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Supplier Questionnaire on Corporate Social Responsibility

Supplier : Questionnaire filled in by

Company name : Name:
Sector : Position:
Scope (Plant or group) : Date (DD/MM/YYYY) :
Main activities location (country) :
Country in case of activity not in France :

CSR Gorvenance
-CSR policy
1.Is your company engaged in CSR improvement?
a.Yes, we actively engage in CSR initiatives and always look for ways to improve.
b. We have some CSR programs in place, but we are not currently focused on improving
c. We are willing to engage in CSR improvement, but we are not sure where to start.
d. No, we are not interested in engaging n CSR initiatives at thiss time.

2.Do you have a written code of conduct that outlines your CSR policies and practices?
a. Yes, we have a formal code of conduct that outlines our CSR policies and practices,
and it is distributed to our suppliers.
b. We have a code of conduct that mentions our CSR policies and practices, but it is not
distributed to our suppliers.
c. We have some CSR policies and practices in place, but we do not have a written code
of conduct.
d. No, we do not have a written code of conduct or formal CSR policies and practice

3.Does your company have a formalised action plan regarding CSR and sustainability?

4.Do you have a dedicated CSR team and/or CSR manager ?

5.Do you involve external independent consultants in the development of your CSR
strategy ?

6.Do you buy any insurance to cover the whole scope of your farm/factory to prevent
supply chain disruption in case of fire or other emergencies?
-Legal issue
7.What policies and procedures do you have in place to prevent corruption within your
a. Regularly conducting internal audits and investigations to identify and address
corruption practices.
b. Establishing a whistleblower protection program to encourage employees to report
c. Training and Awareness Programs to our employeesd. Financial Controls and
Transparency programs
e. Code of Conduct d. Not applicable or we do nothing.

8.Do you regularly conduct internal audits to assess the risk of corruption within your
company and supply chain?
a. Never
b. Once per year
c. Once every two years
d. Others (please specify)

9.In relation to the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the EU, is
your company prepared to comply with the expanded sustainability reporting

10.Have you been involved in any CSR legal disputes related to your business practices?

11.Do you incorporate moral, social, and environmental obligations in your contracts with
your own suppliers?

Labor Issue
12.How does your company meet the 6% employment obligation quota for disabled
a. Hiring people with disabilities (direct hire)
b. Subcontracting workers from the sheltered sector (indirect hire)
c. Paying a tax to a government (e.g. a fine)
d. Not applicable for us.

13.For the workload exceeding 35 hours a week, how do you compensate your
a. We pay extra hours
b. We offer free time
c. We use a specific process (please describe it)
d. We do not compensate
14.How do you assess potential human rights risks in your operations?
a. We audit our operations
b. We audit our operations + our supply chain
c. We do nothing

15.Are you certified by SA8000 (worker's rights)?

16.Does your company have a policy that prohibits discrimination against employees or

17.Do you provide equal opportunities for everyone to work in your company? Like offer
fair chances for employment to all individuals without discrimination on the basis of
factors such as gender, race, or nationality?

18.What is the standard leadtime for paying and your employees?

19.Do you provide adequate training and education opportunities for your workers to
improve their skills and advance their careers?

20.Can you provide us with the % of women in your workforce?

21.Does your company have a policy that prohibits the use of forced labor, bonded labor
or child labor in any part of its supply chain?

22.Does your company have a policy that prohibits the use of physical or verbal abuse,
harassment, or coercion against its employees or suppliers?

-Employee safety
23.How do you ensure safety at work and healthy work environment for your
employees ?
a. Conduct regular risk assessments to identify potential hazards in the workplace
b. Implement programs to prevent or mitigate workplace hazards
c. Provide trainings to our employees on health and safety practices
d. Implements a grievance mechanism for workers to report violations
e. Other (please specify): _______________________
f. We do nothing

24.How do you proceed to protect facilities and employees against fires? Procedures
like: Exit facilities, alarm systems, fire extinguishers, employees emergency training.
a. We have exit doors
b. We have an alarm systems
c. We have fire extinguishers
d. We have emergency trainings
e. Other (please specify): _______________________
f. We do nothing

25.Do you have OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001 certificate? (for health&safety management.
OHSAS has replaced by ISO45001 In 2021)

26.Are all your machines with a potential danger, visually identified and equipped with
emergency stop switches?

27.Have you established a fire and emergency procedure and do you conduct drills

28.Can you provide us the % of your safety budget as compared to your sales?

27.Does your company provide any welfare benefits to the families of your employees?

29.Does your company have taken any steps to protect the biodiversity of the area that is
influenced by your operation?
a. Conducting environmental impact assessments and developing plans to mitigate any
negative impacts
b. Using sustainable sourcing practices to reduce the impact on biodiversity
c. Supporting conservation initiatives to protect biodiversity
d. None of the above

30.Does your company have a proper procedure to reduce your operation's impact on
the environment?
a. Yes, our company has a well-defined procedure in place to minimise our operation's
impact on the environment.
b. Our company has some basic procedures in place, but there is room for improvement
c. I'm not sure, or I don't have the information about our company's environmental
d. Our company does not prioritize reducing its environmental impact in its operations

31.How often do you conduct soil and water testing for pesticide residues?
a. Once half a year
b. Once one year
c. Once 2 years
d. Once every 4 years
e. Others, pls specify______
f. We never conduct the soil and water testing for pesticide residues

32.Do you have an ISO 14001:2015 Certifications-Environmental management


33.Do you have a third-party rating on your environmental performance?

34.Do you have any policies or initiatives in place to encourage your employees to
conserve energy?
a. Energy awareness campaign
b. Energy-saving guidelines
c. Automatic shutdown systems
d. Employee engagement and feedback
e. Others_____

35.Do you use renewable energy sources?

a. Solar power
b. Wind power
c. Biomass energy
d. Geothermal energy(heat pumps)
e. Small hydropower
f. Bio gas
g. Others

36.Do you have ISO 50001:2008 Certifications related to energy management?

37.Have you conducted an energy audit or assessment of your manufacturing operations

to identify energy-saving opportunities?

-Waste and recycle

38.What methods or strategies do you employ to handle waste and minimize the
negative effects on the environment?
a. Reuse and Recycle
b. Composting
c. Waste minimization and source reduction
d. Separating different types of waste such as paper, plastic, glass, and organic waste
e. Others, pls specify_____
f. We do nothing

39.Compared to last year, how much water have you saved per product unit?(1kg)
40.Does your company maintain documentation and keep your record related to waste
management procedures and processes? Since when?

41.Do you use recyclable or biodegradable packing material in your product?

42.Do you have specific targets or goals related to reducing your water consumption in
your manufacturing processes?

43.How does your company ensure transparency and accountability in its supply chain?
(choose the steps you've already taken so far)
a.Taking into consideration environmental and social factors such as sustainability, fair
labor practices, and ethical sourcing when purchasing
b. Following monitor and assess our suppliers' CSR and legal risks to ensure responsible
c. Conduct audits or site visits to monitor supplier compliance with your CSR standards
d. We do nothng

44.Do all the players of your upstream supply chain recognise by a HACCP certificate?
a. Yes, all the players on the upstream supply chain are recognised by HACCP
b. Yes, a part of the players on the upstream supply chain are recognised by HACCP
c. No players on the upstream supply chain are recognised by the HACCP certificate.
d. Not sure.

45.Do you have certificat for traceability?

a. ISO 26000:2010 (social responsibility)
b. ISO 20400 (sustainable procurement)
c. Other (please specify)

46.Is your supplier provide enough information in their operation for you to assess their
CSR practices? (ESRS-AG12)

47.Have you ever terminated a supplier relationship due to non-compliance with your
CSR standards, and what was the reason for termination?

48.Do you promote a local purchase strategy?

Product quality and food safety

49.Do your product have the following lables?
a. Label Rouge
b. Indication Géographique Protégée(IGP)
c. Produit en Bretagne
d. Agriculture Biologique (AB)
e. Others, pls specify___

50.Are you certified by HACCP (food safety)?

51.Does your company have Certification ISO 22000 related to food safety?

52.Do you regularly review your proper food handling and check hygiene in your

52.Do you follow Good Manufacturing Practices in production, such as proper storage
and handling of ingredients?

54.Have you explored or implemented organic farming practices that eliminate the use of
synthetic pesticides?

55.In the event of a product recall or any issues related to product quality or safety, do
you have protocols and procedures in place to promptly address the situation and inform
your downstream customers?

Total 55 questions

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