its value. The list of conditions include one-operand and
two-operand conditions. To create a more complicated logical expression, you can use brackets and logical
operations between brackets. For more information on creating filters, see Managing Advanced Filters. For
detailed procedures on using ad hoc filters, see Working with Reports: Process Activity.

Print and Email Settings Tab

If you plan to print the report or save the report as a PDF, select the appropriate settings in the Print Settings area.

Table: Print Settings Section

Element Description

Deleted Records Selects the visibility of the data deleted from the database.

Print All Pages Causes all pages of the report to be printed.

Print in PDF format Displays the report in PDF format.

Compress PDF file Indicates that the system will generate a compressed PDF.

Embed fonts in PDF file Indicates that the system will generate the PDF with fonts embedded.

If you plan to send the report as an email, in the Email Settings area, specify the format in which the report will be
sent, as well as the email subject, the recipients of copies of the report, and the email account of the recipient.
Reports | 139

Table: Email Settings Section

Field Description

Format The format (HTML, PDF, or Excel) in which the report will be emailed.

Merge function for reports in Excel format is not supported. If you want to
merge a report with other reports and send an aggregated report by email,
you should select either the HTML or PDF format for the report.

Email Account The email address of the recipient.

CC An additional addressee to receive a carbon copy (CC) of the email.

BCC The email address of a person to receive a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the email; an address
entered in this box will be hidden from other recipients.

Subject The subject of the email.

Report Versions Tab

If the report has multiple versions, you can select one of them.
This tab displays the data only to users assigned with report designer user role.
Report versions are designed in the Report Designer. To activate editing report versions, give the user report
designer role.

Table: Report Versions Tab Toolbar

Button Description

Refresh Refreshes the list of report versions.

Select Temporarily activates the selected report version.

Related Links
• To Run a Report
• To Create a Report Template
• Types of Filters
• Automation Schedule Statuses

The Company/Branch Box on Report Forms

When you are running a report, you use report parameters on the report form to narrow the data to your current
information needs. You can use a report parameter to select the organizational unit whose data will be shown. In
the Company/Branch box, you can see a hierarchy of company groups, companies, and branches that shows the
relationships between them. By default, the system inserts the company or branch to which you are signed in, but
you can select another company group, company, or branch. See the following screenshot for an example of the
hierarchical list of company groups, companies, and branches in the Company/Branch box; the labeled items are
described below.
Reports | 140

Figure: A hierarchy in the Company/Branch box

1. Collapsed company group (including branches within any company)

2. Expanded company group (including branches within any company)
3. Company; you can collapse the company if there are nested branches
4. Branch
5. Scroll bar

In Acumatica ERP, you can define company groups if multiple companies have access to the same set of customer
and vendor records. If a company in the company group has branches, they are automatically added to the group
within the company. By using this group functionality, you can build reports for the whole group rather than
generating separate reports for each company or branch. For more information about company groups, see
Company Groups.

If a company is not in any company group, in the Company/Branch box, it will be displayed as a standalone entity
aer all the company groups.
You can collapse or expand company groups and companies to easily navigate to the needed entity. If there are
multiple companies and branches in the list, the system displays only part of this list, and you can use the scroll bar
to move up and down.

Searching for a Company or a Branch

The Company/Branch box can display a limited number of the companies and branches because of size and design
limitations. If you have access to multiple companies and branches, in addition to scrolling within the hierarchical
list in this box and collapsing entities, you can search for a specific company or branch by its name.
You search for a company or a branch by typing its name in the Company/Branch box. The system initiates the
matching process and displays the search results as soon as you begin typing in this box.

To Run a Report

Acumatica ERP reports display the information you want to see in easy-to comprehend formats. This topic
describes how you run a typical report.

To Run a Report
1. Open the report form.
2. On the Report Parameters tab, select the report parameters.
Reports | 141

3. Optional: On the Additional Sort and Filters tab, in the Additional Sorting Conditions table, set up the
sorting. Do the following:
a. In the table toolbar, click Add Row.
b. In the Property column, select the property on which you want to sort.
c. In the Condition column, select Ascending to perform an ascending sort (that is, A to Z for text, lower to
higher for numbers, or newest to oldest for dates), or select Descending to perform a descending sort
(that is, Z to A for text, higher to lower for numbers, or oldest to newest for dates).
d. Repeat the three previous substeps for each column you want to sort by.
4. Optional: On the Additional Sort and Filters tab, in the Additional Filtering Conditions tab, set up a
filter to get only the data you want to see. For more information on adding filter conditions, see Managing
Advanced Filters.
5. Optional: In the Print Settings section of the Print and Email Settings tab, specify the settings for printing
the report.
6. Optional: In the Email Settings section of the Print and Email Settings tab, specify the settings for sending
the report by email.
7. Click Run Report.

This generates and displays the report. Now you can print the report or save it to your computer in one of the
available formats.

To Change the Parameters of a Prepared Report

You can modify report parameters aer you've prepared a report. To change the report parameters, do the
1. On the toolbar of the report, click Parameters. This returns you to the report form, and the Parameters
button is highlighted, denoting that you are currently viewing the parameters..
2. Change the report parameters.

You can click Parameters to toggle between the report form and the report without losing the
changes made on the report form.

3. Click Run Report to view the report with the new parameters applied.

To Configure a Filter on a Report Form

When you generate a report, you can configure an ad hoc filter for the report data, as described in this topic. For
details on filter clauses, see Managing Advanced Filters.

To Configure an Ad Hoc Filter on a Report Form

1. Open the report form, and then click the Additional Sort and Filter tab.
2. In the Additional Filtering Conditions table, click Add Row to create a filter clause. (An ad hoc filter may
consist of one filter clause, represented by one row, or multiple filter clauses, represented by multiple rows.)
3. In the Property column, select the entity type associated with the report from the list.
4. In the Condition column, select the logical operation that will be applied to the value of the selected
5. In the Value column, type the value for the logical condition used to filter the data.
Reports | 142

6. If the logical operation you selected in the Condition column requires the second value, type it in the
Second Value column.
7. Repeat Steps 2-6 for each filter clause in this ad hoc filter.
8. If you want to join any of the filter clauses, do the following:
• In the lemost Brackets column of the first clause that should be joined, select the opening bracket or
brackets. (The number of opening brackets in the first clause depends on the number of nested clauses.)
• In the Operator column of the same clause, select the logical operator that will be used to join the
• In the rightmost Brackets column of the last clause that should be joint, select the closing bracket or
brackets. (The number of closing brackets in the first clause depends on the number of nested clauses
and should be equal to the number of opening brackets in the first clause that is joint.)
9. To apply the filter, be sure the other settings on the report form have the values you need, and click Run

To Modify a Filter on a Report Form

Aer you have run a report for which you configured an ad hoc filter, if you need to, you can modify the filter before
you send or print the report, as described in this topic.

To Modify a Filter on a Report Form

1. If you are viewing the report, on the report toolbar of the report, click Parameters. The system opens the
report form, and the Parameters button on the toolbar is highlighted.
2. In the Additional Filtering Conditions table of the Additional Sort and Filters tab, modify the filter
conditions. For more information, see Working with Reports: Process Activity, Managing Advanced Filters.
3. Click Run Report.

To Create a Report Template

You can save the report parameters you have specified as a template, as described in this topic. By using this
template, you can immediately populate the report form with your preferred parameters, so you can run reports
more quickly. This topic also describes how to remove a report template and how to schedule a report processing.

To Create a Report Template

1. Open a report form.
2. Specify the report parameters and run the report to check the report settings, as described in detail in
Working with Reports: Process Activity.
3. On the report toolbar, click Parameters to view the parameters on the report form.

You can click Parameters to toggle between the report form and the report without losing the
changes made on the report form.

4. To use this template as your default template for the current report (so that when you bring up this report
form, the settings of the template are specified), select the Default check box.
5. To share this template with other users, select the Shared check box.
Reports | 143

You cannot select a shared template as the default. If you select the Shared check box, the
Default check box becomes cleared and unavailable for editing.

6. Click Save Template.

7. In the Enter Template Name dialog box, which opens, type the name of the new template.
8. Click OK.

If you have saved the template as the default, when you open the report form, the template is already selected and
the system automatically fills in the selections of the template. If you have not saved the template as the default,
you can select it in the Template box and the system fills in the selections of the template.

To Remove a Report Template

1. Open a report form.
2. In the Template box, select the report template that you want to remove.
3. On the report form toolbar, click Remove Template.

Aer removing a template, it disappears from the Template box.

To Schedule a Report Processing

1. Open a report form.
2. In the Template box, select the report template that you want to schedule.
3. On the report form toolbar, click Schedule Template.
4. In the Select Schedule Name dialog box, which opens, click OK to open the Automation Schedules
(SM205020) form.
5. On the Automation Schedules form, in the Description box, enter a description of the new schedule.
6. In the Screen ID box, make sure the Send Reports (SM205060) form is specified.
7. On the Details tab, specify the additional settings of the schedule:
a. Optional: In the Starts On box of the Details tab, select the start date. By default, the schedule execution
starts on the current business date.
b. Optional: If you need to specify an expiration date for the schedule, clear the No Expiration Date check
box, and specify the expiration date in the Expires On box.
c. Do one of the following:
• If you want to limit the number of executions, in the Execution Limit box, specify the number of times
the schedule should be executed.
• If you do not need to limit the number of executions, select the No Execution Limit check box.
d. Optional: In the Process with Branch box, select the branch under which the schedule should be
processed. For example, if documents are created by this schedule, the system creates these documents
and specifies the selected branch for each document.
e. Optional: Change the time zone in which the schedule will operate. By default, the time zone specified on
the User Profile (SM203010) form for the currently signed-in user is selected.
8. On the Schedule tab, configure the execution dates and time as follows:
a. Specify how oen the schedule execution should be performed:
• To execute the schedule daily or every x days, do the following:
a. In the Schedule Type section, select Daily.
Reports | 144

b. Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when
the schedule should be executed next.
c. In the Every x Day(s) box, type the number of days between successive executions of the
• To execute the schedule weekly or every x weeks, do the following:
a. In the Schedule Type section, select Weekly.
b. Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when
the schedule should be executed next.
c. In the Every x Week(s) box, type the number of weeks between successive executions of the
d. Select the appropriate check boxes for the day or days of the week on which the schedule should
be executed.
• To execute the schedule monthly or every x months, do the following:
a. In the Schedule Type section, select Monthly.
b. Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when
the schedule should be executed next.
c. In the Every x Month(s) box, type the number of months between successive executions of the
d. Select when the schedule should be executed: the day of the month, or the week in the month and
the day of the week (such as the third Friday of the month).
• To execute the schedule once per financial period or every x financial periods, perform the following
a. In the Schedule Type section, select By Financial Period.
b. Optional: In the Schedule Details section, in the Next Execution Date box, select the date when
the schedule should be executed next.
c. In the Every x Period(s) box, type the number of financial periods between successive executions
of the schedule.
d. Select the appropriate option button to indicate when the schedules should be executed: at the
end of the period, at the start of the period, or on a fixed day of the period (which you should
specify if you select this option button).
b. In the Execution Time section, specify the particular time of the day to start and stop the processing as
a. In the Starts On box, select the hour and minute when the first execution of the schedule should start.
b. If you want the processing to be stopped at specific time or you want the processing to be repeated
multiple times a day, in the Stops On box, select the hour and minute when the first execution of the
schedule should stop.
c. If execution of the schedule should be repeated multiple times a day, in the Every box, select the
interval between successive executions of the schedule.
d. In the Next Execution Time box, make sure the next execution time is correct.
e. If you want the system to execute the schedule at exactly the time specified in the Next Execution
Time box, select the Exact Time check box. If the check box is cleared, the system may shi the next
execution time of the schedule by multiple minutes.
9. Click Save on the form toolbar to create the schedule. When you save a newly created schedule, the
system gives it an identifier in accordance with the built-in numbering sequence intended for automation
Reports | 145

Aer you have added a schedule for the report processing, the system will send the report with the parameters
specified in the template according to the schedule settings.
Search | 146

Within Acumatica ERP, you can perform searches in Help topics, files, notes, form titles, and entities, such as
vendors, customers, prospects, employees, leads, and cases. Additionally, you can search for a form by its title.
This chapter describes the elements of the search form and the available search options.

In This Chapter
• Searching in Acumatica ERP
• Search Form
• To Start a Search

Searching in Acumatica ERP

Searching in Acumatica ERP gives you the ability to quickly open a form or a record on form, or find a help topic.
This topic contains information on performing searches in Acumatica ERP.

Semantic Search
In Acumatica ERP, an intelligent search is implemented. The system performs a flexible search, considering all
possible forms of the keyword or phrase that you have entered, and then lists the search results from the most
relevant to the least relevant. You can also search for exact matches of the keyword or phrase by enclosing it in
quotation marks. For example, searching for “Western Star Trucks” will return only the customer with this exact
For more information on turning on semantic search, see Enabling Semantic Search for Microsoft SQL Server in the
Acumatica ERP Installation Guide.

The Start of a Search

You start a search by typing a word, a part of a word, or a phrase into the Search box in the navigation pane. The
system generates a list with suggestions, as shown in the following screenshot. In this list, you can restrict areas
where the system will search for the search string and select a form whose name contains the search string.

Figure: Search box and a Search Suggestions list

1. Search box
2. Search suggestions
Search | 147

3. Corresponding forms

For detailed procedure, see To Start a Search.

Search Results and User Access Rights

The system narrows the search results based on the access rights of the user who performs the search. If you don't
have permissive access rights to particular data (such as vendor accounts), these objects will not appear in the
search results, even though they match the search criteria. Your access rights to file attachments are determined by
your rights to the entities to which the files are attached.

Search Tips
As you embark on a search in Acumatica ERP, keep the following points in mind:
• The system searches all possible forms of the text you typed. If you want to search for an exact match of the
word or phrase, enclose it in quotation marks.
• Because the search functionality is context-related in Acumatica ERP, by default, the search is performed on
the entities of the module from which you are starting the search. However, you can select another available
search scope in the Search Suggestions list.

Related Links
• Enabling Semantic Search for Microsoft SQL Server
• To Start a Search

Search Form

Form ID: (SE000040)

You start the search from the Search box, located at the top of the navigation pane (for details, see To Start a
Search). The search results appear on the Search form in the right pane, as shown in the following screenshot.

Figure: The Search form

1. Applied search filter

2. Search box
3. Search filters
Search | 148

4. Search results

The Search Filters

By default, the search in Acumatica ERP is context-related, which means that the search results depend on the
module from which the search is initiated. You can select one of the available search filters to change the scope of
the search. The following options are available:
• Search in <Module Name>: To search for specific system records available in the module in which you have
started your search.
• Search in All Entities: To search for specific system records, such as customers, vendors, prospects,
employee accounts, and notes attached to records.
• Search in Help: To search the information in all guides and Help topics.
• Search in Files: To search for files attached to system records.

Related Links
• To Start a Search
• Search

To Start a Search

You start your Acumatica ERP search from the Search box, which is located near the top of the navigation pane and
may contain the default Type your query here text.

To Start a Search
1. Type a word, a part of a word, or a phrase into the Search box.
2. Start a search in one of the following ways:
• Click Search to view the search results.
• In the Search Suggestions list, select the part of the product where you want to search for the string you
typed in the previous step.
• If you have searched for a form, and you see it in the Search Suggestions list, click the name of this form
to open it.
The search results are displayed on the Search Form (SE000040).
Filters | 149

In Acumatica ERP, forms oen use tables to present data in ways that users can easily comprehend. But when a
single table spans multiple pages, you might find it challenging to glean the needed information from it. Filters give
you the means to display only those records that you want to see at the moment.

In This Chapter
• Types of Filters
• Saving of Filters for Future Use
• Examples of Advanced and Ad Hoc Filters

Types of Filters

Filters in Acumatica ERP help you find the information you want to view in a table and include only the data you
need in a generated report. To help you meet your changing information needs, Acumatica ERP has the following
types of filters, each with different functionality: simple, quick, advanced, and ad hoc.

All Acumatica ERP filters are form-specific—that is, if a filter is designed for one form, you cannot
apply it to another form.

Simple Filters
You use simple filters to quickly filter data in a table. To use a simple filter, you click the header of the column to
which you want to apply the filter and specify a condition for the column. This causes the system to display only the
table rows for which this column meets the selected condition, as shown in the screenshot below. You can then sort
the data to best meet your information needs.
Filters | 150

Figure: A simple filter

For generic inquiry forms (such as substitutes for entry forms), once you have configured a simple filter, the simple
filter is added to the filtering area of the table, where you can work with the simple filter as you can work with a
quick filter. For details, see Quick Filters below.
For details on using simple filters, see To Filter the Data in a Table.

Quick Filters
You use quick filters to filter data in a table on a generic inquiry form (such as a substitute form for a data entry
form). To use a quick filter, you drag to the filtering area above the table the header of the column to which you
want to apply the filter. In the filtering area, you select the values of each added quick filter (if the column has a
fixed set of options) or the filter condition of each quick filter (if the column has an unlimited number of values), as
shown in the following screenshot.
Filters | 151

Figure: A quick filter

You can save quick filters for future use. When you save a filter, the system adds to the form a tab with the filter
applied. The tab will be shown on the form when you open the form in the future. The tab has the name that you
specify during saving of the filter. You can create quick filters for your personal use or share them with other users.
For details on using quick filters, see Filtering and Sorting in Acumatica ERP and Managing Advanced Filters.

Advanced Filters
You add advanced filters on processing and inquiry forms to have the data filtered when you open the form; you
can create and apply these filters any time you want to, and save them for future use. These filters are considered
advanced because you can specify complex and flexible filtering conditions when you set up these filters. For more
information on designing advanced filters, see Managing Advanced Filters.
You use the Filter Settings dialog box to add an advanced filter to a form (see item 1 in the following screenshot).
When you save the filter, the system adds to the form a tab (item 2) with the filter applied; the tab will be shown on
the form when you open the form in the future. You can create advanced filters for your personal use or share them
with other users.
Filters | 152

Figure: An advanced filter

For more information on using advanced filters, see Saving of Filters for Future Use. For details on the Filter
Settings dialog box, see Filter Settings Dialog Box.

Ad Hoc Filters
You configure ad hoc filters on report forms to fine-tune the basic report parameters, as shown in the screenshot
below. These filters cannot be saved directly to be reused at a later time; however, you can set up and save report
templates that contain the filtering and sorting settings you use for an ad hoc filter.

Figure: An ad hoc filter

For more information on designing ad hoc filters, see Filtering and Sorting in Acumatica ERP in the Acumatica ERP
Getting Started Guide. For more information on using ad hoc filters, see Reports.
Filters | 153

Saving of Filters for Future Use

Reusable filters, which are available on processing and inquiry forms, are created to filter data in the table part of
the form and can be reused anytime aer you create them. You can reuse quick filters and advanced filters. For
details on the filter types, see Types of Filters.

Reusable Filters on Forms

You can reuse filters on a particular processing or inquiry form in one of the following ways:
• By creating and saving a quick filter directly on that form.
• By creating and saving an advanced filter directly on that form by using the Filter Settings dialog box. For
more information on the Filter Settings dialog box, see Filter Settings Dialog Box.
You can do the following with quick or advanced filters you have defined for forms:
• Create a filter and save it for later use, as described. For more information on designing complex filter
conditions for advanced filters, see Managing Advanced Filters.
• Update the clauses of an existing filter, as described in Managing Advanced Filters.
• Share a filter with other users, as described in Filtering and Sorting in Acumatica ERP: Process Activity. For
more information on working with shared filters, see Managing Advanced Filters.
• Delete an obsolete filter, as described in Filtering and Sorting in Acumatica ERP: Process Activity.

Shared Filters
In Acumatica ERP, quick and advanced filters can be shared with other users, no matter who created the filters. You
can share your filters with other users and use the filters that have been created and shared by other users. Shared
filters are available to all users of the system.
You can modify or delete a shared filter through the form to which it is applied as well as on the Filters (CS209010)
form. For more information on shared filter management, see Managing Advanced Filters in the Acumatica ERP
System Administration Guide.

Filters as Tabs
On a form, the available quick and advanced filters that you have created (or that other users have shared with
you) are displayed as tabs, as shown in the following screenshot with item 2. The All Records tab shows all records
without any filter applied, and the name of each other tab corresponds to the name of the filter (item 1 in the
following screenshot shows where the name is specified).
Filters | 154

Figure: Filters as tabs

When you click a tab, the system displays the list of items filtered according to the settings of the particular filter
that corresponds to the tab.
Related Links
• Filter Settings Dialog Box

To Save a Filter for Future Use

You can save a filter for later use on the processing or inquiry form to which it will be applied, as described in this

To Save a Filter on a Generic Inquiry Form (Quick Filter)

1. Open the generic inquiry form you want to add a filter to.
2. Set up a filter on table columns, as described in To Filter the Data in a Table.
3. In the filtering area above the table, click Save or ... > Save As.
4. In the dialog box that opens, in the Filter Name box, type the name of the filter. This name will be used as
the name of the tab with the filtered records on the inquiry form.
5. If you want to share this filter with other users, select the Shared Filter check box.

For more information, see Advanced Filters: General Information.

6. Click OK to save the filter. A tab with the filtered records appears on the form.

To Save a Filter as Pivot Table of a Generic Inquiry Form

1. Open the generic inquiry form you want to add a filter to.
2. In the filtering area above the table, click ... > Save As Pivot.
3. In the dialog box that opens, in the Filter Name box, type the name. This name will be used as the name of
the tab with the pivot table on the inquiry form.
Filters | 155

4. If you want to share this pivot with other users, select the Shared Filter check box.

For more information, see Pivot Tables: Creation of a Pivot Table on a Filter Tab.

5. Click OK to save the pivot table. A pivot table tab is opened, allowing to make edits.
6. Set up the pivot table, as described in Pivot Tables: To Create a Pivot Table on a Filter Tab.
7. In the filtering area above the table, click Edit pivot table icon. The changes are saved and the resulting
pivot table is opened.

Click Edit pivot table again if you need to make more edits in the pivot table.

To Save an Advanced Filter

1. Open the processing or inquiry form you want to add a filter to.
2. On the table toolbar, click Filter Settings ( ) to open the Filter Settings dialog box.
3. If an existing filter is selected, click New (bottom le of the dialog box) to add a new filter.
4. Specify the filter clauses as follows:
a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row to add a new clause.
b. Specify the property, condition, and applicable value or values of the new clause.
For more information about filter clauses, see Advanced Filters: General Information.
c. Repeat the two previous substeps for each clause you want to add.
d. If required, add brackets and use operators to join the clauses.
5. If you want to use this filter as the default filter for the current form, select the Default check box.
6. If you want to share this filter with other users, select the Shared check box.
7. To save the filter for future use, do the following:
a. At the bottom le of the dialog box, click Save.
b. In the Enter the filter name here dialog box, which opens, type the name of the new filter.
c. Click OK to close the Enter the filter name here dialog box and return to the Filter Settings dialog box,
where the name you typed is in the unlabeled box (top right).
8. Click Apply to close the dialog box and apply the filter.

Related Links
• Filter Settings Dialog Box

To Modify Active Clauses for an Advanced Filter

An advanced filter may contain active and inactive clauses; each clause is represented in one row of the table on
the Filter Settings dialog box for the filter. When a filter is applied to a form, the active clauses are applied to the
records in the list, and the inactive clauses are ignored. You can easily modify the advanced filter by changing the
active status of the clauses before the filter is applied, as described in this topic. For details about the syntax of
clauses, see Managing Advanced Filters.
Filters | 156

To Modify Active Clauses for an Advanced Filter

1. On the applicable form, open the tab with the filter.
2. On the table toolbar, click Filter Settings ( ).
3. In the Filter Settings dialog box, which the system has opened, if you want to use a clause in the filter,
select the Active check box that precedes the clause. Repeat this step for all clauses you want to make
4. If you want to exclude a clause from the filter, clear the Active check box that precedes the clause. Repeat
this step for all clauses you want to make inactive.
5. If you want to save the state of the clauses, click Save. (If you have made other changes in the filter settings,
they also will be saved.)
6. Click Apply to apply the filter and close the dialog box.

To Modify a Saved Filter

You can modify a saved filter on the inquiry or processing form this filter is applied to, as described in this topic.

To Modify a Saved Filter

1. Open the form and navigate to the tab with the filter that you want to edit.
2. Do one of the following to modify the filter:
• In the filtering area, edit any of the existing filtering conditions or add new filtering conditions, as
described in Filtering and Sorting in Acumatica ERP: Process Activity.
• Either on the table toolbar or in the filtering area, click Filter Settings ( ) and do any of the following to
modify the filter:
• Select or clear the Active check box in a table row to change which clauses are active.
• Click Add Row, and then specify the new clause; repeat this step as many times as you need.
• Edit any of the existing clauses.
For details about filter settings of advanced filters, see Managing Advanced Filters.
3. Do one of the following to save your changes:
• In the filtering area, click Save.
• If you want to save the filter under another name, in the filtering area, click Save As and specify the new
filter name.
• In the Filter Settings dialog box, click Save and click Apply to close the dialog box.
• If you want to save the filter under another name, in the Filter Settings dialog box, click Copy, specify
the new filter name, and click Apply to close the dialog box.

To Share a Filter

You can share with your colleagues a quick or advanced filter you have created, as described in this topic. For more
information on work with shared filters, see Advanced Filters: General Information.
Filters | 157

To Share a Filter
1. Open the form, and open the tab with the filter that you want to share.
2. In the filtering area or on the table toolbar, click Filter Settings ( ).
3. In the Filter Settings dialog box, select the Shared check box.
4. Click Apply to apply this change to the filter and save it.

To Delete a Filter

You can delete a previously saved filter from the form this filter is applied to, as described in this topic.

To Delete a Filter
1. Open the applicable form, and open the tab with the filter you want to delete.
2. Do one of the following:
• In the filtering area, click ... > Remove.
• Either on the table toolbar or in the filtering area, click Filter Settings ( ), and do the following to
delete the filter:
a. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Remove.
b. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Apply to delete the filter and close the dialog box.

The tab corresponding to the filter is removed from the form.

Examples of Advanced and Ad Hoc Filters

The examples in this topic show you how you can filter records by using ad hoc and advanced filters.

Ad Hoc Filter
The AP Balance by GL Account (AP632000) report displays the balances of the Accounts Payable accounts and
activities on the accounts for the selected period. To fine-tune the report to show only payments collected on the
140000 account, you can add the following filter in the Additional Filtering Conditions table of the Additional
Sort and Filters tab of the report form.

Advanced Filter with Multiple Clauses

To view the tasks your workgroup is working on, on the Tasks (EP404000) form, you can add the following filter.
Filters | 158

The filter works as follows:

• By grouping the two status clauses, you include the tasks with a status of Open or In Process.
• By adding the Workgroup clause, you include only the tasks assigned to your workgroups.

Advanced Filter with a Date-Relative Clause

To view the phone calls due next week, you can use the following filter on the Tasks form.

The filter works as follows:

• By adding the first clause, you include the tasks with a due date of next week.
• By adding the second clause, you include the tasks whose summary includes the phrase Phone call with any
capitalization because filtering is not case-sensitive.

Related Links
• Filters
• Types of Filters
Shortcut Keys | 159

Shortcut Keys
You can invoke the most common Acumatica ERP operations through keyboard shortcuts, as described in this

Form Toolbar Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to execute form toolbar commands.

Key Description

Esc Depending on the context, does one of the following:

• Discards any unsaved changes you have made to objects or entities and re-
trieves the last saved version.
• Clears all changes and restores the default settings.

Ctrl+Insert Clears any values you've specified on the form, restores any default values, and
initiates the creation of a new object or entity.

Ctrl+Delete Deletes the currently selected object or entity, clears any values you have speci-
fied on the form, and restores the default values.

You can delete a document that is not linked with another docu-

Ctrl+S Saves the changes made to the object or entity.

Page Up Displays the previous object or entity and its details.

Page Down Displays the next object or entity and its details.

Summary Area Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts of the Summary or Selection area of any form.

Key Description

Tab Moves the cursor to the next element.

Shi+Tab Moves the cursor to the previous element.

F3 If the cursor is in a lookup box, opens the lookup table so that you can search for a

Ctrl+Le Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next segment of the element if the ele-
ment has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).

Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous segment of the element if the el-
ement has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).
Shortcut Keys | 160

Key Description

Ctrl+Shi+L Invoke the Translations box for boxes with multilanguage support if multilingual
user input is enabled. For details, see Translations Dialog Box.

Table Navigation Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate tables on any forms.

Key Description

Arrow Keys Moves one cell up, down, le, or right in a table.

Tab Moves the cursor to the next element in the current row.

Shi+Tab Moves the cursor to the previous element in the current row.

Home Goes to the first column in the current row.

End Goes to the last column in the current row.

Ctrl+Home Goes to the first row in the same column.

Ctrl+End Goes to the last row in the same column.

Page Down Goes to the first row in the same column.

Page Up Goes to the last row in the same column.

Shi+F Filters the data in the table.

F5 Refreshes the data (if the cursor is set in a table cell).

F6 Sorts the lines by the values in the selected column.

Double-click under the last Appends a new row.


Enter or F2 Switches to editing mode.

Enter or F2 Switch to editing mode.

Ctrl+Shi+L In editing mode, invoke the Translations box for boxes with multilanguage sup-
port if multilingual user input is enabled. For details, see Translations Dialog Box.

F4 Switches between grid and form modes.

F3 If the cursor is in a lookup box, opens the lookup table so that you can search for a

Ctrl+Le Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next segment of the element if the ele-
ment has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).
Shortcut Keys | 161

Key Description

Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous segment of the element if the el-
ement has multiple segments (for example, when you enter a subaccount).

Calendar Navigation Shortcuts

When you click the arrow of a date box on an Acumatica ERP form, the Calendar dialog box is brought up. You can
use the Calendar dialog box to select a new date, which will appear in the date box. The following table displays
the keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the Calendar dialog box on any form.

Key Description

Le Arrow Moves the cursor to the previous day.

Right Arrow Moves the cursor to the next day.

Up Arrow Moves the cursor one week earlier.

Down Arrow Moves the cursor one week later.

Enter Fills in the date box with the selected date and close the dialog box.

Date Box Shortcuts

Any date consists of the date components—that is, month, day, and year—that you enter to define a calendar date
in a date box. The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to change the selected date once
you have clicked in the date box near the needed component on any form.

Key Description

Up Arrow Increases the selected component of the date by 1.

+ on the numeric keypad

Down Arrow Decreases the selected component of the date by 1.

- on the numeric keypad

. Moves the cursor to the next component of the date.

. on the numeric keypad
/ on the numeric keypad
Right Arrow
Shortcut Keys | 162

Key Description

Shi + . Moves the cursor to the previous component of the date.

Shi + /
Shi + / on the numeric
Le Arrow

Search Box Shortcuts

In the following table, you can find keyboard shortcuts related to the Search box.

Key Description

Ctrl+Q Places the cursor in the Search box.

Main Menu Shortcuts

The following table displays the keyboard shortcuts you can use to work with main menu items.

Key Description

Alt+G Opens the current workspace (which is highlighted in the main menu when you have a
form, dashboard, or report of that workspace open).

Esc Closes the opened workspace.

Glossary | 163



account A general ledger entity that holds a detailed record of similar transactions in-
volving a particular item, such as a source of cash or a recipient of income.
supports several account types: Asset, Liability, Income, and Expense. All of a
company's accounts are listed on its chart of accounts. In Acumatica ERP, ac-
counts are used with subaccounts, and at system setup, you choose whether
account identifiers should be composed of segments. See also general ledger,
chart of accounts, subaccount, and segment.

account class A user-defined class that is used to group related accounts of the same type
and that can be used in reports and inquiries for convenient grouping, sorting,
and filtering of information associated with accounts. For example, you can
create a class for long-term liabilities and another for middle-term liabilities.

accounts payable A functional area of Acumatica ERP that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s vendors, primarily for goods and services pur-
chased by your company. See also vendor.

accounts receivable A functional area of Acumatica ERP that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s customers, primarily for goods and services
sold by your company. See also customer.

home page The first page a user sees upon signing in to the website. By default, the home
page displays the documentation list, but it can be configured to display the
home page dashboard. See also dashboard.

adjustment period A financial period with the same start and end dates (and, thus, a duration of
zero days) that is the last period in the financial year. An adjustment period
can be added only at initial setup. On data entry forms, an adjustment period
is available only when you directly type it in the Fin. Period box. See also finan-
cial period and financial year.

aging period One of a group of time intervals used for sorting a company's open AR doc-
uments by age or its open AP documents by days outstanding. For example,
aging periods may be defined as follows: -999 to 0 days past due, 1 to 30 days
past due, 31 to 60 days past due, and 61 to 91 days past due.

aggregating value A special value of a segment of a subaccount that indicates the sum of appro-
priate budget articles whose subaccounts have other values in this segment.
By aggregating values, you can build a hierarchical structure of budget arti-
cles. See also segment and subaccount.

allocation template A group of settings, saved as a whole, used to help you automate allocations;
allocation templates can be defined using the Allocations (GL204500) form. You
can create an allocation source by using input masks to specify multiple ac-
counts and subaccounts at once, and you can set up rules for distributing the
source amount over multiple accounts. See also input mask, account, and sub-
Glossary | 164

AP bill A document created for each vendor invoice that includes information about
the vendor, location, and currency used for the transaction. A bill may con-
tain either line items or one summary line with a tax category specified. Some
taxes are calculated for the entire document, and some are calculated for
each line item, depending on each tax's Calculation Rule setting on the Taxes
(TX205000) form. See also vendor, location, tax category, and tax.

AP check A payment document created for a vendor. A separate AP check may be re-
quired for each AP document, depending on your selected configuration
options. AP checks should always have zero unapplied balance; that is, the
amount of a check should be exactly the amount of the bill or bills it pays for.
See also vendor.

AP credit adjustment A clearing document created to correct errors on an existing bill, or in re-
sponse to a vendor's overdue charges or a debit memo. Posting a credit ad-
justment increases the balance of accounts payable.

AP debit adjustment An AP document created on the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form for a
vendor refund. It may be applied to any bills of the same vendor. Discounts
cannot be taken on debit adjustments. See also vendor.

approval The act of formally giving permission for a document to proceed to the next
step in its workflow. An organization may require documents, such as pur-
chase orders or expense claims, to be approved by authorized persons before
they may be paid. Also, you can require that wiki articles be approved before
they may be published. In Acumatica ERP, you can configure approvals by as-
signing documents to specific persons for approvals and by giving only autho-
rized persons access to certain processing forms. See also form.

AR credit memo A clearing document created for damaged goods or a previous overcharging
invoice. A credit memo may have one summary line or multiple line items.
A credit memo may be applied against invoices, debit memos, and overdue
charges. See also overdue charges.

AR debit memo A document that adjusts the amount in one or several previous undercharging
invoices. It doesn't contain a direct reference to any original invoices; if need-
ed, you can reference the original invoice in the Description box. Debit memos
may be numbered differently from invoices.

AR invoice An itemized request for payment for goods sold or services rendered. An in-
voice includes the customer information, location, currency, and any refer-
ence number in the original customer document. The due date of the docu-
ment is calculated based on the credit terms associated with the customer.
An AR invoice may have a single summary line or multiple line items. For each
line, a tax category may be specified. See also customer, location, credit terms,
and tax category.

assignment map A structure representing the hierarchy of workgroups involved in processing or

approval. See also approval.
Glossary | 165

assignment rules A set of rules you can configure—based on the properties of an entity (such as
a lead or case) or a document (such as an expense claim, sales order, or pur-
chase order)—to enable automatic assignment to appropriate employees for
processing or approval. For the selected entity type, you facilitate automatic
assignment of entities to workgroups and to particular users by creating an as-
signment map and rules based on properties of the entity or document. See al-
so approval and assignment map.

attribute A custom element that your company can add to forms to keep additional in-
formation about products, leads, customers, inventory items, and other enti-
ties. Attributes—which are used on various forms in the system—give you the
ability to gather details that are meaningful for your business. See also form,
customer, inventory item, and inventory.

attribute class A grouping of your company's leads, opportunities, customers, or cases by a

specific set of attributes. See also attribute.

authentication The process by which establishes a potential user as valid and grants access to
the system. A user must use a valid user name and password pair for success-
ful authentication. See also user.

authorization The process by which verifies whether a user has sufficient access rights to
particular forms, elements, and actions. The system makes this determina-
tion for a user who has successfully signed in, based on the roles assigned to
the user and the restriction groups that include the user as a member. See also
user, form, role, and restriction group.

auto-reversing batch A batch for which the system automatically creates another batch that revers-
es debit and credit entries into the next financial period; the debit entry is re-
versed as a credit entry and vice versa. Auto-reversing entries are used to re-
verse some period-end adjustments. See also batch, general ledger, and finan-
cial period.

automation definition A complete set of all automation steps defined for all forms created using the
Automation Definitions (SM205010) form. You can use definitions created before
system upgrades (or before major changes in automation steps) as backups of
various states of automation in your system. See also automation steps and au-
tomation definition.

automation schedule A schedule defined for an processing form to direct the system to perform spe-
cific processing periodically. You can create automation schedules by using
the Automation Schedules (SM205020) form. See also automation schedule

automation steps Steps to be executed for specific records or objects on a particular form, de-
pending on the record or object properties. By using automation steps, you
can extend the functionality of data entry and processing forms. You can add
new object statuses, associate statuses with certain actions, and enable or dis-
able actions, depending on object properties. See also form.


bank account A cash account associated with a specific bank (which in is defined as a ven-
dor) and with one or more linked clearing accounts. Bank charges can be con-
figured as entry types associated with the bank account. Bank accounts gener-
ally require periodic reconciliations to be performed. See also vendor, clearing
account, entry type, and reconciliation.
Glossary | 166

base currency The currency of the environment in which the company generates and ex-
pends cash. A base currency can be the only currency used in the system or
one of multiple currencies used. The base currency is the default currency for
recording transactions, budgets, and other GL data, and it is used for report-
ing, income statement, and balance sheet calculations. For general ledger ac-
counts denominated to a foreign currency, maintains the history of transac-
tions and balances in both the currency of denomination and the base curren-
cy. See also general ledger and account.

base price A price for an item set with respect to the base unit, expressed in the base cur-
rency and offered to customers of the base price class (those not associated
with any specific price class by default). Base prices can be defined and main-
tained directly, following your company's pricing policy. See also base unit,
base currency, customer, and inventory.

base unit The unit of measure in which a particular item is tracked from the moment it is
received at a warehouse or produced at one of your facilities until it is picked
for shipping. Generally, the base unit is the smallest unit defined in the system
for a particular item. Also, the base unit is the unit of measure used for calcu-
lating item costs. See also warehouse.

batch A set of related transactions or journal entries that are in the same currency,
refer to the same ledger, and occur in the same financial period. A batch's deb-
it total and credit total are calculated over all the transactions. Some batches
are generated by the system automatically, such as those implementing reval-
uations. Only balanced batches (those for which the credit total equals the
debit total) can be released and posted to the specified ledger. See also journal
entry, financial period, and revaluation

batch control total A user-entered total that is used for batch status validation if it is enforced
in your system—that is, if the Validate Batch Control Totals on Entry check
box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) is selected. A batch can be
saved with the Balanced status only if the user types into this box a value that
is equal to the batch's debit total and credit total amounts. We recommend
that you use batch control total validation to reduce data input errors. See al-
so batch.

budget article An account-subaccount pair recorded in a budget ledger with a budget

amount. A budget article has subarticles if its subaccount has at least one ag-
gregating value in any segment. See also account, subaccount, aggregating val-
ue, and segment.

business account A set of information about one of your company's vendors or customers, in-
cluding its locations, contacts, and payment and shipping options. Acumatica
ERP uses this information, which is specified on data entry forms, throughout
the system. Your company also has a business account to record its own loca-
tions, contacts, and shipping settings. See also vendor, customer, and location.


cash account A special type of general ledger account used to record various monetary
transactions in a specific currency. You can specify entry types and payment
methods with which the cash account is associated. Each cash account is as-
signed to a specific branch. See also general ledger, account, entry type, pay-
ment method.
Glossary | 167

cash-in-transit account An account used for cash that is being moved from one currency to another.
Because cross-rates are not used in Acumatica ERP, currency conversion is
performed via the base currency with the use of the cash-in-transit account
and subaccount. See also account, base currency, and subaccount.

cash discount A deduction from the total payable amount, which is allowed if the amount
owed is paid within a specified time period on or before a due date. Cash dis-
counts available for your organization are defined by credit terms assigned
to vendors, and cash discounts available for customers are defined by credit
terms assigned to customers. See also credit terms, vendor, and customer

cash management A functional area of Acumatica ERP that you use to manage cash and bank ac-
counts, cash transactions (including funds transfer), and bank statement rec-
onciliations. See also cash account, bank account, funds transfer, and reconcilia-

chart of accounts A listing of the accounts in the system to which you will record accounting
transactions. The chart of accounts, which you maintain in Acumatica ERP
by using the Chart of Accounts (GL202500) form, consists of balance sheet ac-
counts (assets and liabilities) and income statement accounts (income and ex-
penses). The chart of accounts should follow national and industry standards
while also reflecting the operations of your company. See also account.

clearing account A cash account that temporarily holds customer payments included in a de-
posit. Once the money is actually deposited to the bank and the deposit is
released, a batch of transactions will be generated to move the payment
amounts from clearing accounts to the bank account and to record the
charges incurred as expenses. See also cash account, customer, deposit, batch,
and bank account.

combined subaccount A subaccount that can be combined from multiple involved subaccounts,
based on rules you create, for certain transactions; use elements with labels
such as Combine Subaccount From to set up these rules. A box for a com-
bined subaccount displays a subaccount mask, such as ––––.––.–––.––––, in
accordance with the segmented structure of subaccounts defined for your
company. For each segment, you can specify one of the involved subaccounts
as the source of the segment value. See the Combined Subaccounts article for
more information. See also subaccount and combined subaccount.

commission A payment made to a salesperson for goods and services sold. Commission
is calculated once in a commission period based on total invoice amounts or
payments received, depending on your configuration choice. For each docu-
ment, calculates the commission amount as a percentage. For an invoice, the
commission may be split among multiple salespersons.

common settings A functional area of Acumatica ERP used by administrators and implementa-
tion consultants to control global system settings. Some configuration set-
tings—such as company information, segmented keys, and numbering se-
quences—must be provided during initial system setup and cannot be mod-
ified later. Other information, such as credit terms and logistics settings, can
be added at any time. See also segmented key, numbering sequence, and credit
Glossary | 168

consolidation The process of combining separate accounting data into one set of data by im-
porting data from subsidiaries to the parent company. Whether your organiza-
tion is a parent company or a subsidiary of a larger company, you can prepare
and consolidate the data into one consolidation ledger in the parent company.

consolidation data The data imported to the parent company (as GL batches with system-gener-
ated descriptions) to enable consolidation. See also general ledger, batch, and

consolidation mapping The process of matching accounts and subaccounts in a subsidiary against
those of the parent company for consolidation. Mapping of subaccounts can
be performed across subaccount segments. See also account, subaccount, and

credit terms Conditions and stipulations used by vendors in their relations with your com-
pany and by your company in its relations with customers when any outstand-
ing balance is paid. Credit terms include an installment option (one payment
or multiple installments), a payment schedule, and terms for cash discount
(for only the single-installment option). Also, credit terms can be used as a
schedule for overdue charges. See also vendor, customer, cash discount, and
credit terms.

currency management A functional area of Acumatica ERP that you use to define multiple currencies,
enabling foreign currency transactions throughout the system. You can main-
tain the lists of currencies, track exchange rate fluctuations, and perform peri-
odical revaluations. See also revaluation.

currency rate The rating of one currency valued against another. You use the Currency Rates
(CM301000) form to enter foreign currencies' exchange rates and the base cur-
rency rates. Rates for each rate type are specified with respect to the base cur-
rency and are recorded to the database with the type of arithmetic operation
required to apply the rate. Each record contains the rate and the date when it
becomes effective. The rate is used for currency conversions for documents
that have later dates until a new rate is recorded. See also base currency.

customer One of your company’s trade debtors. In Acumatica ERP, you can set up de-
fault values for individual customers, customer classes, and customer doc-
uments to help make data entry easier and less error-prone. When you en-
ter a new invoice for a customer, calculates the due date, discount date, and
amount automatically, based on its credit terms. Tax settings are by default
those of the tax zone associated with the customer location. See also customer
class, credit terms, tax, and tax zone.

customer class A group of settings that provides default values when users create new cus-
tomer accounts, thus saving them time. You divide customers into classes
based on the types of goods or services they purchase from you. See also cus-

customer management A functional area of Acumatica ERP that helps your company set up customer
service based on contracts and effectively track service issues reported by cus-
tomers. Also, the functionality provides tools to help salespeople generate
quality leads, track and analyze sales opportunities, and manage marketing
campaigns by sending personalized emails in bulk. See also customer.
Glossary | 169

customer price class A group of customers that may be offered special prices because of their buy-
ing habits. All customers of the same customer price class are charged the
same price for the same item, and you can set different prices for the same
item for different customer price classes. See also customer.

customer statement A complete record of the customer's invoices, debit and credit memos, pay-
ments, prepayments, and overdue charges for a specific period. A statement
includes all new activity for a statement cycle, from the previous statement
date to the current statement date. Any open debit items from prior periods
are included in the statement, grouped by days outstanding. See also state-
ment cycle and prepayment.


dashboard An interface that organizes and presents key information in a format that
users can interpret easily. System administrators can design a set of compa-
ny-specific template dashboards. A user can modify any of them or create
from scratch a set of personalized dashboards that display information tai-
lored to job and information needs.

deferral code A code used in Acumatica ERP to configure how revenues and expenses are
recognized. If a line amount in an invoice or a bill should be recognized over
several periods, a deferral code (of the revenue or expense type, respectively)
is assigned to this line.

deferral schedule A number of related transactions automatically generated for the documents
whose lines have deferral codes assigned. See also deferral code.

deferred revenue A functional area of Acumatica ERP that stores definitions of deferral codes,
while giving you the ability to view and edit deferral schedules generated for
AP and AR documents and recognize parts of deferred amount according to
these schedules.

deposit 1. An instance of physically placing money in a bank.

2. In Acumatica ERP, an internal document created using the Bank Deposits
(CA305000) form. Batch deposits are used to group customer payments de-
posited to the bank in bulk. When you enter payments intended for such
deposits into Acumatica ERP, they are recorded to special clearing ac-
counts, which temporarily hold payments drawn from customers' AR ac-
counts. Before you make a deposit to the bank, you create a deposit in
Acumatica ERP, list the payments and cash to be deposited, and print a de-
posit slip. After the money was actually deposited, the deposit can be cor-
rected to contain only payments accepted by the bank and released. On
the deposit's release, a batch of transactions will be generated to move
the payment amounts from clearing accounts to the bank account and to
record the charges incurred as expenses.

See also deposit, batch, customer, clearing account, and bank account.

discount A means of reducing sales prices. In Acumatica ERP, your company can config-
ure various types of discounts applicable to sales orders and intended to at-
tract customers: document-level discounts that are subtracted from the doc-
ument total, item-level discounts that apply to a document line, and flat-price
discounts, which are special discounted prices that depend on the quantities
of goods purchased. See also customer.
Glossary | 170


entry type A user-defined type of transaction (which can be a cash receipt or cash dis-
bursement) used to categorize cash transactions. See also cash management.

event An activity that has a specific start time and duration. You create events for all
or several users and invite users, leads, contacts, and customers as attendees.
You can send invitation or rescheduling emails to attendees.


Favorites Links to the forms the particular user accesses most frequently. Any user can
create his or her own list of favorites for personal use.

financial period A part of a financial year defined by its start date and end date. A financial year
can be divided into monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or custom-defined periods.
For each next new year, generates financial periods in accordance with initial
system settings. We recommend that you not change financial settings in once
transactions have been posted to any of the periods. See also financial year.

financial year A time interval used for calculating annual financial statements. The year is de-
fined by its start date, which you determine, and lasts 12 months. For example,
the U.S. government's financial year begins on October 1 of the previous cal-
endar year and ends on September 30 of the year that gives the financial year
its number. A financial year consists of a number of financial periods and may
include an additional adjustment period. See also financial period and adjust-
ment period.

FOB point A destination at which the vendor delivers the goods to be loaded to the trans-
portation provided by the carrier. The customer covers the freight and other
expenses for the cargo from a FOB (meaning freight on board) point. See also
vendor and customer.

foreign currency translation The process of restating the account balances in a reporting currency. For ac-
counts denominated to currencies other than the reporting currency, the bal-
ances expressed in the base currency are recalculated to the reporting curren-
cy. See also account and base currency.

form A screen in Acumatica ERP that you use to enter needed data, configure and
maintain system functionality, view inquiry data, and perform processes that
are key to your business.

form toolbar A toolbar present on most forms with data navigation and processing buttons
to invoke actions that apply to the entire form. For example, its actions can be
used to cancel or save changes you've made, to insert or delete objects, or to
navigate through the objects created via the form. See also form.

funds transfer A transaction that moves an amount from one cash account to another, with
related service charges. Funds can be transferred between accounts denomi-
nated to different foreign currencies in two steps, using the cash in transit ac-
count for currency conversion to the base currency and from the base curren-
cy. See also cash account, cash-in-transit account, and base currency.

Glossary | 171

general ledger A functional area of Acumatica ERP that serves as the central application
where all financial information is collected for analyzing, summarizing, and re-
porting. You can set up your company's financial structure through the chart of
accounts and subaccounts, collect information through transactions entered
by users, and prepare data for generating various financial statements. See al-
so chart of accounts and subaccount.


historical rate An exchange rate for the foreign currency with respect to the base currency
that was effective during a certain past period. The system uses historical rates
for foreign currency translations and "past-date" transactions. See also base
currency and general ledger.


inline editor An editing tool you can use to edit a section of a Wiki article or its full text. The
inline editor contains both a text box (which contains the text of the applicable
section) and a Formatting toolbar.

input mask A mask implemented to govern what a user may enter into a box, so that the
required format is used on data entry forms. Masks are used, for example, for
phone numbers, postal codes, and tax registration IDs. Moreover, input masks
can be created using regular expressions to validate entered values, since the
values for some elements must follow not only input format requirements but
also specific rules.

integration services The powerful capabilities that provide the ability to filter and import data from
external sources, converting it into internal format, and configure data syn-
chronization between and third-party applications to be performed on sched-
ule. Also, you can configure data export with conversion to required formats.

inventory item A stock or non-stock item defined and tracked in Acumatica ERP. The record's
unique identifier, Inventory ID, as with other identifiers in Acumatica ERP, can
be segmented, with special meaning assigned to each segment. (The INVEN-
TORY key is used to configure inventory IDs.) Well-designed inventory IDs can
help you sort and group items in operational and management reports. See al-
so stock item and non-stock item.

inventory A functional area of Acumatica ERP that provides real-time access to item
availability data configured in accordance with your company's policies. You
can maintain a perpetual inventory system as well as performing physical in-
ventories, which can be performed as full inventory and by cycles. You can use
subitems as an additional means of tracking special types of inventory items,
and you can track inventory items by either lot or serial numbers and expira-
tion dates. (See lot serial numbers for more details.) Advanced inventory func-
tionality includes flexible posting settings, multiple warehouses with multiple
specialized locations, and automatic replenishments. See also subitems, inven-
tory item, and lot or serial numbers.

inventory price class A class used to group inventory items by the method of their price calculation.
An inventory price class may include items of one or more item classes. See al-
so inventory item and item class.

item class A class used to group stock or non-stock items with similar properties and to
provide default settings for new items. See also stock item and non-stock item.
Glossary | 172


journal entry A record of debit or credit to any account in the general ledger. Journal entries
(or transactions), which are added in batches, must follow the generalized
double-entry rule: The debits total must be equal to the credits total through
all the entries in a batch. The batch contains the date, the accounts and sub-
accounts to be debited, the accounts and subaccounts to be credited, and the
debit or credit amounts for each transaction. A batch of journal entries can be
marked as recurring or auto-reversing. See also account, general ledger, batch,
subaccount, and auto-reversing batch.


kit An inventory item that consists of other stock or non-stock items as compo-
nents and requires assembling (or packaging) to become a salable good. You
enter a kit as a stock or non-stock item using either the Stock Items (IN202500)
or Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form and select the Is a Kit option. You can
specify the kit's components (with their quantities) using the Kit Specifications
(IN209500) form. A kit may include a number of stock and non-stock compo-
nents. See also inventory item, non-stock item, and stock item.


landed costs All extra costs—beyond the prices at which the goods are purchased from ven-
dors—associated with acquiring products and “landing” them at one of your
company's locations. These costs might include customs duties, handling
fees, freight charges, value-added taxes, and other costs for a particular prod-
uct. In Acumatica ERP, you can define these costs via the Landed Cost Codes
(PO202000) form. See also vendor and tax.

location 1. One of multiple places of business for a particular company. Each location
is assigned to a tax zone and, as a business entity, may have a separate tax
registration ID from that of the main location of the company.
2. A warehouse location.

See also tax zone and warehouse location.

location table The list of a particular warehouse's locations and their properties. Use the lo-
cation table to configure your warehouse to fit the logistical processes estab-
lished in your company. For each location table, you can specify whether to
include the quantities of stock items stored at this location in the quantity of
available items calculated for the warehouse, whether to cost the inventory
on this location separately, what inventory operations are allowed for the lo-
cation, and what the location's pick priority is. Users can consult this table for
reference when they’re creating receipts, issues, or transfers. See also ware-

lot or serial numbers Identifying numbers through which you track goods in your inventory. Serial
numbers are used when you need to trace each item of the same inventory ID,
while lot numbers are used to trace items (of the same ID) that were purchased
or produced together and have the same expiration dates (if applicable). You
can segment lot and serial numbers by using the Lot/Serial Classes (IN207000)
form. Acumatica ERP supports the following types of segments for lot/serial
numbers: constant, date, and auto-incrementing. See also segment.
Glossary | 173

low seasons Time intervals in which the decreasing factors (used to divide the standard re-
plenishment quantity to get lower replenishment quantities during low sea-
sons) should be applied to quantities on purchase orders generated to replen-
ish the stock. Each inventory item may have multiple low seasons, each with
different decreasing factors. See also inventory item.


main menu A panel located on the le side of the Acumatica ERP screen that contains
the links to your favorites and workspaces (menus with links to forms and re-
ports). See also form, Favorites, and dashboard

management A functional area of Acumatica ERP that you use to define users, roles, and re-
striction groups for security management. It also provides site management,
wiki management, task management, customization management, and file
management capabilities, as well as integration services. See also user, role,
restriction group, and integration services.

multicurrency A mode in which Acumatica ERP can function to support multiple currencies.
If you have activated multicurrency support, you can manage transactions in
various foreign currencies, record exchange rates for multiple rate types as
needed, report in a specific foreign currency, and revalue GL, AP, and AR ac-
counts in the base currency. The base currency is used for reporting and in-
come statement calculation. See also base currency and Currency Manage-


negative inventory An option, offered in Acumatica ERP, allowing a negative inventory balance for
an inventory item or a group of items. This can occur when the inventory issue
is made before the necessary quantity of the item arrives at the warehouse. To
calculate the balance of over-issued inventory items, the most recent histori-
cal cost will be used until the item is received. When the inventory is received,
the system will match the receipt cost with the issue cost, and generate a cost
adjustment for the difference. Appropriate warnings are issued on transac-
tions that will result in negative inventory balances. See also inventory item and

non-stock item An inventory item that is not stored in a warehouse. Such items can be of dif-
ferent types: labor, service (such as product assembly, installation, or person-
alization), charge, expense, and actual non-stock items, such as goods used
only for drop-shipments. For a non-stock item, you can specify the following
information in Acumatica ERP: base, sales, and purchase units; conversion co-
efficients; price and cost information; and the default GL accounts and subac-
counts to be used for transactions with the items. See also inventory item, ware-
house, general ledger, and account.

notification template An email template with variables denoting values in an employee or contact
record. When the email is sent, the system replaces variables with values from
the database record associated with each addressee for email personalization.
Glossary | 174

numbering sequence A set of rules the system uses to generate the next unique identifier when you
create a new object of certain type (such as a batch). provides a number of
predefined numbering sequences you can use. A numbering sequence may
have subsequences. If one numbering sequence is used for multiple object
types, all the objects get numbers according to the order in which they were
created, so successive numbers can be assigned to objects of different types.
See also batch.


overdue charges Charges calculated on open Accounts Receivable items that are past due.
Acumatica ERP calculates overdue charges and displays them on customer
statements. You can configure these charges to be compound charges
(charges calculated on charges) or not. Overdue charges are based on terms
that provide a schedule for payment. See also accounts receivable and cus-
tomer statement.


payment method A way in which customers pay for goods they purchase from your organization.
For each payment method, you can use a number of predefined elements: de-
fine the element names as you want them to appear on the interface, and set
up input validation for these elements (input masks or regular expressions).
Payment methods are based on the following general means of payment:
credit cards, gi certificates, purchase orders, cash cards, and custom meth-
ods. See also customer and input mask.

PI cycle The physical inventory cycle assigned to the stock item. PI cycles are used to
arrange the items into groups for periodic counting. For more details on using
PI cycles, see Planning for Physical Inventory. See also stock item.

posting class A group of items that defines the default account to be used and the rules for
composing the default subaccount for transactions with the applicable inven-
tory items. Accounts and subaccounts for transactions can be obtained from
the following sources: inventory item, warehouse, or posting class. See also
combined subaccount, Inventory, account, subaccount, combined subaccount,
warehouse, and inventory item.

prepayment A document that represents amounts paid in advance for future purchases. A
vendor's request for prepayment is processed as follows: You use the Checks
and Payments (AP302000) form to enter the prepayment. Then the prepay-
ment is paid in full by an AP check in the same currency as the default cash
account. If the payment method associated with the default cash account re-
quires printing a check, print it and release the AP check, which changes its
status to Closed and creates a payment of the Prepayment type with the refer-
ence number of the original prepayment request. After that, you can apply the
prepayment to bills and adjustments. See also accounts payable.

price list A list of sales prices that is set for goods sold in a specific currency, offered to
customers of a particular customer price class, and specified with respect to
various units of measure available for the items. In Acumatica ERP, you can
maintain multiple price lists. See also sales price, customer, and customer price
Glossary | 175

purchase orders A functional area of Acumatica ERP that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s supply chain and optimization of the cost of
acquiring materials or services.

purchase requisitions A functional area of Acumatica ERP with forms you can use to streamline and
customize the process of requesting needed items. You can request goods and
services, approve requests, and prevent cost overruns.


reason code A code used to provide additional information regarding transactions in the
system. When you configure a reason code on the Reason Codes (CS211000)
form, you can specify whether this code is used for inventory and if so, how it
is used. By using inventory-related reason codes, you can post transactions re-
lated to direct inventory operations (such as receipts, issues, transfers, adjust-
ments, and physical inventory counts) to specific accounts and assign particu-
lar subaccounts to them for more detailed reporting. See also reason code, In-
ventory, account, and subaccount.

reconciliation The process of matching the cash transactions recorded in Acumatica ERP
against those presented on a bank statement. Theoretically, the balance of
the cash account associated with the bank should reconcile to the balance
of the bank statement, but there may be some discrepancy between account
balances. The goal of reconciliation is to find discrepancies and determine
whether each is due to entry errors or timing. In Acumatica ERP, you mark doc-
uments as cleared as you receive preliminary information from the bank. Lat-
er, when you have received the bank statement, you reconcile transactions
with the bank statement.

recurring GL transactions GL transactions that repeat regularly. To automate the entering of recurring
transactions, such as depreciation transactions, Acumatica ERP gives you the
ability to create schedules for them. A schedule defines how many times and
how often specific batches should be repeated. One batch or multiple batches
can be assigned to a schedule as long as they have the Balanced status. Once
a batch is assigned to a schedule, its status changes to Scheduled. To create
schedules, use the Recurring Transactions (GL203500) form. See also schedule
and batch.

replenishment policy Settings that define how automatic replenishment for the inventory item is
initiated, as well as its source, quantity, and time intervals, including low sea-
sons, during which replenishment is initiated in smaller quantities. See also in-
ventory item.

restriction group A set of objects (such as users, accounts, and subaccounts) of two or more
types created to, if the group includes users, restrict users' access to only ob-
jects in the same group; if the group doesn't include users, the restriction
group relates its objects in a way that limits their use. For instance, one restric-
tion group may include two users and a number of special-use accounts that
only these two users can update, and another restriction group may include
several GL expense accounts and a subaccount that should be used only with
these particular accounts. If a restriction group is defined as inverse, the ob-
jects in the group instead cannot be used with one another.
Glossary | 176

Retained Earnings account A special system-maintained accounts that is of the Liability type and must be
created before any actual data is entered. The Retained Earnings account ac-
cumulates the company’s net income (or loss) after the dividends have been
paid. Retained earnings are summarized over the years since the first year of
company operations. During the financial year closing, this account is updated
by the amount accumulated on the YTD Net Income account. See also YTD Net

revaluation The process of revising the value of AP, AR, or GL accounts that are maintained
in a foreign currency.

role A set of access rights to certain system objects—such as specific wiki articles,
forms, form elements, and toolbar actions—to which you assign users. When
you define roles, give only the access rights necessary to perform typical tasks.
Sets of access rights by different roles should not intersect. We recommend
that you assign to a user several roles rather than creating a more complicated
role with the same privileges as multiple already-defined roles. Acumatica ERP
has several preconfigured roles.


sales orders A functional area of Acumatica ERP you use to manage sales-related activities,
such as maintaining multiple price lists, configuring the system to calculate
discounts, entering quotes, fulfilling sales orders, generating pick lists, creat-
ing shipments, and adding landed costs.

sales price A price you set for a particular item that you sell in a specific currency, offer
to customers of a particular customer price class, and specify with respect to
an appropriate unit of measure. Sales prices can be maintained with regard to
items' sales units or base units. See also customer, customer price class, sales
unit, and base unit.

sales unit The unit of measure in which a particular item is sold to a customer. See also

schedule A definition in Acumatica ERP of how many times and how often specific AP
batches, AR documents should be generated for recurring transactions. Once
a batch or a document is assigned to a schedule, its status changes to Sched-
uled. The system uses the original documents or batches as templates to gen-
erate similar documents or batches with only transaction dates being changed
as dictated by the schedule. See also batch.

Search box A box that you use to perform a quick search in the entities. You can click the
Search icon to open the Search form, which offers more extensive capabilities
to search in the system.

segment 1. In Acumatica ERP, one of the parts of an identifier of an entity—such as

account, subaccount, inventory item, subitem, warehouse or location re-
served to carry special meaning. Segments should be populated with val-
ues before entities are created. Segment values are alphanumeric strings of
the fixed length, and one of the segments may be assigned a numbering se-
quence. Several input validation options can be used to verify the segment
values when users create new entities of the type.
2. To break the identifier into segments (as described above).

See also account, subaccount, inventory item, location, and warehouse.

Glossary | 177

segmented key A system entity that you use to define the structure of identifiers for a certain
type of object and then serves as a template when a user creates an identifier
for a new object. These segmented keys include the following: ACCOUNT, for
GL accounts; SUBACCOUNT, for GL subaccounts; BIZACCT, for vendor and cus-
tomer accounts; INVENTORY, for inventory items; and SALESPER, for salesper-
son accounts. For more detailed information, see Segmented Identifiers. See al-
so general ledger, account, subaccount, and vendor.

standard cost method A method for inventory item valuation in which standard cost is calculated
outside the system using company-specific policies. With this method, the cur-
rently effective standard costs are assigned to inventory items on their receipt,
issue, adjustment or transfer, regardless of their actual costs. When items as-
signed to this method are received at the warehouses, any differences be-
tween the actual and standard costs are recorded to the specified standard
cost variance accounts and posted to the general ledger. Standard costs can
be updated as often as is needed. See also inventory item and warehouse.

stock item An inventory item stored and maintained in steady volumes at some ware-
house. For each stock item, Acumatica ERP tracks a basic set of item proper-
ties, such as the item's identifier, description, price, cost, units of measure, and
default warehouse and vendor information. Stock items can have many ad-
ditional properties, known as attributes in Acumatica ERP, that do not affect
item processing but may be important for analyzing the stock movements or
item sales. See also inventory item and attribute.

statement cycle The schedule for customer statements. You can also set up four aging peri-
ods that sort open documents by days past due. You can use the aging peri-
ods to prepare an AR aging schedule at the end of each month, which you can
analyze to identify potential cash flow problems. Statement cycles can be as-
signed to customer classes and to individual customers. See also customer
statement, aging period, customer class, and customer.

subaccount A subcategory of the account that carries identifying information; in Acumat-

ica ERP, you use subaccounts with accounts to virtually split accounts into
smaller, more specific ones. This gives you finer classification within the ac-
count for reporting and internal management purposes. While account identi-
fiers carry information about the account type along with the actual account
number, subaccount identifiers can provide such information as the division,
department, and cost center. Each journal entry is recorded with the appropri-
ate account and subaccount combination. See also account and journal entry.

subitems Codes that can be used for further categorization of an inventory items. Su-
bitems are used in the system if you have otherwise-identical products with
different colors, sizes, or other properties tracked because of their importance
to customers. Thus, under the same inventory ID, there may be a number of
subitems—records about products that share all settings of the inventory item
record but have additional properties that differ. If your site uses subitems,
they should be specified for each inventory ID related to a stock item. See also
inventory item, customer, and stock item.

Glossary | 178

table An arrangement of similar objects or details, each displayed with the same
number of properties, on many forms. In a details table, each row represents
an object or detail (for example, an account, subaccount, document line, or
journal entry) and its properties; elements specifying properties are grouped
into columns.

table toolbar A toolbar located above (and sometimes above and below) a Details table with
buttons you can use to perform detail-related actions, including the follow-
ing: add, edit, or delete details; filter details; perform custom actions; and re-
arrange details by changing the order of values in any column.

task An activity that you have to complete before a due date but that doesn’t have
a specific time or duration. By default, you create tasks for yourself, but you al-
so can create tasks and assign them to other employees.

tax A compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government. In Acumati-

ca ERP, you can configure taxes of the following major types: Sales, Use, VAT,
and Withholding. The definition of each tax includes the tax rate (used to calcu-
late the tax amount), the method of calculation, the effective date, and the ac-
counts to which the tax amounts are posted. Each tax is reported to a specific
tax agency and is paid to or claimed from the agency. See also account and tax

tax agency A tax authority, defined in as a vendor, that requires tax reports to be filed reg-
ularly. For your convenience, you can create a vendor class for tax agencies (lo-
cal and federal). Each tax agency requires tax reports to be filed regularly. See
also vendor and vendor class.

tax category A list of taxes associated with a product or a service when it is purchased or
sold. See also Taxes.

taxes A functional area of Acumatica ERP where you can enter the definitions of tax-
es, tax categories, and tax zones that are used across Acumatica ERP for auto-
matic tax calculation for every document and transaction. See also Taxes, tax
category, and tax zone.

tax reporting group An entity used to accrue taxable amounts and tax amounts charged on GL, AP,
and AR transactions for tax reporting purposes. For example, a VAT requires
two groups (input and output): one for tax amounts charged on sales, and an-
other for tax amounts charged on purchases. A sales tax requires one output
group for taxes on sales. Tax reporting groups are used to calculate the report
lines for a report to a tax authority. For more information, see Tax Report

tax report lines Lines configured for a tax agency as a combination of output and input report-
ing groups for various taxes associated with the same tax agency. See also tax
agency and taxes.

tax zone An area or tax jurisdiction where the same taxes are enforced. In Acumatica
ERP, a tax zone includes a list of taxes to be applied to a customer's invoice or
a vendor's bill depending on the location.

Glossary | 179

user A person who uses the ERP system. Once a user has been authenticated, the
system checks the user's membership in roles. Users can view only the forms,
articles, and elements authorized by their roles, and can perform only the ac-
tions permitted by these roles. Users may be members of restriction groups,
which let them access specific entities included in the groups. See also role,
form, and restriction group.


vendor One of your company’s trade creditors. For ease of use, you can set up de-
fault values for vendor classes, individual vendors, and vendor documents.
When users enter new bills, they must specify a vendor for each bill. Once they
choose the vendor, certain elements on the form will be automatically popu-
lated with the vendor’s default values. The due date and available discount are
calculated automatically, based on the vendor’s credit terms. See also vendor
class and credit terms.

vendor class A group of settings that provides default values when users create new vendor
accounts. Divide vendors into classes based on the types of goods they sell or
services they provide. See also vendor.


warehouse A place where goods are stored. A warehouse in Acumatica ERP does not nec-
essarily represent one physical building where your inventory is stocked; you
can divide a large physical storage space into several areas and define each as
a warehouse in Acumatica ERP. A warehouse can even be virtual: For example,
all goods that are on the way to you from the supplier can be considered as lo-
cated in the virtual goods-in-transit warehouse.

warehouse location An actual or virtual place in a warehouse that can be used to receive, store,
or issue specific goods or all goods. Each warehouse can include several loca-
tions. Warehouse location IDs are defined with the INLOCATION segmented key.
See also warehouse.

wiki article An entity that consists of digital content on a particular topic and makes up a
wiki, along with other articles. Articles can be organized in folders in ways that
best fit your needs.

wiki editor The form, invoked when you click Edit for an open wiki article, that you use to
edit both the article text and its properties.

wiki markup 1. The syntax used to create wiki articles. Using wiki markup, you can create
articles, add headings, tables of contents, hint boxes, and warning boxes.
2. A mode in which you can edit wiki articles and view the wiki markup.

Wiki toolbar A toolbar, appearing below the main menu when you open a wiki article, that
provides a variety of actions you can use as you browse the wiki and work with
articles. These actions include creating a new article, moving to the previous
or next article in the wiki tree, and printing or deleting the current article.

Glossary | 180

YTD (Year-to-Date) Net In- A special account, automatically maintained by the system, that records the
come account net income (the difference between the amounts posted on income and ex-
pense GL accounts) accumulated since the beginning of the financial year. This
difference is updated by every transaction posted. During closing of the finan-
cial year, the balance of the YTD Net Income account is transferred to the Re-
tained Earnings account and is reset to zero for a new financial year. The YTD
Net Income account should be of the Liability type and must be created before
any actual data is entered. See also account and financial year.

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