Demonstrative Adjective Quiz

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Lighthouse Baptist School

Rest in the Grace’s God. Titus 2:11

English Quiz – 15pts

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a demonstrative adjective?

2. Write the difference (structure) of a demonstrative adjectives and a demonstrative pronoun.

3. Write 3 examples (statements) of demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronoun.

4. When you can use “this” and “that”?

5. When you can use “these” and “those”?

II. Complete each sentence with one of the following demonstrative words: this, that, these,
those. Label them as adjectives or pronouns.
a) Adjective Pronoun
1. Do you see ______ bird over there?
b) Adjective Pronoun
2. __________ newspaper I’m holding has today’s news.
3. Place the vase on _______ table in the corner. c) Adjective Pronoun
4. Mary wants _________ lamps displayed on the top shelf. d) Adjective Pronoun
5. _________ is the best movie I’ve ever seen. e) Adjective Pronoun
6. _________ shoes are hurting my feet. f) Adjective Pronoun
7. Could you toss me one of _______ pillows? g) Adjective Pronoun
8. How much is _______ jacket hanging on the far rack? h) Adjective Pronoun
9. Jamal thinks _______ peaches in my basket have gone bad. i) Adjective Pronoun
10. _______ children across the street are jumping rope. j) Adjective Pronoun

III. Read the conversation. Underline the demonstrative adjective and demonstrative
pronoun you can find. Circle the nouns or verbs too.

Tonya: These peaches are very hard. Do you have any more? I want to eat one
Fruit seller: Sure, this one here is ripe.
Tonya: Great! How much are those pineapples behind you?
Fruit seller: They’re fifty cent each.
Tonya: Ok. I’ll take that big one, on the right.
Fruit seller: Here you are! That is $3.45 in total please.
Tonya: Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

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