Biology, Upbringing Make Women More Flexible

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Essay: During the latest decade, there has been an increasing focus on the gender of top executives and

boards of directors of firms. The proportion of women reaching top positions is still very low in most countries, though it has been increasing.Time's changing, and so is the worlds around us.Women have always been good at managing. That includes not only women who are managers in leading companies, but also the housewives, who keep the "home department" running flawlessly. In fact researches show that women have better multi-tasking abilities than most men. how women manage and why they often do it better than the guys. Biology, upbringing make women more flexible As we all know, gender differences stem from nurture and nature alike. It's not only socialization that shapes men and women. It's also biology. In the past few decades, researchers have discovered physiological variations in the brains of men and women. For example, male brains are about 10% larger than female brains. But women have more nerve cells in certain areas. Women also tend to have a larger corpus collusum the group of nerve fibers that connects left and right hemispheres. That makes women faster at transferring data between the computational, verbal left half and the intuitive, visual right half. Result: Women are more flexible and find it easier to multitask. Men are usually left-brain oriented. That often makes them better at solving abstract equations and problems. As girls and boys grow up, of course, they're also molded by differing sets of social rules and expectations. Gender obviously colors behavior, perception, and just about everything else. Women exhibit these leadership strengths Typically, when comparing managers, the dialogue is framed as men's command-and-control style versus women's team-building . Women are more willing to explore compromise and to solicit other people's opinions. By contrast, men often think if they ask other people for advice, they'll be perceived as unsure or as a leader who doesn't have answers. Other female leadership strengths: Women tend to be better than men at empowering staff. Women encourage openness and are more accessible. Women leaders respond more quickly to calls for assistance.

Women are more tolerant of differences, so they're more skilled at managing diversity. Women identify problems more quickly and more accurately. Womenadapt better to new situations. Women being less egoistic make better leaders Women are better at defining job expectations and providing feedback. Experience leading to broadening of women's skills Lately, women are demonstrating higher levels of traditional hard or male skills as well. Some investigators suggest that many women workers had such skills all along, but that male bosses either overlooked or misperceived them. Others think the cumulative years of experience for women are broadening their skills.

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