Chapter 10 Activity - Mariza J. Girao BEED 2C

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une 29, 2021


Mariza J. Girao BEED 2-C

Chapter 10 Activity

1. Share your understanding of what is positive school culture.

Schools need to be places where kids feel positive and safe. Places where every
student feels they belong which have higher self-esteem, resilience and happiness.
Schools with positive culture have strong policies that address bullying inclusion
and diversity but policies aren’t enough. As what I had observed the best test of a
school’s culture is to talk to the students. For me, the community is very diverse to
have different cultures, traditions and staff but all together its nice community
because people in Capsu Dayao are respectful and very nice to each other. I also
want to see how they act, students look happy, and whatever the gender or
personality we have, there’s an acceptance and appreciation of everyone. Indeed,
encouraging students is the key to positive school culture. Encouragement leads
towards self-confidence and better performance of the students. Whenever your
students achieve something, either it is too big or too small, it demands an
acceptance and celebration. Teaching the students what is inside the books only is
not enough. It is important to teach and make them experience the social skills that
will make them a better adult afterward in their life. For creating a positive school
culture, it is important to inculcate the social values examples are respect, love,
empathy, kindness, prosocial behavior, etc. into the students and well as the staff.
A healthy and positive school culture can bring out the best of everyone.
2. If you are a school head or a teacher, create a list of how your positive school
culture will be like.
If I would be given a chance to become a school head, these are the lists of
how my positive school culture be like:
1. The individual successes of teachers and students are recognized and
2. Relationships and interactions are characteristics by openness, trust,
respect and appreciation.
3. Staff relationships are collegial, collaborative and productive and all staff
members are held to high professional standards.
4. Students and staff members feel emotionally and physical safe and the
school’s policies and facilities promote student safety.
5. School leaders, teachers, and staff members model positive healthy
behaviors for students; and
6. Mistakes not punished as failures but they are seen an opportunity to learn
and grow for both students and educators.

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