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1. Jane believes that the earrings she got from Susan are real silver. Main Clause
-That the earrings she got from Susan are real silver Complement Clause .
-she got from Susan Relative Clause.
2. I’ll believe it Main Clause.-when I see it Adverbial Clause of Time.
3. If you think Scotland are ever going to win the European Championship. (Adverbial Clause).
-of Condition Scotland are ever going to win the European Championship Complement Clause .
-you must be a real optimist Main Clause.
4. The article in which the theory was put forward is now unobtainable Main Clause.
-in which the theory was put forward Relative Clause.
-you must be a real optimist Main Clause.
5. That Helen is to marry the man she met on holiday has surprised all her friends Main Clause.
-That Helen is to marry the man she met on holiday Complement Clause .
-she met on holiday Relative Clause.
6. Celia did not say that you could keep the book that you borrowed Main Clause.
- that you could keep the book that you borrowed Complement Clause.
- that you borrowed Relative Clause.
7. Because you are flying non-stop Adverbial Clause .
-of Reason you will probably have severe jet-lag Main Clause.
8. He promised that he would be here on time Main Clause

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