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Name: Asore Okeoghene Maria

Matric Number: RUN/NSC/19/7946

Course code: NSC 405


Discuss the seven major steps of the research process

1. Identification of a research problem

A good research always starts with a good problem. The research problem guides you in
formulating the hypothesis and interpretation of your findings so that you can formulate the
right conclusion. A good research problem is important because it is the basis of all subsequent
research activities you are going to undertake. Factors like area of interest, availability of fund,
socio-economic significance of the study, and the safety measures to be undertaken should be
considered in finding a good research problem.

2. Review of Related Literature

Now that the problem has been identified, the researcher must learn more about the topic
under investigation. To do this, the researcher must review the literature related to the
research problem. This step provides foundational knowledge about the problem area. The
review of literature also educates the researcher about what studies have been conducted in
the past, how these studies were conducted, and the conclusions in the problem area.

3. Formulation of Hypothesis

The development of hypothesis is a technical work depends on the researcher experience. The
hypothesis is to draw the positive & negative cause and effect aspects of a problem. Hypothesis
narrows down the area of a research and keep a researcher on the right path

4. Preparation of Research Design

A research design is the blueprint of the research you are going to undertake. It serves as the
work plan of the whole study not only because it entails the resources needed in conducting
the research but also the ways these resources are utilized.

5. Actual experimentation

Actual experimentation is an implementation of the research design. In actual experimentation,

an experiment needs to be conducted to prove the validity of the hypothesis formulated. Actual
experimentation includes the methodology followed in doing research. The methodology
should be carefully planned prior to the actual experimentation to ensure the validity and
accuracy of the result.

6. Results and Discussion

This is the heart of the research process because this is part where the findings of the research
can be found. All the information the researcher has gathered from all the survey or
questionnaires or whatever research instrument the researcher used will be documented under

7. Formulation of Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusion is a statement where the solution to the proposed problem based on the findings of
the investigation is presented. They are tied up to the questions investigated. The conclusion
states whether the experiment worked or not. It should answer the hypothesis and research
problem. In the concluding statement the researcher might include possible benefits to society
that his/her results might present. Any plans the researcher might have to continue working on
other aspects related to their area of study might be stated.

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