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I express my greatest sincere gratitude to Jehovah God Almighty who has been my source of

inspiration through the production of this book.

No one person writes a book, for this to be published I need to thank a lot of people. Thanks

to all the speakers whose talks I’ve sat in on and the websites, authors whose books I’ve


I’m sure you will find some of your ideas in here. Forgive me if I’ve not credited you directly.

My mother, Mrs. Ayette Ernestina Asabea Emma and my dear wife, Mrs. Ansah Rita Okyere

Serwaa gave me the support and encouragement to explore what I’ve wanted to do in my

life, which I’ve really appreciated. Not forgetting my fellow teachers at Amuzukorpe Real

Faith M/A Basic School, Kasoa.

This book is dedicated to pupils of all Schools who are much interested in ICT and want to
past successfully and my dearest wife Mrs. Ansah Rita Okyere Serwaa.

1. APRIL 2011 —————————————— 1

2. APRIL 2012 —————————————— 9

3. APRIL 2013 —————————————— 16

4. APRIL 2014 —————————————— 23

5. FEBRUARY 2015 —————————————— 31

6. JUNE 2015 —————————————— 37

7. FEBRUARY 2016 —————————————— 44

8. JUNE 2016 —————————————— 51

9. FEBRUARY 2017 —————————————— 57

10. JUNE 2017 —————————————— 63

11. FEBRUARY 2018 —————————————— 70

12. JUNE 2018 —————————————— 76

13. FEBRUARY 2019 —————————————— 83

14. JUNE 2019 —————————————— 89

15. FEBRUARY 2020 —————————————— 96

16. TIPS FOR PASSING ICT EXAMS —————————————— 104

17. BECE LIKELY QUESTIONS —————————————— 110

APRIL 2011
1. The most common means by which data are input into the computer is through the
A. Mouse B. keyboard C. microphone D. joystick
2. Computer devices such as mouse, trackpad and joystick are referred to as
A. Output devices B. Pointing devices C. Standard devices D. Internal devices
3. The flat panel screen is also known as …...A. LCD B. VCD C. CRT D. OCR
4. Which of the following is a storage medium?
A. Mouse B. Printer C. Keyboard D. Flash memory
5. The two components of the personal computer main memory are
A. RAM and CU B. RAM and ROM C. ROM and CU D. ALU and CU
6. Which of the following devices has the largest storage capacity?
A. Digital versatile disc B. Compact disc C. Floppy disk D. Hard disk
7. The process that starts an operating system when a computer system is turned on is referred
to as
A. Loading B. start up C. booting D. shut down
8. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Remove all removable storage media or device from the system unit when switching on
a computer.
B. Shut down a computer system before removing the electric power supply
C. Random access memory is part of main memory
D. The application software must be loaded before an operating system can be loaded
when a computer system is switched on.
9. GUI stands for……………………..A. Grand User Interface B. General User Interface
C. Graphic User Interface D. Graphical User Interrupt
10. The software that manages the communication between the hardware and the application
software of a computer system is called ……………..A. open office B. Microsoft office
C. operating system D. internet
11. Windows organizes information on computers using a
A. Directory B. folder C. Sub-directory D. disk
12. Which of the following are valid folder names
I. Black/Stars II. Black : Stars III. Black_Stars IV. Black
A. I and II only B.II and III only C. III and IV only D. II and IV only
Use the following information to answer question 13
I. Processing II. Data III. Information
13. The sequence of the stages in the information processing cycle is

A. I, II and III B. II, III and I C. II, I and III D. III, I and II
14. Which of the following is not a safety measure to consider in the ICT environment?
A. Not overloading a socket B. Sitting in a correct posture behind the computer
C. Allowing the battery of a laptop to run-down before charging
D. Avoid plugging computers in damaged sockets
15. The legal right to control the production and selling of a book, play, film and software is
known as……………A. production right B. copyright C. trade mark D. pa-
16. Which of the following can bring enhanced learning experience to the classroom through the
use of pictures, videos and sound? A. Software application B. Multimedia software C.
Learning software D. Teaching and learning software

17. Which of the following is an effect of a loud ringing tone of a mobile phone?
A. Wrist pain B. Neck pain C. Headache D. Hearing impairment
18. To which of the following activities is ICT useful? I. Education II. Farming III. Medicine
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III
19. Which of the following keys are frequently used in our daily typing work on a computer sys-
tem? I. Enter key II.Space Bar III. Print Screen IV. Delete Key
A. I, II, III and IV B. I, II and III only C. I, II and IV only D. II, III and IV only
20. During typing lessons, computer users are supposed to use
A. 5 fingers B. 6 fingers C. 8 fingers D. 10 fingers
21. The most appropriate finger required to type the letter F on a standard QWERTY computer
keyboard is the A. left middle finger B. right middle finger C. left index finger
D. right index finger
22. In the absence of a mouse, which of the following devices could be used to perform its func-
tions? A. Scanner B. Webcam C. Keyboard D. Microphone
23. In typing a class assignment given by a Ghanaian Language teacher using the computer,
which of the following application programs will be appropriate to use by the student?
A. Spread sheet program B. Word processing program C. Database program
D. Graphical program
24. A key on a keyboard of a computer has two symbols on it, top and down. Which of the following
procedures will be appropriate to use to get the top key?
A. Hold down the Shift key and press the identified key B. Hold down the Alt key and
press the identified key C. Hold down the Ctrl key and press the identified key D. Hold
down the Del key and press the identified key
25. To save a previously saved document under a new name, use the…………..
A. save command B. rename command C. Re-save command D. save as

26. To bold a text in a word processing environment, first select the text, then use the shortcut
keys…... A. Ctrl + B B. Shift + B C. Alt + B D. Insert + B
27. The symbols B, I, U are commonly used buttons found on the …………………………….
A . standard toolbar B. menu bar C. formatting toolbar D. drawing toolbar
28. Which of the following is not a tool on the drawing toolbar? A. Arc B. Oval C. Drop
cap D. Lines

29. Which of the following is not a toolbar?

A. Drawing toolbar B. Picture toolbar C. Word Art toolbar D. Word Wrap
30. Lines, block arrows and flowcharts are located on the
A. drawing toolbar B. standard toolbar C. formatting toolbar D. menu
31. The default orientation for a word processing document is…………
A. Landscape B. portrait C. legal D. A4
32. To preview a document before printing is necessary because
A. it displays the name of the document B. it displays how the document will look like
after printing C. it displays copy and paste of the document D. it formats the document
33. A computer program that enables users to surf the internet is known as…………………..
A. internet surfer B. internet browser C. web surfer D. web navigator
34. A teacher using the internet decided to send an electronic mail to Junior High School Students
in Ghana. Which of the following will the teacher use to accomplish his/her mission?
A. Website address B. Data file address C. E-mail address D. Modern address
35. In e-mail context, what does BCC stand for?
A. Blank carbon copy B. Bulk carbon copy C. Blind carbon copy D. Backup carbon copy
36. The worldwide network that makes electronic information available to users is also known as
A. Site B. Web C. Browser D. map
37. Transferring data from a remote computer to a local computer is referred to as
A. downloading B. downlinking C. Uploading D. uplinking
38. A tool for locating information on the internet is the
A. universal engine B. database engine C. search engine D. deep web
39. A mathematical calculation in a spreadsheet is called
A. Label B. formula C. number D. value
40. Which of the following features in a browser enables users to fetch the latest copy of a web
A. Refresh B. Forward C. Backward D. Stop

1. (a) Study the diagram below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

I. What is the name of the application program used to create the above file?

II. Give the file name of the application program above

III. Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E and F in the diagram

IV. State the functions for B and C in (a) above.

(b) List the steps (in the right order) involved in switching on a personal computer system

(c) Identify the following ICT tools:

(i) (ii) (iii)

2. (a) What is: (i) Input device: (i) Output device:

(b) Classify the following into either input or output device in the table below: (i) Microphone;
Joystick; (iii) Webcam; (iv) Plotter; (v) Scanner; (vi) Mouse.


3. (a) Explain the term desktop as used in the personal computer environment

(b) List three areas of learning where information and communication technology tools can be in-
(c) List two tools on the formatting toolbar of a word processing application

(d) State two benefits associated with the use of information and communication tools in teaching
and learning

4. (a) (i) What is internet?

(ii) List four uses of the internet

(b)(i) What is a web browser?

(ii) Give two examples of a web browser?

5. Explain the following terminologies:

(a) Cell
(b) Column:
(c) Row
(d) Graph


1. B. 10. C. 20. D. 30. A.
2. B. 11. A. 21. C. 31. B.
3. A. 12. C. 22. C. 32. B.

4. D. 13. C. 23. B. 33. B.

24. A. 34. C.
5. B. 14. C.
25. D. 35. C.
6. D. 15. B.
26. A. 36. . B.
7. C. 16. B.
27. C. 37. A.
8. D. 17. D.
28. C. 38. C.
9. C. 18. D.
29. D. 39. B.
19. C. 40. A.


(a) (i) WordPad
(iii) A. Document Area or Text Area B. Formatting Toolbar C. Title bar
D. Menu bar E. Standard toolbar F. Ruler
(iv) Function of B- is the formatting bar that helps the user to change the
appearance of a text or documents.
Function of C - is the title bar that displays the name of the application/
logo and the file.

(b) The steps (in the right order) involved in switching on a personal computer system
(i) Check the power cables connected to the system unit and monitor
(ii) Check the main socket connection and switch on the socket
(iii) Make sure there is no removable storage device attached to the system unit
(iv) Press the power button on the system unit.
(v) Press the power button on the monitor

(c) Identification of the following ICT tools:

i. Headphone ii. Digital watch iii. Pen drive

a. i. Input device is a device which is used to enter data into the computer or fed data into the
ii. Output device is a device used to display processed data (information) obtained from
the computer to the user in either softcopy or hardcopy format.


Input Device Output Device

Microphone Plotter
(a) Desktop as used in the personal computer environment
Desktop is the screen you see when the computer has finished booting.
(b) Areas of learning where information and communication technology tools can be
(i) Agriculture (ii) Medicine iii. Geology (iv) Science

(v) Mathematics (vi) Business accounting (vii) Music, etc.
(c) Tools on the formatting toolbar of a word processing application
Bold, Italic, Underline,, Font size list, Font type list, increase font size, decrease font size, clear All
Formatting, Line and Paragraph spacing, Align text to the Right, Centre, Left, or Justify, Styles,
(d) Benefits associated with the use of information and communication tools in teaching
and learning
a. Create personally meaningful learning opportunities
b. Giving students an opportunity to produce documents of their own provides several
educational advantages.
c. Students that experience the technical steps needed to produce effective multimedia
documents become better consumers of multimedia documents produced by others.
d. Students indicate they learn the material included in their presentation at a much greater
e. Empower students to create and design rather than "absorbing representations created by
f. Encourages deep reflective thinking
g. They enable us to perform complex calculations.

(a) Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard
internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. Or The Internet is a glob-
al system of interconnected computer networks.

(b) Uses of the Internet

a. With e-mail you can send and receive instant electronic messages over the internet to people
anywhere in the world, unlike traditional mail that takes a lot of time.
b. Access Information
c. You can also shop online.
d. There are many ‘chat rooms’ on the web that can be accessed to meet new
people, make new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old friends.
e. Downloading Software
f. Fun and entertainment can also be offered by the Internet.
g. Children can play various kinds of on-line games.

c) (i) A web browser is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display
content on the World Wide Web, including Web images, video and other files.

(ii) Examples of web browser
Netscape Navigator, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave,
Tor Browser, Sea Monkey, Avant, Songbird, Maxthon, Apple safari, Google Chrome, etc.

(a) Cell
A cell is the intersection of a row and a column .

(b) Column:
Column is a vertical portion/section of a cell on a worksheet identified by an

(c) Row
Row is a horizontal portion/section of a cell on a worksheet identified by a

(d) Graph
Graph is the Visual/pictorial representation of numerical data such as Pie graphs, bar graphs,
line graphs, scatter graphs, column graphs, etc.

APRIL 2012
1. The device that converts computer output into displayed images is the
A. hard disk B. monitor C. printer D. processor
2. The least number of input devices that a computer system can have is
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. Which of the following devices has the largest storage capacity
A. Compact disc B. Digital versatile disc C. Floppy disk D. Hard disk
4. The device used to ensure a constant flow of power supply to a computer system is the
A. stabilizer B. step-down transformer C. step-up transformer D. uninterrupti-
ble power supply
5. The total number of command buttons on the title bar of an opened word processing win-
dow is ……………..A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6
6. Processed or transformed facts which are meaningful to the user is called
A. data B. information C. input D. output
7. The following are possible health hazards of prolonged use of the computer system except
A. back and neck pains B. eye strain C. tuberculosis D. wrist pains
8. Which key on the keyboard is used to erase characters from right to left in word processing
application? A. Backspace B. Delete C. Insert D. Pause
9. The key on the QWERTY keyboard used to produce alphabetic upper case letters is
A. Caps Lock B. Home C. Num Lock D. Tab

10. Given sizes and designs of letters, numbers and symbols that are displayed in a word pro-
cessing document are referred to as A. align B. bullet C. font D. indent
11. Which of the following is a tool on the drawing toolbar of a word processing program?
A. Align B. Bold C. View D. Oval
12. When an image is copied, it first goes to the ...
A. clip art B. clipboard C. my document D. recycle bin
13. To press the letter J, which finger is appropriate to use on a QWERTY keyboard?
A. Left index finger B. Left middle finger C. Right index finger D. Right middle fin-
14. The internet is a…….
A. global network of computers B. government agency that links computers
C. software for designing programs D. special network of computers in an office
15. The computer equivalence of a sheet of paper divided into rows and columns in
the office suite is called A. database B. electronic sheet C. spreadsheet
D. word processor
16. The temporary working memory of a computer system is the
A. arithmetic logic unit B. flash memory C. random access memory D.
read only memory
17. The software responsible for the management of the basic operations of the com-
puter is the………………. A. application program B. device drivers C. operating
system D. utility program
18. The bar on the desktop which displays opened applications and other icons is re-
ferred to as ……………………...A. scroll bar B. taskbar C. title bar D. toolbar
19. The act of pressing a computer mouse button twice quickly without moving the
mouse is termed A. double clicking B. right clicking C. single clicking D.
normal clicking
20. The following are good practices in the computing environment except
A. copyrighting of software B. designing of cards C. networking of computers D.
pirating of software
21. Which of the following software can be used to enhance teaching and learning
through the use of pictures, video and sound?
A. Multimedia software B. Network software C. Programming software D. Utility
22. The total number of keys on a standard QWERTY keyboard is

A. 96 B. 104 C. 108 D. 116

23. Which of the following is a valid folder name?

A. Black/Stars B. Black_Stars C. Black:Stars D. Black*
24. A program on the computer which enables users to type letters to friends is the .
browser B. spreadsheet C. utility D. word processor
25. The command that enables the user to save a previously saved document under a
new name is A. new B. rename C. save D.
save as
26. The standard toolbar contains buttons that A. close and resize windows B.
control page margins and tabs C. perform the most common tasks D. help
users to navigate through the document

27. To see exactly how the pages of a current document will appear when printed, the
command given is the ……………………..A. page setup command B. print com-
mand C. print preview command D. view command

28. A tool for locating information on the internet is the A. database engine B. inter-
net browser C. search engine D. web browser
29. An entity in a file system which contains a group of files is called a A. cabinet B.
container C. document D. folder
30. The creation of a copy of data on a computer system for safe keeping externally is
referred to as…..A. data backup B. data entry C. data filtering D. data restora-
31. The letter that normally represents the floppy disk in an operating system is……..
A. Drawing B. Formatting C. Picture D. Standard
32. Recycle bin or trash bin contains deleted files and folders from the
A. floppy disk B. flash disk C. hard disk D. zip disk
33. Keys on a computer keyboard which are used to move the cursor in a specified di-
rection are called A. arrow keys B. function keys C. shift keys D. special
purpose keys
34. To underline a selected text in a word processing program, the keys used are
A. Ctrl + U B. Shift + U C. Alt + U D. Del + U
35. Double clicking on a word in a word processing program selects the A. document
B. paragraph C. sentence D. word
36. All of the following are reasons for using ICT in education except
A. forcing students to learn at others’ pace B. increasing learner motivation and en-
gagement C. facilitating the acquisition of basic skills in subject areas D. en-
hancing teaching through the use of presentation software

37. In word processing program, lines, block arrows and flow charts are found on which of
the following toolbars? A. Drawing B. Formatting C. Picture D.
38. Which program icon on the desktop leads to the disk drives ?
A. Internet Explorer B. My Computer C. My Document D. My Network Places
39. Which of the following terms refers to unsolicited emails in the form of advertising
or chain letters? A. Compose B. Inbox C. Spam D. Trash
40. Computer virus is capable of
A. enhancing the contents of a file B. maintaining the computer system
C. making the work of the computer easy D. slowing down the computer system per-


1. a. Identify the diagram

a. Name the parts labeled A, B, C, D, E and F of the diagram.

b. List the five main components of a computer keyboard.

c. Give the stages involved in the information processing cycle.

d. List, in the right order, the steps involved in turning off a personal computer.

2. a. State the function of each of the following devices:

(i) Floppy disk: (ii) Printer: (iii) Scanner (iv) Uninterruptible power supply

b. Write the following acronyms in full (i) ALU (ii) CPU

3. a. Explain the following types of software:

(i) System software; (ii) Application software

b. State the function of each of the following buttons as used in application software:

(i) Minimize (ii) Maximize (iii) Close

4.a. Explain internet fraud.

b. State three ways ICT can be used in basic education in Ghana.

c. List three devices that may be used when connecting to the internet.

5. Explain the following terms as used in spreadsheet:

a. Worksheet b. Active cell c. Range d. Workbook


1. B. 11. D. 21. A. 31.A.

2. B. 12. B. 22. B. 32.C.
3. D. 13. C. 23. B. 33.A.
4. D. 14. A. 24. D. 34.A.
5. B. 15. C. 25. D. 35.D.
6. B. 16. C. 26. C. 36.A.
7. C. 17. C. 27. C 37. A.
8. A. 18. B. 28. C. 38. B.
9. A. 19. A. 29.D. 39. C.
10. C. 20. D. 30.A. 40. D.


A. Computer

B. A. System Unit B. Monitor C. Speaker D. Microphone E. Mouse F. Keyboard

C. Five components of standard keyboard are

I. Alphanumeric keys ii. Function keys iii. Arrow keys or cursor directional keys

Iv. Numeric keys v. Modifier keys

D. Stages of Information Processing cycle are

i. Input stage ii. Process stage iii. Output stage iv. Storage stage v. Distribution stage

vi. Communication stage

E. Turning off personal computer:

I. Close All running application

II. Press windows key and R simultaneously

III. Type shutdown /p or shutdown /s /t 1 or shutdown /s

IV. Turn off the Monitor and socket respectively.


I. Close all Application windows if necessary.

II. Click start button, and then select SHUT DOWN. The Shut Down windows dialog box opens.

III. . Select turn off on the TURN OFF computer dialog box.

IV. Wait for the screen to go off and Turn off the monitor.

V. Switch off main socket or circuit extension board.


A. The functions of the following devices:

I. Floppy disk is used to store documents , database files up to 1.44MB and can also be used
to transfer documents from one computer to another.

II. Printer transfers the output of a computer on paper (hardcopy) or Printer is

an output device, which is used to print information on paper .

III. Uninterruptible Power Supply is used to ensure constant supply of electric power to the com-
puter system and also used to sustain power for sometime when the mains goes off.


I. ALU– Arithmetic Logic Unit

II. CPU—Central Processing Unit



I. System software is the software used to manage and control the hardware components and
which allow interaction between the hardware and the other types of software .

II. Application software is a set of computer programs designed to permit the user to perform a
group of coordinated
functions, tasks or activities.


I. Minimize: used to drop a window on the taskbar

II. Maximize: enlarges a window to fill the desktop

III. Close : exit or ends a running program


A. Internet fraud is the use of internet to cheat or steal from other users.

B. ways ICT can be used in basic education in Ghana are

I. It may be used in teaching and learning

II. It may be used to do research or search for information on the internet

III. It may be used to share information among students, teachers and others

IV. It may be used to store data and information especially educational resources for future use

V. It may be used to do distance learning

C. Computer, Modem, Smartphones, Mobile phone, Telephone, Satellite, Router, iPad, Smart TV,


a. Worksheet - is the electronic sheet that contains rows and columns.

b. Active cell - is the cell that is ready to receive data.
c. Range - is a group of specified/selected adjacent cells;
d. Workbook - is a spreadsheet file which consists of one or more worksheets.

JUNE 2013

1. The flat panel screen is also known as

2. The device that the computer uses to keep data is
A. input device B. output device C. processing device D. storage device
3. The first key on the computer keyboard is
A. Caps Lock B. Delete C. Enter D. Esc
4. In which of the following are the storage devices arranged on the basis of lowest to the
highest capacity?
A. CD, DVD, Floppy Disk and Hard Disk B. Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, DVD and CD C.
Floppy Disk, CD, DVD and Hard Disk D. Floppy Disk, DVD, CD and Hard Disk
5. A pen drive
A. inputs information B. puts out information C. retrieves information D. stores infor-
6. The main storage medium within the system unit of the computer is the
7. To boot a computer is the same as to…………..A. shut down the computer B. restart the
computer C. start D. stop the computer
8. On which bar is the system clock located?
A. Menu bar B. Scrollbar C. Task bar D. Toolbar
9. The command button used to exit windows application is the
A. close button B. maximize button C. minimize button D. restore button
10. An example of an operating system is
11. To copy a file means to…………………………………...
A.cut the file from the desktop
B.delete the file into recycle bin
C. make a duplicate of the file
D. remove the file from a folder
12. Programs that perform specific task for users are referred to as
A. application software B. computer software C. operating software
D. system software
13. A group of files are stored in a……………..

A. folder B. graphic C. text D. word
14. The operation whereby the computer manipulates data to produce information is known
as………….A. capturing B. processing C. recording D. retrieving
16. The legal right that does not allow people to copy intellectual property without the per-
mission of the original owner is called………………...
A. Copyright B. freeware C. piracy D. privacy
17. Software that presents lessons in a movie-like manner is referred to as
A. multiplicity B. multimedia C. multipurpose D. multitasking
18. The symbols B, I, U are commonly used buttons found on the
A. drawing toolbar B. formatting toolbar C. menu toolbar D. standard toolbar
19. Right-clicking a mouse on an open window
A. creates a new document B. opens a file menu C. opens a new window D.
opens a context menu if available
20. Which of the following computer keyboard keys is used to delete characters from left to
right on-screen?
A. Alternate B. Backspace C. Delete D. shift
23. When a user clicks within a selected text by holding down the left mouse button, and
then transfers the cursor to a different location within the same document, the text will be
A. Cut B. moved C. copied D. deleted
25. In order to apply bold formatting to a section of existing text, the user must first
A. click on the formatting button B. click the shortcut mouse button
C. save the document D. select the section to be formatted
26. The save command is found under which of the following menu buttons?
A. Edit B. File C. Insert D. Tools
28. When a text automatically moves to the next line at the end of a margin in a word pro-
cessing program, it is referred to as
A. text wrap B. word wrap C. text movement D. word movement
30. A rectangle can be drawn in word processing application using the…….
A. Arrow B. Circle C. Oval D. Square
31. The device which is used to produce hard copies from personal computers in schools is
A. Photocopier B. monitor C. printer D. scanner
32. A computer program that enables users to surf the internet is known as
A. internet explorer B. navigator C. web browser D. internet surfer
33. Word processing is used mainly by…………………………...

A. Accountants B. artists C. engineers D. secretaries
35. Transferring data from a remote computer to local computer is referred to as
A. download B. linkdown C. upload D. linkup
36. Specialized programs that assist users to locate information on the internet are called
A. Agents B. internet browsers C. search engines D. web
37. Which of the following devices would enable users to get access to the internet.
A. Keyboard B. Modem C. Projector D. Scanner
38. The software responsible for the management of the basic operations of the computer is
the…………..A. application program B. device drivers C. operating system D. utili-
ty program
39. On which of the following toolbars is the print preview button located?
A Drawing B. Formatting C. Header and Footer D. Standard
40. The intersection of the 8th row and the 7th column in a spreadsheet application will have the
cell reference ………..A. 8G B. G8 C. 7H D. H7

1. (a) ABC Supermarket has acquired an application to generate cash receipts for goods
purchased by its customers as shown in the diagram below.
The amount for each item is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity of goods
purchased. The subtotal is a summation of the amounts obtained for all purchased
The tax payable is computed at the rate of 10% of the subtotal.
The total amount to be paid is the summation of the subtotal and the tax payable on
purchased items.
Using the diagram below, answer the questions that follow

(i) Name the application program used in creating the above.
(ii) Identify the parts labelled I, II and III.
(iii) Provide the formula used in calculating the following cells.
D2 ………………………………………………………………………………….
(b) Use the diagram below to answer questions (i), (ii) and (iii)

i. Identify the diagram above.

ii. Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D and E
iii. State one function each of the parts labelled B and C in the diagram in (b) above.
iv. State one function of the diagram identified in (b) (i)

2. (a) State two:

i. Positive uses of the internet;
ii. Negative uses of the internet.
(b) List four storage media
3. (a) Explain communication as used in the computer industry
(b) Video conferencing refers to:…………………………………….
(c) List two devices associated with video conferencing.
(d) State four media for sending and receiving information.
4. (a) In word processing application, when is it appropriate to use:
(i) copy-and-paste;
ii) cut-and-paste;
(b) (i) What is a font?
(ii) List three font styles

5. (a) What is:

(i) motherboard (ii) ergonomics (iii) menu bar
(b) What is copyright used for?

1. B. 11. C. 20. C. 30. D.
2. D. 12. A. 21. C. 31. C.
3. D. 13. A. 22. B. 32. C.
4. C. 14. B. 23. B. 33. D.
5. D. 15. C. 24. C. 34. B.
6. C. 16. A. 25. D. 35. A.
7. C. 17. B. 26. B. 36. C.
8. C. 18. B. 27. C. 37. C.
9. A. 19. B. 28. B. 38. C
10. C. 29. A. 39. D.
40. B.

(a) (i) Application program used is Spreadsheet application
I - Column II - Cell III - Row
(iii) Formulae used in the cells are as follow:
D2 =B2*C2 or +B2*C2
D5 =SUM(D2:D4) or =D2+D3+D4
D6 =10%*D5 or =0.1*D5 or =D5/10
(b)(i) The diagram is computer keyboard
(ii) A - SHIFT Keys B - Space bar C. - Arrow keys or Cursor control keys
D - Enter key or Return key E - Function keys
B - To create a horizontal space in a text
C - To control the cursor or move the cursor in a different direction or To scroll through docu-
To input data and commands into a computer
2. (a) (i) positive uses of the internet
a. Play games online
b. Study online through e-learning
c. access to enormous information
d. buying and selling online
e. Advertising of products and services.
(ii) negative uses of the internet
a. Stealing / Theft
b. Creation of malware
c. downloading pirated software or copying of their creative works illegally
d. viewing pornographic pictures or movies.
e. Accessing other people’s private information without their permission.
(b) Storage media
DVD, CD, Flash memory, Memory card, Magnetic tape, Zip disk, Floppy disk, Hard disk, etc
3. (a) Communication as used in the computer industry Transfer or exchange of information
between or among two or more persons via a media such as the mobile phone or a communi-
cation network
(b) Video conferencing
Live video and audio communication between three or more peoples of different locations or
Video conferencing is the use of video and sound technology and computer to enable people in
different loca!ons talk to and see each other .
(c) Devices associated with video conferencing: webcam, headphone, laptop, smartphone,
smart TV
(d) Media for sending and receiving information
Mobile phones, Landline telephones, smart Television, Laptop
4. (a)
(i) copy-and-paste
When data that has already been inputted has to be duplicated (copied) in another part of the
same document or in another document
(ii) cut-and-paste
When data that has already been inputted has to be moved/ transferred to another part of
the same document or to another document.
(b) (i) A font
A set of letters, numbers and symbols that share a unified design
(ii) Font styles
Font styles are: - Italic, Bold, Bold Italic and Regular
5. (a) (i) Motherboard
A printed circuit board containing the principal components of a microcomputer with connect-
ors into which other circuit boards can be slotted
(ii) Ergonomics
The design of workplace or equipment for comfort, efficiency, safety and productivity

(iii) Menu bar
A horizontal bar usually displayed at the top of a window, listing available menus for an applica-
Or A horizontal strip at the top of a window that shows the menus available in a program
(b) What copyright is used for suing to prohibit the coping of intellectual property without the per-
mission of the original owner or preventing the unlawful / unauthorized use and/or duplication
of creative works.

JUNE 2014
1. The part of the computer which displays information to the user in soft copy format is the
A. Monitor B. Printer C. Processor D. Scanner
2. The sharpness of an image on a monitor screen is determined by the number of
A. Inches B. Pits C. Pixels D. Units
3. Which of the following can be used as an input device and at the same time as an output
device? A. Microphone B. Modem C. Printer D. Speaker
4. The device that uses the magnetic method to store data is
A. compact disk B. digital versatile disc C. hard disk D. optical disk
5. Which of the following devices has the largest storage capacity?
A. Compact disk B. Digital versatile disk C. Flash memory D. Hard disk
6. By default, the drive letter assigned to the hard disk drive is
A. A: B. B: C. C: D. D:
7. Which of the following devices must be turned on first when booting a computer?
A. Monitor B. Printer C. Scanner D. System Unit
8. The program that is loaded into the main memory when a computer is booted is
A. Utility program B. Operating system C. Communication software D. Word processing
9. To copy a file means to …….. A. Cut the file B. Delete the file C. Remove the
file D. Make a duplicate of the file
10. A group of files are stored in a………...….A. Folder B. Graphic C. Text D. Word
11. The area of the taskbar that displays small icons of some programs such as the system
clock is A. Programs area B. Scroll bar C. Start menu D. System tray

12. Which of the following is a problem to computer users as a result of radiation from the monitor?

A. Cardiovascular B. Dizziness C. Eye irritation D. Loss of grip strength

13. Dragging a folder from one drive to a window on another drive is equivalent to a
A. Cut operation B. Copy operation C. Delete operation D. Move operation
14. Which of the following safety precaution (s) is/are advisable to practice?
I. Do not answer or receive calls when charging mobile phones
II. Do not overload sockets
III. Plugging ICT tools in damaged sockets can be allowed sometimes.
A. I and II only B. I and III only C. II and III only D. I, II and III
15. A computer program that can copy itself and infect the computer without the permission or
knowledge of the user is …………..A. Virus B. Anti-virus C. Window D. Word processor
16. The software that assists students in learning and can also be used to take online exami-

nations is A. Classroom software B. Education software C. Entertaining software
D. Graphic software
17. ICT tools can be used in all the following areas except
A. Sharing ideas B. Starting cabinetry C. Accessing information D. Retrieving information
18. The act of clicking on an object and dragging it to a different location is referred to as
A. Drop-and-drag B. Drag-and-drop C. Drop-and-move D. Drag-and-paste
19. When pursuing typing lessons, computer users are expected to use
A. 5 fingers B. 6 fingers C. 8 fingers D. 10 fingers
20. Which of the following keys is not a function key on the computer keyboard?
A. F1 B. F2 C. F9 D. F13
21. The computer keyboard combination that would move the cursor insertion point to the begin-
ning of the current document is
A. Ctrl + B B. Ctrl + H C. Ctrl + Home D. Ctrl + PgUp
22. Which of the following commands is used to resave an edited file with the same file name?
A. Copy B. Save C. Save As D. Send
23. Computerized text editing is also referred to as
A. Database application B. Desktop application C. Spreadsheet application D. Word pro-
cessing application
24. In order to apply bold formatting to a section of existing text, the user must first
A. Save the document B. Click the start button C. Click on the formatting button D. Select
the section to be formatted.
25. Text that is justified is
A. Adjusted to meet one margin B. Adjusted to meet both margins C. Grammatically correct
D. Only visible in print preview
26. Which of the following keys are used to underline a text in word processing?
A. Ctrl + B B. Ctrl + H C. Ctrl + I D. Ctrl + U
27. When a text automatically moves to the next line at the end of a margin in a word processing
program, it is referred to as
A. Text wrap B. Word wrap C. Hard return D. Text movement
28. The default orientation for a word processing document is
A. A4 B. Landscape C. Letter D. Portrait
29. To print a document after previewing, use the
A. Edit command button B. Open command button C. Print command button D. Save com-
mand button
30. On an email interface, which of the following areas is mandatory to complete and send a mes-
sage? A. Sender body B. Sender name C. Message header / subject D. Message recipi-
ent email address

31. Which of the following domain name extensions is used by educational institutions?
A. .com B. .edu C. .net D. .org
32. Which of the following is a web browser?
A. Firewall B. Opera C. Windows D. Yahoo
33. Which feature in a browser enables users to fetch the latest copy of a web page?
A. Backward B. Forward C. Refresh D. Stop
34. Transmitting data from a local computer to a remote computer is referred to as
A. Downlinking B. Downloading C. Uplinking D. Uploading
35. The http:// in a website address refers to
A. Domain name B. Directory name C. File name D. Protocol
36. The command button that opens a dialog box for users to create an email message is
A. Back button B. Compose button C. Create button D. Refresh button
37. A spreadsheet cell name is referenced by a…………
A. Letter B. Number C. Letter and a number D. Number and a letter
38. Mathematical calculations in a spreadsheet are called
A. Formulas B. Labels C. Numbers D. Values
39. Which of the following does a user need to bypass before accessing an email?
A. Username and computer name B. Username and email name C. Username and password
D. Username and yahoo
40. To apply a formula or function in a spreadsheet program, the symbol used is
A.= or * B. = or + C. = or / D. = or –


Use the diagram above to answer questions (i) to (iv)

(i) Name the application program used for the above figure

(ii) Write the formula/ function used to calculate the profit for cell D7

(iii) Write the formula/function used to calculate the total expenses for cell C7.

(iv) Name the parts labelled A, B and C

(b) Complete the table below

Windows Button Name of Windows But- Function of Windows But-

ton ton

(c ) In a word processing application, what is the command button print preview used for?

2 (a) State the data types for the following characters as used in a spreadsheet application:

(i) 13.65 (ii) 24.04’ (iii) =SUM(A5:G5)

(iv) =A4 + C8 – G25 (v) +233244971100

(b) Formatting a disk refers to……………………………………………………………....

3. List
(a) two toggle keys on a standard computer keyboard.
(b) three features of a web browser.
(c) two components of the central processing unit.
(d) two operating system software
(e) three health hazards associated with prolonged use of computers and ICT tools

4. (a) Give two examples of a typing software.

(b) Certain books are published both in hard copies and soft copies (e-books). Give two reasons
for using
(i) Hard copies formats;
(ii) Soft copies formats
(c) Arrange the storage devices, compact disc, hard disk and pen drive in descending order of
(i) access speed; (ii) storage capacity.

5. State the purpose of the following commands on an email application such as yahoo or Gmail:

(a) My account; (b) Compose (c) Attach (d) Sign up

1. D. 11. D. 21. A. 31.D.
2. C. 12. D. 22. B. 32. A.
3. B. 13. A. 23. D. 33. D.
4. B. 14. D. 24. C. 34. D.
5. A. 15. B. 25. A. 35. A.
6. B. 16. C. 26. A. 36. C.
7. C. 17. A. 27. D. 37. C.
8. D. 18. A. 28. D. 38. C.
9. A. 19. D. 29. A. 39. B.
10. A. 20. B. 30. C. 40. D.



(i) The name of the application program used is Microsoft Excel 2007.

(ii) Formula/ function used to calculate the profit for cell D7 are

= Sum(D3:D5) or +Sum(D3:D5) or = D3+D4+D5 or D3+D4+D5

(iii) The formula/function used to calculate the total expenses for cell 7 are

=Sum (C3:C5) or =B7-D7 or =C3+C4+C5.

(iv) The parts labelled A, B and C are

A: Name Box B: Formula Bar C: Worksheet


Windows Button Name of Windows Function of Windows Button

Close Button To exit Window or running program

Minimize Button To drop window to the taskbar

To enlarge the window to cover the entire

Maximize Button

To reduces the window size from full

Restore Button
screen mode to a min-sized view

C) The use of the Print preview is a command button that help users to take a look at a created
document before it is finally

(i) 13.65 - Value
(ii) 24.04' - Text or label
(iii) =SUM(A5:G5) - function Characters such as , ; ‘ @ ! Before
(iv) =A4+C8-G25 - Formula data or a er will make data entered
(v) +233244971100 - Value in ac ve cells as label or text

B) Formatting a disk refers to wiping data and information on a storage medium or disk to free
the space on the disk.
A) The toggle keys found on the standard keyboard are
i. Caps Lock key
ii. Num Lock key
iii. Scroll Lock key
iv. Insert key
B) Features of a web browser are Reload button, History Button, Title bar, Menu Bar, Print But-
ton, Address Bar, Search Bar, Status Bar, Back Button, Forward Button, etc.
C) Components of a Central Processing Unit are
i. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
ii. Control Unit

iii. Registers
iv. Memory Unit or Cache
D) Examples of Operating Systems are Microsoft windows 95, DOS, 2000, SP1, SP2, Vista, Crys-
tal, 7, 8, 8.1, 10; Fedora, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Kubuntu Xubuntu,; Mac OS, Mac Lion OS,
A) Examples of typing software are Mavis Beacon Platinum, Tux, Master typing, Ultra Typing, Tying
Master, etc.
a) Reasons of using books published in Hardcopies
i. Such books are free from computer virus infection.
ii. They come in handy where there is no supply of electricity.
iii. They are available for use virtually everywhere.
iv. They is no need for the user to be computer literate.

b) Reasons of using eBooks published in Softcopies

i. Searching for information in an e-book is easy.
ii. It is portal
iii. In a network environment, e-book can e shared among several users.
iv. E-book enables the user to magnify the text to make reading easier for people with eye prob-
v. Some specialized software can read the contents of e-book for people with poor eye sight or
visually impaired.
vi. It is easier to incorporate text from one e-book through copy and paste.

C. (i) access speed: Hard disk, pen drive, compact disc

(ii) storage capacity: Hard disk, pen drive, compact disc

A) The purpose of My Account in an email helps users to view, manage or change their
original registration and other user specific settings ".
B) The compose enables a user to create their messages and send to someone on the
Internet using computer or Smartphone.
C) The Attach command enables users to include or add documents, audio files, videos, applica-
tions, pictures from their storage media to their email message and send.
D) Sign up enables internet users create new email account.

1. Key on the computer keyboard which are used to control the movement of the cursor are the
……………...a. alphanumeric keys b. functions keys c. navigation keys d. numeric keys
2. Which part of the personal computer performs the transformation of data into information?
a. the input devices b. the output devices c. the storage devices d. the system unit
3. Which of the following is needed for a user to get access to the internet? a. modem b. moni-
tor c. project d. scanner
4. The device that converts computer output into displayed image is…………….a. hard disk b.
monitor c. printer d. processor
5. Which of the following cannot be used to backup data? a. compact disk b. hard disk c.
pen drive d. Random Access Memory
6. Which of the following media stores sequentially? a. Compact disk b. digital versatile disc
c. hard disk d. magnetic tape
7. Starting a computer is also referred as …………...a. booting b. running c. tasking d. turning
8. The computer keyboard keys combination Ctrl + Alt + Del enable users to see the …………...a.
open dialog box b. save as dialog box c. shutdown dialog box d. windows task manager
9. An example of an operating system is …………………...a. calc b. disk c. dos d. word
10. One component of the system software is ………………….a. application software b. linux soft-
ware c. Microsoft software d. operating system
11. To copy a file means to ……………….a. cut a file b. delete c. remove a file d. make a dupli-
cate of a file
12. A group of files are stored in a ……………...a. folder b. graphic c. text d. word
13. Dragging a folder from one drive to a window on another drive is equivalent to a…….a. copy op-
eration b. cut operation c. delete operation d. core operation
14. When a computer processes data, it produces………………..a. data b. information c. news
d. storage
15. The information processing cycle includes the following except……………………...a. booting b. da-
ta . Information d. processing
16. The following are possible health problem with long term exposure to ICT tools ex-
cept…………..a. backache b. damage sight c. toothache d. wrist pain
17. Which of the following is a good precaution in using compact discs? a. Touching media sur-
face b. placing media near magnetic field such as a speaker c. leaving media inside disk at
all time d. placing media inside safety box at all time
18. The regulation standards that a computer user follow to use the computer effectively is re-
ferred to as computer ……………..a. ethics b. fraud c. right d. system

19. The legal right that does not allow individuals to copy intellectual property of the original owner is
called…………..a. copyright b. freeware c. privacy d. property
20. Which of the following application packages would support mathematical calculations? a. data-
base b. representation c. spreadsheet d. word processor
21. The following statements are true about ICT tools except they………………. a. make learning difficult
b. make learning easy c. make student learn at their own peace d. are used for searching in-
formation on various topics.
22. Which of the following keys is used for multiple selection of the text that are not continuous? a.
alt b. backspace c. ctrl d. shift
23. The computer keyboard keys combination that is used to create a new document in word pro-
cessing application is…………..a. Alt+ D b. Alt + N c. Ctrl + D d. Ctrl + N
24. Which of the following keyboard keys would allow the user to move the cursor from its current posi-
tion to the beginning of the next page in a word processing program? a. Ctrl + End b. Ctrl +
Home c. Ctrl + pgdn d. Ctrl + pgUp
25. The backspace key may be used to ………………..a. add space between typed words b. delete typed
data in the reverse direction c. delete typed data in the forward directions d. move the inser-
tion point backwards.
26. A design of letters numbers and symbols that are display in a word processing document are re-
ferred to as……………...a. align b. bullets c. font d. indent
27. To make quick format changes from the formatting toolbar, use the command but-
ton………………...a. copy b. cut c. word art d. format painter
28. Which of the following document views would show the document as it would look when it is print-
ed? a. normal view b. outline view c. print layout d. web layout view
29. In a word processing program the tollbar that contains commands for changing the appearance of
characters is the ……………..a. drawing toolbar b. formatting toolbar c. picture toolbar
d. standard toolbar
30. To print a document after previewing use the …………...a. edit command button b. open com-
mand button c. print command button d. save command button
31. The software used to enable users access web pages on the internet is called…………………………..
a. access engine b. browser c. search engine d. website
32. Which of the following website address is in its complete standard format?
b. www.http// c. d. http:www//
33. Which of the following referred to unsolicited emails in the form of advertising or chain letters?
a. compose b. inbox c. sent d. spam
34. Transferring data a remote computer to a local computer is referred to as…………………...………
a. downlinking b. downloading c. uplinking d. uploading
35. The importance of electronic mail is to ……………….a. manage website b. navigate the internet c.

communicate with other users d. access information on the internet
36. In a website address the acronym http represent the ……………..a. address b. location
c. protocol d. server
37. The world wide web is also called…………...a. browser b. map c. site d. web
38. In a spreadsheet application, which of the following can be identify by a number…………………….
a. cell b. column c. range d. row
39. The intersection of the 7th row and the 8th column in a spreadsheet application would have
the cell reference…………...a. G8 b. 8G c. H7 d. 7H
40. The selected cell in a spreadsheet application is called ………….a. active cell b. cell address c.
name box d. sheet tab

1. Identify the following ICT Tools:
a. b. c.

b. Using the table below, indicate where the following components can be seen on the computer
system unit; Motherboard, Compact Disc Slot, Random Access Memory, Power Supply Port, PS/2,
Central Processing Unit..

c. State three ways of using the computer mouse.

d. Provide computer keyboard combinations or keys that will enable a user to perform the follow-
ing actions in a spreadsheet application:
i. Moving the cursor to the cell of a worksheet
ii. Cancelling an entry in a cell or formula
iii. Completing a cell entry from a cell or formula bar and selecting the cell below it

2. Explain the following terminologies as used in a word processing environment:

a. Word wrap b. Print Preview c. Hard copy d. Soft copy

3. a. i. computer hardware refers to……………………………….
ii. List three examples of hardware devices of a personal computer.

b. i. Backing up data refers to:…………………………..

ii. List three backup storage media.

4.a. State how spreadsheet cells are named.

b. What is the use of the of the Auto sum function in a spreadsheet application ?
c. State two difference between a spreadsheet and a word processing application
d. Give two examples each of :
i. Spreadsheet application
ii. Word processing application

5.a. Write the following acronyms in full:

i. URL ii. WWW iii. HTML iv. HTTP

b. Provide the part of the URL: that matches the following terms.

i. Protocol ii. Hostname iii. Domain Name iv. Domain Name Extension


1. C 11. D 21. A 31. B

2. D 12. A 22. C 32. C
3. B 13. A 23. D 33. D
4. B 14. B 24. C 34. B
5. D 15. A 25. C 35. C
6. D 16. C 26. C 36. C
7. D 17. D 27. D 37. D
8. D 18. A 28. C 38. D
9. C 19. A 29. B 39. C
10. D 20. C 30. C 40. A

i . Speaker ii. Mouse iii. Compact Disc or Digital Versatile Disc


Inside View Back View Front View

Motherboard PS/2 Port Compact Disc Slot
Random Access Memory Power Supply Port
Central Processing unit

c. i. Used to drag an object from one place to another

ii. Used to double-click to open a folder, file or program
iii. Used to select multiple objects whiles holding either control or shift key
iv. Used to highlight text, sentences, or paragraph
v. Used to select an object
vi. Mouse Scroll button is used to scroll down or up page.

d. i. tab or enter key

ii. Escape key or Window + Escape
iii. Enter key


a. Word Wrap is a feature of word-processing computer software that automatically places text
within set margins..

b. Print Preview is a feature in word processing application that enables a user to see how each
page will look like when printed.

c. A soft copy is the unprinted digital document file.

d. A hard copy is a physical permanent reproduction of document for direct

use through printer printout .

a. i. Computer Hardware refers to the visible and physical components of the computer and these
parts can be seen and touch.
ii. Mouse, system unit, speaker, monitor, keyboard, light pen, printer, CPU, etc

b. i. Backup means to copy files to a second medium (a disk or tape) as a precaution in case the
first medium fails.
ii. CD, DVD, floppy disk, Hard disk, magnetic tape, flash memory, memory cards, etc.

a. A cell is named by its address which consists of its column letter and row number e.g. cell A1 is
the cell in the first column and first row.

b. Autosum is a feature in spreadsheet application that automatically sum or add values in a range
or group of selected cells.

Word Processing Application Spreadsheet Application

Used for reports, resumes, le(ers, memos, Used for performing calcula!ons on data.
and newsle(ers Generally used for accoun!ng purposes.
Used for desktop publishing It is made up of columns and rows.
It is made up of blank page with no columns
and rows

d. i. AbiWord, WPS Writer ii. MS Excel, WPS Spreadsheet

a. i. URL– Uniform Resource Locator
ii. WWW– World Wide Web
iii. HTML– Hypertext Markup Language
iv. HTTP– Hypertext Transfer Protocol

b. i. Protocol- http
ii. Hostname- waecgh
iii. Domain name- waecgh
iv. Domain name extension- org

JUNE 2015
1. Which of the following computer keyboard keys is used to type upper case letters when
the caps lock light is off? A. Control key B. Enter key C. Insert key D. Shift key
2. Which of the following devices are used to feed a computer system with data?
A. Keyboard and monitor B. Keyboard and mouse
C. Mouse and monitor D. Mouse and printer
3. A computer accepts data input, processes the data and produces
A. byte B. data C. output D. storage
4. The component of the computer that houses the motherboard and the power supply unit is
called………….A. central processing unit B. monitor C. printer D. system unit
5. Which component of the computer resembles the typewriter?
A. Keyboard B. Monitor C. Mouse D. Webcam
6. The optical storage media among the following is
A. compact disc B. floppy disk C. hard disk D. magnetic disk
7. Which of the following media stores data temporarily?
A. Floppy disk B. Hard disk
C. Random Access Memory D. Read Only Memory
8. Which of the following devices must be turned on first when booting the computer?
A. Central Processing Unit B. Monitor C. Printer D. System Unit
9. The part of the central processing unit responsible for performing all logical operations is
10. When files and folders are deleted from the computer, they go into the
A. Briefcase B. Desktop C. Delete bin D. Recycle bin
11. Which of the following gives the user a log of all opened programs?
A. Start button B. Start menu C. Taskbar D. Title bar
12. Which of the following would happen when a user double clicks on a folder?
A. A sub-folder would be created B. The folder would be closed
C. The folder would be deleted D. The folder would be opened
13. Dragging a folder from one drive to a window on the same drive is equivalent to a
A. copy operation B. cut operation C. delete operation D. move operation
14. The process whereby the computer manipulates data to produce information is known as
A. capturing B. processing C. recording D. retrieving
15. The stages of information processing cycle under ICT are
A. input, output, process and distribution B. input, process, output and distribution
C. input, process, distribution and output D. input, distribution, output and process.

16. Which of the following is a problem to computer users as a result of radiation from the
A. Body pains B. Dizziness C. Eye irritation D. Loss of grip strength
17. Which of the following is a reason for copyrighting ICT tools or technologies?
A. To avoid distribution of viruses B. To encourage people to make illegal copies
C. To protect the intellectual works of the inventors
D. To ensure poorer people do not have access to ICT tools
18. Which of the following is a bad practice in the usage of ICT tools?
A. Making or receiving phone calls whilst driving
B. Not receiving phone calls when charging it
C. Use of air conditioning to improve dry atmosphere
D. Use of footstools to adjust leg positioning when working on computers
19. To search for information on various topics, which of the following packages is used?
A. Database B. Encarta C. Presentation D. Spreadsheet
20. If a user places the mouse cursor at one end of a text, holds down the left button and
drags to the other end of the text, the effect will be
A. copying the text B. cutting the text C. moving the text D. selecting the text
21. To underline selected text(s) under a word processing environment, use the shortcut keys
A. Ctrl+U B. Shift+U C. Alt+U D. Insert+U
22. A collection of separate windows applications sold as a group is called
A. command B. communication C. integrated D. suite
23. Adding 3-D effect to an object is done through the
A. Auto Formatting dialogue box B. Drawing Toolbar C. Formatting Toolbar
D. Graphic Styles menu
24. Which of the following options is required to save a document with a different name?
A. File, New B. File, Close C. File, Save D. File, Save As
25. The process of automatically moving an entire word to start the next line in a word
processing program is called
A. text wrap B. text movement C. word wrap D. word movement
26. In the symbol H2O, the 2 appears as a
A. number B. positive integer C. subscript D. superscript
27. The shift key on a computer keyboard is used to…………..A. erase characters
B. toggle cases of letters C. insert a space into a word document
D. type a word rather than a character
28. Which of the following document views will enable a user to view a document as it will
appear on a printed page?
A. Normal view B. Outline view C. Print layout view D. Web layout view

29. The print preview button is located on which of the following toolbars?
A. Drawing toolbar B. Formatting toolbar C. Header/Footer toolbar
D. Standard toolbar
30. Which of the following is an icon on the drawing toolbar?
A. Arrows B. Change Case C. Drop Cap D. Text Direction
31. Transferring data from a local computer to a remote computer is referred to as
A. downlinking B. downloading C. uplinking D. uploading
32. In computing, an element which links from one document to another or within the same
document is called…….. A. hyperlink B. pointer C. web browser D. web page
33. Information printed on paper is referred to as
A. carbon copy B. hard copy C. print copy D. soft copy
34. The button that opens a dialogue box for users to create an email message is
A. Back B. Compose C. Create D. Refresh
35. Computer virus is capable of
A. enhancing the contents of a file B. maintaining the computer system
C. making the work of the computer easy D. slowing down the computer system perfor-
36. In an email environment, the acronym BCC refers to
A. Blank Carbon Copy B. Bulk Carbon Copy C. Blind Carbon Copy
D. Backup Carbon Copy
37. A computer program that enables users to surf the internet is called
A. internet surfer B. web browser C. web navigation D. web surfer
38. Specialized programs that assist a user to locate information on the internet is called
A. electronic mail B. search engine C. web browser D. web portal
39. The sign which represents an insertion of a formula in a spreadsheet program is
A. = or + B. = or – C. = or * D. = or /
40. Which of the following terms in a spreadsheet is identified by a letter and a number?
A. Column B. Cell C. Range D. Row


1. a. In the space provided below, draw a well labelled computer mouse.

b) Outline the steps involved in performing the following tasks:

i. Opening a document

ii.Saving a new created document

iii.Changing the desktop of a personal computer

2. Identify the following ICT tools



3. State two differences between

i.random access memory and read only memory
ii.hard disk and pen drive;
iii.file and folder

4. a. Explain the term clicking as used in the computing environment.

b. In a typical application window, list two command buttons that are found on the control
c. What is a screen tip?
d. Describe a computer mouse pad

5. State the use of the following email terminologies

i.Carbon copy
ii.Blind Carbon Copy


1. D. 11. C. 21. A. 31. D.

2. B. 12. D. 22. D. 32. A.
3. C. 13. D. 23. B. 33. B.
4. D. 14. B. 24. D. 34. B.
5 A. 15. B. 25. C. 35. D.
6. A. 16. B. 26. C. 36. C.
7. C. 17. C. 27. B. 37. B.
8. D. 18. A. 28. C. 38. B.
9. A. 19. B. 29. D. 39. A. = or +
10. D. 20. D. 30. A. 40. B


Scroll Wheel button Mouse body

Right-Click button

Connecting Cable Left-Click button

B. i. To Open An Existing Document:
1. Click the File tab on the Ribbon, and then click Open. Or, press Ctrl + O. The Open dialog box
2. Locate and select the file you want to open.
3. Click the Open button
a.Navigate to where the exiting document is.
b.Double on the document to open
a.Right-click on the file and select open with.
b.Select appropriate word processing application to open.
ii. To save newly created document;
a.Press Ctrl + S. Save as dialog box opens. Right
b.Select desired location in the navigation pane.
c.Enter desired name in the File name box
d.Click on save button to save the document
1. Click the File tab on the Ribbon, and then click Save. The Save As dialog box opens.
2. Select the desired location in the Navigation pane.
3. Enter the desired name in the File name box.
4. Click the Save button.

iii. To change the desktop of a personal computer:

a.Right-click any open part of the desktop screen.
b.Click Personalize.
c. Click Desktop Background.
d. Click Browse.
e.Find the location of the picture you want to use and click OK.
f. Put a check mark in the picture you want to set as the Windows background.
g. Click Save changes to set your selected picture as the new Windows desktop background.

A. Keyboard B. Monitor C. Joystick D. Printer E. Power Supply F. Hard disk drive



This is non-vola!le. This is vola!le
Not easily accessible by user. Easily accessible by user
Low storage capacity. High storage capacity


1. Contains informa!on Contains files and other folders
2. Takes spaces on the computer storage medium Takes virtually no space on the computer
3. Has name extension storage medium



1. Much greater storage capacity Less storage capacity
2. Usually fixed Removable

a. Clicking is the pressing and releasing of the left mouse button once without moving the
mouse. It is usually performed to select or deselect an object on the computer screen.
b. Maximize, Minimize, Close and Restore button
c. Screen tip gives the computer user a brief description/information about an object.
d. Mouse pad refers to a surface on which a mouse can be moved. It is typically a rectangular
rubber pad covered with fabric, providing more traction than a wooden or glass desktop or
table top
(a) Carbon copy is used to send the same information to other recipients apart from the original
(b) Blind carbon copy is used to secretly send the same information to other recipients.
(c) To is the location where the original recipient( email address is/are inserted before
sending a message.
(d) Subject is the location where the title/theme of the email message is inserted before
sending a messages

1. Software is a generic term for a computer ……………..a. application b. device c. program d.
2. An example of input device is the ……………….a. keyboard b. monitor c. printer d. speaker
3. The main storage within the system unit of the computer is……………….a. compact disk b.
floppy disk c. hard disk d. memory stick
4. The technical name given to switching on a computer is………………...a. booting b. refreshing
c. restarting d. shutdown
5. Which of the following can be used to shutdown the computer? a. desktop b. menu bar c.
start menu d. taskbar
6. A group of files is stored in a ……………...a. folder b. graphic c. text d. word
7. The first stage of data processing is the …………………..a. distribution stage b. input stage c.
output stage d. processing data
8. Which of the following is not an antivirus program? a. Avast b. McAfee c. Norton d.
9. The number of arrow keys on the computer keyboard are ……………..a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
10. The intersection of a row an da column is called………………..a. cell b. field c. workbook d.
11. The part of the computer which stores programs that boot and perform diagnostics is the
………..a. Arithmetic logic unit b. central processing unit c. random access memory d.
read only memory
12. The step by step instruction that tells the computer what to do is referred to as……………..a.
data b. hardware c. information d. software
13. The computer mouse must be placed on a…………….a. floor b. pad c. plate d. table
14. Which of the following are examples of secondary storage media ? a. floppy disk, ran-
dom access memory and read only memory b. hard disk, pen drive and random ac-
cess memory c. floppy disk, hard disk and pen drive d. hard disk, pen drive and
read only memory
15. Which of the following buttons on the turn off computer dialogue box will lead to a warm boot-
ing? A. hibernate b. log off c. restart d. turn off
16. An icon on the computer desktop that keeps deleted data form the windows environment is
called…………..a. inbox b. my brief case c. my computer d. recycle bin
17. In case an original is damaged, the duplicate that can be used is termed …………..a. backup
b. folder c. restore d. storage
18. The following are not possible health hazards of prolonged use of a computer systems ac-
cept………… a. back pain b. eye strain c. stomach ache d. wrist pain

19. The study of the physical relationship between workers and their environment is called…….a.
computing b. ergonomics c. generic d. pivoting
20. The ethical issue that concerns the collection and use of data about individuals is referred to
…………………………...a.. Accuracy b. access c. copyright d. privacy
21. The software that is used to create letters and order document is …………...a. multimedia appli-
cation b. operating system c. Spreadsheet application d. word processing
22. Which of the following is a complete website address? a. b. htpp// a. hhtp// d. hhpp://
23. The largest computer network is the ……………………..a. Local area network b. metropolitan
area network c. personal area network d. wide area network
24. Unsolicited bulk electronic messages are generally referred to as ………………...a. communica-
tion b. email c. spam d. virus
25. The device that is required to read and write information onto magnetic disk is known as
……….a. diskette b. disk drive c. disk memory d. hard disk
26. Bringing back a minimized window box from taskbar is termed as…………..a. closing b. editing
c. maximizing d. restoring
27. A software that present lessons in a movie like manner is referred to as ……….a. multimedia b.
multiplicity c. multitasking d. multipurpose
28. Which of the following computer keyboard keys allow users too erase character to the right of
the cursor…………..a. backspace key b. delete key c. insert d. tab key
29. Which of the following computer keyboard combinations is used to select text………..a. Ctrl + A
b. Ctrl + S c. Ctrl + V d. Ctrl + X
30. Which of the following commands must be used to save a document in a preferred name? a.
Exit b. New c. Restore d. Save As
31. In H2O, the two appears as………..a. alphanumeric b. Positive integer c. subscript d. super-
32. The number of command buttons on the title bar of an open word processing application win-
dow is……………...a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
33. Which of the following menu options contain the new blank document? A. edit b. file c.
format d. insert
34. In order to apply bold formatting to a section of a existing text, the user must first………...a.
save the document b. click the start button c. click on the formatting button d. select the
section of the formatted
35. A computer program that enables users to surf the internet is called………...a. internet surfer b.
web browser c. web surfer d. web navigator
36. Which of the following about email communication is true every user of an email account

needs? a. only a valid password b. only a valid username c. username and password
d. a valid address and password
37. A specialized program that assists user to locate information on the web and the internet is
called……….a. electronic mail b. search engine c. web browser d. web portal
38. The intersection o 8th row and 7th column in a spreadsheet application will have the refer-
ence………..a. 7H b. 8G c.G8 d. H7
39. The computer equivalent of a large sheet of paper divided into columns and rows in the office
suite is called…………..a. database b. electronic sheet c. paper sheet
40. The sign used to prompt a spreadsheet that a user is about to apply a formula/function to a
cell is …………………..a. = b. - c. * d. /
1. A. identify the toolbar below:

B. identify the parts labelled Q, R, S, and T in 1.a

C. state the function of the toolbar in 1.a
D. Identify the following ICT Tools

E. In the space provided below, draw a well labelled computer mouse.

2.a. what is a computer virus?

B. Outline four measures that could be taken to prevent the computer from getting infected with
C. Give one example of antivirus software

3.a. What is an operating system ?
B. State three functions of an operating system
C. Outline two differences between system software and application software.

4. Explain the following spreadsheet terminologies:

A. cell B Range C. Worksheet D. Active Cell

5. a. list the four basic operations performed by a computer B. complete the table below using
the given icon

Icon Description


1. C 11. D 21. D 31. C

2. A 12. D 22. A 32. B
3. C 13. B 23. D 33. B
4. A 14. A 24. C 34. D
5. C 15. C 25. D 35. B
6. A 16. D 26. D 36. C
7. B 17. A 27. A 37. B
8. D 18. C 28. B 38. C
9. C 19. B 29. A 39. D
10. A 20. D 30. D 40. A


a. Standard toolbar
b. Q– New R– Open S– Save T– Print
c. It contains buttons that are shortcuts to some commonly used menu items to carry out ac-
tions or toolbar containing frequently used tools to perform specific task.

d. I– Microphone II– Monitor or Smart TV III– TV or Radio Remote IV– Digital Calcula-
V– Flash Drive or Pen Drive

Right-Click button

Mouse body

Scroll Wheel button

Left-Click button

Connecting Cable

a. A small software program that is designed to spread from one computer to another and to In-
terfere with computer operation Or Computer virus is program designed to cause harm on an in-
fected computer system.

b. i. Install software from uninfected sources.

ii. Install antiviral software.
iii. Don’t open email that is suspicious or that you don’t recognize the sender’s name.
iv. Scan all information/ data daily.
v. Create backups of legitimate original software and data files regularly.

c. Avast, Avira, AVG Anti-Virus, Vipre, Comodo, Quick heal security, Smartdav, ESET security, etc.
a. An Operating system is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts
an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware.

b. i. Provides a user interface which helps the end user to communicate with the computer.
ii. Manages application software that Run on the PC.
iii. Controls and Manages hardware devices
iv. Operating System also Controls all the Storage Operations
v. Operating System also breaks the large program into the Smaller Programs.

c. i. System software is a programs that manage hardware components while application software
refers to programs that perform tasks
ii. Application software requires an System Software to be installed and booted up before it can
be used.
iii. System Software is used to manage system resources and give Application software an environ-
ment in which it can run.
iv. System Software acts as an intermediary between the user, the application software and the
computer hardware but application software do not.
v. Do not interact with system software as it works in the background whereas users interact with
application software while doing different activities.

a. Cell is the intersection of a row and a column
b. Range is a group of specified/selected adjacent cells.
c. Worksheet is a electronic sheet that contains rows and columns.
d. Active cell is a cell that is ready to receive data.



Format Painter





JUNE 2016
1. The brain of the computer is the
A. monitor B. system software C. read only memory D. central processing unit
2. An example of output device is the
A. keyboard B. mouse C. printer D. scanner
3. One byte is equal to
A. two bits B. eight bits C. sixteen bits D. one thousand bits
4. To boot a computer means to
A. put it off B. put it on C. restart it D. take it away
5. The horizontal bar that normally lies at the bottom of a computer desktop screen is called
A. taskbar B. start button C. horizontal ruler D. quick launch toolbar
6. A folder within another folder is called A. file B. subfolder
C. inside folder D. innermost folder
7. Processed material which is meaningful to the user in computing is called
A. data B. file C. information D. record
8. The copyright laws protect the works of an author for a period of his life time and
A. 40 years after his death B. 50 years after his death
C. 60 years after his death D. 70 years after his death
9. An example of a function key on a computer keyboard is
A. F1 B. Q C. @ D. NmLk
10. Entry of data into a computer is termed
A. input B. output C. process D. distribution
11. The following are hardware components except
A. keyboard B. monitor C. mouse D. windows
12. The following devices can be found in the system unit except
A. ports B. memory C. motherboard D. scroll wheel
13. The method of reproducing copies of a document is termed
A. copying B. pasting C. photocopying D. printing
14. Storage media that are similar to compact discs but store more data are known as
A. pen drives B. hard disks C. floppy disks D. digital versatile discs.
15. To boot a computer system, the user needs
A. printer attached B. operating system C. virus checking program
D. word processing software
16. The number of command buttons on the control menu are
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
17. The location where a file is stored is called
A. folder B. icon C. page D. website
18. Viewing television for long periods can damage an individual’s
A. eye B. head C. mouth D. nose
19. Which of the following is an effect of loud ringing tone of mobile phone?
A. Headache B. Wrist pain C. Bleeding nose D. Damage to hearing
20. Which of the following cannot cause computer virus infection?
A. Internet B. Input devices C. Computer network D. Removable storage de-
21. The following are features of a word processing application window except
A. desktop B. font C. print D. zoom
22. Which of the following is not a component of a uniform resource locator (URL) ?
A. Web protocol B. Name of browser C. Name of web server
D. Name of the file with the directory
23. The speed of modem is measured in
A. baud B. bit C. byte D. hertz
24. A special software that is used to access the internet is called
A. address bar B. search engine C. web browser D. windows xp.
25. One billion bytes is approximately one
A. gigabyte B. kilobyte C. megabyte D. terabyte
26. Changing the desktop wall paper of a computer is termed
A. background change B. editing the desktop C. customizing the desktop
D. formatting the desktop
27. The use of ICT in learning and teaching is to make it
A. interesting and boring B. uninteresting but not boring
C. interesting but students do not learn at their pace D. easy and interesting, students
learn at their pace.
28. To create a space between characters, words and sentences, use the
A. backspace key B. enter key C. shift key D. spacebar key
29. Which computer keyboard key allows users to erase characters to the left of the cursor?
A. Backspace key B. Delete key C. Insert key D. Tab key
30. The process that is used to recall a document previously saved is termed
A. Copy B. Enter C. Open D. Save as
31. Double-clicking on a program icon on a computer desktop
A. cuts the program’s window B. copies the program’s window
C. closes the program’s window D. opens the program’s window
32. Which of the following steps will open, check and correct errors, and submit the file for safe
keeping under a word processing application?
A. File, Open, Edit and Save B. Open, File, Edit and Save C. Open, File, Close and Save
D. Start, Open, Edit and Save
33. The process of a user placing the cursor at one end of a text, holds down the left mouse button
and drag to the other end of the text is referred to as
A. copying B. cutting C. moving D. selecting
34. Previewing a document before printing is necessary because it
A. formats the document. B. displays the name of the document. C. displays copy and
paste of documents. D. displays how the document will look after printing.
35. Which of the following options is used to access a message from an Inbox in an electronic
A. Mail B. Send/ Receive C. Import / Export D. Create New Account
36. Which of the following should a user bypass before accessing an email?
A. Gmail and password B. Yahoo and username C. Password and
D. Computer name and password.
37. Which of the following command buttons in the browser enables a user to fetch the latest
copy of the webpage?
A. Backward B. Forward C. Refresh D. Stop
38. A spreadsheet cell name is referenced by a
A. letter B. number C. letter and number D. number and letter.
39. Mathematical calculations in a spreadsheet application are called
A. labels B. formulae C. numbers D. values
40. In a spreadsheet application, which of the following can be identified by a letter?
A. Cell B. Column C. Range D. Row


1. D. 11. D. 21. A. 31. D.

2. C. 12. D. 22. B. 32. A.
3. B. 13. A. 23. D. 33. D.
4. B. 14. D. 24. C. 34. D.
5. A. 15. B. 25. A. 35. A.
6. B. 16. C. 26. A. 36. C.
7. C. 17. A. 27. D. 37. C.
8. D. 18. A. 28. D. 38. C.
9. A. 19. D. 29. A 39. B.
10. A. 20. B. 30. C. 40. B

(a) 1. (a) Identify the diagram below

(b) Identify the parts labeled A, B and C

(c) Provide the names and functions of each of the following mouse pointer shapes:

(d) Outline the steps used to rename a folder on the desktop of a computer.

2. (a) Explain the term word processing.

(b) Give the default extension for the following file format:

(c) Write the shortcut keyboard keys combination for the following commands as used in a word
processing environment:
(i) Cut (ii) Copy (iii) Paste (iv) Print
3. (a) List two examples of:
(i) input devices (ii) output devices iii) storage media
(iv) devices which serve both input and output purposes
(b) Outline two differences between storage media and storage device

4. (a) Explain the following terms:

(i) Internet (ii) Search engine

(b) What do the following Top-Level Domains (TLDs) represent in a website address?

(i) .com (ii) .edu (iii) .gov (iv) .net (v) .mil (vi) .org

5. (a) What is copyright?

(b) State two reasons for copyright protection

(c) Give three ICT devices that can produce output on paper.
(d) State one difference between softcopy output and hardcopy output.


(a) Shut down dialogue box
(b) A. Stand by B. Turn off C. Restart
(i) Normal Select Pointer :Used to select most objects
(ii) Select whole line pointer (mirror image of the normal mouse cursor) :used when moving to a
certain area left of the line or an entire line from the extreme left hand side. You can get in Out-
look or Notepad++
(iii) Busy / Processing: Used to wait for a window to become responsive
(iv) Text select pointer / I beam pointer: Used to indicate a location between characters
(v) Link Select Pointer: Used to select text and graphic links / hyperlinks
(i) Right click on folder’s icon
(ii) Select Rename
(iii) Type the new name of the folder
(iv) Press enter or click on any free space on the desktop
(i) Select the folder
(ii) Click on the old name to select it
(iii) Type the new name of the folder
(iv) Press enter or click on any free space on the desktop

(a) Word processing is a type of so ware applica on used to create, edit, and format document.
(b) Notepad – .txt
(i) Cut CTRL + X
(ii) Copy CTRL + C
(iii) Paste CTRL + V
(iv) Print CTRL + P

(i) input devices: Keyboard, mouse, touch pad, tracker ball, microphone, scanner, joystick,
digital camera, bar code reader, optical pen
(ii) output devices: Monitor, speaker, printer, plotter, projector
(iii) storage media: hard disk, floppy disk and magnetic tape, CD, DVD, memory stick and flash
(iv) devices which serve both input and output purposes: Touch screen, Modem, Digital Cam-
era, disk drives, facsimile.

Storage media Storage devices

1. Storage media are the materials that ac- Storage devices are the devices that store on
tually hold the data / information. the storage media
2. The storage media are usually placed on/ Storage devices read from or write to storage
in storage devices. media when placed in or on

(i) Internet is a global network of computers using standardized communication protocols.
(ii) Search engine is a software that is designed to search for information on the World Wide
(i) .com Commercial
(ii) .edu Educational
(iii) .gov Government
(iv) .net Network
(v) .mil Military
(vi) .org Organization
(a) What is copyright?
It is the legal right that prevents people from copying intellectual property without the permission
of the original owner.
i. to promote the progress of science, technology and the arts.
ii. to encourage the creation of new and improved intellectual works
iii. to prevent the unlawful / unauthorized use and/or duplication of creative works
iv. to protect the interests of the authors/creators of intellectual property
1. A desktop monitor that uses a liquid crystal display to produce image is………..a. LCD monitor
b. head-mounted display c. CRT monitor d. monitor
2. Information o an electronic display device is referred to as………………...a. softcopy b. hardcopy
c. print copy d. photocopy
3. A collection of eight bits is called………………...a. byte b. word c. record d. file
4. When a computer is using a particular program, it is said to be………….a. installing b. preparing
c. running d. copying
5. The on screen work area that has a graphical user interface is called………….a. desktop b. win-
dow c. taskbar d. menu
6. Recycle bin is a ……………….a. folder on desktop b. file on desktop c. folder in my desktop d.
file in my computer
7. Computers give out information which in computer terminology is termed…….a. input b. out-
put c. processing d. softcopy
8. The software that is installed in computers to protect them from viral infection is referred to
as………….a. virus b. antivirus c. antibiotic d. file protector
9. The computer keyboard keys A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, and L are referred to as………..a. typing keys
b. home row keys c. nine finger keys d. standard keys
10. In a spreadsheet program, related worksheets and documents are referred to as ……….a. work-
book b. column c. cell d. formula
11. Operating system does the following except…………….a. control hardware resources b. provide
a user interface c. provides as user interface d. provides formatting and editing o
12. A type of system software that assists users with maintaining the operation of the computer its
devices, or its software is called …………...a. windows program b. virus c. utility program d.
paint program
13. Which of the following is an effect of loud ringing tone of mobile phone?
A. Headache B. Wrist pain C. Bleeding nose D. Damage to
14. A duplicate of a file or program on a separate storage medium that can be used incase the orig-
inal is lost, damaged or destroyed is called…………………...a. photocopy b. photostat c. repro-
duction d. backup
15. The process of bringing a computer into operation is called……….a. booting b. copying c.
turning on d. turning off
16. A collection of pictures n the computer into various types as art and season is referred to as
……………….a. clip art b. word art c. word wrap d. default
17. Removing a program from a computer requires ……………..a. deleting b. cutting c. disabling d.

18. Anything that serves as a source of danger to the health of those exposed to it is termed
health………….a. infection b. device c. hazard d. disease
19. Which of the following is a good practice in ICT environment? a. receiving calls when charging
the phone b. overloading socket c. screen filters for computer monitor d. getting closer to
television when watching programs
20. To prevent infection by a computer virus…………...a. avoid visiting medical websites b. use an-
tivirus software c. don’t upgrade the operating system d. do not start the computer when it is
21. The topmost bar on a word processing application window is called…………….a. taskbar b. title
bar c. status d. menu bar
22. The software used to search for specific topics, indexes and information on the internet is
called……………….a. internet explorer b. browser c. search engine d. network
23. The device used to transform digital signal to analog and vice versa on a network is…………….a.
telephone b. modem c. hub d. digital box
24. The first page that is displayed on a website is called…………….a. beginning page b. thumb
page c. home page d. greeting page
25. One billion bytes is approximately one…………..a. kilobyte b. terabyte c. megabyte d. gigabyte
26. Computer users make selections from menus using …………...a. commands b. bars c. op-
tions d. tabs
27. Which of the following is true about ICT tools? a. they make learning easy b. they make
learning difficult c. students do not learn at their own pace d. used too searching for infor-
mation on few topics
28. Which part of the computer mouse button is used to select an object on-screen? a. left but-
ton b. right button c. left-clicking d. dragging
29. Pressing and releasing the primary mouse button is referred to as ………..a. double clicking
b. right-clicking c. left-clicking d. dragging
30. The save As command is found on the …………...a. edit menu b. file menu c. format menu
d. view menu
31. Making changes and corrections of grammatical errors to the existing document is referred to
as………...a. correction b. deleting c. editing d. formatting
32. To right align text in a word processing application, use the keyboard keys………….a. CTRL+ B
b. CTRL+R c. CTRL+ L d. CTRL+ U
33. The formatting toolbar in a word processing application contains the following button ex-
cept………….a. bold b. underline c. save d. font
34. The printed form of output is referred to as ……………..a. hardcopy b. softcopy c. tangible copy
d. intangible copy
35. The act of transmitting data form a remote computer on the internet or other one’s own com-
puter is called…………….a. downloading b. uploading c. wrapping d. browsing
36. Which of the following is an example of a search engine? a. google b. Kaspersky c. Avira
d. Norton
37. A teacher using the internet can send an electronic mail student if he/she has a/an……..a.
website b. computer c. email address d. modem
38. Two or more cells selected in a spreadsheet is known as ………….a. cell reference b. values c.

name box d. range
39. The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called………….a. cell b. sheets c. grid-
lines d. scrollbars
40. A single box that shows the intersection of a column and a row in an opened spreadsheet pro-
gram is called…………..a. text b. cell c. column d. range


1. A 11. D 21. B 31. C
2. A 12. C 22. C 32. A
3. A 13. D 23. B 33. C
4. C 14. D 24. C 34. A
5. A 15. A 25. D 35. A
6. A 16. A 26. C 36. A
7. B 17. D 27. B 37. C
8. B 18. C 28. A 38. D
9. B 19. C 29. C 39. C
10. A 20. B 30. B 40. B

1.a. Identify the picture below




Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E and F in 1(a)
c. Name the two types of device B in 1(a)
d. Name five components found inside the device A in 1(a) above

e. Study the items in the table show carefully. Column A has icons and Column C has the function
of the icons. In column B, write down the letter from column C that represents the function of the
icon in column A.
Column A Column B Column C
A. Opens new blank document

B. Displays the print preview window

C. saves document using same file name

D. Opens existing document file

E. Changes the text color

f. List four menu items of a menu bar in a word processing window.

2. a. List three types of computers

b. List five storage media
c. Give two ways through which computers may be infected with virus

3.a.List three main parts of a standard computer keyboard

b. What is a peripheral device?
c. Give four examples of peripheral devices
d. List two examples of operating systems

4.a. State two reasons why a computer underlines a typed text in word processing application with a
red wavy line
b. Give the function of the following keyboard keys
I. enter keys ii. Delete keys
c. Write down the following acronyms in full

5.a. List three health-related problems associated with problems with prolonged usage of the com-
b. Explain communication as used in the computer industry.
c. Explain the following terminology as used in a spreadsheet application
i. Cell Address ii. Graph

a. Part of computer
b. A- System Unit B– Monitor C– Speaker D– Printer E– Mouse F– Keyboard
c. i. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Monitor ii. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor
d. i. Central Processing Unit or Processor ii. Random Access Memory
iii. Daughterboard iv. Power supply v. Buses
vi. Heat Sink vii. CPU Socket viii. PCI Slots,
ix. ROM Chip x. CMOS Battery xi. Motherboard


Column A Column B Column C

1 C A. Opens new blank document

2 E B. Displays the print preview window

3 B C. saves document using same file name

4 A D. Opens existing document file

5 D E. Changes the text color

f. i. File ii. Insert iii. View iv. Edit v. Format

a. i. Analog Computers ii. Digital Computers iii. Hybrid Computers
b. i. Hard Disk ii. Flash memory iii. CD/DVD
iv. Floppy disk v. Photo CD vii. Zip Disk
c. i. Downloading of infected files from the internet
ii. It can download other malicious programs from the internet and install it on the computer.
iii. They can also be package together with user-installed software, such as peer –to-peer

a. i. Alphanumeric keys ii. Numeric keys iii. Function Keys iv. Arrow Con-
trol/ Navigational Keys v. Modifier Keys

b. Peripheral Device is a device connected to computer to perform additional functions or tasks.

c. Speaker, Printer, Scanner, Joystick, Plotter, camera, Modem, Fax, Mouse, etc.
d. Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 2000, XP, 10, 95, 98, DOS, Red Hat, Fedora, Mac OS, Ubuntu, etc.

a. i. Wrongly spelt words.
ii. Words typed or spelt cannot be found in the computer dictionary.

b. i. Enter is used to enter commands or to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
ii. Delete key deletes or erases or clear objects on the computer or erases characters to the right
of the insertion point.

c. i. HTML— Hypertext Markup Language ii. WYSIWYG— What You See Is What You Get

i. Eye straining resulting in poor vision
ii. Wrist pain
iii. Muscular and tendon damage known as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).
iv. Vision problem
v. Back pains
vi. Cancer
vii. Damage to the ear resulting hearing impairment

b. Communication is the process of sharing ideas, information, and messages with others in a
particular time and place through the use of Information and Communication tools.

c. i. cell address is the name of the selected cell, range, or object.

ii. Graph is the picture representa!on of a data that indicate rela!onship among two or more data.

JUNE 2017

1. A group of instructions that directs a computer is called

A. Logic B. Memory C. Program D. storage
2. Devices that extend their services to enhance the function of the computer are called
A. Hardware B. Software C. Peripherals D. firmware
3. The physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions, and information is
called………………………..A. Primary storage B. Secondary storage C. Tertiary storage
D. Cache storage
4. When a computer is on, it is normally termed
A. Information B. Programming C. Running D. working
5. Working with more than one application at the time is known as
A. Double tasking B. Multitasking C. Running D. launching
6. The duplication of an original document is referred to as
A. Backup B. Back down C. Production D. copying
7. The steps data go through to become information are
A. Information steps B. Information technology
C. Information processing cycle D. Information distribution
8. Which of the following is a keyboard layout format?
9. Which of the following programs has feature like grid book?
A. Microsoft paint B. Spreadsheet C. Open source writer D. Microsoft word
10. System software is a platform which runs
A. Source codes B. Application software C. Operating system D. utilities
11. The memory that stores permanent instructions is referred to as
A. Random access memory B. Read only memory C. Write once read many
memory D. Virtual memory
12. The interaction between the input and output device is controlled by the
13. Which of the following is not a storage device?
A. Pen drive B. Touch pad C. Hard disk D. Floppy disk
14. To boot a computer system, that user needs
A. Word processing software B. Printer attached C. Virus checking program
D. Operating system
15. The following are features on the GUI except
A. Command line B. Icon C. Menu driven D. window

16. When files are cleared from the computer, it is known as
A. Restoring B. Editing C. Deleting D. removing
17. Viewing television for long periods can damage an individual's
A. Nose B. Eye C. Feet D. mouth
18. The following are good posture positions when using a computer except
A. Back straight B. Eyes on monitor C. Elbows on the table D. Feet on the floor
19. The ethical issue that relates to the responsibility of those who collect data to ensure that the
data is correct is……...A. Accuracy B. Privacy C. Access D. ethics
20. The legal right to control the production and selling of a book, play, film, or software is called
A. Production right B. Copyright C. Trader right D. patent
21. A word document created with a word processing program will have the extension
A. Doc B. Txt C. Ppt D. Xls
22. A collection of linked documents or pages stored on millions of computers and distributed
across the world is called………….A. Internet B. Hyperlink C. World Wide Web D. Browser
23. The set of rules that enables different types of computers and networks on the internet to
communicate with one another is the…A. Internet rules B. Protocols C. Network rules
D. Communication rules
24. The fastest form of sending information is through the
A. Ghana Post B. EMS C. E-mail D. DHL
25. After work, your mother decided to bring a copy of the data home to work on. Which of the fol-
lowing storage devices would you advise her to use?
I. RAM II. Floppy disk III. Pen drive IV. Hard disk
A. I and II only B. II, III and IV only C. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV
26. The process of moving different portions of a document on the screen into view is called
A. Downward B. Upward C. Moving D. scrolling
27. Which of the following is not a reason for using ICT in education?
A. ICT tools increase learner motivation and engagement
B. ICT tools facilitate the acquisition of basic skills in Maths, English, Science etc.
C. ICT tools enhance teaching through the use of presentation software
D. ICT tools force students to learn at others' pace
28. Which of the following computer keyboard keys are used for issuing commands?
A. Alphanumeric B. Numeric C. Standard D. function
29. Which of the following mouse buttons when clicked, provides a menu which user can choose
from? A. Left button B. Right button C. Scroll ball D. Scroll button
30. Making changes to an existing document is referred to as
A. Creating B. Modifying C. Adjusting D. editing
31. A symbol on the screen that indicates where the next character typed will appears

A. Text mark B. Indicator C. Pointing stick D. Insertion point
32. Which of the following steps can be used to change font type of a document
A. Format select/Font font type B. Font Select Format Font Type/Ok
C. Select format/ Font type/OK D. Format Font/Ok font type
33. The standard Toolbar contains buttons that
A. Control page margins and tabs B. Perform the most common tasks
C. Help users navigate through the document D. Close and resize windows
34. In using MS word, one can decide to see exactly how the pages of the document will appear
when printed. Which of the following best describes this?
A. Printer print B. Print preview C. Print view D. Print view
35. The basic information on the internet can be in the form of the following except
A. Text B. Sound C. Graphic D. game
36. If you want any information on the internet that contains the keywords "Kofi", "Annan" and
"Ghana". Which of the following could be the most appropriate search text to provide to the
search engine?
I. Search Kofi Annan and Ghana on any website
II. I want any information on Kofi Annan and Ghana
III. Kofi Annan Ghana
A. I only B. II only C. I and II only D. III only
37. A student wants to search for information on the internet to have solution to the ICT assign-
ment from school. Which of the following do you recommend for him/her to use?
A. E-mail address B. Search Engine C. Compose D. inbox
38. A set of cells in the horizontal direction in a spreadsheet application is called
A. Active cell B. Column C. Row D. sheet
39. In spread sheets, you can create a relationship between two cells using
A. Numbers B. Text C. Formulae D. rows
40. The sign used to prompt a spreadsheet that a user is about to apply a formula/function to a
cell is A. = or + B. = or – C. = or * D. = or

1. C 11. B 21. A 31. D
2. C 12. A 22. C 32. C
3. B 13. B 23. B 33. B
4. C 14. D 24. C 34. B
5. B 15. A 25. C 35. D
6. D 16. C 26. D 36. D
7. C 17. B 27. D 37. B
8. A 18. C 28. D 38. C
9. B 19. A 29. B 39. C
10. B 20. B 30. B 40. B

1. (a) Study the worksheet below carefully and use it to answer (i) – (vi)

3 1 Mensah Kofi 63 67 45 175
4 2 Jonfia Esi 34 78 64 176
5 3 Mends Eddy 54 82 66 202
6 4 Skews Okra 58 57 65 180
7 5 Coffie Sans 50 50 54 154
8 6 Okrah Emma 56 83 67 206
9 7 TOTAL 315 417 361 1093

(i) Outline the steps by which the Serial No. (1, 2, …, 7) were generated without typing them
one by one.
(ii) What is the cell address in which the name "MATHS" was entered?
(iii) Write down the cell range in which "BECE CLASS 3 RESULTS" was typed.
(iv) Write the spreadsheet formula that was used in computing the total value "202" in cell
(v) Write the spreadsheet function used in computing the total "417" in cell E9.
(vi) How many cells are in the cell range C3:E6?
(b) Outline the proper way of shutting down a computer after using it.

(c) Identify the following web browsers

(i) (ii) (ii)

2. (a) State three uses of the shift key on the computer keyboard.

(b) Write down the acronyms below in full:

(i) HDD
(ii) VDU
(iii) BIOS

3. (a) State two functions:

(i) of an input device;
(ii) performed by an output device;

(b) Match the items in Group 1 to those in Group 2 with lines.

Group 1 Group 2
Speedometer Bank
Electric stove School
Money Counting Machine Hospital
X-ray Machine Vehicle
4. a) State three ways through which computers may be damaged.

(b) List three specific areas of learning where ICT tools can be integrated.

(c) List three devices that may be used for transmission of messages on the internet.

5. (a) The Operating System makes it easy to store files in places that make a lot of sense. Give
the default folder or storage area for the following files:

(i) Text files;

(ii) Image files;
(iii) Music files;

(b) Write the shortcut keyboard keys combination for the following commands as used in a word
processing environment:

(i) Undo;

(ii) Find;

(iii) Select All.

(c) List three toolbars available in a word processing application.

A. i.
1. Type 1 in cell A3 and also =A1+1 in cell A4 respectively.
2. Move the mouse pointer to the right button Conner of cell A4 until it changes into a black
cross pointer.
3. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag it downwards to cell A9. Released the
mouse button when you get to cell A9.
ii. D2
iii. A1:G1
iv. =SUM(D5:F5)
v =SUM(E3:E8)
vi. 12 cells
1. Close all running Programs;
2. Click on Start button;
3. Select Turn off (Shut down);
4. Turn off the monitor;
5. Switch off power supply;
C. identify the following web browsers
i. Internet explorer
ii. Mozilla Firefox
iii. Opera mini
i. Used to type upper case letters when the caps lock key is off.
ii. Used to type lower case letters when the caps lock is on.
iii. Used in combination of the arrow keys to select series of text.
iv. Used in playing computer games.

i. HDD: Hard Disk Drive
ii. VDU: Visual Display Unit
iii. BIOS: Basic Input and Output System

(a) i.

a) Feeding the PC with data
b) Issuing commands
c) Playing games
a) Converts machine readable information into human readable information.
b) Display information from the computer to the user.
c) They indicates what the computer needs from the user
b. Speedometer —— car
Money counting machine——Bank
Stove —— home
X ray —— hospital
a. i. Power fluctuation ii. Rodents action iii. Power fluctuation
iv. Rodents action v. Dust vii. Virus infestation
v. Exposing the computer to excessive heat
vii. Plugging the computer to faulty sockets
viii. Fire outbreak
i. Mathema!cs ii. English Language iii. Science
iv. History v. ICT vi Geography, etc.
C. Laptop, Router, Modem, Mobile Phone, Telephone, Smart TV and Smart phone etc.

i. Text files: My document
ii. Image files: My picture folder
iii. Music files: My music folder
i. Undo: CTRL +Z ii. Find: CTRL+ F
ii. Select All: CTRL+ A
i. Standard toolbar
ii. Formatting toolbar
iii. Drawings toolbar

1. Desktop computers are examples of ………………...a. super computer b. mainframe comput-
er c. minicomputer d. microcomputers
2. The monitor which displays output only in one colour is …………………..a. cathode ray tube
b. dechrome c. liquid crystal display d. Monochrome
3. The smallest unit of a data stored on the computer is …………….a. bite b. byte c. kilobit
d. kilobyte
4. The process of restarting the computer which is already running is referred to as …………..a.
cold booting b. fire booting c. restart booting d. warm booting
5. The rectangular working area of an application is called a …………………..a. Desktop b.
Notepad c. Screen d. Window
6. Items deleted on the computer are moved to the ……………………...a. Clipboard b. Com-
puter box c. Dust bin d. Recycle bin
7. The information processing cycle is divided into……………….a. two stage b. three stage
c. five stage d. six stages
8. Which of the following symbols shows that an information is copyright protected? a. @
b. © c. ® d. TM
9. An examples of a function key on the computer keyboard is ………….a. @ b. F1
c. Q d. 10
10. The power of spreadsheet lies in its………………a. Cell b. Formula c. Labels d. Work-
11. Which of the following is a feature of an operating system? a. desktop screen b. Mavis
Beacon c. Microsoft Word d. Mozilla Firefox
12. The following are features of the random access memory except ………….a. Accessible to us-
er b. Non-volatile c. Temporary storage d. Volatile
13. Which of the following devices produces soft copies of document:? a. monitor b. photo-
copier c. printer d. speaker
14. Which of the following are storage media except…………...a. Compact disk b, Diskette c.
Flash disk d. Plotter
15. When a computer is shutdown incorrectly, which of the following is likely to happen? a.
The computer reboots b. the computer may be infected with virus c. the file
may be damaged d. the file may be upgraded
16. Opening an application can be termed as…………...a. deleting b. dragging c. in-
stalling d. launching
17. Clicking is usually associated with the ………...a. left button b. right button c. scroll
button d. scroll ball

18. Data that are copied from an application are temporarily stored in the ……………..a. clip art
b. clipboard c. document d. recycle bin
19. The following are good posture positions when using a computer except………………….a back
straight b. elbows on the table c. eyes on the monitor d. hanging legs
20. The computer program written to cause harm or damage to the computer an and files is known
as……………………..a. antivirus b. file c. virus d. window
21. Computerized text editing can appropriately be applied to ………...a. database application
b. desktop application c. spreadsheet application d. word processing applica-
22. Which of the following buttons is used to reload a webpage? a. back button b.
forward button c. go button d. refresh button
23. All the following are unethical uses of e-mails except ………………..a. deleting any message that
you do not need b. sending damaging information about people c. sending of
malicious software d. sending spam
24. In which of the following categories does the magnetic tape fall? a. input b. output
c. processing d. storage
25. To connect a computer to the internet through the telephone line one needs……………….a. a
Bluetooth b. a modem c. a mobile phone d. an infrared
26. The scroll bar enables users to……………………..a. close an application b. maximize a win-
dow c. restore a window d. view hidden information
27. Which of the programs is used to search for information on various topics? a. Corel
Draw b. Encarta c. Ms Excel d. Adobe PageMaker
28. An alternate means to save an existing document is …………..a. Alt + S b. Ctrl + S c. F5
D. F12
29. The computer keyboard key which is used to change alphabets to capital letters is the
………………...a. caps lock key b. enter key c. Num Lock key d. space bar
30. The command button used to recall an existing documents in a word processing application
is…………….a. copy b. open c. save d. save as
31. A word processor is used to…………………..a. browse on the internet b. change wallpaper
c. search for audio files d. Type letters
32. Which of the following is not a language tool in a word processing application? a.
Find and Replace b. Gramma c. Spell Checker d. Thesaurus
33. The symbols B, I , are commonly used buttons found on the ………………………..a. Drawing
toolbar b. Formatting toolbar c. Menu bar d. Standard toolbar
34. Which of the following are types of scroll bars? a. left and right bar b. Top and bottom bars
c. up and down bars d. vertical and horizontal bars

35. Which of the following options is used to create an e-mail message? a. Attachment
b. Compose c. Inbox d. Send
36. An element in an electronic document that links sone to another place in the same document
or another document is called…………………...a. Connect b. Hyperlink c.
Link d. Search
37. Unsolicited bulk electronic messages are generally referred to as ……………...a. communication
b. e-mail c. spam d. virus
38. In spreadsheet application, which of the following symbols represents division? a. +
b. * c. # d. /
39. Which of the following is used for addition in spreadsheet functions? a. ADD b.
40. Which of the following is used to find a maximum number among a set of numbers in spread-
sheet functions? a. MAX b. MIN c. MAXIMUM d. MINIMUM


1. D 11. A 21. D 31. D
2. D 12. B 22. D 32. B
3. B 13. A 23. A 33. B
4. D 14. D 24. D 34. D
5. A 15. C 25. B 35. B
6. D 16. D 26. D 36. B
7. C 17. A 27. B 37. C
8. B 18. B 28. B 38. D
9. B 19. B 29. A 39. D
10. B 20. C 30. B 40. A

1. study the image carefully and use it to answer questions a (i-iv)

i. What is the file name for the image shown above?

Ii. Name the areas represented by A,B ,C,D,E,F in 1(a)
Iii. State the function of B in 1(a) above
Iv. Using the area labelled C, state the steps required to exit the application.

B. state two differences between the Menu bar and Toolbar in an application software

C. write the name of the following computer keyboard key characters::

Ii. #
Iii. ()
Iv. \

2.a. what are the four basic operation performed by any computer system?
b. List four hardware components of a computer system.

3.a. what is a font?

B. List three font styles,
C. List the steps required in bulleting a given list.
D. List three word processing application software.

4.a. State two sources of computer virus

B. Identify three measures to prevent virus from a school’s computer laboratory.
C. List four devices associated with video conferencing

5.a. Give two features of an Active cell.

B. state the data type for the following data as used in spreadsheet:
i. =A4+C8-G25

C. explain spreadsheet package and give one example.


.a.i. Microsoft word
ii. A. Minimize button B. Close button C. Menu bar D. Formatting bar E. Ruler
F. Working Area or Document area
iii. B is used to exit or terminate the running application
iv. a. Click on File on the menu bar
b. Select Close to exit the application

Menu bar Toolbar

Menu bar is a horizontal bar containing the Toolbar is a row or column of on-screen
labels of drop-down menus in an operating buttons used to activate functions or
system GUI or graphical control element change modes or perform specific task in
which contains drop-down menus. an application OR a row or block of buttons,
usually displayed at the top of a window,
which contains commands for tasks you

c. i. at sign ii. hash tag sign iii. Open and Close parenthesis iv Back Slash

a. input, process, output and storage

b. system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse

a. A font is defined as a group of characters sharing similar type attribute
b. bold, italic, underline
i. Position the insertion point where you want to begin the list.
ii. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets button.
iii. Type the text for the first list item.

iv. Press the Enter key to add the next list item.
v. To end the list, press the Enter key twice.

d. MS word, Kingsoft writer OpenOffice

Writer, LibreOffice Writer, AbiWord, KWord, and LyX

i. Inserting a floppy disk with an infected file
ii. Slotting an infected flash or pen drive into your computer.
iii. Downloading an infected file from the internet
iv. Opening infected information such as music, video, etc. on the intern

i. Install software from uninfected sources.
ii. Install anti-viral software.
iii. Don’t open email that is suspicious or that you don’t recognize the sender’s name.
iv. Scan all information/ data pen drive daily.
v. Don’t insert infected removable device into the computer
vi. Create backups of legitimate original software and data files regularly

c. laptop, smart phone, webcam, Smart TV, Microphone, etc.

i. The active cell has a thick black border around it
ii. its address appears in the Name box on the left end of the Formula bar

i. formula
ii. formula
c. A spreadsheet is a computer program that is used for storing, organizing and
manipulating data or spreadsheet is a tool for performing calculations on data
Examples are Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 OpenOffice Calc, or Google Docs Spreadsheets.

JUNE 2018
1. How many characters make up a byte?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. Which of the following devices sends commands into the computer?
A. Keyboard B. Pen drive C. Printer D. System unit
3. Which of the following storage media normally stores the operating system?
A. Flash disk B. Hard disk C. Magnetic tape D. Zip disk
4. Using a computer application is known as………….A. installing B. launching C. operat-
ing D. running
5. The system tray is also called
A. clock B. notification area C. quick launch D. taskbar
6. The default storage location for files and folders is……...A. My Briefcase B. My Computer
C. My Document D. My Network Places
7. Which of the following statements are true about files?
I. A file can be renamed whilst it is open.
II. A file cannot be deleted whilst it is open.
III. A file deleted from a computer may be found in a recycle bin or trash bin.
A. I & II only B. I & III only C. II & III only D. I & II & III
8. Which of the following devices is used to process information?
A. Computer B. Speedometer C. Thermometer D. Weighing scale
9. Which of the following items is not a source of computer virus?
A. CD-R B. CD-ROM C. Internet D. Pen drive
10. How many arrow keys are found on the computer keyboard? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
11. In a spreadsheet application, which of the following displays the contents of the active
A. Formula bar B. Menu bar C. Name box D. Standard toolbar
12. The following are components in the system unit except…….A. CPU B. RAM C.
13. Microsoft Word, Encarta kids, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing are examples of
A. application software B. operating system C. open source package
D. system software
14. The following are input devices except
A. keyboard B. monitor C. mouse D. scanner
15. From which of the following storage media will deleted items be sent to the recycle bin?
A. Flash disk B. Floppy disk C. Hard disk D. Zip disk
16. The name given to the background area of a computer when turned on is
A. desktop B. folder C. icon D. window
17. Which of the following is used as a shortcut means to open files, folders and programs?
A. Desktop B. Icon C. Screen

D. Start menu
18. A folder inside another folder is called………………….A. attached folder B. main folder
C. parent folder D. subfolder
19. Which of the following is the effect of loud ringing tone? A. Headache
B. Hearing impairment C. Neck pain D. Wrist pain
20. The computer program designed to prevent viruses from damaging the computer and its
files is called………………...A. anti-virus B. virus C. virus infection D. virus pro-
21. The default orientation for Word document is……………….A. A4 B. landscape
C. letter D. portrait
22. In a web browser, where is the website address typed?
A. Address bar B. Home page C. Menu bar D. Status bar
23. Radio satellite setup has two parts namely receiver and
A. broadcaster B. recorder C. transformer D. transmitter
24. A system of interconnected computers, telephones, or other communication devices that
can communicate with one another and share applications and data is referred to as
A. extranet B. internet C. intranet D. network
25. The capacity of the 3 ½ inches floppy disk is
A. 80 KB B. 1.2 MB C. 1.4 MB D. 2.88 MB
26. The background image that appears on a computer desktop is known as
A. background theme B. background panel C. screen saver
D. wallpaper
27. Which of the following programs would support the study of Mathematics?
A. CorelDraw B. Encarta C. MS Excel D. MS-Word
28. To create a space between characters, words and sentences, use the
A. backspace key B. enter key C. shift key D. space bar key
29. Which part of the computer mouse button is used to select an object on-screen?
A. Left button B. Right button C. Scroll ball D. Scroll button
30. Making changes and corrections of grammatical errors to an existing document is referred
to as
A. correction B. deleting C. editing D. formatting
31. Which of the following keyboard keys can be used to delete characters in a Word Pro-
cessing program? A. Backspace B. Shift C. Space bar
D. Tab
32. Which of the following keyboard key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in a Word
Processing document?
A. Control + Enter key B. Down cursor key C. Enter key
D. Shift + Enter key
33. Which of the following bars displays the heading of an open window?
A. Menu bar B. Status bar C. Standard toolbar D. Title bar
34. The print preview button is located on which of the following toolbars?
A. Drawing B. Formatting C. Header and Footer D. Standard

35. Which of the following is compulsory when composing and sending an e-mail?
A. Message Body B. Message Header/Subject C. Recipient’s E-mail Ad-
dress D. Sender’s Name
36. Specialized program that assists a user to locate information on the web and on the inter-
net is called……………………..A. agents B. search engine C. web
D. web portal
37. Which of the following is a complete website address?
A. hhpp:// B. htpp:// C. hhtp:// D.

38. In a spreadsheet application, which of the following symbols represents multiplication?

A. × B. * C. ÷ D. #
39. Which of the following is used for multiplication operation in spreadsheet functions?
40. Which of the following is used to find the minimum number among a set of numbers in
spreadsheet functions?


1. A 11. A 21. D 31. A

2. A 12. D 22. A 32. C
3. B 13. A 23. D 33. D
4. D 14. B 24. D 34. D
5. B 15. C 25. C 35. C
6. C 16. A 26. D 36. B
7. C 17. B 27. C 37. D
8. A 18. D 28. D 38. B
9. B 19. B 29. A 39. D
10. C 20. A 30. C 40. B

1. (a) Study the image carefully and use it to answer questions (a) (i — ii) and (b).

i. What is the name of the image shown above?

ii. Name the parts of the image represented by A, B, C, D, E, and F in 1(a):
b) State the function of the parts labelled A and D in 1(a) above:
c.) List four uses of the internet
d) Write the name of the following computer keyboard key characters:
i. & ii. ^ iii. {} iv. /

2 (a) Give the function of the following keyboard keys:

(i) Backspace (ii) Space bar
(b) (i) Outline three differences between selecting and highlighting text in a Word Processing ap-

(ii.) Name two word processors

3. (a) State two types of storage media

(b) (i) Give three important features of storage media
(ii) State two ways to protect storage media

4. (a) What is:

(i) application software:
(ii) system software:
(iii) a folder:
(b) Give three examples of an operating system.

5. (a) List three toolbars or bars in a spreadsheet application.

(b) Define the following terms as used in a spreadsheet application:

(i) Cell: (ii) active cell: (iii) Name box

(i) Internet Explorer Window/Internet Browser Window/Web Browser Window
A – Back button
B – Forward button
C – Title bar
D – Address bar/URL bar
E – Refresh button / Reload button/refresh button
F – Stop button

(i) A – Back button: It allows a user to visit/go back/navigate to the previously attended/viewed
(ii) D – Address bar: It allows a user to input the address of a website. It displays the website ad-
dress of the current webpage.

(c) Uses of the internet include:

I. It is used in search of information
II. It is used for communicating with one another.
III. It is used for teaching and learning
IV. It is used for online shopping
V. It is used for watching movies
VII. It is used for playing games
VIII. It is used for customer support services
IX. It is used for social networking etc.

(i) & – Ampersand/And
(ii) ^ – Caret/ Exponentiation/Circum Flex/Exponential/Exponent
(iii) { } – Curly brackets/Braces
(iv) / – Forward slash/Division


(i) Backspace: It is used to delete/erase characters to the left of the
cursor/insertion point.
(ii) Space bar: It is used to create/insert a space/gap between words or characters.


1. Meant for formatting purpose Laying emphasis on a point.
2. Background vanishes after formatting Background stays after highlighting
3. Temporary action Permanent /Long-lasting action
4. Not dependent on color Dependent on color.
5. . Involves one step to accomplish Involves multiple steps to accomplish.

(ii) Word processors include: Microsoft word, WordPerfect, WordPad, WordStar, AbiWord, Li-
breOffice Writer, IBM Lotus Word Pro, KWord, Nisus Writer, GNU TeXmacs, Atlantis Word pro-
cessor, Kingsoft Writer, Apache Open Office Writer, Calligra Words

(a) The 2 types of storage media are:
(i) Magnetic media/magnetic
(ii) Optical media/optical
(i) Important features of storage media include:
a. Some of them have tracks
b. They have sectors
c. They have data area
d. They have silver coated surfaces
e. They are non-volatile/store data permanently
f. Capacity reckoned in terms of bytes/megabytes/terabytes
g. It has addressable units
h. It is accessed sequentially or randomly
i. Made of plastic material
j. Data are recorded on sectors within tracks
k. Each track is subdivided into sectors

(ii) Ways to protect storage media include:

a. Keeping storage media in a protective jacket.
b. Keeping storage media away from magnetic fields.
c. Write-protect storage media
d. Keeping storage media away from moisture
e. Keeping storage media away from dust
f. Keeping storage media in a protective case
g. Keeping storage media from hot environment

(i) Application software: It is the software/application/program/set of instructions used
to perform a specific task by the user.

(ii) System software: It is the software/application/program/set of instructions that is

used to control the operation of a computer.

(iii) A folder: This is a virtual place/location on the computer where programs, files and
other folders can be located/kept/placed/stored/organized.
(b) Examples of operating system include:
Windows XP, ME, 2000, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, DOS, Mac OS,
Solaris, Fedora, RedHat

(a) Toolbars or bars in spreadsheet application include: Title bar, Status bar, Menu bar, Formatting
toolbar, Standard toolbar, Formula bar, Scroll bar etc.
(i) Cell: It is the intersection of a row and a column in a worksheet and which is
identified by the column letter and row number.

(ii) Active cell: It is the current cell ready to accept data entry from the user. It is the
selected cell in the worksheet.

(iii) Name box: It is the part of a worksheet (the box to the left of the formula bar) that
displays the name of the active cell (the cell that is currently selected)

1. System software is a platform which runs ………..a. source code b. utility program c. operating
system d. application software
2. The smallest element of the computer memory is the ……….a. bit b. byte c. nibble d. word
3. How many types of booting exists in computing? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
4. The long bar located at the bottom of the computer desktop is called………..a. menu bar b. sta-
tus c. taskbar d. toolbar
5. A file is a collection of ……….a. books b. sheets c. different records d. related records
6. Under the Information Processing Cycle output of information takes place in the ………...a. ALU
B. CPU c. UPS d. VDU.
7. A computer program that can duplicate itself and affects the performance of the computer is
called…………………...a. bacteria b. infection c. program d. virus
8. Which of the following are not keys on the computer keyboard? a. computerized
keys b. Cursor keys c. Function keys d. special purpose keys

9. The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called…………………..a. cells b. gridlines
c. scroll bar d. sheets
10. The tangible part of the computer is known as………….a. hardware b. liveware
c. malware d. software
11. The software that enables a computer user to access a storage medium connected to a com-
puter is known as……………………….a. firmware b. utility program c. operating system
d. application software
12. In the selection of an object on the screen of a computer , using a touchpad is similar to using
………….a. mouse b. scanner c. keyboard d. microphone
13. Which of the following computer devices make information accessible to the end user?
a. Input devices b. Output devices c. Process devices d. Storage
14. Which of the following components stores data temporarily? a. CD-R b. DVD c.
15. The process of terminating the operation of a running computer is called……………...a. booting
b. restart c. turn off d. turn on.
16. Which of the following button is used to exits an application window? a. Close button
b. Maximize button c. Minimize button d. Restore button
17. Which of the following can contain text, image, audio and video ? a. Close button
b. Maximize c. Minimize button d. Restore button
18. The health hazard associated with prolonged use of a mobile phone is …………………...a. lower
back and backbone pains b. numbness of the fingers c. radiations which can
cause cancer d. wrist and arm pains
19. While using a computer, a dialogue box popped-up on the monitor screen guiding you through
series of physical exercises. This pop-up menu is known as ………..a. dialogue box b. er-
gonomics break c. ergonomics exercise d. shortcut menu
20. The reason why we need computer ethics in our working environment s are that…………
I. The growth of www has created several novel legal issues
II. The new questions old laws cannot answer
III. Traditional laws are outdated in today’s technological world
Which of the following options are correct? a. I and II only b. I and III only c. II
and III only d. I, II and III
21. Which of the following bars is not a feature of a word processing program? a. Formula
bar b. Menu bar c. Status bar d. Standard toolbar
22. The role of Information and Communication Technology in the process of empowering educa-
tion enhanced through the use of the …………………...a. classroom b. internet
c. telephone d. website
23. A program that enables users t view web pages and jump form one web page to another is
known as………………….a hyperlink b. internet c. web browser d. world wide web
24. The term e-mail stands for ………………….a. easy b. electrical mail c. electrician mail
d. English mail
25. The word byte in computing means……………….a. binary character of eight bits b. binary digit
of eight bits c. binary text of eight bits d. binary word of eight bits
26. In computing environment, launching an application means………………………….a. downloading
the application b. processing the application c. running the application d. uploading
the application.

27.Which of the following application can be used in the teaching of Mathematics in schools?
a. Database b. Paint c. Spreadsheet d. Word processor

28.Clicking is usually associated with the …………………….a. left button b. right button c.
scroll ball d. scroll button

29.Which of the following mouse skills can be used to open an icon? a. Dragging b.
Double clicking c. Right clicking d. Single clicking

30.In Word processing environment, the blinking bar that shows the user where the next character
typed with appear is called…………………...a. character point b. flashing bar c. in-
serting point d. tying bar

31.In MS Word, ruler is used to …………………….a. draw lines b. indent text c. maximize
text d. rule lines

32.Spelling errors in Microsoft Word are displayed with a ………………………...a. green straight line
under the word b. green wavy line under the word c. red straight line under the word
d. red wavy line under the word.
33. Which of the following options cannot be used to open a new blank document in a word pro-
cessing program? a. File menu b. Formatting toolbar c. Standard toolbar d. Start
34. Previewing a document before printing is necessary because it…………….a. displays copy and
paste of the document b. displays how the document will look after printing
c. displays the name of the application d. formats the document
35. The best way to exit from an e-mail account is to ………………...a. login first b. log out
first c. switch user first d. change account first
36. Downloading of software and videos from the internet is a major source of comput-
er…………….a. information b. protection c. safety d. virus
37. Which of the following is true about communication?
a. Every user of an email needs a valid address and password.
b. Every user of an email needs a valid username and password.
c. Every user of an email needs only valid password
d. Every user of an email needs a valid username.
38. In spreadsheet application, which of the following represents addition? a. / b. *
c. ÷ d. +
39. A rectangular grid of rows and columns of an application where data is entered is
called………...a. notepad b. paint c. word processor d. worksheet
40. The following are valid cell addresses of a worksheet except…………………….a. Ai b.
AA1 c. A1A d. ZI


1. D 10. A 19. C 28. A 37. D

2. A 11. C 20. B 29. C 38. D
3. A 12. A 21. A 30. B 39. B
4. C 13. B 22. B 31. D
5. B 14. C 23. C 32. B
6. D 15. C 24. C 33. B
7. D 16. A 25. B 34. B
8. A 17. B 26. C 35. D
9. A 18. C 27. C 36. B

1. Use the image below to answer questions (a) to (c).
(a) Write the name of the image below:

(b) Name the part labelled A, B, C, D, E and F in 1(a).

(c) State a function each of B, C and D in 1(a).
(d). Write down the keyboard key combinations for the following commands as used in applica-
tion software:
i. Undo
ii. Redo
e. i. Write down the stages involved in the following processing cycle.
ii. Give one example of input device

2. List
a. Two toggle keys on a standard computer keyboard.
b. Two operating systems
c. Three health hazards associated with the prolonged use of computers and ICT tools
d. Three features of Web browsers
e. Two components of CPU.
3. What is
a. Desktop
b. Toolbar
c. Menu bar
d. Title bar
4. (a). Arrange the speed media; compact disc, hard disk, and pen drive in descending order of:
i. Access speed
ii. Storage capacity
b. List four action that can be performed with the computer mouse.
c. State two conditions under which the Save As command can be used in a word processing

5. Define the following terms as used in a spreadsheet application:

(a) Column

(b) Row

(c) Range

(d) Worksheet



A. Formatting bar

B. A. Normal B. Font type C. Font size D. Bold E. Italic F. Underline

C. B- it is used to change the font

C- It is used to change or increase or decrease the size of the text.

D-it is used make the selected text bold.
D. i. Ctrl + Z ii. Ctrl + Y
E. i. Input stage, process stage output stage , storage stage, distribution stage.
ii. Mouse, keyboard, scanner, gamepad, microphone, light pen ,etc.

a) Cap lock, Num lock, Insert key, Scroll lock
b) Windows 7, windows 8, windows 10, windows 11, windows 2000, windows XP, windows vista,
Ubuntu, Knoppix, Mac OS, RedHat, etc.
c) Wrist pain, Muscular and tendon damage known as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)., Vision prob-
lem Back pain
d) Reload or refresh, stop button, favorite button, bookmark, search bar, home button, title bar,
status bar, address bar, etc.
e) Control unit, Arithmetic Logic unit, Cache, Register

a. Desktop is the screen you see when the computer has finished booting.
b. Toolbar is a row or column of on-screen buttons used to activate functions or change modes
or perform specific task in an application OR a row or block of buttons, usually displayed at the
top of a window, which contains commands for tasks you can perform with a single click
c. Menu bar is a horizontal bar containing the labels of drop-down menus in an operating system

GUI or graphical control element which contains drop-down menus.
d. Title bar is a horizontal bar that contains the window title and basic window control buttons
Located at the top of the window.


(a). (i) access speed: Hard disk, pen drive, compact disc

(ii) storage capacity: Hard disk, pen drive, compact disc

(b). clicking, double clicking, dragging, shift clicking, right-clicking
a. The Save As command can be used to save a document in a different location.
b. The Save As command can be used to save a document with a different file name.
c. The Save As command can be used to save a document in a different file format

a. Column runs vertically of the worksheet and is identified by column letter, which runs horizon-
tally at the top of the sheet
c. Row runs horizontally of the worksheet and is identified by row number, which runs vertically
at the left side of the work sheet.
d. Range is a group of cells or collections of cells or a block of cells selected for similar treatment

a. Worksheet is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate data or a singe page that
contains its own collection of cells to help you organize you data

JUNE 2019
1. An electronic and programmable device that processes data into useful information is
called………………...a. computer b. peripheral c. processor d. technology
2. Which of the following media uses laser technology to write and read data? a. floppy
disk b. hard disk c. optical disc d. pen drive
3. Turning off the computer is also known as…………..a. booting b. installation c. program-
ming d. shutdown
4. The following are items located on the default taskbar except…………..a. date b. clock
c. recycle bin d. start menu button
5. Files are best kept in………………………..a. icons b. folders c. programs d.
6. The end results of the information processing cycle that cannot be touched is referred to
as…………...a. hardcopy b. hardware c. softcopy d. software
7. A malicious software specially designed to cause computer system to be slow and malfunction
is ………...a. an application b. a bacteria c. a germ d. a virus
8. The arrow keys on the computer keyboard are also referred to as…………...a. Cursor keys
b. function keys c. shift keys d. special purpose keys
9. The name given to each cell according to tis column label and row number is called
…………………….a. active cell b. cell formula c. cell reference d. highlighted cell
10. Which of the following application is an example of a word processor? a. Excel b.
Lotus 1-2-3 c. Notepad d. Print artist
11. The only software that runs without a user’s instruction on a computer is the
………………………….a. application software b. operating system c. scanner program d.
storage program
12. The liquid Crystal Display monitor of a computer is also known as the ………………..a cathode
ray tube b. display screen c. flat panel display d. television
13. A pen– like device that is used to enter data by applying pressure on a screen is the
…………………….a. joystick b. mouse c. pointer d. stylus
14. One gigabyte of data approximates to ……………………
a. 10 megabytes of data b. 100 megabytes of data
c. 1000 megabytes of data d. 10, 000 megabytes of data
15. Which of the following devices will turn off first when shutting down the computer? a.
Monitor b. Stabilizer c. System unit uninterruptible Power Supply
16. The title bar of an opened application always displays the name of the application and the
name of the…………………..a. computer b. document c. software d.
17. To remove unwanted shortcuts from the desktop which of the following options will be appro-
I. Click on the shortcut icon once and press the delete key on the keyboard.
II. Drag the shortcut icon into the Recycle Bin.
III. Right-click on the shortcut icons and select delete from the pop-up menu
a. I and II only b. I and IIII only c. II and III only d. I, II and III
18. The safety measure to prevent back ache when using the computer for a very long time is to
………………...a. answer or receive calls when charging mobile phone b. avoid plugging ICT tools
on damaged sockets c. position the body correctly d. use plastic chair always
19. The best measure that computer users should practice to reduce the chances of wrist and fin-
ger pains due to long term usage of the computer is to ………………………...a. adjust the lighten-
ing of the computer screen. b. close the eyes and rest them for one minute c.
spread fingers apart d. use adjustable chair always
20. Illegal copying of operating system, application software, music and videos is referred to as
copyright…………………...a. law b. issues c. protection d. infringement
21. To resave an edited document, use………..a. Ctrl + C b. Ctrl + S c. Ctrl + V d. Ctrl + X
22. A collection of linked documents or pages stored on millions of computer and distributed
across the world is called…………………..a. browser b. hyperlink c. internet d. world
wide web
23. The device used to transform digital signals to analogue signals and vice versa on a network
is a ……………………..a hub b. modem c. telephone d. digital box
24. Google is an example of a …………..a. browser b. search engine c. spam mail d. website
25. Mrs. Famiyeh wants to copy information onto a compact disc, clean the content and later
copy the information again. Which of the following media would you advise her to use? a.
CD b. CD-R c. CD-RW d. CD-ROM
26. To execute more than one program at eh same time, the system software being used should
be capable of…………………..a. compatibility b. multitasking c. multiprocessing d.
27. Which of he following statements best describes a computer operator? A person who
a. Carries a computer from one location to the other to work.
b. Obtains a degree in computer science and its related fields of study.
c. Operates the device which inputs and outputs data from the computer.
d. Writes computer programs for a specific purpose.
28. A document which shows its entire text in upper case means that the user has activated
the………………….a. alt key b. caps lock key c. num lock key d. shift key + F3
29. Pressing and releasing the left mouse button twice in quick succession is term………………….a.
dragging b. double –clicking c. left-clicking d. right-clicking
30. Which of the following keys is used to create a new line in Word processing? a. Ctrl key

b. enter key c. Esc key d. Shift key
31. The feature in Word processors that automatically moves the cursor to the beginning of the next
when the current typing ends is called…………………..a. auto text b. auto correct c. line
flow d. word wrap
32. A red wary line under a word in a word processing document refers to word …………. a. not in the
computer b. Not recognized by the computer c. too long for the computer d. Too short for
the computer
33. The shortcut to some commands on the menu bar of a word processing application program
can be found on the a. Scroll b. Status bar c. standard bar d. Title bar
34. Which of the following documents view would show the document as it will look when it is print-
ed ? A. Normal b. outline c. print layout d. Web layout
35. The bottom for reload/refresh ,back ,stop and forward can be found on the following applica-
tions except a. search engine b. web browser c. Website d. WhatsApp
36. The software that enables users access web pages on the internet is called a. browser b.
website c. access engine d. search engine
37. In computing, the exchange of information is referred to as a. communication b. conversa-
tion c. education d. Entertainment
38. Which of the following functions is used to find the mean number in a set of numbers in spread-
sheet a. average b. maximum c. minimum d. Summation
39. The content of a selected cell is shown in the a. formula bar b. name box c. status bar d.
title bar
40. An application that helps the user to change any number in a cell and immediately see the re-
sult of that change in another cell is a………………………….a. database b. presentation c.
spreadsheet d. word processors


1. A 9. C 17. D 25. C 33. C

2. C 10. C 18. C 26. B 34. C
3. D 11. B 19. C 27. C 35. A
4. C 12. C 20. D 28. B 36. A
5. B 13. D 21. B 29. B 37. A
6. C 14. C 22. D 30. B 38. A
7. D 15. C 23. B 31. D 39. A
8. A 16. B 24. B 32. C 40. C



Everyday our body wages war against enemies that are silent and unseen but
potentially deadly. Foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, B
threaten your health. You are not likely to be aware of those battles your
Immune system repels or destroys most of the invaders before the onset of
the symptoms.

For thousands of years, people knew virtually nothing about the dangers of micro
scopic or other small harmful organisms. However, when 19th-century scientists
confirmed the link between germs and disease, we became
better equipped to defend ourselves.

Medical researchers have since eliminated or greatly reduced the threat of

some infectious diseases, including smallpox and polio. Recently, however, others,
such as yellow fever and dengue, have made a comeback D

a. Write down the application software that was used to create the above text.
b. List two examples of the application software mentioned in (a) above.
c. Give the name of the text area labelled A.
d. Write down the name of the font styles applied to the following words in the text:
i. Potentially deadly
ii. Harmful organisms
iii. Medical researchers.

e. Write down the type of alignment applied to the paragraph labelled B, C and D in the text.

f. List the steps used in underlining the words in the text areas labelled A which was typed with
the caps lock key on.

g. Write down the name given to the process of applying the various styles and paragraphs to
the text.
2.a. Using the table below, indicate where the following components can be seen on the com-
puter system unit. CD/DVD slot, CPU, Floppy disk, Memory, motherboard, power button, power
supply port, PS/2 port, VGA.


b. What is copyright?

3. Explain the following computer terms

a. Hardware
b. Network
c. Software
d. Virus

4.a. State the function of each of the following devices

i. Floppy disk
ii. Keyboard
iii. Uninterrupted power supply
iv. Central processing unit
b. Explain each of the following terms:
i. Clicking
ii. Dragging

5. State three uses of computers in each of the following areas

a. Education
b. Everyday life



a. Word processor or word processing application software or computerized text editor

b. Microsoft Word, WPS writer, Open Office Writer, Google docs, Libre Office writer, AbiWord, Word-
Pad, etc.

c. header

d. i. bold ii. Italic iii. Bold Italic

e. B– Justify C– Align left or Align text to the Left D. Align Right or Align text to the

f. i. Select the words in the text area labelled A

ii. Click on Underline button on the formatting toolbar or ribbon.


i. Highlight the words in the text area labelled A

ii. Press Ctrl + U

g. Formatting text .




b. Copyright is
Power supply port CD/DVD slot CPU
the OS/2 port Floppy disk slot Memory exclusive
legal VGA port Power button Motherboard right or law
that prohibits
copying of intellectual property without the permission of the copyright holder or the original own-
er or author .


a. Hardware is the physical components of the computer system that can be seen, felt and
touched. Or hardware is the tangible parts of a computer

b. Network is a collection of computers and other electronics equipment such as printers, fax,
phones, etc. together to share resources such as data and information.

c. Software is a set of instructions that tell or control the computer hardware to what to do. Or A
set of instruc!ons, stored digitally within the computer's memory, which tells the computer
system what to do.

d. Virus is small so:ware programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and
to interfere with computer opera!on Or Computer viruses are program designed to cause harm on
an infected computer systems.


a. i. Floppy disk is used for storing or keeping or saving data and information for future use.

ii. Keyboard is used for entering or capturing data into the computer for processing..

iii. Uninterruptible power supply is used to ensure a constant flow of a power supply to a computer
system and other gadgets.

b. i. Clicking is the act of pressing and releasing the left mouse button once.

ii. Dragging is the act of selecting an item or object and moving it to an alternate area. Or

Pressing and holding the mouse button and moving the mouse while you continue to hold the
mouse button to the destination.


a Education

i. Computers are used for accessing or retrieving information

ii. Computers are used for sharing ideas

iii. Computers are used for illustrations in teaching

iv. Computers are used for performing complex calculations.

v. Computers are used for collecting data

b. Everyday life

i. Computers are used for communication

ii. Computers are used for diagnosing diseases in hospitals

iii. Computers are used for controlling AI machines such as robots, traffic lights, Smartphones,
Cars, etc.

iv. Computers are used for entertainment such as playing games, videos, music, etc.

1. The information stored in the Read Only Memory chip is………...a. temporary b. perma-
nent c. easily altered d. readily accessible
2. The number of keys on the standard computer keyboard is …………………….a. 100 b.
104 c. 108 d. 128
3. In computing , diskette can also be referred to as……………………….a. zip disk b. hard
disk c. floppy disk d. compact disc
4. Processed data in the computer are temporarily held in the …………...a. cache memory b.
Flash memory c. read only memory d. random access memory
5. A graphical representation of a program stored on a computer ……………………...a. an icon
b. a desktop c. an image d. a picture
6. A named collection of stored data or information is called……………………..a. file b. text
c. folder d. notepad
7. The smallest unit of data measurement is the ……………………….a. bit b. byte c.
word d. megabyte
8. The legal right that prohibits the copying of another person’s intellectual property without per-
mission is……………………..a. piracy b. patent c. security d.
9. A small symbol displayed on the screen of a computer that moves as a user interacts with the
mouse or other pointing devices is called…………………...a. icon b. pointer
c. scroll arrow d. insertion point
10. Which of the following statements is true about spreadsheet software? It is a type
of………………….a. utility software b. system software c. operating system d.
11. Which of the following devices is not a computer accessory? a. cable b. stylus
c. CMOS d. Cabinet
12. A group of eight bits is called a……………….a. byte b. word c. digit d.
13. The device used to send pictures, diagrams and photographs into the computer system in
digital format is the ……………………….a. Stylus b. Mouse c. scanner d.
14. The following components are storage devices except…………………..a. diskette drive b.
hard disk drive d. random access memory
15. The process of restarting a computer is known as……………………...a. cool booting b. cold
booting c. warm booting d. worm booting
16. The start menu of the computer desktop………………….a. stores programs b. saves

applications c. launches programs d. displays the desktop icons
17. Which of the options is used during file and folder management? a. file menu b. tools
menu c. internet explorer d. windows explorer
18. The problem associated with a computer user as a result of radiation from the monitor is
……………...a. dizziness b. numbness c. eye irritation d. cardiovascular
19. A good precaution for using CDs and DVDs is to……………………….
a. Place them near magnetic fields b. Touch the silvered surface always
c. Leave them inside the disk drive always d. Place them inside a safety jacket at all times
20. The reason for copyright is to ……………...a. avoid the distribution of virus b. ensure everyone
c. protect the work of the inventor d. encourage people to make illegal
21. Launching a word processing application will……………………..a. open existing document
b. open formatted document c. create a recent document d. create a blank
22. Personal log or journal entries posted on the web are known as…………………...a. blogs b. e-
mails c. web casts d. list servers
23. The largest computer network ever to have emerged is the ………………..a extranet b. intranet
c. internet d. satellite
24. The following options are basic information that can be accessed from the internet ex-
cept……………….a. text b. game c. sound d. graphic
25. Mrs. Famiyeh wants to copy information ono a compact disc and use the information several
times without erasing it. Which of the following media would you advise her to use?
a. VCD b. CD-R c. CD Plus d. CD-ROM
26. Which of the following items does a desktop computer contain? I. Icons II. Taskbar
III. Start button
a. I and II only b. I and III only c. II and III only d. I, II and III
27. The use of ICT tools to support teaching and learning has the benefit of…………………………
a. Accessing good information b. Making students alert in class
c. Making friends in the school d. Students using ICT laboratory always
28. Which of the following computer keyboard keys combination is used to right align a text in a
word processing application? a. Ctrl + E b Ctrl + I c. Ctrl +R d. Ctrl +U
29. To click the computer mousse is to press and release the ………………………….a. left mouse
button b. right mouse button c. left mouse button twice d. right mouse but-
ton twice
30. Which of the following menu options contains the new blank document command?
a. Edit b. File c. Format d. Insert
31. Which of the following keys is used for multiple selection of text that are not continuous?

a. Alt b. Tab c. Ctrl d. Shift
32. Which of the following menu commands is used to give a file a name and a place to be stored?
a. New b. Open c. Print d. Save As
33. Which of the following tools is found on the drawing toolbar?
a. Bold b. Oval c. View d. Italic
34. Which of the following menus contains the print command? a. Edit b. File c.
Format d. Insert
35. Which of the following e-mail features can be used to communicate a new message to a friend?
a. Send / Compose b. Compose/Send c. Import/Export d. Create a new ac-
count /Existing user account
36. The following options are examples of peripheral devices except……………...a. printer b. scan-
ner c. speaker d. system unit
37. Which of the following components is not an input device? a. mouse b. light pen c.
keyboard d. processor
38. A spreadsheet cell is identified by ……………….a cell and row letter b. cell and row number
c. column letter and row number d. Row letter and column number
39. A simple worksheet consisting of rows and columns in which data can be entered electronically is
known as………………...a. blank sheet b. excel sheet c. lotus sheet d. spreadsheet
40. By default, how many worksheets does a new workbook in a spreadsheet contain? a. 2
b. 3 c. 4 d. 5


1. B 11. D 21. D 31. C

2. B 12. A 22. A 32. D
3. C 13. C 23. A 33. B
4. D 14. A 24. B 34. B
5. A 15. C 25. B 35. B
6. A 16. A 26. D 36. D
7. A 17. A 27. A 37. D
8. D 18. A 28. C 38. C
9. D 19. D 29. A 39. D
10. D 20. C 30. A 40. B

1. a. Study the figure 1 carefully and use it to answer question (i) and (iv)

i. What is the name of the application software represented in Figure I?

ii. Give one example of the application software show in figure I

iii. Identify the parts represented by the letter A, B, C, D, and E in figure 1.

iv. State one of the part represented by the letter E.

b. Write down the keyboard keys combination for the following commands as used in application


i. cut ii. Copy

c. identify and write the name of each of the following devices


2. Explain the four basic operations performed by every computer

3. State the function of each of the following features on a web browser window.
a. Back button
b. Forward button
c. Home button
d. Refresh button
e. History
f. Bookmark

4. Give the function of the following keyboard keys:

i. Esc
ii. Caps Lock
B. list three examples each of an:
i. input device
Ii. Output device

C. Write the acronym DOS in full:

5. a. State three positive uses of computers in the government sector

B. what is :
i. a Software?

Ii. An operating system?

a. i. Word Processing Application
ii. Microsoft Word, WPS Writer, Libre Office Writer, Open Office Writer, etc.
iii. A.– Title bar B– Control Box C– Formatting toolbar D– Ruler E–
Drawing toolbar
iv. Drawing toolbar is used to draw shapes and images in the document OR draw and color
shapes, add text effects and create text boxes within a word document.

b. i. Cut—Ctrl + X ii. Copy — Ctrl + C

c. i. Light Pen
ii. Numeric Keypad
iii. TV/Radio Remote
iv. Pen drive/ Flash drive
v. Microphone

a. Input: Any kind of data- letters, numbers, symbols, shapes, images or whatever raw material
put in to the computer system that needs processing. Input data into the computer are done us-
ing a keyboard, mouse or other devices such as the scanner, Microphone and the digital camera.

b. Process: Processing is where the data becomes organized and the CPU turns into information.
CPU accepts instruction from the user and translates the instruction into readable information

c. Output: Output is data that has been processed into a useful form, called information. There
are of 4 groups of the output; text, Graphics, Audio, Video. Example of output devices are moni-
tor, projector, speaker, plotter, etc.

d. Storage: : Location which data, instruction and information are held for future use. Computer
uses storage to hold system software and application software. Storage is in the computer
so you can access that information that was previously processed again. Different storage units
are hard drives, USBs, and CDs. Storage.

a. Back Bu on is used to go back to the previous page opened in a par!cular browser window.
b. Forward Bu on takes user to pages that you have previously seen in a par!cular browser window.
c. Home Bu on loads predefined home page of the web browser.
d. Refresh bu ons is used to force web browser to reload webpage or update the web page or lat-
est information on the web page.
e. History Bu on allows you to look at the last several hundred web pages you've been to, and select
one of them for an easy return path.
f. Bookmarks or Favorites is used to create a shortcut to your favorite web pages.

a. i. ESC key is used to interrupt or cancel the current process or running program and to exit (or
escape) programs and tasks or closing a pop up menu or exi!ng full screen mode, etc.
ii. Caps Lock is used to type capital letters or upper case when turned on or type small or
lower ` case when turned off.
b. i. Input devices: light pen, mouse, scanner, microphone, keyboard, barcode scanner, camera,
ii. Output devices: monitor, plotter, printer, projector, speaker, etc.

c. DOS means Disk Operating System

a. i. it enhances accuracy and speed communication
ii. It helps health workers to easily diagnosis and perform complicated surgeries.
iii. It helps citizens to access vast amount of information in the governance
iv. It helps to disseminate information easily to the other part of the cities in a very fast way.
v. it helps constituents to express their opinions in order for their representatives to better re-
spond to their needs.
vi. It helps government offices to facilitate online registration and avoid corruptions.

b. i. Software is a set of instructions, stored digitally within the computer's memory, which tells
the computer system what to do.
ii. Operating System is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as
an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware OR

Operating system is an essential collections of software that manage resources and provides com-
mon services for other software to runs.

The ICT exams do cover five main areas as specified in the ICT syllabus for Junior High School.
These areas are as follow:
1. Introduction to ICT 2. Word Processing 3. Spreadsheet 4. Internet
5. Keyboarding skills
Each area consists of series of topics of at least 5 topics or less. The table below lists topics un-
der each area.

Introduction to ICT Word Processing Spreadsheet Internet Keyboarding

Application application and Mouse

1. Information pro- 1. Creating a Docu- 1. introduction to 1. Internet and 1. Typing Key-

cessing ment Spreadsheet world wide web board symbols
2. Parts of a person- 2. Editing a docu- application 2. Technology 2. Mouse skills
al computer ment 2. Identifying fea- used to access
3. Graphical user 3. Formatting text tures of the the internet
interface 4. The use of the Spreadsheet Appli- 3. Internet eti-
4. Launching appli- drawing toolbar cation quette
cation in WPA docu- 3. Identifying cell 4. E-mail
5. Turning on and off ment names 5. Browsing
the computer 5. Inserting pictures 4. Entering data in through web-
6. Health and safety in WPA docu- Spreadsheet appli- sites using hy-
in using tools ment cation perlinks
7. Windows manage- 6. Printing a WPA 5. Adding figures 6. Accessing in-
ment document using AutoSum formation us-
8. Files and folders 7. Toolbars 6. Editing, Format- ing website
9. Computer virus . ting and saving a address
10. Copyright workbook using 7. Accessing in-
11. Integration of ICT editing and format- formation from
into education. ting tools. education soft-
8. Transferring
from website
to WPA Docu-
9. Ways of shar-
ing information
10. Search engines

Reading all topics and sub-topics can let you pass well without any hindrances.
Failing ICT subject in BECE is as result of the following behaviors and activities:
1. Some of the candidates appeared to have been inadequately prepared for the I.C.T examina!on,
therefore showing lacked of knowledge in I.C.T.
2. Some of the candidates do not understand the ques!ons due to poor command of English Lan-
3. Some of the schools do not have access to computers for their lessons. Candidates from such
schools are at disadvantage and contribute to poor performance.
4. Some of the candidates do not have ICT textbooks, Charts, and Past ques!ons which enable them
to lack theore!cal knowledge in ICT
5. Some of the candidates underes!mate ICT subject as subject someone can easily pass without
much effort.
6. Some of the candidates rely on teachers, invigilators for supports known as Apor.
7. Many things in the syllabus, students cannot find them on the current computers and internet
because those information is vague and out model. E.g. Microsoft office 2003 can’t be in-
stalled on the current laptops or computers.
8. Some teachers are incompetent of teaching ICT subject, leading to inability to deliver etc.

When writing ICT Exams, remember the following points

1. Capitalize all keywords in your sentences, e.g. Click on Start Menu or Select File. The key-
words; Start Menu and File should begin with capital letter.
2. Your answers should be brief and precise and should not exceed the given lines.
3. Incorrect Spellings attract deduction of half mark.
4. If the keyword in your definition is spelt wrongly, the whole definition is wrong.
5. Describing steps or procedures of performing tasks on the computer, then you miss up the
steps or procedures, you score zero(0). E.g. describe how you will create folder on the desktop.
a. Right on the desktop and select New.
b. Enter the name of the folder.
c. Select New from the drop menu.
d. Type the new name .
e. Click any where of the desktop to save the changes.
The above answer will attract only half or one mark and the rest of the answer will be marked

To ICT Exams, do the following:
1. Read your textbook, notebook, and exercise book and cover all the topics; don’t excerpt
any, like story book for at least 3 times.
2. Observe diagrams, pictures and other charts critically and carefully. Again, practice how
to draw simple diagrams and label them without looking on it or trace them. Close your
eyes and try to recall it in your mind
3. Memorize information in textbooks, notebooks and even exercise books. Try and rewrite
the information memorized in your jotter whilst textbooks, notebooks are closed.
4. Solve past questions with the information memorized and produce them in your jot
5. Take enough rest when tired and minimize unnecessary talking or conversation and Re-
vise your notes lastly before your write your exams.
Every year, two or more questions do repeat itself and sometimes new set of questions.
Sometimes too, they reframe the questions to confuse students. The following are patterns

Topics Years
1 Introduction to ICT F2016, F2017 , F2020
2 Information Processing Cycle 2012, F2018, F2019,
3 Parts of the Personal Computer 2012, 2012, 2013, F2015, J2015, F2016,
J2017, F2017, J2017 , F2018, J2018, F2019,
J2019, F2020.
4 Possible health Hazard of using ICT 2014, F2017, F2019.
5 Learning with ICT tools 2011, 2012, J2015, F2016, J2017, J2019,
6 Graphical User Interface J2016, F2019
7 Launching Application 2011, 2012.
8 How to Turn off and On the Person- 2011, 2014, F2015, J2016.
al Computer 2011, F2015, J2016, F2020
9 Basic Input and Output devices 2011, 2012, J2015, J2016, J2017, F2019,
10 Windows Management 2012, 2014, J2015.
11 Internet Etiquette 2013, J2015.
12 Email F2016, F2018, J2019.
14 Copyright 2011, J2016, J2019.
15 Word Processing Application J2016, F2018, F2020.

in ICT BECE up to date.

17 Creating, Saving and Closing a Document J2015, F2019.

18 Editing of a Document 2013, F2016, F2017, J2017, J2018,
19 Formatting a Document 2013, F2018, F2019, J2019.
20 Drawing Toolbar in MS Word
21 Printing and Previewing of a Document
22 Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) 2011, 2012, 2013, F2015, J2016,
F2017, J2017, J2018, F2020.

23 Basic Storage devices and Storage Media 2012, 2013, 2014, F2015, J2015,
F2016, J2016, F2017, J2018,

24 Files and Folders J2015, J2017.

25 Typing With Keyboard 2014, F2016,, F2017, J2018,
F2019, F2020.

26 Mouse Skills J2015, J2016

27 Accessing Information Using Website Address F2015
28 Accessing From The Internet Using Website Address And
29. Technologies Used To Access the Internet
30. Information Sharing F2018
31. Web Search Engine J2016
32. Spreadsheet Application Software 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, F2015,
F2016, F2017, J2017, F2018,
J2018, F2019

33. Integrating ICT Into Learning 2011

34. Educational Software for Schools

From the table above, let take a look at the patterns in the past questions from 2011 through
to 2020, the following are the most occurrence topics both objective tests and written tests in
1. Spreadsheet
 Features of spreadsheet application
 Data in spreadsheet application
 Computation of data in spreadsheet application.
2. Part of a computer
 Hardware– peripherals, monitor, mouse, keyboard, system unit (back and front view)
 software—application software , System software, Operating system

3. Basic Input and Output devices

 Input devices
 Output devices
 Softcopy
 Hardcopy
4. Internet and WWW
 Internet
 Web browsers (examples and features of web browsers)
 Advantages and disadvantages of internet

5. Storage devices and media

 Examples of storage media
 Examples of storage devices

6. Editing of word processing document

 Opening document
 Saving document
 Shortcut of cut, copy and paste
7. Formatting word processing document
 Fonts, font styles, and shortcut of font styles
8. Learning with ICT
 Benefits of using ICT tools
 ICT tools
9. Ethics of using ICT tools
 Virus
 Sources of viruses

 Effects of virus
 Antiviral software
 Examples of antiviral software
 Prevention of viral infections
 Copyright
10. Typing with keyboard and mouse skills
 Symbols on keyboard
 Parts of a keyboard
 Part of a mouse
 Keyboarding software
 Keyboard keys and their functions
 Functions of the mouse

Other topics that appear sporadically

1. Turning on and off computers
2. Introduction of computers
3. Editing of document
4. Window management
5. Emails
6. Files and folders
7. Typing with keyboards, etc.

As stated already, many of the topics across the five main areas in the syllabus do repeat
themselves every year and solving past questions can enable you to master such questions.
 Learn all the topics that mostly appear every year.
 Furthermore do not ignore the topics that appear or come once every two or more years,
they may come when you don’t know the exact time or year. Therefore prepare yourself well
as a solider preparing for war.
 They can twist the questions several times to confuse students and fall prey to failing,
hence stick to solving past questions always.
 Lastly, read widely or read all the topics in your textbooks or notebooks including exercise
books, project work books, and even jotters so that you can answer objective test as well
as written test because your passing also depend not only the written section but objective
test as well.

1.Define the following:

i. Storage device xx. Active cell xli. Sleep

ii. storage media xxi. Cell xlii. Icon
iii. Softcopy xxii.Range xliii.Screen tip
iv. Online flaming xxiii.Row xliv.Wallpaper
v. Scamming xxiv.Column xlv. Compose
vi. Autosum xxv.Desktop xlvi.Attach
vii. Health hazard xxvi.Input devices xlvii.Send
viii. Window xxvii.Output devices xlviii.scam
ix. Graphical User inter- xxviii.Information processing cycle xlix.Flame
face xxix.Data l. Removable devices
x. Command Line inter- xxx.Hyperlink li. Non-removable de-
face xxxi.Information vices
xi. Menu driven interface xxxii.Internet etiquette lii. Peripheral devices
xii. Hardcopy xxxiii.Virus liii. Word processing
xiii. Hardware xxxiv.Malware application
xiv. Software xxxv.Email liv. Spreadsheet appli-
xv. Network xxxvi.Booting cation
xvi. Internet xxxvii.Shutdown lv. System software
xvii.Font xxxviii.Restart lvi. Application soft-
xviii.Clicking xxxix.Standby ware
xix. Copyright Infringement xl. Copyright

2.List three examples of

i. Input devices i. Input-Output devices viii. Toggle keys

ii. Output devices ii. ICT tools ix. Font styles
iii. Storage devices iii. Peripheral devices x. Malware
iv. Storage media iv. Removable devices xi. Viruses
v. Application software v. Non-removable devices xii. Email services
vi. System software vi. Word processing application xiii. Technologies used to ac-
vii. Operating system vii. Spreadsheet application cess the Internet

3. . Differentiate between

i. RAM and ROM vii. Mouse and keyboard xi. Storage devices and stor-
ii. hardware and software viii. Word processing applica- age media
iii. System software and Ap- tion and spreadsheet xii. File and folder
plication software application xiii. Internet and web
iv. Hardcopy and softcopy ix. Removable devices and xiv. Extranet and intranet
v. Highlighting and select- non-removable devices xv. LAN and WAN
ing x. Input devices and output
vi. Mouse and Joystick devices

4. Write down the shortcut keys for the following actions

i. Paste viii. Close running ap- xiv. Subscript xxii.Create folder

ii. Print plication xv. Superscript xxiii.New document
iii. Redo ix. Close opened doc- xvi. Grow font xxiv.Open document
iv. Undo ument xvii.Shrink font xxv.Underline
v. Replace x. Minimize Windows xviii.Save xxvi.Bold
vi. Align text to the xi. Restore windows xix. Save as xxvii.left
Right xii. Start menu xx. Cut xxviii.Center
vii. Align text to the xiii. Italic xxi. Copy xxix.Justify

5. Mention 3 tools on the following toolbars

i. Title bar iii. Formatting toolbar

ii. Standard toolbar iv. Scroll bars
6. Explain the benefit of using computer in the following sectors

i. Hospital iii. Bank

ii. Education iv. Home

7. Write the full meaning of the following acronyms

i. BCC v. POP x. DVD xiv. PCI

ii. CC vi. HTTPS xi. VGA xv. AGP
iii. FTP vii. WWW xii. ISA xvi. UMTS
iv. GSM viii. GLTE xiii. GUI xvii.RDP
ix. CD xviii.PRS

8. Describe how you will transfer information copied on the web to Word processing Application.
9. Draw computer Mouse and labelled the parts
10. Mention five parts of the keyboard
11. What is the use of Autosum in spreadsheet application?
13. Mention 4 internet etiquette you know.
14. Briefly describe the information processing cycle.
15. State one device used at each stage of information processing cycle.
16. Define the following terms

i. Double clicking iii. Triple clicking

ii. Single clicking iv. Shifting clicking

17. Mention three elements of the desktop.

18. Mention three default folders found on the computer.
19. Explain the following:

i. Icon iii. Folder v. Desktop

ii. Window iv. File vi. Pointer

20. Describe how you will launch application on the desktop using double clicking.
21. Describe how you will launch application using start menu.
22. Describe how you will open Microsoft word application from the start menu.
23. Describe how you will change the desktop wallpaper.
24. Describe how you save newly created document in word processing application.
25. Mention five examples of web browsers.
26. State three examples of antiviral software.
27. What is search engine?
28. Give three types of search engines.
29. Describe how you will search for information using web search engine.
30. Give the name to the following keyboard symbols

i. # vii. @! xiv. xx. < xxvi.™

ii. $ viii. ? xv. ~ xxi. > xxvii.®
iii. % ix. ; xvi. ` xxii.. xxviii.©
iv. & x. : xvii.{ } xxiii.™ xxix.*
v. + xi. ' xviii.[ ] xxiv.^ xxx.=
vi. - xii. " xix. \ xxv./ xxxi.¢
xiii. xxxii.£

31. Give keyboard combination keys to the above symbols.
32. Mention 3 typing software used to practice typing.
33. State 3 health hazard associated with prolong use of I. C. T tools
34. Describe how you will create folder on the desktop.
35. Describe how you will shut computer down or turn off computer.
36. Describe how you will turn on computer.
37. What are the two types of booting?
38. Define booting.
39. Mention 4 benefits of learning with ICT tools in school.
40. List 3 parts of

i. CPU iii. System unit v. Hard disk

ii. Hardware iv. Floppy disk vi. CD

41. State the use of the following devices

i. Uninterrupted vii. Floppy disk xiii. Memory card xxi. Optical mark
power supply viii. CMOS battery xiv. Zip disk recognition
ii. Monitor ix. Printer xv. Plotter xxii.Magnetic Ink
iii. System unit x. Hard disk drive xvi. Keyboard Character Reader
iv. Power supply xi. Pen drive xvii.Mouse xxiii.Scanner
v. Power Stabilizer xii. CD xviii.Gamepad xxiv.Mouse pad
vi. xix. Joystick xxv.Speaker
xx. Light pen xxvi.

43. State 2 features of the following;

i. Web browsers vi. Inkjet printer xii. Cell

ii. Desktop vii. Laser printer xiii. Windows
iii. Graphical user interface viii. Word processing applica- xiv. Floppy disk
iv. Impact printer tion xv. Hard disk drive
v. Non-impact printer ix. Spreadsheet application xvi. CD
x. Virus xvii.DVD
xi. Active cell

44. State the functions of..

i. Close button iii. Maximize button
ii. Minimize button iv. Restore button
45. Give four (4) advantages of emails over paper-based letter writing.
46. Outline four (4) steps in launching Paint application using the start menu.
47. What is a Windows desktop?
48. Name any four (4) icons found on the Windows desktop.
49.List three (3) application software for word processing
50.Give two (2) major characteristics of a printer.
51.Give two (2) features that make it easier to use word processing application than a typewrit-
52.List any two (2) steps to take in turning off a computer system.
53.Write the full meaning of the following abbreviations:
(α) http (β) wpm (ɣ) WAN
54. Give the meaning of the following acronyms in the use of computers.
i. AC ii. DC iii. UPS
55. Give the major advantage of UPS to a system unit.
56. Explain the value of the cooling fan or heat sinks in a system unit.
57. What is the difference between the ‘save’ and the ‘save as’ commands?
58. Write two (2) conditions that are needed to save a file.
59. (a) Explain and give two examples each of the following:
i. Device drivers ii. Utility programs
60. Name four (4) parts of the computer mouse.
61. Explain the following mouse actions:
(α) double-clicking (β) clicking (ɣ) dragging
62. Describe how a folder with the name ‘new folder’ can be changed to ‘WAEC'.
63. Give two (2) positive uses of the internet.
64.List three types of computers
65.List five storage media
66.Give two ways through which computers may be infected with viruses
67.List three main parts of a standard computer keyboard.
68.What is a peripheral device?
69.Give four examples of peripheral
70.List two examples of Operating System
71.State two reasons why a computer underlines a typed text in word processing application
with a. red wavy line b. green line c. blue line
72. Give the functions of the following keyboard keys;
i. Enter ii. Delete
73. Write down the following acronyms in full;
74. List three health – related problems associated with prolong use of the computer.
75. Explain the following terminologies as used in spreadsheet application:
i. Cell address ii. Graph iii. Cell iv. Column v. Row
76. Define the following
i Optical Storage ii Burning iii Ripping iv Backup
77. List four tools on the formatting toolbar of a word processing application.
78. Certain books are published both in hard copies and soft copies (e-books). Give two reasons
for using
i hard copies formats
ii soft copies formats
78. Explain the term booting.
79. State and explain the types of booting.
80. State four I.C.T tools and their uses.
81.State four (4) symptoms of a virus.
82.State four (4) ways of controlling virus on a computer.
83.State three (3) source of virus attack to the computer
84.State two (2) uses of the RAM chip
85.Outline the steps involve in saving a copied document
86.Outline the steps involve in coping and pasting information from website in MS word docu-
87.Outline the steps in printing a document
88.Suggest the appropriate function for the following situations in spreadsheet:
i.Selecting the maximum value out of a range A1 to B20.
ii.Selecting the minimum value out of a range A1 to B20.
iii.Finding the product of a range A1 to B20.
iv.Finding the sum of a range A1 to B20.
v.Calculating average of marks entered in cells E5, F5, G5, H5 and I
vi.Determining whether the student has passed (if scored > = 40) or not from the marks stored
in cell J10.
vii.Outline two (2) reasons why it is better to use cell references in formulas than to use real val-
ues in the cells
89. Outline 3 significance of spreadsheet over manual ledger
90 List 3………..

i. Optical storage media iii. Internet etiquettes
ii. Magnetic storage devices iv. Pointing devices

91. Write the following acronyms in full.


ii. EMAIL iv. CC vi. BCC

92. List the three main types of computer.

93.State four characteristics of information.
94.Briefly describe the stages of Information Processing Cycle.
95.State two difference between data and information.
96.Give the stages involved in the information processing cycle.
97.What is hardware? And state the main hard components of the computer.
98.State the functions of the following devices;
I. Monitor II. System Unit III. Mouse IV. Keyboard V. Processors
99.Define the following:
I. Application II. System software III. Operating system IV. Utilities V. Malware
100.Mention four operating systems.
101.Mention four applications software and their uses.
102.List two components of the computer main memory.
103.State two difference between application software and operating system.
104.List the basic components of personal computer.
105.Mention three uses of application software.
106.What is health hazard?
107.State the possible health hazards associated with the long use of ICT tools of the follow-

i. Monitor iii. Computer system v. Television

ii. Mobile phones iv. Public address system

108.State five safety precautions of using ICT tools.

109.State three possible health hazards associated with the long use of ICT tools.
110.What are an ICT tools?
111.Mention three ICT tools.
112.State three ways tools help in teaching and learning.

113.State four media for sending and receiving information.
114.State three ways ICT can be used in basic education in Ghana.
115.What is launching as applied in computing?
116.Outline the steps for starting Mavis Beacon.
117.What are the ways of starting application on the desktop?
118.Describe how you would launch MS Encarta
119.State two subject areas where educational software can be used.
120.Discuss four major reasons why ICT tools are used in teaching and learning.
121.Mention four ICT tools which can be used to enhance learning and teaching.
122.What is multimedia?
123.State four importance of using multimedia in teaching and learning.
124.State three ways ICT can be used in basic education in Ghana.
125. List three areas of learning where information and communication technology tools can be
126. State two benefits associated with the use of information and communication tools in
teaching and learning.
127.Mention the main element of multimedia.
128. Outline the steps for shutting down computer
129. Describe how you would switch on your computer.
130. List the two ways of booting a computer.
131. What is the shortcut used to call for command prompt?
132. Explain the following terms
i. Hibernating ii. Sleep iii. Shutdown iv. Log off v. Switch User
119.List four devices which can serve as both input and output.
120.State the uses of the following input devices
i. Printer ii. Scanner iii. Keyboard iv. Plotter v. Mouse
121. Classify the following devices under input, output, both input-output devices:
Modem, printer, plotter, light pen, joystick, game pad, fax machine, LCD monitor. Optical Mark
reader, speaker.
122. State two advantages of using hardcopy format.
123.State two advantages of using softcopy format.
124. What is input-output devices? And give four examples of those device.
125.Define the following terms:
i. Windows ii. Desktop iii. Icons iv. Scroll bar
126. List four (4) features of the windows
127.Describe how you would close not responding running program.
128.Mention four uses of the title bar.

129.List the features of the title bar.
130. State the features of the scroll bar.
131.What is the shortcut for closing unduly windows?
132.Describe how you will move window using keyboard.
133.Describe how you will move window using mouse.
134.What is the use of task manger?
135.State the use of the following buttons.
a. Close button b. restore button c. maximize button d. minimize button
136. What is the difference between Gmail and Yahoo! Email service?
137. State the use of the following email terminologies
a. Carbon Copy b. Blind Carbon Copy c. To d. subject
138. Explain the following with regards to email:
a. Attachment b. Sign up c. Sign in d. Log out e. Bcc
139. State the steps involved in creating an email account.
140. State three advantages and two disadvantages of the email
141. State difference between:
i. Floppy disk and Zip diskette ii. CD and DVD iii. Disk and disc
vi. Memory card and pen drive.
142.Mention two devices that use magnetism to store data.
143. What technology does CD and DVD use to store data and information?
144.Mention the two kinds of floppy disk.
145.State one use of the following:
a. Hard disk b. Floppy disk c. Pen drive d. CD
146.What is back up? And state two reasons why we do back up.
147.What are the two ways of connecting cables to the hard disk drive?
148.State the measurement of the following:

i. 1024 bytes = ______ kilobyte iii. 1000 GB = ___Terabytes

ii. 8 bits =___byte iv. 1 TB = ____bytes.

149.What is the difference between bit and byte?

150.State the purpose of the following commands on an email application such as yahoo mail
or Gmail:
a. My account b. Compose c. Attach d. Sign up
151.Describe how the email works
152. What is the essence of the following email features?

a. Signature b. Reply c. Forward d. attachment.
153.Mention five email etiquette.
154.Define the following terms:
a. Website address b. Domain c. Domain suffix
d. Directories e. Protocol
155.State four features of the website address.
156.What is the difference between website address and website?
157. Explain the following:
a. Homepage b. Website c. Webpage

158.What is intellectual property?

159.Define the following terms as applied in computing:
a. Bootleg b. plagiarism c. Brand piracy
d. Copyright e. Public domain
160.Differentiate between Copyright and Public Domain.
161.List four materials or things which can Copyrighted.
162.What is piracy?
163.State four types of piracy and explain any two of them.
164.State four types of Computer Virus and give one example each of the type stated.
165.State five signs when Computer Virus come into your Computer system.
166.Explain the following with example:
a. malware b. adware c. backdoor d. worm e. Trojan horse.
167. What is the effect of copyright infringement?
168. Mention two works which are not covered by the copyright in Ghana.
169.Give the three copyright laws in Ghana.
170.What is the difference between virus and antivirus?
171.Define antivirus and give four of antivirus software
172.What is the duration of the following laws?
a. copyright b. patent law

173.Describe how you will the following:

i. Copying sentence ii. Delete sentence iii. Move text iv. Copy text v. Undo

174. State the actions for the following shortcuts.

i. Ctrl + A iii. Ctrl + C iii. Ctrl + X i. Ctrl + H

ii. Ctrl + Z iv. Ctrl + V iv. Ctrl + P ii. Ctrl + Y

175. What is editing?
176. What is formatting of a document?
177. What is clip art?
178. Describe how you do the following
a. Inserting clip b. Inserting picture c. Draw square d. Draw circle
179. Why do we preview our work before printing?
180. Describe how to preview document.
181. Describe how you will print your work.
182. What is paper Orientation?
183. What are the two types of paper orientation?
184. What is the shortcut for calling the print dialog box?
185. Pressing F1 in word document is..........................
186. Why do we need help facility or tool when using MS word?
187. What is the purpose of holding down shift key?
188. Define the following:
i. WWW ii. Internet iii. Protocol iv. Network
189. Mention four protocol you know.
190. What is the difference between internet Protocol and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol?
191. State four advantages of the internet.
192. Give three disadvantages of the internet
193. Mention five services on the internet.
194. Outline steps for launching web browser.
195. What is internet fraud?
196. Describe how the following networks are formed.
a. MAN b. LAN c. WLAN d. WAN

197. State one function each of the following keyboard keys

i. Esc Shift vi. Space bar x. Prt Sc xiv. Pg dn

ii. Ctrl vii. Tab xi. End xv. Home
iii. Enter viii. Alt xii. Pg up xvi. Del
iv. Cap lock ix. Insert xiii. Arrow up xvii. Arrow down
v. Backspace


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