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Homework 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.

Q. Which of the following solute(s) would form an electrolytic solution in water?
Explain your reasoning.
a. NaNO3
Sodium nitrate is an ionic compound composed of sodium ions Na+ and nitrate
ions NO3-. When it dissolves in water, it dissociates into Na+ and NO3- ions, making
it an electrolytic solution.

b. C6H12O6 —>
Glucose is a covalent compound that does not dissociate into ions in water.
Therefore, it does not form an electrolytic solution.

c. FeCI3 —>
Ferric chloride is an ionic compound composed of iron(III) ions Fe 3+ and chloride
ions Cl-. When it dissolves in water, it dissociates into Fe3+ and Cl- ions, making it an
electrolytic solution.

Q. What happens when additional solute is added to a saturated solution that is
being heated?
A. When additional solute is added to a saturated solution that is being heated,
the solute will dissolve further in the solution due to increased kinetic energy of
the solvent molecules. This occurs because the higher temperature allows the
solvent molecules to break the intermolecular forces and incorporate more solute
particles into the solution. The equilibrium of the saturated solution is disturbed,
and more solute can be accommodated until a new equilibrium is reached. In
some cases, the solution may become supersaturated if the solute concentration
exceeds its equilibrium solubility, potentially resulting in the formation of a
Q. Is CCI4 more likely to form a solution in water or benzene
(C6H6)? Explain your reasoning.
A. CCl4 is more likely to form a solution in benzene C6H6. The rule "like dissolves
like" suggests that CCl4 is soluble in benzene because both CCl4 and benzene are

Q. The Henry's law constant k for O2 in aqueous solution is 1.3 × 10-3 mol/(L x atm)
at 25°C. When a diver is at a depth of 240 m, the pressure is approximately 25
atm. Calculate the equilibrium solubility of O2 at this depth (25°C) in units of
C = (1.3 × 10-3 mol/(L x atm)) * 25 atm
C = 3.25 × 10-2 mol/L

Q. Calculate the composition of each of the following solutions in % (m/V):
a. 0.700 g KCI in 1.00 mL solution —> (.7g/1.00mL) x 100 = 70%
b. 95.2 g MgCl2 in 0.250 L solution —> (95.2g/250mL) x 100 =38.1%

Q. Calculate the composition of each of the following solutions in % (m/m):
a. 21.0 g NaCI in 1.00 x 102 g solution
A. (21.0g/1.00 x 102g) x 100 = 21%
b. 21.0 g NaCl in 5.00 x 102 mL solution (d = 1.12 g/mL)
A. (21.0g/(5.00 x 102g x 1.12g/mL)) x 100 =3.75%

Q. How many mL of a 4.0% (m/V) Mg(NO3)2 solution would contain 1.2 g of
magnesium nitrate?
A. (1.2g/(volume)) x 100 = 4.0% —> volume = 30mL

Q. A solution contains 1.0 mg of Cu2+ per 0.50 kg solution. Calculate the
concentration in ppm.
A. ((1.0 x 10-3g)/500g) x 106 = 2ppm
Q. Which solution is more concentrated: a 20 ppt solution or a 200 pm solution?
A. 20ppt is more concentrated.

Q. Calculate the molarity of 5.0 L of solution containing 2.5 mol HNO 3.
A. 2.5mol/5.0L = 0.50mol/L

Q. Calculate the number of g of solute that would be needed to make each of the
following solutions:
a. 2.50 x 102 mL of 0.100 M NaCI
A. (.250L x .100M) x (22.99+35.45) = 1.46g
b. 2.50 x 102 mL of 0.200 M C6H12O6. (glucose)
A. (.250L x .200M) x ((6 x 12.01)+(12 x 1.008)+(6 x 16.00)) = 9.01g

Q. A 50.0-mL sample of a 0.250 M sucrose solution was diluted to 5.00 × 10 2 mL.
What is the molar concentration of the resulting solution?
A. (50mL/500mL) x 0.250M = 0.0250M

Q. A 6.00-mL portion of an 8.00 M stock solution is to be diluted to 0.400 M. What
will be the final volume after dilution?
A. (8.00M/0.400M) x 6.00mL = 120mL

Q. What is meant by the term colligative property?
A. They are solution properties that depend on the concentration of the solute
particles, rather than the identity of the solute. There are four such properties.
a. Vapor pressure lowering.
b. Freezing point depression.
c. Boiling point elevation.
d. Osmotic pressure.
a. Calculate the freezing temperature of 1.50 m urea, N2H4CO. Urea is a
covalent compound.
A. -2.79 degrees Celsius.
b. Calculate the freezing temperature of 1.50 m LiBr, an ionic compound.
A. -5.58 degrees Celsius.

a. Calculate the boiling temperature of 1.50 m urea, N2H4CO. Urea is a
covalent compound.
A. (.52 x 1.50) + 100 = 100.78C
b. Calculate the boiling temperature of 1.50 m LiBr, an ionic compound
A. (.52 x 2 x 1.50) + 100 = 101.56C

Q. Why is it important to distinguish between electrolytes and nonelectrolytes
when discussing colligative properties?
A. Distinguishing between electrolytes and nonelectrolytes is important when
discussing colligative properties because electrolytes, which dissociate into ions,
have a greater impact on colligative properties due to their ability to contribute a
higher number of particles to the solution. Nonelectrolytes, on the other hand, do
not dissociate into ions and have a lesser effect on colligative properties.
Understanding the nature of the solute (electrolyte or nonelectrolyte) helps
predict and interpret the extent of colligative property changes in a solution.

Q. Explain why a dialysis solution must have a low sodium ion concentration if it is
designed to remove excess sodium ions from the blood.
A. A dialysis solution must have a low sodium ion concentration if it aims to
remove excess sodium ions from the blood because dialysis works based on the
principle of diffusion. By creating a concentration gradient, the solution with a low
sodium ion concentration allows sodium ions from the blood, which has a higher
concentration, to diffuse into the dialysis solution. This facilitates the removal of
excess sodium ions from the blood during the dialysis process.
Q. Explain why a dialysis solution must have an elevated potassium ion
concentration when loss of potassium ions from the blood is a concern.
A. A dialysis solution must have an elevated potassium ion concentration when
loss of potassium ions from the blood is a concern to ensure a concentration
gradient that promotes the diffusion of potassium ions from the dialysis solution
into the blood, helping to restore and maintain appropriate potassium levels.

Q. Describe the clinical effects of elevated concentrations of sodium ions in the
A. Elevated concentrations of sodium ions in the blood (hypernatremia) can lead
to symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, restlessness, irritability, confusion,
seizures, and in severe cases, coma. It can disrupt the balance of water in the
body, affect cellular function, and impact the central nervous system. Prompt
medical intervention is necessary to address hypernatremia and restore
electrolyte balance.

Q. Describe conditions that can lead to dangerously low concentrations of
potassium in the blood.
A. Conditions that can lead to dangerously low concentrations of potassium in the
blood (hypokalemia) include excessive vomiting or diarrhea, the use of certain
diuretic medications, kidney diseases impairing potassium reabsorption, excessive
sweating, malnutrition, and certain hormonal disorders such as
hyperaldosteronism or Cushing's syndrome. Hypokalemia can disrupt the normal
functioning of muscles, including the heart, leading to weakness, muscle cramps,
irregular heartbeat, fatigue, and in severe cases, life-threatening cardiac
arrhythmias. Prompt medical evaluation and treatment are necessary to address
hypokalemia and restore potassium levels.

Q. A potassium chloride solution that also contains 5% (m/V) dextrose is
administered intravenously to treat some forms of malnutrition. The potassium
ion concentration in this solution is 40 meq/L. Calculate the potassium ion
concentration in mol/L.
A. (40 x 10-3)/1 = .04

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