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Answers Week 1 - Introduction

April 3, 2017

1.4 Idea: draw the function derived from the signal x[n] that is provided.

 if n = 1
a) x[n − 2] = 2 if 2 ≤ n ≤ 5

0 else

 if n = 4
b) x[3 − n] = 2 if 0 ≤ n ≤ 3

0 else

 if n = 0
c) x[n − 1]u[n] = 2 if 1 ≤ n ≤ 4

0 else

−2 if n = 0
d) x[n − 1]δ[n] =
0 else

−2 if n = 2
e) x[1 − n]δ[n − 2] =
0 else

1.6 Idea: an sketch of a signal is provided and you have to express the signal in terms of the
standard signals (unit pulse (dutch: eenheids-sample), unit step (dutch: eenheidsstap) and
ramp (dutch: eenheidshelling) function).
a) x[n] = 3u[n − 1].
b) x[n] = −2δ[n + 2].
c) x[n] = r[n + 4] − r[n] − 2r[n − 7] + 2r[n − 9].
1.7 Idea: sketch the given signals

0 if n < 2
a) −u[n − 2] =
−1 if n ≥ 2

0 if n < −1

1 if n = −1
b) u[n + 1] + δ[n] =
 if n=0

1 if n>0

 if n < −2
c) 2u[n + 2] − u[3 − n] = 1 if − 2 ≤ n ≤ 3

2 if n > 3

 0 if n≤0

 1 if n=1

 2 if n=2

d) r[n] − 2r[n − 3] = 3 if n=3
1 if n=4

−1 if n=5


1.8 Idea: a sigal is periodic if
a) Periodic with period N = 18.
b) Not periodic.
c) Not periodic.
πn πn
d) Hint: simplify x[n] first such that x[n] is described in terms of sin 5 and cos 10 .
Periodic with period N = 20.
1.11 Idea: you prove a system is invertible by providing the inverse system and you prove a
system is not invertable by showing two distinct input singals (or parts of them) correspond
to the same output signal (or part of it).

a) Invertible with T inv (x[n]) = x[2 − n].
b) Not invertible. Counter example: x1 [n] = (−1)n and x2 [n] = −(−1)n both provide
y[n] = −1 for all n.
c) Not invertible. Counter example: no matter what you choose for x[0], y[0] will always
be 0.
1.12 Idea: first provide the recurrence formula of Figure 1.22 and compute the pulse response
and step response.

Impuls response is

h[k] = (−α)k−1

If |α| < 1 then |h[k]| → 0 for k → ∞. Thus, the system is stable.

If |α| > 1 then |h[k]| → ∞ for k → ∞. Thus, the system is not stable.

Step response is

1 − (−αk )
y[k] =
If |α| < 1 then |y[k]| → 0 for k → ∞. Thus, the system is stable.
If |α| > 1 then |y[k]| → ∞ for k → ∞. Thus, the system is not stable.
1.14 The block diagram is

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