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Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, particularly for the younger
generation. It has revolutionized the way people interact with one another, as well as the way
businesses promote their products and services. With the increasing use of social media,
companies have begun to take advantage of its potential as a platform for advertising and
marketing. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of social media advertising on
Nigerian youths’ purchase intentions.

Problem and its Background

In recent years, the use of social media for advertising and marketing has become increasingly
popular. Companies, big and small, have jumped on the bandwagon, using social media to
promote their products and services to potential customers. Social media advertising has been
shown to be effective in increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and ultimately, driving
sales. However, the impact of social media advertising on consumers’ purchase intentions
remains a controversial topic.

Nigerian youths are a significant consumer group for businesses. They are constantly exposed to
social media advertising, which may have a significant influence on their purchase decisions.
The impact of social media advertising on Nigerian youths’ purchase intentions needs to be
explored further as this can help businesses to understand the effectiveness of social media
advertising and how best to target Nigerian youths.

Theoretical Framework

The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) will be used as the theoretical framework for this study.
TRA is a widely used theoretical framework in consumer behaviour research. This theory posits
that an individual’s behaviour is primarily determined by their attitudes towards that behaviour
and the subjective norms that surround that behaviour. Thus, this study will examine Nigerian
youths’ attitudes towards social media advertising and the subjective norms that influence their
purchase intentions.
Research Questions

The following research questions will guide this study:

1. What is the nature of Nigerian youths’ exposure to social media advertising?

2. To what extent does social media advertising influence Nigerian youths’ attitudes towards
3. What is the relationship between Nigerian youths’ attitudes towards social media advertising
and their purchase intentions?
4. What are the subjective norms that influence Nigerian youths’ purchase intentions regarding
products and services advertised on social media?

Definition of Terms

Social media advertising – The use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Snapchat, among others, to advertise and promote products and services.

Nigerian youths – For the purpose of this study, Nigerian youths are individuals between the
ages of 18 and 35 years.

Purchase intentions – An individual’s plan to buy a particular product or service in the future.

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