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World Development 122 (2019) 339–348

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Environmental performance of agroforestry systems in the Cerrado

biome, Brazil
Gabrielli do Carmo Martinelli a, Madalena Maria Schlindwein a, Milton Parron Padovan b, Everton Vogel a,
Clandio Favarini Ruviaro a,⇑
Agribusiness Postgraduate Program, Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), Rodovia Dourados/Itahum, Km 12 – Unidade II, Caixa Postal: 364, Cep 79.804-970,
Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), Rodovia BR 163, Km 253, 6 – Cx. Postal 449 – Zona Rural, Dourados, MS 79804-970, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Agriculture and land use practices must be significantly improved to satisfy the needs of future genera-
Accepted 6 June 2019 tions without placing further pressure on global ecosystems. Agroforestry systems (AFS) have been
quoted as one of the best options to mitigate environmental impacts and at the same time, improve
smallholders’ livelihoods in agricultural areas. However, studies investigating the environmental aspects
Keywords: and yield of agroforestry systems in rural settlements, established by governmental initiatives, are still
Food production uncommon in the literature. Therefore, the goal of this paper was to assess the contribution of five bio-
Preservation of resources
diverse AFS, located in the Cerrado biome, to global warming mitigation and the provision of ecosystem
Biotic factors
Productive diversification
services to smallholder farmers. Additionally, the importance of agroforestry projects to family farms in
Bioeconomics Brazil was discussed. Relying on data from forestry inventory and in-depth interviews with farmers, the
crop yield (including fruit) was estimated; and the life cycle assessment method was used to determine
the Global Warming Potential (GWP), accounting for all emissions to establish and manage the AFS up
until the date of analysis. The results show the significant capacity of AFS sequester carbon, represented
by the negative values of GWP, ranging from (263) to (496) t CO2 equivalents per hectare. Each farmer
adopted different tree and crop species at the AFS establishment what influenced yields and GWP. The
high number of fruit trees contributed positively to the AFS outputs, allowing farmers to consume and
sell a large variety of products. Furthermore, the households also benefit from microclimate and aesthetic
benefits provided by the AFSs. Future agroforestry projects in rural settlements can contribute signifi-
cantly to improve household livelihoods, as well as environmental protection. However, efforts should
be taken to provide farmers with sound knowledge, financial support, and access to markets to thrive.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction soils, and animal husbandry may lead to habitat loss, soil erosion,
and species extinction (Duffy, Godwin, & Cardinale, 2017; FAO,
Agriculture and land use practices must be significantly 2017; Lemaire, Franzluebbers, Carvalho, & Dedieu, 2014; Salton
improved to satisfy the needs of future generations without plac- et al., 2014). Also, global agriculture is responsible for about 24%
ing further pressure on global ecosystems. Although agriculture of all Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from anthropogenic activ-
and forestry are vital for human survival, they are responsible for ities, and therefore one of the main contributors to global warming
significant environmental impacts, the consequences of which (Foley et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2014).
reach local, national and global levels (Foley et al., 2011; Godfray Furthermore, smallholder farmers in tropical developing coun-
et al., 2010; Guillaume et al., 2018). Activities such as logging tries are considered the most susceptible to the consequences of
and burning forests, management and fertilization of agricultural climate change (FAO, 2017; Shikuku et al., 2017; Wood, Jina, Jain,
Kristjanson, & Defries, 2014). Extreme weather events, such as
⇑ Corresponding author at: Faculdade de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e droughts, floods, severe high and low temperatures have increased
Economia, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Rodovia Dourados / Itahum, in the last half century (Lobell & Field, 2007; Lobell, Schlenker, &
Km 12, Caixa Postal: 364, Cep: 79.804-970 Dourados, MS, Brazil. Costa-Roberts, 2011; Nicholson, 2014). This can lead to an increase
E-mail addresses: (M.M. Schlindwein), in diseases and pest outbreaks, livestock mortality, crop failures, (M.P. Padovan), human migration, and ultimately to more poverty (FAO, 2017).
(C.F. Ruviaro).
0305-750X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
340 G.C. Martinelli et al. / World Development 122 (2019) 339–348

While there is no single solution to this devastating problem, In Brazil, agroforestry related studies investigated mainly pro-
agroforestry1 has been quoted as one of the best alternatives for sus- jects with a dominant crop, such as cacao, rubber, oil palm and cof-
tainable agriculture and enhancement of livelihoods in developing fee (Alvim & Nair, 1986; Brienza Junior & GazelYared, 1991; De
countries (Matthews et al., 2014; Nair, Nair, Kumar, & Showalter, Souza, de Graaff, & Pulleman, 2012; Gama-Rodrigues et al., 2010;
2010). Consequently, international agreements, such as the United Jagoret, Kwesseu, Messie, Michel-Dounias, & Malézieux, 2014;
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Monroe, Gama-Rodrigues, Gama-Rodrigues, & Marques, 2016;
the Kyoto Protocol, led governments and international agencies to Ramos, Vasconcelos, Kato, & Castellani, 2018) or the outcomes of
add agroforestry to their official agenda. With the Clean Develop- international projects such as REDD and CDM (Duchelle et al.,
ment Mechanism (CDM), projects aiming at carbon sequestration 2014; Sunderlin et al., 2014). However, the benefits of biodiverse
have grown considerably in developing countries in the late 1990s AFS to environmental protection and smallholder farmers in rural
(Boyd et al., 2009; Mori-Clement, 2019). In addition, in 2005 the Uni- settlements, established by governmental initiatives, are uncom-
ted Nations launched the REDD programme (Reducing Emissions mon. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to evaluate ecosystem ser-
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) which is considered vices provided by agroforestry systems located in a rural
one of the most relevant ecosystem protection projects, with the settlement. This namely applies to crop and fruit production, and
objectives of rewarding developing countries for avoiding forest net carbon offsets using the global warming potential indicator.
degradation and using sustainable agroforestry practices (Duchelle Also, we discuss the benefits of AF projects for the provision of
et al., 2014; Ickowitz, Sills, & de Sassi, 2017; Matthews et al., ecosystem services in rural settlements.
2014; Thangata & Hildebrand, 2012). Several methods and tools have been developed to assess the
Brazil has engaged with several projects in order to reduce GHG impacts of human actions in the environment (for an overview
emissions and improve livelihoods in rural areas (e.g. REDD and see Ahlroth & Finnveden, 2011; Finnveden & Moberg, 2005; Ness,
CDM) (Ickowitz et al., 2017; MMA, 2018; Mori-Clement, 2019). In Urbel-Piirsalu, Anderberg, & Olsson, 2007; Sala, Farioli, &
addition, the country also promoted projects for environmental Zamagni, 2013). As a result of the economic development and glob-
conservation and agricultural development (e.g. Low Carbon Emis- alization experienced over the years, methods that are able to
sion Plan) (MAPA, 2017), and approved the Law No. 12,805 of 2013, assess the performance of a system or product across different
which formalized the National Policy for Integrated Crop- scales have become vital (Roy et al., 2009). The Life Cycle Assess-
Livestock-Forestry Systems (BRASIL, 2013). These actions are ment (LCA) approach is an environmental impact evaluation tech-
incredibly relevant to further support 5 million rural households nique that allows the measurement and comparison of
across the country (Medina, Almeida, Novaes, Godar, & Pokorny, environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of systems or
2015). Also, Brazil is one of the largest agricultural producers in products (ISO 41404, 2006; ISO 1440, 2006). LCA has been used
the world, and is hence one of the most significant contributors successfully to quantify and communicate environmental impacts
to GHG emissions. In 2016, agriculture, livestock husbandry, and from agricultural supply chains (Buratti et al., 2017; Goglio,
deforestation were responsible for approximately 70% of the 2.3 Brankatschk, Knudsen, Williams, & Nemecek, 2018; Roy et al.,
billion tons CO2 equivalent emitted by the country (SEEG, 2017). 2009; Ruviaro, Gianezini, Brandão, Winck, & Dewes, 2012), and
There were many approaches to understand the consequences more recently, forestry and fruit production (Eldesouky, Mesias,
of agroforestry projects to the environment, and people living in Elghannam, & Escribano, 2018; Paolotti, Boggia, Castellini, Rocchi,
rural areas (Mbow, Smith, Skole, Duguma, & Bustamante, 2014; & Rosati, 2016; Utomo, Prawoto, Bonnet, Bangviwat, & Gheewala,
Rasmussen, Watkins, & Agrawal, 2017; Scherr, 1995). The signifi- 2016).
cance of AFSs to carbon sequestration has been identified and con- This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the area
firmed by several review studies (Abbas et al., 2017; Albrecht & of study and the life cycle assessment methodology; Sections 3 and
Kandji, 2003; Kim, Kirschbaum, & Beedy, 2016; Nair, Kumar, & 4 present the results and discussions; and Section 5 presents some
Nair, 2009; Thangata & Hildebrand, 2012). More recently, research limitations of our research and further recommendations.
also has confirmed the AFSs’ contribution to a more extensive
range of ecosystem services (ES) (Cerda et al., 2017; Jose, 2009;
Torralba, Fagerholm, Burgess, Moreno, & Plieninger, 2016). While 2. Methods
from the environmental viewpoint, agroforestry projects show sig-
nificant superiority compared to commercial farming — at the 2.1. Study area
socioeconomic side — there is still evidence of adverse outcomes,
which affect directly the poorest households in rural areas The agroforestry systems (AFSs) studied are part of the Santa
(Duchelle et al., 2014; Euler, Krishna, Schwarze, Siregar, & Qaim, Lucia Rural Settlement (SLRS), located in Bonito, state of Mato
2017; Jindal, Kerr, & Carter, 2012; Kansanga & Luginaah, 2019). Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Fig. 1. Bonito’s economy is based on eco-
The origin of these negative consequences may arise at different tourism and agriculture, mainly, beef cattle, maize and soybean
levels (local, regional, national and international) (Reynolds, production. The micro-region’s climate is humid tropical with an
2012), and emerge due to various reasons (e.g. site-specific seques- average annual temperature of 20°  22 °C. Annual precipitation
tration conditions, uncertainty in carbon sequestration, project varies around 1.500 mm and the rainy season occurs from Novem-
structure, cultural reasons, governance structure, land tenure and ber to April. The predominant vegetation is the Cerrado biome,
economic incentives) (Gren & Zeleke, 2016; Ickowitz et al., 2017; composed of deciduous and semideciduous seasonal forests
Jindal et al., 2012; Scherr, 1995). (Grechi, Lobo, Martins, & Lunas, 2010). According to the
Ecological-Economic Zoning of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul
(ZEE/MS, 2009), about 3.81% of the area occupied in the state cor-
responds to Red-Yellow Ultisols, which is the type of soil predom-
Nair (1993p. 14) explains that despite of many definitions formulated over the inant in the study area.
years, agroforestry can be understood as ‘‘. . . an approach to land use involving a The SLRS was established as part of the Brazilian agrarian
deliberate mixture of trees with crops and/or animals”. Further, Leakey (1996) suggests reform program. An original area of 1026 ha was divided into
that agroforestry should be seen as ‘‘. . . a dynamic, ecologically based, natural resource
management system that, through the integration of trees in farm- and rangeland,
37 plots of 16 ha each, plus a common area for environmental
diversifies and sustains smallholder production for increased social, economic and protection (i.e. Legal Reserve). The plots were then distributed,
environmental benefits”. in 1998, to selected landless householders, under the supervision
G.C. Martinelli et al. / World Development 122 (2019) 339–348 341

Fig. 1. Geographical location of the municipality of Bonito-MS. Location of study area Santa Lucia Rural Settlement. Source: IBGE digital mesh, 2010.

of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (not homogeneous blocks), with the predominance of native
(INCRA). species.
Given the ecological and economic importance of the regional Furthermore, in 2016 Embrapa selected five AFSs, ranging from
ecosystem, in the same period of the rural settlement establish- 0.5 to 2.5 ha and conducted a detailed forestry inventory, including
ment, an environmental protection project was launched in the species’ botanical classification, trees circumference, height, and
region, i.e. the Integrated Management of the Rio Formoso River accumulated litter biomass. All tree and shrub species higher than
Basin (GEF Rio Formoso). The project’s objectives were to recover 1.5 m were sampled. Also, interviews were conducted with the
degraded areas, preserve the environment, and at the same time, households were conducted to identify what management prac-
improve farmers’ livelihoods in the region. The World Bank tices farmers used and what were the benefits they have with their
financed the project and it was managed by public institutions AFS. Area of the AFS and species richness were the criteria adopted
such as the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), by Embrapa professionals to select the five AFS to be inventoried
Agrarian Development and Rural Extension Agency (AGRAER), and (Nascimento, 2016). The AFSs are identified and located at the fol-
Environment Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (IMASUL). For a com- lowing coordinates. Latitudes and longitudes (AFS I) 21°210 29.200 S
plete overview of the project’s actions (cf. World Bank (2010)). and 56°350 11.900 W; (AFS II) 21°210 40.700 S and 56°350 48.100 W; (AFS
Consequently, the new farmers from the SLRS also received the III) 21°210 36.800 S and 56°350 31.400 W; (AFS IV) 21°200 23.700 S and
benefits from the GEF Rio Formoso. Between the years 2000 and 56°350 05.300 W; (AFS V) 21°210 40.300 S and 56°350 49.800 W.
2005, farmers agreed on establishing AFS and managed them For the AFS carbon (C) estimation, we evaluate four C pools,
under agroecological principles. All the resources needed for the namely, aboveground biomass (AGB), below ground biomass
AFS establishment were supplied, for free, as part of the project, (BGB), litter, and soil organic carbon (SOC). The wood basic density
e.g. seedlings, organic fertilizer, machinery for soil preparation. (g cm3) for each species was identified, then AGB was estimated
Also, training and technical support, during the implantation per- then using the equation described by (Chave et al., 2005), Eq. (1).
iod, were provided by rural extensionists. When selecting seed- The BGB was estimated as 28% of the AGB (Mokany, Raison, &
lings for their AFS, farmers freely opted for exotic and native Prokushkin, 2006). AGB and BGB were multiplied by 0.47 to find
species with a large variety of fruit trees (Coutinho, 2011). the total carbon biomass (IPCC, 2006). The litter carbon was
derived directly from the inventory and laboratory analysis
2.2. Forestry inventory and carbon estimation (Agostinho, 2017).
Carbon stored in soil was estimated based on secondary data.
To understand the AFSs’ progression, in 2010, Embrapa sur- The difference between final carbon stock in AFSs (120 t C ha1)
veyed the SLRS in collaboration with AGRAER, the NGOs Brazilian (Iwata et al., 2012; Rocha et al., 2014) and carbon in soil under con-
Neotropical Foundation, and the Institute of Águas da Serra da Bod- ventional tillage (68 t C ha1) (De Assis, Jucksch, Mendonça, &
oquena. During the survey, Embrapa’s team identified 15 AFS still Neves, 2006; De Freitas, Blancaneaux, Gavinelli, Larré-Larrouy, &
standing. These AFS varied in size, reaching a maximal of 2.5 ha. Feller, 2000) generated a value of 52 t C ha1 that was used as
They were classified as biodiverse (multispecies) and semi-open proxy in our study. The biome, climate, and vegetation studied
342 G.C. Martinelli et al. / World Development 122 (2019) 339–348

by the authors correspond to the area investigated in our study. and preserve the environment. Therefore, the FU is a one-hectare
Finally, to calculate the total carbon dioxide of each AFS, the standing AFS. The allocation of environmental burdens is all
amount of carbon is multiplied by 44/12 (stoichiometric weight addressed to the standing AFS. The system boundary included all
of CO2 relative to C) (IPCC, 2006). activities and materials inputs to produce the seedlings, prepare
 0:916 the soil, establish and manage the AFS, up until 2016, the year of
AGB ¼ 0:112  qD2 H ð1Þ our analysis, Fig. 2.

2.3.2. Life cycle inventory
q = density (g cm3) To complete the LCI phase, an inventory of material and energy
D = diameter of the tree (cm) flows was conducted, to calculate the relevant GHG emissions and
H = tree height (m) offsets for each AFS. This phase was modelled according to IPCC
(2006) and Nemecek and Kägi (2007). Direct measurement of
2.3. Life cycle assessment emission caused by agricultural practices are sometimes not possi-
ble or too costly. In this case, models are used to estimate emis-
The life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology follows a structure sions within the system boundary (Nemecek & Kägi, 2007).
composed of four phases which are described in ISO standards. A Therefore, we use preliminary field documentation, survey infor-
whole LCA includes all stages of a system or product, from raw mation, and the forestry inventory to model the emissions associ-
material extraction, transportation, production, consumption, and ated with the AFSs. Also, in March 2017, we conducted in-depth
disposal, often known as a cradle-to-grave approach (ISO 41404, semi-structured interviews with the head of the householder to
2006; ISO 1440, 2006). For additional details regarding the LCA cross-check existing information and gather more data on actual
structure and methods (cf. Finnveden et al., 2009; Guinée, 2002; management practices and fruit production in the AFSs. Data
ILCD, 2010), and for comparison of LCA with other environmental cross-checking was supervised by an Embrapa agronomist, an
assessment methods (cf. Finnveden & Moberg, 2005; Sala et al., AFS expert, as suggested by IPCC guidelines (IPCC, 2006).
2013). The four phases of LCA according to ISO are described as To estimate emission from background processes (i.e. emission
follows: upstream in the supply chain not directed generated at the agro-
forestry system), we used secondary data and the EcoinventÒ data-
i) Goal and scope definition: This phase includes the descrip- base v. 3.2. Secondary data was used to model seedling production
tion of the system boundaries, Functional Unit (FU, is the ref- at nursery, which included the amount of fertilizer, lime, water,
erence unit to which the inputs and outputs are calculated soil and non-toxic polypropylene tubes for growing seedlings
for, e.g. one hectare), and impact categories. (Instituto Brasileiro de Florestas, 2017; Macedo, 1993; Oliveira
ii) Life Cycle Inventory (LCI): A detailed inventory, of all inputs et al., 2016; Roscoe, Buurman, Velthorst, & Vasconcellos, 2001).
and outputs related to the system under study is conducted. The emissions associated with transportation, lime production,
iii) Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA): With the inventory of diesel production, and machinery operation were retrieved from
emissions, the life cycle impact assessment is modelled Ecoinvent Centre (2018).
according to impacts categories.
iv) Interpretation: the results are critically reviewed, to provide
direction for further developments. 2.3.3. Life cycle impact assessment
In the LCIA phase, characterization factors are used to convert
2.3.1. Goal and scope the LCI results into the potential for environmental impact. For this
In addition to identifying the contribution to crop and fruit pro- purpose, we used the SimaProÒ v. 8.2.0 software (PRé Consultants)
duction, the goal of this study is to assess the global warming mit- selecting the mid-point method Global Warming Potential (GWP),
igation potential of agroforestry systems, based on their capacity over a 100 year period. The characterization factors for each kg of
for storing carbon. The primary function of selected agroforestry CO2, CH4, and N2O emitted to atmosphere equals to 1 kg, 25 kg
systems is to recover the degraded area, conserve biodiversity and 298 kg of CO2, respectively (IPCC, 2013).

Fig. 2. System boundary. Indicates the inputs and outputs of the analyzed agroforestry system (system size 1 ha).
G.C. Martinelli et al. / World Development 122 (2019) 339–348 343

3. Results Table 2
Life cycle inventory for the production of 1000 seedlings with six months.

In this section, we first present the main characteristics of the Inputs Unit Amount
farms and AFSs, followed by the modelled LCI for the nursery Dolomitic limestone kg 1
phase, as well as the LCI regarding the five AFSs. Finally, we present NPK (4-14-8) kg 5
the results of the LCIA related to the establishment and manage- Water m3 1.8
Soil kg kg 197
ment of the AFSs, namely Global Warming Potential (kg CO2 eq.).
Tubes* p 63
3.1. Farm and agroforestry system characteristics Seedlings p 1000
Used for 16 production cycles.
The AFSs were established strategically around the house and
range in area from 0.5 ha to AFS II and V, 0.6 ha and 1 ha to AFS I
and III, respectively, and 2.5 ha for AFS IV. Regarding the original
area (16 ha), farmers opted to dedicate 3–15% of their land to agro- ploughed and harrowed, then lime and cattle manure was applied
forestry. Farmers’ main income is from milk production, mainly and incorporated. Seedlings were then planted in the area. During
grass-fed cows. However, during the dry season, farm outputs the first three years, farmers were encouraged to plant green man-
are used as supplementary fodder (e.g. sugarcane, fruit). Also, pigs ure crops (Crotalaria juncea, Cajanus cajan, Mucuna aterrima) along-
and chicken are kept in order to provide meat and eggs. side annual and bi-annual crops, hence cycling nutrients, keeping
The main characteristics of the AFSs are presented in Table 1. A the area free of spontaneous weeds and while having some staples
large variety of fruit trees were planted to provide farmers with and fodder. After the AFS establishment, the main activities con-
fresh fruit, either for households to consume or to attend to the ducted by farmers were: pest control (with home-made products);
demands in the touristic town. Farmers sell the product as fresh fertilization with farm yard cattle manure (first three years); prun-
fruit or processed products (e.g. dried fruit, jam or liqueur). Also, ing and harvesting, conducted manually.
fruit that falls before ripe and bad fruit is fed to cattle and pigs. The impacts associated with cassava and sugarcane ‘‘stem-
All farmers adopted inter-cropping during the first three years seeds” were not included in the inventory (they are propagated
of the systems. They used both, annual crops such as beans and by vegetative means, and the stems for planting were acquired
corn, and bi-annual crops such as cassava and sugarcane. Beans from older plantations located in the neighbouring farms. There-
and cassava are mainly used for human consumption, while corn fore, due to the lack of information on these neighbouring farms,
and sugarcane are used as animal feed. As the AFS canopy became associated emissions could not be accounted for).
dense, production of these staples moved to the area surrounding
the AFS. Farmers also benefit from other ecosystem services (ES)
provided by their AFS. The most evident benefits enjoyed by the 3.3. Global warming potential
households are shade and the aesthetic benefit of the AFSs.
After subtracting all negative impacts associated with the
3.2. Life inventory assessment results inputs needed to establish and manage the AFSs (Table 3), from
the CO2 captured and stored in the systems, we found the global
The nursery process modelled to represent seedlings production warming potential of (279); (496); (433); (475) and
is presented in Table 2. (263) t CO2 eq, for AFS I, II, III, IV and V, respectively, (i.e. CO2
The LCI data related to the AFS establishment and management was stored in the systems, represented by negative emissions),
are summarised in Table 3. For the AFS establishment, first soil was Fig. 3.

Table 1
Characteristics of the agroforestry system studied in Santa Lucia rural settlement.

Characteristic Unit AFS I AFS II AFS III AFS IV AFS V

Age years 10 12 15 14 10
AFS area ha 0.65 0.50 1.00 2.43 0.50
Density trees 390 730 410 662 546
Number of un. 41 40 66 80 38
Composition % native 65 50 64 74 61
% exotic 34 50 36 26 39
Height * m 3.74 (2.31) 5.23 (4.65) 5.02 (2.61) 8.24 (4.86) 3.92 (2.02)
Diameter * cm 13.4 (12.0) 16.6 (15.7) 18.9 (14.7) 18.4 (14.5) 13.7 (9.7)
Average density g cm3 0.80 0.61 0.64 0.66 0.51
Fruit species Species – Acrocomia – Anacardium – Acrocomia aculeata – Acrocomia aculeata – Acrocomia aculeata
aculeata occidentale – Anacardium – Anacardium – Anacardium
– Citrus reticulata – Carica papaya occidentale occidentale occidentale
– Citrus sinensis – Citrus reticulata – Citrus reticulata – Carica papaya – Annona muricata
– Dipteryx alata – Citrus sinensis – Citrus sinensis – Citrus reticulata – Citrus reticulata
– Mangifera indica – Cocos nucifera – Cocos nucifera – Citrus sinensis – Citrus sinensis
– Persea americana – Dipteryx alata – Dipteryx alata – Cocos nucifera – Dipteryx alata
– Psidium guajava – Jacaratia spinosa – Genipa americana – Genipa americana – Jacaratia spinosa
– Mangifera indica – Mangifera indica – Jacaratia spinosa – Mangifera indica
– Musa paradisíaca – Musa paradisíaca – Mangifera indica – Musa paradisíaca
– Persea americana – Psidium guajava – Persea americana – Persea americana
– Psidium guajava – Psidium guajava – Psidium guajava

* Values in brackets represent standard deviation.

344 G.C. Martinelli et al. / World Development 122 (2019) 339–348

Table 3
Life cycle inventory for the production of a one-hectare standing agroforestry system.

Amount Amount
Land ha 1 1 1 1 1
Seedlings p 429 803 451 728 600
Maize seeds kg 19 14 15 20 16
Beans seeds kg 5 10 13 18 13
Dolomitic limestone kg 1300 2000 1500 2000 1600
Cattle manure kg 2400 6600 2700 3300 3900
Diesel (soil preparation) kg 30 30 30 30 30
Transport, freight, lorry 3.5–7.5 metric ton t km-1 6 12 7 11 9
Carbon stored in live biomass t 20 80 61 73 16
Carbon stored in litter t 4 3 5 4 4
Carbon stored in soil 0–40 cm t 52 52 52 52 52
Production of fruit t 52 176 27 76 80
Production of corn t 3.4 2.5 2.7 3.6 2.8
Production of cassava t 13 10 11 7 10
Production of beans t 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.5
Production of sugarcane t 10 12

Fig. 3. Global warming potential of agroforestry systems.

4. Discussion from 0.33 to 1.11 t CO2 eq. per ha (Raucci et al., 2015); in the Brazil-
ian Northeast region, melon production presented 21 t CO2 eq. per
4.1. Global warming mitigation potential ha for conservationist system to 25 t CO2 eq. per ha for the conven-
tional system (De Santos et al., 2018). In peach production in Spain,
Emissions associated with AFSs occurred mainly during the emissions varied from 4.6 to 6 t CO2 eq. per ha, depending on the
establishment phase, and the following three years, when inter- year (Vinyes, Gasol, & Asin, 2015). In different farming systems
cropping was practiced. This is consistent with past findings in Switzerland it varied from 2.1 to 4.4 t CO2 eq. per ha
regarding agroforestry (Albrecht & Kandji, 2003), forestry (Nemecek et al., 2011).
(Brunori et al., 2017), and agricultural production, where soil man- Furthermore, in forestry, the production of eucalyptus (average
agement, diesel burned in machinery, and liming and manure annual increment 10 m3 ha-1) and maritime pine (average annual
application drive most of the emissions (De Figueirêdo et al., increment 6 m3 ha-1) in Portugal presented maximal emissions of
2013; Nemecek, Dubois, Huguenin-Elie, & Gaillard, 2011; De 0.02 and 0.01 t CO2 eq. per m3 of eucalyptus and pine respectively
Santos, Nunes, Giongo, Barros, & de Figueirêdo, 2018). Emissions (Dias & Arroja, 2012). For 50 years normalized value, pine forest in
associated with transport and seedling production were very low the Pacific Northwest of North America, emissions reached 8.6 t
compared to liming and diesel emissions. Nevertheless, given the CO2 eq. ha, of which 84% results from management practices
negative values of GWP, the final results confirm the capacity of (Sonne, 2006). A 34 year-old English oak plantation in Italy pre-
biodiverse AFSs to mitigate emissions from the initial phase and sented values of 339 t CO2 eq. per ha, with values of carbon stocks
reach positive C storage throughout their life cycle. reaching positive balance after the fourth year after establishment
Conducting direct comparisons among LCA studies would be (Brunori et al., 2017).
incoherent since they usually differ in many methodological
aspects (e.g. goal and scope definition, functional units, impact cat- 4.2. Food, fodder, and other ecosystem services
egory, and study region). Nevertheless, the results of some studies
are presented to give an idea of the GWP from AFSs in our study Although the AFS have a significant potential for storing carbon,
and other agricultural and forestry activities. We found values farmers must have other strong motivations to maintain the sys-
between 263 and 496 t CO2 eq. per ha in this study, while tems standing once they receive no payment for carbon sequestra-
results for soybean production in Mato Grosso State, Brazil varied tion and face high land opportunity costs (Ickowitz et al., 2017;
G.C. Martinelli et al. / World Development 122 (2019) 339–348 345

Scherr, 1995). We identify that farmers derive their main benefits Murdiyarso, Brockhaus, Sunderlin, & Verchot, 2012; Reynolds,
by using the fruits produced in the systems (Table 1). Farmers 2012).
derive direct economic benefits by selling fresh fruit, homemade However, in order to reach success, agroforestry projects must
jelly, and jam to the local Farmers Market. In addition, they also be supported by national and regional environmental and agricul-
supply their products to public schools. This is made possible by tural policy (Simelton, Catacutan, Dao, Dam, & Le, 2017). Despite
the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), which supports the many advances in agricultural and environmental policies in Brazil
commercialization of family farm’s production for schools in Brazil in the last decades, at the ground level, many rural households are
(FNDE, 2014). Also, there are indirect economic benefits by avoid- still far from receiving benefits considered essential to thrive, such
ing expenditures with food for the household or fodder for animals. as technical assistance and financial support (Flaviana, Antonio, &
By using LCA and allocating the environmental burdens to the Ana, 2018; Medina et al., 2015). This consequently hinderis the
standing trees, we identified that the fruit from these AFSs might country’s sustainable development. With more than 4.3 million
be considered carbon-neutral (Birkenberg & Birner, 2018; Tilman, family farms in Brazil, there are many opportunities to establish
Hill, & Lehman, 2006). Aligned to the fact that the AFSs have an small-scale biodiverse agroforestry projects. For instance, in rural
agroecological character, carbon-neutral fruit and bioproducts of settlements, there are 972.289 households countrywide, that could
the systems could benefit from eco-friendly labels (e.g. organic, benefit from agroforestry (INCRA, 2017). Also, AF in rural settle-
carbon-free), and therefore reach better prices in the market ments, aiming at food, wood and fodder production, could help
(Kilian, Hettinga, Jiménez, Molina, & White, 2012; Schaefer & to avoid the exploitation of the communal legal reserve (Alif,
Blanke, 2014). Sahide, & Giessen, 2015; Boffa, Kindt, Katumba, Jourget, &
In addition to fruit provision, we identified that farmers motiva- Turyomurugyendo, 2008; Garrastazú et al., 2015).
tions to maintain their AFS are also related to other cultural and
regulating ES. First, the households benefit from the fact that the
AFSs were established around their homes. Thus, the trees create 5. Conclusions
a microclimate that alleviates heat stress, especially in hot summer
days. This is an important characteristic of the AFS since there is Facing the global challenges regarding poverty in rural regions
strong evidence linking the presence of trees to human health and environmental impacts from agriculture, the results of this
(Donovan et al., 2013; Suminah, Sulistyantara, & Budiarti, 2017). study confirm the importance of agroforestry systems for family
Second, the aesthetic benefits households derive from the AFSs farmers in a rural settlement regarding the provision of food, fod-
stands as an important characteristic for them; they appreciated der and other ecosystem services. Farmers may have many motiva-
the green around their house, as in a home garden, and have tions to keep their systems standing, however, the project’s design,
favourite trees that have particular value because of their blossom focusing on financial and technical support during the establish-
(e.g. Handroanthus ochraceus, and H. heptaphyllus). ment, nonetheless played a central role in their decision. Moreover,
Although farmers have benefited in many ways from the AFSs fruit production and access to markets contribute positively to the
from the establishment up until now, the following research outcomes described.
should be carried out in the next few years, as the systems mature, While Brazil increases the efforts to avoid environmental
to confirm their capacity of contributing to environmental benefits impacts from agriculture, either by new environmental agree-
and livelihoods in the long term (Reed et al., 2017). For example, ments or laws, we cannot forget that around 29 million people
forestry inventories should be carried out more frequently, in order are living in rural areas across the country and that most of them
to provide a better understanding of AFS growth dynamics and to rely on agriculture and natural resources (IBGE, 2010). Therefore,
assess the maximum capacity of these systems to store carbon. projects focusing on sustainable agriculture, such as the low car-
Efforts also should be taken to assess the AFSs’ contribution to bon agriculture, should consider environmental and socioeco-
the household, in economic and nutritional terms, originating rel- nomic impacts simultaneously, to improve the environment and
evant information to policymakers (Rasmussen et al., 2017). livelihoods (Jung, Rasmussen, Watkins, Newton, & Agrawal, 2017;
Medina et al., 2015). As economic feasibility of AFS projects have
been confirmed across the country (Arco-verde, 2008; Dube
4.3. GEF Rio Formoso et al., 2002; Martinelli, Schlindwein, Padovan, & Gimenes, 2019;
Nunoo & Owusu, 2015), attention should be increased to provide
This study does not allow a complete evaluation of the success farmers with comprehensive technical knowledge to establish
or failure of the GEF Rio Formoso project; however, under the their AFS, and the development of markets for agroforestry prod-
scope of the present analysis, we see the outcomes as very positive. ucts (Flaviana et al., 2018; Rasmussen et al., 2017; Wittman &
The focus on local environmental protection through agroforestry, Blesh, 2017).
promoted local direct and indirect benefits to households, as well The Life cycle assessment methodology proved to be an effec-
as public goods, through carbon sequestration. In addition to the tive technique to assess the environmental performance of AFS,
diffusion of biodiverse agroforestry systems, the project also pro- mainly due to its capacity for accounting for other source of emis-
moted social learning among farmers at the SLRS. The possibility sions associated with AFS establishment and management (e.g.
of selling products at farmer markets was also identified as a pos- upstream emissions, land use, land use change), which is a concern
itive way for social interaction and experiences exchange regarding agroforestry projects (Albrecht & Kandji, 2003; Jindal
(Borremans, Marchand, Visser, & Wauters, 2018). Despite the et al., 2012). Therefore, LCA can give a more precise estimate on
recognition that the AFSs require more labour than common net global warming mitigation potential from AFS and AFS prod-
monoculture crops, all farmers visited show satisfaction with their ucts. This is a relevant topic, as LCA is the standard tool to assess
SAF. the environmental performance of agricultural products and grant
Furthermore, this was a voluntary-adoption project that pro- them with Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), i.e. type III
vided only initial financial and technical support to farmers, and environmental declaration (Cerutti et al., 2014; Schau & Fet,
therefore seems less bureaucratic than projects focusing on long- 2008). Although still challenging, future studies should use a life
term payment for ES, which needs a great deal of governmental cycle thinking approach, including in addition to environmental
and institutional organization to succeed (Alemagi, Duguma, aspects, economic and social impacts assessment, under the same
Minang, & Nkeumoe, 2015; Cerbu, Sonwa, & Pokorny, 2013; scope.
346 G.C. Martinelli et al. / World Development 122 (2019) 339–348

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