Characteristis of Computer - Kelompok 1

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This assignment is structured to fulfill the English For Academic

Purposes course

Supporting lecturer:

Compiled By Group I:
FITRI SUKRI 122.56202.015
M. FARHAM RIDWAN 122.56202.022
MUH REZKY ALDY JAYA 122.56202.036
NURUL TENRI RATU 122.56202.037
SUKMA ASRI 122.56202.048
ANDI DWI PAJRIANA 122.56202.065
ALDIANSA 122.56202.068



Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh...

Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT. who has given His grace
and guidance so that we can complete the task entitled "CHARACTERISTIS OF
COMPUTER". The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill an assignment in an
English course. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight.

I would like to thank Ms. YUN ANGREANI SAPUTRI, M.Pd as an English For
Academic Purpose Lecturer who has given me this assignment so that I can add
knowledge and insight in accordance with the field of study that I am engaged in. I
realize, the task that I write is still far from perfect. Therefore, constructive criticism
and suggestions are needed for the perfection of this paper.

Hopefully this paper can be understood by anyone who reads it. If the report that has
been compiled can be useful for us and the people who read it. Previously, I apologize
if there are any bad words and I ask for constructive criticism and suggestions.

Lasusua, 16 May 2023



FOREWORD ...........................................................................................................i
LIST OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................1
A. BACKGROUND ..............................................................................................1
B. PROBLEM FORMULATION ........................................................................2
C. OBJECTIVE OF THE PROBLEM ..................................................................2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ...................................................................................3
A. DEFINITION COMPUTER .............................................................................3
B. COMPUTER CHARACTERISTICS IN GENERAL ......................................3
CHAPTER III CLOSING ........................................................................................15
A. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................15
B. SUGGESTION .................................................................................................15
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................16
DOCUMENTATION ...............................................................................................17



Let us take a look at the history of the computers that we know today.The very first
calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man’s hands. This, in fact, is why
today westill count in tens and multiples of tens. Then the abacus was invented, a bead
frame in which the beads aremoved from left to right. People went on using some
form of abacus well into the 16th century, and it is still being used in some parts of the
world because it can be understoodwithout knowing how to read.
During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways of calculating.

J. Napier, a Scotsman, devised a mechanical way of multiplying and dividing, which

is how the modern slide rule works.Henry Briggs used Napier’s ideas to produce
logarithm tables which all mathematicians use today. Calculus, another branch of
mathematics, was independently invented by both Sir Isaac Newton, an Englishman,
and Leibnitz, a German mathematician.

The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820 as the result of several
people's experiments. This type of machine, which saves a great deal of time
and reduces the possibility of making mistakes, depends on a series of ten-
toothed gear wheels. In 1830 Charles Babbage, an Englishman, designed a
machine that was called‘The Analytical Engine’. This machine, which Babbage
showed at the Paris Exhibitionin 1855, was an attempt to cut out the human being

altogether, except for providing themachine with the necessary facts about the
problem to be solved. He never finished thiswork, but many of his ideas were
the basis for building today's computers.

In 1930, the first analog computer was built by an American named Vannevar
Bush. This device was used in World War II to help aim guns. Mark I, the name
givento the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The men responsible
for this invention were Professor Howard Aiken and some people from IBM.

From the background that we have described above, we formulate The problems
that will be discussed in this paper are:

1. Understanding computers?

2. Characteristics of computers in general?

3. Characteristics of computers from generation to generation?


From the formulation of the problem above, we determine the purpose of

this paper, namely:

1. Knowing the meaning of computer.

2. Knowing what the characteristics of the computer in general.

3. Knowing the characteristics of computers from generation to generation.


A. Definition Of Computer

A computer is an electronic device used to store retrieve and manipulate

data. A computer also defines as a programmable electromechanical device that
accept instruction (program) to direct the operations of the computers. Four
words can be deducted from the above definition for further illustration.

B. Computer Characteristics In General

1. Speed of Computer

• Computers are much faster to perform mathematical calculations than

• The computer is capable of performing millions of tasks per second.
Computer speed is also known as the computer's clock speed.
• It takes an hour or a day for a person to do a mathematical calculation or
any work, to do the same calculation or work to a computer do in
microseconds or nanoseconds.

• This means that while it takes some time for humans to do a small
calculation, a computer can do millions of additions, subtractions,
multiplications, divisions in the same amount of time.
• The computer is so fast that it can do work in the blink of an eye. Let us
understand this through an example.
• The song plays as you instruct the computer to play the song. As soon as
you give the instruction, the computer completes that instruction at full
• If you want to get more information about computer speed, then you can
read the post given below.

2. Accuracy of Computer

• A computer is very accurate. It does not make any kind of mistake in

calculating. Sometimes we get some error but these are because of the
mistake performed by us.
• The Accuracy of the computer is constantly high and it can perform
hundred of operation with the carry-out calculation and analysis
accurately and speedily.
• It is also a feature of the computer that the computer completes any work
with absolute accuracy, this means that any instruction received from the
user is done by the computer with full accuracy and speed.
• A computer never gives us wrong results under any circumstances. You
can absolutely trust the output of the computer.
• To know more about Computer Accuracy, you can read the post given

3. Diligence of Computer

• Diligence means that the computer is capable of doing any work for a
long time without getting tired and getting stops.
• This is also one of the special features of the computer. Let us understand
it in detail.
• A person gets tired of doing some work in a few hours and a computer
has the ability to do any work continuously for many hours, days,
• Even after the computer has worked for such a long time, there is no
decrease in its ability to work and the accuracy of the result.
• The computer does work without any discrimination. A computer is free
from monetary and tiredness.
• Even if the computer does any work for weeks in a row, then the
computer will do that work with the same speed and accuracy.
• No matter how long the computer works, but it never gets boring.

4. Reliability of Computer

• Reliability is a very big characteristics & feature of computer system.

Today almost all the big industries or big e-Commerce companies like
Amazon and Flipkart, and big search engine companies like -
Google and Bing, all these companies are dependent on computers.
• Today every major industry and companies in the world have full
confidence in their computers, and their entire business is running from

• Today the work of all companies is being done through computers. These
companies store all their data in the computer, the data of these
companies are many types of data such as the amount to be paid, the date
of payment and many other types of data, which will be used in future
when the time comes for that data use.
• Data place to another place is transported through a computer in a very
short time.
• The computer does all its work very honestly. Night or day, the computer
continues its work without being tired. Today this is the reason why big
e-commerce companies and industries blindly trust computers.

5. Versatility of Computer

• Versatility means that the computer is capable of doing any kind of work.
Let us understand computer Versatility in detail.
• It means The computer is capable of performing any type of instruction
given by the user, such as playing videos, downloading, running the
Internet, the computer is capable of doing all these instructions.
• Versatility is the also properties of a computer. Its means is that the
computer is capable of working in almost every field.
• Today computers are being used almost everywhere like schools,
colleges, hospitals, offices, railway stations, hotels etc.
• A computer system is multitasking so that you can do two tasks very
easily at the same time.

6. Storage Capacity of Computer

• Computer systems have a very large capacity to store any type of data. A
computer can store and resell any information due to its storage capacity.
• Computers have the ability to store all types of data such as data, pictures,
files, programs, games, and sound for many years and later we can get
any data in a few seconds at any time for taking that information and for
future retrieval.
• Computer storage is also called permanent storage because once in this
store any data means - file, folder, text data, video, image is stored, then
that data is stored for life, and when As long as you do not delete any
data, the data is saved in your computer's storage.
• This storage unit is present in every computer system. The storage device
is also called the main part of the computer.

7. Automatic

• Automation is also a special feature of computers.

• A computer is an automatic machine because once started on a job they
carry on until the job is finished without any human assistance.
• Let us understand this with an example, suppose you have to copy 100
or 200 files of your computer in Pen drive.
• As soon as you gave the computer the instruction to copy all the files,
then the computer starts copying all your 100 or 200 files to the Pen drive,

then you do not need to give instructions to copy every file again and
• This whole process of a computer is called automation

8. Quick Decision

• The computer takes the decision very quickly, given by the user which is
the instruction arithmetic data or logic data.
• All Mathematical data is called arithmetic data.
• Copy Document, Delete file, open camera etc this type of data is called
Logical data.
• A quick decision is also one of the most important characteristics of the
computer system because as soon as you give instructions to the
computer, the computer starts executing the instruction.
• Due to this property of the computer system, the computer immediately
takes the design and immediately executes the instructions of the user.
• I hope you understand the quick decision.

9. Multitasking

• Multitasking is also a very special feature of computers. A user can do

different types of tasks on the computer at the same time.
• Like we are using MS Word in computer as well as listening to songs and
also getting printouts.
• We can do a lot of work at the same time.

• Multitasking is also one of the very important properties of a computer
system because the computer system is the only electronic device that
provides its user with the opportunity to do many things at the same time.
• Or you can also say in simple language that the computer system is
designed in such a way that a user can do many things in the computer
system at the same time.
• The multitasking of the computer system saves a lot of time for the user
because the user can do much of his work at the same time.
• I hope you understand the multitasking of computers.

10. No Feeling

• In computers, like humans, there is no feeling and emotion, nor does the
computer have any knowledge and experience, because a computer is a
machine which works continuously on the instruction of humans without
any selfishness and without tiredness.
• No Feel is also one of the important qualities of a computer system,
because the computer is not a human being that has feelings.
• Just imagine, if the computer system had the feeling, then the computer
would not execute any instruction of the user. Due to this gun of computer,
we can get any work done with a computer. And we can use the computer
anytime day or night.
• No matter how much work you do with the computer system, the computer
system will never tell you that now I am tired, now I will not work.
• I hope you understand this

11. Power of Remembering

• Power of remembering is also very special Characteristics of the computer.

• You can store many types of information and data on your computer in
very large quantities. Whenever you need this data in future, you can get
that data in a few seconds matter why.
• You can get the data even after a long time. It depends on you, after how
long or after how many years you need the data.
• Power of Remembering This is also a very important quality of a computer
system because the computer system has the power to store any data or
information as long as we want.
• In the future, when that data or information is needed, the computer system
very easily recalls that data or information. It depends on a computer user
how much data he wants to store in the computer system.
• And it also depends on the computer user for how long he wants to store
that data in the computer system. If the user does not need that data in the
future, then the user can also delete that data.

12. No IQ
• A computer is a dumb machine, without a user, a computer is a useless
machine and device.
• Until a user does not give any instruction, it cannot do any work and only
after completing the instruction, he completes that work very fast.
• A computer system is completely dependent on us humans how to work.
• For an example, if you want to multiply two numbers, then writing such 3
& 3, the computer will not give us any result, unless we instruct 3 * 3 =,
the computer multiplies that number and gives the result. So a computer
cannot make its own decision.

C. Computer Characteristics From Generation To Generation
1. First Generation of Computer (1937 – 1946):
In 1937 the first electronic digital computer was built by Dr. John V.
Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. It was called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer
(ABC). In 1943 an electronic computer name the Colossus was built for the
military. Other developments continued until in 1946 the first general–
purpose digital computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
(ENIAC) was built. It is said that this computer weighed 30 tons, and had
18,000 vacuum tubes which was used for processing. When this computer
was turned on for the first time lights dim in sections of Philadelphia.
Computers of this generation could only perform single task, and they had no
operating system.

1.) Sizes of these computers were as large as the size of a room.
2.) Possession of Vacuum Tubes to perform calculation.
3.) They used an internally stored instruction called program. iv. Use
capacitors to store binary data and information.
4.) They use punched card for communication of input and output data and
5.) They generated a lot of heat. vii. They have about One Thousand 1000
circuits per cubic foot.

Examples: Mark I developed by Aiken in 1944.

2. Second Generation of Computer (1947 – 1962):

Second generation of computers used transistors instead of vacuum
tubes which were more reliable. In 1951 the first computer for commercial
use was introduced to the public; the Universal Automatic Computer
(UNIVAC 1). In 1953 the International Business Machine (IBM) 650 and 700

series computers made their mark in the computer world. During this
generation of computers over 100 computer programming languages were
developed, computers had memory and operating systems. Storage media
such as tape and disk were in use also were printers for output.


1.) The computers were still large, but smaller than the first generation of
2.) They use transistor in place of Vacuum Tubes to perform calculation.
3.) They were produced at a reduced cost compared to the first generation
of computers.
4.) Possession of magnetic tapes as for data storage.
5.) They were using punch cards as input and output of data and
information. The use of keyboard as an input device was also introduced.
6.) These computers were still generating a lot of heat in which an air
conditioner is needed to maintain a cold temperature.
7.) They have about one thousand circuits per cubic foot.

Example: Transis produced by philco, GE and RCA.

3. Third Generation of Computer (1963 – 1975):

The invention of integrated circuit brought us the third generation of
computers. With this invention computers became smaller, more powerful
more reliable and they are able to run many different programs at the same

1.) They used large-scale integrated circuits, which were used for both
data processing and storage.

2.) Computers were miniaturized, that is, they were reduced in size
compared to previous generation.
3.) Keyboard and mouse were used for input while the monitor was used
as output device.
4.) Use of programming language like COBOL and FORTRAN were
5.) They have hundred thousand circuits per cubic foot.

Examples: Burroughs 6700, Mini computers

4. Fourth Generation of Computer (PC 1975 – Current)

At this time of technological development, the size of computer was
redivided to what we called Personal Computers, PC. This was the time the
first Microprocessor was created by Intel. The microprocessor was a very
largescale, that is, VLS integrated circuit which contained thousands of
transistors. Transistors on one chip were capable performing all the functions
of a computer’s central processing unit.

1.) Possession of microprocessor which performs all the task of a
computer system use today.
2.) The size of computers and cost was reduced.
3.) Increase in speed of computers.
4.) Very large scale (VLS) integrated circuits were used.
5.) They have millions of circuits per cubic foot.

Examples: Apple Computers.

5. Fifth Generation of Computers (Present and Beyond)
Fifth generations computing devices, based on artificial intelligence
(AI) are still in development, although there are some application such as
voice recognition, facial face detector and thumb print that are used today.

1.) Consist of extremely large scale integration
2.) Parallel processing
3.) Possession of high speed logic and memory chip.
4.) High performance, micro-miniaturization.
5.) Ability of computers to mimic human intelligence, e.g. voice
recognition, facial face detector, thumb print.
6.) Satellite links, virtual reality.
7.) They have billions of circuits per cubic.

Examples: Super computers, robots, facial face detector dan thumb




There is more than one property of a computer system, which we have

described in this article.
Today computers can do everything that humans cannot. Although we
humans have made the computer system, today computer works many times
faster than humans. Due to the multiplicity of computer systems, today
computers are being used in every field.


Basically the computer is a very sophisticated technological tool. Can

be used to facilitate human work. However, besides that there are many
positive and negative sides. For example, free use of the internet without
being selective. Many irresponsible users use the site for things that violate
norms such as pornography, prostitution, drug dealing and so on.
My advice is that we must make the best use of computer technology
selectively, which has a positive side so that it can help and increase
knowledge for all of us.

Pandey, A. (2022, Agustus 3). Characteristics of Computer System | Features of a
Computer. Retrieved Mei 21, 2023, from quicklearncomputer:
Sutiono S.Kom., M.Kom., M.T.I (2018, oktober 11). Ciri ciri Komputer dari Generasi
ke Generasi yang Pertama Hingga Terkakhir. Retrieved Mei 21, 2023, from
Yun Angraeni Saputri, S.Pd., M.Pd. (2023). Modul English For Computer. Lasusua.



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