Reflective Essay

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Camila Ibarra

Katya Lopatko

Writing 2

23 April 2023

What it takes to be a prince

Disney movies are well-known all over the world. Many people grow up on the idea of

Disney princesses and Disney Princes because I fall part of this group. The title of the academic

journal I choose is Gender Role Portrayal and the Disney Princesses. The article was written by

three authors; Dawn Elizabeth England, Lara Descartes, Melissa A, and Collier-Meek; published

on February 10th of the year 2011.Although we’ve come along way from 2011 and when the

movies were originally made there is still a narrative that the girls need to be saved.It seems the

academic journal belongs to the discipline of Sociology as it studies the development of the

structure and function of people in society in which gender roles are a factor. As well as

psychology as it involves the toll gender roles have on one's mind psychologically.

As the article is based on the study of the gender roles and their stereotypes in the Disney

movies, the intended audience could be those who want to learn how men and women are

portrayed in the media that not only do children see but others as well. This can include parents

as the authors make sure to include their statics, procedure as well as their limitations. Moreover,

a parent who would want to learn more about what their children are seeing as the authors

include, there are possibilities that what the child is watching the movies could expose them to

stereotypes that can affect the development of a child. Although the writers include this

information they seem to just explore the topic rather than fully develop the idea they seem to

focus their study more on the exposure of stereotypes of men and women.
When I was reading the article the part that was always in the back of my mind was how

the Disney movies could impact children. I never really thought about that . As a big sister I hope

to protect my sister from many things yet the idea that Disney movies could affect her would

have never crossed my mind. I chose to use children as my intended audience because children

are just begging to read so the can't be educated on the how the movies they love can affect them

without their knowledge.During this process I the thought of using the parents as the new

audience crossed my mind yet I was not sure If i wanted to use that perspective. This was due to

the idea that I wanted to have a direct connection to the root audience that would be affected. I

used a children's book to demonstrate some stereotypical gender roles and stereotypes. Although

nowadays we make it known that children can be whatever they want.Childrens movies are

”Consistently portrayed gender role images [that ] may be interpreted as “normal” by children

and become connected with their concepts of socially accept- able behavior and morality

“(England 557). Most children are developing their knowledge and use their imagination and

their experience to their advantage. This story book is not too long and includes pictures as they

would appeal to children. I remember when my little sister started reading and she would use the

pictures on the story books to help guide her readings as she would struggle to read the words.

Which encouraged me to

During class we got the opportunity to see two examples of translations. One was an

ASMR video which was a translation of the first academic journal I read. The way that the

speaker encaged their audience kept them interested in the topic. As I was writing my children's

book I kept thinking about how I could use the things I knew from experience and what I learned

from my little sister. For example what kind of things they found interesting and what kind of

things they liked. During this project I got the opportunity to go see my sister's classmates
present their famous person in a gallery walk as they presented. In doing so I got to see their

imagination and what things captivated their attention. One thing that all the presentations had in

common was pictures. It was a way of committing to their audience in the best way they could.

The second example that I had the opportunity to see was the Blog translation, “Scuba Diving,

Going Deeper”. This second example also knew their audience. The writer has a connection to

the audience as well as the article was being translated which gave him a perspective that helped

his writing go further than just information on a paper. One thing that I wanted to integrate in my

translation that I saw in Richard's translation was the easier understanding of the translation

itself, the way he used a blog because it is one of drivers' source of communication as well as

their source of information.

Something that I was faced with was trying to convey the points given with enough

changes for a child to understand what the article is trying to say. Although the article is long I

will focus on only one part as will be the parts that the child cloud finds easier to understand.

When reading the article we are given interesting information yet when transferring it to a

children's book much of the information gets left with the original . This would be due to the fact

that the children reading it would lose interest and wouldn't be able to understand the message

that is trying to be portrayed through the story book. Through it all this project not only helped

improve my writing skills but the way I saw writing. Writing is more than just words on a paper.

You have to think about who your audience is and how to connect with them in the manner that

is most effective. Translating an academic journal with heavy information was an experience that

helped me develop as a writer as it presented me with challenges I had to overcome through the

help of my peers. I not only had to change the vocabulary that was originally begging for use but
change the formatting, changing one piece into something new. It was a great experience. I felt

like I was able to connect more with writing through this process.
Works Cited

England, Dawn Elizabeth, et al. “Gender Role Portrayal and the Disney Princesses - Sex Roles.”

SpringerLink, Springer US, 10 Feb. 2011,

Richard, Craig. “The Brain Science (and Benefits) of ASMR | Craig Richard | TED.” YouTube,

uploaded by TED, 8 July 2022,

Sullivan, Cali. “Scuba Diving: Going Deeper.” Starting Lines: An Anthology of Student Writing,

21st Edition, Christopher, Dean, 2022 pp. 90-94.

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