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SAMPLE 27 communication

In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-
face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?

One of the most conspicuous trends in today’s world is doing variety kinds of day to day activities online
without in person contact. Personally, I utterly opine think that being online person rather than
appearing physically in the real place…performing daily activities virtually using online means instead of
being present in the real place… is really a positive phenomenon, and the next paragraphs will elaborate
more on that.

The primary merit of using online means to finish your daily duties is that it will save people’s time,
effort and finance. Going shopping on Internet platforms, for instance, will would help people you to
match your their preference in a few time instead of preparing yourself themselves and taking a drive or
even walk plenty of steps to reach out the mall and spending hours to look for and catch special item in
a particular design. Not only (after it comes verb) would relying on internet can save your time and
effort, but also will save your money. as well. Commuting to work using conventional transportation
means, for example, will not probably be free of charge. Therefore, instead than having to pay for
transportation fees people can work online.

Moreover, using online techniques is convenient and viable strategy to communicate with others. To
illustrate, all of us… many people have access to the Internet in recent time. You where they can go
online whenever they want to speak with whoever they want, wherever they are. Instead of splashing
out your money to book for…a flight ticket in order to visit long-lost friends, for example, you people
can call them by different kinds of social media and get an answer… ……using online applications over
calling while they are at their comfort of their house. Thanks for the advanced technologies which helps
to lead an easily lifestyle.

To conclude, having the high possibility to save your time, efforts and money as well as being able to
communicate with others in an easy way are the reasons why I think using technology to fulfill your
duties is a very positive trend.

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