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(AC-S03) Week 03

Jenifer: Good morning, I'm Jenifer.

Edith: Good morning.

Nicole: Good morning.

Jenifer: As we know there is a vacancy in this department and I need to fill it as soon as possible, so let's
start the interview.

Edith: Hello, my name is Edith Huamani Tito. I'm 20 years old and I'm in my 5th year of law school.

Jeny: Edith, what skills do you have to perform in a group?

Edith: Well, I am a responsible and respectful young person and I like to work in a team with my

Jeny: Do you have any experience in doing legal reports for companies?

Edith: Yes, I have experience.

Jeny: Tell me a little bit about your knowledge acquired in your previous job.

Edith: The purpose of the job is to communicate the information collected and analysed based on certain

Jenifer: Are you available to work in different parts of the country?

Edith: It is difficult for me to travel to different parts of the country as I don't like long trips, but I can
adapt because of my job.

Jenifer: Thank you very much Edith

Jenifer: Hi Nicole, nice to meet you, my name is Jenifer.

Nicole: Nice to meet you Jenifer

Jenifer: Well Nicole, how do you consider yourself?

Nicole: I consider(ken-sider) myself(mayself) an efficient,(a-fichent) creative(kreadriv) and responsible

(respansebol)person, with the ambition(ambishen) to keep learning and to improve(improov) myself
in my area(area) of work.

Jenifer: Tell me about your experience as an international business administrator.

Nicole: It is an interesting experience(iks-pirreans) because my career(kerir) is usually working in

utilities (yu-ti-luh-tees)that have always(ol-waz) caught(caut) my attention, (aten-sheon)such as
planning, implementing(imple-meyting) and evaluating (e-val-yoo-ay-ting) international globalization
ˌɡlōbələˈzāSHən strategies,(stra-tu-jez) so I like being able(ebo) to work in something that I am
passionate ˈpaSH-net about.
Jenifer: Do you find it difficult to work with rotating schedules?

Nicole: I don't have any problem working rotating schedules.(skeh-jools)

Jenifer: Thank you very much Nicole

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