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Castillo, Veronica, Laszlo Benkovics, Carlos Cobos, Daniel Demuro, and Alejandro
Franco, 2017, Perla field: The largest discovery ever in Latin America, in
R. K. Merrill and C. A. Sternbach, eds., Giant fields of the decade 2000–2010:
AAPG Memoir 113, p. 141–152.

Perla Field: The Largest Discovery

Ever in Latin America
Veronica Castillo, Laszlo Benkovics, and Carlos Cobos
Repsol USA, 2455 Technology Forest Blvd., The Woodlands, Texas 77381, U.S.A.

Daniel Demuro
Repsol Colombia, Calle 77 # 7 – 44 piso 13, Apto. Aéreo 110221, Bogotá D.C., Colombia

Alejandro Franco
Repsol, c/ Mendez Alvaro 44, 2, Madrid 28045, Spain

Perla gas field is a world-class giant and one of the most significant in Latin America in
the last decade. The field was discovered in August 2009. It is the largest gas field in Latin
­America with approximately 17 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas in place, or 3.1 BBOE. The field,
located in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Venezuela, was discovered, and is operated by
Cardon IV S.A., a 50/50 joint operating company formed by Repsol and Eni.
The Perla discovery is important because it is a Play opener for the southern Caribbean do-
main, triggering a new exploration cycle in the region and proving a previously unknown Ter-
tiary thermogenic petroleum system. The discovery well encountered a thick carbonate section
(240 m [787 ft] thick) with excellent primary reservoir properties. The trap is a combination
structural and stratigraphic, defined by a northwest–southeast trending asymmetric faulted
structure and pinch-out of the carbonate reservoir rock to the north. The proven hydrocarbon
column exceeds 350 m (1148 ft) and is in complete hydraulic continuity, and the structural-
stratigraphic closure exceeds 100 km2 (39 mi2).

Introduction 197 ft). To the north of the basin is the Caribbean Sea;
to the south, the Maracaibo Basin (the most important
The Gulf of Venezuela is located in the northwest hydrocarbon province of Venezuela); to the southeast,
part of Venezuela and has an area of 20,000 km2 (7722 mi2), the Falcon Basin; to the east, the Paraguana Peninsula;
where water depths range from 15 to 60 m (49 to and to the west, the Guajira Peninsula (Figure 1).

Copyright ©2017 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.



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142  Castillo et al.

Figure 1. Location of the Gulf of Venezuela Basin. The map shows: 1) the Maracaibo and Falcon basins, 2) the two ex-
ploratory wells (Noroca-1X and Lamparosa-1X) drilled in the Gulf of Venezuela before the Perla discovery, 3) the wells
drilled during the 2008–2009 exploratory campaign, and 4) other wells in the Guajira Peninsula and Aruba Basin. The
blocks offered in the Phase A of the “Rafael Urdaneta” bid round are highlighted in red, whereas the blocks offered
in Phase B are highlighted in yellow. Cardon IV block is outlined in red, and its darker western portion is the current
shape, after relinquishing the eastern part of the block at the end of the exploratory phase.

The Gulf of Venezuela Basin is one of the few un- existence of a relatively stable area to the west, de-
explored basins in Venezuela, yet it is surrounded by fined as the Dabajuro platform, and a major subsid-
areas that have been well studied during the past 80 ence area to the east known as the Urumaco trough
years, including the well-known Maracaibo and Fal- (Figure 2). These two major tectonic elements define
con hydrocarbon basins. This frontier basin had only two distinctive geologic provinces in the Gulf of Ven-
two wells drilled before the 2005 Rafael Urdaneta ezuela. The western province has an autochthonous
bid round, Noroca-1X well and Lamparosa-1X well basement of continental affinity, covered by passive
(Figure 1). margin successions ranging in age from Cretaceous
The region records geological evidence of the to early ­E ocene and showing similar stratigraphy
­tectonic interaction between the Caribbean and South and petroleum system to those of the Maracaibo
American plates since the Cretaceous. This geody- ­B asin. The eastern province has an allochthonous
namic history played an important role in the devel- basement of island arc affinity, covered by Paleogene
opment of petroleum systems through time. To define and Neogene rocks deposited under extensional and
this evolution, five major tectonic phases have been transtensional stresses and showing similar stratig-
described by several authors (Pindell and ­Barret, 1990; raphy and petroleum system to those of the Falcon
Lugo and Mann, 1995; Audemard, 1993; Castillo, 2001; Basin (Figure 2).
Lugo, 2001). These tectonic phases are (1) Cretaceous The proximity to the petroleum-prolific Marac-
passive margin development, (2) late Paleocene–early aibo and Falcon basins, together with the launching
Eocene depocenter formation and erosion in the area in 2005 of the Rafael Urdaneta bid round, started a
where tectonic compensation occurs, (3) late Eocene new ­exploration phase in this unique tectonic ­setting
tectonic flexure and block faulting, (4) Oligocene–late of the Gulf of Venezuela. Exploration companies fo-
Miocene transtensional block faulting, and (5) Plio- cused on better understanding the region, specifically
cene to present Andean uplift. on the coalescence of three very different petroleum
The interaction of these tectonic events defined systems: the prolific and well-known Cretaceous–
the current configuration of the basement, with the Cretaceous and C ­ retaceous–Tertiary Maracaibo-type

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Perla Field: The Largest Discovery Ever in Latin America  143

Figure 2. Map showing the main tectonic elements in the Gulf of Venezuela area. The background is the first vertical
derivative of the Bouguer anomaly map depicting very clearly the basement trend in this region. The main transfer
fault zone in the central area is oriented northwest–southeast and defines the tectonic boundary between the autoch-
thonous geologic province in the west, and the allochthonous geologic province to the east. This transfer fault system
connects to the northwest with the Cuiza fault zone, which represents the leading edge of the allochthonous basement
on the Guajira Peninsula. The eastern limit of the Dabajuro platform with the major transfer fault zone continues to the
west toward the Guajira Peninsula and finally plunges to the southeast. The northwest–southeast-trending Urumaco
trough (gravity low) and the Paraguana Peninsula (gravity high) show very prominent gravimetric anomalies. The Falcon
anticlinorium, which is defined by west–east parallel-subparallel anticlinal structures extends toward the east from the
Dabajuro platform, developing a curved morphology near the coastline. The map also depicts a basement low north of
the Oca fault, perhaps related to a pull-apart basin developed during the lateral offset of the fault.

petroleum systems, and the less prolific Tertiary-­ a new play concept in the southern Caribbean domain,
Tertiary Falcon-type petroleum system. triggering a new exploration stage in the region. Pre-
The Perla discovery well encountered a thick car- vious exploration efforts were focused on the well-
bonate section (240 m [787 ft] thick) with excellent known Cretaceous petroleum system.
primary reservoir properties (Table 1) and proved
a previously underestimated Tertiary thermogenic
petroleum system. Four additional exploration/ap- Exploration History
praisal wells were drilled after the discovery well in
2010 and 2011, confirming the areal extent and proper- Although the hydrocarbon exploration activities in
ties of the carbonate reservoir. This discovery defined the Gulf of Venezuela began in the 1950s with the

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144  Castillo et al.

Table 1. Perla field reservoir average properties. the data package for the bid round). The primary ob-
jective was an early ­Miocene–Oligocene target (main
Initial pressure (psi) 4608 exploratory objective and reservoir in Perla field) and
Dew point (psi) 4135 a secondary ­objective of possible middle Miocene age.
The second and third exploratory phases had one well
Pe (psi) 4608
commitment each.
Depth (ft) 8899–10000 During the ­interpretation, an unconstrained elas-
Reservoir temperature (°F) 208 tic inversion of the three-dimensional seismic volume
Porosity (%) 16–31 was done using a velocity model that incorporated
Repsol’s rock physics database. This work contributed
Permeability (md) 0.06–517 (average 14)
to a better understanding of the relationship between
Water saturation (%) 17–37 reservoir properties and seismic signatures. Using the
Type of fluid Gas and Condensate seismic inversion, Cardon IV interpreters were able
API 46–48° to relate seismic signatures to different geologic sce-
narios and rock physical conditions to help reduce
Initial GOR (scf/stb) 44930 Perla-1X
exploratory risk. The study and analysis of these data
CO2 (%) 1–3.5 confirmed previous interpretations based on old 2-D
H2S (ppm) 0 seismic data. The identified exploration opportuni-
ties were defined as structural-stratigraphic prospects
in the Oligocene–early Miocene and middle Miocene
acquisition of gravimetric, magnetic, and seismic data, successions.
it was not until 40 years later that drilling activities The first exploratory well, Perla-1X, was spudded
began (Figure 1). The first well was Noroca-1X, which in June 2009 and reached total depth (TD) in Septem-
was drilled onshore in 1994 in the southwestern part ber 2009. This well, drilled in 60 m (197 ft) of water
of the basin and which tested 1000 BOPD of 33° API depth, encountered a 233-m (763-ft) hydrocarbon col-
from the early Cretaceous succession. The second well umn. The second exploratory well, Perla 2 (January
was the Lamparosa-1X well, drilled offshore in 1995 2010) found 299 m (982 ft) of net pay in a carbonate
12 km (7 mi) west of Paraguana Peninsula, which had sequence with excellent reservoir characteristics. Dur-
only minor gas shows in the early Miocene–Oligocene ing 2010 and 2011, three appraisal wells were drilled.
successions. The results from these two wells con- During this drilling campaign, 573 m (1880 ft) of core
firmed the existence of an active petroleum system in was obtained and studied; the conclusion was that
two very distinctive geological provinces of the Gulf the field’s hydrocarbon section is over 350 m (1150 ft)
of Venezuela. These results were key for the recent thick, with both horizontal and vertical hydraulic res-
exploration success in recent years. ervoir continuity. Production from the Perla gas field
In 2004, the Venezuelan government through the began in July 2015. The development concept includes
Ministerio para el Poder Popular de la Energia y el four platforms that connect to 26 wells, and the gas is
­Petroleo (MPPEP) launched the Rafael Urdaneta gas transported to coast facilities through a 30-in. (76-cm)-
bid round in two phases (Figure 1). In 2005, during diameter pipeline of approximately 72 km (116 mi)
phase B, the Eni-Repsol joint venture was awarded long.
the Cardon IV block license for a period of 30 years
effective February 2, 2006. The operator of this license
is Cardon IV SA (equally comprised by Eni and Rep- Tectonostratigraphy
sol), a Venezuelan company formed as required by
the government under the terms defined in the license The Gulf of Venezuela Basin is characterized by a
agreement. northwest–southeast trending steeply dipping trans-
The exploration period was of 4 years, with a possi- form fault system, which defines the Urumaco Trough
ble extension of 1 year, divided into three phases. Dur- (Figures 2 and 3). This fault system separates two
ing the first exploratory phase, Cardon acquired and very distinctive geological provinces characterized
processed 693 km2 (268 mi2) (700 km2 full fold) of 3-D by different basement rocks and geologic history. The
seismic data (Figure 1). Interpretation of the new data western province has an autochthonous basement
confirmed the presence of two overlapping explora- consisting of Meso-Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic con-
tory opportunities, previously identified with two-di- tinental rocks, most probably made up of a diverse
mensional seismic data (the two-dimensional seismic mosaic of blocks, including fragments of the Putu-
data were delivered by the Venezuelan government in mayo orogen (Baquero et al., 2015), Late Paleozoic

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Perla Field: The Largest Discovery Ever in Latin America  145

Figure 3. Southwest–northeast oriented regional seismic profile along the Gulf of Venezuela. In the western area, the
Dabajuro platform shows the interpreted Cretaceous passive margin overlying autochthonous basement. The basement
is interpreted as consisting of a metamorphic Paleozoic folded belt and continental Jurassic redbeds. The platform is
bounded to the east by the transfer fault system that accommodates sedimentation along the northwest–southeast
trending Urumaco trough. In the eastern area, allochthonous Mesozoic basement is overlain by Paleogene rocks.
­Geologic interpretations suggest that the older rocks are Eocene in age, and possibly Paleocene. On basement highs,
older successions are interpreted as upper Oligocene (Chattian). In this seismic profile, the blue succession correlates
with both zones of the Perla reservoir rocks dated as upper Oligocene–lower Miocene (Chattian–Aquitanian).

granite and gneiss, similar to the rocks outcropping on transtension, and (4) Middle Miocene–Present
Toas island, in the northernmost part of the Maracaibo transtension and Andean uplift.
Lake (Blaser and Dusembury, 1960; Pimentel, 1973), The chronostratigraphic chart in Figure 4 shows the
and the Guajira Peninsula (Renz, 1960; Rollins, 1965). four major megasequences within the two distinctive
The eastern province has a late Mesozoic island-arc geologic provinces that controlled the evolution of the
allochthonous basement. Gulf of Venezuela Basin. After the tectonic coupling in
In this basin, four major megasequences have the early Paleogene during the eastward escape of the
been defined based on the sequence stratigraphic Caribbean plate, these two provinces shared a com-
analysis, well and outcrop data correlation with mon sedimentary history until Present (Flinch and
age-controlled formal successions, and seismic Castillo, 2015).
interpretation. Many authors have integrated these In the western geologic province of the basin, the
data to define the megasequences and to correlate sedimentary cycle started with the deposition of a pas-
them with the major tectonic phases that shaped the sive margin succession that is very well preserved in
Gulf of Venezuela Basin from Cretaceous to Present most of western Venezuela (similar sequences are in
(Van Andel, 1958; Wheeler, 1963a, b; Coronel, the Maracaibo Basin and Guajira Peninsula; ­Figure 4).
1967, 1970; Feo Codecido, 1968; Mac Donald, 1968; It is assumed that the entire gulf area and the
Zambrano et al., 1970; Hunter and Bartok, 1974; ­Maracaibo Basin were below sea level with continu-
Cabrera, 1975; Diaz de Gamero, 1977; Gonzalez de ous marine sedimentation. This cycle began with a
Juana et al., 1980; Pitelli and Molina, 1989; Boesi and transgressive phase during the early Cretaceous, be-
Goddard, 1991; Curet, 1992; Diaz de Gamero et al., coming more influenced by marine processes with the
1993; Macellari, 1995; Parnaud et al., 1995; Di Croce deposition of Cogollo Group carbonates and sand-
et al., 2000) (Figure 4). These tectonic settings are stones, followed by the deposition of euxinic facies
(1) Cretaceous passive margin, (2) Paleogene of the La Luna Formation and ending with the open
collisional margin, (3) Oligocene–Early M ­ iocene marine Colon Formation shales. Based on seismic

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146  Castillo et al.

Figure 4. Chronostratigraphic chart showing the northeast Maracaibo, northwest Falcon, and Gulf of Venezuela basins.
The chart integrates seismic data, recent exploratory well results in the Perla field, and information from nearby areas.
It also­includes the work of several authors cited in the manuscript. All integrated data record the lateral and vertical
­stratigraphic evolution of the sedimentary basins, as described in detail in the western and eastern areas of the Gulf
of Venezuela.

data, well correlation, and outcrops, we also inter- in the foreland basin in response to oblique collision
pret the presence of Jurassic strata filling grabens in between the Caribbean and South American plates
some areas of the western province. These grabens (Lugo, 1991).
were probably formed during the rift stage that sepa- During the Oligocene–early Miocene, the eastern
rated the North and South American plates forming Gulf of Venezuela was part of a wide shallow-water
the Proto-Caribbean (Mann, 1999) (Figures 2 and 3). platform deepening toward the west. This moment
During late Cretaceous–early Paleogene time, the Car- in time is especially relevant for the new Tertiary
ibbean allochthonous terrane reached the Guajira area, play because the easternmost area of the basin was
while the Dabajuro platform was exposed in response under shallow water, resulting in the deposition
to tectonic loading. These events caused erosion of the of carbonate reservoir rocks, while deposition and
complete Cretaceous megasequence in the southwest- preservation of source rocks occurred in the deeper-
ern Gulf of Venezuela, leaving an erosional remnant in water environments of the western part (Urumaco
the central part. trough).
In the eastern geologic province of the basin, the The Perla field is located in the eastern prov-
sedimentary history started with the deposition of ince of the basin, where shallow waters covered the
­E ocene sediments preserved along the Urumaco area and extended toward the southeast. This set-
Trough, capping the allochthonous basement. By this ting f­ avored the development of the carbonate reser-
time, the allochthonous Caribbean terrain reached voir succession deposited on top of a basement high
the eastern Maracaibo Basin and had already overrid- defined by a northwest–southeast faulted anticline
den the eastern Gulf of Venezuela (Figures 2 and 3). structure (Figures 2 and 5). This basement structure
There is no sedimentary record of Eocene rocks be- controlled the depositional geometry and facies dis-
ing deposited on the Guajira Peninsula nor the Para- tribution of the carbonate reservoir. A stratigraphic
guaná Peninsula. Eocene igneous bodies are believed pinchout of the carbonate succession developed to-
to have been emplaced at this time. In the Maracaibo ward the northern part of the basement high during
Basin, a thick sedimentary succession was deposited late Oligocene–early ­Miocene time (Figures 5 and 6).

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Perla Field: The Largest Discovery Ever in Latin America  147

Figure 5. Oligocene-early Miocene (Chattian–Aquitanian) paleogeographic configuration of the Gulf of Venezuela Ba-
sin and surrounding areas. The paleogeographic setting is dominated by the Dabajuro platform in the western area,
and the Urumaco trough in the eastern part of the basin. Perla field is located on the eastern part of the Urumaco
trough. The reservoir succession developed in a middle-external carbonate ramp, on a narrow platform surrounding the
­Paraguana basement high. The paleogeographic transition from Paleogene to Neogene shows a strong control of the
main tectonic elements shown in Figures 2 and 3, as well as on the depositional systems developed at that time.

The northwest–southeast trending faults were active basin history, they might be Oligocene in age (Pinto
during the carbonate deposition, and they were also et al., 2011) (Figures 6 and 7).
reactivated later from Neogene through Present. The geometry and stacking pattern of the reservoir
succession in Perla field show a strong structural con-
trol during its depositional history. Evidence of this
Reservoir AND SOURCE ROCKS structural control includes a sharp erosional surface
with siliciclastic sands present in the lower part of the
The Perla reservoir consists of a Chattian to Aquita- carbonate section (Pinto et al., 2011) and retrograding
nian carbonate succession, deposited on a distally and prograding depositional cycles of different orders
steepened ramp, bulging in the middle-outer ramp, of magnitude, apparently controlled by synsedimen-
with a transgressive, deepening-upward stacking pat- tary faults (Benkovics et al., 2012) (Figure 6). Pomar
tern, which is overlain by deposition of glauconite et al. (2015) made a detailed depositional lithofacies
and pyrite related to the drowning of the platform. interpretation based on core analysis of textures, skel-
Red algae and large benthic foraminifera are domi- etal components, and vertical transitions into other
nant in the carbonate factory and are mainly repre- lithofacies. In general, the basal terrigenous domi-
sented by floatstones and rudstones of rhodoliths, nated facies is separated by a sharp boundary from
fragments of branching red algae, larger benthic fora- the carbonate facies that are transitional through the
minifers, echinoderms, bivalves, barnacles, bryozo- column (Figure 7).
ans and, locally, finger corals (Borromeo et al., 2011; This reservoir is a continuous carbonate succes-
Pinto et al., 2011; Benkovics et al., 2012; Pomar et al., sion without interlayered mud. The main pore types
2015) (Figures 6 and 7). This carbonate succession are primary, inter- and intraparticle porosity with
lies unconformably on the allochthonous basement, secondary biomoldic and microporosity. Pores have
and in some places, is underlain by basal siliciclas- a complex distribution caused by depositional and
tic rocks. The latter consists of small synsedimentary diagenetic controls (Borromeo et al., 2011; Pinto et
wedges of siliciclastic sandstone, siltstone, and mud- al., 2011; Benkovics et al., 2012; Pomar et al., 2015).
stone deposited in grabens developed in the base- The most important diagenetic event in terms of res-
ment. The clastic succession lacks diagnostic fossils; ervoir property enhancement (best reservoir areas) is
however, based on their stratigraphic position and the late leaching. This leaching is most likely controlled

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148  Castillo et al.

Figure 6. Maps and seismic sections illustrating the components of the Perla field. A) (Left) Structural map at the top of the
carbonate reservoir. The top of the reservoir shows a northwest–southeast-oriented, three-way closure faulted anticline, with a
stratigraphic pinch-out toward the north. This map was constructed after Perla-1X was drilled, and before the continuation of the
exploration/appraisal campaign. (Right) Isochore map interpreted after Perla-1X was drilled. The reservoir thickness decreases to-
ward the north, west, and eastern flanks of the structure. The thicker succession is located in the central part of the anticline and
extends toward the south. B) Seismic profiles indicated on the maps. Line 1 is a north–south seismic profile across the Perla field
and through wells Perla-1X and Perla-4. This profile shows the stratigraphic pinchout towards the north, as well as the structural
control during the deposition of the different sedimentary successions in this part of the basin. Some parts of the reservoir are
deposited directly above the basement, but others, on top of a basal clastic wedge, deposited in few areas directly on top of the
basement. Line 2 shows the east–west stratigraphic component of the trap for Perla field. A northwest–southeast-striking Paleo-
gene graben is interpreted on the eastern part of the seismic profile. This graben probably developed during the transtensional
event that generated the Urumaco trough. This same graben is also interpreted on the seismic transect in Figure 3.

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Perla Field: The Largest Discovery Ever in Latin America  149

Figure 7. Distribution of the main facies of the Perla reservoir

and the interpreted depositional model (modified from Pomar
et al., 2015) that integrates the lithofacies transitions along the
contiguous facies belts shown in the upper diagram. According
to the information obtained during the study of cores (left), the
sedimentary cycle began with shallow-water coastal marine sand-
stones overlain by a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate (SS-MS) associa-
tion derived from the basement highlands, and reworked marine
skeletal grains. This dominantly terrigenous sequence is followed
by a marine deepening succession, little or no mud matrix in the
coarse-grained carbonates. This marine succession from bottom
to top consists of skeletal packstones and grainstones (SPG), fol-
lowed by coral floatstone-rudstone (CF), then branching red algae
(BRA) and rhodolith floatstone-rudstone (RF), and finally a rud-
stone composed primarily of large benthic foraminifera (LBFR).

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150  Castillo et al.

by deep-seated faults that funneled ascending fluids Presently, the field is producing from five wells, one
into the carbonate, from the basement through the res- vertical and four horizontal. Of these five wells, Perla-
ervoir beginning in the middle Miocene. Table 1 sum- 1X and Perla 5 are from the exploration and appraisal
marizes the Perla field reservoir properties. campaigns, respectively. Perla-1X, the only vertical
Results of geochemical analysis show that the Perla well in the field, produces 59.6 mmcsf/d. The three
gas is mainly thermogenic; however, some minor in- horizontal wells produce a minimum of 118.36 and
put of biogenic gas has likely contributed to the ac- a maximum of 182.12 MMSCF gas/day. In February
cumulated hydrocarbons. Estimated TOC (%) values 2016, the field production average was 510 MMSCF
in the Perla field average 1 to 2%. Results suggest a gas/day and 13,857.4 b/d of condensate.
source rock maturity range between R o ~ 0.8 % and The three-phase development includes four off-
Ro ~ 1.9 %. This diverse maturity information coming shore platforms connected to 26 wells, with gas ex-
from biomarkers suggest that different source rocks ported to the coast through a 30-in. (76-cm)-diameter
or maybe one but very thick source rock sequence pipeline of approximately 72 km (116 mi) long. Pres-
generated the Perla fluids. The source rock organofa- ently, the production of one platform is centralized
cies show a mixed marine-type kerogen (type II/III) and transported to the coast trough this pipeline.
and a terrestrial kerogen (type III/II) of early Tertiary
age. Additional geochemical data indicate that the gas
was generated in the Urumaco trough from latest late Conclusions
­Miocene to Present.
Perla field is the largest gas field ever discovered in
Venezuela and is considered to be a world-class giant
Production Data gas field (~17 tcf). The proven hydrocarbon column
exceeds 350 m (1148 ft), in complete hydraulic conti-
Perla field was discovered in August 2009. The first nuity, and the trap accumulates original hydrocarbons
well, Perla 1X well, drilled in 60 m (197 ft) ­w ater in place in excess of 3.1 billion BOE.
depth, encountered a 233-m (763-ft) hydrocarbon This discovery opened a new exploration play and
column. During production testing, it produced 20.7 proved the existence of a Tertiary thermogenic petro-
MMCFD of high-quality gas with a capacity of 600,000 leum system offshore in the south Caribbean area. In
cubic meters per day (cu m/d) (~3700 BOED) and 500 addition, this play incorporates a carbonate reservoir
bbl/day of condensate. The second exploratory well, succession that has not been described before in the
Perla 2, drilled almost 60 m (197 ft) downdip of Perla- Gulf of Venezuela Basin.
1X, found 299 m (982 ft) of net pay in the same carbon- The discovered reservoir unit consists of upper
ate sequence with excellent reservoir characteristics. Oligocene–lower Miocene (Chattian to Aquitanian)
During production testing, the Perla 2 well flowed 50 limestone deposited in a distally steepened ramp.
MMCFD plus 1500 bbl/day of condensate. After these It shows a continuous carbonate succession with-
two exploratory wells, three appraisal wells were out interlayered mud. The depositional f­ acies of
drilled to define the extension and characteristics of this carbonate unit can be described, from base to
the carbonate reservoir. The Perla 3 well was drilled top, as a carbonate succession deposited in a rela-
in 70 m (230 ft) of water and encountered 205 m (674 tively shallower middle ramp, with grainstone facies
ft) of net pay carbonate sequence, with excellent res- with larger foraminifera and branching red algae
ervoir characteristics. This well is located in a faulted debris, overlain by outer ramp facies dominated
block east of Perla-1X. During production testing, it by rhodolith floatstones/rudstones and planktonic
was determined that the two wells were in the same foram-bearing grainstones, ending in a drowning
hydraulic regime. The Perla-3 well flowed 68 MMCFD unconformity.
of gas and 1350 bbl/day of condensate during the pro- The excellent reservoir properties were enhanced
duction test. The Perla 4 appraisal well was drilled in by diagenetic events controlled mainly by facies dis-
the most distal carbonate facies of the reservoir and tribution and structural configuration of the basement.
found a column of 95 m (313 ft). This well flowed 17 Much of the porosity is facies-related, which has a
MMCFD of gas and 560 bbl/day of condensate dur- strong correlation with diagenesis. Leaching is con-
ing a production test. Perla-5X, the first horizontal sidered the most important diagenetic effect in Perla
well (lateral length less than 305 m [1000 ft]), has the field, and leached areas correlate with the best reser-
highest production rate. Today, this well produces 118 voir areas.

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Perla Field: The Largest Discovery Ever in Latin America  151

The trap shows a strong structural overprint, but a Coronel, G., 1970, El Golfo de Venezuela y sus problemas
clear stratigraphic component is locally recognizable, geológicos: Boletin Sociedad Venezolana de Geologos
and its proven closure is larger than 100 km². (SVG), p. 1–13.
Curet, E. A., 1992, Stratigraphy and evolution of the ter-
tiary Aruba basin: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 15,
Acknowledgments p. 283–304.
Di Croce, J., B. De Toni, A. Navarro, R. Ysaccis, E. ­Alvarez, S.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions Gosh, et al., 2000, Key petroleum system elements
of the Venezuelan basins in an improved chron-
of the Exploration Departments of Repsol and Eni
ostratigraphic framework (abs.): AAPG Annual
during the exploration phase of the project. We have
Meeting, accessed October 3, 2016, http://www
to express our appreciation to Claudio Bartolini and
Mikel Erquiaga for their comments on earlier versions /abstracts/0168.htm.
of the manuscript. We thank Robert Merrill for his Diaz De Gamero, M. L., 1977, Estratigrafia y micropaleon-
help in editing the manuscript. tologia del Oligoceno y Mioceno Inferior del centro de la
cuenca de Falcon, Venezuela: GEOS, Universidad Central
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