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Issue Editor Foreword

Considering Principles of Learning

in the Treatment of Acquired
Communication Disorders

This issue considers principles of learning in the carried out by speech–language pathologists
treatment of acquired communication disorders, within multidisciplinary teams caring for
specifically incorporating a study that examines adolescents experiencing prolonged concussive
intervention for adolescents with acquired brain syndrome (PCS). Wright, Sohlberg, Watson-Stites,
injury and four studies that examine principles and McCart (2020) report on the number and
of learning as they apply to aphasia. The types of incidents associated with PCS in
predominance of articles on learning in aphasia adolescents, they outline methods of intervention
represents a bit of a shift, as traditionally work in utilized to address academic goals for students,
aphasia has focused on characterizing the and consider the relative effectiveness of
language deficits that define and are central to categories of interventions. The article addresses
aphasia and on evaluating the effectiveness of learning from two perspectives: (1) the return
interventions for aphasia. Increasingly, however, to learning as a goal, and (2) learning as an
studies are identifying the presence of cognitive integral component of cognitive rehabilitation
deficits in aphasia (see Lesniak, Bak, Czepiel, strategies.
Seniow, & Czlonkowska, 2008 for review) and the Guidelines for treatment following concussion
potential influence this may have on an individual are predominantly position statements or
with aphasia’s interaction with and progress with descriptions of unique implementations models.
therapy. Authors present the current work as a means of
Learning, defined as “knowledge or skill examining existing cases and building foundations
acquired by instruction or study” (Merriam upon which future empirical studies can be
Webster Dictionary, n.d.), is central to the process designed to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive
of rehabilitation (Hopper & Holland, 2005). rehabilitation interventions.
Rehabilitation aims to bring about a reduction of
impairments and/or improvement in function
through instruction, practice, education, and the PRACTICE SCHEDULES OF LEARNING
development of strategies. Therefore, although
not the core deficit in communication disorders, In a review article, Middleton, Shuchard, and
learning is a critical component for developing Rawson (2020) report on a body of psychological
tailored intervention approaches that can target research that has examined how practice
goals while utilizing appropriate supporting schedules influence rates and retention of new
cognitive networks and skills. knowledge. In the first part of the review, the
authors identify four key principles of practice
LEARNING WAYS TO RETURN TO LEARN schedules that have been repeatedly identified as
meaningful to promote long-term retention of
learning in participants without neurological
The first article of this special issue is the report
of a case series analysis of therapy practices
1. Item repetition—in succession (massed)
versus after intervening trials (spaced):
Separating trial repetitions with more than
one intervening trial enhances long-term
The author has indicated that she has no financial and retention of learning.
no nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
2. Item lag: In a spaced practice schedule,
DOI: 10.1097/TLD.0000000000000210 longer lags between trial repetitions

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
promote greater long-term retention of upon language and has been explored as an
learning. avenue to support aphasia intervention.
3. Item distribution—within session versus
across session: Training items across two WORD LEARNING IN APHASIA
sessions rather than within a single session
promotes long-term retention of learning. In contrast to priming, which is considered
4. Session lag: Longer lags between sessions implicit and as occurring below conscious
promote greater long-term retention of awareness, in most instances of learning, the
learning. learner is aware that learning is the goal or is
In the second part of the review, authors taking place. Coran, Rodriguez-Fornells,
examine results from research involving Ramos-Escobar, Martin, and Laine (2020) report
individuals with aphasia that manipulates on a word-learning paradigm carried out with
principles of distributed practice in studies conscious intention by individuals with aphasia.
evaluating the effectiveness of naming and Over the course of 4 weeks, individuals with
language interventions. This review brings forth aphasia engaged in two weekly hours of training
interesting and important clinical implications for in which they learned to recognize and repeat
therapy. Although in current practice target names associated with images. Authors
speech–language pathologists work closely with probe the novel hypothesis that repeated practice
individuals with aphasia to determine the targets with learning will lead to associated
of therapy and the approaches to be used, improvements in verbal short-term memory,
minimal attention is paid to details such as the evaluating learning results as they relate to
spacing of repeated trials and lag between cognitive–linguistic and memory measures.
sessions. In a clinical context where therapy Authors additionally examine the structural
sessions are often limited, any application of integrity of the arcuate fasciculus to gain insights
principles that can enhance the improvements into the relationship between the integrity of the
brought about through therapy should be dorsal language pathway and word learning in
considered and incorporated when possible. aphasia.
Study results suggest that verbal short-term
PRIMING IN APHASIA memory improves as a result of repeated novel
word-learning practice, demonstrating that
The next article in the issue is the report of an learning is not only a vehicle for therapy but that
experimental study that examines priming the act of learning can bring about cognitive
behaviors in individuals with aphasia and change.
controls. Silkes, Baker, and Love (2020) examine
priming effects—whether a participant responds ATTENTIONAL ALLOCATION DURING
faster to a target that is preceded by a related LEARNING IN APHASIA
stimulus (prime) than when preceded by an
unrelated stimulus—under a variety of Finally, Vallila-Rohter and Czupryna (2020)
prime–target conditions. Authors manipulated the report on an experimental study that utilizes eye
time interval between prime and target and also tracking to examine attentional allocation during
manipulated the linguistic load of targets (e.g., category learning in a group of individuals with
words vs. shapes), with the goal of better aphasia and age-matched controls. Research has
understanding priming in aphasia. documented the presence of deficits in attention
This study brings forth the important notion in individuals with aphasia relative to controls
that learning can be carried out consciously or (e.g., Murray, 2012; Peach, Newhoff, & Rubin,
without conscious awareness. Much of conscious 1993; Villard & Kiran, 2015) and prior work in
learning depends upon reasoning, hypothesis category learning has identified reduced learning
testing, and feedback processing, which may ability in individuals with aphasia (Vallila-Rohter &
draw upon language and thus be impacted by Kiran, 2013, 2015). Authors aimed to examine
language impairments. Learning that is carried out patterns of visual attention during learning to gain
without conscious awareness does not depend insights into the process of learning.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Stimulus animals comprised four features, each considerations. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation,
predicting category membership with a different 21(4), 315–322.
degree of reliability (77% vs. 55% of trials). Prior Learning [Def. 2]. (n.d.). In
studies using this task (Rehder & Hoffman, 2005) Retrieved January 10, 2020, from https://www
have demonstrated that through the course of
learning, participants adjust their attentional Lesniak, M., Bak, T., Czepiel, W., Seniów, J., &
allocation, focusing only on features that are Członkowska, A. (2008). Frequency and prognostic
highly predictive of category membership be the value of cognitive disorders in stroke patients.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 26(4),
end of training. Findings suggest that older adults
and individuals with aphasia may have difficulty
Middleton, E., Schuchard, J., & Rawson, K. (2020). A
inhibiting visual distractors and/or shifting visual
review of the application of distributed practice
attention drawing attention to the importance of principles to naming treatment in aphasia. Topics in
considering the visual demands of materials Language Disorders, 40(1), 36–53.
presented in therapy. Murray, L. L. (2012). Attention and other cognitive
Together, this collection of articles touches deficits in aphasia: Presence and relation to language
upon manipulations to contexts of learning that and communication measures. American Journal of
can contribute to variable success with learning Speech–Language Pathology, 21(2), S51–S64.
and long-term retention of information. There are Peach, R. K., Newhoff, M., & Rubin, S. S. (1993).
many more variables of learning (e.g., further Attention in aphasia as revealed by event-related
manipulations of schedule and intensity, potentials: A preliminary investigation. Clinical
additional methods of implicit and explicit Aphasiology, 21, 323–333.
instruction, and modality and timing of feedback Rehder, B., & Hoffman, A. B. (2005). Thirty-something
presentation) that can impact learning outcomes. categorization results explained: Selective attention,
Given that learning is central to the process of eye tracking, and models of category learning.
rehabilitation, individualizing intervention Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
approaches for individuals with communication Memory, and Cognition, 31(5), 811.
disorders likely depends upon evaluations of the Silkes, J., Baker, C., & Love, T. (2020). The time course
strength and weakness of the language system, of primary in aphasia: An exploration of learning
along a continuum of linguistic processing demands.
considerations of functional goals, and also on
Topics in Language Disorders, 40(1), 54–80.
evaluations of learning and additional cognitive
Vallila-Rohter, S., & Czupryna, B. (2020). Investigating
systems that are recruited in the process of
attentional allocation with eye tracking during
rehabilitation that enable and support category learning in people with aphasia. Topics in
intervention. Understanding these principles is Language Disorders, 40(1), 110–123.
essential to developing, selecting, and carrying Vallila-Rohter, S., & Kiran, S. (2013). Non-linguistic
out interventions in ways that will promote learning and aphasia: Evidence from a paired
maximal gains for individuals with associate and feedback-based task.
communication disorders. Neuropsychologia, 51(1), 79–90.
Vallila-Rohter, S., & Kiran, S. (2015). An examination of
—Sofia Vallila-Rohter, PhD, CCC-SLP
strategy implementation during abstract nonlinguistic
MGH Institute of Health Professions
category learning in aphasia. Journal of Speech,
Boston, Massachusetts Language, and Hearing Research, 58(4), 1195–1209. Villard, S., & Kiran, S. (2015). Between-session
intra-individual variability in sustained, selective, and
integrational non-linguistic attention in aphasia.
Neuropsychologia, 66, 204–212.
Coran, M., Rodriguez-Fornells, A., Ramos-Escobar, N., Wright, J., Sohlberg, M. M., Watson-Stites, R., & McCart,
Martin, N., & Laine, M. (2020). Word learning in M. (2020). Identification of key therapy ingredients
aphasia: Treatment implications and structural for SLPs serving on multidisciplinary teams
connectivity analyses. Topics in Language facilitating return to learn for students with
Disorders, 40(1), 81–109. prolonged cognitive effects after concussion: A
Hopper, T., & Holland, A. L. (2005). Aphasia and retrospective case series analysis. Topics in
learning in adults: Key concepts and clinical Language Disorders, 40(1), 6–35.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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