Ielts Speaking A Collection of Common Topics: Unit 3 Events Lesson 88 A Time When You Changed Your Opinion

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A Collection of Common Topics

Unit 3 Events
Lesson 88 A time when you
changed your opinion

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Unit 3 Events

Now in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
Part 1
This part lasts for 4-5 minutes.

Apps (Mobile Applications):

1. What’s the most popular app in your country?
2. What kinds of apps do you often use?
3. What kinds of apps would you like to have in the future?

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TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then comment on student’s performance.
Unit 3 Events
Sample Answer to PART 1
1. What’s the most popular app in your country?
It’s definitely WeChat, the Chinese equivalent of WhatsApp. Nearly everybody has
downloaded it on their mobile phones. People can have video chats or voice chats with the
one they love for free as long as they have Wi-Fi. With WeChat, the user can also make
payments in physical shops by scanning the QR code. All in all, WeChat benefits the Chinese a

2. What kinds of apps do you often use?

I often use social apps like WeChat and Weibo, or entertainment apps like NetEase Cloud
Music and Tencent Video. I use them either for socializing or killing time.

3. What kinds of apps would you like to have in the future?

I'm not quite addicted to technology, honestly speaking. I think there are all kinds of apps
right now, apps for learning, studying, exercising and financing, etc. It’s more than enough for
me. But I do think that the apps should be much simpler, so the older generations can use
them too. 仅供外教网1对1用户使用 +31789
Unit 3 Events

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have
Part 2 one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some
notes to help you if you wish.

Describe a time when you changed your opinion.

You should say:
• When it was;
• What the original opinion was;
• Why you changed it;
• And explain how you felt about it.

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TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then ask 1-2 questions about S’s statement.
Unit 3 Events

Sample Answer to PART 2

One time when I changed my opinion was when I decided that I really like cats. I used to hate
cats for most of my life, because I thought they had terrible personalities and were actually quite
mean compared to dogs and other pets.

Actually when I was very young, I had only met a few cats that belonged to my friends, and they
were all very temperamental and some even scratched me. So I didn’t like cats at all. However,
when I graduated from college and shared an apartment with a friend, she got a kitten, and it
made me change my opinion. At first, I was super nervous and I thought it was going to make our
lives more difficult. I worried about the cat making a mess, waking us up in the night, and
destroying our furniture. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong. The kitten’s name was Coco,
and she was the best cat I’ve ever known. She completely changed my mind about cats.

Coco was a kitten, but she acted like a puppy. She was so friendly and fluffy, and she always
wanted to be around us. She learned really quickly how to use the litter box, and she never made
a mess. I was really happy that仅供外教网1对1用户使用
I changed my opinion about cats.
Unit 3 Events

Part 3 Discussion Topics. This part lasts for 4-5 minutes.


1. Do children like to change opinions?

2. When do people change opinions?
3. Who do young people turn to for advice?

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TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then comment on student’s performance.
Unit 3 Events

Sample Answer to PART 3

1. Do children like to change opinions?
No, I don’t think so. Once kids decide they don’t like something, it’s hard to get them to change their
minds. For example, my niece tried broccoli once and she hated it. Now, she won’t change her opinion,
even though her mom has cooked broccoli in different ways. So, I don’t think kids like changing their

2. When do people change opinions?

I think people change their opinions when they get new information. For example, one of my friends
used to think that smoking was fine. He smoked for five years of his life. Then, he read a study about
how bad smoking is for your lungs. Having that new information made him change his mind right away.

3. Who do young people turn to for advice?

I suppose that young people usually ask their friends or parents for advice. It depends on the situation
though. When young people have relationship problems, they usually ask their friends for advice. Even
though their parents have more experience, they may feel comfortable talking to their friends about it.
But young people ask their parents about school and careers a lot.
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Unit 3 Events

End of the Speaking Test

Tutor should comment on the following criteria:

Fluency and coherence
Lexical resource
Grammatical range and accuracy
S’s overall speaking score is: ________
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