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◥ losses. In contrast, thin-film single-crystalline

REVIEW SUMMARY GaAs cells (28.8%) show only minimal recom-
bination losses but can be improved by better
light management. Polycrystalline CdTe thin-
film cells (21.5%) offer excellent light absorption
but have relatively high recombination losses;
Photovoltaic materials: Present perovskite cells (21.0%) and Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2
(CIGS) cells (21.7%) have poorer light manage-

efficiencies and future challenges ment, although CIGS displays higher electrical
Aside from these five materials (Si, GaAs, CdTe,
Albert Polman,* Mark Knight, Erik C. Garnett, Bruno Ehrler, Wim C. Sinke CIGS, perovskite) with efficiencies of >20%, a
broad range of other thin-film materials have
been developed with efficiencies of 10 to 12%:
BACKGROUND: Photovoltaics, which directly tries and illuminated under the standard AM1.5 micro/nanocrystalline and amorphous Si, Cu
convert solar energy into electricity, offer a solar spectrum, and compare these to the fun- (Zn,Sn)(Se,S)2 (CZTS), dye-

practical and sustainable solution to the chal- damental limits based on the S-Q model. Cells ON OUR WEBSITE
sensitized TiO2, organic
lenge of meeting the increasing global energy that show a short-circuit current (Jsc) lower polymer materials, and
Read the full article
demand. According to the Shockley-Queisser than the S-Q limit suffer from incomplete light

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at http://dx.doi. quantum dot solids. So far,
(S-Q) detailed-balance model, the limiting absorption or incomplete collection of gener- org/10.1126/ cell designs based on these
photovoltaic energy conversion efficiency for ated carriers, whereas a reduced open-circuit science.aad4424 materials all suffer from
a single-junction solar cell is 33.7%, for an voltage (Voc) or fill factor (FF) reflects unwanted both light management
optimum semiconductor band gap of 1.34 eV. bulk or interfacial carrier recombination, para- and carrier management problems. Organic
Parallel to the development of wafer-based Si sitic resistance, or other electrical nonideal- and quantum dot solar cells have shown sub-
solar cells, for which the record efficiency has ities. The figure shows the experimental values stantial efficiency improvements in recent years.
continually increased during recent decades, for Jsc and the Voc × FF product relative to the
a large range of thin-film materials have been S-Q limiting values for the different materials. OUTLOOK: The record-efficiency single-
developed with the aim to approach the S-Q This graph enables a direct identification of crystalline materials (Si, GaAs) have room
limit. These materials can potentially be de- each material in terms of unoptimized light man- for efficiency improvements by a few abso-
posited at low cost, in flexible geometries, and agement and carrier collection (Jsc /JSQ < 1) or lute percent. The future will tell whether the
using relatively small material quantities. carrier management (Voc × FF/VSQ × FFSQ < 1). high-efficiency polycrystalline thin films (CdTe,
Monocrystalline Si cells (record efficien- CIGS, perovskite) can rival the efficiencies of
ADVANCES: We review the electrical charac- cy 25.6%) have reached near-complete light Si and GaAs. Because the cost of photovoltaic
teristics of record-efficiency cells made from 16 trapping and carrier collection and are mostly systems is only partly determined by the cost
widely studied photovoltaic material geome- limited by remaining carrier recombination of the solar cells, efficiency is a key driver to
reduce the cost of solar energy, and therefore
large-area photovoltaic systems require high-
efficiency (>20%), low-cost solar cells. The
lower-efficiency (flexible) materials can find
applications in building-integrated PV systems,
flexible electronics, flexible power generation
systems, and many other (sometimes niche)
markets. High-efficiency (>20%) materials find
applications in large-area photovoltaic power
generation for the utility grid as well as in small
and medium-sized systems for the built envi-
ronment. They will enable very large-scale pen-
etration into our energy system, starting now
and growing as the cost per kilowatt-hour is
reduced further by a factor of 2 to 3. This can
be achieved by nanophotonic cell designs, in
which optically resonant and nonresonant struc-
tures are integrated with the solar cell archi-
tecture to enhance light coupling and trapping,
in combination with continued materials engi-
neering to further optimize cell voltage. Making
Limiting processes in photovoltaic materials. An efficient solar cell captures and traps all big steps forward in these areas will require a
coordinated international materials science and

incident light (“light management”) and converts it to electrical carriers that are efficiently collected
(“carrier management”). The plot shows the short-circuit current and product of open-circuit engineering effort.
voltage and fill factor relative to the maximum achievable values, based on the Shockley-Queisser
detailed-balance limit, for the most efficient solar cell made with each photovoltaic material. The
data indicate whether a particular material requires better light management, carrier management, The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
or both. Colors correspond to cells achieving <50% of their S-Q efficiency limit hSQ (red), 50 to 75% Cite this article as A. Polman et al., Science 352, aad4424
(green), or >75% (blue). (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aad4424

SCIENCE 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 307


◥ substantially lower than the S-Q limit for a given

REVIEW band gap.

Ideal and record-efficiency solar

PHOTOVOLTAICS cells compared
We distinguish three classes of PV materials: (i)

Photovoltaic materials: Present ultrahigh-efficiency monocrystalline materials with

efficiencies of >75% of the S-Q limit for the corre-
sponding band gap: Si (homojunction and hetero-
efficiencies and future challenges junction), GaAs, and GaInP; (ii) high-efficiency
multi- and polycrystalline materials (50 to 75%
of the S-Q limit): Si, Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 (“CIGS”),
Albert Polman,1* Mark Knight,1 Erik C. Garnett,1 Bruno Ehrler,1 Wim C. Sinke1,2
CdTe, methyl ammonium lead halide perovskite
[CH3NH3Pd(I,Cl,Br)3], and InP; and (iii) low-
Recent developments in photovoltaic materials have led to continual improvements
efficiency materials (<50% of the S-Q limit): micro-
in their efficiency. We review the electrical characteristics of 16 widely studied geometries
or nanocrystalline and amorphous Si, Cu(Zn,Sn)
of photovoltaic materials with efficiencies of 10 to 29%. Comparison of these characteristics
(Se,S)2 (“CZTS”), dye-sensitized TiO2, organic and
to the fundamental limits based on the Shockley-Queisser detailed-balance model provides
polymer materials, and quantum dot materials.
a basis for identifying the key limiting factors, related to efficient light management and
The record efficiency for each of these mate-
charge carrier collection, for these materials. Prospects for practical application and large-area

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rials is plotted in Fig. 1B (see also table S1). The
fabrication are discussed for each material.
experimental values for Jsc, Voc, and FF for the
record-efficiency cell reported for each individual

material are shown in Fig. 2, A to C, together
hotovoltaics (PV), which directly convert to electrical energy because of thermalization of with the limiting values calculated using the S-Q
solar energy into electricity, offer a practical charge carriers (Fig. 1A, inset). Taking these two model (2). The experimental values for Jsc gener-
and sustainable solution to the challenge factors into account, ∼45% of the incident spectrum- ally follow the trend given by the S-Q limit, with
of meeting the increasing global energy integrated solar power remains for semiconductors some materials closely approaching this limit.
demand. In recent years, the decreasing with a band gap of 1.1 to 1.4 eV. This is the max- Values for Voc and FF are much more scattered,
price of PV systems has levelized the cost of PV- imum power that would be generated if the cell with only a few materials approaching the S-Q
produced electricity to the point that it can now were operated at a voltage corresponding to the limit. To analyze these trends, we evaluated two
compete with the variable portion of consumer band gap energy and a current corresponding to characteristic parameters for each material: (i) the
electricity prices in many countries worldwide: full capture of all photons with energy above the current ratio j = Jsc /JSQ, which indicates the de-
The point of “socket parity” has been reached (1). band gap, followed by full collection of all gen- gree of light coupling, absorption, and trapping
Substantial further cost reduction is needed, how- erated carriers. in the active layer(s) of the cell, and also depends
ever, to allow PV to compete in more electricity Even in an ideal case, however, the open-circuit on the carrier collection efficiency; and (ii) the volt-
markets and to enter the multi-terawatt regime. voltage Voc is always lower than the band gap age ratio v = Voc /VSQ, which is primarily related
Aside from the solar cell and module fabrication energy because thermodynamic detailed balance to the degree of recombination of carriers in the
costs, a major and increasing fraction of the cost requires the cell to be in equilibrium with its en- bulk, surfaces, and interfaces. Together, the voltage
of PV generation (typically 50%) is related to com- vironment, which implies that there is spontane- ratio v and fill factor ratio f = FF/FFSQ indicate the
ponent and installation requirements such as in- ous light emission from the cell. The corresponding total electrical limitations of a cell (6). A plot of
verters, cabling, mounting structures, and labor radiative carrier recombination represents a dark j versus v × f for all evaluated materials (Fig. 3)
(1). As a result, solar cell efficiency is a key lever current that causes Voc to be well below the band directly indicates to what degree the cell efficiency
for PV cost reduction: For a given output power, gap voltage Vg (Fig. 1A, inset). Furthermore, under is limited by light management or charge carrier
a higher cell efficiency directly translates into a maximum-power operation (at maximum J × V), management. Next, we describe these data for all
smaller and therefore less expensive PV system, the voltage Vmp is lower than Voc and the current materials.
reducing the levelized cost of electricity. A higher density Jmp is lower than the maximum (short-
power generation rate per unit area is also impor- circuit) current density Jsc (Fig. 2A, inset). The Silicon (efficiency 25.0 to 25.6%)
tant in urban environments where space is limited. efficiency limit that takes all these factors into ac- Silicon has a nearly ideal band gap (Eg = 1.12 eV)
The development of PV materials is experiencing count was first derived by Shockley and Queisser for reaching high efficiency (Fig. 1). Si homo-
an enormous growth, and efficiency records are (S-Q) in 1961 (2). Figure 1B shows this limiting junction cells are based on a p-n junction made
continually broken. Below, we systematically com- efficiency for a single-junction solar cell under into either p-type or n-type Si(100) substrates.
pare the state of the art of the 16 most studied “one-sun” illumination with the standard AM1.5 Several advanced device architectures and con-
geometries of PV materials, with emphasis on the solar spectrum as a function of band gap; the max- tacting schemes have been developed for Si solar
limitations of each material and its potential for imum efficiency occurs for a semiconductor with cells. Contact recombination represents a major
further improvement and large-scale application. a band gap of 1.34 eV and is 33.7%. source of loss, so the most successful approaches
Solar cells are made of semiconductor mate- In practical solar cells, not all incident light is minimize contact area (e.g., by localized heavy
rials; given the broad solar spectrum, their funda- absorbed in the active layer(s) and not all gener- doping or metal deposition), implement passi-
mental efficiency limit is determined by several ated carriers are collected; hence, Jsc is below the vated contacts, or use a combination of these ap-
factors (Fig. 1). Photons with energies below the maximum value that can be achieved for a given proaches. In parallel, surface passivation of Si using
band gap are not absorbed, whereas photons with band gap, Eg. The achievable Voc is also reduced Si3N4, Al2O3, SiO2, or combinations of these ma-
energies above the band gap are not fully converted below the S-Q value by such phenomena as terials has been developed to great perfection. The
Auger recombination, band tail recombination, record efficiency for a monocrystalline Si homo-
and recombination at bulk, interface, and surface junction cell was recently set at 25.1% (7) for a cell
Center for Nanophotonics, FOM Institute AMOLF, Science defects (3–5). Furthermore, resistance and con- with a full-area tunnel oxide passivated rear con-
Park 104, 1098 XG Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2Energy
Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN), P.O. Box 1,
tact losses and other nonidealities reduce the fill tact and high-quality top surface passivation (the
Petten, Netherlands. factor FF = (JmpVmp)/(Voc Jsc). Combined, these TOPCon design; Fig. 4A), slightly higher than the
*Corresponding author. E-mail: factors lead to practical efficiencies that are often value of 25.0% (8, 9) reported in 1998 for a cell

SCIENCE 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 aad4424-1


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Fig. 1. Fundamental solar cell efficiency limits and present-day records. generated by the cell is limited by voltage loss relative to the band gap voltage.
(A) AM1.5 solar spectrum with distinct dips due to molecular absorption in Inset: Electronic band structure with the separation of the quasi-Fermi levels
Earth’s atmosphere. Photons with energies below the band gap (Eg, dashed determining the open-circuit voltage Voc. (B) Theoretical Shockley-Queisser
black line corresponds to the band gap of Si) are not absorbed, whereas detailed-balance efficiency limit as a function of band gap (black line) and 75%
photons with energies above the band gap are not fully converted to electrical and 50% of the limit (gray lines). The record efficiencies for different materials
energy because of thermalization of charge carriers. The maximum power are plotted for the corresponding band gaps.

that used local contacts and high-quality surface heterojunctions (SHJs) rather than homojunc- a result, the record-efficiency multicrystalline Si
passivation [the passivated emitter rear localized tions for carrier collection (9, 12). In this approach, cell has large voltage loss (v = 0.76). Light trapping
diffused (PERL) design]. a thin stack of doped and intrinsic hydrogenated in these cells is less efficient because the ideal py-
The TOPCon cell has excellent current gener- amorphous Si (a-Si:H) layers is deposited onto ramidal surface texture normally formed by alkaline-
ation and collection ( j = 0.96), similar to the value a crystalline Si surface to form a junction, replac- etching Si(100) to the (111) surface facets cannot be
achieved for two other record-efficiency Si solar ing the process of junction formation by high- realized on a multicrystalline surface. This, to-
cell designs (table S1). This results from a combi- temperature dopant diffusion (Fig. 4C). The SHJ gether with incomplete carrier collection due to
nation of very low surface reflection [achieved by design avoids carrier recombination in highly recombination, leads to a reduced current ( j =
a pyramidal (111)-faceted surface texture combined doped p-type and n-type regions and is made 0.91). Together, these voltage and current losses
with an anti-reflection coating (ARC)] and very using a low-temperature process, which better yield a lower efficiency (20.8%) (9, 13) than for
low recombination losses in the Si wafer and at preserves the minority carrier lifetime of the Si monocrystalline Si cells. The record-efficiency multi-
the surfaces and contact interfaces. Low recombi- wafer. The surface of the record SHJ cell is pas- crystalline Si cell has a passivated emitter and rear
nation is also reflected in the relatively high volt- sivated with a-Si:H. This design led to the highest cell (PERC) p-n junction design (Fig. 4D).
age of the TOPCon cell (v = 0.82). voltage observed for a Si solar cell (v = 0.84). The According to the S-Q model, the efficiency limit
In a radically different design, both the p-n junc- overall result of carrier generation and collection for Si solar cells is 33.3%, far above the experi-
tion and the contacts are placed at the rear of the is similar to that of the TOPCon cell ( j = 0.96). mental record of 25.6%. A key limiting factor that
cell. This interdigitated back-contact (IBC) design The origins of the small remaining losses in these is not accounted for in the S-Q model is Auger
features alternating p-type and n-type contact re- high-efficiency Si cells are quite different because recombination of free carriers that occurs under il-
gions (Fig. 4B). The IBC design eliminates front of their different design and mode of operation. lumination. Taking this into account for Si, the ef-
contact shading losses and reduces series resist- As a result of the indirect band gap of Si, the ficiency limit for an undoped (monocrystalline) Si
ance by allowing more metal to be used for cur- absorption coefficient is relatively low and varies cell with optimized thickness (110 mm) was calcu-
rent collection and transport. This comes at the only gradually around the band gap energy, so lated to be 29.4% (14), leaving room for further
cost of more challenging carrier transport in the that a relatively thick wafer is required to absorb development of existing technologies in the com-
device (carriers generated near the surface must all light with photon energies above the band gap. ing years.
be collected at the back) and requires the use of This, however, leads to higher bulk (Auger) re- Today the global PV market is dominated by
very high-quality material. Overall current gener- combination and thus reduces Voc. Moreover, it wafer-based crystalline Si solar modules, with a
ation and collection in the IBC cell is slightly lower increases the material costs. The present tradeoff total market share of >90%. Multicrystalline Si
than in the TOPCon cell ( j = 0.95 versus 0.96), as among cost, manufacturability, and performance represents ∼65% and monocrystalline Si ∼35% of
is the record efficiency (25.0% versus 25.1%) (9–11). leads to an optimum Si wafer thickness of 100 to this market segment (15). PV systems based on Si
Note that the IBC cell has an area of 120 cm2, 200 mm for commercial cells. These wafers are made solar cells installed in the field have been shown
whereas the TOPCon cell measures 4 cm2. The by diamond wire sawing from monocrystalline Si to offer high reliability and very limited efficiency
IBC cell uses a doped surface layer, which creates rods produced by Czochralski crystal growth. degradation over a period longer than 25 years.
a front surface field that repels carriers from the Multicrystalline Si wafers are cut from cast
surface, and has a Si3N4 top layer that serves as ingots produced using directional (unseeded or GaAs (efficiency 28.8%)
both an ARC and a high-quality passivation layer seeded) crystallization, and their fabrication cost The record efficiency for a single-junction solar
for the Si surface. The lower surface and bulk is lower than that of monocrystalline wafers. The cell under one-sun illumination has been achieved
recombination rates lead to a slightly higher typical grain size depends on the growth method using GaAs (28.8%) (9, 16). This material has a
voltage (v = 0.83) for the IBC cell relative to the and can be as large as several centimeters. Multi- direct band gap close to the optimum (1.42 eV;
TOPCon cell. crystalline Si has a lower electronic quality, due Fig. 1). Because of the high optical absorption co-
An efficiency record of 25.6% was recently re- to crystal grain boundaries and intragrain defects, efficient of GaAs, the cell thickness can be kept rel-
ported for an IBC Si solar cell that uses silicon as well as a higher concentration of impurities. As atively small (∼2 mm) to harvest the solar spectrum

aad4424-2 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 SCIENCE


up to the band gap. The record-efficiency cell de- thin-film solar cell material to date, very closely
sign has a n-GaAs/p-Al0.3Ga0.7As junction geome- followed by CdTe at 21.5% (9, 21). CIGS has a
try with high–band gap window layers that serve chalcopyrite crystal structure and its band gap can
to retain minority carriers in the GaAs active layer be continuously tuned between ~1.0 and 2.4 eV by
(Fig. 4E). The GaAs heterostructure is epitaxially varying the In/Ga and Se/S ratios, with the low–
grown using chemical vapor deposition, which is band gap compositions so far always giving the
a relatively energy-intensive process. Interesting- best performance. Polycrystalline films of CIGS
ly, the record efficiency was achieved using a lift- are made using sputtering or evaporation from
off process, in which a GaAs foil ∼2 mm thick was the constituent elements and are typically depo-
exfoliated from the substrate (by chemical etching sited onto a Mo film that is sputtered on a soda-
of an AlAs buffer layer) and laminated onto a Cu lime glass substrate. The typical active layer
substrate. The voltage of the record-efficiency cell thickness is ∼2 to 3 mm. Sodium diffusing from
is very high (v = 0.97). Light reflection, top-finger the glass substrate into the CIGS layer has been
shadowing, incomplete light trapping, and absorp- found to play a key role in passivating defects in
tion in the metal back contact result in some cur- the CIGS layer; the record cell also incorporated
rent loss ( j = 0.92), leaving room for improvement. traces of K. The CIGS composition is typically
Application of an IBC geometry, for example, could graded to form an electric field that repels minority
potentially further increase j. An intermediate di- carriers from the Mo back contact, which is a strong
electric back-reflecting geometry can reduce para- recombination sink. The cell is finalized by the

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sitic absorption in the metal back contact. The fill chemical-bath deposition of CdS to form a hetero-
factor in these cells is very high ( f = 0.97). Taking junction followed by an intrinsic ZnO buffer layer,
into account Auger recombination, the maximum a transparent ZnO:Al conducting layer (TCL), and
efficiency that can be achieved for a practical a MgF2 ARC (Fig. 4F). In some recent high-efficiency
single-junction GaAs cell is ∼32% (17), substan- devices, the CdS layer is replaced by the more
tially greater than the current record value. transparent ZnOx S1–x . Indium is a key element in
Whereas III-V solar cells have traditionally been CIGS, and its scarcity is a concern for scaling up
used in niche markets requiring high efficiency CIGS module production to the terawatt level.
on a small area, such as space technology, the The voltage for the record-efficiency CIGS cells
newly developed layer-transfer technology enables (Eg = 1.13 eV) is very high, with v = 0.84, equal to
fabrication of large-area flexible (single-junction) the best monocrystalline Si cells. Given the poly-
GaAs technology at reduced cost for a much crystalline nature of the material, this implies that
broader range of applications. Encapsulation and grain boundaries in this material do not act as
recycling of commercial GaAs modules is impor- strong carrier recombination sites. There is sub-
tant because of the use of the toxic element As. stantial current loss ( j = 0.84) due to light reflec-
tion, incomplete light trapping, absorption in
InP (efficiency 22.1%) and GaInP the Mo back contact, and parasitic absorption
(efficiency 20.8%) in the CdS and ZnO:Al layers. The absorption
Two other III-V compound semiconductors that spectrum of CIGS shows a rather gradual varia-
have achieved high efficiencies are InP and GaInP. tion with energy around the band gap, which
InP (Eg = 1.35 eV) has a band gap similar to that leads to unavoidable current loss in the near–
of GaAs, but the maximum reported efficiency of band gap spectral range. As with all polycrystal-
22.1% (9, 18) is much lower than for GaAs; this line materials, improving material quality is a
difference is due to both lower voltage and lower complex process that requires optimization of Fig. 2. Record-efficiency cell parameters com-
current (v = 0.81, j = 0.85). Because of the existing many different parameters such as deposition pared to the detailed-balance limit. Single-junction
high-efficiency GaAs alternative and the scarcity conditions, (post-)annealing procedures, and am- solar cell parameters are shown as a function of band
and associated high cost of In, developments on bients. Because of the complex stoichiometry of gap energy according to the Shockley-Queisser
InP cells have been minimal in the past decade. CIGS, many secondary phases are possible, and limit (solid lines) and experimental values for record-
GaInP has a relatively high band gap (1.81 eV), for much of the progress in efficiency has been achieved efficiency cells. (A) Short-circuit current Jsc. Inset:
which the S-Q limit efficiency is 25.2%. The record by optimizing the deposition and annealing pro- A typical current-voltage J(V) curve, with Voc, Jsc,
efficiency achieved for a GaInP cell is 20.8% (9, 19). cess to avoid such detrimental by-products. Creat- Vmp, and Jmp indicated. The product of current and
The voltage loss on the record cell is extremely small ing a good ohmic electrical contact between Mo voltage is highest at the maximum power point
(v = 0.96), but current collection ( j = 0.82) in these and CIGS (via a MoSe2 interfacial layer) is an- (JmpVmp). (B) Open-circuit voltage Voc. The voltage
cells leaves much room for improvement. The other important factor. Replacing the CdS buffer corresponding to the band gap is shown for refer-
record-efficiency GaInP cell has the highest fill layer with a nontoxic and more transparent mate- ence, with the voltage gap Vg-VSQ indicated by the
factor achieved for any material (FF = 0.89; f = rial is also a key research area. gray shaded region. (C) Fill factor FF = (JmpVmp)/
0.98), which is partly related to the high band gap The possibility of band gap tuning makes CIGS (VocJsc). All data are for standard AM1.5 illumina-
(Fig. 2C). Because of its large band gap, GaInP is an interesting material in tandem solar cells, ei- tion at 1000 W/m2.
used in III-V multijunction solar cell geometries. ther by combining CIGS layers with different band
Recently, a mechanically stacked tandem composed gaps or by using a high–band gap CIGS top cell
of a GaInP top cell and a Si heterojunction base cell on top of a Si base cell. So far, however, high–band gap of 1.43 eV. It can be deposited at relatively low
was reported with an efficiency of 29.8% (11). gap (Ga-rich) CIGS cells have not yielded suffi- temperature using evaporation from CdTe pow-
cient efficiencies for a CIGS/Si tandem to beat the der. Cells are typically grown in a superstrate con-
CIGS (efficiency 21.7%) record-efficiency Si cell. figuration starting from a glass substrate coated
The record efficiency of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 (CIGS) with fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO). The subse-
thin-film solar cells has steadily increased over CdTe (efficiency 21.5%) quent layer stack usually consists of CdS (generally
the past 20 years, with the present record value CdTe is a binary semiconductor with a cubic deposited by chemical bath deposition), followed
at 21.7% (9, 20), making it the highest-efficiency zincblende crystal structure and a near-ideal band by evaporated CdTe (thickness typically 2 to 3 mm)

SCIENCE 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 aad4424-3


Fig. 3. Fraction of factor (and thus the efficiency) is expected to

Shockley-Queisser continue to increase as these factors are opti-
detailed-balance limit mized further.
for voltage and current Despite their excellent initial performance, hy-
achieved by record cells. brid perovskite solar cells are known to degrade
The current ratio j = Jsc / within a few hours to days under standard operat-
JSQ is plotted versus the ing conditions; at present this is the greatest bar-
product of the voltage and rier to commercial implementation. The origins
fill factor fractions (v × f = of perovskite cell instability are currently a topic
FF Voc /FFSQVSQ) for the of active research, although photoreduction by
record-efficiency cells of ultraviolet light and reactions with water have
all evaluated materials. already been identified as likely candidates. Also,
The lines around some measurements of the current-voltage character-
data points correspond to istics can suffer from hysteresis, making efficiency
a range of band gaps taken analysis complex. The origin of this hysteresis is
in the S-Q calculations still unclear, but the leading hypothesis involves
according to uncertainty ion (or vacancy) migration under operating condi-
in the band gap of the tions. The perovskite salts are partially soluble in
record cell. Arrows on top water, so the cells are sensitive to humidity. Be-

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and right axes indicate how improved light management and charge carrier collection improve the cell cause of Pb toxicity, encapsulation and recycling
efficiency. hSQ denotes maximum achievable efficiency according to the SQ model. are important for this technology to become viable
for large-scale application. The toxicity challenge
and a metal back contact such as Al or Ti, in some are desirable as they have a higher efficiency limit is greater for this material than for CdTe and
cases with a CuZnTe interfacial layer between the (Fig. 1B). GaAs because the much higher water solubility
metal and the CdTe (Fig. 4G). The perovskite salts form polycrystalline films and lower vaporization temperature make envi-
The highest reported certified efficiency for with a perovskite structure at or near room tem- ronmental exposure during module encapsulation
CdTe is 21.5% (9, 21), although for the purpose of perature by precipitation from a variety of polar failure (breakage, fire) more dangerous. Large–
this review we analyze cells with the previous solvents (commonly dimethyl formamide or di- band gap perovskites may serve as a top cell in
record of 21.0% (22) because detailed data for the methyl sulfoxide). The device geometry is usually Si/perovskite tandem solar cells that have a po-
new record-efficiency cell are not yet available. very similar to, and inspired by, those used for tential efficiency above 30%; such an application
The steep absorption coefficient versus energy solid-state dye-sensitized or polymer bulk hetero- provides a possible entry point to the market for
for CdTe enables very good current collection in junction solar cells. Typically, an FTO-coated glass the perovskite technology and is currently under
CdTe cells ( j = 0.96), far superior to any other substrate is coated with an electron-selective con- intense research.
thin-film technology and equal to that of the tact (usually TiO2). Subsequently, the perovskite
record-efficiency monocrystalline Si cells. The is deposited either by spin-coating the soluble CZTS (efficiency 12.6%)
high voltage loss in CdTe cells (v = 0.75) is attri- precursors (methyl ammonium iodide and lead Cu(Zn,Sn)(S,Se)2 (CZTS) is a solar cell material
buted to recombination losses in the crystal grains iodide, bromide, or chloride) or evaporating the similar to CIGS, but with the scarce element In
and at interfaces in the polycrystalline material; constituent powders. A low-temperature anneal- replaced by Zn and Ga replaced by Sn. CZTS can
the exact nature of this recombination is still ing process (<150°C) often helps to improve crystal- crystallize to form either a kesterite or stannite
unclear. linity, film morphology, and device performance. crystal structure, with kesterite being preferable
CdTe solar modules are commercially produced Finally, the hole-selective top contact (usually Spiro- for PV applications. As in CIGS, the band gap of
by several companies and have the largest market OMeTAD, C81H68N4O8) is spin-coated on top, and CZTS can be tuned over a substantial range (1.0
share among present thin-film technologies, which the back contact (usually gold) is evaporated to to 1.6 eV); the best results have been achieved for
are dominated by CdTe, CIGS, and thin-film Si. finish the device (Fig. 4H). a Cu-poor, Zn-rich stoichiometry with the band gap
Recycling systems have been set up for commer- The record perovskite solar cell efficiency is controlled by the S/Se ratio (25). The cell structure
cial CdTe modules, which is particularly impor- 21.0% (9, 24), although for the purpose of this re- is nearly identical to what is used for CIGS. Cell
tant because of the use of the toxic element Cd; view we analyze cells with the previous record of fabrication can also follow a similar process, al-
the scarcity of Te is also a concern. 20.1% (9, 24) because detailed data for the new though the record-efficiency CZTS cells have been
record cell are not yet available. This cell has a made using solution deposition of chalcogenides
Methyl ammonium lead halide perovskite very small area and exhibits a relatively small vol- dissolved in hydrazine followed by annealing in
(efficiency 21.0%) tage loss (v = 0.83), even better than the record- selenium vapor. The record CZTS cell has an ef-
Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells efficiency monocrystalline Si homojunction cells, ficiency of 12.6% (9, 26) and suffers from large
have recently taken the PV research world by which is remarkable for a solution-processed semi- voltage loss (v = 0.58) due to recombination at
storm, with efficiencies above 20% achieved after conductor. Even though the absorption spec- defects in the bulk material and at the charge
only 5 years of substantial work. These materials trum of perovskites shows a very sharp onset, extraction interfaces. As with CIGS, the complex
have the general formula ABX3, where A is an comparable to that of the best semiconductor ab- nature of the material requires study of many dif-
organic cation (most often methylammonium, sorbers (CdTe and GaAs), the photocurrent loss is ferent types of defects and careful engineering of
CH3NH3), B is an inorganic cation (usually Pb), still substantial ( j = 0.88). This loss comes pri- the fabrication and device processing to minimize
and X is a halide [typically I, often with a small marily from parasitic absorption in the hole- the most detrimental defects. Controlling inter-
fraction of Cl or Br: CH3NH3Pb(I,Cl,Br)3]. Depend- conducting layer and the back reflector. The fill facial reactions at the Mo metal contact is crucial
ing on the halide used, the band gap can be con- factor in these cells (FF = 0.73; f = 0.81) is the for reducing interfacial recombination and min-
tinuously tuned from ~1.6 eV (pure I) to 3.2 eV lowest of all cells with efficiencies greater than imizing series resistance. Current loss in CZTS cells
(pure Cl), with the smaller–band gap materials 20%, most likely because of a combination of is comparable to that of CIGS ( j = 0.81). Finding
providing better solar cell efficiencies (23). Even nonuniformity in the absorber (e.g., pinholes) an alternative back contact with lower optical loss
smaller band gaps can be achieved using a different and carrier-selective contacts that lead to carrier (higher reflectivity) that can withstand the full de-
organic cation (e.g., formamidinium, H2NCHNH2) shunting, along with resistive losses associated vice processing and maintain low series resistance
or inorganic cation (e.g., Sn), and such compounds with nonideal carrier-selective contacts. The fill would be a major breakthrough in the development

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Fig. 4. Layer and contact geometry for solar cells with record efficiencies above 20%. (A) TOPCon crystalline Si (Fraunhofer). (B) IBC crystalline Si
(SunPower). (C) Heterojunction IBC crystalline Si (Panasonic). (D) Multicrystalline Si (Trina Solar). (E) GaAs thin film (Alta Devices). (F) CIGS thin film (ZSW
Stuttgart). (G) CdTe thin film (First Solar). (H) Perovskite thin film (KRICT). For industrial cells, the exact geometry is not publicly available.

of CZTS solar cells, although the biggest factor this is not the case for dye-sensitized cells, the architectures for PV solar energy conversion and
limiting efficiency is the low Voc, a consequence numbers for v and j then provide a reference rel- solar fuel generation.
of the relatively poor material quality. ative to a conventional semiconductor with a
band gap equal to the peak of the dye absorption Organic solar cells (efficiency 11.5%)
Dye-sensitized solar cells spectrum (1.50 eV). Organic solar cells offer inexpensive roll-to-roll
(efficiency 11.9%) The record dye-sensitized cell has an efficiency fabrication on flexible substrates and a wide choice
Dye-sensitized solar cells are a special class of of 11.9% (9, 27) with a large voltage loss (v = 0.60) of materials for applications where flexibility and
devices, as they involve an electrochemical power due to the relatively low potential of the standard color are important. Organic solar cells come in
generation process. In these cells, the absorber is I–/I3– redox couple, which introduces a large energy two varieties: sublimed small-molecule solar cells
not an extended solid semiconductor but a mo- loss when transferring electrons to the dye. No and solution-processed polymer/fullerene solar
lecular dye (typically a ruthenium organometal- better dye-based alternatives have been found cells. The highest reported certified efficiency for
lic complex, although zinc porphyrin and even despite intense research over the past several years: a single-junction organic solar cell is 11.5% (28, 29),
purely organic dyes have also given very high ef- Redox couples with higher potentials either react although for the purpose of this review we analyze
ficiencies) that is coated onto a highly porous too quickly with electrons injected into the TiO2 cells with the previous record of 11.0% (9, 30)
nanostructured electrode (typically TiO2). The (leading to recombination) or are too bulky for because detailed data for the new record-efficiency
photoexcited dye injects electrons into the con- rapid ionic diffusion through the electrolyte (lead- cell are not yet available. The previous record was
duction band of the TiO2 and accepts electrons ing to strong losses in the fill factor at high light achieved using a polymer with a 1.66-eV band gap.
from a redox couple (typically I–/I3–, although levels). Polymer solar cells are typically prepared on
higher voltages have been reached with Co-based An additional challenge for dye-sensitized solar ITO-coated glass or foil with the active polymer
redox couples) in a nonaqueous electrolyte. The re- cells is the relatively high energy and narrow band- donor–fullerene acceptor blend sandwiched be-
dox active species must then diffuse to the counter width associated with molecular absorption, which tween a hole-selective layer [typically poly(3,4-
electrode (usually Pt or graphite) to be regen- makes it difficult to harvest a wide range of the ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate
erated and complete the current circuit. Dye- solar spectrum ( j = 0.78). Using multiple dyes in- (PEDOT:PSS) or MoO3] and an electron-selective
sensitized solar cells are made by depositing a troduces complications with the redox chemistry, layer such as ZnO, TiO2, or a low–work function
very thin compact TiO2 layer typically on FTO, whereas using dyes with broader spectra reduces material such as Ca. The typical active layer thick-
followed by formation of mesoporous TiO2 by oscillator strength and requires porous electrodes ness is ~100 nm.
printing a TiO2 nanoparticle paste, annealing, to become too thick for efficient charge extraction. Because of the low dielectric constant of orga-
TiCl4 treatment to passivate surface traps, and Despite these difficulties, dye-sensitized solar cells nic materials, photogenerated electron-hole pairs
finally dye adsorption by immersion in solution. have already been commercialized because of their remain tightly bound, necessitating the use of de-
A glass plate covered with the counter electrode relatively simple fabrication, low-cost materials, dicated architectures such as bulk heterojunctions
is brought very close to the substrate using spacers, and availability in a variety of colors and opacities to achieve efficient charge separation and extraction.
and the cell is filled with electrolyte and sealed. that are useful when aesthetics are important. The energy offsets needed for the heterojunction
Here, we analyze these cells according to the Moreover, dye-sensitized solar cells have served to ensure efficient exciton dissociation lead to a
S-Q model, which assumes a semiconductor ab- as a model system or inspiration for the devel- voltage loss of ~0.3 eV in practice, which lowers
sorber with an absorption band edge; although opment of a new class of nanostructured device the efficiency by about 2% absolute (31). Currently,

SCIENCE 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 aad4424-5


Fig. 5. Rates of growth of a-Si:H, ZnO:Al buffer layer, and Ag back

improvement in solar contact.
cell efficiency over As cell efficiency becomes an increasingly im-
recent years. Average portant factor in PV cost reduction, the progress
improvements were of thin-film Si technology has slowed in recent
calculated over a period years. Yet the possibility of fabricating flexible
ending 1 January 2016 modules using a roll-to-roll process provides uni-
and starting with the date que application potential—for example, in build-
of the last record ing architecture. Thin-film Si triple-junction cells
preceding 2010 [with two in which amorphous and microcrystalline Si cells
exceptions: perovskites are stacked together have shown a record effi-
(starting 2013, when the ciency of 13.4% (34).
first certified efficiency
was reported) and CdTe Quantum dot solar cells
(starting 2011, as no (efficiency 9.9%)
recent record before 2010 Quantum dot (QD) solar cells take advantage of
was available and much the fact that semiconductor quantum dots can be
progress occurred after synthesized using (low-temperature) solution pro-
2010)]. Progress in effi- cessing, with their band gap tunable by compo-

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ciency from the sition and size. The best QD solar cells so far are
pre-2010 record to the made using PbS or PbSe QDs as the active layer.
current values is indicated The QDs are deposited by spin coating or dip
by the vertical lines. coating and then passivated and functionalized
Colors correspond to using organic molecules or halide salts. A p-n
cells achieving <50% of junction is made in the QD layer using a combi-
their S-Q efficiency limit nation of surface ligands. QD cells are typically
(red), 50 to 75% (green), made on ITO- or FTO-coated glass, using a metal
or >75% (blue). This analysis is based on data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory efficiency oxide (typically ZnO or TiO2) as an electron-
chart, Green’s tables, and publications (11, 19, 29). selective contact. Molybdenum oxide and Au or
Ag are typically used as the back contact.
the limiting problems for organic solar cells are ZnO:Al buffer layer and Ag back contact. The re- The record published efficiency for QD solar
the high rate of nonradiative recombination (via cord efficiency is 11.4% (9, 32). The relatively slow cells is 9.9% using PbS QDs with a band gap of
trap states or triplet excited states) and the large deposition rate of crystalline Si limits the cell 1.4 eV, with an architecture similar to previous
degree of static and dynamic disorder, together thicknesses that can be practically achieved to work (35). The 9.9% cells have very large voltage
yielding very large voltage loss (v = 0.57). To a large 2 to 5 mm, and the textured substrate often leads loss (v = 0.56), the largest loss of all cells reviewed
extent, this voltage loss could be overcome by di- to defected growth of the microcrystalline film. here, which is attributed to the fact that the QDs
rect optical excitation of the charge-transfer state As a result of this thickness limitation, light with have a distribution of sizes that results in a dis-
between electron donor and electron acceptor. So energies near the band gap is not fully absorbed, tribution of band gap energies. In addition, a high
far, common material combinations show a very leading to a very strong current penalty with j = density of radiative sub–band gap states and strong
low oscillator strength of these charge-transfer 0.67, the lowest value of all cells reviewed here. nonradiative surface recombination due to the
states, rendering direct optical excitation nearly Crystal grain boundaries and other defects in large surface-to-volume ratio in the quantum dots
absent. Substantial current loss ( j = 0.82) is due deposited micro- or nanocrystalline Si cells are (diameter ∼5 nm) leads to recombination. Ineffi-
to parasitic absorption by the selective contacts, strong sinks for minority carriers, leading to a cient transport of carriers by hopping through
incomplete absorption by the polymer, and incom- large voltage loss as well (v = 0.61). the QD film limits the QD film thickness that can
plete carrier collection resulting from nonradiative Amorphous Si (a-Si:H) is a semiconductor with be practically used. Together, incomplete absorp-
recombination (low mobility and diffusion length). much stronger optical absorption than crystalline tion and strong recombination contribute to a
As with thin-film Si solar cells, organic PV tech- Si, but with a band gap well above the optimum high current loss ( j = 0.66). (Note that in the
nology is suffering from the fact that efficiency is (1.7 to 1.8 eV). It is made using vacuum deposition analysis we use the first excitonic peak in the ab-
becoming an increasingly important driver to techniques, typically at a much higher rate than sorption spectrum as the band gap of the quan-
reduce the cost of large-area PV systems. Also, micro- or nanocrystalline films. Despite the incor- tum dots; taking a smaller electronic band gap
organic cells often show degradation under illumi- poration of hydrogen in these films to passivate correspondingly increases v and decreases j.)
nation. At the same time, a variety of attributes— bulk defects, the electronic quality of this mate-
relative ease of processing, nontoxicity, low weight, rial is rather low, with a correspondingly large Beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit
potential for low cost, and possibility of forming voltage loss (v = 0.61) for the record-efficiency The S-Q detailed-balance model describes the effi-
flexible modules of many different shapes, colors, single-junction cell (10.2%) (9, 33). In a-Si:H cells, ciency limit for a single-junction solar cell under
and transparencies—enables applications that the optimum efficiency is strongly determined by one-sun illumination. Efficiencies beyond the
may not be achievable with thin-film flexible CIGS, the trade-off between cell thickness and carrier S-Q limit can potentially be achieved for a single-
CdTe, or perovskite cells that have much higher collection efficiency: A large thickness is required junction cell by using the process of multiple ex-
efficiency. to optimize the capture of incident light, but this citon generation (converting a single photon to
reduces the carrier collection efficiency if the cell multiple excitons, e.g., in quantum dots), by up- or
Thin-film silicon is thicker than the carrier drift/diffusion length, down-conversion of incident light (to make the in-
(efficiency 10.1 to 11.4%) which is typically a few hundred nanometers; for cident spectral range better match the semiconduc-
Thin-film microcrystalline or nanocrystalline Si the record-efficiency cell, j = 0.78. Amorphous Si tor absorption spectrum), or by limiting the range
solar cells can be made on a wide range of (flexible) cells are most often fabricated in a superstrate of radiative emission angles (raising the cell vol-
substrates by means of chemical vapor deposition. configuration using a textured glass substrate tage). So far, none of these “third-generation” PV
Typically, a p-i-n geometry is grown on a ZnO:Al- coated with ITO as a transparent conductor. This concepts has led to an enhanced efficiency re-
coated textured glass substrate, followed by a then forms the starting point for the subsequent cord for one of the PV materials described above.

aad4424-6 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 SCIENCE


Multijunction solar cells constitute a very broad GaAs, and CdTe cells are realized in manufac- crystalline Si, multicrystalline Si, CdTe, and CIGS
field of research and are beyond the scope of this turing laboratories. have evolved into mature high-efficiency tech-
review (36). The highest reported efficiency under nologies, with Si technology having >90% of the
one-sun illumination is 38.8% for a GaInAs/GaInP/ Solar module efficiencies market share. Record efficiencies for large-area
GaAs/AlGaInAs/AlGaInP five-junction tandem Two important factors create a gap between the (>800 cm2) modules are 22.4% for monocrystal-
geometry (37). However, the manufacturing cost record efficiency of laboratory solar cells and the line Si (9, 41), 18.5% for multicrystalline Si (9),
of such a complex cell architecture is very high. record efficiency of laboratory modules or average 18.6% for CdTe, and 17.5% for CIGS (9, 42). These
Concentrating PV—that is, increasing the solar efficiency of commercial modules, respectively. materials all belong to the >75% S-Q limit (for
flux by focusing light on a solar cell—can (linearly) First, record-efficiency cells are often small-area monocrystalline Si) or 50 to 75% S-Q limit (for
increase Jsc and (logarithmically) increase Voc, devices made using specialized laboratory tech- multicrystalline Si, CIGS, CdTe) classes in Fig. 1B,
leading to a higher efficiency. This concept is niques that may be too expensive for large-scale directly demonstrating the importance of effi-
being applied in PV systems using macroscale production. For example, thin-film vacuum depo- ciency as a lever for large-scale application.
lenses or parabolic mirrors in combination with sition of metal contacts may be used in the lab, A recent development is the demonstration of
ultrahigh-efficiency tandem cells. A record cell while screen printing of contacts, leading to much single-junction GaAs solar modules with a record
efficiency of 46.0% was measured using a GaInP/ lower metal conductivity, is used in industrial fabri- efficiency of 24.1% that are fabricated on an in-
GaAs/GaInAsP/GaInAs tandem cell under 508× cation facilities. Second, modules are made of a dustrial scale and are now on their way to com-
concentrated light. Concentrating PV requires a number of larger-area cells connected in series mercial exploitation (43). It will be interesting to
tracking system to follow the Sun and requires and encapsulated. In the case of wafer-based tech- see how the manufacturing costs for each of the
direct (rather than diffuse) sunlight. nologies, incorporation of cells in a module in- >20% module technologies will decrease in the

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evitably leads to current loss (due to incomplete coming years. Thin-film solar cells deposited on
Historical efficiency trends filling of the module area) and fill factor loss thin foils are also expected to find new applica-
There are large differences in the rate of effi- (due to additional resistance in cell interconnects tions in areas where low weight-specific power
ciency improvement for the different materials and the use of larger cells). Optical effects upon (in terms of watts per gram) is desired, and in
discussed above. For example, after more than encapsulation may decrease or increase efficiency, novel forms of building-integrated PV where flexi-
60 years of research, single-crystalline Si is a ma- depending on the specifics of module design. Ef- ble form factors or partial transparency for visible
ture technology, and the efficiency improvements ficiencies of typical thin-film modules are lower light are desired.
that have been achieved in recent years have been than those of corresponding record cells because Thin-film amorphous and crystalline Si mod-
relatively small and gradual. In contrast, the re- of the “dead area” associated with monolithic in- ules and flexible foils have also been developed to
cord efficiency for the new perovskite materials terconnection of strip-like cells, inhomogeneities a commercial level but are applied on a much
has climbed rapidly since the first cells were dem- or imperfections in the larger areas of the cells, smaller scale because of their lower efficiency
onstrated, although cells with these record ef- and series resistance because of larger current (12.2% for a module based on a tandem geometry)
ficiencies are not yet stable in efficiency. transport distances. and higher manufacturing costs (44). Further-
To illustrate recent trends in cell development, Furthermore, in practice, solar modules never more, small-area modules of dye-sensitized solar
Fig. 5 compares present efficiencies with the operate under conditions equal to the standard cells (efficiency 10.0%) (45, 46) and organic solar
average annual increase in absolute efficiency over test conditions (STC). The solar spectrum and in- cells (9.5%) (30) are commercially available but thus
recent years. Crystalline and multicrystalline Si tensity change during the day and vary with the far represent a small market. Thin-film perovskite,
have recently shown only gradual absolute effi- time of year. The dependence of efficiency on in- CZTS, and quantum dot solar cells have been dem-
ciency improvements in the range of 0.04 to 0.09% cident power is generally lowest for cells with onstrated in the lab, but modules have not yet
per year; the increase in crystalline Si efficiencies high FF. Here the high-efficiency (mono)crystal- been demonstrated on an industrial scale. For
results from progress in Si heterojunction cells. line materials as well as thin-film CIGS and CdTe perovskites, long-term stability and manufactura-
The high-efficiency thin-film materials perovskite (all with FF > 0.79) have an advantage over perov- bility have not yet been demonstrated; for CZTS
(2.7% per year), CdTe (0.9% per year), and CIGS skites and the lower-efficiency thin-film materials and quantum dot solar cells, the low efficiency lim-
(0.2% per year) have made important steps for- (FF < 0.73). Also, solar modules heat up under its commercial development. Table 1 summarizes
ward over the past few years. solar irradiation, sometimes reducing the effi- technological strengths and selected research tech-
Although these recently demonstrated efficiency ciency by 1 to 2% (absolute) relative to their nology opportunities for all reviewed materials.
increases are no guarantee of improvements in STC value defined at 25°C. The temperature co-
the future, the realization of large yearly increases efficient of efficiency depends strongly on mate- Large-scale application of PV
in materials with remaining room for growth in rial and is lower for Si heterojunction cells, CdTe, The present worldwide primary energy supply
v, j, and f hints that research efforts have not yet and CIGS than for other materials (38, 39). An- through all sources (fossil, nuclear, and renewable)
become constrained by fundamental limits. Addi- other difference between practical, average mod- amounts to 18.0 TW; final consumption is 12.3 TW
tional research will tell whether the record effi- ule efficiency and STC efficiency is related to (47). In principle, this energy need can be fully met
ciency of CIGS, CdTe, or perovskite cells (now 4 the fact that in practice modules receive light using PV, in combination with proper energy trans-
to 5% below that of Si IBC cells) can exceed that from a wide range of angles rather than per- port and storage systems and secondary con-
of Si cells. The efficiency record for thin-film GaAs pendicularly incident light only. This leads to version into heat and fuels. Assuming a modest
cells has not been broken since 2012; a more re- additional reflection losses. Finally, we note that module efficiency of 20%, a system capacity factor
cent record is for thin-film III-V dual-junction nearly all cell/module combinations show reduc- of 15%, an average ground cover ratio of 50%, and
cells (31.6%) (29). In the low-efficiency (10 to 12%) tion in efficiency over time. This is attributable to 50% losses related to storage and secondary con-
category, quantum dot solar cells (1.3% per year) factors including degradation of the cells, oxida- version, 1.6% of Earth’s land area would be re-
and organic solar cells (0.6% per year) continue tion of metallic cell interconnects, and photo- quired to produce an amount of energy equal to
to make strong progress. Dye-sensitized cells and degradation of polymer encapsulating layers; the the current primary supply. Although in absolute
CZTS have not reported efficiency improvements magnitude of these effects depends on the cell/ terms this is a very large number, it is not un-
since 2012 and 2013, respectively. We note that module combination (40). Understanding these realistic. To put this in perspective, this area is
historically, when materials are developed to the degradation mechanisms in different climates is less than 5% of the area used for agriculture
level of commercialization, further efficiency in- a complex but very important research challenge. worldwide. Also, note that substantial land areas
creases are often observed beyond the records On the basis of their share in the market for are already used today for production of fossil fuels
first achieved in a research laboratory. For exam- PV systems, which had an estimated value of $96 and various types of biofuel. Finally, by drasti-
ple, the present efficiency records for Si IBC, billion in 2013 (1), it can be said that mono- cally increasing the efficiency of solar modules,

SCIENCE 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 aad4424-7


Table 1. Technology strengths and key research opportunities for photovoltaic materials. Materials are grouped by degree of technological development.
Record cell and module efficiencies are indicated, based on certified measurements. GaInP and InP are not included as no significant development toward commercial
technology exists; n.a., not available.

Cell Module Technology

Selected research/technology
Material efficiency efficiency strengths and
(%) (%) options

Mature technologies deployed at large scale

Monocrystalline Si 25.6 22.4 Earth-abundant material; Further reduce recombination losses,
>25-year track record in combination with new metallization schemes;
improve light management in thinner wafers;
improve IBC and SHJ cell designs
Multicrystalline Si 21.3 18.5 Earth-abundant material; Improve wafer quality (minimize or passivate defects)
>25-year track record to reduce recombination losses
CIGS 21.7 17.5 Flexible substrates Improve light management;
increase efficiency for large band gaps (tandem cells);

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reduce recombination losses, solution processing
CdTe 21.5 18.6 Flexible substrates; short Reduce recombination losses;
energy payback time develop thinner cell designs
using light management
Emerging technologies deployed at smaller scale
Dye-sensitized TiO2 11.9 10.0 Tunable colors Improve redox couple;
reduce recombination losses;
increase band gap;
increase stability
Thin-film Si 11.4 12.2* Flexible modules Reduce recombination losses;
improve light management
Organic 11.5 9.5 Flexible modules, Improve light management;
semitransparent modules increase band gap;
increase stability;
reduce recombination losses
Technology at the manufacturing level
GaAs 28.8 24.1 Very high efficiency; Improve light management;
flexible modules develop IBC geometry;
further develop thin-film multijunction
cells by layer transfer
Technologies under development
Perovskite 21.0 n.a. Solution processing; Reduce recombination losses;
flexible modules improve cell stability; avoid use of Pb;
increase efficiency for high–band gap materials
(tandem cells); develop Si/perovskite tandems
CZTS 12.6 n.a. Flexible modules Reduce recombination losses;
improve light management
Quantum dots 9.9 n.a. Solution processing; Reduce recombination losses;
flexible modules improve light management; avoid use of Pb

*Microcrystalline Si/a-Si tandem geometry.

by integrating PV into buildings and other objects, ity and installation volumes are further increased. losses relative to the S-Q limiting values. To
and by combining PV technology with other re- Scalability of technology and availability of raw further increase the photocurrent in a particular
newable sources such as solar thermal energy and materials are essential parameters, as are the cell design typically requires better management
wind energy, a much smaller land area would be energy costs of fabricating PV systems at a large of light in order to reduce reflection, reduce para-
needed. scale. Long lifetime and stable operation are addi- sitic absorption, and enhance light trapping in the
For PV to break through at such a large scale, a tional crucial parameters, as is design-for-recycling, active area of the cell. Nanophotonic concepts, in
further reduction in costs of PV technology is which allows valuable or toxic materials to be re- which nanostructures with typical length scales
required. As stated above, increasing cell effi- covered in a practical way. equal to or smaller than the wavelength of light
ciency is a key driver for reducing costs, as the are incorporated in the solar cell, can serve to
costs of the solar cells themselves constitute only Future research directions: Light reach these goals (5, 48–50). Such structures can
part (<50%) of the costs of a full PV system. management and carrier management preferentially scatter and confine light so that it
Furthermore, the overall cost of PV systems will We have categorized the architectures of 16 PV is better absorbed in the cell. Nanophotonic con-
decrease by economy of scale as production capac- materials in terms of their current and voltage cepts leading to enhanced light trapping can also

aad4424-8 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 SCIENCE


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aad4424-10 15 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6283 SCIENCE

Photovoltaic materials: Present efficiencies and future
Albert Polman, Mark Knight, Erik C. Garnett, Bruno Ehrler and
Wim C. Sinke (April 14, 2016)
Science 352 (6283), . [doi: 10.1126/science.aad4424]

Editor's Summary

Surveying the solar cell landscape

The rate of development and deployment of large-scale photovoltaic systems over recent years
has been unprecedented. Because the cost of photovoltaic systems is only partly determined by the cost
of the solar cells, efficiency is a key driver to reduce the cost of solar energy. There are several
materials systems being explored to achieve high efficiency at low cost. Polman et al. comprehensively
and systematically review the leading candidate materials, present the limitations of each system, and
analyze how these limitations can be overcome and overall cell performance improved.

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