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My experience in the research work on the influence of the mining canon on the GDP.

In two thousand eighteen, I did a research paper on economics for the public management
course, because this course is about studying institutions and their functions within the country
and how their decisions directly affect the national economy. So I decided to do research on a
special type of tax, the one that is paid to a region for the extraction of its natural resources. This
type of tax is called canon, which is used to create economic development in the place of
exploitation, some ways to create development are investing in education, health and basic
services to live, this is how the canon comes to influence the economy. My study is the influence
of the mining canon in a specific region but here I will tell you about the different economic
theories that I used for my theoretical framework. This is how I came to the title of this thesis
project on the influence of the mining canon on the Gross Domestic Product, it was a very
interesting research work because while I discovered certain theories many more appeared in
order to increase the number of authors. For example:
First, I understood that free competition is a basic requirement for a perfect market. For example,
in Peru there is an antitrust policy, so that there is no single company offering a product or
service and thus due to demand can increase the price to surprising amounts. Those who enforce
the antitrust policy are, for the most part, the regulatory institutions, which establish the "rules of
the game" in the market. There are several institutions and they are separate to the different
sectors of the national economy such as OSIPTEL, OSINERGMIN, OEFA, OSITRAN, SBS,
Secondly, I understood that the way to differentiate oneself is by producing what one knows how
to do best. For example, Peru stands out for its minerals compared to other South American
countries with the exception of Chile, so it exploits that sector much more compared to other
sectors that may not be as good, this theory was called the theory of comparative advantage
which is the ability to produce goods or services at a lower cost than others. Of all the theories I
learned, it is perhaps the most important because it is closely related to international trade, which
is one of the subjects I focused on most in my university life.
The ability-to-pay principle is often practiced but erroneously, as it tells us that according to our
salary we must pay a directly proportional percentage of taxes, for example: the tax payment of
an accountant will not be the same as that of an entrepreneur who earns a much higher income,
but in reality the tax is applied to everyone equally and a wealth tax is only applied when your
income is higher than that of an average worker.
Finally, these theories and many more were used in the work, which added a lot of theoretical
basis to the research and each one of them was related to both the Gross Domestic Product and
the mining canon, so it was determined that the mining canon does have a significant influence
on the GDP, so if there was any variation in the dependent variables, an answer was obtained on
the side of the independent variables. This is reflected in reality, since if there is a decrease in the
collection of the canon, the GDP decreases, and if not, it increases. Thus, I obtained a work that
pleased my professor and my colleagues who were in the exhibition.

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