Self Help Workbook Post Natal Depression

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Gaining control of

your life after

having a baby
A Self Help Workbook for Post-natal Depression

Part 1 About this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Part 2 Understanding post-natal depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Part 3 Setting goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Part 4 Self monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Part 5 Changing the way you behave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Part 6 Changing the way you think . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Watch out for your rule book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Part 7 More helpful techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Part 8 Bad days, setbacks and relapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

Part 9 Useful information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

1 Anxiety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
2 Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
3 Sleeping better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
4 Medication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
5 Supporting someone with post-natal depression . . . . . . . . . . .64

Part 10 Tips for managing post-natal depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Part 11 Six months on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

Part 12 Further reading and helpful agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Contents 3
Meet Diane, Ros, Kayleigh and Jasmine
Part one Throughout the programme you will be
introduced to four characters, Diane, Ros,
helpful. Do not worry if you do not exactly
recognise yourself or your problems in the
Kayleigh and Jasmine who will help to bring cases described. Our four characters are
the techniques to life. You can follow their fictional but based on typical real life
progress during the programme if this is situations.

Hello, I am Diane, a I am Ros. When I was

person who you would not a student I had
expect to have depression. depression . I then

About this book The depression after the

birth of my baby, Rory,
was made worse by my
had postnatal
depression after my
first child, Jamie, was
own high standards. I born. After my second
Background The book has been written by a Clinical
think I’ve learnt that I’m child, Jenna, was
Psychologist (Alison Sedgwick-Taylor), Sue
a perfectionist and that born, I felt like a bad
This workbook is different from other books Moos, (Maternal Mental Health Strategy Lead)
100% perfect is just not practical, especially mother and lost all energy and
you may have read. Gaining Control of your and two patients (Lauren Thomas who has
with a baby in the house. Learning to cope enthusiasm. I found this programme
Life is a practical guide and will tell you about suffered from anxiety and depression, and
with “it’ll do” and “good enough” has helpful in getting active again.
a number of skills to manage your moods. The Linda Thompson who has suffered from
been the key for me in making me Finally acknowledging there is a
programme is designed to build your episodes of postnatal depression). Linda has
happier. problem, with a name and treatment
knowledge and confidence step by step to provided invaluable comments and feedback,
that might help, has been a real relief.
help you work steadily towards your goals. and is quoted throughout the book. The
The techniques in this workbook come from techniques that are presented are ‘evidence-
My name is Kayleigh. I
“cognitive behavioural therapy”. This is a type based’, that is, they have been extensively
am a single mum with a
of therapy used by psychologists and others to researched and shown to be effective in the I’m Jasmine and I
beautiful little boy called
help people manage all sorts of problems. The management of mental health difficulties. All was struggling after
Joshua. I have had a
“cognitive” part deals with how you think, and the techniques, when used alone but the birth of my
pretty tough life so far,
how this can affect your moods. The particularly when used together, have been daughter Naomi. My
and a traumatic birth. I
“behaviour” part deals with how you can shown to be effective. mother-in-law has
have no confidence in
manage your moods by changing what you do. been really supportive
myself as a mother and
but I needed to learn
lie awake at night
to feel more confident
Who is it for? worrying and crying. The programme has
I had postnatal depression about looking after
helped me become happier about myself
This book is for women who have mild to after each of my children my daughter on my own. The thought
and my life. I’ve a long way to go, but this
moderate depression before or after having and received counselling of this made me anxious and panicky.
has been a good start.
their baby, or if they are recovering from an after two episodes. I think The book teaches you how to take
episode of severe depression associated with this book is great – it small steps towards your goals – that
pregnancy. It could also be useful if you are clearly explains some useful makes it so much more manageable.
supporting someone with depression. techniques. No matter how
hopeless it feels now, they
do work, so give it a go.
Linda, patient adviser

4 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 1 – About this book 5
are about the techniques you will need to suggested. If you do just one thing that is
learn and practise. Part 8 is about staying well. described in the book, at least you have taken
Additional information that may or may not be a step in the right direction.
relevant to you is provided in Part 9. Part 10 is
Getting the most out of the
a summary and Part 11 is a 6-month on review
workbook Summary
of the progress of our patients. You can also
You can choose whether you do the find out about additional reading and useful This self-help programme is for anyone
programme in full or just read some of it now agencies in the back of this book. struggling to manage their moods around the
and then. You can dip in and out of the book time of children. It could also be useful if you
For this programme to work you need to put
if this is helpful to you. If you want to follow are supporting someone with depression. The
the suggestions into practice repeatedly. This
the programme in full, the following structure workbook teaches cognitive and behavioural
takes time and considerable determination.
is suggested: techniques that have been shown in research
Throughout the programme there will be and clinical practice to be very effective.
In our experience we recommend you take many opportunities for you to write down Reading the workbook will not be enough.
between 8–12 weeks to do the programme. your thoughts and feelings. The homework is You will need to practise and use the
However, if you want to take less or more time a very important part of the programme and techniques over time to feel the benefits.
to read and take in all the information that is will really help to make a difference. It is
fine. Obviously the amount of time you can important for you to find time to do this.
dedicate to the programme will be affected by
Accept offers of help so that you have some
the demands of looking after a baby. If you
free time, and try to set aside some time when
have someone who can help with looking
the baby is asleep.
after the baby, and someone with whom you
can discuss your progress on a regular basis, You need to have decided that things need to
this will also be beneficial. This need not change for you to be regaining control of your
necessarily be the same person. life. You need to stick at it. Each little step can
add up to a major change for the better.
Week 1 Parts 1 + 2
By picking up this book you are saying that
Week 2 Part 3
you want things to change. Of course you
Week 3 Part 4 want to feel better. This workbook is packed
Weeks 4 and 5 Parts 5 + 6 full of suggestions on how to start feeling
better, but they do take a bit of effort to put
Weeks 6, 7 and 8 Part 6 onwards into practice. Do not worry if you cannot do
Weeks 9 and 12 Part 7 onwards all that is suggested, or even half of what is

We want you, to find the techniques that work

best for you so we suggest you read and try
them all. If you prefer particular techniques,
“You may be feeling worried
about this already. Perhaps
and they are working for you, then stick to
you feel you can’t even
manage the baby, let alone
However, we advise you spend no less than a anything else. But the benefits
week practicing the techniques presented in could be a happier, more
each new section. capable mum, and a happier
baby and family. Now isn’t
Diary sheets are available at the back of the that worth trying for?”
book should you wish to use them.
Linda, patient adviser
We suggest you read Parts 1–3 first. Parts 4–7

6 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 1 – About this book 7
What is Depression? Depression isn’t just about feeling sad, but
lots of other symptoms too. These symptoms
Depression comes in many forms and has can include changes in your emotions, your

Part two many causes. It can occur in pregnancy or

after having a baby. It should not, however, be
confused with ‘Baby blues’ or other postnatal
illnesses. Baby blues occur in up to 80% of
thinking, your physical functioning, the way
you behave, and the way you feel about your
baby and about being a mother.

Some common symptoms of depression that

women at around three to five days after
help doctors to diagnose the condition are
delivery and lasts up to about 48 hours. It is a
described below. You may wish to tick the
brief episode of tearfulness and emotional
ones that apply for you:
instability, and treatment is not usually
required. For some women the baby blues are
more severe and last longer. We know from
research that this can be a predictor of
subsequent depression as up to 40% of Low or sad mood
Understanding depression women affected by severe baby blues go on to
develop postnatal depression.
Loss of interest or pleasure

And at least 4 of the following symptoms:

Postnatal depression affects 10 to 15% of
We understand that depression is one of the Important Notes Tearfulness
women after having a baby. This is similar to
most painful and demanding experiences to
the number of people affected by depression Disturbed sleep
endure. One of the most difficult aspects is You are not alone. Between 10% - 15% of
at other times in their lives. What makes it
the thought that nothing can change, or that women develop depression after Guilt or low self worth
different is that it occurs at a time when
you will not get better. However, women do childbirth. About the same number of
women are particularly vulnerable and when Pessimism or hopelessness
get better. Research and the experience of women are depressed before the baby
there is a baby to be looked after. In women about the future
many women have taught us how depression arrives. It can happen to anyone. Getting
who have had postnatal depression, there is a
around the time of childbirth starts, what depressed does not mean you are weak or Decreased sex drive
30% chance of recurrence. It usually develops
impact it has and how it ends. a bad mother.
gradually and can vary in severity. In up to a Mood variation during the day
We also know that there are techniques that Depression is hard to diagnose yourself. third of women, their depression begins in the
you can use that can help to lift your mood Our moods can dramatically affect our antenatal period, but being depressed before Poor concentration
quicker. This workbook will introduce you to judgements about ourselves. Partners, the baby is born does not mean a woman will Suicidal thoughts or acts
these techniques and encourage you to friends and family are often the first one necessarily be depressed after the birth. Half
Thoughts of harming
practise what you learn so that these new to notice that something is wrong. of the women who get postnatal depression
your baby
skills become part of your life. In this way you However, often we need a professional to develop it by three months after delivery, and
will get better and have more of a chance of help us diagnose our experience. three quarters develop it by six months. Loss of self confidence
staying well. Postnatal depression resolves over time, but
Women who have had postnatal Fatigue or loss of energy
without any treatment it can persist after the
depression have a 30% chance of having
baby’s first birthday. Agitation or slowing of
Just knowing about these techniques it again.
movement or speech
and ideas can help you see that Sounds scary doesn’t it? Puerperal psychosis is a much rarer and more
things are not as hopeless as they But remember that even if severe postnatal illness, occurring in one to
may seem. Even succeeding with one you do get depression again, two women in every thousand births. Because
small goal may be what you need You need professional assistance if you have
you are likely to recognise of its severity, it is usually dealt with as an
to start feeling better. Every time thoughts of suicide and/or thoughts of
your particular symptoms emergency. It usually develops within days of
harming your baby. Thoughts of harming your
you pick up this programme you earlier and seek help and giving birth and always by the third week. The
will be taking a positive step, so baby are particularly distressing, but not
support sooner. Doing this symptoms are quite different from baby blues
don’t be hard on yourself if you workbook may prevent you uncommon. It may be reassuring to know that
and postnatal depression: for example, loss of
need several attempts to get from being in the 30% too. women rarely act on these feelings. Telling
started. contact with reality (delusions, hallucinations),
someone is the first step to feeling better. You
Linda, patient adviser and abnormal behaviour and speech.
Linda, patient adviser

8 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 2 – Understanding depression 9
may not care if you live or die at the moment, Unit for a week so I didn’t see him to the home because of a baby’s normal Thoughts
but this is a symptom of the disorder, and you much to start with. My aunt helped routine can make you feel isolated.
can think and feel differently with help. Clinical and research evidence has shown that
me a lot until I was better, but she Relationship Difficulties. Unhappiness in depressed individuals have very particular
works, so it is difficult for her to be our relationships can contribute to the ways of thinking about themselves, others and
Don’t be scared that if you there when I need her. Any routine I onset and continuation of depression. the world. These ways of thinking can trigger
tell someone how you are had with the baby has gone and I After having a baby, women may feel their
feeling, your baby will be and worsen the experience of depression.
can’t be bothered to try and sort it partner is unsupportive and too
taken away. Health Each of us is affected differently by situations,
out. I started to go to a mother and demanding.
professionals are there to depending on how we think about them.
help you get well enough to be baby group at the community centre
Typical job and work worries include Imagine a phone call that is expected from a
a good mother for your baby, but I just don’t feel like going returning to work after the baby, losing close friend that does not happen. One
and knowing how bad you are anymore. Joshua sleeps well at night your job and being able to juggle childcare person, for example, Kayleigh, may regard this
feeling will help them give you but I can’t – I find it hard to fall and work. as evidence that the friend does not want to
the correct treatment and help. asleep and sometimes I just lie awake
Stress related to physical health, for speak to her, is bored of her talking about her
Linda, patient adviser and worry or cry. baby and thinks the friend is avoiding her.
example, conditions including chronic
pain. This can also be a problem following Kayleigh’s mood would then become further
Why me, Why now? a traumatic birth. Some conditions can depressed and she would not call the friend.
Meet Kayleigh directly trigger depression and fatigue e.g. She feels hurt, upset and fearful of reaching
There are a number of factors that cause and
hypothyroidism (where the thyroid gland out to anyone else in case they are also bored
maintain depression. Each of the factors listed
I am Kayleigh and I of her. She stops going to mother and baby
below plays a part in causing depression, and secretes too little thyroid hormone), or
am 18 years old. group. Her thinking is negative and unrealistic
depression then has an impact on these anaemia (where there is a low level of iron
Joshua is now six in the blood). and makes her feel more depressed and
factors. A vicious cycle of inactivity, low mood,
months old and the
isolation, fatigue and negative thinking can
two of us live in a feel like it is spiralling beyond your control.
flat in the town The longer it goes on the more you feel like
centre. Joshua’s dad left us two you cannot get out of the trap. Starting
months ago. He said he couldn’t put somewhere to do something differently can BEHAVIOUR SITUATION
up with how I had changed and that help to make you feel a bit more in control
he didn’t fancy me anymore. That and slow down the depressive vicious cycle. social withdrawal
might be because I have put on isolation
reduced activity
weight. I have definitely been eating Situation level conflict
much more than usual for the last few
We know that there are certain factors that poor self care stress
weeks, even though I’m not hungry. make it more likely for a woman to become
limited pleasure
My mum lives nearby but we don’t get
depressed around the time of childbirth. For
instance, we know that there is often, but not THOUGHTS
on and I don’t have any brothers or
always, a difficult life situation that triggers
sisters to talk to. I was sexually negative thinking
depression. We also know that particular
abused as a child and have cut myself EMOTION habits
situations can make depression worse. Some
in the past but I haven’t done it for a
situations that have been associated with sadness harsh self
long time. I feel so bad about myself depression include:
anxiety criticism
now though that I have started to
think about doing it again.
Major life events, particularly around loss. PHYSIOLOGY unfair and
For example, the death of a loved one, job changes in brain chemistry unrealistic
losses and/or relationship breakdown. discouragement thinking
I had an awful labour and ended up altered sleep
having a caesarean section. Joshua Limited social contact. Being socially numbness
low energy
had to be in the Special Care Baby isolated is a significant risk factor in
depression and just being more confined Depressive vicious cycle

10 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 2 – Understanding depression 11
behave in an avoidant way which does not people find that antidepressant medication is Not caring about yourself
give her an opportunity to disprove her helpful to lift mood and can help you regain
1 sleep and appetite. The changes in brain
chemistry associated with depression have Spend less time on your appearance (e.g.
Another person may be curious about the
been demonstrated in research. However, we hair, make-up, clothing)
missed call but think that the friend is busy or 1. Negative about are still not entirely sure what comes first, for
have forgotten. They would call the friend yourself Not caring about personal appearance
example, does depression produce the
themselves to have the conversation that was You can tend to judge
changes in the brain, or vice versa. All we Reduced exercise
planned and their mood would be unaffected. yourself in an unfair,
often critical and harsh know is that they are associated and that Eating too much, eating too little, or eating
This changed thinking has been described as manner medication can be very helpful. We also know ‘rubbish’
the Negative Triangle. When you are it is even more helpful if you learn cognitive
depressed you can often think negatively
about yourself, about life and other people
3 2 and behavioural techniques as presented in
this book. Research tells us that recovery is
Likely result

Adds to low self esteem

and about your future. 3. Negative about 2. Negative about life more likely to last if you have learnt more
your future and others Adds to self critical thoughts
You can tend to view your life
coping skills.
Many people think You can tend to anticipate and other people in an Limits emotional and physical benefits of
maternity leave from work a future that is bleak, and unrealistically pessimistic
exaggerate the most way, tending to focus on the
Behaviour exercise
is like a long holiday negative or threatening
negative outcomes.It’s
However, it can be scary to aspects whilst ignoring the Depression can have a big impact on how you Adds to feelings of fatigue
very hard to think
be stuck at home caring optimistically positive, more optimistic behave. It can make you withdraw from your
aspects family and friends, stop you taking care of
for an unpredictable baby
without any breaks yourself, stop you doing things you used to Not doing the things you used to enjoy
The Negative Triangle
during the day, people to enjoy and stop you getting on with your daily
chat to, or time off. duties. It can even affect the way you feel
Physiology about, and your ability to care for your baby. Not doing hobbies

Depression can lead to very significant Below are some common examples and their Not having any fun
changes in your physical functioning. One of likely results:
Emotion Stopping doing something you used to enjoy
the most important changes is in sleep
Withdrawing from others
When depressed, we can feel not just sad, but behaviour. You may be sleeping too much, Likely result
overwhelmed by feelings of despair. A waking early, be unable to sleep when the Examples
Inactivity becomes a habit
profound feeling of anxiety and often a sense baby is asleep, having broken nights or be Refusing social invitations
struggling to get to sleep. If sleep does not Stops you receiving personal satisfaction.
of impending doom can accompany these
depressed feelings. Others feel numb and restore you, the next day is even harder to Avoiding telephone (making or receiving)
detached. Some writers talk about this ability face. A vicious cycle of exhaustion, low energy, calls
and worry about not sleeping can cause Neglecting your everyday duties
to switch off as a way of protecting ourselves Reducing regular social activities
against intense psychological pain. In the further depression. It is normal to have a Examples
disrupted sleep pattern when you have a baby Avoiding talking to and playing with the baby
same way that your thoughts can become
Leaving everyday tasks for someone else
unrealistic and negative, your emotions can because of night feeds. But with depression Likely result
become extreme and unrealistic too. you may be unable to get back to sleep when Putting off tasks
the baby sleeps in between night feeds. For Takes you away from warmth and feelings of
Sometimes women have emotions about connection with others Not finishing tasks
more information about sleep, please look in
being a ‘bad’ mother and that motherhood
the back of this workbook. Confirms your belief that no one wants to be Likely result
does not meet their expectations. There may
The physiological changes of depression make with you or likes you Adds to your sense of inadequacy
also be feelings of resentment because of the
impact of a new baby. it harder to cope with the demands of life and Limits opportunities for feeling pleasure or a Frustrates others
the needs of a baby – and maybe a toddler sense of achievement
too! It certainly makes it hard to have the Adds to the feeling that your life is out of your
energy to do a programme like this. Some control.

12 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 2 – Understanding depression 13
Depression comes in many forms and has
many causes. It affects not just mood, but also
the way we behave, think and feel. Ten to
fifteen percent of women will get depressed
Part three
after they have had their baby, and it can
happen to anyone. Depression is hard to
diagnose yourself. Our moods can dramatically Week two if following the
affect our judgements about ourselves. Often
we need a professional to help us diagnose programme in full
our experience.

There are a number of factors that cause and

maintain depression, including our behaviour,
difficult life situations, our emotions,
physiology and the way we think. The
depressive vicious cycle can be interrupted by
Setting goals
you using just one of the techniques described
What do you want to change? answer the phone when it rings.” rather
in this work book.
than, “I will not avoid speaking to
The first and most important part of any self- people.”
help programme is to set goals for what you
A beginning rather than an end.
want to achieve. You may have made all sorts
Concentrate on starting, not ending the
of previous attempts to change, but unless
journey. Every journey starts with one
you have a clear plan and try to stick to it,
small step. You climb a mountain one step
change will be very difficult. Planning and
at a time!
selecting which areas you want to try and
change is a crucial part of successfully moving Goals involve hard work but the rewards are
forward. worth it! REMEMBER: It has taken time for
you to get to where you are, so it will take
Check whether your goals are:
time for things to change. With perseverance
Important to you. and practise you can get there!
Achievable but still a challenge.
Your goals for this programme
Concrete and specific. For example, if you
set a goal such as “I want to be more Write down some goals to work on during this
sociable and happy,” this is too big and it programme. These may change over time but
will not be easy to measure the it is important that you think about what you
achievement. Break your goal down and are trying to achieve.
be as specific as possible. For example, Goal 1
“I aim to go out with my friends or to a
mother and baby group at least once a
week and to telephone a friend twice a

Involve the presence, not the absence of

something. State what you will do instead
of what you won’t do. For example “I will

14 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 3 – Setting goals 15
Goal 2 home. We live in our own house in a After talking to her doctor and sister Diane Homework
small rural village, and I used to modified her goals to the following:
belong to our local church choir Decide on some mini goals for the coming
Set a realistic list of housework tasks
before I had Rory. Rory is our first week and write them down. If you only
for the week and spend no more than
child and was a planned baby. want to set one goal that is fine.
half an hour each day doing the
Although I had a normal delivery it
tasks listed.
was a long labour and I felt out of
control. I am still breast feeding and Start a sleep routine for Rory.
regret that I will have to give up at
Attend weekly choir practice. Arrange
Goal 3 least some feeds so that I can return
child-care in advance.
to work. I am a primary school
teacher and went on maternity leave Begin practising a morning routine
shortly before Rory was born. I am in preparation for going back to
due to return to work in 3 months work.
time. Do this programme to understand
I have taken Rory to see the GP quite and change bad thoughts about
often,and I have also had to go myself.
Goal 4 myself quite a bit as I haven’t been Read sleep advice (found in the back
sleeping well and have felt low for a of this workbook) and try the
few weeks now. I have been crying a suggestions.
lot lately, although sometimes I am
not sure what starts it off. I am also
really worried about going back to Summary
work, and the GP thinks my
Make a decision to change and set your
headaches and dizziness are because
Goal 5 goals
I am anxious about myself and the
baby. I used to be so organised and Give yourself the time you need to change
took pride in having a spotlessly clean It’s not about making enormous changes
house. Now I can’t keep on top of the in your life. The small steps add up
housework and I don’t feel like doing
anything. I keep having thoughts Practise is the key to any successful self- Do you have someone you could ask to
about being a useless mother and help program. The more you do the support you with this programme? It is
that just makes me feel worse. Rory techniques the more they will happen very useful to have an objective opinion
cries a lot and I am just not coping. automatically. on how you are progressing and to have
someone to encourage you to stick with
Diane’s initial goals were as follows: the programme. Approach this person. If
Meet Diane
Keep up with the housework you prefer to do this alone or there is not
My name is Diane anyone you can approach that is not a
Be a better mum for Rory
and I am 38 years problem.
old. I am married to Attend choir practice
David and we have a
Introduce bottle-feeding in
3 month old baby
preparation for return to work
called Rory. David is
in full time Sleep better
employment as an IT consultant, but
he is often away from home. Even
when he is not away he is often late

16 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 3 – Setting goals 17
Diane is rating pleasure (P) 0–10 (0 = no pleasure, 10 = intense pleasure) and
Achievement (A) 0–10 (0 = no sense of achievement, 10 = strong sense of achievement)

Hours Monday

Part four 6am

Awake since last breastfeed S at 3 am. Breastfeeding again.
P=0 A=4

P=8 A=0

Woken up by Rory wanting another feed. Changed and dressed him

Week three if following the 8am
and myself. P=5 A=6

programme in full 9am Having breakfast. Didn’t finish it as Rory crying. Put the sterilizer unit
on one-handed! P=4 A=5

Put the washing on, made shopping list, attempted to clear up. Had to
10am pick Rory up a lot, so gave up on tidying. P=2 A=2

Self monitoring 11am Breastfeed and nappy change.

P=8 A=8

Rory asleep. Rang Vicky about tonight, then had lunch.

Noon P=8 A=9
We understand that you cannot change things Activity monitoring
until you know more about the problem. This Bottlefed Rory.
1pm P=3 A=7
is why we encourage you to keep detailed Depression can have a big impact on how you
diaries of your activities, thoughts and behave. It can make you withdraw from your Flying round house tidying up. Tearful now
feelings. We want you to learn more about the family and friends, stop you taking care of 2pm P=2 A=0
way you behave, think and feel. By recognising yourself, stop you doing things you used to
Breastfed and changed nappies
patterns in your behaviour, thoughts and enjoy and stop you getting on with your daily 3pm P=8 A=8
feelings you can be clearer about what needs duties. It may also affect the daily enjoyment
you get from your baby (and other children). Preparing tea and hanging washing out
to change. 4pm P=5 A=8
In this part you will be introduced to 2 kinds Increasing the amount of activity in your day,
Husband home on time! Had tea together straight away.
of self-monitoring: particularly the achievement and pleasure you 5pm P=9 A=9
experience in your activity, is a key to your
recovery. You may find it helpful to complete Brestfeed. Rory crying a lot, but David is looking after him. Worried
Activity Thought
6pm about going out and leaving Rory. P=6 A=5
and Activity Sheets to monitor this aspect of your
monitoring monitoring
life. The aim of the sheet is to help you see: Choir practice with Vicky
P=8 A=8
how you are using your time
Both types of monitoring are equally
Rory asleep on David’s tummy. Watched telly for half an hour.
important. Both take time and effort. Both are whether you are planning your time 8pm P=9 A=9
effective. Completing diaries may not be easy
whether your activity is social, rewarding, Breastfed Rory.
at first. It takes some practice to get used to
and pleasurable 9pm P=8 A=8
monitoring ourselves in this way. However,
learning more about how you think and whether your activity is not social, is used Rory asleep. Set up sterilizing unit for tomorrow. Exhausted.
for unhelpful thinking and is unrewarding
10pm P=2 A=3
behave can help you to understand what
triggers your depression and also helps you to Asleep
which activities give most pleasure, reward 11pm
pinpoint what you can do to make it better.
and sense of achievement
The way you think and the way you behave
Asleep. What a day! Was really worried about the first bottle feed and
are the keys to unlocking the prison in which what can be changed to get you feeling 12pm going back to choir practice, but I did it!
you find yourself. better
Breastfed Rory at 3.00 am
Have a look at Diane’s Activity Monitoring 1–6am P=2 A=5
Diary for Monday

18 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 4 – Self monitoring 19
Using activity diary sheets managing. This is your programme and you Kayleigh’s thought diary
will find other things that suit you and are
For each hour of the coming week, write more helpful. 3. Emotion
down what you actually did. 1. Situation 2. Emotion 4. Thoughts
For each entry rate how much pleasure Using thought diary sheets (Stage 1)
(P) you experienced (0–10 scale) 0= no At home alone with Afraid 80% Where is my aunt. Maybe she has
In order to complete the diary sheet follow
pleasure, 10= intense pleasure) Joshua waiting for decided to do some overtime. She
these instructions:
my aunt to arrive could have rung me.
For each entry rate how much
1. Situation after she finishes Worried 60%
achievement (A) you felt (0–10 scale) I’m falling apart if I cannot
0 = no sense of achievement Think about how you have been feeling over work. She was due
handle this, I should be able to
10 = no sense of achievement the last week. Do any days and/or situations half an hour ago.
Depressed 92% handle this.
stand out for having made you feel an Not responding to
increased intensity of a particular emotion? mobile. I feel pains in my chest and feel so
This activity diary sheet can become a regular Think in detail about the situation in which unwell. I am sure there is
feature of your programme if you find it you felt the emotion. Where were you? What Angry 38%
something going on with my
helpful. Use it to monitor and plan your levels were you doing? What had just happened?
health. My weight does not help.
of Pleasure and of Achievement. You can also What time of day was it? Were you alone or
use it to plan how to become more active with someone? Write down the situation in This bloody programme isn’t
generally in you life. (See Part 5.) If you Column 1 of the thought diary. helping! I need more help.
choose not to complete this diary sheet that’s
2. Emotion I am not bonding with my baby
OK, but still try to increase pleasure and
achievement. The diary sheet is in the back of Write down the emotion in Column 2 of the
Maybe there has been an accident.
the book if you want to use it. thought diary. Usually emotions can be
expressed in one word – Sad, Nervous, I need a drink/ I can’t cope
Enraged, Cheerful, Disappointed, Humiliated,
Thought monitoring
Embarrassed, Hurt, Scared, Excited, Proud,
Is your thinking balanced, fair and realistic? Repelled, Panicky, Irritated, Happy, Anxious, 3. Emotion Rating is an important skill which, once mastered,
Probably not. When you are depressed, your Depressed, Afraid etc. will help you feel more in control of your
Rate out of 100 the strength or intensity of the
thinking is depressed too. We know that mood. You will learn what situations and, in
The Negative emotion in column 3.
thinking changes with our moods. If you have particular, what thoughts are making you feel
been lucky enough to be very in love in your
life you will remember seeing the world
1 4. Thoughts so bad. Once you understand that the way you
think can lead to a lowering of your mood,
Can you recall any of the thoughts that were
through rose tinted spectacles. For example, you can start to appreciate that by changing
1. Negative about going through your mind just before or as the
strangers on the street seem kind, the weather yourself the way you think, you can change the way
emotion surfaced? Write down the thoughts in
is lovely, the future is bright and you are You can tend to judge you feel.
Column 4, however daft, distressing, irrelevant
attractive. In sharp contrast when we are low yourself in an unfair,
often critical and harsh
or true the thought seems now. The more you
our thinking becomes unfair and unrealistic. manner can catch your thoughts the quicker you will
Strangers are out to get you, the weather is be able to catch and control the mood before
awful, there is little hope for the future and
your are ugly, fat and undesirable!
3 2 it takes over. Ask yourself the following
Remember the negative thinking triangle… 3. Negative about 2. Negative about life What is or was going though my mind?
your future and others
Keeping diary recordings is a key skill and You can tend to view your life What am I afraid might happen?
You can tend to anticipate
needs practice to master. If you really cannot and other people in an
a future that is bleak, and
unrealistically pessimistic
get to grips with recording your thoughts in exaggerate the most Is this reminding me of something else?
way, tending to focus on the
negative outcomes.It’s
this way do not worry. It’s designed to be negative or threatening
very hard to think Throughout this programme you will be
aspects whilst ignoring the
helpful and if it’s not, leave it alone. Do not let optimistically
positive, more optimistic encouraged to complete thought diaries. This
this become something else you are not aspects

20 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 4 – Self monitoring 21
Thinking errors Mind reading Meet Ros a student and then had postnatal
You think you know what others are depression after Jamie was born. Since
My name is Ros, I am
There are a number of ways of thinking that thinking about you and it’s always Jenna was born I haven’t felt very
24 years old and
can be unhelpful and can make depression negative. You react accordingly and rarely affectionate towards her. I feel
have been married to
worse. Here are the most common thinking check out the truth. For example “I bet irritable most of the time and guilty
Simon, who is 22, for
errors that occur when we are depressed. Do they think I’m a terrible mother – I wont that I am not being a very good
two years. We have
you recognise yourself in any of the following so to the mother and baby group again”. mother. Jenna cries a lot and is
two children. Jamie
descriptions? difficult to settle. I’m not enjoying
Personalising is nearly two years
being a mother and sometimes I
Tick the ways of thinking that you recognise in Blaming yourself for anything unpleasant, old and Jenna is 5
think everyone would be better off if I
yourself. More than one (sometimes all) will and taking too much responsibility for months old. Simon and I were both at
wasn’t around. Simon doesn’t
apply: things that aren’t under our control, such university when we met and married.
understand and doesn’t help very
as other people’s feelings or behaviour. He now works as a personal fitness
Jumping to negative conclusions much. We are not as close as we used
For example, if someone doesn’t say trainer in a leisure centre and meets
Drawing a negative conclusion when to be.
“hello” we may think we have done up with his old student friends every
there is little or no evidence to support it.
week. We used to do a lot of outdoor A neighbour has offered to help me
For example, you may think someone is something wrong or upset them, but they
activities but we can’t afford it at the out, but when she came round and
reacting negatively to you when this may may have been preoccupied, or they
moment and anyway I don’t have the knocked on the door last week I
not really be the case, e.g. “My aunt might just have forgotten to wear their
time, the energy or the enthusiasm. didn’t answer. Sometimes I don’t
thinks I am a bad mother”. Or you may glasses!
We live in a small rented town house answer the phone either. I don’t think
convince yourself that things will turn out Filtering and still have outstanding student I am very good company at the
badly, e.g. “They won’t like me, so why Only looking at the bad never the good. loan repayments. moment so I think people won’t want
even try to join in?” People who think in this way tend to to spend time with me
I suffered with depression when I was
Fortune telling reject their achievements, compliments
Predicting the future in a negative way and other positive experiences by
based on your feelings not necessarily on insisting that they “don’t count” for some Ros’s thought diary
fact; e.g. “I’ll get rejected, I’ll make a fool reason, e.g. “He only gave me that
compliment because he knows I feel bad 1. Situation 2. Emotion 3. Emotion 4. Thoughts
of myself.”
at the moment.” rating
Overgeneralisation 8.00pm Thursday Frustrated 95% Why do I always have to put them
Exaggerating the impact of events and
convincing yourself that if something Expecting that because something has evening to bed?
goes wrong it will be totally unbearable gone wrong once or twice, that it will
Watching TV,
and intolerable, e.g. “If I can’t get my always do so. An example is thinking after
baby to sleep, it means I’m a useless an unpleasant experience, “I’m never
doing that again, it’s far too difficult”, or Jenna. About to put Guilty 70% I’m not enjoying being a mum.
mother”, “If I don’t sit and watch the
baby while she is asleep she will have a “I tried this before, I always get it wrong”. children to bed.
cot death”. Labeling Fri 11.00 call from Panic 70% I feel too low to go for a coffee. I
All-or-nothing thinking Undervaluing yourself and putting girlfriend inviting wouldn’t be very good company.
Seeing things in black and white, e.g. yourself down. For example, “I’m so me around for a Nice of her to offer but she is just
Thinking “I fail at everything”, “nothing stupid/weak/useless” and “I don’t deserve
coffee. feeling sorry for me.
works out for me”. A common form of any better”.
black-and-white thinking is expecting 19.00 pm Friday Angry 5% He is going out and I am left at
perfection from ourselves, e.g. “If I can’t Simon about to go home. Again!
stop my baby from crying I’m a complete out to meet friends
failure .” at pub.

20.30pm Friday Lonely 95% I am not happy in my marriage.


22 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 4 – Self monitoring 23
Summary Homework
Learning to monitor and then increase We would like to encourage you to start
your activity levels is important to your

Monitoring your activity will help you see

monitoring yourself. Use the diary sheets
provided at the back of the book if you find
this helpful. You can use your own method of
Part five
monitoring yourself. Some people use their
how much or how little pleasure and
own personal journal, others a tape machine.
achievement you are experiencing and
help you plan to make this more balanced.
It’s best to write down your activity and your Week four and five if following
thoughts as you go, rather than waiting for the
Monitoring your thinking will help you to end of the day. Our memories are never as the programme in full
understand the link between your reliable as we imagine and this is particularly
thoughts and your feelings. true when we are depressed.
Learning about the thinking errors you There are 3 things that would be useful for
might be making will help you to start
changing the way you think.
you to do in the coming week:

1. Complete the activity monitoring diary for

Changing the way you behave
the next week.
If you are following the programme in full you You may think that the goals you write are so
2. Complete the thought diary (Stage 1) over
Like any new task, will have started monitoring your activity little that they will not make a difference.
the next week. Write down the ups and
this takes a while the levels and may have noticed that you have However, we know that small steps can build
downs in your emotions in the way
first time, but gets become more inactive as a result of your up to some significant change and eventually
suggested. Notice any patterns in your
easier. It will really depression. When depressed you often stop to recovery.
emotions, thoughts, or the situations
help you see what doing the things that make you feel good
where they arose. Make a note of your Note down in the spaces below all your ideas
negative patterns you about yourself and your life. You avoid phone
observations. on how you could be getting more active
have, and that is the calls that could be invitations, you stop doing
first step to changing starting NOW. At the end of this part of the
3. Decide on at least one mini goal for the anything you don’t have to, because you are
them forever. workbook you can make these ideas into
coming week and write it down below so so tired. You stop exercising and feel more
you can commit to achieving it: tired. You feel so low; you comfort yourself by
being less active. Withdrawing from others

Opting out of life gives us short term relief but Examples

actually makes us more depressed. The more
Picking up phone calls, keeping in contact
inactive you become, the more depressed you
with others, going to a class or social group,
attending social occasions
Depr Inactivity Your thoughts on how you could be more
De pr

Often you think that you will wait until you

feel better and then you will get active.
DON’T WAIT. The longer you wait the
harder it gets and the more entrenched your
depression will have become. The solution
is to gradually get more active. This
Diary sheets are in the back of this book workbook will help you decide on ways in
which you can start now to recover.

24 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 5 – Changing the way you behave 25
Self Care Meet Jasmine Completing activity diaries Homework
Examples My name is Jasmine If you are completing activity diary sheets you Choose two activities that you have not
Getting dressed each day, eating healthily, and I am 28 years will be starting to notice changes in your been doing recently. Choose from
exercising, personal grooming old. I live with my mood throughout the day and week. You may different areas, for example, self care and
husband, Nick, and also be noticing which activities make you feel everyday tasks. Write these activities
Your thoughts on how you could be more my daughter Naomi better and which make you feel worse. below. Remember to make your goals
active who is 9 months old.
Consider the following questions: realistic and specific.
We moved house not
long after Naomi was born because of Are there times of the day or days in the Activity 1:
my husband’s job so I don’t know week when your mood is brighter or
many people where I live. My mother- lower?
in-law comes to stay very often and
Are there situations that seem to depress
she helps a lot. She does so much with
or lift your mood?
Naomi and is so much better at
Which activities seem to make you feel Activity 2:
looking after her and getting her to
Personally rewarding activities better about yourself and about life?
sleep than I am, that I feel really
Examples useless. I dread her going because Which activities make you feel worse
when she is not there and Nick is at about yourself and about life?
Taking up a new hobby, revisiting an old
work I really feel I can’t cope on my
interest, walking in open air, renting a much What is the balance between chores,
own. Most of the time I can’t seem to
loved video to watch pleasure, achievement, and socialising? Complete your activity diary over the
concentrate on anything and I feel
Does this feel OK for you? coming weeks and check whether you are
Your thoughts on how you could be more totally exhausted. Sometimes I feel
including the above activities.
active terribly panicky. I have even phoned Can you use this information to improve
my husband at work when I have your mood? Continue to complete diary sheets to help
been really desperate. He is a great you notice moods and thoughts.
father and husband and has come
home once or twice in the day, but his
Summary If you have additional, smaller goals for
the coming week write them down below
boss doesn’t like it. Depression can make us opt out of life as it may help you to achieve them:
When I last took Naomi to the Baby which gives us short-term relief but in the
Clinic the health visitor asked me how long term makes depression worse.
Everyday tasks I was feeling and I told her that I feel Getting more involved with family and Achieving
I am not doing a good job at being a friends, improving how you care for something small
Examples mother. I said that as much as I love may be just the
yourself, doing more rewarding activities
Facing opening mail, pay bills, clean house, Naomi I can’t see how things will ever start you need to
and picking up your everyday tasks can
iron clothes, run errands. Do what you’ve get any better. get some self
lead to an improvement in your mood.
confidence and
been putting off These were some of the ideas I wrote really get into this
Your thoughts on how you could be more down to change the way I behave: programme.
active • To feed Naomi and change her
nappies whilst mother-in-law is

• Text Nick instead of ringing him.

• Attend a Mother and Baby group.

• Find out about local Yoga classes.

• Practice my breathing techniques


26 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 5 – Changing the way you behave 27
to think of as many alternative The 8 steps are as follows:
explanations as possible.
Stage 1

Part six
If a friend was in this situation and had
this thought, what would I tell him/her? 1. Situation
Imagine a friend was thinking your
2. Emotion
thought, would you still agree with it?
3. Emotion strength rating
Have I been here before, thought this
Week six, seven and eight if before and found later that my thoughts 4. Immediate thoughts
were not entirely correct?
following the programme in full What’s the worst that could happen? How Stage 2
likely is it to happen? Even if it did 5. Evidence for the thought
happen, could I live through it?
Pick the most troubling thought for you.
Five years on from now, will I look back
Changing the way you think
Check this thought against the evidence for
on this situation and think differently? and against it. What evidence do you have to
support the idea that your thought is 100%
Completing diary sheets/ TRUE? Are you using additional information to
Once you have started to notice your thinking your mood. This does not mean you will need support the thought? If so write it down in
you have an opportunity to look at your to be completing diary sheets for ever but it
Stage 2
Column 5.
thoughts and change them in a way that could would be helpful to do this at least whilst you You have reached Stage 2 in your thought
make you feel better both now and in the are on the programme, so that you can get the monitoring. You have been learning to catch
6. Challenges against thought
future. hang of it. Catching thoughts may be difficult your thoughts. Now you need to practise
at first because we are not used to it, but it challenging your thoughts and coming up Look at the questions on the previous page
There are 3 things you need to do to control
gets easier with practise. with a changed thought. This is not easy and and ask yourself these questions. Is there a
depressed thoughts. It may help to remember
will take practise. Some people find that this is possibility that the thought you are having is
the 3 Cs:
Challenge your thoughts the key to their recovery. Others don’t get this not 100% true? Is there another way of
bit at all. Don’t worry, there is evidence that looking at the situation? What would you tell a
thoughts When you are familiar with the kinds of things the other techniques can help just as much. friend?
you say to yourself when under stress, you can Have a go and if you have someone who is
begin to challenge these thoughts and find supporting you, speak to them about your 7. Changed thought
better ways of thinking. thoughts. It may also help to speak to a
supportive friend or member of your family to Now that you have considered the evidence
1. Catch 2. Challenge 3. Change
Questions to ask yourself to help help you with this. After all if you were for and against your thought and challenged
Catch your thoughts challenge your thoughts learning a new language, to drive a car or it, can you come up with a fairer, more
learn to swim, you would ask for help when realistic, balanced thought? Has your thought
Challenge your thoughts Might I be making thinking errors, for changed at all? If not, go back to your
you needed it.
example: jumping to negative conclusions; evidence columns and the questions on the
Change your thoughts
fortune telling; catastrophising; all-or- What we ask you to do is to continue to previous page to check you have not missed
nothing thinking; mind reading; complete the diary sheets as you have been anything.
Catching your thoughts personalising; filtering; overgeneralising; doing but to also complete columns 5, 6, 7
labeling and 8.
When we are feeling low it is difficult to 8. Changed mood?
recognise unhelpful thoughts. They come and Is there a possibility that this thought is
go very quickly, so you might not even be not completely 100% true? Do you feel different or has your mood stayed
aware you are thinking them. the same? Make a note of it in column 8.
Is there an alternative explanation?
The diary sheets can help you to practise Have a look at one of Jasmine’s diary sheets
How else could you see the situation? Try shown on the next page.
catching the thoughts that lead to changes in

28 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 6 – Changing the way you think 29
Jasmine’s diary sheet: Troubleshooting for thought Changing your thoughts
5. Evidence to 6. Evidence 8. Emotion
1. Situation 2. Emotion 3. Emotion 4. Thoughts support the against the
7. Changed
challenging Once you have identified and challenged your
rating thought
thought thought now
“I can’t ‘catch’ my thoughts” worrying thoughts you may be able to
4.30am Sad, 90% I’m going to be Everything Naomi is fed There is no 60% recognise how disturbed your thinking has
awake in Depressed shattered if I gets done and changed need for my Write down your thoughts, as soon as you been. Disturbed thoughts are usually
85% 40%
bed Afraid, don’t get some and runs when Brenda Brenda to have them if you can. As soon as you notice pessimistic, irrational and untrue. When our
thinking 99% sleep smoothly is not come and 50% yourself getting low, ask yourself “What’s
(I feel thinking becomes more balanced we begin to
about when around. live with us. I going through my mind?” If your thoughts are
sick feel better about ourselves and our mood can
day I can’t Brenda is am capable in the form of questions: “Are they thinking
with cope as a
Nick is happy begin to lift.
ahead here. of coping on I’m stupid?” write them down in statement
worry) mother to cook the
my own. Think of an alternative, more positive way of
evening meal. form: “They think I’m stupid” – it is easier to
Maybe we seeing the situation. Use the list of questions
Life will be argue with statements than questions.
should ask above and on the previous page to ask
Brenda to come yourself questions about your thoughts and
for a while
and live with us “I can’t remember my challenging then replace them with less worrying
and then ok.
permanently questions/self-statements when I need thoughts.
Baby is only well
looked after Write down your challenging questions/self- Examples
when she is statements in full. They will have more impact,
staying. “I’m hopeless”
be easier to recall later and you will find you
There is only a are challenging your thoughts more effectively. I’m not perfect, but then nobody is.
meal on the You may want to write them on a card and Everyone’s good at some things and not so
table for Nick in carry them around with you so you can good at others. I am very good at some things.
the evening quickly read them when you’re feeling your I am putting myself down.
when she is emotions are getting out of control.
“I can’t stand it”

I can probably bear this – I’ve felt like this

“It’s not working”
before and survived in the past.
10.00 Fear 80% I feel I can feel I am in Everyone 50%
Going to incompetent my heart control of my finds it Practise. Again, this is a skill; do not expect
Embar- 50% 30% fantastic results immediately. Eventually,
mother beating breathing. difficult
rassed They will see “I’m going to get anxious and upset in
and baby faster and being a 50% rational responses to worrying thoughts will
that I can’t They are front of everyone and look stupid”
group. A Panic 80% got sweaty mother at be as automatic as you find the depressive
look after my smiling at
group of hands. times. I response is now.
baby. me. I probably feel more anxious than I look.
women need to
They are Don’t be put off if you have both “good” and Anyway, even if it does show, people are a lot
are These are only recognise
looking at “bad” days – this is perfectly normal. more understanding than I think. What’s
looking I’m going sensations - that it is
me Sometimes we find we are just too tired, wrong with showing emotion anyway? Being
at me. to have a they cannot not just me
hurt me. who feels anxious or upset to challenge our thoughts. anxious is not the same as being stupid!
this way. Try and go back to them later when you feel
brighter and work out why it was harder for
They know you at that occasion. But don’t let it add to “Nobody likes me – they’re just talking to
how this feels. your worries. me to be polite”

There are people who like me. I’ve had friends

in the past and will do again in the future.
They wouldn’t be talking to me at all if they
really disliked me. I don’t need to be liked by
Indicates Jasmine’s
most worrying thoughts everyone all the time.

30 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 6 – Changing the way you think 31
“What’s the point in trying?” Helpful ‘self-statements’
If I don’t try, I won’t know. I have to try things
to get better at them. Nobody is expecting me
Some people find it useful to make a list of
Watch out for your rule book
statements they can say to themselves when
to do it perfectly. I can’t predict the future.
they are having depressed thoughts. These
will be very similar to the kinds of ‘changed
Watch out for your rule book Changing your rule book
thoughts’ mentioned on the previous page. Your rule book consists of the thoughts you There are 2 main ways to change an unhelpful
“My health visitor is going to know I can’t
Here are a few examples: carry around about the way you SHOULD, rule book
look after my baby and she will be taken
away from me.” OUGHT, MUST live your life. You believe and
1. The first method is to notice and challenge
Some helpful ‘self-statements’ obey them as if they were the TRUTH. These
The health visitor can see that my baby is well recurring themes on your thought diary.
are the common unhelpful rules by which
fed, clothed and cared for. She knows I am “One step at a time.”
people who get depressed tend to live. Notice 2. The second method is known as the
trying to get myself out of this depression and “Is this really worth getting upset about?” that the consequences of not following the downward arrow technique. You can use
has been supporting me. I am catastrophising. rules are believed to be catastrophic. this method by asking yourself a series of
“In the long run, does this really matter?”
WHAT questions about a particular thought
I must be liked by everyone at all times or
“I can bear anything for a while.” to reach the bottom line of your beliefs or
I am not popular or a good person
“This unpleasant situation will soon be
I must do everything I can to avoid
over.” What does this mean to me/about
criticism or I am a failure
others/about the world?
“My thinking is not realistic whilst I am
I should not be depressed or show
depressed.” What does this say about me/about
emotions as it is a sign of weakness
others/about the world?
“I am not alone.”
I must succeed at everything I try or else
and if that were true what would it say
“I am a worthwhile person. I am not I am a failure
about me/others/world
perfect but I am valued.”
“Recognising that there I must always be in control or else I will be
were less negative ways and if that were true etc....
“I’ve got through worse things than this – in chaos
of viewing a situation I’ll be fine.”
was really a key thing I must always get things right or I will be
Often, you will need to watch out for these
for me. Now I am well, “If this doesn’t work, it’s not the end of the judged badly.
thoughts in the coming months and the
I still challenge my world.”
growing awareness of yourself may help you
thoughts as it has been
“I’m doing really well. I might be to begin to think differently. Sometimes just
one of the best ways
depressed, but I’m here, facing it. That’s recognising that you have a particular way of
to spot and prevent
something to be proud of.” thinking is enough for it to change. Some-
a relapse.”
times you have to actively and repeatedly
Linda, patient adviser challenge your rule book by asking yourself
the following questions:

What would be the consequences of not

following the rule?

Is this rule helpful to me?

Is this rule realistic?

Where might this rule come from?

Is there an alternative, more realistic and

fair rule?

Have a look at the work of Kayleigh before

doing your own rule book exercise.

32 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 6 – Changing the way you think 33
Downward arrow technique When I thought about the rule book Kayleigh’s thought diary:
questions I recognised that my beliefs 5. Evidence to 6. Evidence 8. Emotion
When I did the downward arrow were not at all helpful, realistic or 1. Situation 2. Emotion 3. Emotion 4. Thoughts support the against the
7. Changed
rating thought
thought thought now
technique on this thought, I became fair. I had to examine my beliefs
Answer Dread 90% I don’t want to My friend She is a I want to Dread
really aware that I was not only carefully and honestly and realised
phone go and will is always so friend and accept the 20%
ashamed of my job but also ashamed that they originated from my Panic 50%
invitation make up an together wants to see invitation
of myself. Have a look at my notes: upbringing. Panic
from old Embar- excuse me as I know
I am low so 10%
My childhood experiences made me friend rassment 60% it will be
I will
will be dull No one is
feel different to others. I have always inviting good for Embarr-
I will make a fool of myself Sadness 70% make a fool perfect
thought that others had better lives me and of myself She will be me and assment
than me. I felt responsible for the bad Joshua to amazed at I can only be Joshua. 35%
What does this say about me, others stuff that went on. I believed that tea on how myself
I can’t face it I can only Sadness
and the world? others thought I was a bad girl. I Friday. stressed I
I am putting be myself 0%
used to think that if I tried harder to I will make a am.
myself down
be good that things would get better fool of myself I do not Excited
Others will judge me to be a bad but in truth it was all out of my I am need to be 30%
I will be boring
mother and person control. I was a child in a very silly jumping to ashamed
I will not be conclusions
Everyone else always seems to get it chaotic world. of myself.
able to and fortune
right and seems so organised and
The key for me has been to let go of manage I am often
‘together’ telling
some of these beliefs. I am not Joshua and wrong in
responsible for the bad stuff in my It might my
will look stupid
childhood. I am not a bad person make me feel predictions
It says I must always get it right
and others are not out to criticise or better
I usually get it all wrong I may
I don’t deserve better judge me. Sometimes I get things
enjoy it
right,sometimes wrong, just like
everyone else. All I can do is carry on
I am a failure trying. When I can keep those
And the world is harsh and critical thoughts in my head I feel I can face
Indicates Kayleigh’s most
the world again. Bit by bit I can worrying thoughts
make a life for me and my boy. This
will take a long time for me to really
believe but realising that my old
beliefs were not 100% truths has made
it so much easier to get on with life.

34 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 6 – Changing the way you think 35
Rule book exercise and if that were true what would it say about Summary Homework
me/others/the world?
Pick one particularly difficult and recurring Changing the way we think is another key Over the coming 2–3 weeks
thought from your diary sheet. If you have not skill. There are 3 things you need to do to Choose a further two activities that you
been completing diaries, you can pick a control depressed thoughts. have not been doing recently. Choose from
thought that often pops into your mind and different areas, for example, personally
Catch your thoughts
makes you feel bad. rewarding activities and everyday tasks. Write
these activities below:
Challenge your thoughts Remember to make your goals realistic and
Now do a check of your beliefs with the
following questions: Change your thoughts Activity 1:

Is this rule or belief helpful to me?

Catching thoughts is not easy but the

diary sheets do help with this skill.
Is this rule or belief realistic?
Before the mood has overwhelmed you, Activity 2:
try challenging the thought using the
Where might this rule or belief come from? questions provided.
To reach the bottom line of your beliefs ask
There are a number of questions that you
yourself the following questions
can ask yourself that might help you to
If your thought were true what would it mean examine your thoughts. You can check
to me or say about me/others/the world? whether or not you are making any
Continue to complete your activity diary
thinking errors, such as jumping to
(if helpful) and check whether you are
conclusions or mind reading. Once you
If you broke the rules what might be the including the above activities as well as
have done this, you can consider
consequences? the goals set in the last part. Notice how
alternative explanations. you are feeling when you increase your
Once your thoughts have been level of activity in particular areas.
challenged, they can become more Complete a thought diary (Stage 2) to
balanced, fair and realistic. help you notice moods and begin to
challenge your thoughts. Notice any rules
Look out for your rule book. Although you
and if that were true what would it say about have believed these rules for a long time,
/me/others/the world? Is there an alternative, more realistic and fair it may be time to re-examine them. If you have additional mini goals for the
rule or belief ? coming week write them down below as it
may help you to achieve them. Remember
small changes build up.

36 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 6 – Changing the way you think 37
Kate agrees and comes at 6pm but feels angry Assertive communication – how to
at her friend. She also vows to her husband do it
that she will never do it again.

Part seven Assertive – assertiveness is active, honest and

direct. It communicates an impression of
respect for oneself as well as for the other
There are three simple steps to assertiveness.
It is important that you understand and
practise all three:

person. It says that my wants, needs and rights 1 Actively listen to what is being said and
are just as important as yours. Assertive then show the other person that you
Week nine onwards if following behaviour requires influencing, listening, and both hear and understand them. In this
negotiating skills so that the other person way, you can demonstrate under-
the programme in full feels that their point of view is being standing and empathy for their point of
respected, even if you don’t agree with it. The view, even if you don’t agree with it. By
hope is that both you and they will co-operate listening you are respecting their right
willingly with whatever course of action is to express themselves and sending a

More helpful techniques decided upon. This should lead to open,

honest relationships and success without
retaliation and resentment: a “win-win”
message to them that they matter.

Say what you THINK and what you FEEL.

This enables you to directly state your
situation. thoughts or feelings without insistence
In this section we will give you some ideas on Example: – Ros is waiting to enter a lift at a
how you can increase your confidence by shopping centre. A large group of people push Example – Ros wants to visit university or apology. Make sure you own your
learning to be more assertive. It will also look by and enter the lift, leaving her standing friends. She is worried about leaving the feelings by using ‘I’ statements.
at methods to solve your problems, manage and without any space to enter the lift. A children, but says to Simon: ‘I am aware that
3 Say what you want to happen. This is
your time, improve your confidence and make young man notices and says: ‘Sorry love, you you have a lot on at work, but I need a break essential so that you can indicate in a
changes to your lifestyle. Techniques on the coming in?’ Ros says: ‘No you’re alright, I’m and so I have, arranged to go to town with clear and straightforward way what
following will be presented: waiting for a friend’. She then has to wait for Stella. I will go on Saturday morning and be action or outcome you want without
the next lift, feeling embarrassed, humiliated back for tea. hesitancy or insistence.
and angry.
Time management Simon is surprised and angry. He says: ‘Well Compare and contrast the following examples
Aggressive – aggressive behaviour involves that’s just great, you go and have a good time of aggressive, passive and assertive behaviour
Problem solving forcing your needs and wants on another and leave me to look after the children . I in the context of an unsatisfactory meal in a
Improving self confidence person. It is saying that your needs, wants and need a break too…’ restaurant. It is your Birthday and the meat is
rights are more important than the other tough and the vegetables were cold. How
Managing lifestyle Ros interrupts and says: ‘Simon, I can see
person’s. The aggressive person attempts to would you react when asked if everything was
that you need a break too and that you are
We suggest you read all the sections, but work overpower the other person by not allowing alright?
not happy about me having made this
on the areas that seem most relevant to you him/her a choice. Aggressive behaviour creates
arrangement. However, I want to go and see Would you be passive?
over the coming weeks, months and years. a “win-lose” situation; i.e. the aggressive
Stella and this weekend, although not perfect,
person wins by ensuring that the other person Waitress: ‘Is everything alright with your
is good timing for both of us. I am going out
loses. Aggressive behaviour can lead to later meal?’
Assertiveness in the day on Saturday but we can spend the
retaliation and resentment.
evening together. Maybe you could go out You: ‘Fine thanks’
In our relationships our behaviour can be:
Example – Kayleigh is making arrangements next saturday for some time away from the
You (to your friends): ‘It was terrible, I’ll
Passive – by being passive we communicate to for her friend (Kate) to baby-sit Joshua. children.
never come here again’
others that we are not as important as they Kayleigh says: ‘I want you to come over
are. We allow the other person’s needs, wants before 6pm’ Kate tries to explain that 6pm is Would you be aggressive?
and rights to take priority over our own and too early but Kayleigh says: ‘It’s just not good
Waitress: “Is everything alright with your
don’t express our own needs and wants. enough, you are going to have to do this or I
Passive behaviour can lead us to feel like will start to get ill again. Why do you have to
doormats or victims. make such a fuss over nothing? Thanks a You: “No, it was rubbish. I have never eaten
bunch for making me feel upset again!!!!’ such muck. You should be ashamed to work

38 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 7 – Changing the way you live 39
here. Get me the Manager at once. I am not Saying yes to extra work or obligations Summary Time management
paying. My Birthday has been ruined.” causes you stress.
Assertive behaviour is active, honest and Your time is valuable so be clear about how
Taking on too much can mean that other
direct. It communicates an impression of you want to use it. Good time management
people in your life don’t get enough
Would you be assertive? respect for oneself as well as for the other means setting goals and planning priorities,
person. It says that my wants, needs and rights not wasting time on low priority jobs or
Waitress: “Is everything alright with your
It might not be such a big deal for the are just as important as yours are – not more situations beyond your control.
other person to get a no response. so or less so. The consequences of being
To help you to be in control of your time, here
You: “Actually the meat was tough and the assertive are that:
Being respected and respecting yourself is are some useful tips:
vegetables were cold. I do not want to pay for
more important than being liked. We maintain our integrity and increase self
my meal. I would like to talk to the Manger to Prioritise all jobs needing to be tackled
respect and the respect of others.
sort this out please.” And most importantly everything you say Without setting priorities as to which job
yes to is a no to something else. Our personal relationships are more is the most important, it is very easy to
authentic and satisfying when others are feel exhausted and overwhelmed as we
Try saying no in a casual or impersonal
What are the consequences of being confident of our honesty. rush from one job to the next.
situation where you might otherwise drift
into saying yes. Others know where they stand with us. Prioritise all the jobs on your list into
We maintain our integrity and increase self four categories: A, B, C or D.
Be firm but polite. We increase control over our own life by
respect and the respect of others. Tackle the high priority tasks first. If a job
making our own choices.
Give a reason for your “no” response if does not have to be done today, leave it
Our personal relationships are more
you feel it’s appropriate, but not as an Increased feelings of confidence and self- for another more convenient time.
authentic and satisfying when others are
excuse. esteem.
confident of our honesty. Assess how you use your time
In order to manage time effectively, you
Others know where they stand with us
when we let them know our opinions, The process
Homework need to know how you currently use your
time. For two days, log all your activities
feelings and needs. Write down below your personal
If you need time to think, say “I’ll get back and how long each task takes. Reflect on
We increase control over our own life by to you,” and make sure that you do. assertiveness goals. You may wish to be
how your time could be better managed.
making our own choices. more assertive in particular situations or
Ask for more information. How long will it with certain people in your life.
We strengthen our own judgement when
we act on it, allowing us to be
take? Is there anyone else who can help
Remember to make your goals achievable,
realistic and specific.
independent of the judgement of others.
Use body language to show that by saying
Increased feelings of confidence and self- no you are not being hostile. Demonstrate
esteem. that you mean what you say and are not Absolutely essential
going to be manipulated. B
How to say ‘no’ Stay calm and relaxed – drop your Over the next few weeks practise being
Remind yourself every now and then that: shoulders and breath deeply, keep your assertive in the situations or with the
voice slow and calm. people that you have listed above. Start off
Better done today
You have the right to say no, without
feeling guilty. Think it through – by listening to the with something easy, like saying no to a C
other person you might actually realise stranger and build the confidence to use it
It is OK for the other person to say no to in more difficult situations.
that you want to say yes after all.
you. Could wait
Saying yes when you mean no may reduce
Don’t be manipulated but it is alright to
change your mind if you want to.
Continue to manage your moods by
gradually increasing your activity levels. D
your feelings of self worth. Use the activity monitoring diary.
It’s better to say no at the time than to let Continue to challenge your negative Delegate
somebody down later. thoughts using the Stage 2 diary sheets.

40 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 7 – Changing the way you live 41
Plan Homework Problem solving 3 Implementation
Take ten minutes per day to plan. Make a
Put the solution into practice.
list of all the tasks (major and trivial) and Write down below your personal time Problems big and small occur throughout our
cross them off when they have been management goals. Remember to make daily lives. Most of them can be solved and If you do not try, you will never know if
completed. When planning your day allow your goals achievable, realistic and usually we sort them automatically without you could be successful or whether you
time for interruptions and unforeseen specific: being aware of what we have done. can achieve a reasonable solution.
delays. Remember to plan time for Sometimes problems can seem
pleasure, leisure and relaxation as well! insurmountable, and this is where using a
problem solving plan can be a valuable tool in 4 Evaluation
Learn to say ‘no’
your mental wellbeing toolkit.
(see assertiveness module). Evaluate the degree of success. Don’t look
for 100% perfection, as that may not be
Do not be a perfectionist Over the next few weeks practise time The 4 stages of problem solving: achievable.
Looking for perfection in yourself or management skills. Start off with
others only invites disappointment and something that is easy, like taking time 1 Define the problem If you have achieved something you have
will increase demands on your time and every morning to plan your day. What is the problem? been partially successful and need to
cause stress for all concerned. Remember recognise that.
Continue to manage your moods by When is it a problem?
that you can make a mistake and that gradually increasing your activity levels.
“good enough” is good enough. Use the activity monitoring diary. Where is it a problem?
In effective problem solving or decision
Do not put off decisions Continue to challenge your negative Why is it a problem? making it is also important to consider the
Unresolved problems and unfinished thoughts using the Stage 2 diary sheets. following factors:
With whom is it a problem?
business are a source of tension and use
up your energy unnecessarily. If you have How often is it a problem? Behaviour
time and all the facts you need, tackle the How do you normally behave? Don’t
What is the result of the problem?
business now. assume that because you have always
This will enable you to describe in detail the done things in a certain way that you
For a quick way to remember these time cannot try something different.
nature, intensity, severity, frequency, duration
management strategies think of:
and current consequences of the problem.
Thoughts and attitudes
The 5 Ps of time management Do you have any negative or destructive
attitudes, either towards the people
2 Planning
concerned, towards yourself or about the
Do P lan Consider the possible solutions. problem itself?

Ask yourself what would someone else do Feelings

P rioritise if they were you? Even though you may be feeling physically
or emotionally uncomfortable, it does not
What would you advise a friend to do if it
mean that life has to go on hold, or that
P ass was happening to them?
you cannot solve the problem. Use your
List the pros and cons. deep breathing exercises and relaxation
Do not be a P erfectionist Make a decision.
techniques and don’t forget to
congratulate yourself once you have
achieved a solution.
or a P rocrastinator

42 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 7 – Changing the way you live 43
Problem solving exercise sheet 2. Think of solutions 4. Select the best solution Summary
Think of a problem that has been on your Think of as many alternatives as possible – at Select the best solution and start working Problem Solving is a well defined method
mind and try out the techniques now. least 3 with it: for tackling the problems and dilemmas
1. that life throws at us.

The stages of Problem Solving are:

1. Define the problem
What is the problem? Define the problem
2. Think of solutions
5. Plan
Evaluate the solutions
Think carefully how you can put the solution Select the best solution
into action. Jot down a few ideas: Plan your action
3. Act on your plan
Review the plan
Reward yourself
Where does the problem occur?

5. Write down up to 3 problems that need
When does the problem occur? 6. Implementation tackling in your life and use the suggested
Put your plan into action and note here how
it went

3. Evaluate the solutions

Whom is the problem better with? Who Think of the consequences of each solution:
makes the problem worse? 1.
Over the next few weeks put one of your
Problem Solving plans into action. Start off
with something small and achievable.
2. Continue to manage your moods by
7. Review
gradually increasing your activity levels.
Check the plan is OK and continue the plan Use the activity monitoring diary.
How does the problem make you feel? until completion.
What is your worst fear? Continue to challenge your negative
3. thoughts using the Stage 2 diary sheets.
8. Reward yourself
Remember to reward yourself even if it is only
to recognise that you have achieved
something worthwhile.

44 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 7 – Changing the way you live 45
Improving self-confidence Managing lifestyle opposite effect and increase tension. It is feelings of anxiety. If it’s not essential that
also harmful for your children.. you rush, slow down. You will feel more
There are different ways to help increase your Your day-to-day lifestyle can be adapted in relaxed and will achieve more.
Take regular exercise
confidence through being assertive and order to reduce stress. Try these
Exercise is a very useful way of reducing Don’t avoid things or situations that
learning to say no, through managing your modifications:
feelings of stress and tension. Try to get cause you stress
time better and through problem solving.
Watch what you eat into the habit of taking some regular You will never know that you have the
Below are further tips for building confidence:
Food is where we get our energy from and exercise. This could be anything that gets strength and strategies to cope unless you
so it is important to have a balanced diet. the circulation going and increases your confront your fears.
Guiding principles of self-confidence Make sure you eat three meals a day – breathing rate – for example walking,
We gain confidence by achieving small skipping breakfast or other meals makes jogging, cycling, swimming and dancing. It
goals. the blood sugar level unstable and can doesn’t have to be strenuous, just
make the symptoms of anxiety worse. Try something that gets you moving about. Write down below your personal lifestyle
Practise techniques.
to eat foods that are high in fibre (cereals, Choose something that you enjoy and that goals. Remember to make your goals
Behave as if you are more confident than potatoes, rice, pasta, wholemeal bread) you can do with the baby or where there achievable, realistic and specific:
you feel. and eat fewer foods that are high in fat are crèche facilities, as you will be more
(cakes, pastry, fried food, butter and likely to stick to it and it won’t feel like a
Be flexible in your behaviour.
margarine) or sugar (sweets, cakes, fizzy chore!
Learn from your mistakes. drinks). High fat and high sugar foods may
Try to sleep well
give you a burst of energy but this
Speak encouragingly to yourself. It is unlikely that you will get as much
disappears very quickly, leaving you feeling
sleep as you have been used to when you
Be kind to yourself. tired. High fibre foods are metabolised
have a small baby. However, use relaxation
more slowly and release sugar (energy)
Watch out for the double standards: techniques as much as you can before you
into the blood at a steadier rate. This gives
unfairly strict on yourself and generous go to bed to help you sleep as well as
you energy for longer and avoids the
with others. possible. Read the sleep hygiene
fluctuations in blood sugar level that can
Do the best you can, don’t put yourself appendix.
increase anxiety. Eat plenty of fresh fruit
down for not being perfect. and vegetables. You should also include Set aside time each day for yourself Over the next few weeks and months put
Spend time with people who make you high protein foods such as meat, fish, Use this time for relaxation or to do your goals into action. Start off with a goal
feel good. eggs, beans or pulses. something you enjoy. Even if you have a that is easy, like taking 15 minutes exercise
very busy life, finding half an hour each every other day.
Check out your rule book. In your diary Remember that if you are breastfeeding
day to do something pleasurable or
sheets you may have noticed the rules by you will need extra calories but make sure Continue to manage your moods by
relaxing is an important part of managing
which you live your life. It may be time to that you get these calories from the right gradually increasing your activity levels.
your moods.
give up or modify these rules if they keep food groups. If you need more information Use the activity monitoring diary.
making you feel bad about yourself. on diet, speak to your health visitor. Recognise your strengths and
achievements Continue to challenge your negative
Cut down on tea, coffee and coca cola thoughts using the Stage 2 diary sheets.
Praise yourself for your strengths and
These all contain caffeine, a stimulant that
weaknesses. Do not only look at problems
mimics symptoms of anxiety. A general
and difficulties. Understand that nobody
guideline is that you should drink no
is, or should expect themselves to be,
more than 5 cups of tea and/or coffee a
day; otherwise the caffeine can increase
your feelings of anxiety. Don’t let stress build up
Talk to friends and seek advice from those
Cut down on smoking
around you.
Nicotine can act as a stimulant and may
increase anxiety symptoms. Smoking may Slow down
seem to relax you but may have the Rushing around causes adrenaline to be
released in the body, which increases

46 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 7 – Changing the way you live 47
Identifying a relapse There are several reasons why people relapse.
Firstly, when recovering from depression we
It is important that you don’t see every set- are more vulnerable to stress. Sometimes we

Part eight back or disappointment as a failure; this will

undermine your confidence. Instead look on
your setbacks as opportunities to learn. Every
recovery programme will have its ups and
forget to use the coping techniques regularly.
There could also be a problem with labelling
depression correctly after having difficulty
with it for so long – the low mood you are
downs; everyone has good and bad days. But experiencing following a disappointing piece
if you do feel that you are relapsing, answer of news, for example, may just be a normal
the following questions to see if you really are. reaction to the situation, but we may
You may just be having an ‘off day’: misidentify our mood as a sign of a relapse
into depression.
Are your symptoms of depression as
intense as they were when they first
occurred? Mood emergency action plan
Bad days, setbacks and relapse YES NO

Are your symptoms increasingly disrupting

If you think you may be starting to relapse,
follow this Action Plan:
your day-to-day routine? Stop and think
Congratulations! you have made it through We understand that if you are feeling ‘good
YES NO What caused you to feel low?
this workbook and our sincere hope is that enough’ you may not want to keep up the
If you feel low, take a few minutes of quiet
some of its contents have been helpful to you. weekly activity and thought monitoring. Are you experiencing depression as often reflection to try and pinpoint the trigger.
The good news is that you now have a However this module will help you identify a as you were before you started your self- It may help, if you can’t find the
number of techniques to use in the manage- plan of action should you begin to feel you are help programme? underlying trigger, to fill in the thought
ment of your moods. The not so good news is losing control of your mood again.
YES NO diary for a week or two, and see if that
that we do not know whether this will keep
Think about the TOP 5 techniques that have helps. You may be feeling under the
you well forever. Many people do go on and Are your symptoms increasingly disrupting
been most useful to you during this weather, or be worried about work or a
have further episodes of depression but the your day-to-day routine?
programme. These will be the ones that you relationship – any new stresses could
techniques you have been taught may reduce
need to keep up over the long term, even YES NO cause you to have increased symptoms.
this likelihood, and make future episodes less
after you feel better:
severe and less frequent. Are you experiencing depression as often Manage your lifestyle
1. as you were before you started your self- Is your lifestyle healthy? Are you getting
The key message is that you need to continue
help programme? enough exercise, are you smoking too
to use these techniques in your everyday life.
much, or drinking too much tea, coffee or
When we feel low, managing our mental YES NO
2. other stimulants? Alcohol can also increase
health becomes our number one priority.
If you answer “yes” to any of the above the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
When we start to feel better there is a
questions, you may be experiencing the Keep taking time each day to practise your
temptation to stop managing our moods. 3. beginnings of a relapse. Don’t worry, there are relaxation and breathing techniques. If
You are always going to ways of preventing this stage reaching a your coping strategies are rusty, you may
have bad days. This can complete relapse. feel unable to deal with life as well.
be frightening if you think Take your time
you are slipping back into Each time your baby reaches a
Don’t try to take on too much all at once.
your depression, but try new stage sitting, crawling,
5. If you have been fine for a while and then
to remember how much walking there are new
suddenly experience low mood, you may
more you know about challenges and new rewards.
Your routine will have to be trying to take too big a step, or move
yourself now, and all the
new techniques you have change which can be stressful, on without adequate preparation. If you
learnt to help you deal so be kind to yourself and be don’t feel ready for a challenge, then don’t
with difficult times prepared to take things easy take it unless it is essential. If you do, be
until you adjust.

48 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 8 – Bad days, setbacks and relapse 49
sure that you are well equipped with
coping strategies. HELPFUL HINTS
Increase rewarding activities
When you are feeling well, try to write a

Part nine
Remember what you learnt about what
“rainy day” plan which lists the signs that
makes you feel good. Look back at your
you may see if you were getting
entries in the workbook and check that depressed again, and the steps you can
you are still getting the balance right. take to prevent your mood getting
Don’t worry worse. These could be things like
confiding in a friend, prioritising tasks
There is absolutely no reason why one or
two days of feeling low should be the start
of a relapse. Don’t exaggerate the
and planning essential breaks, and
getting help with the baby until you are
Useful information
feeling well.
problem. If you do feel low for a few days
don’t see it as a relapse – look on it as a If you think you may be having a relapse,
learning experience. try the following;

Reduce your obligations

Reduce the demands on yourself. You
Check your symptoms against your
checklist: you may realise that it is
1 Anxiety
know enough about yourself now to judge just a bad day.
Anxiety and fear are natural human emotions.
how fast the pace should be and how Headaches
Look at your rainy day plan and see if Anxiety that is not managed often contributes
much you can cope with at any one time. you can use any of those ideas to to the onset of depression. Anxiety and Feeling sick in stomach
Go easy on yourself for a while. help you. Depression often present together, which is
Tired all the time
Ask for help why this information is included. Although the
Look back through the notes you
It may be worth seeking professional help reasons why people feel anxiety can be varied,
made while doing this programme.
if your mood is sliding down again. Give a there are common symptoms which most Emotional symptoms
Maybe you need to challenge some
friend or family member permission to tell people feel when anxious. Some of them are
thoughts, or revise your rule book? It
you when you seem to be losing control listed below. Irritability
is easy for things to gradually slip
of your mood. into our old familiar ways of thinking Tick the ones which apply to you: Angry outbursts
and acting without realising it.
Physical symptoms Feeling anxious
Remind yourself how well you have
Tense muscles Panic attacks
done over the past months and the
strengths you found inside. Erratic breathing Feeling of hopelessness

Talk to a close friend and get his/ her Dry mouth Depression
opinion on your mood. Often it is Not feeling good enough
Dizzy spells
easier for partners and friends to tell
if we are getting depressed than it is Racing heart Feeling bad about yourself
for ourselves. Loss of confidence
Knots/butterflies in stomach
Go for a short walk or do some Teary
Frequent need to go to the toilet
exercise, this releases chemicals that
improve our mood. Diarrhoea Fear of criticism

Remind yourself that you have Stiff jaw Difficulty concentrating

helped yourself to get better, and Tight throat Forgetful
you have got all the tools to help you
stay in control of your life now. Hard to swallow Feeling under pressure

Good luck Restlessness Feeling confused

Shaky hands Difficulty making decisions

50 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 51
Behavioural symptoms What happens to my body? 5 Liver releases stored energy. Blood and anxiety is out of proportion to the situation, or
Avoiding situations energy is diverted away from skin to if it goes on for too long, it can become a
Increased adrenaline affects the body in a muscles. After effect - stomach feels problem.
Increased smoking number of ways which causes physical knotted, “butterflies” sensation, nausea,
symptoms of anxiety. When you become When this happens we can feel physically
Increased alcohol drinking diarrhoea and/or sickness
anxious you may experience some, or all of uncomfortable because the body’s reaction
Increased or decreased eating 6 Skin sweats to cool hot working muscles makes us ready to fight, but there is no danger
these symptoms:
to fight. So the tendency is to ‘run away’ or
1 7 Blood in skin is diverted to muscles
Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much escape from the situation as this helps us to
leading to pale skin
Nail biting feel better. Unfortunately, this means that
2 8 Muscles in use, tense, ready to act faster when we are faced with the same situation
Not wanting to go out socially leading to aches and pains and/or “shaky” again we will try to avoid it, as experience has
Blushing 3 feelings. shown that this will make us feel better. But
4 this means that we never learn to deal with
Non-stop talking
situation. We are then left
Obsessive actions e.g. checking locks all with only one rather Some ways of
the time 5 Helpful and unhelpful anxiety unhelpful option of controlling
running away every anxiety
Not taking as much care with your The ‘fight or flight’ response is automatic. As
time we are faced symptoms are
appearance soon as you sense a threat, this response
6 with that situation. It described in
occurs. This was very useful in prehistoric
is much better to face your Part three.
times as there were many dangers such as wild
Anxiety is a normal reaction animals, and prehistoric man needed to react
fears and learn to control
the symptoms of anxiety.
Anxiety is normal. It is the natural response to to these quickly. This response helped us to
danger or stress, and helps us survive by be ready to run away or fight immediately
preparing our bodies to deal with the threat. after sensing a threat, and so helped us to Why me?
Anxiety acts as the trigger for our bodies to survive.
7 Everyone experiences anxiety and has anxious
release adrenaline, which makes the body Of course, today we don’t have to worry about thoughts, but it is more of a problem for some
work faster and harder so that it can cope with 8
wild animals attacking us. But there are other people than for others. This may be due to a
danger by either fighting or running away. This dangers which mean we still need this variety of reasons including; personality, family
is known as the ‘fight or flight’ response. response. For example, if you are crossing a history, life stresses, coping skills, and lack of
road and see a car coming quickly towards support.
How your body changes when you, the ‘fight or flight’ response occurs.
Anxiety affects people differently. The
you are anxious Adrenaline is released into your bloodstream,
following are the most common forms of
1 Increased adrenaline makes vision which prepares your body to jump out of the
Adrenaline affects many different parts of the anxiety
sharper. After effect - visual disturbance way. This is obviously a very helpful response.
body, getting the body into a state of readiness e.g. blurred vision Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)
We also get anxious about all sorts of other
to deal with the threat. It is adrenaline that
2 Body stops producing saliva leading to things – for example, taking a driving test or Phobias
produces many of the uncomfortable physical
dry mouth and difficulty swallowing speaking in public. These situations can
feelings that are associated with anxiety, such Social anxiety
trigger the same reaction, even though there
as ‘butterflies’ in the stomach, tense muscles, 3 Airways widen to let in more oxygen
may be no physical danger. A moderate Health anxiety
rapid heartbeat and sweating. When leading to breathlessness and dizziness amount of anxiety may still be helpful in these
adrenaline is released our senses also become Panic disorder
4 Heart pumps harder to send oxygen to sorts of situations as it can make us more alert
more acute, and our thinking may change –
muscles leading to palpitations and focused and so improve our performance. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
for example we may not be aware of other
For instance, some anxiety when going for a
things, and may become preoccupied with
job interview or sitting an exam can be useful
whatever it is that is making us anxious.
as it helps us to concentrate. However, if the

52 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 53
What keeps anxiety going? contact, being alone, remembering certain

Our responses to anxiety (ie what we think

images, using public transport. These are all
important and necessary parts of everyday life,
2 Relaxation
and what we do when we feel anxious) can and avoiding them can be very restrictive to us
actually maintain it as a problem. Vicious and to others. Learning effective relaxation and controlled Exercise 2: the “castle breathing
cycles are often created that mean the anxiety breathing techniques is important for our
Avoiding something may seem to bring technique”
either persists or gets worse. wellbeing. Remember that mind and body are
relief, but it does not help in the long term:
connected and one can affect the other. There This exercise can be used for 2–3 minutes at a
The relief is only temporary. Our anxiety time, for general relaxation, distraction, or to
Fear of fear are a range of different relaxation techniques
help you sleep. It is particularly helpful when
may increase as we worry about how to that you can learn, and it may be worth trying
Although the bodily feelings associated with avoid the situation again in the future. a few to see which suits you best. In this you are about to enter a stressful situation
anxiety are harmless, they can be unpleasant section you will learn two breathing exercises when it can be used to relax and calm
It makes the situation harder to face in the
and quite frightening. When we experience and a ‘progressive muscle relaxation’ yourself.
future because we believe that it will
anxiety symptoms we may worry that we are ill technique. Breathe in for two counts (counting at a
always cause anxiety.
or that something bad is going to happen. pace that is slow, but comfortable for
This worry makes us even more anxious, Gradually we grow to avoid more things.
which increases the physical symptoms of
Controlled breathing you).
It starts a vicious cycle:
anxiety. This causes a vicious cycle which Hold the breath for two counts.
It may seem strange to talk about “learning”
makes anxiety worse and stops it going away. breathing, but there are right and wrong ways Breathe out for two counts.
More of breathing, and the wrong way can cause
We may also worry about becoming anxious Fear
Rest for two counts.
and getting anxiety symptoms. We may say unpleasant physical sensations. You can learn
unhelpful things to ourselves such as “What if More
to correct your breathing by using either of Count the same number for the in-breath,
a nce
my mind goes blank”, “I’ll blush and everyone the following techniques: the hold, the breath out, and the rest
will look at me”, or “This always makes me feel period before breathing in again.
dreadful”. Worrying about becoming anxious Loss of confidence Exercise 1: Controlled breathing As you get more practised you can either
can actually bring on anxiety, and can make Place one hand on your chest and the
the anxiety symptoms appear. This leads to an Over time, anxiety can reduce confidence. It ld breath hold
other on your stomach. ho
increase in anxiety and so the symptoms also makes it harder to do things that were once 1 2 1 2


breathe o
increase. Again, we have fallen into a vicious easy, and so we may try to avoid doing these Breathe in through your nose, filling your

2 1 2 1

o ut
cycle, known as the ‘fear of fear’ cycle. things altogether because we are afraid of lungs completely so that your stomach

1 2 t 1 2
comes out. Try to keep the movement of

failing. Loss of confidence also makes us feel rest rest
bad. If our confidence is low, we may think your upper chest to a minimum. 1 2 1 2
More Fear of fear or wo
about symptoms
rrying that others are judging us negatively (e.g. Slowly and evenly breathe out through
thinking that we’re odd or stupid) and we are your nose. Allow your stomach muscles to count slightly slower, or count “1, 2, 3”.
worry of a n
xiet c
probably also judging ourselves negatively. relax. Always keep the counting even and steady.
Symptoms a ti n g
, sw e
e.g. shaking
You can also do this breathing exercise by
Repeat, and try to get a rhythm going.
Ways of thinking About 8–12 complete breaths a minute
counting in time to your footsteps when
Avoiding situations that would be relaxed breathing. Don’t take
you are out and about.
You may have noticed that how we think plays
provoke anxiety an important part in fear, avoidance, and loss lots of deep breaths quickly, as this can
of confidence. The thoughts we have play a make you feel dizzy and uncomfortable. Relaxation guidelines
It is perfectly natural, when we find a situation
distressing, that we will try to avoid that major role in increasing or decreasing our Regular practise is essential. If possible set
situation in the future. But when anxiety is a anxiety, and thinking negatively when we are aside a regular time to practise each day.
problem in our life we may find ourselves feeling anxious can make things seem worse
than they really are, which makes the anxiety Make sure you choose somewhere quiet
avoiding places, activities and thoughts which
more difficult to control. See Part six for more to practise where you will not be
are not real dangers. For example,
information. disturbed.
supermarkets, going to work, making eye

54 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 55
Start the exercise by lying down in a The exercise involves doing this for all the Mind: Troubleshooting for relaxation
comfortable position. It is easier to relax parts of your body: Finally relax your mind. Think of
while you are lying down. something really soothing and restful: for
Hands and arms:
example, lying by a gentle river, under a It is likely that you will experience a few
Make sure you are wearing comfortable Clench your fists, feel the tightness in
warm sun and blue sky. Picture a scene problems when you first try the exercises. It is
clothes, and that the room isn’t too hot or your hands and arms, slowly relax them.
that works best for you. Breathe slowly helpful to recognise these and know what to
cold. See how far they can relax, but do not
through your nose, filling your lungs do about them.
push or strain. Relax and let everything
Don’t try to practise relaxation if you are completely. Feel yourself getting heavier
go. Repeat. Muscle cramps:
hungry or have just eaten. and heavier. Do not get up and rush about
Shoulders and neck: If this occurs you can overcome it by not
straight away: Getting up too quickly
Don’t tense your muscles too hard, or you tensing the muscles so much, or for
Drop your chin to your chest. Hunch your might make you feel dizzy, or make you
may make them ache. tensing for a shorter time. Remember that
shoulders tightly, bringing them up and in. tense up again straight away. Continue
Don’t tense any part of the body that is Circle your shoulders then let them drop. cramp, although painful, is not dangerous.
resting for a minute of two, then when
painful or injured. Relax. Repeat. you are ready get up, move slowly and Wanting to laugh:
Do not expect too much of yourself at the stretch gently. Try to keep the relaxed You may feel self-conscious or have the
start. Remember that this is a skill and feeling for as long as possible. Do feeling of wanting to laugh at first, but as
Concentrate on tensing your face bit by
skills have to be learnt and practised whatever activity you had planned in a the exercises become more familiar, and
bit, first pull your eyebrows together, then
before they are mastered. slow, calm way. the bodily sensations feel less strange it
screw your eyes up tight, and then bite
your teeth together. Gradually ease off will not be as funny.
As you get better at this exercise you can
Progressive muscle relaxation and relax. Repeat. practise it while sitting or standing, or move Unable to concentrate:
from a quiet environment, such as your If you have difficulty finishing the
Chest and abdomen:
This exercise is called “Progressive muscle bedroom, to one that is not so peaceful. In exercises without your mind wandering,
Tense your stomach muscles by pulling
relaxation”. It will be difficult to read the this way you will learn to relax in a variety of don’t worry. The best way to make
your tummy in tightly, slowly breathe out,
instructions and relax at the same time, so you situations and stand a better chance of coping unwanted thoughts go away is by not
letting go of your stomach muscles, and
may find it useful to record it onto a tape, try in ‘real life’. dwelling on them. Instead let your mind
relax. Repeat.
to memorise it or get a friend to read it out to slowly drift back to the exercise, and the
you. Thighs and lower back: particular part of your body you are
Keeping the rest of your upper body relaxing.
Progressive muscle relaxation means that the
relaxed, squeeze your thighs and buttocks
muscles are relaxed one after the other, It feels strange:
together. Relax. Push your heels down
starting with the hands and arms and ending As you are not used to the exercises it is
hard against the floor, feel the tightness in
with the feet and leg muscles. natural for them to feel strange at first.
your thighs, gradually let go. Repeat.
Each stage of the exercise focuses on a Accept that it will take practise to feel
Calves: comfortable with them.
different group of muscles. At each stage you
Point your toes down towards the ground,
should concentrate on noticing the feelings in Falling asleep:
feel the tension in your legs, gradually let
the part of the body you are working on. The aim of these exercises is not to get
the tightness go. Then pull your toes up
Tense the muscles tightly (but not too hard) you to sleep, as you cannot learn to relax
towards your face. Again, gradually relax.
and really concentrate on the feeling of while sleeping. If you find that you doze
tension. Hold this for five seconds, then off during the exercises try doing them
release for ten to fifteen seconds, letting the Whole body: sitting up (make sure your head, neck and
muscles go as relaxed as possible. Try to learn Concentrate on your whole body, shoulders are supported by your chair). If
the difference between tight and relaxed scanning for any tension. Relax any you want something to help you sleep, try
muscles by concentrating on the feeling in the muscles that feel tense. Breathe slowly, doing the exercise when you are in bed,
muscle as it goes from tight to loose. calmly and evenly, letting every feeling of or keep a relaxation tape just for that
stress or tension go with each breath out. purpose.
Allow your breathing to deepen your
feeling of relaxation.

56 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 57
Medical reasons can. This is a temporary way of coping at
3 Sleeping better – The need to go to the toilet increases in
later life and during pregnancy.
this time).

Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol late

– Pain and discomfort such as arthritis or
in the day
Sleep problems are very common and are an injury.
Types of sleep problems Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and
usually referred to as insomnia. People can – Emotional upset following bereavement
can keep you from falling asleep. Alcohol
become very distressed when they feel that The following information applies if your baby or loss.
can cause waking in the night and
they are not getting enough sleep and it can sleeps through the night and you are still – Medication can sometimes interfere with
interferes with sleep quality.
be one of the more troubling experiences for unable to sleep. your sleeping patterns.
depressed and anxious people. It can be Get regular exercise.
Knowing what sort of sleep problem you have Depression and low mood
particularly distressing when you have had a Avoid exercising close to bedtime because
can help when it comes to trying to deal with Disturbed sleep is common when
baby because there may not be an opportunity it may stimulate you and make it difficult
it. (Tick the boxes that apply to you): someone is depressed. It is common for a
to catch up on lost sleep and you may feel you to fall asleep.
depressed person to have problems
can’t cope in the daytime because you are so Getting to sleep Don’t eat a heavy meal late in the day.
getting to sleep or to wake up early in the
tired. (onset insomnia or anxiety) However, a light snack may aid sleep.
morning and then struggle getting back to
Difficulty with falling asleep is the most
sleep again.
common problem that people experience, Surroundings:
How much sleep do we need? particularly those with anxiety. It can take Stress, anxiety and worry Make your sleeping place comfortable by
The need for sleep varies from person to several hours for some people to get to sleep Your sleep can be affected by the way that ensuring that it is dark, quiet and the right
person and depends also on our age and but usually the quality of sleep is good when it you feel. If you are stressed or worried temperature. Try using a sleeping mask if
levels of activity. As we get older, our sleep happens. This is particularly debilitating when about something then you may have there is too much light, earplugs or a fan
patterns change – as babies we can sleep for you are up during the night feeding the baby difficulty falling asleep because your mind to cover up the sounds if noise is a
17 hours each day whereas in adult life most anyway. is working overtime. problem (only do this if there is another
of us need between 7 and 8 hours a night. adult around to listen out for the baby).
Staying asleep Surroundings
Sleep patterns change during pregnancy and This includes a disturbed sleep pattern, with The environment around us can make a Pre-sleep routine:
after childbirth. We know that breast milk frequent waking in the middle of the night big difference to our sleep. For example, a Follow a routine to help you relax and
contains relaxation endorphins which help and difficulty getting back to sleep. bedroom that is too hot or too cold, too unwind before going to sleep, such as
women to get back to sleep and sleep more light or too noisy (perhaps your baby is reading a book, listening to music or
restfully after night feeds. Early morning waking (early-morning taking a bath.
sharing your room and is a noisy sleeper)
insomnia or depression)
and a mattress that is too hard or too soft
This includes waking earlier than desired, Use your bed for sleep and sex:
What if I don’t sleep? sometimes several times during the early
can affect the quality of our sleep.
Try not to associate your bed with other
morning hours and having difficulty getting Unusual or disrupted sleep routines activities that create arousal such as
People can become very worried when they
back to sleep. This is common in depression. Working shifts that frequently change can talking on the phone, reading and
feel that they aren’t getting the amount of
affect the pattern of a person’s sleep. worrying. Avoid anxiety arousal just before
sleep that they need, and this can make it Poor quality sleep bedtime (e.g. avoid arguments and
even harder to fall asleep. The occasional Not getting enough sleep, sleeping lightly, challenging tasks).
sleepless night has little effect on our physical with restless, disturbed and inconsistent sleep Good sleep habits
and mental health, but if this becomes quite and feeling un-refreshed upon wakening. Do not try to fall asleep:
frequent you will start to feel tired, drowsy Develop regular sleep times: This will only increase your frustration and
and may find yourself dropping off to sleep This will be easier if your baby sleeps anxiety. Try saying to yourself “I will only
Causes of sleep problems through the night. Go to bed and get out
during the day. This can be very dangerous if concentrate on the relaxing feelings in my
you are driving. You will find it difficult to There are a number of reasons why sleep of bed at about the same time, regardless body” because this paradoxically is an
concentrate and make decisions, it may feel problems can develop. These include: of how tired you are. Try not to take naps effective way of increasing sleep by giving
harder trying to look after a baby and family during the day because naps may make up trying to fall asleep!
The natural effects of ageing
and you may start to feel depressed. you less sleepy at night. (However, in the
as we age we sleep less often and less Challenge your worrying thoughts
first few weeks after the baby arrives if you
deeply. If you are lying awake for more than 15
are feeding frequently during the night it
makes sense to nap during the day if you minutes, get up and go into another

58 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 59
room. Write down your negative automatic
thoughts, such as “I will never get to
sleep” and “I’ll get ill if I don’t get enough
4 Medication
sleep” and challenge them. Be more
realistic – the most likely consequence of This section is to provide information about therefore used to increase the amount/activity
not getting enough sleep is that you will antidepressants. It discusses briefly how of chemical messengers in the brain to help
feel tired and irritable. antidepressants work, why they are prescribed improve mood.
Practise relaxation and breathing and their effects and side-effects.
Antidepressants are similarly effective but can
techniques. There are different types of antidepressants produce different side effects. It is possible to
Visualise a relaxing scene or try to make and they are commonly divided into the four try another if the drug you are on does not
your mind go blank to enhance groups seen below. The antidepressants listed suit you (please seek medical advice before
restfulness. below also have brand names and these are stopping the antidepressant that you are on).
Don’t expect immediate results. shown in brackets.
Give yourself time to unlearn your How do I take my
disturbed sleeping patterns. Type of antidepressant antidepressant?
Discuss any concerns about your babys sleep Tricyclic Antidepressants: Amytriptyline Tablets/capsules should be swallowed with at
with your Health Visitor. (Tryptizol, Lentizol), Amoxapine (Asendis), least half a glass of water, whilst sitting up or
Clomipramine (Anafranil), Dothiepin/ standing, to ensure they do not stick in the
Dosulepin (Prothiaden), Doxepin (Sinequan), throat.
Imipramine (Tofranil), Lofepramine (Gamanil),
Maprotiline (Ludiomil), Nortriptyline If your antidepressant is a liquid it should be
(Allegron, Aventyl), Protriptyline (Concordin), measured out carefully. Your pharmacist can
Trimipramine (Surmontil) provide you with a medicine spoon or an oral
syringe to do so.
Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors
(SSRIs/5-HT Re-uptake Blockers): Citalopram
(Cipramil), Escitalopram (Cipralex), Fluoxetine
When should I take my
(Prozac), Fluvoxamine (Faverin), Paroxetine antidepressant?
(Seroxat), Sertraline (Lustral). Related drugs:
Take your antidepressants as directed on the
Nefazodone (Dutonin), Trazodone (Molipaxin)
medicine label. They will not work if you
Mono-Amine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs): don’t. You can take Tricyclics and SSRIs with or
Isocarboxazid (Marplan), Phenelzine (Nardil), after food. With SSRIs this may help with
Tranylcypromine (Parnate) feelings of sickness (feelings of sickness may
be present for the first few weeks of taking
Serotonin and Noraderenaline Reuptake
them - seek advice from your doctor if it
Inhibitors (SNRIs): Reboxetine (Edronax),
continues). If directed to take your SSRI
Venlaflaxine (Efexor, Efexor-XL) Duloxetine
tablets once a day, sometimes this is better at
night as they can make you drowsy at first. If
instructed to take your MAOI once a day, this
What are antidepressants may be better in the morning as they can
used for? make you feel more alert (although they do
sometimes have the opposite effect on
When a person is depressed, the naturally people).
occurring chemical messengers in the brain
that regulate mood are not as effective or as
active as normal. Antidepressants are

60 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 61
How long should I take the Will they make me drowsy? What about pregnancy and MAOIs
antidepressant for? breastfeeding? Common side-effects: feeling dizzy or
Antidepressants may make you feel drowsy so
faint after standing, drowsiness, dry
This should be discussed with your doctor. To do not drive or operate machinery until you It is possible and sometimes necessary to take
mouth, constipation.
help inform you, research has shown that your know how they affect you. Antidepressants are antidepressants when pregnant or
chances of becoming depressed again, after a not sleeping tablets, although when taken at breastfeeding. However, you should only do Uncommon: urine retention, headaches.
first episode of depression, are much lower if night they may help you to sleep. Seek advice this after consulting your doctor
Rare: swelling in the legs, sweating,
you keep taking the antidepressant for 6 from your doctor about your particular
insomnia, blurred vision, skin rashes.
months after you are well again. For a second antidepressant as some people find that their
antidepressant can make them feel more
Will I experience side-effects?
episode, your chances are lower if you keep
taking the antidepressant for 1–2 years after alert/awake. SNRIs
The lists of side-effects may look worrying to
you have become well again. For a depression you. Most people however get only a small Common side-effects: feeling sick,
that keeps coming back, continuing to take an Will my antidepressant cause number of MILD effects if any at all. As your headaches, drowsiness, dizziness.
antidepressant has been shown to have a body gets used to taking a new medication
protective effect for at least 5 years.
weight gain? Uncommon: not sleeping well, low blood
these side-effects may wear off. Please talk any
pressure, weight gain, wheeziness,
Some people may experience weight gain side-effects over with your doctor. Only stop
It will often take 2 weeks or more before the reduced desire for sex, difficulty in
when on antidepressants due to an increased your antidepressant if your side-effects are
antidepressants start to have any effect and reaching orgasm.
appetite or a reduction in metabolic rate. If really disagreeable, and if they are, book an
maybe up to 6 weeks to give their full effect.
you do start to put on/lose weight and are urgent appointment with your doctor. Rare: Skin rashes.
concerned about this, please consult your It is important to inform your doctor of any If you have found that your questions have
Are antidepressants addictive? doctor. other drug you are taking before starting an not been answered by this information, please
Antidepressants are not addictive, but if you antidepressant. consult your doctor.
have taken them for 8 weeks or more you may Should I avoid anything?
experience some mild ‘discontinuation’ effects Tricyclics
while your body re-adjusts. When taking Tricylclics, SSRIs or SNRIs alcohol Source: Bazire, S. and Branch, S. (2001) Drugs
is best avoided except in moderation (it can Common side-effects: Drowsiness, used in the treatment of mental health
It is not advisable to stop taking make you feel sleepier). Alcohol may also constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, disorders: FAQs. APS Publishing.
antidepressants suddenly. Depression can reduce the effect of your antidepressant. weight gain, and sweating.
return if treatment is stopped too early and
When taking MAOIs alcohol should be Uncommon: nausea, headache, urine
you may experience some discontinuation
avoided. Seek advice from your doctor if you retention, low blood pressure, a fast heart
effects (e.g. headaches, restlessness, nausea,
intend to drink. There are also foods that are beat, reduced desire for sex, difficulty in
lethargy, sleep disturbance). You should
to be avoided when on MAOIs and your reaching orgasm.
discuss stopping your drugs or reducing them
with your doctor. doctor should provide you with a list. Rare: Feeling shaky, skin rashes.
Some antidepressants make you sleepy and (Tricyclic drugs are dangerous in overdose)
What if I forget to take my slow down your reactions and you should
therefore seek advice from your doctor if you
antidepressants? SSRIs
intend to drive on them or operate heavy
If you forget to take your antidepressant you machinery. Common side-effects: Nausea and
should start again as soon as you remember. vomiting, insomnia, reduced desire for
If you are taking antidepressants after having a
Do not try to catch up by taking two or more sex, difficulty in reaching orgasm.
baby and have any reason to believe that you
doses. Inform your doctor of any missed Uncommon: restlessness/anxiety,
may be pregnant again please consult your
doses at your next appointment. If you have drowsiness, headache, loss of appetite,
difficulty in remembering to take your doses diarrhoea.
ask your pharmacist, doctor or nurse for some
support with this. Rare: dry mouth, skin rashes, feeling

62 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 63
Practical help –
5 Supporting someone with providing practical help with everyday
tasks can really help take the pressure off

depression her at this time. For example, helping with

housework and shopping and making sure
that she eats a healthy diet.
If someone close to you is experiencing Accept things as they are, reassure her you Time for yourself –
depression during pregnancy or following care and remain patient and having time for yourself is important and
childbirth it is not easy at times, especially understanding. can help you relax, whether it is simply
when there is a baby and maybe other time spent alone or doing something you
Recognise that there will be good days and
children who need caring for. When they are enjoy. Looking after yourself will benefit
bad days. Eventually you will realise that the
finding life difficult it can often be hard to the person you are supporting.
number of good days are beginning to
know what to say or do. They may need a lot
outweigh the number of bad days. Remember that with help and caring
of support and their behaviour can be out of
support she will recover.
character and worrying. Sometimes our worry Encourage her to seek help –
and concern about someone means we fail to when women are depressed around the
look after ourselves. Added to this, we know time of childbirth it is important that they
that when women are depressed following receive the correct help and advice. Their
childbirth, their partner may also become health visitor or GP is often the first step
depressed. So it is important to look after to receiving help and they may refer them
yourself. You may find it useful or helpful to on to someone who is a specialist in
talk to someone. Ask friends or relatives for dealing with mental health problems, such
help and support. Remember your emotional as a Psychiatrist or Psychologist. Offering
well being is important too! to go along with them when they have
their appointment may be helpful to
There are a number of things you can do to
help someone with depression:
Learn about depression –
Listen –
having some idea how women can feel
let her know you are concerned and are
during and after childbirth, can help you
available to listen without being
to understand their problems and the
judgemental. This can provide her with an
reasons for their behaviours and moods.
opportunity to discuss her feelings.
For example, if your partner seems
Talk openly – disinterested in sex, don’t take this as
talking about depression may help her rejection. It is common for women to lose
know you are open-minded about interest in sex when they have postnatal
depression and make it easier for her to depression, but the closeness of hugs and
talk about her feelings. cuddles are really important.

Don’t tell them to cheer up – Distraction –

this may be our first reaction when helping someone forget their problems
someone is feeling depressed, as it can be for a while might be beneficial. This may
hard to understand. However cheering up include supporting them with activities
may seem impossible to her, and it may that they have neglected.
appear as if you are not taking her feelings

64 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 9 – Useful information 65
relaxation tape or CD. When you have a small
baby to care for you need to find time to relax.
Remember that at this stage it is more

Part ten important to do this than the housework.

Exercise regularly
We know that regular exercise does improve
mood and prevents further depression. It
does not have to be lycra clad trips to the gym
– you can do something physical every day
that will start to improve your mood. You may
have to adjust the type of exercise with a baby
around – and definitively in the first six weeks
after delivery. Walking is a brilliant way of
exercising, and baby can come too!

10 Tips for managing depression Get a hobby and do it

Your concentration may be poor or you can’t
be bothered. However finding something that
Talk about it feeling negative. When we are depressed we will occupy your mind, albeit temporarily, is a
Find someone you can talk to – it could be are not thinking straight. Our thoughts good thing. Sometimes even if it does not
your partner, family, friends, other mothers, become unfair, unrealistic and very negative. interest you, go through the motions as it will
your health visitor or a support group – You can learn to Catch, Check and Change the help you to start regaining control. Time is
someone who can listen and support you. Be way you think. This can lead to immediate obviously a key point here, but a hobby can be
honest about your feelings and don’t bottle it relief of your low mood and give you a very helpful when time allows.
up. Having a good cry and talking about things technique to start regaining control of your
moods and your life. Be assertive/look after your needs
can really help the healing process.
Learning to be assertive, not passive, nor
Accepting help Get active and exercise regularly aggressive will be a useful skill for you now
Many women find it difficult accepting offers It may be the last thing you feel like but and for the rest of your life. There are
of help, thinking that they should always be increasing your activity level day by day will techniques described in this book that may
the one looking after their baby. Accepting start to make you feel better. Begin with a prove useful. It is especially important when
help will aid your recovery – practical help small change and build up to your bigger you are adjusting to all the demands that are
such as childcare while you do this goals. Getting active with a small baby can placed on you in caring for you and your baby.
programme, or help with the cooking. Don’t seem impossible, but even short walks with
be afraid to ask for help. the baby in a sling, pram or pushchair can
help to improve your mood.
Stop avoiding people/seek company
Facing people, phone calls and social Do something you enjoy every day
occasions can feel like a chore, an ordeal, or a You may not believe that you can ever feel
nightmare. However, we need other people pleasure again, or may believe you don’t
and it does eventually help us to get better. deserve it. Think of something small that used
Going to a mother and baby group or just to make you feel good and plan to include it
going to a friend for coffee will help. in you life.

Learn to manage your thinking Learn to relax

Remember it isn’t your fault. Antenatal and Sounds simple, but relaxing is a very useful for
postnatal depression are very common, and when we get wound up by situations or our
you are not the only one feeling this way. Just own thoughts. Relaxation exercises are
keep reminding yourself of this if you are described in this book or you can purchase a

66 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 10 – 10 Things to manage your depression 67
good but I have to keep an eye on it. Jasmine
If I am feeling wobbly I know to call a
I have now lived here
friend and arrange something social.

Part eleven I used to take to my bed. Knowing

which techniques to use and when has
been really helpful. I have
for a year and I have
a really good network
of friends. I am not
depressed anymore. I
recommended it to a number of my
am much more
friends and colleagues because so
independant now,
many mums seem to be struggling
although my mother-in-law still helps
with these difficulties.
out sometimes. I got into such a
negative cycle of thoughts about
myself, and thought that others were

Six months on judging me. Accepting what I am and

what I do has been the key

Changing some of the ways you behave, think Diane

and live in order to lift your mood takes time
The programme has The key message is that there is always
and effort. Six months on from the
programme our sincere hope is that you will been incredibly something you can do to help yourself.
be continuing to feel more in control of your helpful to me. I’m less Remember though, if you feel you cannot
moods. The workbook is yours to keep and anxious about Rory. manage and that you are losing control of
continue to use. At different times in our lives, I have returned to your emotions, go and speak to your GP who
new challenges present and you may benefit work. I’m still a
will be able to talk through additional help
from revisiting the techniques that helped that may be available.
perfectionist and don’t really feel
before and from reading about some other
great about myself. But at least I
ideas that may seem more
can recognise unhelpful ways of
thinking now.

I’m a bit better now,

particularly about
valuing myself more. Life goes on much the

I get lots of pleasure same for me but what

from my son and has changed is my

make sure I spend ability to cope and

quality time with him that I feel less

most days. I might get some resentful. I so needed

counselling to sort myself out a bit a break and the real key was

more. The programme was helpful for realising that I did not always have

getting me back in a routine. I do get to be achieving something. Learning

out more now and the mother and to relax and accept myself and just be

baby group has been a good way of still sometimes has helped both Simon

meeting other mums. and myself. Generally my mood is

68 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Part 11 – Six months on 69
Saneline Bibliography
0845 7678000 (local rate) 1. Beck, A.T. (1976) Cognitive Therapy and the

Part twelve Samaritans:

(Emergency24hr helpline)
Emotional Disorders. New York,
International Universities Press

2. Burns, D.D. (1990) The Feeling Good

0845 7909090 or 01452 306333 Handbook, Penguin Press

No Panic: 3. D’Zurilla, T.J. (1986) Problem Solving

93 Brands Farm Way, Randlay, Telford Therapy; A social competence approach to
(Helpline 10am – 10pm) clinical intervention. New York: Springer
01952 590545
4. Dobson, K.S., and Block, L. (1988) Historical
0808 8080545
and Philosophical Bases of the Cognitive
Behavioural Therapies. In K.S. Dobson

Further reading and helpful Association for Postnatal Illness

020 7386 0868 (helpline)
(Ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Behavioural
Therapies (pp.3–38). New York: Guildford
Perinatal Illness UK 5. Dryden, W., (Ed.), Individual Therapy: A
01335 347599 Handbook. OUPress 1990
Further Reading Down with Gloom! (1993) By Brice Pitt and 6. Emmelkamp, P.M.G. (1994). Behaviour
Mel Calman, Gaskell Press The Birth Trauma Association Therapy with Adults. In A. E. Berginand,
Overcoming Depression, (2000) Paul Gilbert, www. S.L. Garfield (Eds), Handbook of
Coping with Postnatal Depression (2005)
Robinson, London Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change (4th
Sandra Wheatley, Sheldon Press Depression Alliance
Ed.) USA: John Wiley and sons Inc
Overcoming Low Self Esteem, (1999) Melanie 0845 123 23 20
Surviving Postnatal Depression: At Home, No
Fennell, Robinson, London 7. Freeman, A., & Dattilio, F.M.,
One Hears You Scream (2000) Cara Aiken,
Comprehensive Casebook of Cognitive
Overcoming Anxiety (1997) Helen Kennerley, Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd Fellowship of Depressives Anonymous
Therapy. Plenum Press 1992
Robinson, London 0870 774 4320
Feelings After Birth: The NCT Book of 8. Goldberg, D. & Huxley, P. (1980). Mental
The Feeling Good Handbook (1990) David D. Postnatal Depression (2002) Heather
Illness in the Community: The Pathway to
Burns, Penguin Welford, the National Childbirth Trust SAD Association
Psychiatric Care. London: Tavistock
01903 814942
10 Days to Self Esteem, (1993) David D. Burns 9. Goldfried, M.R., and Davison, G.C. (1976)
Manage Your Mind, The Mental Fitness Guide
Helpful agencies Clinical Behaviour Therapy. New York: Holt,
(1995) G. Butler and T. Hope, Oxford Stress Management Workshops Rinehart and Winston
University Press (NHS Glos Partnership Trust Primary Mental Disclaimer:
10. Greenberger & Padesky (1995) Mind over
Beating the Blues (1994) Michael E. Thase and Health Team) Gloucestershire NHS Partnership Trust is not Mood, Guildford Press
Susan S. Lang, Oxford University Press responsible for the content or reliability of the
01452 383242 11. Kanfer, F.H. (1975) Self Management
above websites and does not necessarily
Mind Over Mood (1995) Dennis Greenberger Methods, in Kanfer, F.H. and. Goldstein A.P.
National Association for Mental Health endorse the views expressed within them.
and Christine Padesky, Guildford Press (Eds) Helping People Change; A Textbook
(MIND) of Methods (pp. 309–356). Elmsford. New
Depression. The Way out of Your Prison
(2003) Dorothy Rowe York: Pergamon Press (1991)
0208 5192122
Banish Baby Blues (1990) Anne-Marie Sapsted. Information Line 0845 7660163 (local rate)
Harper Collins

70 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life Further reading and helpful contacts 71
12. Mahoney, M. (1978) Cognitive and Self
Control Therapies. In Garfield, S.I. &
Bergin, A.E. (Eds) Handbook of
Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change (2nd
Ed.) NY: John Wiley & Sons

13. Meichenbaum, D. (1977) Cognitive

Behaviour Modification: an Integrated
Approach. New York. Plenum Press

14. Treating Postnatal Depression: A

Psychological Approach for Health Care
Practitioners. Chichelster: Wiley

15. WHO Guide to Mental Health in Primary

Care. (2000). Royal Society of Medicine

72 Primary Mental Health Service/Gloucestershire Health & Social Care Community – Gaining control of your life
Let’s Talk IAPT Services, 121-131 Eastgate Street, Gloucester GL1 1PX
0800 073 2200

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