A149 Q A For Auditing Security

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A149 – BSA 4
Questions & Answers

1. Which of the following is the objective of auditing security?

a. To ensure that insurance costs represent value for money and are competitive,
effectively monitored and contained.
b. To ensure that hazardous materials are correctly and safely stored.
c. To ensure that risks are appropriately assessed as the basis for providing effective
d. None of the above.
2. Control objectives and the related risk and control issues has divided into 3 activity
areas which includes?
a. Key Issues
b. Detailed Issues
c. a and b
d. Health and Safety
3. This question is included in key issues that must be tackled in activities of security.
a. How are staff made aware of their responsibilities for security?
b. What processes ensure that security, intruder, and fire alarm systems are adequate,
operative, suitably maintained, and tested?
c. Are costs associated with security incidents accurately determined and claimed via
the insurers whenever appropriate?
d. All of the above.
4. Which of the following is the objective of auditing for health and safety?
a. To ensure that adequate safety equipment and training are provided.
b. To ensure that insurance arrangements are made through competent, reliable and
stable brokers/companies.
c. Both a and b
d. Either a and b
5. This activity addresses matters about protecting staff, visitors, and customers. Ensuring
that all accidents and incidents are promptly reported.
a. Health and Safety
b. Security
c. Auditing
d. Insurance
6. I. Insurance ensures that all relevant business and operational risks are accurately
II. Insurance ensures the relevant legislation and regulations are fully complied with.
a. Only I is True
b. Both are True
c. Only II is True
d. Both are False
7. It is primarily concerned with the protection of property, premises, and persons so that
the business can continue to be conducted without disruption or material loss.
a. Auditing Environmental Responsibility
b. Auditing Internal Control Process
c. Auditing Security
d. Auditing Research & Development
8. Which of the following is included in control objectives for Insurance?
a. To ensure that claims are secretive, unagreed, and unauthorized prior to release.
b. To ensure that prevailing insurance cover would retain, increase or maximize risk
exposures as appropriate.
c. To ensure that insurance arrangements do not comply with all the applicable legal
and regulatory requirements.
d. To ensure that insurance cover is renewed when appropriate and remains current.
9. Which of the following is included in control objectives for Security?
a. To ensure that all staff are fully aware of workplace risks, how to use safety
equipment and protect themselves.
b. To prevent unauthorized access to company premises and to account for the
movement and access of all visitors.
c. To ensure that machinery and equipment is effectively maintained, safely installed,
and protected where necessary.
d. To provide adequate security measures for the protection of staff and visitors.
10. Which of the following is included in control objectives for Health and Safety?
a. To ensure that adequate, trustworthy, and appropriately trained security staff are
b. To ensure that adequate and operational security and fire alarm systems are
provided, tested, and maintained.
c. To ensure that hazardous materials are correctly and safely stored.
d. To ensure that risks are appropriately assessed as the basis for providing effective

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