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Topic 8- Acid deposition

A. Describe the main sources of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and oxides of sulfur (SOx)


1. List the natural sources of sulphur dioxide:

2. List the anthropogenic (originating in human activity) sources of suphur dioxide:

3. State the chemical equation of sulphur combustion:

4. How is sulfur trioxide produced? Write a chemical equation to back up your findings.


5. Name 2 natural sources of sources of nitrogen oxides (NO x) in the atmosphere:

6. Name 2 sources of nitrogen oxide (NO). Anthropogenic sources:

B. Acid Deposition
State what is meant by the term acid deposition and outline its origins.
● Rain is naturally acidic because of dissolved CO2 and has a pH of 5.6. Acid
deposition has a pH below 5.6.
● Acid deposition is formed when nitrogen or sulfur oxides dissolve in water to
form HNO3, HNO2, H2SO4 and H2SO3.
● Balancing the equations that describe the combustion of sulfur and nitrogen to
their oxides and the subsequent formation of H2SO3, H2SO4, HNO2 and HNO3.

1. Using your previous knowledge of acids and bases, predict what is meant by acid rain

2. Most of us would believe natural rainfall to be neutral, but in fact it is considered slightly
acidic. What causes this slight acidity and what is the approximate pH value of natural rain?

3. Which two gases resulting from combustion are primarily responsible for acid rain?


4. Go to and scroll down until
you see two pie charts of NOx emissions
What was the major source of NOx in the following countries:

Canada? and what was the percentage? ___ %

USA? and what was the percentage? ___ %

Thus, the major source of NOx is: ________________________

5. Observe the other pie charts on this site, and deduce the major anthropogenic (man made)
source of SO2

Source: ___________________

6. As mentioned previously, these gases result from combustion reactions. Use stoichiometry to
balance the following reactions:

_N2(g) + _O2(g) _NO2(g)

_S(s) + _O2(g) _SO2(g)

7. Gaseous products of the previous combustion reactions react with water vapor in the
atmosphere to yield two strong acids, one monoprotic & one diprotic. What are these two

i) _____________________ & ii) ________________________

8. Write a chemical equation for each gas to yield the acidic solutions in #7.



9. NOx and SOx can form weak acids as well. Write the chemical equation for each gas to yield a
weak acidic solution.

Eq 1:

Eq 2:

C. Discuss the environmental effects of acid deposition and possible methods to

counteract them.
• Distinction between the pre-combustion and post-combustion methods of
reducing sulfur oxides emissions.
• Deduction of acid deposition equations for acid deposition with reactive metals
and carbonates.
1. follow this link
to outline 4 major areas affected by acid rain.

2. Why is it more probable for a lake to be affected by acid rain in comparison to flowing water,
such as rivers or streams?

3. Look at the picture below, and deduce two possible effects of acid rain that can be seen



4. Explain what are the consequences of the increase in acidity in the soil on important

5. Metals are known to react in the presence of an acid. Knowing this property, why would the
combination of acid rain and household water pipes be bad or even lethal?
Hint: Plumbers repair pipes. What element do the letters Pb represent?
FYI: In some countries, copper has replaced this metal in pipes to reduce toxicity.

6. The following chart shows pH ranges a marine organism can withstand.

Look back at question 2 and explain briefly why acid rain will be deadly in a still
body of water, such as a lake containing these organisms.

7. Structures such as the Capital Building in Washington D.C, and the Parthenon in Greece have
somewhat lost their structural shape. Acid rain is known to have a part in their degradation as
marble is composed of calcium carbonate. Write a balanced equation that explains the effects of
a sulfuric acid on marble, and include their physical states.

Looking at the resulting products, what other “environmental” problem can result from this
Hint: Pay attention to the gaseous products.

8. Using the answers you’ve provided so far, come up with at least three possible ways of
counteracting the effects of acid rain. Think back to the four major areas affected by the acid

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